HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-08, Page 3OF STEP
NLards ef INA et a heneenett Negcle lie Ottani; up bis Jumada and *rind •
best; but tan, me, yo who know most °be niore,ffietunt. and that is Step en
at TALMAGE SPEARS OF THE a the worldat history, what other king aaleep. with a, pathoi olnd eimpluaty
' GREAT CRUM ever asked the abandoned, and the for- peculiar to the Seripturee. the text
bun, and the. wretobed, and the out- says et Stephen: "He fell poroue soil, then Wall Cod eating*, newest 'mew, eeeee mem aegeeek nothing to compere with it in hietory
i weloomed tate Over of Hue- out: "1 Alto,. into the light."
sia and the Sultan of Turkey to ble Pass on now, anct wtll Show got
40104004.114.11111, 41414411440414441t
Abut House,
I • tt
!week ln latter sand er water It kept Mr,
warm enOligh. Some pleats require int SUNDAY SCHOOL OVERCROWDING OF 'DIMON.
longer. Verbenas and petunias also
root quickly. Watec with warm wite
tee, wia =all pots, protect from winds, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE IL "Corder* la bellattee or Ike Law.
suPPIY good Jdraineete, funnels richt If the overerowding of London haa
TOWM4104b it hattPle Living
Omit, to eeme and elt down beside hint "0," you eV, "what a place that witi onlookers will say you. ve Magle
/141911199°9 Weed411.4 thiel4"11444 I.'" 0; wohdertat invitation! You eau! to aleepl A hard rook uuder him, LOYE THAT REACHES HEAVEN. your fingers as regards your aucteees Text, eer, 10. se. that is beeetise London itself admits MANURES AND
of no historical comparison, says the ‘T. L. 'Wallace, before
Wontinued tram niar
itesteitun eltea etletsed Mot ht lama% - take it out to.day, and atand at tne I etones falling down len niro. the blood The heart that feels for others' woes, in muting greveing
wok oierraor for utimes_ma pr. otrt the darkemt alley in a !streaming, the mob cowling. What. a
Farmers Ins
phew* nye rtseeee ef the eeeita, your rags. salve tor your ;sprees a Text° toilet!: tbt:r timbal of slumber to - Verse 1L Mary stood without) at the London Daily Newe. At the begirulia$
That wipes, the team of borrow
Y, and says "Come I Clothes tor Jae " • Ge 01000" And Yet nlY From weeping eyese, when grief eler..
tinned standing, after tbe twodiscipleil fag In a elate et evererewdIng plena' 'upon to return us a part of the fartil
felloWing 'eat i--," Behold; I see tbe You wonder that Stephen stood look- , laborious lit ill ' Y Bleet boon to mortals given • tke potatoes froin the skin, being care -
of the oehtury London liad fewer peo-,
sepulcher. The tense of the original
one or yoUr eternal reign nes" %falba hitt departnre so sweet WWI Andflahrwlinge e blies to -morrow, is Imperfeot, waa atanding," or non. Ple inhabitin it tban it noW bee 111fr Earmyard manure we depend ler
, on en ed WAS It, so peaceful De the true hetatrt. tet Priceless worth, Baked Potatoes with Clieeee-lleraove
Christ t ta ke tbat and Este it bo c t t ' *
timpatch from Waehington seri:
Raw. Dr. Tannage preaehed from the, like thatle aadlpardona thet--do
was it. Stephen had lived a vise
ths chief wOfig had It throbe with pure love Were on ful not to break the skin lit b in a had goose enarwr. 4sweoehpeingwepi_z sire itilelohi joesaaaoutesoont,000imp:uavviee,LOTnod..odoaye;fooup: ity eur crops and animals reniove. I
muet Bee . loaves b of tenea. e tetributed, how valve roust not •he uncierrated, but
ilteratinff oh the right hand of God. 4eIng tile Saute ethhag* I
Eine I must lima upon that face come many are reet he bad sandaled, how and lAooked into. tne
holm= opened, and ow son ot, /x/en lea at Mote' Imo to upend eternitY been to car to.rd be pager. How many • udearearthattH, on up to haav'on., thoort bnottwttl,ssitroitit woitterol.t, millab-:tbut-zo aultr000np7ed,fdownt
- Pen they orted out with a loud volpe Clouded with my sin but noW radiant hue 000,000 People liviug witbin the, wane Lino it is suicidal to oar trae.
