HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-23, Page 8PACE Eight --THE IaLYT1-I STANDARD --JANUARY 23, t903. HODCENS BROS., CLINTON January Bargain Days Saturday and Monday, Jany. 25 and 27 Two days of extra bargain giving. Prices on hundreds of dollars worth of seasonable Dry Goods that simply cannot help but sell them. Cost or value no consideration when making these prices. We are positively retiring from business in Clinton and it is just a question of SELL, SELL, SELL, of getting a price on everything that will do the selling quickly. We will be further ahead to make the prices low now than to let the sale, drag on and you will find it worth your while to be here on bargain days, The earlier you come the better the choice, but if you cannot come early come anyway for the bargains are big. Some Black Silk Bargains We would like to make a clean sweep of the Silk stook if we could next Saturday and Monday. Of course we herdl,y expect to sell it all, but we really ought to at these prices. One Yard Wide Tafetta Silk $t.o5 Extra duality Black Patio a Silk, fully guaranteed, name woven on edge, full 96 inches wide, suitable for either costa or full dressers, mauler 61.50, special bargain days per 3'ard..., ,,,, $1,08 Black Waist Silks ) 8c Black Corded Jap Silk, splendid things for waists, special for bargain days per yard ....................Inc. Colored Tafetta and Louisinne 48c. Genuine clearance of plain Tnfettnv, Lnnisinnei and Paillette Silks, all shades, the lest ends of our lines that eoltl at 75c, 85c and 90c, all gathered together and out on the bargain table cn bargain days at your choice,.,. 4$c If you want silk of any kind do not miss this chance. $1.25 Black Tafetta 88c Very heavy quality Black Tafetta Silk, every yard fully guaranteed, our standard $1.25 quality, cannot be honglit for less than that price anywhere. Two diesres to sell bargain days at per yard 88c Fancy Silks 87c Fancy Plaid Waist and Dreae Silks, gathering up of varioue lines wo have that sold et $1.15 and $1.25 per yard, some specialty choice pieces, extra forbergaiu daye per yard.... 87c ANY MANTLE $6.25 Just about 15 Ladies' Jackets left to sell, each and every one of theta new this season. Prices run up to $17.50 a piece. We would like an absolute ,;lean np of theta on bargain days, and to do it give you your chuiee of the whole lot for $G,25. Psychine Missionaries A Primal of Dr. 'Stamm Ramediea writes: "Send a bottle of 1bychlne to Mrs. W... Tbey have u daughter in decline, and 1 betieve it would help her. 1 bare mentioned your remedies to the family, and also cited some of the miraculous curs, access• pliahed inside the lead )$ years, of which I have knowledge." T. G. IRWIN, Little Britain, Out. Bun dors conditions from lung, steep. sell or other constitutional trouble cur. ed by Psycain& At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T, A., Slocum, Ltd., Toronto Buffett Comsat,. The Itnttett Council commenced the bueiness of the year on Jan, 13th re.appointiog as Auditors, George Stephenson and John Wilson ; Tax Collector William Moon ; township Assessor, William Carter ; as mem• bars of the Hoard of Health, Samuel Cox instead of John Sprung and Dr, McCallum, M, H. G. Tne Council decided to build two bridges and probably is cement eul• vert fur which tenders aro asked fur also fur a quantity of elm plank, as may be seen by the ads. in the local papers. The total number of registrations made during the past year were :— Births 48 ; Deaths 30 ; Marriages 14, The Council will meet again on the 21at of Feb. at 1.30 when tender's will he opened.—James Campbell Clerk. Ribbon Bargains 35c Ribbon 19C 150 yard. Fancy Dresden Ribbons, 4 to 5 inches 'wide, dark pad light colorings, regulnr dye, r.I,oice bar. ;pin day's per yard 19c aby Ribbon 3 yards for 5c lIu,udreda of yards of Pure Silk Bally Ribbon, wash, plain tetetta or moire, regular 8c a yard, alt colors, bar- gain days to clear at 11 yards for he Black Lustre Waists 5oc '" 5 or 10 Black Lustre Waists, gond quality, odd styles and sizes, regular 81.50, bargain days emit 30c Glovine 18c 20 or 25 bottles of C*lovine, sold at 25c all over, Special bargain days per bottle 18c Laces and Embroideries 15c Hundreds of yards of them, lames of all Enda, Cam- bric and muslin embroideries and insertions, qualities that sold at 20c, 25e, utk, All one primp bargain days and tltat price per yard IPC Veili'hgs lac Clearing out a lot of Veilings, black and colors, regu- lar 20c, 25c and 80c, bargain days your choice ..... 