HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-08, Page 4r•A
re. Ate
tv ellen% that Mrs. J Pune 111110/#41), *Next Saturday s
reeklence of her mother, Mr*. Ralph
of Lontiou is thle week AIM ing we tbe Bargalz
week, but not beim( billed until their
The Nashville Stu:lento arrived teat
Wi eman, S
LvictsbiAett_gir, ,tt the S
AmewywomowyksovvevyvvowtmAwmA iggveer,Lit,pargitatal
received may meagre patronage. the " eseneesseet
Aries Tuppity made nveeturtst
ernment the other day to
ork of the aesiion
(sly voncluelort,bUt
Premier d not aceept.
oulayield hing but trod to his
ion majority to pass the moot oh. Goderieb* Goderleh. . iplederlek Goderleh.
0VOuttpartisan legislation. As a eon..
violin rarer Was a. skilful artist, meet ---- • -
the °Weston and give Roland& weeks a pretty la,te call at the post- brishele of corn for Richardson Sone. be performed in public on Wright's our agent at °Wendt. Studente in lie le certainalt I Our offering. special bargaini for Satitrday hint 3rd WM 110
mail every Week, necessitating reoure last week from Chicago with ,000' bride will volunteer, a mimeo could ba giVen 0 E. A. Skiininge, the violinist belonging to the
osteepon le, bee nmate b4. tO be wohnd up for Tneeday's 0. tain Lundbergs Chicago eanie intgort one June wedding :-*-"If a suitable lelEees-Rereolan. Subseriptiope and ads. -. lumen our cornet player, says that • 0 argains picked out eitpeciallv for Saturday's sellleg,
*wilco the Opp:gam has a long Newe for the Goderich column. has 'A Tbe Schooner, Jetues G. Blaine, Cap. The Age of Strathroy advertises inir Now is the time to edvertiee in TIta rent years in Germany. Policemen .t.b •
,..„„e Last Monday night it Was 12 p. ne ing from his foot, alto Which some Andre* tbe Wright House." Huron the mine time. His wife, PONV de. and different. tunas on each at oue and successful that for Saturday J it 4 10 we have prepared,
0 or' y cor
re may be taken fee grented4 ince tra Monday irtigIM and oft we We are sorry to lemon that Mr. Debvery Thof, 10th June. The groom The Naehville violinist student could net player that ever travelled, through
another list Alia these go on s'ale the first thing Saturday
wish there Wits 11. letter bok near by. Daniel, Newgateetreet, *gain mutter- is elderly, weletodo ana very Play lot e.nd 2nd part ou bis, violin at ' Canada that could. play two cornett*
AVAIRING 'KIN 44040.. whOrt we set elf with the laet of the yeare ago a nafl ran, *Otte attending hoe tWoderrafter thie team ef :ceased; wee Mae fineet colored singer in the ewe times.
morning, The whole of the big stock must be turned into
e perfectly sound, and bete a "bl. cl 'II ft d he e
r ou
on attirday afternoon .the eleventh I re d .
0 woe mg -sell:101one tune for hie foot the premium all to betnelf. Pleas° °Et:06' in mind the district Con- anntversary of the Menielivra, Mis- a Y 11401710,y, lee 8 0011 OS Delefil 0, all yOU WI ' ti
Dolan 1310010es, will , take place Made up our Delude rather tiatin die- to b
at.thtng at. t e .orga,n f4ctory. Mows. scan% so Middleee% will get America. ••
ie expected. .that' tbe Malaitoha eaw a portion yet remained N t$
correspondence, and. on out return we to ;ma '
eat bab weadsautage wautylarretpeateewitnylpfil.aosrilanw7reaosile itii:antirvnesry. e regeet tbe. ctecniu-
Lancia tie M D 1 the seveanIZ:rolfIlitylv:Ird7h$ e te mg the crovvniug with flow- iSaturday morning lilies d ttna desira.ble Dry Goods
at prices t,hat are pev sitively money saved.
t the middle ajotiz,t,,4 bilq, par appoint our readers of so touch vela. eteady worker it is feared now &lee Tbe flerpere Oared "Break tlie 'vention of Rare Templere At the don Band was celebrated atYKnox
ungliditbe arm° -T ettinwie hew:, we trained ilea eserlene...“rise after such. a 111:Pete of time ie going to 1,1.‘,eeXittia tMotbee ea beatitifielly beet temperance ball ein T. hureday. Lunch. church lectuve room by a literary mad
d with aoskilegifors. tea prepateds for all of the reAntertainment, the prieripal
A proclamattort was issued last 'te e one ee t mt/' n'ts Mary Dietrich haying quite regeinecl gradows was elle to the flowers as their •
te ante Is an . The Misses Mitre and Emma Diettech I ere of the May Queen. Mies Elies Tye
Sunday a. in, after a fine, refresh -
a when we marched to ttie office, it Was SATURDAY BARGAINS IN MENS
have Internee -I from. Toronto ; Miss was chosen sat Flower Queen and very
initshower at aqo t 7 it turned out
did not rn'oornuintilotuntIntinin Iw°w" ing in the toWn hail on 1/Vedneeday t a • ct t Queen City.
eral ways • but chief Ot all ia 'the Orly, eerly enough not te be late, and exemplary workman.
0 30 We saw no sign 0°14 wait°1.111011 k ki ed I to attend a meet- 8; e n her health after laer long" Meese lo the ?rem ' paren s an rien 8.0 e FURNISHINGS AND OLOTHINO.
h ost perfect days pos. A bargain in men's shifirtit
preparation. *jot tbe voters' liete wit
Vitiate 'then • ere freely eharged 'with
isSiOn Band pupils attended very The Clothing and Furnish. ,* •
tho like ot winch we [lave pelt.
ere mare e 1° a arga ° 7 resin Dietricb, cloes not intend' to leave %wildly. Miss Polley, ehe energetic I . 6.4 all be sold out at tho
ware and means te Winch Greenway, nea eile the Yard be" theneall wagonsthe of celebrating win) projaer honore Do el t t h h L, our town, althtn heimarented hie gupt. of the Band, has striven very o
or stree , o nor c Inv , I ase
etr rooms in the Block, weet side
their service. The white bodies with colored
ews moved, seconded end carried th tt
k at growing society is beautiful, beim; in.
