HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-08, Page 6•• A ••• , ••• •", . 4 TIN CIIINTO1 NEWS-11E04C _,, ropublial at every THURSDAY at Trot '''' higyoll•Raatnio Panora: 110110U, Atbeet lit . 0:041.itit:ti0:46;; C:0311.1ter AnYezexitaiitt xt.eint.. I tiliitee, .0100Yeti-"P' 4113J4liout4 :231114%. 147144 t oitnua ...... .. 04 Oil . WO ul 00 ;5 40 • 1 Coluuni. .... pot W 4A1 ig 0 7 00 . t ile le tte u i,u . 4 00 I ell li Ix .1 be ., 0 "ort)PeX1 peel tion from i' (0 per cent estrit. Ilioi. rOsr transient adVertisementS 10 Ceuta -.: :0"t°aSrAeceell rttedina44;r4roen.' el?374reeills8i94445.tOticarPtI4 , 'or n,ale,' erit.,-60 mute for ant in" vor 1t4e. far till:* firt:t insertion; 3 ,aenta aneutn. Advertigerae ta without epee*. igkx line peon ealasequeet i insertion -- the ditetiotais ,V1.11 published- till ertatet 'aid charge for ace?rdillOYN AS' te-,Ailti —"Lost,. Tounitio so, rPea., 20 Seats for etteh eubsequent itiserrzon. Tag NEWS-RFOORD will be Bent , to aria Satires% free of le/stage: Or $100 Per year, payable in ative•nee-* •01.60 may obe charged. if loot so. paid. The gete to which every suaveription ' la paid ile denoted by the number on • the addreas label. No paper discontill- 006S moo, -the tor _ 'ptd Weer, one cum sick headache, jaundice. Mame, indleesa tionseto. They are in- valuible to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worth)! your confidence. Purela Vegetable, they can be taken by children or dollestew0Men. Price, 25e. at all medicine dealere or loy mall ot 00 Hoop di Co., Mass. John T Emmerton • TliE LEARINO BARBER, Smith's block, opposite Post Office A.1400 Agett for Standard Life Insurance Co , Read Moe for Caned*. Montreal. • Ini.orance in forre, . 1116,000,000 Riveste 0 ban 1 amide • 114.500,000 Butablieleci Me The ;le reliable and favorite ued until ell arrearit am paid, except — the option oe the proprietor: GEO. TROW111111, w. maxesnr..r.i. Editor and Proprietor. THE NILSON'S: BANK lacoreerated by Ait ot PitifieMent • CAPITAL " • $2,o00,000. Ras!' •- $1,5090363 . 1 Read 9ifiefi --as MONTREAL; • Sole, MAfillikEllsoN, President Horseshoer and General Blaoksmith Albert Street, North, Clinten. • • JOBI3ING A SpECIALTY, Woodwork ironed and nrst-olass material and work guaranteed. Farm ImpleMente Machines rebuilt and. repaired. The Nchillop Mutual Fire CiLli AN 1 11041.40. Gem Manager •X : insurance Company. •Notesdisconnted, tiolleetions made, Drafta • rued, Stettin and 'A eriban • Exchan 0 • ' TA:night and sod Interest ;Lowed on Deposits RAVINGS' Interest allowed nil Man Of $1, and up. . ' • • ralaremits. • bfoney advanced to farmertemn. their own trge:441tgencielfisrst %qtr. dorsers. No mort- al.. c), BREWER, Manager, Clinton. 0. D. MoTAC4C+Allt $. Banker, „ ...• 12:ALBERT STREET, .OLINTON • A General Ba.nking Business Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued,' Interest Allowed on Deposits. • mak-srlri.ceam CLINTON - - - ONT Fire. Accident and Lire Insurance Transacted. Represents several of the best. Companies and any information relating to insurance ratitwa given. General District Agen niertest fe Insurance co. y tilioconakenAe4sonabie Rates thee Palace block, opposite .• Market. • John- Ridou:k Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. . • Fire Insurance. - • Real Estate. Money to Lend. Office -HURON STREET, 'CLINTON Pup/and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. _ ORFICERs: L R MoLean. Presid• nt, XinraZn P. O.: Thomas Frazer, vice-pregident, Bruceflold V.O. W. J. Shannon.- Seey-Trena,. Seatorth P. 0 ; Thornae E. Hays, inventor of Losses, eleaforth • D/REOTORS: W. egBroadfoot, Peaforth ,• John G. Grieve, Winthrop George Dale, Seatorth: Thomas E. • aays, Sealer' h; Jamea Evelio. Beachwood ; John Watt. Ifarlock.Thomaq Fraser, Brum- field; John B. McLean. Rippen; James Connolly. clime% • AGENTS: •• Rola. Smith, /Smack : no -bed MoMilian. Sea - forth ; Tames Cummings, EgmondvIne, J, W. Yeo:ITolinesville P. 0.; John Govenlook and dohn0. Morrison, auditors, - Partiea desirous to effect insuran e or tran- sact other business will be promptley atten led to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective poet offices. Grand Trunk Railway'. min arrive and leave Clinton StatideVe Buffalo and Godericii District . Going West, Mixed .... To 5 a in • " "-- Express. ...... itz.se p.m. • 0. Mixed 7.05 p.m. " Express.. ... tom pan. Going East, Express ... ... 740 a.m • " /‘•a.as p.m." " Mixed a. 4.3enni. London, Htron and Bruce r - Going South, Express • 7,47 a.m " •" " .•• ... .. 4.25 p.m. Going North, " in.'s a.m. • " " " 6.as p.m.