HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-08, Page 5-- JOB LETTING. —"NUMMI"' .16.11 -Jet 444 4,01 4.1 4.11 AL:.4 TV 14: .8.1,441../14416a.r. ortionate had hole of tims pit riven wire fevatenuttio 4jytg. b40,4 dtaw hpoutio irso betor in ell their v 001)01011__TOWNeage. I will besit Peers ' gut ori feldeyelune eth, it le ceelo4 e. in.. fu t the perigee of lettieg IOU ectutmete IA tannins aed ;treeing the mid le, ,11,1 else gnmrdillui coat* Comer. 111441114 g1.1,14 o011. between Mows. Ifterithall too Trade eoreelleg ouritimeelliug on tee letynele Lime Women, ena elle tont liell ootioeseion. JOHN elIDDLUTON. aoderich Townehip. June lerd. fit. 'the largest in the county.. I • t contAint everything the 2 • aootora write in their pre.• • sciptious r. 1 have followed Ist • d• ispensing work for 11 years : : am itoeurate, careful and : : painstaking. 1 promise YOU it the purest and beat drugs. : • no anhatitution-but every. • • • thing exactly as your pre- : • scription calls for. • • • • • • , My increasing trade in • this Iine enablemato keep • the fresheat drugs • : , Bring year prescriptions • to the Ptt,ESORIP TIO,N • DRITO STORt. POTATOES FOR SALE. • The undersigned ofrersfor odes queutite Seed gotetom env all tivelled Iran: ima reinittrietTellatr. &OA gak`rof 01,T.it.JfIerte. eavvonaerliceit41;g1,516;.efeeiee,u8. wenn, . Applegrove From, todenthalbeert411.18,. May Me, • FARM AND TOWN, PROPERTY FOR SALE. Offers, in vniting.willbe received by the under. signed for the purchase of the following valuable freehold properties Lot No. ett n tbe 4th concession of tbo Townehip of efunett in tile County_of Huron containiog lee acres, moro or lees. yeen tide nrOliorty are a mod. dwelling `house, bank barn and stables, a good orchard, well, etc. end. Lot No, 1221.bn the Bast side of Victoria sweet in tbe Town of ginton in tee county of Beton. Tnis property comprises 0, gage frame dwelling house and stable. For furtherrtioubas and for terms apply te Me. Alex, ]'.wing, Clinton, Ont., or to DENT oh THOMSON, 1Viitchell Ont., Solicitors for the Drowidee Eetate. • ••• • May 25th, IWO, • ▪ /Gradnate Bri..00,,t. e • :,...„Eiereeeler to Allen seWilson P110110 2 g 714eieessilgt‘040•0400001100o; cult To See • 4 Those eyes of yours are probably overtaxed, and if you • have not found it out yet, you Will e0011 do -So. Prepare for 0by taking care of the presentDefective vision is ea:0.y cure d, unless,0 long , . standing. Our large stook of len* '! and frames', combined with our knowledge of how to fiti them properly insur s -you a permanent benefit and not rd¢rely temporary relief. Charges -moderate, , i with bouts ell *dem The following pappr wise ressi by airs, theelevious whose lite •and Russell of Seedorth at the.Disteloe Oen- . were *alone: to them, would elm Mad firand Organise Ledge. aurroond• 'atm sued The Grand Ormago Lodge of British th love te America, vrbieh me in Der:into litst u0erlop week, decided, after a wenn debate end ot these upon a pretty clove vote, tbat for the venue% ee the weraates eeelsketery be, e*rly dusoiplee sive sled y, illingly, future uo porton angered 111 the 11341,11U- elety bold at Holneowille recently cheerfully the tenth of their inoome, facture or sale of opts -hoots§ liquor may I eta going to Attempt to prove whet yea more, they "counted not their own beconaess member of the Orenge order. hes been proven No often that it seems Jives dear unto them 00 that they The proposal was first put forward toe unwise to bring it , before You ..in, tedoht finish the ministry ot the Lord or twelveyeare ego, and wee then very thet God olairee at loot the tentla of Jeame" promptly and decisively voted down. our incolne for his erves, aud work. But the queetiou that you and bre to fu the MelintiMe it bas been allowed to s It has been age that elthfos fe not 'settle today between our own soul* and remain in ebeyance, but tbe egitetiou binding tee ohristigns but was only in. God is : What does) Ile Wilt Of Me f Wee kept up. teneed for the slereesh people, but we How nenoll owe I to nlY Lord? 