be43e et 'that ttble e
aesehe lase such 0, genius fee panes, as off for Clinton we went to the statiou. lee eel lebr t'
tampering, Eut,rietwitlistandIng the ledge to now whether the tracks were 31st May, te eohsider waya and Means th
earing thee'. had lbe mall bags all seal- tended the media His Worsht street.where the whole of the centre sea
Mesers.E. Downing and West", herd euring her superinteudance to Wiseman store, We ave
sided by Laurier, will resortethe pros- 114010 Previ°118 °I Jrueeda7 a• a°0 raiment lney. A, goo ly number at
el. given before,
e etee very lad to retain the fate' bring the M seem Baud to its resent * MOUS' colored cambric sliirte
peens ere bright for the 'Conserve:gym) di and possibly lying in tee ear, rather ill Th • tt h P aisles of that large church were left an
'ledby dee Hon. Hugh JoimMacclonald than miss ow chance to get our 0 aY°1' °°418°° in ° it was
plated out, theselines and mark.,
ot Mr Dieteirell as the re a sti degrekof usefoluess end SpendsPall her
bosoms and cuffe, and all
spare time in the noble work, $1133 ed. them at prices that should
w s the time to gather the dande. in the seven years since its re-org ilza- 1 1.. color,d, shirts, extra good
. , e. .. ._ .. i 11°1110 business formed (itn:.de retiatini% rPonlroPilityt:r bteo three color.s, red, white etre green with. e No ell b f t • 1 t ' e o e - 1 41 ' Wear. t1401:11 t't °Dee Clothing
( bed leis Tattier w trulltyr.e* MeMory; Qn th0 WaY. We se,w a deer's 'head above the tnntieh coat Of ion ossones e °Fee tee. too a. e to tion aye een co locked and given in • • qualities, Wisenver pride? .
This coutest will be watched with ex- lwookin.g gentlemen going diet way, eut Year, tebiell we think is wise, if our arms The riabon lies gol 1 ' f i ee make rem dandelion wine. A num. for foreign mission work by MlasP0117. ild Furnishiiigs at 5uSt about were $1.00 and $1.25, we want
e thought possibly trona their guiet people only can find Sufficient huSiness at th'e bottom of it. a The( eleodgreelit bet, of ladies were • out on the many The membets at present uureber 221, 3 Is le L to clear the lot, out', od offet.
ceediog interest by Ontario. h 1 k Th 't I f ' It t a t - • One nate Wuat y ou • are uied to your choice ou Saturday 1 or
Manner the,y were poly taking a pleae- to keep them here, D. ver lar e heve bet all the Members ghreen' strete ee ase wee . ey au' e a, e ass or eveay a erne e a un -
ant' Walk to the station, No no of a wa,s elected president of said celebra
s bave gathered all the golden ay through the year. Miss Polley is r paying. Here is. a list for
- not turn ottt on Sulmay ru. MUSLINS AND PRINTS
• . , ,bus, mad swagon or Anything else tion conunittee„A. Mein Alien, vices • th bl th 0 t e t b • t Br T ' •
owers oome e our ev r a et pos . Ise les ye is ot-
l6r k4.601? zzr aitx,4,1) th 1 t f th 1411 ' Be d Th h d FatUr ay
Including some visiting brethren there et
4,, when we reached the statton, but the President, Wm. Lane, secretary, aud procession ouse park ere e awn mower VMS ga Is o e anon n , ey a -
V , ,----- urbane Mr. Donnelly johneton set our et 5. winiams; treasurer: .4, neeni, were about ninety in the
but let me say right Imre. tio marehing I-
P Mit in eervice. quite a pleasing program on Saturday Men's and Boye' fine etraw Teats
• The D Winn Alien Labor Act ts a Nue aright saying 41111 just put your '1
mottee then of officers and, 17 members A very. stylist,. :wedding took place indepepdent ofsthe crowning ceremony all good :Mapes and qu.dities.
letter leiter ours and they'll be °Feted s for tosbe kn s the -Do. order seems perfect without martial
fence, that IS when . „ , ,, . .. • P. wa riled, oWn a . music for it is inspletting an ward in , beet g the . nuptials of xis,
• • • • • . • d . . on Wednesday of this week at 1L30 a. na, wletch 27 girls represented 27 cid- a good assortment to elonose
togetner. Atter a wane tne toWn minion Day Celebration Comnaittee. Prat- ferent flowere and symbols and each from, the Wiseman prices
ced. A pi nt it is a dead len (noels strack seven and `finally we sew Tis f llowin entlemen were elected; ha*na. onle daughter of Mrs. Pticlhatte one of the flowers had a quitable piece were 50 aria 75 cents, eboice of
ever vve cle we shouldelo it well: gnox
hanks t 4110 krertinnent of Sir the 'bus crossiog Kingston *street. One itiaeyo7- Thottigron, Councillors Thine:- wasb-Well red niornly witia its Anglesea sereet, and Mr, Philip CrOWS, 0 recite.* • They had the finwers tiler
- A few lines of hot vreather
dress stuffs that eon can boy
en Saturday for just about
half price. '
• 1 end only fiance dress muslin,
fast colors, suiteble feu, wrap -
this lot Saturday 25 pees or shirt waiste,Wiseman
All the rest of tlae Nine:email rice was 12t cents, Clearing' r
aturday for
One end fast color extra heavy
I yard wide -English apren
gingbaro, orighial price was
14 cents, cleariog Saturday
.Very fine quality black muslins
and Freud) sateens, 4 differ-
ent patterns and colors, all
frici Laurier which re tesento put lady said on bt. David's aereet "The ber, Comtelon a,nd Knox, Itobt, Mc- canermcoenmgreergsatiounts. jeweller, of Clinton. Rev. jasper Wil- chose to repreeent witinthein. ... nnoth-
into operation. inninMeetion hynalee service werevvTahlie nienelnoYenuorre°°3 son, North street Inethonist . Church, er represent:1417e piece was a dialogue
'bias never goes out early, you'll see Lean, D. 0. McKay, N. D. Rougvie,
• eust What employers, such as h
es, them often rushing the borses up to be nee_
'3' 14 time, and on M.OrAtly a. in. the Nairn, D. B. 'Grant, James Wilson, .
Emerson Noble Smith, John the Brotherhood, Mrs W R Logan
a ' t. Th pray r *Weir e *tie et?. performed the ceremony , in the spas bettveenathe birds and. the flowers.
clous drawing room of the bride's broth. The flowers were represented by Miss.