• . M.D. Matson, . • W. E Die. Pass. Agent, G. P. & T. A.,' Toronto. Montreal. A, O. PATTMoN, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton, MEDICAL . _TVitENTY MILLIONS STARVING. Dr. W. Gunn or,o.M. ibe narrowing Accounts of Russian Famine. A despatch from London, ilays:-Par- Honiara received regarding the famine in Russia coefirm the previous har- rowing accounts. The members a the RuSsianuristocracy have at last awak- ened to, a full sense of the gravity of R. C. and L. R. C, S., Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on Ratten- bury Street, . Presbyterian rch. Lic Dr ..Wro,-e-Grahant • Acta Dr. Turnbuill.) tate of the Royal College of Physic - Office and Residence Perrin's BI ck ians, London, Eng. 0 , Itely occupied by Lir, .Turnbuil. . • Dr. Shaw, Office --Ontario Street, opposite English church„ formerly occupied oy Dr. Apple- ton. DR., C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEOISL 0 ce and Residence next to iktofson's enbury street game. • • D NTISTRY. • • Dr. BRUCE, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Stoee, Ointon, Ont. Special attention to preser- vation of natural teeth. N.8 -Will visit Blyth every Monday and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. , ret'4*-41#DR.7 AGNEW, DENTIST.: Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery - Office Hours, -q to 5. . &Zurich the second Thursday of each month. 44.4 VETERINAP Blackall nary-S.(4:er .d.'4•Isalnaaer, Albert Street. • the situation, and money is beginning to flow .in on all sides for the relief of the .starving Moujiks. • Unfortun- ately, •charity. is almost too late. .The censor at first prevented the truth from being published by the Russian press. Now the facts are allowed to appear. But the famine spectre is stalking through .the. land. Some authortiies estimate that as many as 20,000,000 peasants are starving. • . The Rev. Ur. Francis, pastor of the British -American Church at St. Pe- • tersburg, who did much to eocure Brit- ish and American aid during the last famine, appeals to the British piibac treday. He says seven provinces, cov- ering.18,000 square miles, ere affected, and that 5,000,000 persons are famine - stricken and will need to be fed dUr- • ing-the next three months. . BIG FIRE NEAR HALIFAX, . , _ 1 the tr. C. anaues lalinber Totally !Destroyed. A. despatch from Lower Stew/mire, N. S., says: -The immense saw mill- ing' and lumber 'works of Alfred Dickie at this place, were completely destroy- ed by fire oa Wednesday night. The mill was situated close to the traek of the I. C. IL, 42 miles from Illalifax. The fire originated from a spark from it passing engine at 6.30 o'clock in tbe • evening. It burned with great rapid- ity'. The mill was full of lumber, • Close to the mill was the railway bridge over the Stewiacke river, and he fire carried along the sweepers to bridge, tvhioh was• so badly dam - that trains could not pass over -rams *ere sent to Halifax for • and a special train with re and A force of firemen to the scene. )1•1 KILLED • •higan Centeal a says • sonS ad' AT ews Summar y / Y • • Recent Happenings Briefly Told. York, is Under erreet on a charge of baving emoted ;$50 from Fraint Ms- -Gowen on the prorelati of iteourmg McGowan an aPpoiotraent in the Vire Deport:Meat. It is alIeated that Scan- neil secured this moneyon the :strength of representations be made creognunsardlisone nighrle relationehip with the At illuidr ee, Inthan Territory, CANADA.. The Canadian Ninth, will 'build a btg hotel in Winnipeg tbie year. • The next meeting of the Interne- tional YALC.A. Will he beld in Mont- real in 1001. Francia Blackwell, of Londe*, hal sued ale local street reilway for 52,- 000 for injUriell. It is announced that tbe Canadian Andrew J. athea, the second of the Nellie will build a hilr betel in 'WM- thirty defendante in the celebrated nipeg this year. •Semiaole burning oases' wee found Tb a striking earpenters and oenteaca • mashes was a Ipreasher, and • torgs of bave decided to arbi- at the tikae of tho burning et aits trate their differences. diens was preeent and pressed loudly to God eave the sound of the boys, Lord. Mint:: will receive the degree of Doctor of Laws from the Univer- lint Made eo effort to littV0 theM from ins fellow -men. Mathea was tried.for 04 of Ottawa on June 21. peter 4. McIntyre, KD., of Chariot. kidnaPPIng" GENERAL. tetown, has been "aPPointed Lieuten. • ant -Governor of Prince Edward le- Skirmishing le still in progrese izt land the Philippinee. flock of :sheep at the farm at Northern .A.frica is troubled with a Eastwood, owned by Postmaster Pat- plague of locust, dogs, 50 bitten and ten killed. iician atatesman, 'le dead. Senor Castelar, the SPanisb Itepub-' tetson, of • Toronto, were worried .1:03" Joseph Wilsoe, ait agent of tie Sing- The bubonic plague is increasing in er Sewing Machine Companaa Was sevepity in, liong Jgong, stently killed by falling Off his wheel. Thf3 famous shrine at El Cobre, Cuba, has been robbed of jewels worth 025,-- 000. Nfadame Carlotta WM, the Wm cola- obreanteedn. Italian danoer; is dead at It now minis likely that Newfound- plainndiandWeirlol. soon re • eeive colony of oov .rff a 3) w• foratye.etitosnwpesateeitrila0 etlxvteellnuseioans.caWrilhtht Dreyfus is to be retried by a court- s from Paris. • raartial in a garrison town distant Capt. Porter, son 'of Bei. W. There is grpet eicitement in the the of the steamer Paris, and was on JYnohtown ing of seven cof San 'olouezrei d.' labourers. board 1 Porter, of Brantford, is second officer board wben ran upou the rocks off Serious rioting is reported at Geade- Falmouth, lou.pe between the native population and Walsh contract , labor Mont - A commission of experts -on insanity grants. will inquire into the mental eonditioo The rainy season has started in the of Donald Perrier of NewoWestminster, who lies under sentence of death for PhiliPPines and. the Filipinos are show- ing great activity in harassing the Am- ato murder of a women. • ericans. The new fast Service of the Canadian The Cuban soldiery are refusing to Pacifie Railway will be inallgurated accept the money offered. by the Amer - about the middle ef Am, probably the Government, .aod. are keeping 18th. The flyer acrogis the continent thew armis. .