10c Silk Waists $2.63 Made from kood quality tafetta Milk, good styles, qualities that wilt wear, black or cream, regular *4.50, special for January' bargain day's,,,, .•••2.66 Embroideries and Laces 5c 151) yards Swiss Embroidery and Laces, dozens and dozens of patterns, regular 7c, 9c, 10c, clearing bargain days et pet' yar'd. .. „ ... 5c A Great Hosiery Clearap ee Now is your chance to lay in supply of hosiery for next speirtrrnud aumrner wear. We aregathering our entire stock of Ladies' and Children's Cotton lioaiery nod making a biz effort to clear it out un bargain days. The lot includes ladies' plain cotton hose, black and tan, girls' yerytine ribbed seemleee cotton hose, fast black, boyo' lheav1.8c,ribbed hose amides. -with audes.- fent, 25e, is lire regular price everywhere, Bargain days ,you take Four' choke at per } air We would like to sell all the Furs 'on Bargain Days We would like to sell all the Furs we have left on bargain days if we can possibly clo it. Retiring sale prices have been cut lower still, and bargain days you certainly can save money if you conte here for furs of „any kind, Here is a list of what we have in stock. Reid it over, then come and see the goods yourself Saturday and Monday. 11Vlarten Scarf $5,60 1 ouly American or Brock Marten Scarf, serviceable and stylish garment, regular 87.30, toe bargain days special ,5 00 ! only Child's incitation F,rmino Throw, very neat and stylish, regular, $',AO. bargain days special.. ,.,.2.28 1 only Brown Mare Stole, a good comfortable warm fur; regatta 811.50, hargiiu days 2.70 1 only' Stone Marten RtiIL, nicely narked, trimmed with good tails, regular' $25, bargain clays ..•.18.01) 1 only Stone Marten Buff, extra long, very shotee fur, regular $49, bai` stin days Special ..... 33.510 1 only Natural Op roasntn Senrf, will stand no end of hard wear. regular 18.60, bargain days 590 2 only Mare Rafts, re alar g3.50, bargain days each 4 (At n N.,'k Scarf, very full, thick close i:Oo. kir bargain days 11.25 1 only Isabella I'nk, Srerf, an extra choice piece of fur, regular $:35.00, specieL fpr' bargain dam 26.75 1 only Sable Butt, good length and very thick close fur, for bargain days .•. c ..:.... .:......18.75 in Hardware, Tin- ware, Stoves and Ranges When the Hair Falls Step its And why set? Fall- ing hair is a disease, a regular disease; alsd Ayer's Hair Vigor, a$ made from ottr sew im- proved fermi', quickly and completely' destroys that dis- ease. The hair mops falliag out, grows roots rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. Don not cheiye ilk alar of fie Gale. leeaa.L .ed beetle t alum n a rasa Ma kin EPS 1 only Sable Throw, very fashionable, satin lining, regular$30.00, for bargain days— .,•• ••....,.......20,1X) 1 only Genuine Alaska Sable Ruff, trhnmed with heads and tails, regular $18,00, bargain days 18.50 1 only Gray Lamb Collar, long front, very high, re. gutar 819.50, spoilt' for bargain days ................9.40 1•tnly Colembta Sable Ruff, very full, thick close fur, extra length, regular $12.00, bargain days 9.00 1 only Blue Oppoesnm huff, regular *12,50, bargain days 9 40 1 only Ohio Sable Ruff. This is an extra good piece, exceptional quality, regater 122,50, January bargain day's 17,50 1 only Black Caperine, nice hlRli collar, comes down well over the shoulders, regular $8,00, Jannery bargain day's 4 00 1 only Electric Seal Caperine, high collar, conies down well in front, regular $16,00, bargain days 8.00 • 1 only Settle Ruff, very thick close fur, regular $11,50, bargain deys 8 75 1 only Colombia Sable Muff, think and close, large sire, regular $9.00, January bargain days........ ...6,70 Great Dress Goods Bargains A FEW SPECIALS Double Barrel Gun $10, now $6.99, Green Bone Cotter $12, now $6 49. Spraymotor Pump $15.50, now 59.99. Jewel Cast Mange $46, now $97 79. Jewel Oak Heater 812.50, now 89,00. New Century K asher$7,60, now 06.89. Volmar Washer 57.50, now $5,49. 