Med Teunk, want but rn is not ja neegneye, all barness 4 left the Hotel - Se George Price, John P. Robinson, orgnms
n ee tr meel ro r onee sfor ea ex-Aldernian Fred. Pridham. The es Hattie Belcher, eiarguerite Miller
• Pr was'a 'x eke YGP d Pe t th bride, Noes Minnie, as sbe is most, and Mabel Platt. The boys wile repre-
Ce tie Canadian labor - -Bedford yara qui yertnet came doVrn Charles Reid 0 0 Whitely and W
. A-. . . . t e occasion invo ng o to a reng ' familiarly known by her host of isented the. birds were Masters Btuce
-' 'tothe green 000ten atiley street to heve e All recel t a d ex endi- ' •
The question was discussed in tae ea , t., .
th th m a T' 311711 Y. ' P $ P P , en the C. 0. F. In them gond work
a gOOEL-.eaS grass WI e aY ew 1 tures in coneection with the eelebra- Mende, eves given awaY in marriage Reid, Wilfrid Lewitt and Clarence
when down comes the driver. I non of Dominion Day will be present- and to show them: that self should be by her brother, Mr. Fred. lendhare. Young. The first No. on the magram
itensofti the other day and the 'Gov, upon it,
' ent roundly scored by the Coileer. Then they,tried to scamper Away from ea to the council, after the ceiebration. f
eodrgfOr eclallerr .11(i)es t:xtvifeoeriZIrsi:rr-- h
tt h ' d e ' ' ' S e looked exceedingly pretty- 'in her was a pretty disiloguetin which 6 ghee;
ei . fon its donothing Oolioy, In ' trdsowely made nress of whits silk, and 6 boys teok per. _Next es well
him apd his blood neust have been up elle follotving committee§ were form -
t fever heat thinking his lare would • ' mon of the day was taken from Mat- e aodice of which was elaborately given recitation by Miss Vesta Howell
clelnite Sir Wilfrid Laurier losthia boe awaiting 'the corning of the 'b ed .-Finetre-Nople Satia, 41.... Ilic. D. thew 26-28 and in commencing 'his very . tuckeo and trimmed with eight puff- '"Annabel IVIeCartley's party" followed
in, ineinuations against Sire Bibbett if thee do they must often feel they Reception -Mayor Thompson, ge F.
, 11 tteediee ed. ere e 'niece, vtve tearl trimming, She carried a shcaver Mies Elies Ty,e ePareoned," 4th a
T ' ` h' h th S k co lied
npper w lc e pea er nape are going "to be left." , Einerson, R. McLean, D. Cantelon, T. and visitors to -day" and then expetiet-
corae e ana la, r er o ores ere owlet of while roses. The bride's- sprightly recitation eThe Young
maid was Miss Couch of Clinton, &tint- Robins" and we hoge soon to hear
teeSner and his naannere and iadulged Perhaps no one travele these days, 11:1)4 elyl!alltle; 4ffeei.y.ilte'yor Thorn seoerie; li.ye telrmon RefV,KMr. Aindipri:ori salt! urge of ivhite chiffon, ailed exquisite by a pathetio selo sweetly sung by
im to withdreav. We thought our -Government must Wilson ; Sport:rent, Nairn, J. Knox, ed, on the benefits accrued. by Joining -
have taken half the duty 'off the coal N. I). Itougvie, Cha,rles Reid, D, O. Mc- 'that Order which requires all it.s mem. rwleitt.t.v.tiarrednei7ewnnheistea.noinonidnieovtr6ireapierld, Itstoenrprignei:teivaieTceecmlyanwd ect eriteinii
irbliesrteede. Ory,..2 ali‘ilt.s. Agolgatrotdi clitrati,4,031;oeunifi
., - anti ailieent in all that they do. He r
coa:erIin;hats 1'Zr T. )?
ee.itt.:cistioen 1;,e)fg.gleinol
ends with his hands folded, United oenas with e new slItted walk to the hail thee With pleasure, &Awn. Be 'D.
officials a,re harassing Ca,na- gate, neer which the lady of the house Gran% A ---MoD. Allan, Q. A.. Humber, said it was expeeient for them all to
- ere and fending them back acrots the stood. She had. a coil oil can in bee Via T. Murney ; sAdvertising--A. Mc- naarch one Sunday in the year to at- .Mr. and Mrs. Fred: Pridhane in a love. Knox church choir, piano dude, kind -
While the Canadian Ganernneept oil the othee a. m. as 'we passed a .1:ay ; Musical -John Robinson'. ewe bers to be goed moral men, temperate
, hazed,. which at first we took for a D. Allan, Noble nab,. IVIar3r 111°01P- tend service in a body, The Bev. pas- ly naval suit ot white cluck, WaS °he of ly rendered by Mrs, W. R. Logan, on
es. , the prettiest ot pagee fit 'for the ganist of Knox churcb, and her little
watermg pot, and woedered, because son ; Procession -G. F. Et:nevem, N. - tor said the Qrder was incepted twenty
:Marten, as they see carloads of "you ere outearly in 'your Ord this a. Whitely, John F. Robinson. A fine in nunibers and in that period; of time Qtieen's drayving room."
Mr. Philip Crews, was supported by Music by Leo Delibes, recitation
I will be hard to coneinee Canadia,n we aad had. po much rain. We said, D. Rougvie, SL George Pelee, Oliver years agoend wits growinn every year , Tbes groom, ' pupil, Miss Vera Whitely, "Pizzicatee
4eigriers brought in from Buffalo en." and she pleasantlyinplieca "0 yes, :working committee, all through. andd over $2,000,000 had been spent in no* Mr. A. J. MOrrish, also of Olietcon,. "Guess" by that lovely little elocution -
I'm just pouring the coal oil over the we trust thesday will ae truly enjeye of kindness and charity ernong .its After the weddiele• ceremony was per- ist Alia Saundera Little Alix is one
idenher points to take the bread out ends. of these elate to make them last," by all who come to visit the town of members. He said two beings were formed all partook of a, very recherche of the Moet attraetiVe little girls one
'their mouths, that the present Cfpv- and of eourse one half of it was run- Goderich. • We expect Chiltern will ' e to tbe World °blest to save aod hangman. . Gni the relatives and ha- would wish to hear 'recite, she is so
; . . . giv n , mediate friencleYof the bridal party at- originoil. 8th No. on program was the
nment at Ottawa is their irked, fling into the ground, so we said, "the ma e arge u the Evil One to tempe man to sin
extencled a warm hand to thew on S an tended the wedding. .Thedrawing and dialogue of the Birds and Flowers,
they muse follow Christ closely., leoing
Her iMajesty's Birthdey. ' • - about doing good and not be Hee the dinihg rOolna end hall were lavishly due*, Misses Irene and Ette Saults,
decorated vvith fiovvers and a hand; "The little reit doll," which was very
people say the Dominion Gov,ernneepe
hits only taken one cent off the duty,
'and uove we believe they mune Jeave
taken off a giaat (Urn More," • bot we
.-fear :the 14,4 had to pay. her 20 cents a
n • on for what:she wits pouting iato
the rthe ea -
W. Feeld arrived from Ohicago
nuesd4, enening to rejoin hie wife and
pay the o d town ,a ensit. "I belieye
your toes Would corae torsomething,"
he said to wir correspondene your
had another railroaa coming into ',nen:
We said ewe are sure you think it is e
preety town." nO yea -elm -lewd, "it is
• a pretty town, I was here twente-av,e
yeers•ago, Just aftee Omens wete
put around the square, and •I have
never fintotten the gdocl feel I experi-
enced ifter catching niylee in one of
them," 'Me. -Field will Make a brief
stay here and then return- with Mrs:
Field to their hetne at Chicago.
