HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-08, Page 8d.pi, upon ilw
west p. good tackle
BOO count for *much
iaci, rvllaxtgtream wad weather
first end c me to u4. and get
or tackle the know -'how nee-
gtad to hay.
liecomnconly treed parte we
telling prices, noire kiuds
rices perhaps than you
est places,
*,c Is, Brass els,
arms* Lines,
Xis , hnrit'UdCarttita
Floats and Sirakere,
Spoon Bette,
Eta., Etc.,
Ie Dpissaeran S th 1 d of 1-1e nsa a 11 was the Sundadyhae anMiss Hattie
evening at 7 8o p.m.
f y�ndtay, drove down to Parkhill last week to
Mr. Julie Medd was iu Mitchell t
Mr. Charlie Wyllie www in ,Toronto on A grand garden party Is to beevert Church Rs ducted holy1V Welsh o this communion in St. ph%tu's on Suneiay
Far e+
$*rilett Lsiie. 1 llp,pelmeao-lt lu.
v. Smith
Tw.ii4 yy on the lawn of Mr. A.
trews, k0 and Shirley return to town liue Wednesday evening, Jun. 14th, after a short informal service. ---Mite
Una week. 'under the auspices of the Epworth sinnery eptertainuient to be held in
Mies Rebecca titanbury spent Sunday Leagne tioeiety.of VW. church. Great the hall of L. O. L. No. 92$ Tburseity
- with friend* in town. . preparations are being made by the eveuteg of this week. Lantern views
Was McMurray 1s spending a few day& coriirnitteee tinder whose care it has
with tiveforttt friends, been placed, tend neither pains nor
Mise Maud. $an.ndere of 14Vienipeg le money is being spared to Hake it a
the guest of Mrs. Bovey. • moose, Both local and outside talent
Mre. John Moor Of Chatham is the are being proeared and Indica-
goon of Mrs. Geo, Cattle. tion pointe to the fact that this garden
Mies Mable Johnson of Varna hasheen arty will he a grand one: Watch for
visiting at Mrs, lllcNaughton's; farther announcements on the bills,
Miss Armstrong of Tuckersmith is vi*. • Mr. I, Ratbwell wheeled detail from
icing her sister, tire. Laird. his home above Lucknow last week
Mrs, Stevenson of Brumfield was visit- and has been spending some time via.
lug Morels in town last week. iting Iris friends in tbie vicinity. Ile
Rev. Mr. Leslie of Bruceteld was a returned last Sunday. •
guest at the Mania on Tuesday. The hour of service in St. James'
It1 ` r'Viliiiant Coats attended. County church, Middleton'* Corners, has been
Ce)unCil fat Goderich yesterday changed to the evening hour of 7
Mrs. Harry Hunt returned on Tuesday o'clock,
from a visit to tioderich friends. The monthly consecration meeting
Mrs. Dark of London is the guest of : and roll call will he held in the Ep•
her daughter' Mrs. Jos. Rattenbury. worth League of Cole'H church next
guest a the Misses Murray over Mr. cl
Glue Feetitres are perpetual
le store. We kntrw the
e and try our beat to We
Postanaster Christie and wifeof Exeter visit friends in that vicinity. The
were guests of Ileus, Thos Carling former returned Sunday evening,
d th
met fo
Tuesday and Wednesday, while the latter remaine i r a
Barrister Proudfoot of Goderich was week's visit.
at the, junctiop on Tuesday on his ' • Mr. Barnwell OS. S. No. 10 paid a
• way south with his brief bag, flying visit to friends in Goderich last
Rev. J. F, Parke returned from Mark- Saturday.
..a ....dale on Friday and left .on Saturday Mr. W ii1. Blair -paid us another fly.
t• E for Mitchell for Sunday work. ing visit last week, Will's visite are
eapest, allwaysdlte.Beet. J. D. I3odgens, M. L. ,A., London, wax short but we are glad to see him at
the guest of his nephews, Messrs. F, an y••� time.
+ o io Moiled* , 'Mr, Will. R, and H. 1;, H age 1s
, n y Elliott of Porter's Bill also
oar' n Miss Lulu Ilodgens of Toronto -was .paid us a short visit an Sunday.
VK the guest of her cousin Miss Edith While in conversation with a
Hodgen*, for a few days the past on June lot your correspondent was in-
.- • '.• week, formed that this gentleman- had • the
ken's B•yc Works.Mrs.•Provorse, who has. been the. guest rare troat of getting two fine ripe wild
of her sister, Mrs,•D,. Stevenson,. for strawberries on that day. Is this not
some tintereturued to her home on oarlyfor'such it luxury?
Wawa,' Cowing to the absence of. Rev., Mr,
,sWawa,. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Couch and Mrs. Shaw his appointments were taken by
(4.) McLean
weMJ. sienbea
• Cews•P h vaguests Mer the A coderablnuiof people of
ei']?;Lren • (5.)
�ta> (
`, l
'oat CO ... .. .)
typOr 34 o,.+.:
At a,. 13u11oway•,= j ..
,,,,..1,tO..aapis Bros;,i4•)
-.T0 Y $�wa Qonn..... (1.)