00 Cloth Squares 51,25, now 75c.: Body Boll $2.20, now $1.49. The lime hook In each package gives the formula of ow new Hair Vigor, tests why each ingredient is used, and ex. plains many other interesting things. Atteriraatting� yen will knew why this new hair preparstioq does its work so well. --taw by D.J. 0. ben as.. Lart1. span. --- Cold Blast Lantern 75c, now 40o. Large Team Bella 100. Crosscut Saw Si feet, guaranteed, Good Chopping Axe 90c, now 69c. 84.50, now $8',00, Plow Points 15o to 25o as long as they last. As our stock is limited come early, and have your choice. Enter AnyTime Our management trains more lloukkeepeie, Stenographers end Telegraphers than any other In Winters' Ontario. No extra dirge for two course,, qualified Warne., Moet eminently q tore. Graduates unfitted to flood poettions, Other, colleges engage our graduatee as teaohere. 'Individual Instruction. Mail Courses In Matriculation, Civil Service; Penmanship, Short. heed, nookkeepintr, etc. Send s postal for information airout Canada's Greatest Chain of I lgh•grade Business Colleges. NIINGNAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A. Bibner, 51. A„ Ph. D„ Viet Principal. (leo. Spotton, Prfecipel. Ail accounts not paid by Feb, 1st will be handed in for collection. N. B. GERRY Four Head of Horses For Sale, FOtt 5 t1,E,--A few Thoro bred Barrer. Ritk C;ckrele. Apply to .1. M. Hemll. ton, Illyth. :. DDI MON COUNTY COUNCIL—The eosin• e11 of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet In the council ohm. her, In the Town of Goderloh, on Tues. day, the lith' day of dannary, at three o'clock. All parties having emote against the county are required to place the same with she Clerk on or before the 27th,—W. Lane, Clerk. Dated Jan. 13th, 10(14. New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada' is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario including the Town of Blyth Changes of firm names, changes of street addressee or orders for duplicate entries should be handed in at once to Frank Metcalf LOCAL MANAGER, Bean the ode. in Toa STANDARD Cutters GO 'T0 Ewan & Co. BRUSSELS for an up•to'date cutter. Special ppries;. for two weeks on cutters. :Ali hands tnrtde and any ;color of paint, Piano Box and Portland Cutters and all trite - 'flings 10 lift out, MustBe Sold to make room for 150 buggies which Ewan & Co, are !nuking for 1908, Don't noise this bargain at Ewan & Co's. Brussels Up•to•date Carriage Factory, All rigs are guaranteed to be the hest of material and workmanship and never here been beat at any exhibit, GREAT REDUCTIONS ON__ FURNITURE, CARPET'S, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. ii ALKEf44.1k Et CIO S The htg Furniture Dealers of Clinton otter special reductlobe to the people et Blyth and viola Ity. Your esponsee paid both ways and the gcodadelivered to year door without extra charge as we Dave our own rips for the purpose. We guarantee you r saving of 00 per oat, which moue $20 on the $100 purchase. Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90. Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $11.50 to $40.00. Germine heresies in Dreae (foods. We are getting the stock to jnat at,ont where we wanted it by this time UI\TIPEJETT KINTG and 11ondey, It will pay you to buy avec for lies We have thrbeat et elpment in Went etn Ontario, the heat rubber hearse outside of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a eessou. sec mg of $ .O on the outfit. Our'pbone number le 2d. Night or day any call will rostra Immediate attention. wheij the sale Started. It jou realize just about. how big theseihargains ere we will surely get it down Saturday Waistings and Tweed Dress Goods 2oc Fancy Stghuir Waistin1s In eeeorted colors, also Tweed Dresafloods, double f.lde, varioue weights, `suit• able for skirts or full costumes, replier ilOc and 55c, spa. dial for bargain days per yard 20c Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $10 or ovett. HODGENS BROS. - CLINTON P'a PiNOS NT ID +C7►RGANa'�''r We handle the best. General representatives for the Gourlay, Winter dc Lsemlog. Your credit Is good, any terms you want. BIa sure and hunt us np when you want anything iu our line. We w111 Tooke it pay you. WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. 'YOUR NOSEY BACK iF' YOU IRE NOT SATISF'tED, 'Phone a8