SIGN The Stiathroy A.ge of 1st June has thistles abseebing the goodness out of
the fealowing bit of Betorro logic :- the earth and ammo liana horseshoe did duty to one well sung by t ose two talented-4We
r. o n lton Members of Pediment who in the wounding thrusts in return. Duteng
nothin_g )?nt of the erches. Music and conversation sisters. -Mimi Edna, Strititori deterves
filled the nnee until the hour foe parte much praise for her tecitation "The
eillaber f the Jointers, "had years gone by believed their Govern- the offertory the appropriate. anthem, ing. The bride was eostinnen for her 'last tee cuddle dome" given so patheti-
linda re peet for the fitness of things ment brought presperity to tne come- "Waleraise Thee 0 God" was sung . by wedding' trip in a- very: handsome trav- dale end with such stront Scotch ac-
•• mended that ,Sir Wilfrid Laurier What wen. rnost edifyin%when the eon- cloth, handsome hat of mulberrx straw the Lowlaeds Of Scotia: . We hope to
wold at Once send in his resigna- ening tailor-made suit of blue ladies' cent one wotild euppose s e cane frae
try, have nove gone further and de. the choir but wee missed • tire altos.
with angel wings in black, an large heir herrecite"The last &muddle doon"
tion, he Premier is said to be anx- should go further and make the pros- gregatlon filed wit the c oir sang , The
e. Iota for it, though he does not see so. perous railweys disgorge a little more 'Lord be witla thee till we meet again,*
Other's of the same ilk Ore not so pone. freely -to their einplores. The men The Brethrep marched back to-eheir mulberry roses. The bridal party left itt Victoria Opera• House ae sonee fu,
for the east on the 2.30 p. m, trent ture evening. Messrs. Norman Allan
are -satisfied to fight t eir own .battle," nall and then disraiseed. . end Harry Grass neve another mopth
tic and the ears of ethe Member tor
among a, throng of merry maidens and
ycmtlis who went to *Oh them ' God
speed on their voyage through. life.
The presents vvere really beautiful and
many were costly. 'Mr. and Mrs. Phil-
ip Crews nave • our Warm wishes for
their future. beppiness. Mrs. Crews
will be much massed in Goderich circles.
the sewer which caused the overflow. as the was ever ready to assist in Mis-
A. moat Wight, to he dug around die sion work and gave her assistance in
"Oeean House" so that the water that church end at many. entertainments
courses clown the bank raight be car- with her sweet alto voice.
ried out to sea. • We were sprry to learu or the death
Right you are dear Age, and we trust captain Babb was always delighted
the Globe and all Sir Wilfritre friends with his residence, the "Ocean Ilouse,"
of the press will give him the same ad. on, the see, share; until the last Sundity
• in nia avhen he was almost flooded
orator sole which gaye much 'pleasure.
itlichigau" must tingle. Mr. Cheri- to all, recitetion eLittle Miss Flo SaI•
totes sin:matinee with the Miffed lows learning to sew" -which was die-
-States are well known, hence the appel- tinctle heard by all. , No, 13 was the
-Mr: Charles' oBates, . who hae bad Ont. lee town stande a chance of the
many reverses of late yeers, is now doughty captain levyingdamilgeenVen
mourning the death, at the portals Of it, ae he averethat there's a break. an
yonng womanhood, of his beloved and
faithtul second daughter, Mary Lorene.
Her illness was of short duration, ap-
parently, although uncomplaining,
thinking more of the welfare of the
other members of her family than of
herself. .She must have been etiffering
from diabetes for sonie lime previous*
as the attending phe,sician pronounced
her case. Fond. of her home and her
church, she will be long naissed by
friends and rele.tives. The deceased
yOung lady was a niece of Mrs. Belcher
-and .Alderman Cantelon, who were
vere, much attached to her. Rev. Jas'
per 'Wilson conducted the funeral ser-
vices at the house and grave. Mr.
Belcher, leader of Knox church choir,
sang the beautiful saered Solo hymn
841 during the bervice. The flowers
upon the casket were in many designs, vertming.ter a tenor, a baritone player
the wreaths being bettotiful. The pall- and a* professional instructor for a
bearers were Messrs. Merles Ohrystal, time. .
Will. Black, George Belcher, Douglas The origin of the fire in 'Saki rent
Straiton, John McIntosh and Reggie Beck's tannerns still a myster°y. At
Sharman. - hitlf-past 11 p. na, or thereabout', some
The rector of St, Geotge's, Rev, of our Godench friends wbo had spent
Mark Turnbull, the local press has the afternoon visiting 'Nes. Anthony
been timely inforrnedt will preach at Allen at her residdice, Dunlop, passed
St. George's the 'anniversary sermon through the villager and all Was still,
on Sunday a. me June 18th, of the no sign or odor of anything burning, -
Battle of- Waterloo to the members pf and shortly after their reaching home
Liverpool Lodge Sons of England they heard the fire alarm. The fog
Benefit Society, We hope and pray horn blew first, then tlae Court . House
theyery have .6 fine Sunday, alarm, so many thought it was the
,Oards are out we understand for the new planing miii, Mare Beck cannot
nuptials Of one of the postoffIce staff determine the extenb of his loss until
assistants and a well known you, theinsurence agent arrives as a great
lady.now of Stratford. The eeentfu many hides in an unfinisleed state were
day is said to be the 14th june, which thrown for sefety into the vats and
date falls on Wednesday next. . will lie there until the agent arrives.