.re-eo t 7aotzs (8,)
tie ..
on .1
8 a•
raolfe4a (8.
J. VC" 4—• A. l .1
t- Ca 169
yesterdtay. this colmwpnity are intendieg to take
Miss Alice Duff returned to her. home in the excursion to Guelph on. the 13th,
,in Bluevale last week where she will The barn of Mr. Edward Bathwell
remain until after the midsummer, was raised last week while Mr. J.Rath-
holidays... ` well jacked his up on Wednesday of
Dr Scott of Stanley is in charge of Dr. this week. Both bons wiltpresent a
Maw's: practice during the latter's fine appearance when finished, as we
anseoco to Camp with the Huron believe Mr. T. Walker; has the both
Battalion. •. contracts .and he leaves no Job half
Mrs, 'Arran and Mrs, Captain Rance done.
have gone to London to spend a Rev, Canon Smith jpresenteda,grand
week or ten days while the •(7aptain ,, display of stereoptic•'an views in St.
James church, 9th concession, on
ie in camp.:
County Councillors Torrance; Miller, Wedeesda evening last. The views
Cook,' Snell and Clerk Lane paid the represented scenes where. Missionaries
to *company tbe address given by the
liev. Cation Snaith nt�..aandop..-- J. 11.
Lowery took the Erfffnavor topic ably
on Wednesday evening of last week.
--Heat .- Lightning --Oh 1 Who
wouldn't vide a wheel nowadays on
the base line.. -Mr, John Tardy is
having his barn shingled, 11. Watkin;
taking the contract. ---I+. 0. L. No.,
828 held its regular meeting on Mon-
diey evening, June 5th. ---Mr, and
Mrs. MeG rattan and family of
unday visited at
N Mr. Lovveett@return t 1
ed Sunday from viaitiog Leadbury Inst
week.---.-Miefees Addie, Fannie and Mr
Albert McBrten of Clinton Sundayed
at Mr. Frank Mollveen's, W. H. Mc.
Brien and family of Mullett were *leo
gueete there. ----Mr, and ,Mrs. Wood-
yard of Stanley were guests of the Tat-
ter's sister, Mrs.l. Brownlee,while Mr.
and Mra. Geo. Farquhar also- visited
there. --Mr, I. Carter rind fancily of
Stapleton and Mr. John Johnston, Jr..
of Londeeboro were guests of J. J ohne
ston, Sr., Sunday. ,
yrrm trwr WTM 11111r1f? MTV
Some .time during Saturday after-
noon Charles. Wilson, one,of Howick's
most respectable farmers, committed
suicide in Galbraith's bush by cutting
bis throat witha razor. _ The body was.
found about ten o'clock tact night. No
reason can be assigned for'the rash
Act, Deceased was at one time. filet
deputy reeve of the township of Bowe'
ick and; only two weeks' ago. was ap-
pointed treasurer of the township.
Stanley Townshp.
. Stanley council met as a court' of re-
vision on the assessment' roll on Mon-
day, May 27th. The members were all
present. There were no appeals against
the roll,but there Was nine changes to
be made on account of property.ehang-
ing hands and $10.00 dog tax to be
taken off.. The council then nnet for
John Tough 1 business.
ng' ,
paid his salary as assessor awl for eq<
ualization of 'Union School sections,.
amounting tcr$73.00. James Donaldson
& Son account for cedar $170 was paid,
COj A } Rousof Refuge the usual June visit are situated in the various missions all also accounts of R. Drysdale for taking
U wl 11 10111001 3' on Monday. g over the world. They here exceeding. John Durand to Rouse of Refuge and
Mao Mamie .Call, who has been the ly well aho►vn and presented beautiful clothing amounting to $6.10, Sawyer -
r der 9•.20
arse fMi ' IdaMill f l .Massey Co. repairs for grader $ .
for pages 4 and 5 Gabriel i Elliott thinking sett- Sills & Mardi.) $
the services in St. Paul's church on he is big and as good a neighbor as our popular blacksmith, has offered
un ay morn' g nit , is shop o s .
Mr. C7.Te b t o
M. b prime P stand for a o
' Parke eonduettng the sea vices in .. p health, This is a good sta good
Mitchell ' Nile Public School, and a former. miine-=Mr Cumaingharn of Winthrop
men's guest o ass Miller for a coupe°
scenes, . gravel screens 18.00
• of weeks, returned to her home in Mr. a rie is Si accounts forravand bridge1 re,
'►' ce on 'Sat rday to . London on Monday. ously of retiring from active work this andA 'netion
Mrs..Wna.'Cooper lettyon Monday aft fall,:bu ing a property in• Clinton and pairs amounting to, $23.55..
re -
following g week • ternoon for Ontario, California, hay. taking life easier in •future. He is not was passed to procure a pile- driver for
'not late than 8 . ing received word of the illness' of yet an old man by any'means, but is ;use of township. Next meeting, of
her daughter, Mrs. Armstrong. of an actiye, stirring mature and has council on Monday, June 28th at one
Oleg, .A Advertisers her daughter,
Seaforth, a recent gradu- worked hard. As a consequence : he is .'clock, -J. T. Cairns, Clerk.
