HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-21, Page 2Aireeows
MortnaDAD *Alit.
Moe. Ateset att.
lb)igierli Pa. Vews Summaq
RAMER OF Hi Ii11111148 NAB IT URN.
ture's mild laxatives, and Apt Recent .Flotftemitop Orley rad. INJURES 400.. AMERICANS AND PILIVINOS.
while frptle are reliable
)'• mom
Prices of Orgill, Cott* C
. in th "Littulitlf UAL
smother this
next braes, faXIS I
and e cient. They CA.NADA. I whir)h bul reesivad 1004 the amend movie or *Mem storm to WO' again.
,,,, .12w Atud " 3 ° Rowse the Liver ed be fire. Further discoverimi wore made
Um Neil/field Cemeter at Aberdeen, A despetch from Fit. Patel 'aye FoNslia too Town or imam
co togi co slow '4" A"'` •
r..1.1•1! .1.11.101
religious or re a en kt. sate* *taw Troop, now ma ?Noodling, or Torinto, ju to, 10. -We heti $ light Betper put the cough
1,Yr. emo. 1314. I Me. 1101111nd Meethilio Hall wait deitroye emits. Inuit Triseen dee Villitse. Illoomnsts--Next Pattie letkete Se he VIM of stuff 4 the Market here tre
A test ot Brantford's fire apPiratint Yu
et; tei re Ai I le 2 tta was highly satisfactorY. , in the 'Muria of effielel investigations. tornade 'swept agree* the Miseimippi * despatch front Minna, 0170; '-' comprieint *beet 1,9/e0 costae' arid smother the fires of
.. e set :tee '-,l oli t• 24 CUTe Sick Headache, Bil- ' Woedstook cerried, a by-liew to ieend The walks were deg up gee several Vallee emit and slightly north of the General Lewton unexpectedly stirred bop,' 350 sheep arid bombs, 50 re.114111,
..,,,ia tal V te d be 1 tie
11111111011t adVartiaeinentS 10 emit@ 101iSness, Sour Stomach, *7.000 for a new fire -hall. flammation. Troches
PI/Wanes 'rein ee to re leer eget "I'ta . ieetlies withent coffins were found bor . city on Monday night, practicallY ale- UP one of the livelieet engegemente of and 00 neilkeri.
VIM teteli ainetequent ineertion- ' everywhere, 25c. per box.
417, AS 0417 itS oads, ill told, came ie.
That is, better go
The 14th Bete of Kingston. haa been were found 400p ants, pritiurnably
14' 44111)W fix"' in 932a e nibilating the village of New Rich- the war south of Lae Pines On Tuesday While some ;duff °hanged,
ritidre or toe first insertiou; 3 centa and Constipation Sold ' hams, not do this. Neither
"t reeeenteet- Professional. Ord%
invited to liciebeeter for July 4. en from coffins which had been burn- Mond, and calming great ProPertY loss morning. UPOn whieh oecasion United businem wae all round easy, with no •
The late Wm. Anglia, burglar of eid, The revolt/0.0one have Created a at 1.11.14011t Wis., and Hastings, Minn., Statea field gune were megaged lu, tbe quotable change in any lines. Ft am cod-liver oil.
• exceedine one Web, *3,00 pet Pittearedbye.L11004140%,howslaentee. Reeky/rood A.sylum, left *25,000. Oesseatione ' and in the section of the country lye find artillery duel against a Filipino WO bed. a fair oupply of good heavy But Scott's Emulsion cau.
6 Adverttthinente without et),
'Wentworth County Council raised its The amp in regard to the Trtinevaal
unclerstood that Great Britain's next The early reports placed" the loth of Companies F and I et the 21et in- area. **
lad and charged foe eccerdingtY•, John E e The Hamilton Methodist Conference
kele;tectioMe will be peisliatea till M m rton clerk's salary frees 41720 to *900, mostly of a spetsuletive natUre. is
ing between battery, concealed in the jangle.
shipping cattle and prices here were The glycerine soothes and
makes comfortable; the hy-
pophosphites give power and
stability to the nerves; and
the oil feeds and strengthen*
etsieut. eloticese-"Lostek "Found,' will abolish the billeting/ system..
move will be to make te demand ao the life et 250 to 500, but niter netve mode, fantry were nearly surrounded. bY a. tenne iota of the beat butcher cattle
-et geeeet ette--40 cents for Met Ine BARBER, There are 12 cases a 003.41Pex am- meat. The meetin of the Teitleeders
auzerain power upon the/Boer Govern- flee. this number conaiderab1Y. large body of insurgent% but the sold ihere at frone 4 to 4 1-2e per lb.;
lon, 25 ovate fore etecb ettbsequent able infornmeien waft late la %Ming, Amerecana cut -their way out -with but most of the atuff wags left over
Otto% ' . Smith's block, apposite Post Office ong the lioukbobors at Grothe Isle. . for the purpose. ofgendorsing the Posi- for the regular market.
alg NEWS -RECORD will be emit ALSO The Montreal street Railway Coe thin taken bY the British commiseion- for wires were levelled, aud the watiii- heavy loss. ..
any Address, free Of Postage' I" eY4liionyteasr.ily raieed the nay of all er was o,llowed to take place without ing out of railway{ prevented °OM- 'The United Staters turret ship Me- Stockers, feeders, "sheep, larabs, ane
: Per year, payable in advance- , Agerlt for Stoodard Life Insurance Co .1iltr interruption from the Boers. munice.tion bY rail. nadnook and the gunboats Helena imp ehew ne change,
Ilea quotatione :-
Med ,ile 'denoted. by the number on anvesto ert,{in°cantula . 13,500,004 the eummer. That in view of the undoubted them Widespread dernage watt done to
ar,:,(tr etnerged.if not ao paid. fthad Office toe Oanada. Montreal. Brantford grocers and butehers will The B FOraP e League Lon- '
and Zafiro, trained their batteries on Following ia the range of current
whicb *very subseriptiOn Insurance th t rce. . sug,000,000 have a Wednesday belt holiday during don Passed the following resolution: HEAVY nAgAoE WAS DONE.