John. If her faith was weak, her love vvithin the legal „limits, is not waluouootlif,oabu.rihriiblisonatt po zget rault
nut of the city, and stoned 1111141' and nw:uuntog voteenwbirda Ire**, be lived and the way he preached, and To solillirvit Tc=hifiloar °X1 ealtetle, eeti.ei-.C*Qk riceDrinabi;i1u.hingd was strong.
tender.d She could not be cow- necessary health standard, end near-
ebe, way be died, I know he wee a la- Is the kind voice, whose words :-.13t °neer. place inwaa k for she believed that some in-
obvoarrwroweligetr. But that is all In tried, true friendship's given I grated cheese. lagBPaskill coovver uwreigt felled" ly two millions more tieing unde nee- dung is tbe undigested, or,ottly part
- tthe, witnesses leid down their clothes , chilefena
feirinera:u. livseiwte thrt
at a ninth Maine feet, venose name! score Tears and ten, You will see none
Ito herders !n defiance of the law, teresis to close our eyee te any
piece of butter on top ulcher. thad come to the sepuleher
glittenssYrtrtgf eicernese and distress he The voice that soothes ue in etUr Path, hPleee a
4.4d. atoned, tbeir ears, and ran up. with my pardon. I v'vant to tomtit that
band that knocked off my sbaoklizo. love,eir dwo nolugoswtle:nottikroititinttseewanayd itaTia& icheert the houra of eadness, welt: pod_tactutt and brown in the oven. a eeeene thee, eonoweeg r ater and with amine two 'anneal; living jinn fieleY in it. Ite the dung and liqu
e hi% Wieh elle accord,. and cast him
ally digested, material from which.
pk:o It binge fond hearts with love -links brown on" top. • Per hYgenio ounditionk, it le tbis un -
dignity had been offered to her Lord's
Behold Hine ye aged ones, for the teat .tainetior*Tirpent er
Wart Saul. And they stoned Stelellen, se felt'
the animal extracted. what it could!. It .t1
Precedented growth of London whieh
Palling upon God end (saying ; Lord. 50yoontil,7 can /Mine through the (tininess
r fatliug eyesi ht. Behold D.ine, the last insult from his enemeiees.eTb: And ezerea4es up to heaven. . Fish-Bitils-Ingredients, boiled petit- hedY, and she had cause enough for
pirouglit about the unpreeectented eenteins then the unused nitrogen pot.
por gravy an s
tom; . freabened, slowly boiled "salt, this easPleion. The only alleviation of esh and phosphates. The liq,uid por-
0 i last stoma to whose crushing *eight The hand that helps us in. OUr need her sorrow - was to 'anger near the overcrowding. London contains More
dry fiab •" k • ufnaient pro- °
kneelell dowo d. 4 -I lit 1 d a elenleht When all th at'
put together, It leas more people pee i sesteel and forinea-„ablood Was taken io
JOhatil*7., And when -lie -had said alio, gazing, gazing on jeaus. etraighten out tne bruised limbs, Is the strong band, so tried, so true, shredded fish and moisten Willt the ticent etructure, hewn out of the solid . .
In friendsbipet spirit given; pork, which has been out into fine bits rook, but with an entrance of MatiOnrY,
, ta 11 ul condi ' i '
he fell Otileep."-Aets vit. 66-60, . .. ing in a. state of overcrowding than I
thrown, off only in a similar atate. Tlit
q 1,1 doe and e, of eourse
Sterhen. had been preaching a roes- Sure tbe whele eartb would love him from the brow, and then theY Palle
Ills• worth, if all the natlona knew, They brush hack the tangled bair It fills the heart with love anew, and tried out slowly, crisping the and nrobablY arehitecturally beauti- gow or Liverpool or Indeed of any P sPhoru- acid absorbed hY tilt
conaprise the tetal population' of Glee-.
ho ' • '
, ettand it. They resolved to elo ati Alen- I' Pass on :nowt and look' it Stiphen anee •of hie/ who bad 1 vs that kins our cares away, eel, chopped onion if that flp.vertnit is pheoy, watt "with the etch in hie - .