'think For yeara there has been en agitation will try to skew that proportionettt gill- the *era of God clearly proves that .4 ia favor ot Seine extenaion of the repre. ing wee inaugurated with the beginning !emit itsbould be the onertentb ',Lour iantation to the Supreme Grand lodge. of ell thing*. We eceept without any Ineende. ems one Mg eek, "bow am The committee to wbieh it wes referred yeeeteen teas commend ant we de. I to eetiroete that 9e There . seems to bust year was dieeherged sod the follow- veta the seventh ee our time to gee, he such A want of uneeretanding, either tug appointed s- W. j. Wright, Brook. but we demur and oh.100b and refine intentional or otherwise, how much ville ; Dr. Noble, it. B. MetsoleaneJno. when we are silted for a portion of the that means* We were et one ,tiinee at Iletfitt, Toronto. The repreeentation increese of the geld, or for tbe eratiings one ohm! informal raeetinge, dssousiong at preeent ix one member far each of the flock, yet it la little remarkable the queetion of out yens, people wbo county and each district lodge, and the that there its no positive proof that the were wage earnergiving roore, when members ex -officio are past county observed prior tthgiv. some ono remarked "After they clothe mater* who have served three eoreestou- Sabbath eves o e ee the law, eat nteneraea jneeeeeee and board thOMPOIVe0 'they haven't Mee terms, officers' of preys:total Grand are on recore proportiosete offerings. uneehlett to $1,0." No oerteinlY not, lodges and cartel') post officers of the :Moly indeed in the history of the but the Lord's portion ooneee Aare. If. Surrerne Grand Lodge. the ground an aeries to the lord, end He must have the first tent If 111Y ire• Benefit fume wits re-eleoted, as followa r his flock. Mein Noah. came out of the ties firet five hundred. By ineome I Beattie Nesbitt Dr N bl ncl' Pl human race Cain broeght of the fruit or Lessen but one hundred Oilers o, year "he Exeoutive.of the Orange Mutual "No ,E,ye Like the • , lisster's Eye." roa VC mister of.or fiesta, and If you do not *Heti, to duty* Me Mame Is east!, tooted. Ifyour blood Is out of Order* ii00e$ Sar- saparltia %WU purify It. It ii, the :specific remedY for trou1400 Of the blood', kidney', bowel* or line'. P "lead Trouble -II bed bort trouble for A number of Yearn 414 different needle chum flew to benefit me. I tried Hood's flaritaperlibt and three bottles comOotely mid perfectly cured me." gee 0, A, MONA Wallace Bridge, N. B. A eofeguarc1-0,4s bad loot tire chil- dren wale otiphteeria I wave my. remidnin„ g two children. good's Sarsapartua as sea Were Intleet tO throat 0004 and were not very etrone. elmy are now laeletbier Old Strongly and have not Knee had a cold" We, W. Pe:scow Pembroke, Ont. - S 1 ' Abel he alao brought of the firstliugs of %One be five timusanel he neust have Major Armatrong, Cape, Sinclair Dr. retPub7ereutq ruetkellf JIM ark his lint act wise to "build an altar mean the money I make duripg the Noble Was re•Oleoted mediae referee. Sole by Watts 84 Co, Druggists NATIONAL KU WIOKLESS OIL STO • 010. unto the Lord, teole year after deducting what it cost to get! On the reoommendetson et tee . and be of every clean beast and Of every clean fowl and itemise) sus rent, clerk's wages; sued other mem, committee $350. wise voted to the the Lore smelled a sweet owour and 'straight ealaey it Le easy to tell. It James' •Isletbodist church, Montreal, °IX un ay of para ye 5 n London. ^ an offered burnt offennger on the altar end thusgs in thet line. When, I have it 1 /toyal True Blue 6rphanage, 050 to et,le Lioutecel, lt Oswald of Morftreal . h d id i hi heart I Will net maybe herder for farmers,but they oan and $100 to the Rev. MrCoburn, the k e reech it approximately hut let the esti- blind preacher of Toronto REVERE LAUINIpRY agaln curl° the groun for mem s Sa e. SYDNEY JACKSON•• I have moved toy Laundry, tbe Revere, to the stand lately occupied by Mr. j, W, Brill, lathe Combe block on . 'Albert street, which will be mere • convenient eoth for myself and cus- tomers, Our work speaks for iteelf and' esairesesedexoe: 15 GUARANTEED. We reseeetfully solicit a share of your patronage. Oar prices are right and we will do our best to please you. j0IIN HAYES. Olirston, May =lid. • • HOUSE' FOR SALE. On :Victoria street. Near Organ Factory, two. will buy. a rooniy, comfortable house with Koodjoe_--tee_property recently occupied. by FrankuPsoall. ApPlY to • • W. BETDON10, Barrister. Mareh 7tb, Leapee Dr• right) Seringbill, S, Itev• minister, and the tvvo passed on. ' • ehen with .enlightened. vision • 20e,e0e "• SUIldfiy• O. Dixon, Toronto Rev. 0 J Wilson Just tho thing for,the hot weather. They burn epal oil and it maks no clifferenee wh.ether the or bad, heavy or light, thick or thin, hot or sold, *lair works equally well, produciug an intensely hot, anto blue flame -no odour while lighting, while bercluceilvof while extinguishing. They will burn gasoline equallyast.:4; well as the best gasoline stove, but we strongly maw mend the use of coal oil as gasoline is dangerous. Mardi day passes that the newspapers do not contain an ace of some appnlling accident growing out of the me lioth life and property are endangered by its ,/ more expensive than 011,, it does not give airinu • Call and