in mi a ; ate of a Chicago Den tal College, has in a position to look at the future with • •
•' • charge of Dr. Bruce's,: office during a smiling countenance. Sven though
----�--- the 'Tatter's absence with the Red "Cabey' only moves so far as the Hub,
Coate. of Huron et Carling's Heights, he will be missed by his old friends and
Rev. E. A. Ball of Bervie conducted associates, for lis is as: kind-hearted as We re ret to learn Mr. RobtShields,
lk S d n and eve Hr' Mr ever the sun shone on
h h for ale on account of ill
u $ at resent ' al of
WHAT . 4 +• ;,, Mr. Ayer, the excursion manager ft teacher of. S. S. No. 10 of this hoe, pard hal moved into Mr. Thos. Neilan's .
7 1,. t1te., is sole -Red and White Line us n, short,visit last Saturday Mr, house:—The Sacrament of the Lord's
Kilo` it Stene ers, .was in Clinton on Tues- Tebbutt, we understand .•intends at,-gu er was'. administered . in Borne'
clay talk' up his line as the gilt- tending the Normal School after holt church on last Sunday: a. m.. In the.
e Gun is on a visit to'hisan h (lair an
'Gloat Shoe Bepartrnertt
Men's Goods.
The 'creole/
Price $2,00.
stag+ i• E. Fn�:r� ,+Allo axil. still doing
business in the old
- staaci Tam the best
selling shoe ever of--
re in Clinton. Z am giving the greatest satisfaction
fe d
✓ in wear and I cannot be equalled . 1 am waterproof and
✓ entirely seamless, My bottoms are of the very best quail-
• ty. of 'Sole .Leather. I am intide,from the best Milwaukee
Oil Grain and will always remain .soft, It is worthwhile;
✓ for any person to come and see me. x am acknowledged
✓ to be the cheapest shoe on the market.
The Standard School Shoes.
weare beingtold that our Boys'.School
Day, after day
Shoes are the best wearing goods on the market. This
ua it he
n of t
a seat t
▪ must be so because we are selling g quantity
▪ and we are seeing new customers. every week.• alae prices
are $1, $1.25 and $1,50 according, to size. Made solid
but still sightly in appearance. Keen buyers
and strong g y Pli
reliable shoes for boys eh;ould see the•line.
�—.. who want9
eh shoes at 0 cents sell in tremendous quart.
• Those flow o 7
▪ titles.. The are worth $1 and .equal anything ,on the
▪ market at this figure. But buying in large quantities and
selling for Cash te11n the old story,
▪ When you have repair's to be attended too bring them
y �
Ladies' Goods.
The `Bell' Shoe.
Without doubt, the finest goods on the Inarket are the
"Bell" hake anti we have a fu11 assortment of the five
lines. No nicer goods to be found outside the cities.
Styles the late: t, price the lowest.: Novelties which .can-
not be seen else‘, here •
Our 1 'Oxford' for Ladies.
Worth 1.85 Uwe got the regular fi ure but';
Something +4v ll ��, i;
we call it our "Leader" and make the price so low that.
they go out by the dozens every month, We are quite.a
saying that no such value has ever been. offered in
safe in s h
Button or Laced Shoe.
�1 B11t
This is a line which we bought.in ,, .large quantities to
fi ure. It is a o ular• m e;•of-4004.2-
f n
,sell at.the aboveg p p �---�
ri while the .rice is low it will give good aatisfaetion.
ad p... g ....
People tell"us that they never saw sub value: The keen a
the Countyare trying them. • They are up-
est buyers' in y g S p
to -date in. every way.
Bring your repairs to us:
here., The doctor is always on hand: w
�" , - ti! ,tib N �►!� r�r'�'! ��
a+dg•ed cit evening Rev. Mr, McLean of Blyth de .
Texas.° %,; also arran r c in littered an a icellent sermon. --Mr.
dm. Smith rettrned to'Seaforth on Detroit et
Walte •
unni gham has acream sep-
eratoroutriaI. He likes it very well
wrslon routeof the St. days..
Detroit rivers. Be: was
tng for an excursion to
oderichwhishmaytake Lotlesboro it
•Friday. peace on or,about•June glee• _ and will likely make a purchase.--- in in `` 11 t A
o of • revision for tee torah i .. I 1 11 111�IIJ11 111UN11 ' l r�ll�li ` ;
air. John` Bell 'etas in Seaforth on Court Prosperity .C• O • F sent the• •Thea ort r h Mrs Neilane ism 'Seaforth Attending � .N 111 ll\ 11111
eft Saturday to n n y 1 r buying y
1 - less •th
• Mondayy.
Kiss II.