• . will be called the "imperial Limited." The continued drought in Roumania Kr. D. D. Mann a. mackeilie & has seriously affected the crops.. Slaty Mann has Signed a centract with the - cent of .the 'wheat :nip is al- Nove Scotia Government to construct Per read, destroyed. the Inverness Railway from Port A large portion of Astrakan, on the; Hastings, 'to Broad Cove C.B , a dis• - , . north-west coma of the Caspian S.3e, tame of 57° miles. • has been -submerged. by an overflow George E. Hardy, a clerk in Cars - ley s, Montreal,_ wiles° mind • becaine of the River Volga, •. a • ' • deranged Waugh grief over the death • It is reported. that -the 'Americans of his wife two months ago, commit- of the Yorktown's crew io the hands ten suicide. on .Sunday' by shooting of the Filipinos have been subjected to bisnself. • , 6 .13arbe.rous •treatment. • The 'hardware` firm „of Adam Hope While some workmen. were engaged. 8.s.0o., Hamilton, which compromised in filling shells at the Copenhagen with its creditors on May 21, 1897, at military laboratory, some* of the lat- 50 cents 'on. the dollar, has paigl every ter exploded and killed seven men. cent of its indebtedness, over 526,000. The force under Major Caeter has and interest. • failed ' to capture the Fetish chief 'Advices from Mr. Oran, the manager 'Ologbosheri in the Benin interior, West at DaWson at, the: Bank of British Africa. Lieut. lUtuacki, of • the 19th. North- America., se.y. the ;safes and Humars, has been killed.' . • vault have •beep opened and the 0071-, • Three more oases of plague have tents .found intact. Mr s Craw expect- been discovered' at Alexandria, and ed to 're-apen the bank for business two .deathai from the, .disease are ro. on the 28th.. ported. Two 'cases have also appeared. • The promoters of the Ottawa and at. Zagazig and two id Ismailia. Georgian Bay Ship Chinal have de.: •The Spanish Cabinet has Approved posited 5200,000 in • the Canadian the . decision • of 'the • Minister of Bank of Commerce at Ottawa, . Finance, not to Pay the public debt accordance "with the provisions of &Mon due July 5 until. the approval the statute , incorporating the eKiall7 of the Chamber of Deputies has been PartY• • . - . • secured. • • • • • . The wife of 'Chief Logan of the A report issued •by- the sanitary mn- Nova Scotia Miemacs, who was • said speotor, revatis revolting cases. of to be the oldest person in Nova Scotia, overermeding in the Raiseretadt, the dled Stinday at Halfway River, in ,Jewish quarter of Vienna. . In one Cumberland County, at the age of 103 "boarding house" .sixty-three persons years. • Her paesing. of the century were bash* in three rooms mark -• mark was celebrated three years ago Sir Charles Ross. representing a by a gathering of Indians front all over United .Statee Si:Ala:ate, has offered the Lower Provinces. . to purchase the •municipal electrio John N. Seatcherd, of 'Buffalo, one light plants of Shanghai, on condition that. the purchaser is given the• right to establish tramways. Much anxiety is felt in, royal circles over the condition of the liealth of the King 'of Denmark. It is' announced that unless there is an •Itamediete change for the better, the Princess of Wales, who is now at Marseilles, will start for Copenhagen. " • • The whale nortbeest coast of New- foundland has been blocked with ice for the leAt Six weeks the result be- ing that navigation along the coast bas been practically impossible. The people in many sections are now des- titute of provisions, owing to the in- ability to replace theit supplies and the commercial operations of gamest 80,000 people have been virtually sus- pended. in front of a, street oar at Mont- real. She -Hamilton geed del3enture byalavv, for the raising of 5150,000 for Permanent pavements, was defeated At the polls by a majority a no against, The Council at Portage lod Prairie has granted the Northern Pacific Rail - of the United States commissioners examining Canada's canals, said they had zzot before realized the great Rosa sibilities and the actual efficiency of the St. Lawrence route. With a mini- mum deptn in the canals of 14 feet, whieh had now, been obtained, the Montreal route would be more- than ever a competitor to be reckoned with. Montreal, as a shipping port, has the world. 