see our National Blue Flame. Oil Cooke, easy to operate, oan be run. by a child without,danger of burning her up, the stove that fills the bill as a practical: safe and'conveuient cook stove. Headquarters for all kinds of Hardware, Tinware, eto. Sole agents in this section, for the Sherwin.Williams paints. • • • • HARLAI\10 • B OS STREET ,INCIDENT. As we follow Abrain in his wanderiugs The grand officere were re-eleo ted y Dear Sire exclaitoect tawyer mate be on the Lord's ode. we find that in every place he tarried .And to what Oben I give? Here, t001 with but one or two 'exceptions not, Ilitrtflolorneee Livsngston, meeting the hi village 'street, ewhat does this mean P IRON AND HARDWARE 44 STOVES AND TINWARE; personal eervioe and se opportunity Christ died, but usually the claims of fill Grand 'Meister, lion, N. Clarke 1 tr erfpgrwere 1111,-`1 11P With all. Rev. Dr. Archikneld „Wbadharn on the , be erected an alter elite the LOrd, not You meet decide for youraelves Ele you ably the grand ieeturer, and with little only for worship but for offerings of h as in - the work around you should 001fle first, • Wallow M 1' Woodbridge ; D (3 50 115 a seiret . offw'ed that subelance wait tithed, o this faithful friend et.braliam obeyed. onnexiona funds, eepecially that N, B. ; 'Grand Chaplein, liev. W. -F. geetion and frorn thattimeneCrimmy sglie. InandMents,34 statutes and My laws," ' When jossob, wandering from his filth- in the Shadow of Leath. . „ ' Treasurer,. W:'./.. Parkin, Midland i seParilliewhich has put me en my feet ; T the bon Of God to those tvho are idtung w: x. -.Lockhart, Alliston ; Grand strosnteurnothilaIs tegnanfri ttadkiist&rdlleroecciiclerSirlat- : lai ..,:i ,, eifiree ib 31.1y voice and kept My. abarfge, My 0010, one that svel help. carry the goapel of Willson, Hamilton ; Grine Seoretary, er's leeuse, had bare brought face to Reeee you weighed well the tabular. Grand Leotureee Fraek Schultz grand and cured all my etornaole troubles." i 131481110g In and frO On that - WOndorflil (1) One .thouriand millions are yet with- - Grand Director of deremonies, R. H.' (his mune medicine cured my wife of 1 "And so 1 vvas ' r plied tbe reverend the opaseefeefelchisadele, anci God paid your own chunk, your own poori then X, Major A. J. Armstrong St. John, gentleman, "I Ad an att k f • the • 1 face with God, had seell His Messengers statement in the April Outlook master of Manitoba Baldur Man "I don% doubt it," said the lawyer. motsoo, D. we of west Toronto ;Deputy rheumatism. and iny little girl of serof. ladder 4100 recognized as never before . out the Gospel ; • 1E31 -4'1.6r14 • which had been his pillovf and erected • Church ey, Toronto ;. Rev. R. r. Jones, ,Aven Ll.rtiletilil.VIleY Can buy, they onlyeellithe .HE WOOL/SEASON his relation to God, he took the stone 200,000 members in the Methodist Grand Chaplains, Rev, Charles E. Per. tele. When they say it's the best meg- ; an eAtar and gee, probably all his earth - , (2) 80,000 44 . Epworth ing ivvRev. j• O. Madill: Toronto Rey - "Yes s so they do," replied the € ly substance, pourisag oil on the top of . Ye • kAAAAAONVNIAMMANkf mg mto the future and seeing him. • • Schools ' Toronto ; Dr. Sp oule • Mark --- 1r i° '" se ;ev, P. Lowe, rector oUthe aura The Blyth wool market is always• the best in the county 0 self the possessor of flocks and herds, (3) Last year the entire missionary in. dale ; Rev, 'W. Walsb, Brewton ; Rev.. If io tone which I set, a pillar (or altar) ahall be as above would give $ 730 000 Toronto • Rev J Raycook Baldur for ion.aomptiion is likely to be verY keen. , We do not.o. p r per many, per aps ew, cries come was e209,401 ; Q. Deprau, Common ; ev. H. A., r thosEeddeeMer. OalgarY. died sudden, i; --------------- iear ani, present appearances, will be. no except,..0 in the fulness of his heart 'Ani the et) onfecent a day from each mem- Thomae, Liman • 'Rev. A. B. Chambers, Y On no itY• buy wool. But as grmars' wives always want to buY b Glide; house and of all that Thou T (seas a week from Man. ; Deputy Grand Lecturers Win. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. e ha h faloud shalt give ,nn I will. surely give the each Leaguer would give 33,200 Fitzgerald,. Toronto, for Ontario 'Weak; W,lII tell You 'that Scotts E/111111, 7, Blankets, TweedS, Flannels, Shietingse Coeeorza,dee, Yarns,. ; wo HOUSE FOR SALE. tenth unto Thee." Many have exclaim- One cent a vveek from Brookville, for Ontario sion cures poverty of the blood soa • ed against the mercenary spirit of Sacob, each S, S. SchOlar East ;' M. Mason, Montreal, for Que- debility of the nerves. He will is3 eto;,,when they sell their woial, we have •made great -pre .,. The subscriber °frets for le honse and. but ih seelne to me as though he Paid would giVe - • • • 104,000 beo. " that lt is the best remedy in the wortacoe:peTteition. to . supply their wants at prices which d.,(4 y W. G. DOHERTZ., Of oil. freely offer that to God, but if A grand total of $917,200 ter of British Aneeklea are as follows - • - oneton, emit ieth. He will be with me and prosper me Qr nlere than four times the pros. Grand Master, LieubeCol. Scott, •Kin. IT NEVER lDISAPPOINTS. Mt on corner of Rottenburyan Raglan streets. "LhaVe nothing now but tele little bit --- The officers ef the Grand Black Chap- for delicate children.. John-.--. ° alevvoolTweed, Worth 75c, for 50c • . ; and will give me mark you, net great • one income • dateline ; DeputyGrand Master,People who are. troubled with riches, but breatd to pat and raiment to (5) There are 624 missionaries, assist- Gees, Shubenaoadie • Associate DePutY disease caused or promoted by impure 0 --TWeeds in plain and check, worth 60c, for 40c -Heav Checked Flannel .worth 300 for 22ec • • TOWN PROPETY FOR SALE. put ore, of all theteIbou shalt give me I ants, teachere and interpreters one Grand Master, Mitrshall Thompson blood or a low state of the system may e -Tweeds, suitable for boys' wear, at 20e, 25cr and 30e • • e will surely give tbe tenth unto Thee.", ployed at the present time. As Windsor. Grand Ohaplarn„elrev. We- -take Hood s Sarsaparilla. wail the ut- 0 -Grey la.tinel, light and dark colors, worth.15e, for i? -40 ---1Vool Sheeting, yard wide, werth 35' c, for 25c' 4rbe subscriber offerF, for aide a very desirable r.11ere la nO queseion about it• It. la many more could be profitably era" limit Wel'ele 13rampton ; Deputy Grand most confidence that itsfaithful use will ie ope g tree iging of four lets -Just the riot -thing tO do. What the pioyed if the funds were forth- Chaplains, Rev. Alex. Simeon (Toronto) effeeele31illion8tOMspring 0 -_neetatxv5vr (irfaetylneettgnA/tagnws,,,idweo,t•zritac7fiofq 5e en premises. The orchard, consisting of graPee Abraham Old. It istet a new thought. ,e Hoods Pills- are the best family meth - in God and in hurtelityask ourselves, Are trate I. S. Williemws, Tjeronto; Deputy. To 0 - -Hea ide Priets fast e Tors woollocr entreeeee expe. -eWhite Wool Blan.kets at $1.95, $2.25 and $3 rot,. Wit Is a ct ble frame house children of God 'have ever done, just oomi Rev.. Charles Doudiet (Montival), Rev. medicine, because tleey know' by wi kitchen and, weodshed attached- ahem ug. . —Grey Cotton, yard id • • did,. just what my father Let us get down on our knees before John Maclaren (Ottawa) ; Grand Regis- rience it ie lust what the system emeriti, Y y w e, worth 4c, for 21c Ma good stable and a first.class well Of water what Noah -arid apples, is a good ono. The property er Lor ease or cash will follon in the way God has °Stab- we doing all lie asks of tis ? Are Otly Grand Registrar, . . Sanderson, ' artica, ndlivereonic. Genble, . be sold at a reasonable iigurp -Wide soft' finished Prints, fast colors, worth 8c.. for 50' , e , , ., . vy ve lished. • 1 will" serelY. give the- tenth souls clear ef the blood of all men ? • ronto e Grand Treasurer, W. II. Wil- sure, ° - and balance on time. ApPly to, the. owner on - the preinleea . • • . ' unte Thee. • - • .. . One of thesmost vexing questions as son, Toronto ; .Depety Grand Treasurer, -- - 0 . -Black Sateen for Dresses, ivlartte12e for 10c I . e- harlepecied commands for his peoPle for knoW hOw we -can give (Mr tenth. • turer, James iulton, Toronto Depu y 331rt day took place in Lando); on Sate A r • Ribbon, Salado, and Circle Ceylon Tette. - . - • • , . , ... ----e-ej - all time, for all climes' and netione, con- Where husband and wife see eye .to eye Grand Lecturers, repreken Ong the Pro- , . . 0 3111$• JOHN 317/4"" * At the giving of the law on Sinai God far es we women are concerned is to John McMillan Toronto ; Grand Lee- The official celebration of the Queen's — . we make a specialty of Fine Teas, .We are sole agents here for 131 Clinton, 21187 9th. • , • • . . STORE TO RENT sidered ao important that with his own m this matter it la etalY t° de°1d°' • motel Grand Lodges -R. E. McGee, fin er they vrere written on tables • Of h e t ere is awIllin mind wa and St. John Re B. • Wm. Conle . . W er I h g This is 0110 of the best stands in Olin- to be bindm o his eo 10 forever B h lo o . • The' is TR IJE AND TIIIED on - Possess on can e given a once. by CHAPTER IX.. • , M. KINNON & CO And ie Might be.said if this . be means will be suggested. I know some peg, Man, ; John Coe, Montreal, QUe-; um BLYTH as . T • he undersigned offers "for rental the store stone. at present, occupied by H. C. Barlett, furniture God s laW about giving, 'if he Meant it consecrated WOM612 who have it stated C. C. Church, Chester, 14. S. ; R. K. it le •••• Ida° w (Try IT Waa not included .with the .hat large town over . isems,n . • expenses to tithe that and economize Boyce, Ottawae Blies Miller, Kincaid- , goods store,. There iq a good entraece. APPlif to otners Y BLit it seems to, me it is in- with the rest, But to those whose ,no ;:i1C. Marshall; St. John's, Nfld. ; .glenettere Jeweler and Optician. dealer.t t g P . allowance for household and personalrace, C ar ttet wn, P. E. L te (9•01toll4b1P4.