Bakoor and the rebel trenches r
Lars Pinas all the morning. Belmar
I until en arreara are Paid, except -----; -- • -- - - - '"""-- hi Ilein.ilton Bay on Dee. 28, was thund a Lts probably profitable results ee was onee on fire, but the natives ShiPPere, per cwt. , de 4 25 *600
the Qedion ot the proprietor.
Editor and ProPrietor- made to overcome any obstaelea levelled and railways weshea out.
, • Day on Monde jul 2 Mete cl a sat- be
— • • — - - Horseshoer and Giinera1131aoksmrtli cha Y1 Y * a
aneY at Winnipeg and was given three Otte of the results of the effortNo
Iddretie Neo Paper discoetite Notable:1 et1.1826 The Id reliable and favorite The body of John Hi h dr d a the Peat bi t' th I nd
a eximmeroial enterpriae, tbe counoil were beaten into the earth, trees torn Pattie.
g am, owne caeo e enap re, a railway and farm property. Crops
94 Wednesday,
. etopped. the spread of tbis Darnels, Butcher, choice, do. 400 4 50
Woodstoek will celebrate Dominion expresses a heepe that every effort vvill uP) or broken off, tenets.% and buildings
Durieg the night au insurgent cane Butcher, med., th good. 76 4 00
13utober, interior. . 3 20 3 50
that may delay the co-operation of the • i non waa fired three timt "tit tlise ALme
Mother Country in the undertakin • coming on the heels of a heavy ra n .
Alex. H. Delaney confessed to big- th
Albert Street, North, Clinton,
months' imprisoninent, induce the Imperial Government to
HE MOLSON'S BANK - nr Y, july L
:Incerritied by .A et ot Pa: lianient 1885.
tottars.r, - • $2,006,000
lener ' $1,5thetho
Sheep and Lamb%
storm on Sunday and Sunday night, _.ha . - •
exeneral Lawton Tuesday morning B
: EYwegiinrsT PecewOw• t. : 48 005° 44 POD ;
the storm has turned every small r4... s,
stream tributary to the elissiesippi in
took a battalion of the 14th regiment Spurciknsgi eePienrbs,°Weate.h. : 21 84.2 Lengre i oafabeftrweeetont3:aannticlier440, monenT,uaetsedvaiter
thie section into a torrent. Bridgea .
and•two companme of the 21st rege- night about 7.30 o'clock climbed aboard
Milkers aed Calves,
party damaged. by overflow% was lying at the Minnesota iron ore
the whalebeck Samuel Mather, which
have been swept away, and much pro -
went to locate the rebel battery and Cows, each. . . 25 00 45 001
then two' guna of the 6th artilleey and Valves, eaoh, . . 2 00 6 00
grant a Canadian "Iong-seeviee" Medal
The Union Rank of Ottawa has of -
Woodwork irened and flrotolass material fered $500 reward for the arrest of
end work guaranteed. Farm implements alla1 the defaulting clerk, Henderson. London Gazette, consulting a new
decoration designed for the colonial
machines rebuilt and repaired. ,
. Wm. Ball, a mail carrier at Brook -
auxiliary forces. There is an Officers'
• ville, has been thistenced to three years decoration, and the new medal, it is
nead Office, , MONTREAL. • 111
c op I ire In prism for 'robbing the Mails. • announced, is to be . known
IL MOLSOhT, MACPHERSON, President e N F Mr. William Etendrie, of Hamilton, as "the e.olonial auxiliary fore a' long-
WOIREMT.AN 7 1104dAS, Gen. Manager .11413 been elected a director cd the eervice medal."
'Neteadiseounted, Collections made, Drafts
Insurance tompally • Imperial Bank of Canada, • Both the House of Lords and; • the.
Mayor Raymond has resigned hip House of Commons passed votes -
position as Mayor,of Brantford to tic- thapks to General Kitchener of Khar- A. Carroll to Stilwater. He says e wee,.
seed, Sterling and .Amerloan Exchange • •
might{ mid sok!. /Merest allowed on Deposits Ler guns.. Their thooting was
Farm and Isolated Town Property cept the position of postmaster. , touni. and the other officers and men hotels were crowded about 6 o'clock, —
tho weakened tissues.
$oc„ and $1.90,
',GOTT& nOWN,E, Chimasts, Toronto.
Freight Ilmitllerat In Buffalo lament Ieetng
called "Scabs."
A despatch from Buffalo say/et-eel
u were planted . . . Hogs. - docks, and opened fire on a gang of
New Richmond had 2,000 PoPklation, ftlux m°1111,tckill g na
and the town was crowded with people agal
The rebels had a large gun from Rig t hogs, per cwt. . 425 4 6e 1-2 working in the hold of the vessel.
who had collie from the surrounding eiry hogs, per cwt. 4 4 25 4 50 Between 160 and 200 shots were firede ,
The fine reporte were brought bY J• Water loaded With nails nd t I f la •
, , a wo e s o w eat were delivered and sold at •
68 lee to 69 1-2 for goose. On the hay in the back and. is not expected to re-
cover: Josepb Mareck was shot in the
76c a bweliel for red and white and
$11 for timothy, and $7 to $8 for mix- bullet in the right shoulder. The in -
market 20 loade of hay sold at 439 to •ehoulder, and Mike Smith" rethived a
ed ; one load of straw sold at 6'7. Dee 'meth of the two lattee men are not .
eest it at 600 ards' is nce Choice ho
y d ta L. h g ,per owt. . 175 512 IA about. 50 ..iron ore handlers who Ntkire
whien they were firing home-made ea- n tee street to -day only 500 bush- John Mayleck, 30 years old, was shoa
ceuntry to attend. a. circus.
erigageel in the Soudan. eampaign. Mr. the air was breathless, and it was most acourate. Tee firs lot ef °ante -
Only Insured. • stratford. ratepayers have
Micb el David, the Irish Nationalist { ter burst directly in front
voted atifflingly hot, when a dull rumble
• a Scott's
. 'SAVINGS DANK, cede ovirnership of the water -works. four loath Mayo, protested and chal- broke the stillness increasing to guns and. another shattered the legs
against the beelaw to raise 5120,000 for
Merest e.11oWed on sums of 51 and np. OFFICERS: enged a. division; with the result that
1 1
a ,
.1 of a private in the 14th infantry. liveries of dressed ho b were li ht •
.e. , . _ g g . rious. Sixteen of the attacking party,
feces unchanged. •
Carroll says, "and. there was the lune'
to the door of the hotel,"; town
Several shots struck the edge of the -e-
The trouble was paused by the ore
Wheat, white, bush. .50 00 00 eg were arrested.