The children's Flower day for North The lot which had ready for shie.
street Mativalist church falls on Sim. numb been made but was destroyed is
day 18th, same clay as the Waterloo aloe& of $500. Major Beck, who was at
annivereary at St. George's, '' Camp, got leave of absence on rridae,,
We took a walk to see how Governor having fonna a sale for his stock And
Griffin's new park was progressing. ee returned to ship it next a. en, If
is a lovely expatase of green and along he only had had the good fortune to
the bank at a little...distance from the drive ib up to the' station tie even -
edge are planted two rows of trees, frig of his return. But he feared no
which are at sufficient distanee to form foe and thought his property safe, and
an avenue. Governor Griffin has a even now be is loth to tlaink that the
rustic sunatner house and some benches fire was the work of an incendiatet,
the general impression.
opposite. the gaol on the bank, and we °14 that' itj
think he tnight re -seat some of the old Major and Moe. Beck heard ne sound
supports that still remain of hy gone until awakened by some of their neigh -
benches It is a lovely spot. One can . bors, It is the third conflagration DI
look with pleasure,or otherwise on the the Beck family. First the late Mr, Au-
rae_ drew Beckn residence, the work of an
stone causeway or arch wider the
road that runs along to the harbor. the incendiary they always mitintainern
eecond the same gentlenuttes beef rest.
sides of which are beautiful to behold,
with the grass covering them and be- denee, accident, and thirdly this late
fire. Everyone sympathizes with
Vernet is Platt's old saltwell and -MeV Mill.
the sawmill hair acres of green sward Major Beck and hopes some new good
fortune may be in etore for hime Salle
around le where the new saw mill at ford ought to have an' engine and hose
the harbor has scarcely roara for Its te hi contiguous to the
logs. The Maitland m6anderit a (lf Ita."11'
river and could alviays get water. .
pace, and beyond the lovelveAttrill ea.
tate where an old baron of Prance lived 8111°Ping °lir bleYelees all th"met
years ago in luxurious isolation with laid Manager McCready. We askea
his Staff of servants. Later it waft the rim if the bicycles that areifeen with a
home of our present postneasten John sprotkea a le Maltese cross,were from
the Henderson hieycle factory and he
Galt said all made this yeato have the sproek-
The 'eVanaeretee tWoonetsten schoon. et in the form of the Maltese cross.
ar, took refuge* in oureharbor lase week We chose that deaign ourselves, mild
on account of the heavy sea. Captain, he, Ana a pretty and good design it is
Ititterford wets boundnorth and felt it
advisable to tun in. ' for this last year of the century,
The St. Andrew made her trip from Mr. .T. Vivian of die Goderieh organ
Kingeton in short order. She arrive& , factory etaff has gone to Stratford. Ile
in port about naidnight nfter the fire seems quite elated at the change.
Maine rang Ho they muse have thought We met Mr. Ilarry Edwards on
Monday evening and we had heard be
they were going te he treated. to anoth. uad gone to menthe yoresee Goaerich
er conflagration. The St. AndreW doubtless Item extra attraetion for
took away a carr of bay and oats Harry.
lebionnaut why he should,while a melon ci•ovvning of the May Queenepiano solo
-"Starlight Waltz" by Reggae Elliott,
- ber :of the Commission and befere et'
then followed a chorns six girls..
, ,
ae.„), neadotmcluded its labors, publicly de-
.nounce Canada's position ann to some
No. 16 'a very humorcius recitation
with a moral attached was selected by
Mrs. (.1edge)Tome to read for the mem-
exteut weaken it, is a strange, to say .bers of the Mission Bend who gave her
the least procedure on the part of a great applausee'What the choir sang'
, prominent citizep of this country. about the new bonnet" that is what
The G. T. R. Co. is still debating -the
new depot site, Some of the staff
wage a floe large. .depot built at the
lake so that •elic-nic arid excursion
par es would be right ae the hews,
wire they arrive. . Veall, that would
'ne all right if we wily: intended having
one railroad coming riato town, but if
the C. P, R. extended their line here
where would they get any water privi-
Jeges ? and the Grand. Trunk never
gave our town any favors yet. ,,
The strike that sounded so' ominous
most have been "struck off." Evere-
body believes in Scripture and we are
told in the Gospelehat "The laborer is
.worthy of his hire."
On Tuesday a. en. the "Oak Leaf,"
as areernas its name, Oaptain Cringla
Chicago, arrived at the dock near
Mooers' elevator and discharged 20,050
bushels of corn for the Mooerse Lay
on Wednesdaye 31st May, awaiting
orders. , '• ' '
`' *V. Percy Moore and his friend, T. 11.
Bonser of Londotewere the guests on
thaQueen's Birthday and three sue-
ceedinge days of Conductor and Mrs.
Algie, East street.
Mrs. D. McDonaldnas
her trip to Toronto.
Mr. Manger has retur
trip East. e •
Would the tame strawberry ripen
eatly if grass were allowed to grow
among the vines ? Mk. Duff, Toronto
street, rays it is owing to the. wild
strawberry growing among the grass-
es that it owes its rare, sweet taste,
Mr. Duff has quite a large tract on
South side Toronto street laid Dub for
it vegetablingarden. Ile will bave lots
of Onions if the worm does not make
ite rayartes among them.
Mr. Harry Edwards of the Goderich
ogan factory staff left last week for
Mount Forest,
In the daily iesue of La Tribune, St,
Hyacinthe, elf else May, we note the
following :-.M. L. Greffier received
lately a letter from Goderieh, Ont., in•
'formieg him that the granolithic pave-
ment costs 10 eente a scputre and gives
complete satisfaction. • The informa-
tion also includes the manner of con-
structionethe proportion of the differ.
ent materials employed, &c., &c.
Mrs. Messner and her daughter re.
tarned from their whitens vieut to Chi -
cage recently.
We SaW a novelty the other day and
artistic at that. It was a picture frame
Mafia eix inches in depth formed of an
old moss grotvn board, taken from some
old clecayed fence, possibly on some old
farm Inahaving the frame quite a
large one, made, the moos retains its
place. A, very hannsome gold lining
finishes the frame and the' picture. We
must trot forget to mention the picture,
for it is quite a Work of art from the
hande of one of our accomplished
young ladies, Mies Grace Polly. It re-
nresepts a Turk in his native pietur-
esque costume, painted be all ite red
and blue colore, and does the artist
.great credit,
Miss Emma Campbell, late of the
ppab office staff, has returned from a,
three *walla' stay in London, at Coo'a
Busmeas College. The many friends
of Miss Eantna, win be glad to lisnow of
her obtaining some good eituation.
Miss Annie Ca mpbell of Seaforth is
visiting at the parental home, Quebec
A Paco PartY vvill be held on the
beautiful grounds of Mr. W. T. Kid?,
under the ailapiree of the Indies of SL
Marne On Thureday, June 22nd, from
6 ter 10 p. in. Fancy work to be die.
posed of, and inueie in attendanee, Re-
freshments nf a recherche kind. will be
eerved during the evening, Admit.
sion, 10 cents.
Mr. John Morrieon, mate with Cap.
tein Albert Sheppard on the Olympus.
le building a handsome brick residence
on Caledonia term* /overlooking the
Uodetich is only thinking of Domin-
ion Day, but, Steathroy is thinkieg
about her I./Otani-Am Feir. Sir Wien%
Led ier ate to open its Ca*
term Inning tele honer.