•0•14•Art•elraffPosi.09-1b00,1•0•114•Smt•die4bel'Ilit•e448.1inef. If you Waht anything bathe Musical line, °all at 9, Hoare's .1V,Itisie linpon um. cial Notice. atil Mete Offering epeciele valueS in Greet , Black and Japan TEAS at - 25e at I. 300 per Ile A..trial will eoneii co you of their extra, :nee. - • it, B` 11' lines of fresh goods 10 alWo.y on ban el. o. ELLIOTT, or eluded in the others. Can God'a name hearts are right in this matter it wilt be Thomas, Wright, Victoria, B. C. ; Grand eon seArie 1,116421,, 2,Ajsi JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, be reverenced, can the emathen nations easy to make these sacrifices, the dear Censor, William Cheney, Toronto ; ' • Qelinton P 0 of the world be 1.,,1 •, holinese and Secle Lord will shove. you what to do and Deputy Grand Censor. James- Hutton, 1. In an article in the American .lotirmil of , Clinton, Feb. 6th, 1899. • 2 • ' • can the Sabbeth be Properly observed, then into your ovvn souls will come such Hamilton • • Grand Marshall, hums Health, . • remedies, -by a prominent physician. . between raan and 1228.11. be fulfilled Un- dreamed of before. Bearers -A. Bradley, nazeldene. ; T. R. .3.YOU N111 find thi8 88,ht Of Dr. V011 stales 4. h me ts oi them have been lndisput- unless they give of their substance to needy world be won, • Thomas Gilder, kiontreal • John Scale LIBERAL PRICE • ',AID FOR 1. 5000 EGG 2. EntiEled "Plain truth -about. proprietary can all the duties and obligations of life . blessing and comfort that you have not .Kelly; St. John, B. • Grand Standard • 9, less My people will furnish:the means, For theChrfst who ,died, to- bless it must this Gray Ottawa. Grand Pursvivants- Pineapple Tadets atbbliy nrovead, t , on ; e ir, in sor ; Dyss 6. A true and tried specific for the cure •of 0- places lis faith in. maintain Itly worship, ? And then what Who shall dare to stay or falter till 'the . . - glorious task be done -, lett, Clinton (*rand Committee- 5. Tne household Whi h emp.haeis is laid on giving la their ec- Butthe call of God is soundin d th th g an e rea ran Sohn tz, Baldwin Man. • 13,, Gra- b- F k 1 8 reme y w no go astray.' clemastical laws, everywhere made ening host is strong, ham limit W. * d more solemn and binding by the state.' home lon V hour long ? * And thedandethat sit in darkness feebly cry 'W. Forster, W. Blight, W. Bush, To- hea ache- epsia-sour. stomach -indigestion - sick LJ (JL 111e11t "It the leord'e." Deere must be ?low then s all tiwworldpe cornered Who rontO, and J. A. Semen, Chathato. 110 demur. no eneleetion. And 4219d ifetregitemtettandhgeLlehimashen it be out. honored Iris people while they honored stretched to -day: I • • • Him, Their • barns were filled with Mr. Charles King of Burlington was lent but just on account Of this pros- 1) 'jet leag and b n rid • I d fr111001 t ris et. 1.2..". struck by lightning on Sunday while p y, perity they forgot God, forgot His lam come ; om HA' a .was • -prra eze rtnia 111 his waiseclOwnwarde. • We have bargaillS many' lilies, And euffeeing and punisbment followed. MY these souls 110 1.000' -------. r, 33ut God said to them jute se ao is say- •, Greater their bur den than mertabi can.boar. 4 but from now until and including mg to ustoday 4413ring ye all the tithes Saturday, , June 17th, we hold out into the storehoinie and prov-e Me now herewith i I wi n t open the windows _Ii_0114011 ,Methotlist Conference f II o these two special...inducements of heaven and pour you out a bieseing .