as it is possible to imagine; being rrs"aeste"rarciaabgs."b° Tt4hee doefrkesigt -
The noise.of ite. • l'he country traversed was as bad wWhhZ: rgeade,sepe, rhabsuhsh....0060801-2 0067961-2 hanhandldiee
nel-shaped, cloud bearing down upon us., . , - ,
. . 0 00 0 42 lug ere oovered with policemen, anti
The blackness of the sky was Inde- fringed with baneboos. As soon as. oat. Y, P
Rye, per hush.. . . 0 60 0 05
Londoners who abuse and annoy
D. McLean Presidnit, Kippen P. O.: there were 321 votes in favor of the
FAWNERS. W. .T. Shannon, Seoy-Treas.. Seaforth .P. O.; railway strikers are being fined in. the
Thomas Fraser. vice.president, Brucelleld men wise took the' places, of the street motion and 20 against it. Mr A J.
Balfour remarked that Mr. Devitt at-
tended the House "as, an avowed enemy
DIRECTORS: of the country."
. .
yeoney advanced to fanners on their own Thonme E. Hays. Inspector of Losses, Seaforth police eourt.
awlth one or more endorsers. Ng wort- P, 0. 'Joseph Monkman wno teethed Sir
Werequired asseourity.
J h Soh It f 1 d ' the -
ROARING WAS FRIGHTF-U'L. Wheat, spring, bush, . 0 67 1-2 0 69 the vicinity of the scene of the shoot-
, • . BREWER, Manager, Clinton. -W.n. 0,{Rroadfoot, Reaforth ; John G. Grieve, bellion of 1070, is dead at Winnipeg, UNITED ST.A.TES. mainly ' lagoons, mud and water
wi temp; George Dale, Searorth; Thomas E,
s per bush. . . 0 00 0 36 no .further trouble ia anticipated.
scribable. I shouted that a cyclone was tbe fighting Opened the Americans ,
Hays, Seaforth ; James Evans. Boecbwood ; aged 89 years. Rudyard Kipling will -spend a few
RT held; {John B. McLean, Kippen;
John att Har ock.Thomas Frazer Bruce -
1 The British cruiser Intrep w o YY upon us and ran for the basement. were attacked by
id ent ut da b the sea before retuxning to
Connolly. Clinton, James or commission Thursday at Halifax, England. It. was hardly an instant before the HIDDEN' RIFLEMEN Peas, per bush.. .. 0 63 0 63 1-2 -. e
P blu OM 0 43 •re strike on the docks has extended
AOENTS: and sailed for England, where her President Thor/men of the Pennsyl-
Banker, Robt. Smith, Harlot*: Robert McMillan Sea.
orew will be paid off. • vania Railway Company, ia dead at
forth. James Cummings Egmondvine, 5, W. Frank P. Jell, of London, Ont., Mall- Philadelphia. , -„e
iLBERT STEEE'r, °LINTON Yeteithimeeviue p. 0.; 'John Goveniook and ager of the SurPrise mine, Texada Is- 'Sheriff Hazen, of Converse/ county,
JohnO. Morrison, auditors. • land,. B. 'C., was killed by a premature Wyoming, wee Shot and killed while
; Parties desirous to effect insurance or tran- dynamite eXplosion. .pursuit of the TJnion Pacific rob -
mot other business will be promptly attenned
General Banking Business Transacted. to on application to any of 'the above °fibers . It has tbeen definitely . settled/ that berg. . .
addressed to their respective post canoes. the Mon real battalions will camp at Lithe, F. W, Pieree, of the 6th U.S.
Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Laprairie on Jane • 80, and remain artillery. overstayed his leave at Man-
Ieferest Allowed on Deposits. '
1`. far and Trunk Railway. under canvas until Sunday evening, ila where he had 'gone from Iloilo
on all side% even the Amigos, or friend- Buckwheat, per bush.. . 0 00 0 55
to the coalheavers e aware
liffresagdmfreoamts itsaafodunddaastahoend iy natives' in the houses of the town, .Turkeys, per lb. . . . . 0 09 0 10
bit awuti (last wnt etaorss shooting into their rear. Chickens, per pair.. .. 050. 0 60 tired of these men quit work on Tues.
and Lackawanna chutes. One bun..
seemed to be half a mile wide. How far!
The track of the storm
The companies of the 21et regiment Butter in rolls day. • Tthey.apparently have no grieve •
it extended I cannot telL The storm skirmishing along the beach with .8 gs, choice, boline 0 00
0 12 0 13 ance of thou own, and it is thought
Regtatees. per balg --"' went out en sympathy with the strike ,
struck us frordethe southwest, and its Amigo guide% found what aPPeared 0 60 0 65 • -
onrushing was like a tidal wav% to' be a handful of natives who re- A An A eng freight -handlers. The hands wee
FEARFUL SCENE OF DESTRITC- treated, The men of the 21st fol- Carrot% per bag
Turnips, per bag 025 0 40 -
ye' """ Delved. by the Anchor lipe also vie
work at the same time.
' TION. - lowed, when, suddenly the natives onions, per bush 4 0 75 1 00 •
"4-, . he troo s •
opened. a terrific fire on t The feelang among the men employe
P Parsnip% per 'bush...-. 0 40 , 0 60
"There is not a building left on the
1 from the sides and rear, The soldiers Cabbage per doz 0 65 0 70 ed along the docks is said to be uglier.
8 00 than at any time durinee: the summer,
4a.Clorma "30,41i.`ir Litatig, July 2. ' and upoii 'being arrested committed oun
. .
find- • h
MINTON' • - - ' ONT Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as Very early this season have forest. suicide. withdrew to the water edge, Tenet y hay ,,..