Q •
following delegation to Wingham , ship of.Huilett was held atLondesboro her daughter; Mrs. Murray; who is ilL
vleit n Soda .to 'oin. Court' Hu on in nursuant to advertisement. _ -Ale the -=Mr. Denhoirn is tau in ha around
in Lodon, attending divin'e'service' in 'the Ba : ,•n embers were present and du y sworn, here. There are no au five Lontiesdoro
�4in aoi3ntio. Pattison isvisiting friends t1st'church in the afternoon :-L..:WilliamPatterson, chairman. Some egg buyers go through liarjaok in one.
in aeon o.. Pattison, J. Dunford, F.. W.. Watts, changes and corrections were made in week. er oocthrougkeeps i'Jockiin ftp. Church. -The usual meeting of the
lir.•lynd Mrs.: M. E. McLean spentSulj•: J. McO1acherty, A. Sloman ' S. Beat the roll, One appeal was received as We'wouldpost like ask those egggs Epworth -'The was held on Monday
afield:. ty,'J. berry, G. Cooper, W. Cooper, to the assessment Toeing too high and men and other peddlers as well to be evening. The• topic N Wheat and
.1<red. Beattie left laett9atttrday for W. Foster, G. Kemp, W. C. Brown, in that case no change wars made.•kind enough to hut the gates as they event ' was under t the leadershipof the
Map. C1 Robertson C. B. Hale Smith. LydiaThuel assessed fbeth •3). and part through. Theywould save a lot of .prayer meeting be committee. Several
1. a odd visited TuCkersmith Mr,�J Ades 1T'o •tier of (Iode`rich'was in H survey, Elizabeth Lyons do t trouble to farmerby doing Mo, prayeprapers were read on the subject.
ends hist week. Clinton on Tuesday and we are pleas- south part 0 W survey, Chas. (Draw-. Miss S. Lyon also o d�us with a
ei al' on Saturday.
turll'.of Varna w in • e t learn that h is havinga bu ford changed to lot 14 fi survey ten solo and Miss E. •Allen of Wyoming
P @ a� d 4 e sy ant..Fred: Gibbs assessed part 28 con: with a short •"address, The monthly
ton th free ds season preparing .plans, and outside
i•e un blutslruck" Tn [Or8 Corucrs ion•meetin was then beide
da Heywood has returned from a _ cations, both for home and outside 10, owner, and Fred. Ya g Y conaecrat gg
to :Bl th friends... • 'e . towns, ' The Oddfellows at Goderich off, 'rhos. Gibbs assessed part 2$ con, 10 " at which we received: four new neem•
r,) Smith of Se
of Mrs. McPhers
de of Londesli
n town last
es. he "'Have abandoned their ambitious Aro-
n. jest of building an opera house with
�o wasvisiting • a Society hall overheed:and will in -
eel:. stead have erected a 'more modest:
o' iselhurst is the building. which will include' a home
for themselves'and an assentbly'. room
as well. `There will also be quarters
for a caretaker." The plans were pre-
pared, by Mr. Fowler.
Messrs. 1. Taylor and. W. Manning
went down to attend Conference at
Windsor Monday: morning. The.
for r was there the week previous,
•-•having posted off in hot haste when
it was seen by the first draft that
Rattenbury street church had not
4 ;Lough and Miss
ds in"Seaeorth over
* 'Y McLean of Sea -
ng friends . in town
oyle was in the
's '.vay north to
n of Goderich was a
, W. Alexander's on been ' assigned the minister of. its
t, choice wile had expressed '• his
over was in London last willingness to. accept. Mr: Taylor
meeting of the executive ,hut.tvn•holed and canvassed and, not • liariilon•--111p11Ctt•
• ----'-' unsuccessfully. Willson, Thos. Chambers, Mary Monk,.
left Tuesdaytospend Mr. Will. Cantelon, who has.for the Mr. Henry Taylor has improved his Jennie Yulll ; Si. Part 1st -Winnie
it Ther daugh- past couple of years been assistant. in residence by building a commodious Johnston, Myrtle Prouse,Eva Willson,
• S. J,ackson's drug store, has severed kitchen.. James Proctor le doing the Gordon White Jr. Part let --Joey
ill, Miss Minnie and Mas- his connection therewith to accept a work. --Mr. Ben: Tyerman was shak- Yuill, Garfield McCullagh, Wesley
ent Sunday with the for -situation at Platteville, for which ing' hands with old friends last Wed- Monk, DavidProuse,Frank Chambers,
er in Brussels."peace he left Monday morning. Will. nesday. He likes his new home near Nina.Walters, Ruth Thompson. Aver -
re. john Johnstone of Rat- has a genial, kindly disposition and - Winghatn.--The , heavy rain storm age attendance 41, on roll 53. -Nelson
street were visiting friends is very popular. Among the young did a lot of damage by washing away W. Trewartha, teacher.
awanosh Iast week. people, a number of whom gathered bridges and fences.—Mr. and Mrs.
1, who has been the guestof at the station to wish him well and Andrew Tyerman droveup to Listowel
ndrews for the past two see him off. They will ail' be pleas- last week and spent a few days visit- ICrnceiietd.
r'idtoSeaaforth on Fri- ed to hear of his success. Shortly ing friends there.—Mrs. Geo, Con- • •
. after his departure two other offers nell is spending a few days with friends Mr. Robert Marks- of Uncle Sam's
son and M.,�lloherty re- to him were received and, after a in Lucknow.—Mr. 'Wm. Connell' of domains has been visiting his parents
n $ami toff last Thursday - time, hennay locate in Toronto. Goderich called on a few friends last herr for the past week. Mr. Marks
n Vacation at their' Wednesday.—A meeting was held goes to London this Wednesday .to
home,, '' in school house No. 4 to arrange for the take unto himself a' wife. We wish
Rev J. T. T4lurduck and .Mrs. J. B. • Goderich TOwnsliip.. annual pie -new If we can judge by the him much joy.