1 A queer story comes from Cariboo, B. 0,, to the effect that a Chinaman recehtly sold. his two little daughters, oue to a well known •Chinaman at :•Quesnelle for 5250, and. the other to a , Chinaman at Soda Creek. In both cases the 'girls were put into wooden boxes, holes being bored, to admit air, and delivered like any other • goods, or small animals, such as swine. It is also said. that white men gave Aid in the vendor, both in preparing docu- ments and 'In delivering the good:3. _ GREAT BRITAIN. Viscount Asher, late Master of the Rolls, is dead.. A heavy failure in the iron trade has ocourred at Glasgow. Mr. Justin McCarthy denies that he is about to leave publics life. The London Daily Telegraph has dropped its Sunday edition. Truth, Mr. Labouchere'e paper, as- serts once more that the Queen's sight Since10 fai l failing.. gthe Spanish United war broke out there have been 6,200 deaths in the United States army - Welbeck Abbey; the 'country- house of the Duke Of Portland, in Notting- hamshire, was damaged by lightning. President McKinley has appointed an Auditor,,Aasistant Auditors aud Treas- urer for the A:tern:an Watt Indian Is- lands. Traces halls been found of the wreak of the Mareohal Latino, the 'new French selling vessel which dis- appeared on Itarch 28 near the coast of Wales, Sir Henry Irving, who has been con- fined to his rooms with throat trouble is oat again, and will resume his re. presantation of "Robespierre" at the Lyceum Theater an Thursday, 'UNITED STATES. Ex-Sacretary Sherman denounces the war ott the Philippine. A dozen, New York faustorhs em- ployes have been convicted- of taking • "se Maud Adams' production of • a and Juliet" in New York . in l'et netted 540,000. -slits are being made for a WitehitegtOu on the ,autp, ARMY WORM IN CANADA. tariff and reciprocity Stimeer That it sifts nude eta agate* and itt Iloteling$ county, A despatch from Belleville rays:- Coneternation has been (tainted among . HERMAJESTY'S EYESIGHT. . air -a Operation to be Performed This Week to Remove a Cataract. • • The "London correspondent of the New York. Sun says -"It is nearly two years since the Sun announced, on the authority of one of the. Queen's principal medical 'attendants., that her Majesty had become almost blind, The stateraent was ridiculed, and even semi -officially denied. There comas the melancholy confirmation to -day in the news. that Dr. Pagensteckero-,the eminent German oculist, will • -en- deavor by an,operation this week to^ reatore the sight of one eye, which has been sightless for a long time. The Infirmity, •whioh le .a partial .organic fault of the sight, in addition. to a cataract,- baa made the slow progress usual in such oases, but for a long • time now the Queen has beeu praotio- ally deprived of her eyesight. She has been loath to sublitit to an opera- tion, and it was only deoided on after a long family consultation, "It war partly to reassitre and sympathise with his grandmother that, according to trustworthy information, the Kaiser a few days ago made a secret viait tea London. Dr. Pagenstecker. who is remaining hi England until the Queen is ready to make use of hie skill, is a famous operator, who has treated Mr. Gladstone Sir 'William Harcourt, anti many dher prominent patients. The actual date of the opera- tion has not been disehesed, but it is understood that it "will be performed some time next week. Nates., at Niagara was Toockport, NX. Bissell op And crech- letiate of the farming community around here by the report that the arniy worra had made is tiPpearitnee on the farm of Mrs. Bohhiek, lihi conceaaion Tyen. dinaga, lot 10, a half acre of wooded. '^nd having been denuded of leaves 41nip1eteiy as though the tree* were • Experta say that the rumour 'ming the atmy worm la evi. ans. anti that in all pro. 'e tussock moth. hi "Intent to °mime a riculturistsitt • gl • 11 T8 IT IfORLDARIEDER SUICIDE eos Grath, Cattle, Chinn* $ett m the LesAing Karts. Termite, June 5. -Por a Friday there was e fair business dons here, tbough We had nothing like the ac.. tivity of last Tuesday, and prices for cattle were a little wealger. The receipts were 00 loads, iaclud. tug 1,400 beige, so sheep, yearlings, and spring laitube, 60 milkerS. and 00 (*Wee. • Export cattle is in fair demand, al sPsOb has to. be filled. en the boats. Prices range Veen 14.40 to 54.90, with ten tents more for selectione• The traaing to -day was fair. In butoher cattle we bad a steady enquiry, for good stuff, snd_prioes, while nominally unehange.d, were not so firm, as at the beginning of the week. For chasm butcher cattle tbe range is from. 54.26 to 54.50, and 54.60 as an outtude priee ; medium trom 53.70 to 54; and common around 59.50; per cwt. Stockers continue weak, and /told to- day at fm 53.50 to 55,70 per cwt. Feeders are quoted at from 54.40 to 54-55 Per owt. ShiPPleg bulls are worth frora e3.70 to 54 per owt. Milkers ate unehanged at ibe prices of Tuesday. . • Sheep are unchanged at from -50.50 to 58.70 per owt. Yea,rlings are slow at from. 54 to 55 Per cwt. There were. between Sixty and EMT"' enty spring lambs, which sold stir= $2 to $4.50 each. Good veal calvera are. wanted. Hogs are again unchanged, • For choice selections, sealing front 160 lbs., to 200 lbs., 50, per lb., was paid; for ligitt fat hogs •the price is 41-2c; and thick fat hogs' fetch, 3-8; pea lb.. Sews feteli 30, per lb. Stags sell at 2o, per, lb. • •Store bogs are not wanted. Following id the range of current quota tians:- CATTLE, • •Shipping, Per cwt. . 44,25 55 00 ,. Buteher, choice, dos . . 400 • 500 Butcher, med., to good. 375 400 Butcher, Inferior. . . 340 • 360 SHEEP AND LAMBS. Ewes, per cost, . ; 350 375 . Yearlings, per cwt. . 400 500 Bucks, per • owt. . 