' d -Wh • " 1 i It enters into tlie bone, of the entreat
jeans receive my spirtt; And he earth. Behold Him, heaven. What he is seetieptible has been hurled,
tions contain the daily waste ot the
people. tnan the three great continent -1
Lord, laY not this. sin their They take 111- Tb h U ere , portions for hash, Peel Potatoes while Place where she had seen b' 1 'd Th
e n IOW of the etephen eseee, Tho euseipies come. That leads us Rafe through sorrow
. A ail rum wt eh
e saved. shall gather around Christ All ey was away And gives us trust and, hid, d
What really entered' the
h PI i al capitals, of Fares, nerlin and Viextua systerth
ai . e
sepu er was oubtlees a maga -
faces that way. All thrones that wa,y, the blood from the wouhds. They bot, mash and mix „with the finely
Till dawns the fair toonea•row,
. around to look upon tbe calm countene And reaches 13p td heaven.
ing 'Sermon, and the people (mold not too." slices. Season to. taste adding .a.boile ful. Our Lord, in fulf lament of !pro- ,
, animal never returne in excitement
ived for the The te • • e city throughout the British Hun
e o o s, atoned, Tbe World has alwaya want- asIeepl have teen the sea driven A That bringe the sunshine brighter, liked. • Mold into balls and let It sten death e' his entombment was Wetly 10 at la reerev
...e pope et Ott AS •
Pear and died for the truth, Stephen -
-they dared, with some plata preacher ed to get rid of good men. Their very erith the hurticane until the tangled zue fills our home with bilge each till tuna day, when brown in moder- and magnificent, like that of the Ali; gt sr.Viugf 'and Promises to go on geowe lit gives nerve foroe and induces ripen.
leanetimee would rk t d •• tilt it
Out with Stephen through the gates Inetn1 caUght in the rigging, and wave mcke the heart beat lighter, cream Is an improvement, mixed. when oient ki , t a ri2fte niore rapid than
ing any, tng of the flesh, aria never oomes back ee-el
_ ,eousnesti_kin The, only life is an assault upon, wickedness.
Tn. =gat dday, ate oven, Half a eup rich, sweet
to storm the heavens and then I re 141)e s° rend, so Pure, tilo sweet, Masbing the Potatoes. , 12, Booth Beh
oldeth. Two angels. thing that as gone before, ln 1892 es- I to us in the shape oe meanie. The'
way to alien° th' t k k
is man was o t100 of. the elty„ Down with him over tlie rising above waVe seemed. as if about A
In all life% pleasures given, . • Cheem Straws -To 1 eup grated Jobn doers not tell as much about wag. timated that LOndon thirtY Years hem* straw used aa litter gives lie m et of
' the breath out of bim. So they ruehed Precipiciee, Let .every man cone and
have aeen the tern e t 'drop, and th That etet their • touele of love we'd els as do the other evangelists. In would have a population of eleven i the P°Meh of thir.grain plant an con
Stephen ont of the gates ot the city, •drop a.stone even his heed.. But these waves crouch, and Pe'l;erything becomes cheese add salt and pepper to taste, 2 !siderable eitrogen, but none, o pr
4'encl with curse, and whoop, and bel- Ire; eiltlitorldeep: much kill Stepben as
tn =elves. Bvery Atone smooth and ' burnished as though a neaegoteet' _. . teblespoons melted butter. 3 table- White. The color of the garments Of minima' ' •
',nes up to heaven. For the raoraent let us see what we 1 •Y , tbe ,pho'sphatee, becaer
Weal! none of.
dow they brought hint te tte•oliff, at; reboueded upon them. While these eamping plebe for the glories of T ""' , spoons cold watee and enough flour to the transfigured Savioue; the "each- peante, likeeaninnels, use it for thei
,..esavi31nas. bSoeelf hczvsee seen a man, whose he love that cheers us on our way, melee a eon dough, Mix with a fer1t anoe of eternity." The one at the have made of our preeent population of •
wag the custom when they wanted. to murderers are.transfixed by the scorn n
four and a heti millions. We leave seen . gees. 4 11. .11 le teen, art).