?"111 Pear. Let
The sidewalk down Harbor Hill of' Melvin Alruyr, second son of our ese
seems to have a fascination for the teemed citizen,W.L. Pennington, and
bovine. Can something not be done to brother so wellknown in telegraph and
keep cows from taking their morning other circles. Melvin was one of tbe
or evening_walk on that. same side- organ factory staff who placed on bis
walk ? "Keep in the middle of the cased, a very handsome floral pillow.
road" its not heeded by the Godertch Other *tends kindly sent floral tributes
cow when going to the seaside. She showing their affectionate aegard for
takes the sidewalk, plank at that. the young man. Rev. James Ander-
Contractor Coiner and staff are lay- son conducted the services at house
ing the granolithic pavement for Or. and grave. The organ factory, employ-
ees attended the funeral in body on
Nixon Sturdy at the residence of W. Thursday p. in. 1st June, having been.
W. illacVicar, Esq., Elgin street. - allowed a half hpliday, The pall -bear -
We note that the Marine band is ad- ere were his young companions, Willie
McEwen. J. P. Brown Joseph Stod-
dna., Willie Given, Che'etei. Morris and
• Bert,MOrtin.
On Tuesday a. ne. 30th. May the fun-
eral of the litte John Dickson ex -treas-
urer of Winghamnook plate *from the
G. T. R. station to Maitland cemetery.
Mr. W. Dickson, ex -Governor of the
gaol, was his brother. Mr W. Dick -
son's son Robert of St. Marys also at-
tended the funeral. Rev. )4r. Ander-
son conducted the services at the
grave, Quite a Dirge circle of the
friends -of. Mr. W. Dickson here acceitn-
ponied the remains to Maitland ceme-
tery. We clip the following very
pleasing obituary notice of the 'deceas-
ed gentleman from the Winghara Ad-
vance of last vveek's issue winch will
be reitcl by many with deep interest :a
"On Saturday., May 27th, there passed
away one of the most respected resi-
dents of oar town Mr. John Dickson,at
the ripe age of seventy-eight. Mr.
Dickson was 'born at Galashiels, Scot-
land. April 21st 1821 and witb other
rnetnbers of his father's family emi-
grated to Ottnadit in 1831, settling first
in Beckwith towtiship, county of Lan-
ark. Ten years later they removed
to McNab township, Renfrew county.
The early part of Mr, Dicksonn life
was spent on %farm but afterward he
turned, his attention to milling and
conducted business successfully at
Elora, also ;'tt Douglass in Garatraxa,
to*nship and later at Londesboro Of
the fannly of six brothere and seven
enters, whO all grew up to take their
partin roctivities, only one is now
left, Mr. William Dickson, Waterloo
street, Goderich. In 1873 detteased,
with his estimable wife, removed to
Witighain and ever since they have
been most worthy °Weeder. For over
twenty years- he was a valued Mend of
our town holding the office of treasur-
er until about two years agp. In so.
cial life be was a true friend, in his
official capacity eorapeteeit end faith-
ftd. He enajoyecl to thefallest extent
the confidence end esteem of the COM,
m'unity on account of bis sterling in*
tegrity, His religious aseociationa
were iu connection with the Presby*
termer chureb, In eolince he wee
once Reformer but of Of late years he
had transferred his allegiance to the
Conservative patty. Failing health.
for the past year °awed him to realize
that the enen was approaching and
when the summons eame he was found
ready. Religious seritice Was conduct-
ed by Rev. le. Petrie at the residence
on Monday evening and internient
took plain, Goderich cemetere oil
Tuesday. A, beautifeal noted tribute
the little maiden thought when the
• choir sang "hallelujah, "Hallelujah"
PAR iliOleTHE TRUTIT.,,. , she thought they were all looking at
— .41,• e." ' her. new bonnet and said "Hardly
rom a Lineral source we jeer that knew you, hardly knew you." The
1 1 a kik Ut the political solot, Jesus My Refuge" beautifully
lain No. on the program was a Sacred
, „ .
meeti g held i Dungannon last week rendered by Mrs. Colin -Campbell, ar-,
ongratulated himself and his friends tist. Mrs. Campbell is an extremely
pon the fair eight they made ne the sweet singer, whose tones have a mel -
ate campaign. • A fair fight, forsooth! •low richness ;one does notoften heer.
After Miss Palley's address of thanks
ow far does he hope to carry the for the children maintaining such per-
retence that he was ignorant of the feet order and for the good. execution
lesion of "strangers" who swarmed pf their several recitations and songs
e riding during the contest? There and Miss Andrews who accotnpanied
and to the ladies, Mrs, W. IL Liven
tre many people who would like an tbe singers, Miss 'Polley went -to the
explanation of , the discrepancy dobe of the lecture room and. shook
o tiveen the n mbar of ballots foupd hands and made pleasing remarks
A cart o boxes as annpared tive of THE NEWS -RECORD attended.
to all her visitors. The representa-
ade on oath. by, The flowers, wreaths, baguets and cut
e een latinEr.. -Wale flowers used by the.children in the
expen. e occasion and ascertain the crowning of the May Queen were quite
114 out { ,,, the"shortage."A similarstate artistically deranged,
nilt of e :i'vettisaid to have taken plaaein.
tailinnaduring the last Dominion elec
land $18,000 was spent by theLaurier
ernment in investigating. If the
ot bones in VVest Huron were stuff -
why not make an enquiry ? The
mg out.. gajuitice to e,vil doers
ot Mn opon party policy, but
a su Jed tone handled by the law
officere of the Crown. inut we may
take for granted that Laurier' will do
nothing mid thet no one vvill be better
' satisfied in consequence than the poli-
tician Who indulged in so much high.
Wain at I/wag:ninon.
T etliodlete Regent An 'UMW
I tithe, 2.- the Montreal
feren reeolut on
twig y conde a ry Eton. Mr.
'Tate's reeent sta melee in Parliament
that A.nticosti people, members of the
Methodist church, peactice4 the luring
of teessels on fei the rocky coasts of the
idand, was unatimously adopted, The
tesolution characterized these accuse-
' tions as unjust and untrue, and Airing
at a gross insult bete been offerred
church by the Minister or Publie
rks.. It also demends a retraction
inogyfor this base dander.. cow.
erd eit-tacle arid unprovoked insult au.
daci usly 'Chet. eopy was, oraet•ed
b sent to the Premier..