900 ' 375 Spring lambs each. . 260 - 450 , . MILKERS AND SALVES, Cows, ea,ch. . . .2500 45 00 Calves, each. .2 00 600 • • HOGS. • •Choice hogs, per owt. 4 75 560 Light hogs, per owt.. 4 37 /-2 450 11.tavy hogs, per cwt. 4 12 1-2 437 1-2 • STREET MARKET. Deliveries of great on the street to- day were 400 bushels of wheat; red azaa white, sold at 14. 1-2 to 753 a bushel, and goose at 66 1-2c,,; 150 bush - ole of barley gold at 48 to 43 1.-2c, and 300 bushels of uats sold at 37 to 38c. On the hay Market 30.loads of hay sold at 510 to 512 for timothy, and 57.50. to $9 for mixed; no straw. Deliveries of dressed. hogs.fair; Prices firm. Wheat, white, bush. .5(1741-2.50 75 Wheat, rad, per bush. . 0 74 1-2 075 Wheat, goose, hush. .. 000 66 1-2 Wheat, spriag, bush.. .. 0 67 1.2 069 Barley, per bush. . 043 043-1-2 Oats, per bush. . 0 37" 038 Oats, per bush. . 0 00 „ 037 • Rye, per busk, , . .060 065 Peas, per bush. ...000 0 63 1-2 Pea, blue. . • . . . 000 '043 Bueleteheat, per bush. . 000 055 • Turkeys, per. lb. • . 009 010 Chickens, per pair...,O50 -060 Butter, in lb. rolls. • 012 013 Eggs, choice, boiling .. 0.00 . 0 111-2 Potatoes, per bag. • • • 060 065 Carrots, per bag 040 4)50 - Turnips, per bag 025 0,40 Onions, per hu.sh0 75. 100 Parsnips, per busk - 040 080 Cabbage, per dos ' 0 65 070 App1es, per bbl • 250 350 Timothy hay • 1000 12 00 ' Mixed hay ' 750 900 . Straw .. .. 550 650 Beef, hinds 800 900 Beef, fores5 00 650 Beef, cameo 0 06 1-2 008 Veal, per 0 07 009 400 500 Spring Iamb Last year lamb, per lb,.. 000 009 Mutton, per lb. 005 • 0'06 Dee ised hogs, light 575 ' 6 t(); , Dressed hogs heavy fat 515 580 Buffalo, Joao 2. -Spring wheat - Better 'inquiry, limits fairly steady; 'No. 1 Northern, 80 1-2; Winter wheat -Nothing doing; No. 2 red, 780. Corn -Firm; .No. 2 yellow, 38o; No. 8 yel- low, 87e; No. 4 yellow, 85c; No.• 2 corn, 36 3-413; No. 3 corn, 36e. Oats- Dull'and weak; No. 2 white, 81 1-20; No. 8 white, 30 1-2o; No. 4 white, 29 1-2o; No. 2 mixed, 28 1-20; No. 8 mix- ed, 27 1-2o. Rye -No. 1, on track, of- fered at 650. Canal freights -Wheat, 2 1-2o; oats, 1 8-1; to New York. Moor -Steady, unchanged. .Detroit, Mich.,Juno closed:a-No, 1 white, cash, 76 1-2c ; No. 2 red, mat, 77 1-2o; July, 78 1-8,3; Sep- tember, 78 1-2o. Minneapolis, Minn., June .2. -Wheat -In stores --No. 1 Northern, May, ,71 1-2o; July, 72 5-8 to 72 3-4o; Septem- ber, 71 1-4e, On track :-No, 1 hard, 78 1-2o; No. 1 Northern, 72 1-2e; No, 2 Northern, 71 /-2e. Flour -First pat- ents, 53.00- to $4; second patents, 18.70 to $3.80; firsts clears, VA to 52.90. Bran -In bulk, $9.25 to $9.55. Duluth, June 2. -Wheat -No. hard, cash, and May, 7/ 1-8o; July, 77 5-8o; No, 1 Northern, 74 5-8o; No. 2 Northern, 70 1-80. Milwaukee, ,Tune 2. -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 75 to 78o; No, 2 Northern, 74 1-2 to 75e; No'. 1 rye, 1300, Barley -No. 2, 400 1-2 to 410; sample, 88 1.4 tc)Totocio, Stine 2. -Wheat -No. 2 cash and May, 77o, Corn -No. 2 mixed, 34c. Oats -No. 2 mixed, 28c. Rye-No.2 cash, 61e bid. Clovereeed-Prime, new, $3,77 1-2. bid; October, $1.57 1-2 bid. Oil Unchanged. ASHORE AT CAPE RACE. The Danish Steamer orlett Comes to Ode in is A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., says: -.-The Danish steamer Orion, Cap- tain Calleisen, from New York, May 27, for Copenhagen, earrying•a general cargo of flour, pork, poultry, • and grain, with a crew of 15 men, besides 20 shipwrecked fieliblen going .aa pass- enger* by her, went ashore on Thurs- day morniug at daybreak at Freshwa- ter point, seven miles wait of Cape Race • and became a total wreck. A denim fog was prevailing at the time and the ship struck while going at full speed 'crushing in her fore cora. pertinent and tearing out her bottom. The crew and pamengers escaped with great difficulty, but without serious in- -0, being hoisted up thecliff by (vest Ile* filled with water to • Whet is above wit - ad. .0•••••••• , DONINIO1 ATROCIOUS CRIME Or A TORONTO JUNCTION WOMAN. see Waa Itimite' From 11100411-14hr4erod Ike ioawItnyrreSbOty morm114 41. ea lintled Mir 4 deepetch from Newmarket, says -A horrible and sad cape of 'murder took place et Pine Orchard, near New- market,..hetween V-dind 10 o clock on Thursday morning, in a well-to-do and highly -respected family. Nobody wee present wlaen the Mei tuit was performed, but the circum- stances show plainly the chain of events. Kra. Samuel jewett, wife of a well,o known schooi teacher at Toronto June. tiou, aid forraerly at Bogartown,ciame -home a few Monate ago, on the advice of her pliyalcian, to -'try the benefit of a change, being in poor health ever since the birth of her baby about six months ago, She had also brought two other chitdren with her, and all were made as oomfortable as pos- sible at her home, being a daughter of the late James Starr, Mrs. Starr, her mother, ie very poor- ly, being confined, to her bed ann un- der the dootors care. Thursday morning.. • when Mrs, jewiti commenced vvasbing the baby by the kitchen stove• her sister went down cellar to work some butter. On finishing she came ,,upstairs, and found,the wa.sh basin and other things where they were used, and erome Of the baby s Mattes. but Mrs. Jewitt was miseing. After going to see if her mother required anything she came back to the kitchen to see what her sister was doing. 