7 00
- sere. Accident aid Lite Insurance - follows : fires started near Nelson, B.C., Fire Senstor Mason, 'of the Pure Food lage. Most of them are twisted and!
es what Shelter the co Id and were
beaten to shreds. Fire in the „ruins 1 g ,„‘„, . Mixed hay
11 00
picked off rapidly. Aft eir. ammue Straw and the preeent strike is almost core
•UonIPanlee and any information relating to — ..., -. . • ' •
Trehaacted. Represents several of the best . . ' along the cottonwood, Smith . Creek, is
Buffalo and Goderieh District .- Commission so,Ys. the will re a ' nition had been nearly 'yeeausted the ; Beef hinds 86 005° - ' 97 003 tain to extend, The different ren-
al/emetic° gladly given, General Diarlet kyolrig w est, mown.. ,,, .. .. - .. id. is.a,m. T P . p re a
I" lats. and there was , road compantes are bringing in nura-
deatroying timber mills and bridges. el '• '
In compelling manutacturers of food followed the storm. It was night, and
Agent for the oon-toderation eite In uronce " " Express •- •• 12. m Henry Prince,- Chief of the StePet- products to Mark their goods for what there was no ig ,
e , ceoropanies Of the "21st ietreated, . but Beet fere. s
. 5006 1-2 g g(3:1 . frIaartosr6sf. stir
bere of nen-union nem to take the
ON money to Loan on Iteasonabieltates ,‘ " en - . " • • ." . . no means left for fighting. the fire.
' te eral. Lawton dashed down and hhastrikt etz4ntitiri= 3exte:s;
xed . .... ' .55P" ' I cr —
7 (-„,5 m er s n tans; is dead ht Winnipeg. He they are: I must 'have worked two hours in the de- ell • . Beef, carcase
we rallied the men. - •
' • ' • Going East, Express 1.40 a.,,n guis, and. father of Rev. W.H. Prinee. McKinney upon charges of 'critelty to e"'''''' • stand, General Lawton,, Major Starr Last yen' lamb,per lb..,
Spring lamb 040000'700 ' 50:009907 ausnequiring for werk than .they ern .
. •
Office -Palace block, opposite 'Market. " . " Express .
10.2y p.,a, was a son of the 'celebrated Chief Pe- , The arrest in Philadelphia of Samuel e„„e•e• - A little group made a . desperate
brie *I do not knove how many Veal, per lb
" " Mixed. ...... e.... 4.35 p.m. Buffalo are inereasingenorth of Ed- his •wife that ' McKinney is a, mut.- .
to,ptilwater for help, arid I came .vit
"A erain was got together to poen
••h and-eLteutenants Donovan and Con- Mutton, per lb ' 005 0 06 • - .
14 ..41 . 11 2,55 pm. Baptiet missionary. • ' his wife, has led 'to statements from e .
. helly taking rifles from the eireninded pres-•edehogs• heavy -fat 515 5 ZO
London, Huron and Bruce :-. monton and the Dominion Govein- derer and a robber,
men and firing at the enemy, the Gen- Dressed hogs, heavy fat 515 5 30- _
Goin South Ex ress 7,47 a.m. raent will ask Parliament to extend The casualties of the United rates 160 PERISH ,
•'• Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. Going North, .
era,' bringixig down 1301110 (If the rebel premed begs, light 5 75 603
the close season in an effort to save troops since the outbreak of hos 'Hasa later report says; The death list sharpeshooters from a tree. ;Finally, The Great Armstrong wereis in newest e,
" " " 6.55 p.m. Christopher H. Mooney, a financial of 1,029. During the engagement •of The ruins of the city are being they were forced to break through Buffalo, June 16. -Spring A despatch from London esi70;-A?
Office -HURON STREE Toronto • Montreal mg *20,000, belonging to Miner E. Thirty-six buildings, comprising al- flames, and te rescue the dead and trope. Lieut. Donovan, whoae leg Scarce; No. 2 red, 78e; No. 7. Abe, 77e. destroyed e gun a op, the gun care'
14 41 14
ememi at New Richmond foots up to 160.
England, Destroyed by Fire.
..... ,zoas a.m. the animal from extinction. in the Philippines has reached a total their cartridges were all gone and
W. E. DAVIS, swept by fire. Every effort is being the enemy's flank, carrying tha Unsettled; No. 1 Northern, spot, '80e; .1,
Money to Lend. Dis. Pas% Agent, GP&T A tody in Montreal, on a charge of steal- officers killed and 21 men wounded. , made to , stay the progress of the wounded to the main body of the No. 2, Northern, 75% Winter wheat- th
fire in the Elawlek ks on Sundae? •
Fire Insurance. - Real Estate. M. C. McgsoN, agent, of South Bend, Ind., is in cus- Saturday the Uneted States lost two
A. 0. Penmen:, G.T.R4 Agent at Clinton, Listenberger, of South 'Bend
Falls and Stevems Poine and face of a greatly superior force. Y ' ' rum% The loss is estunated at £100,.
DYING NATIONS. , the graduates and undergraduates at Graniteville, ' a suburb of -New York Pewa ' 35
most the entire plant of the Nordling- dying from the ruins. was broken, floundered for a male Cara -Firm; fair deme.nde light it- .riiirtr 'Peep, wee the shell ahop. Above' )
1-4c; No. 3 fifty quick-firin,g guns are among the
A movement is now on foot among er-Charlton Fireworks Company, at . Relief trains are en route from Chie)- through a bog, leading .his men in the °I t • Y
McGill College University, Montreal, city, were blown to bits, and the en- doctors and nurses are being picked uP General Lawton ceased fighting me. 2 corn, 36 to 36 1-4c; No. corn, 1-2e.
either 36 1-2e• No. 4 yel ove 35% No. •
Dr. W. Gunn How Em
Oate-Easy; No. 2 white, 38o; No. 3
to 'raise a statute in the campus in tire fireworks plant practically de- along the route. til reinforcements could be brought •
P ' ' . stroyed withie a epee.° of five minutes, . ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. UP. Two battalions of the 14th rep. , ,
• white, 29 1-2 to 29 3, -the No. 4 white The fire was the biggest that hall Mr •
, , R. C. P.. and L. R. C. S ,: Edinbur h egiment was hurried to the -front, 27 to 280; No. 2 mixede 28e; No. 3 mix- eurred in Newcastle in half a centurye .
/Ares are Ahectett by Clilllaie• honor of Sir William Dawson.