• k
.The township totineil Met int 11101
27th, Membera WI present. Minutes
of preitiontil meeting read and apprdy.
ed. Cheques Were -Issued for the fol.
lowieg anaou ts :441,
ing culvert, rend. 0 end. 7* $1.00 ;
/elm KU ickerePatelfig Wash.onts
and nreada, $18.76 ;
airing Culvert, L, IL, 60
Waliaee, inspecting con, 0,
; john Keefe, gravelling, le 11.4
e Peter Scott, repaieing culvert,
.10, $4.001 Geo. Ileitis, plank, 50
Ms ; Jarvis Wiles, repairing lip.
roach to eilleert, L, IL, 40..co ;
trenin,grant to mechanics' institute;
0.00 ; A, Carrick, overeharge
leetorke von, $10.27 ; las. Lane, 're.
ri two eulverts, eon. 10 and S. It.
, $4,25; Jetties Brown, repair-
° ettleette, S. 11, awl 7* 00
Ilebte'ritagerald, pIank, $11.
nderson, lepairing hill, 8, It,
tente ; 11. Finegan, repair.
' ton. 0, $1.00 ; Wm. Dor.
irimtetilvert, S. R.. 3 and 4,
Megrovy, repairing
tr 8, It. 3 end 4, 50 rents ; A.
far ton, 14, Int.00 ; W.
repairieg culvert. ro cent.* ;
reopefrinsseevera ;
k, the
eturned front
OM his
from thie port. r. Lee. ehiped the
There's quite 0,10t of grates left at the
1181' 'Part ef the ear" et heY (1"r" Lee' base of the trees in the square, poseibly
perchneed at Mooretovvn. Sombre. el to see hoW tall sore geese would groW
Kingston- which the St. Lawrence too
on at Itingston and Toronto and the if left to 10 own free will. n 016
balance here. Mv. Lee le a shrewd ' Ti.IV„,,._n ,...,W,elP,,,,,,r.Y21.15 ,,Itttr ..„. t,,,I.MI:
businees man and we congratulate him tifitnifi"); irl'ou;;;IVIZ'oci• it e'lFairn`jd".
upon his tact and enterprising sptritr ''''''
Mr. Ileaton prided" IsitYteelf on the
The Se. Lawrenee cleared on Satuday. pleasant and short trip he iambi make
6. m. for Fort William.
We learn that the appoin tment Mr, daily to and from Itidgewood Perk.
john Martin obernried for hie son J. W. Ort Wedneality evening, last dey of
from tire Doininion enneertinte Mayatt St. George's S. 8. room, The
Young People s Guild had art open
meeting which woe matt pleasing.
Among the Juvenile elocutionists little
Phoebe Wells gave e audittnee much
pleasure. Your cor pondent was un-
fortunately moan ttend.
in GeAerbsis, Odtbentre
Mr. end We. T
nom* with thee '
. as Wee on tee
taabidt fir,*
that of being one of the two see
of the eaten-n*10o nominated
with the Indians of Athitha
may be 0. Rood thing; for X.
think It is unwise to meld&
Indians, who bine their
the Breath Government
them, the commission
We congratalAte
ee Mali* hte fin
teeter and soliettor
b was
9 Wet
a. It
, bnt we
with the
gilts, teed
lir protest
erne" Gar.
stock of num s straw Hats,
very fine qualities, goods that
weve 75c, $1, and $1.25, your
choice of the . entire lot On
Saturday 5o
This is Straw -Hat Weather
and no man..in...-n.e,ed-of a Hat
Forest Home.
Miss Ethel Williams' of Seaforth
spent part of last week withlter friend,
.Alies Jessie Carter.—Mr. and Mts.
Bennett of Ethel were the guests of
Mrs. John Loye.----Miss Jennie Alex-
ander of Istullett• is spending a few
weeks with Mrs. las. McKay.—Dr.
Scott of Seaford' visited No. 0 school
last -week for the phrpose of vaccinat-
ing the children and as a result some
are nursing sore arms.—Mr. Cathie
spent Sunday with friends on the
third.—Quite a number from this vi-
cinity took in the football inatch en
Seaforth Saturday. --Mrs. Petty of
Hay -was the gu,est of Mrs. P. iDay-
mond last week, --Mr. Moffatt has an.
addition put to his house.—Mr. H.
Carter sold a valuable hotse to,Mr.
Alex. Gordon at a good ligure.—Mr.
Roby Gemmel is very sick and Mr.
Thos. Shinninglaw is. also very
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upshall 'visited
friends in Kippen last week. ---Miss
alunroe of Brucelield is the guest of
Mrs. Wm. Ross.—We ere very sorry
to note that Mrs. Wria. Ross Is suffer-
ing with a very sore ewe, Three Dr's
have been consulted,but the ease is not
thoroughly understood yet. --Mt.
Russel of Egmondville tailed on
friends here. ---Mr, Ed. Gormely is
now sporting a new wheel. --Miss
Agnes Sproat of Egniondville 'is the
guest of n1rs. Alex- Sproat.
A alarkdale Wedding.
A quiet but ioEceedinglp pretty wede
ding took pled; Ohrist church, Mark -
dale, Thursday last, at half -past one,
When Miss Margaret D. Lucase
ter of the late George Lucas, and sister
of 1VIr. I. In Lucas, member for Centre
Grey, and Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Parke of
'Minton, was married to len Walter
Turner of Markdate. The, ceremoriy
was petfortned by the Rev. 3. 10. 'Parke,
of Clinton, brother-in-law of the Wide,
tteeisted by her eottele, the Rev, 3",
should let this chance go by, on,iiiiiocrkegdroitasevatilzgig
SATURDAY BARGAINS Price wee 25 eeetS Saturday
IN DREss Gomm - One end very fine quality Fren-
ch sa,teen, fovea ground with
If you are Wanting Dress . white and brown flowers,
Goods you can save riaoriey o . rgeraymut rn:tialzpur in ccie: owe ya fict;rt:,.;
these lines. It is seldom that
goods of these qualities are vv1911)08 !awe and.cream
sold at any such prices.