t el and driven, corn- That fond, sweet tender token, until stIff enough to cleave frora tbe liemnin tr" a rt w i
of all gpod men, Stephen lives in the ig w head, and the °thee at the feet, vvhere
take away life by etoning. Having ing down at last to an infinite calm, Whose ties; grown' stronizer day bv sides of the bowl. Dust a moldin amid beeere, idook-aesping is a better
, admIratton of all Christendom. Step- that one-fifth of ehis population ii il-'
p en a ive. a in Which there was the bush' of day -- - " * board with flour, roll. gently' until 91 the body of Jaime had lain. On the is icon 'time of affairs, yeti it has not so
theY Pushbd nisi, oft. After he had good men must be pelted. Ail who heaven's lullabee Stephen. asleep! I Binds eveartnan links unbroken; tbin as pie eclat, cut in strips 1-e inch table or slab where those who an int • legally overcrowdea;%,that one-tenth
eroved an ideal one in the way of
ugh him to the edge 0 t e t , hen stoned; but Ste h r So
t saw. such an one. He fought all nis Is love so true of precious worth, wide and six inches long, and bake in e, hi -
a m had left his remaine. •
9 - living in ".the soal-d troying condi- I f .
fallen they ()area and, looked down;and will live godly in, Christ Jesus haus
tieeneg that he was net yet dead; they
I 4
18 W h wh thins " of the one-roome home, thatin ngnig ule and keeping up ferCility,
da a'
abuse,. They traduced hhe name. It thrills the hearts of all an earth
a man to say that everybody likes him.
began to drop stones upo st
pet, on Show nee any one wbo is doing all his They rattled et the door knob while And reaohes up to /maven.
after stone, stone after stone. Amid duty to State or Church, and I will he was dYibg, with duns for debts he
MS horrible ral f " StePhea allow you scores of men who utterly Y; yet the peace of God .
could not pa
la awes and folds lue . • m. If all neen epeak well of brooded over his pill d, 11-1
ow, an w i e the ' HOUSEHOLD HINTS .
n o nusstles
plambers up on 13' k • • • abhor h
you, it Is beeause you are •eitber a lag- world faded, heaven dawned, and the - . •
. e the blood drips from:his gard or a dolt. If a steamer makes deepening twilight of earth% night Japanese unihrell s hal% long .been
temples to his cheeks '
, from his cheeks rapid progress through the waves the w, as only th '
e opening twilight of used, to cover u I a. .
hands Wbil
1-... . heve also been ugsyede,elinaint% yLa:aterns
,v-dalli.germents, front his garments to .water will boil and foam all ar, ed neav •
glee. litrat reth a sir. Not a are,not
.`the ground; end . then, looking up, he hear the carbines click. When I see e I heAre not the fagugly stirtill th . no Pretty as 'Me eoft, bright sor rand
it. Brave soldiers of Jesus christewilia stru
lnakM two prayeri1/2-One for himself and monay, and in- Weather. I mind not have told syestere cliiintzes which ?make looking uapPi:as
P eapure. • . cl: a
Ind one for hie murderers, "lerd Jesus, tfliumenaacew"11, 'Pulse'
son , ?, t on kthe right side, and daY that this wild be a day of cloud -
reeeive my spirit;" that -Was for hi
An ingenious. young weman bougbt
rck, canoe ure un, and :some -sneer and. darkness. oan never tell by•
be roll of matting, pliable and, jointless,
h' d the setting sun whether there will
telt. "Lord, lay net this. sin to the' at him, and soma denounce un, an
It men who pretend b t d t or not. I cannot tell by with a design of diamonds of blue here
eharge;" that was: for his assailantts. ri ht t'e to p ao_wite by a drou h
the bl g •
t rao se conspire to cripple .__ owing of the 'wind whether it and thegre.ramThais,eawskithfaaetleortyoitertipeattiver
Oen, from pain and, less of blood, he o east him out, to ,destroy him, wit' be fair weather or foul on • the moldin f
el I of b cle t 1 dder d
1 say • "Stephen stoned." When I morrow. But I can prophesy, an ra a• ep a an oonez er-
lweoned away and, fell asleep. - t I will prophesy, what weather lit will be able patience helped..to beauttfY
see a man in some grea more. or re -
Hazelnut eake-One oup sugar, 1 cup
milk, 2 .tablespoons shortening melted?, angels dome 20%000 are hi ouse4 in
han all that num ars
b manure and do we use it so as to
sheuldf she not 'weep? Tbe
ye ag east poverty and againat To weary ne'artals given! a moderate oven until brown. •
suffer persecution. It is not eulegY Ot
, tc...„1.--fi But how do we ueually care for • this
might have told her, -but she was to antler' haoesseciv_oirnsethe Workhouse because ,make ifie most out of it? Usually. it
1 small cup chopped hazelnuts, I tea -
learn from a higher source. She saith they can't" get' ordinary accommodation
kept in heaps in the barnyard -ore e
sPoen halrina Powderr-21-2 eePe flour. unto thera. Her grief eaa so absorbed( outside'. ns a supplement to this, let
field. The straw as it gees tato the
Frosting: One egg, 10 teaspoons sugar. her attention that she is not terrified' me add that London has an average of
Beat each. The nuts may be put in a heap is certainly not in a condition of.