. A nation dilly lives a few 'thousand J W. Brewster, forraer C.P.R. agent mrs. Byron Douglass f i en 1 Next to New Richmond, the most ment and one _battalion of the 9th
eli • .• ' .g • years. Look a,t the great nations of at Trail, B. C., was sentenced to
. . 15 ' Marion Booth, a niece of the late Ed- severe damage was at Hudson and La -
rand in the afternoon . the battle was 61i, 27% leyee-Nominal, Canal freights The whole diatriet was wrapped At
, • , orraer y ss
crease. At Hudson a tornado and Steady. Flour -Steady, mai:hanged. dense smoke cloud% while vast aheetn
LATER. Detroit June 16. -Wheat -Closed: e- of flame emended from the doomed
cloud burst destrorer elertres, hay- resumed.. ,
stacks and unroofed residence% barns - ' , . No. 1 white, cash, 76 1-2e; No. 2 red, buildusgs. The ruined shops had n
and outbuildings all. along its path. The Filipinos retreated Bev:ix-al 7ca9s1124..77 1-2e; July, 78 1-2% September, frontage of L800 feet. It will requis•
more than three months to rebuiM
haAetwaLaincrovssyeeaitraw. axe etahrelyffifyset isateohrmes mgailgeeemeeonutithward after Tuesday's en- Minneapolis, June 16. -- Close;- them, meanwhile nearly 2,000' person(
of rain fell. The river rose so rapidly to the strongly -fortified Wheat -In store, No. 1 Northern, June will be deprived of work.• • '
that 400 people, living in the• lower town of Imes. The shelling of the 73 5-8e; July, 73 S-Fic ; September, 72 The officials say that the guns alit
portion a the city, were driven frona American warshiPs drove the rebels 1-4c ; on track, No. 1 hard, 74 5-13e; No. !eclat]: acagertaghaeat iatreiscothmepaisrasptiivaeilsynethittalti
stock were drowned, Nearly every General Lawton, with his staff apd a Duluth, June 16. -Wheat -.No. 1'
their home% Over 100 head of live train, tsBeaveeerOarla, manorthee millnesericaofnseocaosnt: 711, 5.N8oer.thFelnesus73aa3-dee.
the filling of orders will be seriously
delayed. The cartridges in the shell
, bridge.in the Lacrosse Valley is.gon% troop of the Fourth Cavalry, started hard, ea.sh, 78 1-4c ; No. 1 Northern, cash shop were complethly destroyed. ,
Dozens of other places tell sineilar to ascertaid the nature of the insur- 75 1-2o, No. 2, Norther% 71e, _
tales, •• gents' position, He rode five miles Milwaukee, June 16. -Wheat -No. 1 , THE BEAUTY OF -IT. '‘ .
. along the coast to Bacoora vvithout Northern, 76 to 77% No. 2 Northern, '
BIRDS BREED CONSUMPTION. 'discovering the enemy, and found the '75 1-2. I Rye No. 1 67 1-2 to 580. Bare Mfiggins-What have you there-,
town full. of white flags. But there -ley, No. 2, 40%; sample, 35 te 40% Browning it' You don't mean .to my
e-&-. were .no soldiers there. The women Toledo, June 16. -Wheat -- No. 2 you enjoy reading that stuff 7 e. ,
and children, who had fled to the cash, 77e; July, 77 3-4c. Corn - No. 2 Sweetlenv-Stuff 5 Why, air, it ill
ownere Or Canaries 'Warned by London,
Health Board or the Danger. woods during the bombardment, were mixed, 340. Oats -No. 2 mixed, 26e. beautiful.
A despatels from London says: -A camping in the ruins of their homes. Rye -No. 2, cash, 57e. Cloverseed- Muggins-Butt do you really undere
bill now before the Lthal Council Pro- The shells had almost knocked the Prime, cash, new, 53.80; October, $4,50. stand what he is driving at?
vides that all owners of canary birds town to pieces.- The big church was Oil -Unchanged.
. • Sweetlow-Of course I dent. That%
the beauty of his writings.
calls at front door of residence on Ratten-, 4,000 years ago. Egypt, Yucatan, Mexi months imprisonment, and his emot-
e rio treet, *Mon. Night win. Booth, is destitute in New York
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. .co, Peru, Assyria ere all dead and bur- ant, J. H. Sinclair, th two years and without money enough to pay room
mOnths on charges of embezzle-. rent. For three years her husband
- - led. China is only staying alive to save meat. . has neglected and deserted her and
Dr Wm. Graham, funeral expenses, says the Losicion Sir A. P. Caron, now in England, saye her child, who is nine years of age.
)(Successor to Dr. Turnbull.) that the company of which he.is prem-
• Daily Mail. 'GENERAL.
, Licentiate of thelLoyal College of Physic- The next generation of nations' in- dent, chartered to build a telegraph The reported illness of the Sultan
- --,..,isdis, London, Eng. line to Dawson, will claim damages is denied.
eluded Rome and Grecce and these are
• ffice and Residence Perrin's Block, , from the Government for infringement .
like galvanized ghosta. The third gen- of charter. Both factions of the Samoans are
'ately occupied by Dr. Turnbull.
erations, the Turks, Moors, Spaniards, The new drill hall contractors at surrendering their arms.
Dr. Shaw, Moguls, Dutch, end Scandinavians, are Kingston have agreed te grant the ' The disabled steamer Perthshire is
- Office -Ontario Street, oPposite English - From this you will see. that th old wages, but the latter refuse to go The market town of Lime, near Ot-
ehurch„ formerly occupied oy Dr. Apple- lions in hot countries die, and stay ,men are kept on.
ton, ' Four women perished.
e C. W. THOMPSON rise, become great, fall, lose their out- coughed up a snake which had been with the acquisition of Spain's 'remain -
Charles Little, of W'est Elamboro The German press is not overjoyed
e dead. The nations in cold countries
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. lying dominions, and yet stay alive. in his stomacle for two years. The hag islands in the Pacific.
snake was 10 inches in length. It is The Eludget Cormmittee of the Reich -
That is because the land does not lapse
nine -hour day to the masons at the being towed, to Auckland, N. Z.
alive, letit have lost their power.
e ria" back while three be four •nois-uttion terisheim, has been totally burned.
• jungle like Ceylon and.Yu supposed Little swallowed it when tak- stag vdted the first instalment of 200, -
Office d R
esi ence next to Molson's into ing a drink at a spring. 000 marks for the German antarctic
Bank, Rattenbury street, Clinton. oaten, or
change into desert like Assyria and W. G. Moore, 20 years of ege, and T. expedition.