4 THE CHILD WA$ MURDERED. On going into the woodshed a hor- rible sigbt met her gaze. There (he darling little babe, partly dremed, was lying with its brains knocked out. It had been .stro.ok an awful blow on the side of the head with the • back ot an ola axe, that was used in• the wood -shed to chop light wood. The axe was left near by and was stained with blood. Miss Starr at ones alarmed everybody on , 'the farm:, sent for. neighbours and Coroner Scott, of Newmarket. Shortly after, the fainily physician arrived en his usual visit, but 'Mrs.. Jewitt could not be found. The mailer was eleargy a eerie of temporary ineanity, and had been dez liberately planned,, insanity runs to some extent in'the family. Mrs. -Jewett had sent the two older children to the barn* to hunt eggs, tell- ing them that she would' soon be out there with them. • The child was a little cross and fret- ful, but otherwise a healthy and pro- mising baby;. still its mother had re- marked to her ' sister' that it would be better if the child was dead. • (ME MOTHER'S Ii9DY FOUND. The • neighbors were soon aroused and a party was formed to search- for the mother. They found an apron on the fence near the woods, bnt failed to find athe perpetrator -of the awful deed, Diligent .search was kept up, and about one °Week they found the lifeless form of Mrs. Jewitt under a bridge that spans the meek a short distance from the house. Tne theory is that she must have been watching the searching party, as they had look- ed under the bridge a short time be- fore, and that -when she saw a chance she came out of t'he woods, •took re- fuge 'under the bridge, and drowned herself in about eight inches of water. Dr. Webb, who is attending cad Mrs. Starr' came to pay a professienal visit about10 o'clock and helped to dress the murdered child. Coroner Scott was summoned ancl immediately commum- mated with County Crown Attorney Dewart, who ordered an inquest 16 be held. ' A FATAL MONTH, • • Morolliustrines Persons Die itt April Than • Any Other Month. Statistics which bare been compil- ed seem to show that there is no month hi the year which is more fatal to illustrious personages than April. Here for example, is a partial/list of those who have died 'during that month:- Abelard died April 21, 1142; Marino Faller% Doge of Venice, April 17,1355; Raphael, April 8, 1520; Bayard, April 80, 1524.; Diane de Poitiers, April 22, 1560; Tasso, April 25, 1595; Shake - Spear; April 23, 1616; Murillo, April 3, 1682; Mme, de Sevigne, April 18, 1690; Racine, April 21, 1699; Mme. de Mamtenon, April 14, 1719; Buffon, April 16, 1788; Frettklin, April 15,1790, and •Rivarol, Apra 13, 1804. This id rather an imposing array of names,but the question is, Would it not be possible to obtain an 'equally imposing array atf-names of illustri- ous personages who died during anoth- er Month of the year 1 Persons who have given some attention to the sub- ject claim that there is no month of the year which is more fatal to hu- man beings than another, and the sta- tistics published above are not likely to convince them that they are in er- ror. VALUABLE FINDS. ,=•*I Iron and Stone Shot Of " itloody " 'rime Femme In London Tower. despateh from London Says: -Ilii - usually interesting and. valuable dis- coveries have been made in the Tow- er of lamden. In the process of lay- ing the foundations for the erection of a new guard -room near the White tower, the workmen out the Roman wall of the /moon& century, and found a number of perfeetly-preserved. flue tiles for the diffusion of hot air from the hypocautti The tiles are ex- • cellent epechnene. They measure 15 inches in length, 61-3 inches in width, and, 441.4 inches in depth. • While removing the mud from the subway leading to the river andthe moat the workmen discovered a num- ber of iron and stone shot, left, it id be- lieved., at the thn,e of the oonfliet be- • tween the Royal troops and the rebels undar Wyatt lei the time of 'Bloody- Mary,"4n 1554 The 01mot are set in a conglomerate of mud and gravel thickly beset with human bones &Tahiti( of armor, show- ing firing with deadly effeot at claw quarters. These acre notables discover - quarters. These are notable disoover- tee. ASK FOR PROVINCIAL ENQUIRY. allesen ittsmansiseutest t mei:trod tiris A despatch from Montreal, says: - • A deputation of prominent eitizena waited upon Premier Marehand and • his colleague* in the Quebec. Govern-, Meat on Wednesday morning and pre- iterited him with a petition signed by over 6,(60 oitizons, Asking for the appetramient of a Royal Coramissima ate• Into ALI matters tesehte ' tbs. Oils • .1•••••• What the Legislators of the country sro Doing at Olt4twS• YUKON taQuott PERMITS. Lieut.