small bag and poanded. Chopped ihily an apparition which under ordiae , 68,500 of its people in workhouSese or
oirounistances would have over- ' raore than the combined PoPulations plant food until rotted, but as the prci-
raisins may be used instead of nuts. whelmed her. They have taken away of Exeter, Canterbury and Dorsetshire. cese of decomposition develops acids
- re-.-- e , me, Lord, and I know not wbere theY We have more children in our poor -
which might be of great value to us ,
LEMON ICE. ' have laid him. ahe had no hope Of law schools than is represented by the .
liberating the lock-up elements of
added life, for she had seen him die, whole population of Warwick, aendon
Put three Pinte-orwater into a sauce -
and had known of his burial; but that also acoommoaates 88,000 a its PeoPle
pan with one quart 'of °taloa sugar ,his body shounl be stolen ,was a new la common lodging -houses, equal to the sofioltse, eiftualppaecatriosnainpitythr _chatrare on
and let it simmer over a slow fire un- grief. Her one great desire is to entire, populittion of either of the rail- stead of in ihe soil. X consitief rotting
til it is redueed to a generous quart of recover that bodY• way towns of Crewe or Darlington, One straw in the heap wasteful for thie
e IC She turned herself bask. We • in four of the population of Londn dies
syrup. 'When, cold, add the strained owe imagine, awe, that she became ; in e public institution, one in • eight
juice of five lemons and the whites of conscious of another presence, as we dies in the workhouse, or workbouse
four .eg•gs beaten to a stiff froth. If often -feel the aPProaoh of a visitor t infirmary and one in eVery twenty, is
reaeon: Tne duneattoon war= up en the
heap, and in a few days a lively ac-
tion of denazification begins, whicb
in a comparatively short time, entiretr,
I want to show you, to_day five pie- eigious reform battling against grog- when you, the Ohristain, come to die. ugly room. , the syrup seems. very thick a tittle
that it is. le 1 1 t h
without distinctly seeing or hearing I driven to accept poor -law relief. 1110re- liberates •ot ehangete the nitrogen at
tures. Stephen gazing into 'heaven. shops,. exposing wielredness in high You may have it yery rough. now. It The floor and. ceiling of a room wetter may be addee. Stir the ingree hien. It may be, too,„that the angels, ,
• tha t i t was Jestm. . Here was 1 "Terh*es3eZ ttPreel'' reteernritafififreesan,lit:ileav'ePqratifel:
Pour into lookin toward . o - as va uab e, ge a was ed
Stepeen looking at &tried. Stephen e ttorgeaettheedr uka:dtee cram.
sign ot his comeng."-Westcott, Saw 1 ter -fall- below Mr. Charles Bootn's atmosphere again • • It ite in tht . '
' places, be active rneens tryingto purify . et , yt. . 14 should be es pretty as the walls, an
• ma be -this week one anno aim the .
d' dfriesetzteirWtsollb g eheLord, sh wed seine , tatioree_roughly , oat, or, forming gases, eseapes be tho
etotted. Stephen in h' d' • P 1 the Church and better the World% nex another annoyance, I maY et in a like scheme of dolor. Some s - '
estate and I find that the newspapers this .year one bereavement, the nex , . ,Jetsus standing, 'and • knew . not chronic pnverte line. •• • • *
First look ea. Stephen gazing -into Men, oppose .him, and, denounce" him, year has Passed you meet. have to beg college. have made its walls of rouge'
ymg rayer.