Hoover are attending the meeting of - - crowd that attended and the spirit Mr, Nell ameron and Dick the
the Baptist Association in Atwood Councillor Middleton will be 'at manifested it should be a good one. Bayfield.
th s week.' Delves' Hill at 10 aa, m. on Friday of It will be held on the old .grounds on
. Apple King Cantelon was in Toronto this week to let a number of road jobs. the hank of the Maitland river.
for several days of the past week on Mr. George B. Manly bad only two Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Melville of
business en connection with the ap• sheep a fortnight since, but they gave Seaforth spentitheir 24th at Mr. An-
ple trade. . him as much trouble ae if they num- drew Tyerman s.—Mr. J. C. Lyons of
Postmaster Gaird '' ""c''uaYdeeldtvas in bered a score, for while shearing them Lucknow spent a couple of days last
(IG + ton. Mond " m ; hav' , gdriven he cut his ri ht thumb so badly that it week with Wm. Carter. ---Mr. Wm.
p",Mrs, Sdri ,.. Stewart lost a fine colt the other da .
ov �+ eY our, fot has Leen of little•use to hint ever since. _ y
e early tray , Ile is anxious that et limbers up short- Mr. Henry Livermore is doing a
a Flora craze • aced • her .ly though, for a9 it is lie cannot handle rushing business at the lime kiln. Ile
. me in Goderich on Friday .after the fife an'd he wants to have several is now burning the third time. Mee-
aving been the guest of Mrs, W. 'rehearsals of the old tunes. before the sits, Wallace, Appleby and Carter were
lexender for some days. anniversary of the Boyne rolls around in Seaforth last Friday attending the
s. Andrews and Miss Lillie An- once more. Mr. Hanly has been on meeting of the Buren Poultry. Associ-
drews left on Saturday morning for duty, as it were, either with fife or ation.—Mr. Lou. Farnham is having
Winne e . where they will visit the drum every Twelfth since he was in a large woodshed built by Mr. Jame.
forger s -daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Steep, short pants, Of late years he has been Proctor of Oonstance.—Mr. Taylor
for some time: playing for 189, which will probably Pipe spent cast Sunday at home,
rix. Wtn, Pridham of Toronto was rnarch at Exeter this year.
et of her another, Mrs. Adam Word has been received from Colas- --
Coo., •.oleeTri...ld on her way to ton, North Dakota, of the death of Nest Tuckcrstulth.
�ietorin-la fes l ld et o Ja a h•
tenant, Frank Gibbs do ` art 28 Con. 10 .' School Report. -On ' basis - of ,regu- •bers. A short. business meeting was
M. F. William Griffiths do part 28 sen... Tacktyand attainment the standing of also held, at which Miss' L. Brigham •
10 M.F.Foster.Wright do north part 39 •the pupils of S. B. No, 2 for. May is as' was appointed as delegate to the con -
con 12 tepant,,value $300, Geo. Raith- follows 5th -Lillian Willson, Aggie d d M R
by's.assessinent reduced $800. 'Theron Johinston, Fawcett Study ; 4th -Mat-.
was then passed and the court. closed. tie Johnston,. John Johnston, Leith
An adjourned meeting of council •was .Sturdy, Linda Sturdy, Howard
held in the afternoon when several Sturdy ; 3rd -Pearl Willson, Nettie
changes were trade in the appointment Sturdy. Alice: Johnston, Minnie Ball
of pathmasters. Robert Brown con. 2 May Willson, Harry Chambers, Mabel
was paid $8.00 for 3 lambs he bad killed McMillen Sr.' "2nd -Reggie Sturdy,
by dogs. Accounts amounting to $180. Mabel Prouse, Irene . C arke, Alice
for road improvements' and.assessor's Hick, Oliver Prouse, Charlie Willson,
salary were passed and paid. The next Robert McCabe Benson' McCullagh ;
meeting of the council will be •held on Jr. 2nd -Mamie Yuiml, Mabel Walters,
Saturday June 17th ,e,t 10 a m. --James Jennie Monk. Alonzo .Rodgers Sr.