- Col. Prior, Victoria, drew the governtottut's attention to the matter or the issue of Yukon liquor permit's by Mr. Ogilvie. Since he bas beep in charge teveral permits have been is- sued, mime be•ing disallowed ,by the government here. The result, had, been great hardahip to those who had already purchased the liquor. In one oaae, II. C. MaoCaulay, who was in Dawson and. obtained a permit from Mr. Ogilvie, some down to the east and Purehased two carloads of beer and two bundred oases of beer, whiab were paid for. He was naturally anx- Lona to know whether this permit Ivo -aid be dleallowen. Col, Prior also asked whether the government was aware of ate existence of a brewery In Yukon, The Minister of inland Revenue stated that he knew of no brewery in Yukon. A brewery outfit winch is ' being taken into Atlin will be seized, at once, • MAILS To YUKON. Kr. Heater, McDougall, Cape Breton, called attention to a package of pa- comusefition Three things, gether, will cure nearly case in the first stages majority of cases 'nor vanced; and a few of th far advanced. . The first is, fresh air; these. cond, proper food; the third: Scott's Emulsion a c044ivor oil with hypophosphites. To be cured, you must not Jose in weight, and, if this, you must 'gain. Nothing equals Scott's Emulsion to keep•yon in good flesh, son. and oli.00, $154114g1SO. • SCOTT dilDOWNE, Chiantats Toronto. observe the pleasure intreduced by the government, which would, he under- stood, remedy tha evil complained of. The Minister of Inland Revenue wig- gested that if M. Davin would, exa of, The hal provides that In future Dmfa nma. ddicne.et Rht tom, bt ANereagp inDo evedelayr, runctmue. seautn .t:vorbi ofitosim II to 1 I:iemsopi iw1311:: would pa- avneat. no certifioate shall be given for mixed pars addressed by him to DaVirson which had been returned through the dead letter office, I The Postmaster.General replied that during the winter only •fetters bad! been carried, owing • to the _ diffi- culty of the service. During the seaa sou of navigation, however, the see. vista will be weekly and. all classes of mail matter will be taken in. PETIIDLE/7X INSPECTION. • • Sir Rippe J'oly de Lotl3iniere intro- duced a bill to amend the' act respect- ing the inspection of pertoleure..The main feature. of the new bill Is to pre - 'vide for the inspection of petroleum. at the refineries, and so to do away with the necessity for barrelling, ehieh is found most inttorteenient, more especially- in the North-West. Petroleum can now be stored in tanks as long as it is needed. Naphtha will also have to be Inapt In red barre18. ' PACKING OF APPLES. • • Mr. John McMillan, South rtarom drew attention . to .ftertain statements attributed to the. Minister of Agricul- ture and Prof. Robertson, to the effect that Canadian farmers were ruining the reputation of -Canadian epples in Britain by improper r packing. Mr. MeMillan felt that the oharge was an unjust oho gar far as the, fermete are concerned, for the reason that the packing .1s not 'done' by "•thera at all. Mr. Clandy took a similar view of the eal3e. The Minister of Agriculture felt that tbe matter was one which should be drawn to the public attention. The evil is one which should not be glassed river as grave injury nes been done to the country thereby. SO far as the state- ment that either he or Prof, Robertson had reflected open the farmers of Can- ada, the charge was wholly, without foundation: . • TO 'AMEND THE BANKING ACT. • TheMinister of Finance obtained tor his bill to: enable Canadian batiks to issue notes in the currency of ether British colonies, the sanction' of: the House .in oemmittee. • BOUNDARY 0.E.ALASKA.. • that arose through different aPPli•• The Minister of Railways gives natio( of a resolutioo to confirm a ninety,: nine years tense from Marob last ,o1 tnat portott of the Grand Trunk line 'trey, Ste. Resent: to Montreal for the uae of the Intercolonial .RailvVay og : payment pf an annual rental of 8140,- :(1301 Thi Pirnalt 01 lt" Ub4 uoi 1 betweent rink ruond County road and the new LC. R.,, termini's in Montreal. _ OGILVIE'S REPORT. ' • Commissioner WM. o)ilebsaa 'report on his enquiry into affairs lo the Yukon was was euhmittea to the itopse of Commene. slap investigation itnot yet completed, as the p000niss states that he has yeertrohear ce-via deuce on the cbargeer-preferred against two officials, Messrs. Norweod and Wade. The first meettng was held onalfeta ruary.' Oth, and it was decided tstkissilia liatices to 6.11 and sundry tb formulate, in writing„ by March 15th, swat ebasgei as they might have to prefer. • , the miners committee submitted series of charges. E. 0: Allen, of the Klondike Nugget, also preferred oar- tain charges, and these were in,vesti- gated. The parties making the chargee were .given access to the records in Om Gold Commissioner's office. , • Mi. Ogilvie did not sustain theohar preferred by Dr. Bourke a.gainst Go Commissianer Fawcett respecting t title' of a company to certain olm on Bonanza Creek. A constablea Villeneuve was found guilty of) accepted bribes in admitting 'poo the Gold Conunissionetal office. Some of the evidence also that the clerks In the office ' ceived pay from outeldere for ing to mirk dotter before and Dee ,hours. In reference to t against Mr. Fawcett of ba properly closed Dominion C evidenee, Mr. Ogilvie says, s bIr. Fawcett was not -res ' the closing of the creek ' the manner I charged. against him. Mr. Fawcett • I closed the creek in November.: •1807, I owing to.. the numeroue conialicatione. , • Lieut.