' Egypt, but remains fetal% providing S. Cavanagh, are in custody in Mont- The total number of plague sufferers.
plenty of food. real, in connection with several forger- at Alexandria, Egypt, is placed at 14,
ies, which hav.e been. uttered on the of which two are dead. Four cases
Now to apply these facts. Great
, City and District Savings Bank within have been cured.
Britain, the United States, Russia, and the kat few days. Fresh negotiations have been open -
Surgeon Dentist. Germany are gaining in population. Lord Minto, while wheeling, took the ed at Madrid for the release of the
wealth and power; but the British Em- sidewalk in the suburbs of OttaWa the Spanish prisoners in the hands of the
OFWQE-Over Taylor's Shoe Store A little girl got out of hie Filipituis.
Clint' .4• •
opecial attent. pire is extending more rapidly than °ther 4114' •
ion to preser- Excellency's way, with the protest,
vati of natural teeth. • any Oni3 of them. Compare her with .,- Seventeen native miners were killed
.13 -Will visit Blyth every Monday and France, for instance. A couple,of teen- eiere, you big man, get off the side-
walk or we'll haye you pulled."- and thirty injured on Suriday in a
t I he F d t mine at Kimberley, in Griqualand
ayfield every Thursday afternoon during
the summer.
Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery -
Office Hours, - g to 5.
At Zufich the second Thursday of each
month. ,
Blackall & Ball,
'Veterinary Surgeons. GovernMent Veter
inary Inspectors.
Office -Isaac Street,Clinton; Residence,
Albert Street.
Scott & McKenzie,
Clinton Office -Elliott Block, Isatie et,
Baefield Office -Open every Thursday
-Maki steeet, first door west of
Post Office. Money to
;alma Scott. E. H. McKenzie.
E. Campion, cm, •
Barrister, Solieltor, - Notary, &e.
GOT/ERICH, 011t,
Oirtics-Over boots' Drug Store.
Wilkey to Loan':
M 0. Johrtstori,:
Sir Solicitor, ComMissioner, Etc,
OFF10E-Cor, Hamilton and St. Andrew't
Brydone, -
prartietheii Selleitorr Notary
OtelCitt •
of North Ataerica, and was founding a As a result of a muffle at Brookville West, by the explomen, it is supposed
vast empire .in India, Pales was bigger between two employes in the jameS of a dynamite magazine.
than London, and was the capital of Smart Company's foundry a man nam- The French delegates to the Peace
the civilized world. To -day Perla has ed McKinley ia Jaid up -with an ugly Conference . have sent a mesaage to
2,5e0,000 people, and is the capital of wound in the .thigh, inflicted with a President Loubet expressing their re -
the arts and fashion. But London has knife by a lad named Pitt. • speetful sympathy and their confidence
5000.,000 soul% and has taken the place The labor . problem is becoming a ,in his energy for the defence of the
ef Paris as . serious one with the railways in the i Republic.
METROPOLIS OF Tele: WORLD. Northwest. The C.P.
, The British Empire is growing, and , tug. eor 300 werkmen
it will keep on growing, along th-e lines devision, but ni unab
either in Manitoba,
of least reeistance, A.t the -present rate' " C 1 b'
are now call- Sir James Winter, the Premier, an.
their western . nounced in the Newfoundland Legisla-
te secure men / Lure, that the Ministry did nbt , in -
e Territories or / tend to enact any other French shore
the whole land surface of the planet . legislatton. lIts alai ithelared his be -
will be absorbed by the year 3241e A.D. Cable despatches from Rome state , lief that the Brush Government pre -
But 3.8 Great Britain grows it eomes that the Pope iemaking arrangements ; ferred there should be no tweet' on the
into closer coreact witn the boutidar- - to establieh a perneanent apostolic de- Part of the colony, because France-
ies of the United Slates, Russia, and legation in Canada. Mgr. Zalewski, - would thus be compelled to negotiate
Germapy. Even if we could, we have th.e apostolic delegate to India, now in . for a settlement of the difficulty.
no wish to swallow these or any other Rome, is spoken of as being likely to , It is now comb -deed that the Rua -
decently governed countries. be sent th this country. elan arbitration scheree Was only pret
The Unite& States, Russia, Germany, sented hurrieely on Russia learnieg
thuntries, the area epen to annexation ftrri
and Japan are playing the same game.
Tbe tritish Empire is nearly
as the four combined. As England does
may be diminished by half. In that
not wish to conquer the well geverned
as large dian steamer, Gaspesia, whose ownere
500 salvage tb the steamer liite for
were recently condemned to pay 512, -
The officers and crew of the Cana -
n the Gaspesia out of the ice
ft the Gulf of St. Lawrence, bave scheme. Neither Russia nor the Unit -
theft England was about to present a
ed States appears aexious to press Rs
atheme, and, the work of the Arbitra-
tion Committee hats mainly to do with
cafes all the world will be properly gov- broug tam or or . n a age.
Ges th 1 f f u mo th ' w e
which is likely to be adopted.
the scheme of Sir Setlian Pauncefote,
vance of one cent an bout in wages.
So in 113 years from the present time nuxaber 80 all told. They were getting 14 cents, anti de- ISO Nave gitadlli Decreased la size glace fetid and drink. Horses and cattle
native name of mamma. eine is
erned by the year 2012 A.D. aggregating nearly $12,00D, as they - ee •
for lack of room on the planet. Even Company hag decided to- purchase for
and other feathered pets secure once
ruined. 'Even the trees and shrubbery 7-
eveey month. from the Health Depart- were torn as by a hailstone. Several
ment certificates of the freedom of hundred women and children came in- THEY' NEVER TASTE WATER.
their birds from tuberoulosis. The to the American line for refuge, and The auperintendent of a 'City Sun -
bill was framed at tie argent instiga, the road from Bacoora was covered all Natme Grass Slakes the Thirst of the
tion of a niimber of phthiais experts, day long with processions of them, on Horses or the Hawaiian Wends. day school was Making an appea). fox"
headed by Dr. A. Tacker Wise. foot and. in carts, driving animals and a collection for a Shut-in Society, end
The proverbial horse which can be ha said: ,
Numertus cases . of consuraption carrying geode on their beads. The e-,
have been shown to originate from the appeatance of the battlefield testified led to water, but which cannot be Can 'any boy or girl tell. me of a 4.
deadly tubercul • germs, which breed to the fierceness' of yesterday's fight- made to drink, exists in great numbers shut-in persons mentioned in t
Ninth star thng
and tail feathe
harmless pets.
lil 7 sith I 1 h ds '
That is good. This little boy right
eundity in the wing ing. The trees along the rtver between ,
of these supposedly the lines are almost torn down 'by bul- ip the Hawatian Islands.