Campbell, Clerk. Part 2nd-Gertie Sturdy, Arthur Vill-
son, Albert McCullagh, Meredith
Clarke, Roy Chambers, McKee Johns-
ton, Irene Hick ; .Jr. Part 2nd -Edith
vention in Exeter inJune n
the weddingq of her w,ri s Sohn, n, e e son oeli/fr. James (.hurt
Minnie i"ridbam, which took place ill, formerly of this township, which Miss A. Dick of Blyth is s endin
yesterday, . took place on May 24th. ' • a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W,
. Mrs. Bev.) Peddle • of Lucan, late a 1VIr. Thomas Haarrison hoe a cow 0 Landshnrn
. of tinnipeg,: is the - guest of
- • Mrs, li. O. Brett* r and other old frig
enddin tosanwhile Mr. Fairlie is ex-
pecte to elm o d a couple of days in
• Mr. T. Jaekbona Jr., went to Windsor
Tuesday a. m. but on purely secular
�s was the =Lesion
busiaest, not • to attend Conference,
of those of our
itizens who left 'for that town the
mtirni'rg'""revious. lie intimated,
tho that he might drop into
C ' e to. hear the final .draft of
Mat le a matter which
inters is many rest-
eln.,,aMt'. Jackson will
r several days and
eke ready for his
Bets to leave
e [middle of
se Line
once at
a well.
which gave birth to twins,both heifers. Mr. John Itoutledge left on Tueeday
one day last week. The youngsters last for a tour of Manitoba. Be will
are doing well. If hisherd keeps Mums- be away it month and if the country
ing at this rate Mr. Harrison will have • conies up to his expectations he pur-
to quit being a patron of the cheese poses going out next spring and mak-
factory. •
Mr. john Woods of Applegroie Farm
in this township, bas an orchard
twenty acres in extent.. It was plant-
ed sixteen years' ago and is, Mr.
Woods censiders, just • nove in its
prime. Many of the trees are twenty-
eight feet from point to point of
branches, or in diameter, put it which
way you will, Ile considets a healthy
tree Of that age ire easily worth fifty
dollars and reckons it, out from the
interett etandpoint. He bits at Hines
Mired $13 worth of fru% from one
tree and knows of no other piece of
property of the same value whicligives
the same yield, Mr. Woode has been
examining -hie orchard carefully end
fin& that the frosts of last winter halm
caused more damage than he wets at
first aware of, for nob only are the
blossoms injured but eeveral of hie
trees are in a dying condition. This
state of Afars maybe local and lb is to
he hoped thet ibia--Evety Oen/terve.
Hee in Goderich -township should be
ing his future home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Townsend and
Miss' Annie spent Sunday 144 with
friends in Goderich.
'Mita. F. Layton wile the guest of
Mrs, IL H. Weaker of Doblin on Sun -
Miss Mary O'Brien left on Saturday
for Toronto to pay a two weeks' vie%
with frienda there,
Mr, and Mrs. Newton (Melt of Olin -
ton spen t Sunday in this neighborhood.
Miss Rebecca, Stanbuty is visiting
friends in Clinton.
Mr. Sohn Avery le improving the
exterior of his house bye. coat of paint.
Miss Rogers of Colborne -wee ehe
guesb of friende here over Sunday.
driver,. a recent purchase from County
Councillor McLean. paying a geod
Rev, Mr. Armererong le this week in
Windsor attending Conference. Mr.
sithecriber TEM Neweeltitoonn.-- .11plady of ehe Line lied charge of
Mr. Mex. Osivaldestine Pied his nitiv big work °Olen sty p _the circeit.
hank bern rallied on Thursday jest em Mrs. 1. Dodd at_ Onto a nt
whet was foraierly ktiown mein Joled d'Xie of tin Pt* with
Corker spent Sunday in Mr. Albert Cameron and Mr. Dan.
magele township. --Mr. Geo. Howard o
Varna was the guest of his uncle, Mr.
Mr. Joe Archer, end Miss
Dummart spentSunday in Clinton.
Munroe spent Sunday at Bayfield. Itouatt, last Thureday evening. --
Mr. R. Graham, Our up-to-date hotel guest of her cousin, Mr. Geminhardt,
Miss E. Green of Goderieh *as the
Albert came home alone.
keeper, has purchased an elegant last week. --Mr. Sas..Attwood yisited
from W. R. Hodgins of Hensall, It is
%us friends in Varna last week.—Mr.
a lovely rig, and with such a Eitin look- Alex: Parsons accidently shot and kill-
ed his valuable dog last week, ---Mr.
ing man as Mr; Mate running it ha Pe cy Parker; who has been engineer
:- 111 1
• 111JII 1 1 1 u
�: ulu al�lll� 1 �� 1 u�"
1111111 JI�JUJh 111. � ., 1
11 ..
e -1n •
June •`e gas
, • ' White Cotton Unacderwear
f . -hite Cotton .Underwear, just •in from the factories
The dight kind o W a a „ . � ar • n
for June selling: It is not the almost as good, kind,' but the dust' as good
as the home made garments. There is none but good honest materials used in
the' underwear we. sell, every garment is carefully sewn :and. put together, is
kim in or savin of materials t0 et a .Low. rice•
full size; there is nos p g • • g g • , p
o er ' examine ever detail of work and finish •on :an gar-
•.Gook- our stock carefully v , y Y
n r.
Bele ate to. attend ,ly d e if an better work could.be put: on Them.. As' fat• as .:the prices• go. you wi 1.
Fair . as g went an se y
meet►ng, nf" the Local: Union in en complete will cost ouv'ery little,. if any more than the: material alone.
Clinton on the • 12th of .,.June.-- -find that t,}18 ' arm • t p y, .