-CoL Prior; Victoria, quoted cants hating' staked over each other; the Washington despatch. Appearing •paPers which alleged- -that -Canada has preferred •e demand- that in 'the terms of arbitration on. the Alaskan, boundary, whatever . the retult, 'Can- ada 'shall be• entitled to Pyramid Har- bor and a Strip 'of territory along the Lynn canal, and that, further, the re-. ceipt of this demaod on our .part has • praotioally broken off an agreement which was already- under way. - The Prime Min ter was at a loss to account for the -series of articles , ap- pearing in the American press, „Whose purpose seemed to be to create the Ira- prission that Canada has assnalied an attitude of uereasettableness in the • negotiations. It had- been suggested • that the Washington authorities must be interested in theis publication, but it was his duty to say that klieg are free from blame, and cannot possibly sanction the expression of such opito • ions since they ktow otherwise. The position of ' the negotiations to -day is exactly:what it was when they were adjourned last winter. The govern- ment's proposition was the same to -day as it was then, and so fax as this gov- ernment was concerned there would be no3.forh.an. F. Davin, N. N tAlSTANDARDS.• • proposed a resol tion directing attention to the uns isfaotory state of the grain standa and the evils resulting from/ the x- ing pf wheat at Fort: William', and °then terminal elevators, whic tend - OUT grain in the foreign markets. matter was one calling for immediatk action, and Mr. Davin was pleased° to S EEL AN ed to seriously injure th.e name there having been deveral points of be- ginning for the staking -of claims on the creek. .Befbre work could pro- ceed on the creek, Mr..Fawcett deter. , mined it was neeeesely that in all these • oases an investigation should be held, and the title to the claims ascer- tained in that way. As he was very nhnumairerionucases th time office, auit l!. as there m ewerre. Fawcett determined to elose thd creek until such time as he could take the matter up. Major Walsh 'appr ved of this course, and Mr. Ogilvie says the creek stands still ^ closed from Upper Discovery to 120 miles below tower, comprising about 150 miles.. did an ac 'improperly in granting a benefited by the closing of ties creek. Mr. Fawcett, the commissiontr 'states, evidence to :Mow that Mr. Fa.vaaett had Mr. Ogilvie says there was naoticooan: I prospect •ermit to Mrs. but the videnee showed that ijms she did , not s k good English„ tbe old Com- missi • ler had misunderst od • her. Ther was nothing to showI that Mr. Fa ea or any of his frie de, in any W benefited by the per "t, Mrs. h being ati utter strati er to lain. he editor df the K]ondil4c Nugget, his charge, alleged that 11r. Fawcett, hrough undue friandship ftr Mr. Alex. McDonald, the Bonanza Ki,ng, secured the payment of $2,000, w alleged was due Miaow.' Min claim, and that he ileh at Wei 011: it cer- d so imPro- Perly. The tranmetion iijz connection with this case occurred 4fter Auguitt 25th. No wrong-doi e ade. ea.:041. kbota •-41 If you are young you net- urally,appeer so. It you are old„ why ap- pear so? Keep young inwardly; we will look atter the Out. werdly. You :teed not worry longer about those little streaks of gray; advance agents of age. will surety restore color to grey hair; and it will also ere your bah' all the wealth ind gloss of early lite. Do oot allow rt.0 of ear heir to detesters whtb ESe= The Government prop ally reduce the bountle /)STIES. sea to gradu- on steel in. gots, puddled iron bars, •nd.pig iron made in Canada. These bounties "to- day are practically $3 per tom Frona April 23, 1902, to June 30th, 1903, ate bounties are to bet.9(kper ohnt. of $8; for the following year, 75 per cent.: from jtay let, 1904, to Juno 10th 1905, a5 per cent.; for the Yeer following the .bountied ate to be 85, and from 'Iuly 1st, 1006, to June 801h, 907, 20 \ per cent. On the latter date these bounded will cease Mtalgether. f any steel ingots are made. from pu dled iron bars manufactured in Canada, at bounty is to be paid an the Ingo 'h. $10P,000 BLAZE AT ST. THOMAS. Robertson, Lindsay iti u•s Deparitnenta • Store nest yed. ,....1 A klespatoh from St: Thomas, saya -Robertson, Lindssty and Company the largest dealeur mental store le it Western Ontario, as coMpletely de • strived by fire on Monday night. • The builditig was'one of the largest • in the city, and waai compritsed of abott( isix /aeries. It was cfW1P1ratl5ly a nett strueture, being blp.lIt two years- ago situated. in the tette of the city, di. reetly oppositet1h post office. The fire starthdf in the third fiat li the tailor shop a 11.15 pan,, and in i very few minut the whole struoturt wait a mass of 41 ea. The firomen w e promptly upon tht :scene, but their Mutts were fruitiest( itot a dollar a th being saved, tht walls alone at ding. The stock It valued at 385, the building at 525 , 000. Insurance on stock in Chi neighborhood. o Vi0.000, and on bunk • $ing 525,000. , The new metallic service of the Boll Telephone CoMpany is *leo badly wrecked seven large cables heist& broken anti tangled badly. Their loss le oleo heavy. ..._1-_—....• ..„......... •iSMAIgt CHURCH. The smallest °burgh in la Lollialytork SkiAlsof. fw Id