- 1 lb 85c 'Tea, 5 lbs Rice, 3 lbs that there shall not be room to teceive Windsor, June 2ndInConference clean Currante, le lb jar Baking _ Powder, 22 lbs No, 1 Granulated his morning the decision of yesterday I once heard a Chrisilatt woman acty re.the charge against Rev. Dr. Austin - I haye no patience with this talk about of preaching doctrine not recognized by Sugar $2 00 . it . . e • ean,,, the Methodist church, vrae reaffirmed, - 100 lbs Kitchen Queen Flour giving the tenth, I give what The following is the resolution adopted and I thought of the Jews of the,days of and 22 lbs No. 1.Granulated -"Moved by Rev. J. It. Sugar '' 3 00 • Malachi, who said "Behold what 0. wear+. in the oase : and resolved, That the °bargee prefer We keep nothing but good goods. meth the Lord of floats,sand ye brougbt red by Bev. A.. H. Going against. Rev that which was torn and the lame and ' " O. OLSO iN the isick, thus ye brought an offering. Dr, Austin having been proven and will sustained, Dr. Austin be nowt and is Butter and, .. Shall I accept this at your hand? hereby deposed from the ministry of - Eggs wanted. . a man rob God? yet .ye have robbed the Methodist Churoh,' Vie. But ye may wherein have we robbed Alter the\ usual conference prayer Thee? In tithea and offerings. 14 meeting the toll was called by the sec - But I hear some one atiswer this was retire, and 155 minister's and 78 laymen under the jewisir dispensation and we answered to their names. ' Gandy, eeconded by Rev, 3. Deacon ness it is, and ye have snuffed at it 'louse Cleaning Time. Yes . , . This is the time of the year I when. housekeepers should not have to be bother. • ea with. baking. • • A 04,If Zatt/XTED. t.T. STEWART. Briht Veil- Written couittonbstior 113 Avtraz Ihe Olint\ffi, Nows-Reeord. hy do you are to give as the Spirit of God prompts us. I think I have shown that from the Rev. Joseph Edge, pastor of Welling- ton street Methodist church, London, birth of our race God expected us to be His stewards and return to Him a por- was elected president on the secone, c.u. ,e. ballet. His oloseet competitor was Rev: tion of what He has entrusted US Wi The ,Tew gave his tenth beside his J. Livingstone, pastor of winasor avenue church. thankofferings. They are told in Deut. . The following were recommended for 18.10, "Three times a year shall all thy melee appear before the Lord thy Grid superannuation :-Revs, Wm, MoDon- in the plitoe Which He Anil choose, mad or, Dr. Pascoe, John Russel, Eli Mid. they hall not appear before Me empty, sd eton, Wm, William, W. Frontier, W. raan ehall give as . is able, ace 11. E. Kershaw, W. B. Creighton. every 11.W. Crewe of St. Thomas was cording to the blessing of the Lord thy Role God which He hath given thee." And elected to Emceed Rev. U. D. Hamilton more than once in their history when as setsretary and Revs. G. IL Thompson and W. E. Kerr of Reniall were ap- there was 'special need they gave so „wood aesieteete, Rev. S. W. mix_ freely that there was more than the r demaad and they had to be checked. . worthy was appointed journal eeotetary And shall We do less with fill the light and A. II. Meraviah etatistical secre- tary. brought to us by God's Spirit, in view of the eufferinge °flee Christ and otthe Dr. Briggs, the genial book steward, need of the perishing millions for whom gave hie annual report. which showed a . year of greet Prosper*. Out of the • When you eau get your Oakes ue «teu. • - net profits 310,600 was granted to the • so reasonable at on the subject. He saes "1 MAW net • , Rev. D. Bogen was eleeted to fill they ' to destroy the law but to fulfill the law ' ' vacancy of the obairmanship or wing, and his one injunction Aleut • tithing is ham district, caused by the chtath of very explicit. Denouncing the ?hare u A a ninghem Here are a, few of our prices; religion while their hearts Were full ef ----....--.......... . • Layer cakes - - 20ete corruption, Hee:tie' "Ye pay tithes of allelintep. , The teaching of Christ is very plain - superannettion fund, KIRKBY'S: sees for their outward sediblanoe o un • Queen's drops - 10c per doz mint and anise and dinnimori and have Swiss bitne - 10o omitted the weightier matters of the • There has been a ra,platt rowth since And all other kinds of takes. (night Ye to havel. done and not to leave. Dundas breve been on a pleasant visie Oatmeal date cakes 10e " law...judgment, mercy and truth-theare r the late warm' rains,-- r. and Mrs. oors Pliosittodino, Great iesease Pent:de. Ad and recioniniendtd by all" gide in Made, 01111 ref. medicine discovered. Ms orementeed curb ell forms o Sett* _W aknese, all effect* rif abnila or °IOW, whom ono, Exoeserite Oho of To. bintoo,Opintia or ES mulants. Maned on receipt of PM* One tir Ph WIZ $6, Ono WM Phan, dame cure amp eta free 10 41411 Wrote. Th11 Ottopiiiiy. Wind8104 Ont. wooarboophodow,15,0oldlieOlinton by sraost Sink/Mi. g the other undonb." Lein" Pie% 15 ceutg each, i°r 256 .Baul in the 15th of lab Cor, he arida ea PienSed t° BaYelec°vernit to friend's in Pore Albert.