Red, blue and brown moreen
sltirting‘ three short lengths
stripes original price was 25
cents clearing Saturday ).2e
One end only cream ground '
Ceylon flanneavery fine qual-
ity, narrow pink and blue
only, original gnu • was 25, stripe; eviseman price was 85
We have one end left of 'our
2Tioch crape cloth advertised.
last week; regular 25 cent
goods, clearing Saturday
cents, clearing aturday eents, clearing Saturday
52 inch black ladies' cloth for
capes, bright .glossy finish,
and good weight, original
price was 75p, Saturday
36 Inch navy and brown, aild
brown and black striped
lugger hea dress aoods,
Olediiita *eight, suitalite for
waists, original price was 60c,
clearing Saterday for
One end only Priestley's famous
black dress goods, .42 inches
wide; neat pattern, would
make up well for separate
skirts or full costume's, origins
el price was $1.00. clearing at 47
Dark red dress goads, an in.
wide, suitable for children's'
wear original price was 40
cents, clearing Saturday
Two only fence. costuthe ends
black Dress Goode every'
thread pure wool, ealtra fine
quality. these goods sold for
urday ler • ai.2..e0'`
$4.50 and $5.50, to clear Sat- ,
One end ouly fancy brocaded. • AFON'
panridcebwlaacks 45naoix, CsuaresturWdaiyseinfoarn .
grounds with tweet pea pat-
tern, Wiseman price was 18.
dress goods, 42 in. -wide, grey.
muslin, cream and nil green
24 Three ende only fine gualite art '
cents for Saturday '
95 2A only. boysseoft felt crude hats
all. sizes in navy fawn and
a I Boys' leather. Tam Shanters,
n black only, Wiseman price
was 90 cents, your choice .
BoSyast'llarndcal yMen's peaked cloth.
leaps, light colors, Wiseman
price was 25 cents,your choice
25, of the lot Saturday • .
Children's Fez Caps white afid '
navy, Wiseman price was 25
cents, your choice Saturday 10
One only, men's striped. lustre • •
, coat and vest, size . 39, extra
fimnaengociroi de es ,wwaesisl 3m9a5d,sea, tliWr sae; 2 - 80
2 only metes light Ceylon flan-
nel coats and vests, washing
ea goods, well Made, pearl hut-
tons,Wiseman pries was $3.5Q.,
foe Saturdat? s 102.25.
5 only bargetitilfitShaker flan-
nel coats, original price was
00 cents, your' choice Satute
One end only plain fawn Dress
Goods,good. weight and qual-
ity, euitabie for claildrens' •
summer dresses •
• We have cleared off a table in -the centre of the 'Store, and
every piece of goods sold by the yard that is shkt enough to
be called a remnant has been. picked out, measured up, and
placed on this table, 'On it you will find remnants of- all kinds
maiked at prices to Inake them. sell quickly.
• We are offering some special bargains 'in Parasols thi
week, good goods, dependable qualities at prices a good dea
below regular. See our west window full.
Selling the Wiseman Steck at the 'Wiseman Store. CLINTON, •
. '
Colborne Townehin.
The wet weather the past week pet
tlae farmers back in getting in their
root crepe --Mrs. "Wm. Treble has
quit farming and has moved to Glade -
rich, Chas. Treble* also o has moved
down to Cedar Valley, a very pleasant
place to live. The oldest aon John gets
ehe homestead.--te O. L. No. 153 de -
tided at its last meeting to celebrate
the coming 12th in Exeter. --Mr.,
Hebei has finished the stone -work of
Mr. A. Milliart's barn. which he; in-
tends enlarging this Stinarner,--Mr.
Jas. Mitchell purchased a hone; last
week from W. W. Fisher, Goderich.
--We are glad to heer that 'Mr.
Thos. Leveler, who has been. confined
t o' the house for about three months
is otble to be out agent-I.—The tea -
meeting held at the o Nile under
the auspices of the • Epworth
League of that church WAS A,
grand success. The proceeds amount.
ed to $70. --The council were out let-
ing their jobs on May 25th and 26th.
The Court of, Revision was held at
Carlow on May 27th. --Mr. Thos.
Robinson is busy getting the material
reade for his barn which he intends
enlarging this sumutee.-----Mr. II. I.
Morrish, teacher of No. 8 school, awl
pupils hald a grand entertainment on
May 23rd, Empire; Day. Quite a
namber..stere present and were well
Velased with the entertainment. Mr.
orrish deserves credit far training
the children so well. ----Miss Kerr eat
Goderich township paid a flying visit.
to friends in Colborne last week.
West Tuekersmtth.
r. Wes. Nutt of Maple. Lee*
has. old. his handsom
"La Rose" te Mr
of Carleetatforleene
For Perfuming Wardrobes
Closets, and preventing
ioo a Bag.
Our Native rier
e5o Pack
The farmers along the London Road .T
London Road.
hle le the great Sprit)
are noted for their thrift, progreesive.
was lakt upon the casket In the form Newell of Inerkelale. ethe bride, gOWn- OftfitY, good cattle and fertile acres. One
the friendahiP of the deeensed very s, ehower bouquet of white roses and borate. The father of the Preftent
of the beet knoWn families is the Stan -
We are sole agents in
of en anchor from T. Mills who valued ed in ivory cluchesse satin and carrying
pathy of the community uf her ber. !)7 ber brother, Mr. Wm. Lucas of family watt.' a natiVe of Devonshire,
highly. Mrs. Dickion has the. mem. Marguerites, was attended to the altar
eavement. Engiantl, and came to llurort early in The Penny Poet
Markdale. The bridestratid, Mims 'Sadie Its hietory
4'1 matuilteeittatidrai$Contliplettiby$: the best 5e cigar in Oa -
paring for 1st inly. 'The tube frinee
The registry oftlee seems ta he pee. Lucas, was daintily gowned in white low 1(inneelo for the 1-,
tnouseeline de sole, over blue, and wore After continuing,in the milling busi.
looks line wit*, to newly painted tam, a pretty ring of pearls forming A four. nese for some time he bought one
committee ought to take nattern ny ie, wo little matcheof..honor•MiSs Illanche dollara. This holding hes sine° in. fill 134 00
rode polite. ' We think the Square k1,aved shaturoek. thegiftof thegroorn, hundred Acres of laud for six hundred •
Two yoang men from the vicinity of Macpherson and Miss Shirley Parke r trensed eix-fold anti hie seine `William
Physicians' Suppli
ite./nk.trasi.,, witrrathi fistoVreLtod Gbribvpinsialtag 14.44-Terites ands atnrocks, represent. - best farmers and stockmen in the
Tiro ledtes sa Margo*** lose k e bride'm mane end birthday, and county. Years ago, when the conn
* le et platen Mention ' eve Marrererite and peerl pipe, the Petition was not so keen sta to*day. and
gift oft the groom. Mr. Chine Mena). there was probably more money in the
toillen-Algotria Plierteer.
tro t and kilien a kerne tit tebil Me% one of Aldo* McGibbon of neon -4.. business than et the preeent time, they
11401- item. Tlast church erse bought exteneevely for export, both to '
seri tketWre fiate.",tent,"1" senelae aae • the tainted Settee and Rennin. at ore ,
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neasniete one ere looking. over the . niece of the bricieh carried baskets. oi and George, Are reekonetl among the Chernifit a
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