Crone of Las may tell me. Speak
dbills have already lets. ( ffihe American officers esti- Among the cattle he has thousands
good and loud so that all will h
been issued by the ealth Department mete that 100 Were killed and th ier of cousins of the same proclivities.
warning the owners of canaries and were wounded during the engagem t. It is a surprising atatement to make, yoe, Johnny.
foetehteisrarrigsters against this avian in- The next battle will ProbablY tie and yet one that is literally true and Jonehl shrieked Johnnie.
fought at haus. The American aerie so commonplace that no one there
ger of feeding birds from the mouth After crossing the river the troops 'finks anything about it, and there
on the lips. Investigation has shown the 9th and 21's Infantry, these regie- of eeietle which never take a, drink of
throat of the canary is more adapted guard" the' bridge. As they were being water througheut the whole course of
Particular stress is laid, on, the dan- will soon control the coast to Cavite.
and allowing them to place their bills were withdrawn with the exception of ate hundreds of horses and thousands
that the mucous membrane in the ments being left with four guns to
to the rapid growth of phthiais germs formed into companies the insurgents their liVt.1464
than the most carefully -prepared cul- commenced to fire volleys from the NO NATDRAL WATER SOPPLY.
coolly, though under fire and cheer -
'The On all the Wands the upper altitudes
bamboo (jungle 300 yarda awe*.
regiments forraed into line rapidly and
ANOTHER GENERAL TIE -1/P. of the mountains are given up to cat-
....4 ineagemruyshead irantuoetheawevry,dsihderirviinligpiathese ttlheo rtaimngeeet.bor aereeabottreen runnntllwtilhdeyfracnnre
to go out. . camped across the river, the men ear- rounded up to be sent tO the slaughter
Den Employed in lintrido Freight Douses disputing every foot. The 14th en -
A despetch from Buffalo, N.Y., nye; ing for many of the wounded Filipi- house. Except during two' er three
The majordy of the Filipinth wore red
nos Eight prisoners were captured, house. Except during possibly 'Aro or
of Buffalo is threatened with a gen- uniforms, i , three months of the rainy seasote fliers.-
-Once more the commerce of the port
eral tie-up. Three hundred freight
handlers eMplOyed in the Erie freight -
house struck Friday last for an ad -
are no streams or peels of water in any
OLD TIME ANIMALS. part where the cattle range,
But eveeewhere there grows a re-
eu,mbent, jointed grasii, known .by the
the Ilritiah Empire must stop spreading The Richelieu ec Ontario Navigation VIIINESE ALMANAC. mended 15. Sunday a meeting of the Frrehistoria Time& grazing on it neither reptire water
Freight Handlers' Union 'was held,' Most of the gigant10 animals of geo. nor will they drink it when offered.
then it will grow in wealth and Infallible Minimal {Enjoys the useless and a sympathetic strike of all the ',ere,' ere. e Our first experience with this fact
popu, *80,000 the Virginia, a handsome new belon ed to s,pecies'whieh
lation, But meanwhile these IR-tle 801211er, now owned by the Baltimore Circulation In the World. men employed. inside cif the freight- ee'•""" "ee• 'e was on a trip to Haleakala, A party
lancia are getting very oni. Sooner or Packet Conapany of Baltimore. It is The Cldnese Almanac is the* most houses was ordered for to -morrow have completely vanished, and of those Were umutted on horses which had
eater we may feel the weeknees of age, Said dile cost .225,000 originally. The tar el cirouleted publication in t e
raorning. This will bring about 1,000 which have living tepreeentatives it is just been broeght in from the range.
and be no longer able to fight for our Virginia wiihrePlaze the Caretina g • ittmene,,s aasnd w4leavitrstilawleg-rht,lerasoetrhetheraetif. difficult to say whether they have un- ' The journey they made wag 14 miles
world, the number of copiee printed
pessessions; our colonies may out the Saguenay route and will be dergone a true change of size or in which distance they ascended abetti
adrift from us; the conquered countries brought to Quebec without delay. and sole yearly reaehing eseveral iniI- eide workers are 'prohibited by their -
Mioxi from tarrying freight into tbe whether the modern examples are 9,000 feet,
The party started in the afternoon,
like India may revolt. If all thik should On Sunday marning, June e, while e. lion% It is printed at Peking,' and is houses. The officials at the different i merely survivals of smaller contern- and about sunset halted ler 'supper.
happen, as politicians of a pessimistic gang of men were clearing the snow a monopoly of this Emperor, th
temperameur are already predicting '
, it from the track of the W.P. e Yukon t I b ith 'tt d t b Id
g perm e o 6 eo of the Men will 'not be acceded to, and
no 0 - -
freight -houses say that the demand's rvaerya vteanrideetniecs. The. earger arnirattes 'They thought it strange that the hor-
ths should leekm a feed of grain to nib.
would only be a case of history repeat- Railwey, hundrede of tons of 01110W1 6 a man" e y to disappear Wit in
ing itself. reek and mud 'did down. the Mountain in that -country. Although containing there the matter rest%
_ a. partial failure of food oupply. Gig- ble- the Seanty grass which grew near
Hew long will that bet Well, Rome on to the track, buryin several Men. reliable astronomical information, its . by ,but were willing to trust their in -
those of the resent day werreeserorbmil
envie_ . etinct inAthrearaaActirtieorA.