Bruce ..her• g ruar there is ore cotton underwear sold' in June_ than 'any,
Ja>r Mcl�ay and Matt. Unless It be Januar or' Feb y, .�
their new separator ashes Ie ie a Peer- - y " We are for June 'sellin with a .big stock and down right
Cole hoe his new engine engine other• month of the yeas• � • ready g
Vrir rade% aatril tee, good values. Here are sonie we are offenng :
week,--14is• Hill Wray
vet.. was attending horse last week, L
meide Joe limp foe a few 'days but we yenta cotton, linen buttons, neck
are glad he Is able to resume his work' trim= d with torohat lace log and narrow torohon lace
rows of fine tucking, and 'narrow
' and front trimmed with 1 in. cant.
brio frit ng, specs va
Sunday, not having returned from
-cotton, square out neok, pearl but -
service in the manning and Mr. Wne
with I in. wide open work' ers. 4
gent Sunday last in uneannon.—
tales Edna Allen .of Wyoming is at Pine White conon comet cover,' yoke
present visitinglieends laere,--W. L. of wide open work ineertion and
,Ounnette made a business trip to Tor- feather stitched braid; neok. and
arms trimmed vilth media am -
'buttons, neck and,"arnas trimmed
visited Hensel! on Sundiy.---As our adies' Corset Covers; Drawers •
he reteivede very severe kick which corset covers made from strong • 'faun& drawers rridA ;-am strong
----Strong white cotton drawers, three
again. --Mrs. Snell is home from Sea- Fine white cotton comet covers, neolia
forth Where she bas been visiting.—
Conference, Mr. Jos. Garrett took the 'Adieu' corset covers of fine white
Lyon in the evening,o---Miss Kirk toast neck and sang • trimmed
Mt Andrews was Meet% on
lel lue
Strong white *settee skirts, frill orlOe
three inofrembrokiery
Six rows of tacks, frill of, seven
Very fine white cotton, twelve inch •
frill of fine muslin embroidery 1 25
embroidery frill, regular 36a. gar. .
La.dies light Gowns.
Ladiee"- &wafers made from strong
roinw.sopneanrrwoowrettieniak: Gooa quality white cotton night
dresers, neck and shoulders double, • '
. .... . . CAM • sailor collar trimmed with 2 it: • •
. Lawianitigei,et feroi aloleteet ofwn4e, risOn'.r nmo feed eenma brf rrreooeiwi c i pt rile!! 75C
with open work insertion, and
Fine white cotton goviied trimmed
feather stitched braid, cambric
oe Ladies' drawers, fine white ootton,10
frilling down front, 24 rows nar.
retro of fine tucking, frill of 51/2
row tucks, sailor dollar trimmed I
in. embroidery, heeded with n
feather stitch braid .• 0.5c1 wiih lmorthal and feather elitsh v
5c Cambria drawee, 2 etagere of nig- I .v.
ot front, \embroidery, insertion
ery fee white cotton goatee 3 clus-
ga Skirts made from strong white cot- - !
Ladies' White Skirts
work embroidery.aasorted patents
low twars and frill of 5 in. open 1.00
and Mather etitoted braid 1 -50
stfrociunreiwnohhitheeerriatoreng.ak65irotd.gaerhmarel ?Ire
Extra good white coned gowns, yoke
band, cluster of narrow tuella and of Ana narrow tucking, trimmed
. e nitieinoh frill of hemstitched end gee_ • with 3 112 in. embroidery. sleeved e ea
1.4. le"- tucked cambric frilling . alati and, neck embroidery trimmedAMU
with floe oambrio frilling edged 7
intended for kat week, . with narrow velenoiennea lace....
A happy event took place at the Fine cambric corset coven, yoke of
rectory on Ma,y aith when Mae Mag- gee tucking and leather stitched
gieScotehmere of Brownson *Line was, braid, V shaped neok,pearlbuttone,
united in marriage by Rev. Idr. Sete neck aea eeereeteheiteed withfine
nings to Mr. James Porter of Goderich cambric embroidery . .... • 1
0 shaped nook, yoke of fibs open
work, insertion and fine tuoking,
pearl buttons, nil& and arm
erimmed with fine embroidery...
ought to do a large trade with the
travelling public, especially the op-
• Mr. JamesBye of Seaforth called on
friends here last Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Graham of Stanley ridged
his barn last Friday. To say it was a,
ow:easeful raising would be putting it
mildly. There were over two hundred
presenb. Sides Were chosen and A. P.
Kitchen and Dougald Fothetingham
captained the teams. Excitement ran
high and each team did their beet but
Mr. Votheeingham's side won the race
by about twenty minutee. The ladies
had 'an excellent supper ready and
ampIe justice was done it.
Mr. lames Baird. departed this life
lastrridity night. The deceased •had
been ailing a long time end death ceme
os hap'py release. He was au old
eettler here and much respected. He
was /5 years, old and leaveit one ion to
mourn hia lees.
(intended for lea issue.)
A large number of our citizens cele-
brated the 24th, some at Clinton and
some el the Exeter races. All reporb
having had an excellent time. Mr.