--Miee Mar. Rhubarb pies, 10 center eadb. After that most sublime discourse of tha Stenzel,who was qui.te ilele,We are Custettel leek 2 for 25 cents, - if entirely in keeping with the subject --At the coil of revismiori for Melei op, beldhatt Tart shell's daridiee, I0e. per doz. " Lea bury ors onday, there. were but Our are "Now concerning the collection for the Our homeotade ginger 'snap few thanges made, although a large the beet, going like het cakes saints upon the 1st day 01 1110 week, let . .,_,...14,,rox not the rich alone, the poore*t is ire tending a wimedcg -nolArttre..6Kreitianweayyattle. at JO cents per lb. every one of you," mark the everyone, . rer dbrieghniletera, li..• ICIRKBY, - ubi ow , eluded, "lot every one of you Jay by Week. ---Mr. j. J.Irvine has purchasee erlding itt Hensel! this him in store tie God has prospered him." a parlor organ. It was manufactured - bad ofters urged his disoiplea to in Clinton and coinpetent judges pro - ENSILAGE 18 PROFITABLE contribute to the needs of the poet and nounee it an excellent inetemeue— em - Sacrament service at t reel enee o to help In the spread of the gospel, and The follovvers joaeth with had a • 'd f in the above command he tells th 'theo beet, way to do it. james Bell on Sabbath last.---Itev. The law er tithing was congditta Mr. Tiffin brus been away attending Obligetory on the early Chrietiaus. The C"ference at Wind8"'-'14r. Will' 'It 'paws to raise 'Ensilage as --- tee - writings of the hsthers of the first one P.i..1.ger gra.54111feeMacelleas°n Isteleg farmer knows and, more are going tortes abound with ellusions to it.45 finaland in future will be classified a* examination at Toronto Univere Into it. It has been bard. to get. Many of' the early counolis di*tiootiy 8 good Oiled this •year but I have sanctioned it but In the Dowse of time mum me, heap seeured a supply and hare it new the rite estabilahed solslyfor the church is all the go and Warty ooreplain In stock. It is the well known hew** 135 uourpeci by nobles or other heard about the low pries of w "ULRICH ENSILAGIC. •powerful laymen for themselves and for Danielly het got his house purely seoulsr tuns, and on st000unt of pleted an will m ore into it this • these abuses tee rush* of tithing fell HAVE YOU 1.1) IT 4 eta* Gr;0144#1, Pit into lerepuese for air all our piny litermatleat. ;ma, be voluntary, or 11,4 Pati sari4111'a' 0t*t1 $111 be „purpoisth is Is Them nerter, stolgrion, :dice bon ranottitrad4Insly or "M71 lot e *row • (*um!' aring are one. eek • MARRIAGES. MOSSEY-SACQUES-On May 29111, ' by Rev. S. Salton at the Metho- dist parsonage, Centralia, James 11. Mossey of Branshard to Miss Maria, Jacques ot tsborne. SWITZER-ROOKe-At the parsonage, Elinaville, on 'May 241h, by Rev. G, Jewitt, Fletcher Switzer, son of Fletcher Switzer of Woodham to Miss Bernice Ella Rook, delight er of George Rook, Usborne township. SHIPLEY-ROLPH-At the residence of the bride, on May 31s1, be, Rev. W. A. Bradley, Mr.lseac Shipley to Mrs. Robert Rolph, all of Mitcbell. •••••••••••••• BIRT114.' KIDD-Ine Omaha, Nebraska, on May 2511i, th. wife of Mr, George A. Kidd, of a sonS 1113T0111t0X-At the residepee of, Dr. Hu ehison, Staffa, on May 291h • the wife of Mr. H. C. Hutchison of Goderieb,of a daughter. MoliCURRA.Y-ln Crediton on May 23rd, the wife of the tate 'Robt, Mc- Murray of Solsgirbli, Manitoba, of a • son. STAPLETON-In Turnberry, on May 22nd, the wife of Wm.•StapIeton,of son. DEA,T111S. CH1.111011ILL.-On May 24th, Glaeton, North Dakota, John eldest B011 of James Churchill, formerly of Goderich township, aged 34 years, 0 months and- 38 dare DOTY-At his late residence,Oakeille, on Friday, May 201h, Pharis Doty. father to Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Kerr of Hensall in his 80th year. LAMONT-In Grey, on May 251iejohn A. Lamont, aged 30 years', 10 months 'held 28 days, FARMERS' OHEAP CUMMINGS--In St. Joseph's Retreat, Dearborn, Michigan, on May 2911ie EXOuRsioN Rev. leather 311ehael. Cu m mings,e nae. tive of West Wawanosh, aged 48 years; DREW -In Wingham, on May 27111 Wm, Drew, aged 04 years, 2 months Under the auspices of the South Huron OA 10 dare Farmers' Institute, LEARY-In Hibbert, on eley 271h, George Leary, aged 02 years and 2 months. GODFREY-In Listowel, ort May 2011t Edith' second daughter of Wm. God" f_rey, aged 14 years, 4 months and ta uays, • • CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. 7. Flatulency --,and catarrh of the stomaoh. 8: "Facts warrant our endorsement, for not only have we discoveredthat in a tiarprisingly large number of costes • • 9. The cure waeremarkably rapid, but the long list otpatrons of this remedy =lodes very many Billosrgsin 0 g to the best ancl. most' educated (+lasses of the community." They are delicious. 35 emits a box --60 Tablets. Small size. 10 cents.- . 'The 'lessen Clerk ef • Gravenhurst has been arrested in connection with an alleged ehortage in his accounts. • For Over Fifty Years Mns. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING 1188 been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a blek child suffering atrd crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De - pond upon it,mothers, there18110 mistake about it. It cares Dlarrhce_ La regulates the• Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic softens the Gums reducesInfiamntation,andkivestono and energto the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea - Gantt° the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-11re omits a bottle'. ,$old by all druggists through. mit the world.' Re sure and ask for Mrs. Wiristow's SoOlUnle Brew'. Tourist Literature —WILL -HELP YOH DECIDE —WHERE TO SPEND YOHR HOLID YS "Muskoka, R ghlands �f Ont. aria", " 30,000 Islands of Georgian Lake of Bays, Highlands or °utak'', nay raver." Any of the above will be tnrnished 00 appli• cation. ' M. C. Diekson, 15.P. A. Toronto A. 0. Pattison, (4. P, it, Agent. Clinton. le, R. Rodgens, (4. T.R.Tieket Agent,Clinton. TO GUELPH (demoted twat Wodnoislow ittoratioi Pall Wheat ...... ...Alio"! 6lto' ea Goose Wheet.............. re to 05 Barley el 0 38 tO 0 40 0 30 te 0 31 •Peal.......o. oo . oo ifittilOW0044.1 0 60 tee 0 03 Rye • 01.411 0 /30 to 0 35 PetAteeitnerbush, new0 50 to 0 55 Butter leolte in. basket..., 0 10 to &II •Ilueter Int tfilav ma., • 0 11 *0 0 12 Eggs pot dos ... 000 to C 10 Hey 000 00000000000000 ......... ...5 50 to 6 00 Live Hop ...... ....., .4 00 to 4 10 Pork per ant ft* 00 to 6 00 DrIed Apples per Mem* %etre ^ Illt....-ew The Grand Trunk Italiway will run a Special Excursion Train from Centralia and Inter:lie- Mate stations te Guelph, on TUESDAY, JUNE 131899 At the tenoning very len rateifor the retilm trip : Adults Child'n "Adults Child'n Oorteseree. et 15 $ 60 SterOwnr $ 95 40 Malta • 1 10 611 nottesvreme 1 WS 65 /tructatt, • 1 05 55 VIZORAVX 1 15 00 Kirritit • • 1 05 65 BurTir • 1 05 M linuczeinti 1 00 45 LOMAS5!eo1i0 1410 65 (11,n4serr 1 09 86 roadfoot, Box C Manntaeturerepand Dealers . ALL -KINDS. For the Spring trade we are offering the largest an plete stock of High, 1Vleaiuhi and Low Priced F rniture in the County. We have some great values to offer i PARLOR SUITS COUO'HES, AND. LOUNGES, Do not buy until you ha:ve paid a visit to our Wareropms. U EitTAKINct thi s line Ike carry a complete stock: • Our Horses an fit are up to date and our charges reasonable, BROADFOOT, BOX & 00 Vlsrillture Dealers .and. Undertakers J. Cillitlif3yeAltikjig Nighb and Sunday calls answered at Residence opeour Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley. King St., opposite roundrft GENTS FURNISHINGS . We have the latest in Gents Furnishings-, Ties. 'Collars, Cuffs, Underwear,. Etc. and Vve invite your inspection. The goods are right raid so are the prices. $2.00. PANTS $1,60 Better Pants, worth $2.25 for $1.78, Overalls 8501010 Wc carryeverything in the IderchantTailering line. Call and see our goods and prMes. W, PARLMER, LONDESBORO. GEORGE 14111.S. WI:EA.M.ST We thank our customers TH- IAI?llA1tiUS,E BIOTGLE ITAS NO SITPEB,X0It; It runs easy, the materials on which it 18 /mile are all of the very best, and the pride equals • the quality. There is no.juittet wheel than the Massey -Rat Agent Massey-Varrle, 011litOn for their patronage in the past and beg to call their WI JACKSON attention to our removal from Combe's block to the AGENT C. P. R. s former stand of Allen &, - Wilson OPPOSITE THE MARKET ' ............. Through ticket': ban Where we hope to see them all and new cuetomers leo, We MAN1T ;*i. keep in stoek Groceries of ail 6.10cm.; Neater at 04 a.m.• Irentiall, 6.64 ' 044 . " 04 4,0' . 1. The Special Train will leave Centwiliteat kind, Flour, Seed Grain, etc 40° 4,, 044' "'' ' COOPS AND PRICES STAND TIN tr,'N' 444 00' AO Clinton, . emu ; Bea orth, 7.40 • Evcrusionists from ihderesville will leave by trek. at tniaten; on the r return they Will be • trarederree re the regular eVening train et • • oe'e 44 4 0 + 4t21, Clinton. 4 tOt 4 '41 • the eerie morione train, ioining the letourelon 1,1.' ,3*. 111,1".. , eteentelonieutitom Iselerave, illyth and Lon- • go- A. aotoo vett leeve by the regular Passenger 4'S'orf• 4 40 sit AO. 4 -pr train s hittles morning, joining the Eimer* 04* • 04,frot .r cp.4 4 40 s. 4,4 4 ocP,46.(44 740, $0°640.A ws Mon tra et, lioton. end in the Vi''A • ft 4,44, 1,4 wilt be ed front Clinton by it 46' o 9\ treinerom *44 4 oe,„ <0 firitetn too p 4 p4 $400, 4 44* .6A44 It'• 4 44 44dS' ‘S' taP'\ 4 "*.i, ,e‘ ‘, 444i't 444 Gaelph at 6. 44 ea. 0‘ cP. ee0.• e ere- ce eee °1041' ees 4 4 41Peee 47,t set*efee.44fr e Oft