1'000 in 400 years, 118 we did, and took Others rushed to their g •
nests ance, at .
t d chief mission is to give full and acour- WHOSE 'UliO3RELLAt antic armadiltheei closely
pire is hifinitely greater, 'stronger, and buried. Oneewais dead and Mee seri- hicky
a thousand years to &dine, Our em- soon extricat d those who had been ate illitirMatiml melecting Sometimes
an umbrella seems to ly abundant n South America. The
Places for performing all the acie, great .
mote loyal than the Roman, ously injured. and small, of everyday life. And as arouse suspicion, even when it id in
honest hands. Mims a London paper remains of huge /sloths are found Me However, before starting, they ineist-
pupporoi we say 1500 y.ebrel before the every act of life in China, however tri-
, painful story of a young man Cuba and North America. Sharks at- ed that they be given. water. The Ila.
GrtHAT ERITAIN. vial, depends for its success on the tells a taining a length of more than 100 feet tive guide demutred In MC 'saying
, • in a Street car who carried an ume are found in coMperatively recent -tree -,they didn't need it,- but, with the
good-natured complainance of bis race,
yielded to requeeta, end led a detour
of about a mile, evhieb brought the
party to a ranch. hotme, where ;there
was a well, Bat, to the utter &mese.
ment and stupefaction of the travail
era, the horses would not drink.
They took it am another case Of in-
etidet, and ailetureta the. the neater, tor
wait reation, Was not good, and ith re-
frained from drinking it thaw/elven.
It was not until the return, the Kee*
ona day, to Irartairpeti, that the travel -
ere learned the seeret of the wonderful
inanieia grim,
-- -
Iltatet MOW*
Onovattotrral PO.
41141 wartelig
).1-0-, •
g g
election, and little England is a second- The cataract op Mr. Justin McCar- time in which, and the direetton, point had been his birthdaY ell deposit% another fish4which re-
elaiss power, se she wall in the- dare of thy's eget eye has been ponieSsly and of compass, toWard which, it. is don% he r. ,e 1 11" Which
Henry Via. auccessfully reMored. it ia of the utmoet importance that ev. 6ILL. . presents a larger prehistoric 'species is
.Cie the seat facing- him was a lactY the, Amerlean bony pike, which is one
lie -chatty, racaarda, dharge,d in Len. ery one should have cornet inthrma-
. • den with receiving Annie Of thte stolen tion at ell times. available to enable w'ca a precocious boy, evidentlY of the few survivals of the enormoue
sum ot,T NtAnz onomm
about five yearis old. The youngeter Ganoids of the secondary strata. The
„ him ee to Order hie life as to avoid
St. Petersburg id the Unhealthiest "t" of Pare° Iktnk' ha° ' 6fi --- had luck and calamity, and secure regarded the yeling man with et- tiny nautilus of the present day haa
capital in Ettrope. , leased. good luck end PreePeritY• 80 great tention for a feW InOrnalatet and then kindred 10 or 12 feet long in early
Leesel Governraent Bill, adopted in the ie the native faith in ite time. Another small shellfish, the
-.:- _,,z,__ _,-----,.... - -_,,,,,cr_, By 'an itMendment te the London imam, Ids eyes wandered to the umbrella.
ond. then he Wriggled. in his seat, silgurts°P°turdes leiwpah"ck6ediiiisaliceaateialyeh scorai shpeleux,
hility that not Iong Ante the Chin- Ile gazed at it in isilefice for a dee-
ThWertal EI°"" 01 C°111raerle0 "Ilea eats Minister to Germany refused to sail
eauso it was &dewed in -the ainuono 0 mamma, don't that look like parial iriletifehtlent tihrte rielpeedi ttfbelMellienri8gtth° Oita*:
HOWARD'S y Alden/len end thuncillors. on it day which had been appointed he- clapped hie hand's and shouted;
were deelared eligible to electian as
ford, Conservative member for York Hush, Itiimh, My thildl eaid the
Mart Wsaltuoss sr Pain. the hovertunertt's policy of "drifting" LIGEITN , • Pape, was looking for his umbrella
ix( Chins, in the British Commons. A losarY atDoke of Lightning In the this evening, mamma, eel:dinned the Teddy, who has just begun to go HOW StILLIVmAtyllsioW.11,ITES HIS
The Prince of Waled, as Grand Mos- MY 01* 1,711n, Mew., ett tIre *railing of WT. . 0 . . d kn hat
ter of dee tinsiish troom000no, boo tont Mey I, canard the brooklet of mon/ ices. , Pm, but ha found it, said the six imp; and five girls maket
a letter to the Grand Lodges, **seem; water PIPOL ,, motiter, horriedis, SA the. conversation Yes, answered his father, a react.
to thotor•Offiene On/tett tiliertie t Ils- , omesome , \vas becoming of interest to- the other
eart Relief /tear -Admiral Lord Charles Beret* to he unlucky. umbrellat oeuple of feet.
d it d riti na. Of
ohne *sating the order's rook* at naseengern IOU OP THEM.
nutt-11,asente farestions. ON TEM SAFE SIDE. Why, raarnma, matinued tie rotas -
tor !IOW ha &diet. You told Hawkins -I don't see free all ao.
The Login P'hiliplau Zaino worts SW fear dying rich. ead thee tom t
that the rep* boa tamarind is wash- Otemaittitat a great _ ;coop an am
„ Itg=trarts 1146= 18.2 reatealittak6"7 rtut " rar vrtY At this s
tits oar.
difiat know omega to eons* tbst thus naval eitoo.ains do
Ie. Why staise";
rostif 010a ir don't knote; soo a
(Old 511
Poor sitiliftne contiot mike
lath look old. Even polo
cheeks *won't dolt.
Your household COW Male
be heavy and disappol0-
ments may he deep, bit
they cannot make you look
old. .
One thing does it and
never fails.
It is impossible to Iook
young with the color Of i
seventy years in your hair.
Sir Arthur Sullivan writes modt of
his Dade et lais country house dur.
ing the summer ; he dose comparative.
ly little of it in London. Ide works} at
night, Many of bit( friende, while ad.
adding that comie pays best, are sor.
ry that he tlerotos to south of hie tal-
ent to it; ho 000ld saueb laotter
perituttently postpone* dui
toildals signs of iv. treed
*molding to directions it
gradually bringc hack the
color of youth. At fifty your
hair may lOok as it did at
Shoo. It thickens the
als0; Mope k from
out; and *Mame* the
front dandruff. Shall
send you Our book tot
Halt and its DIsoasofP
1141 stet