Sohn Hart's pacer,Fred H,took second
money in the three minutes clam at
Our football club is, getting in lote of
of practice these nights. They expect
toplay the Mill road. soma
Those midnight maraudete evidently
thought it hallow e'en last Saturday
night as our 'streets were decorated
with Mad carts, rigs, eta A nice eight
trulyfor Sundae, morning. It Would
pay to have a night policeman.
Miss Ferguson spent Sunday With
her paretite in Bayfield.
I Monday for the putpose of holding
court of relation Ana letting gravelling
Mr. McKenzie, who bas preached so
Acceptably in the Pi esayterlan church
for the poet two Sundays, left for his
home ie °Atwood_ Tetdity morning.
Moon veld lett
at he shingle mill, is at present under
Dr. Stanbury's care.—A. couple . of
masked. calithumpians hired Mr. R,
Field's horse and "Mr. W. Johnstona
cab and drove to Drysdale hist Thurs-
day evening.
Mr. William Little of the 18th con-
cession was in Clinton on Monday
with a load of hogs for the' shippers.
He realized $4.75" per cwt. Which he
considers a very fair price, as prices go
wit• h what he obtained mom° years ago.
On one occasion he got $00 for two dress-
ed hogs, bet they were big fellows And
the like of them could find no buyer
at the present time. $10 per cwt. Was
the prevailing price just then. By
the way, Mr, Little has. been ad un-
fortunate this spring as to lose two of
his three horses. Inflammation of the
lungs carried one off and infietninatiOn
of the bowels the other. Both dying
at his busiest season made it rabher
'awkward for Mr. Little.
Mr. W'ra. Tamer of Suovieleneille
epent Sunday with his aunt. We. A.
Murray...a-Miss Annie Screw:ten has
been the go_est of her cousin, Miss An.
n ie Oben of Southampton, the pub
week. --Mr. B. Orr hail purchased &
potato digger end letends raising_po-
tidies en snare* this fall for the Miff-
alo shipments.—Mr. Sae. Howard,
who has been engaged at Mr. J. W.
Horner's for the past week, WAS return.
ing home late Fattier evening on his
whetelwhen he aeridental collided with
three bullet' wheel*, hut feertunately
ed, but Jim WA flk home and
carry laje hike. --Mr. Diaper in de
holding mite tn on ni
evenings en; 7,41 s
Extra fine oambrio comet covers, V
Some June 13ategains
We have gathered together several
0 In Dress GOods , odd lines of our regular 60 cent
I. geode, emelt !any checks and pee
0 Almost enough of them to call it a dress t4r:13*tatiitla thV aralloln 88 tc6 ea
1 goods sale. Priees that ere low enough to call pe: ;areal, 1Yoneichnoljefror cent? 35c '\
.x) ti 6 P., the ordinary. • Tao many goods for this
,., ilite 0 "extra special." Values tbat are away outitmoof ,.1.75bfritew.eniidstr.elarleid.s.:zoopv.:58:e...
taCitv of the year, and a necessity of reducing' our goods that W6 !mkt rightYaiong for ,„es
76 canto, clearing your °halos .. w . 411'411
dress goods stock amounts for price outs and bargains like these '
AO inch filmy figured lustre pattern
very tunable for skirts, doh glosey
black, and good weight, nem °loth,
regular 45 cents, reduced price....
'Fancy black brigaded dress goods,
lines dist are wild down teem or
„ two dream or skit% of a pattern,
some, di the best goods that walleye,
qualities that were 90 e Ikea pi per
ebort end only Ot the beet Preet-
ly dress goods that we hive in tie
store, every thread pure wool, neat
small pittern, regular price $1.40,
Wash Goods
Black grenedine 40 inches wide, goal
;55e ever shown hare. The newest sae daintisat
00C duced to
materials for want weather dr ses that
Pain black Wool &knee 40 inebes ,..
00g are to be foetid in the market.
Onweidder'e arse do nu lc ye:10 f tfoieVey-h.lack mourn• Fancy dress muslin, ea %thee ide, 0,,_
mg dreg goodereduced fro= $3 60, witrt, open work pattern, regular 1 for 64
99g cente, reduced to ...
Vine mina covers teeth, one of the
Colored Dress GOods
season, every thread pure wool, no bad that will give anythi
ma....... ..... e. _ix:a
best materials we bad in stook Oa
better goods to wear, regular 86 080 1 vfordewgeooaracohkattilmin:21 awn%
and there it not anything be
Linens for sults .and skirt& It id
g like
por id
Direct ap fin on;
to Florida erelong and Hobert says he
tanty go to.—Mr. Georg. Pollock has
rented hie canary' fatm to Meese& rtau
and Brisson for the Conning year.—
The Stiowdetwille Sabbath school has
nearly an attendance of 20 scholars
tit& Sunday.
Sumner Resort
field lie po4ter ra.kfoidtreoteri for the
'Erroll., the River Rae) the ote4
n had it. rantws
of tkre
in private family. AddreseX this office
The mina of Court Maple Leaf, Canadian
Other of Forbeteretelloton, ie now open for en.
gegenonts for Garden Parties, ria•nies, 'Cele-
brations, etc. For term& write
Clinton, June 1001.
Annual Meeting. rare -til3g13
Manitoba )
tiono 27y My 18