warmth, moisture and darkness of tht
Stephen asleep. anatheme.tize hira,.and /nen, even. good mother. bereavement. Before this mei". art etudents who have a mountain
plastery eolored a dell brown, which , we -hay(
heaven: Before you take a lettie you because, though be does good, he does for bread, oe a•sk• for .a scuttle ol a bat who he watS her agonY I dor. is bound to grow. She is the caP- onl tea
- manure heap tha,t this a rants. lossgoet
GOLDEN TIP TEA. wane one &beet to ad,dress her, tees, whatever we may say or do, Lon- on, and to 1,, 102614..p
• not do it in their way, ray; "Stephen goal or a pair of shoes; but spree et castigate a lemma at auction and Italia- of 'soul led her not, .to inquire. Dr. itat of the kingdom, the seat* of the ;ger* f 8"1"11
want to know_ where you flee going to I stoned,. The world; with infinite your death couch amid the leaves of Ehad.e8 - eta the Eyealeh orate
on the' ceiling with g'rayish
eirower. • Vincent c
or our an m serio
_ ails attention to the delicate! empire, eol'ai•ii for nitrogen I the ' r" ipai
made of birch oi wood earth. the words translated • "saw" and must keep
and the eert of the world.. g
land. Befoie you. climb a ladder you spite, took after John Frederick Otier- the -forest, or. make it out of the straw green. Along the vvalls, atk the height "Tea ' at $40 cr pound is a 'luxury shading of the narrative as shown by !long aEl these conditions last Lodeen meieey value of our manure. 131°The
e• Want to know tos what point the ladder lin, and Inebert Moffett, and Pahl 'and of a Painter's hilt. the wolf in thco of the Picture rail, are narrow.- boxes, flat many families celled. atford as a
reaches. And it bt that Stephen'of the teXt. But you notice, iungle howling close by, Or, inexorab steady beverage," said Harold Weddle, ate df t it. • • s at a ' el' • ' d I be todo
on growing, at teMPts te ma:riure has cost us money he some
m, and to no waste a is equal to al.
' ledge or rather the • le.ck of it, eased is a far -away ory, lost in th remote- then, is a leak which every effort raus
le "knew." The first andicetes a look : t its growth have always failed•an ,/ • .
, was rig my friends, that while they assaulted creditors jerking tbe pillow from In these are German ivy' roots. the ten- a as an , inquiring a • always will fail. "Lest on on lowing cant hard-earaed, dollars to rim .4.
of London, “Fabulons as the State- stranger; the second indicates a know- great to feex Gted or honor king," , out of a hole in cnir pockets. Ile/
Stephen, 'within a few moments of I him they did net succeed really in kill- unde3r youte dying hea,d-
Christ will
heaven, should be gazing torn it. We ing him. You may assault a good come in and darkness go out. P g mole may seem, t is enormous price,
AVoilld all do well to be found in the man, but ydu cannot kill hiM: On the And though"there inay be no hand to wires, whioh spreads tterchis tne (mil-
t on • • • I was paid eor tea in 'the London raarket on spiritoal fellowship and affinity, an,
ness of Tudoe times, when Lendoe had ' be made to stop. To some extent the'
day of his death, Stephen spoke be- close „your eyes. and no, braes ing. Another room has been arranged • ward- conseiou sure conviction of lan'd
a et:imperatively short time ago. Ent ' barely halt a people. "E g- use of land -plaster in the stable/
same posture. Th ' " h • fore a fevi people in the Sanhedrim; which to rem. your dying heed, and no 'by its owner as a sort of mermaid's - hie identity,
ere.. enoug in
.vvill shortly be London and London
I then it was wonderful tea, the like of 15. Why weepest thou? Jeans re- Englana 1" was &meg' the First
heaven to keep us gazing, A. mani this Sabbath morning henddiesses all candle to lift the night, tee odors of
, which had never before been seen. It Peate the queetion of the angels. of remonstrance, Queen Elizabeth be- .plete cure however; but it seems to
o a cora.
cave, the walls of stem covertei, with orY. to prevent thieloss. It, is t
strewn daily in the gutters, will he'll
• tedomi Paul the Apostle stood on God's hanging garden will regale Your clam shells pressen into the plaster and
of large wealth may, have statuary at •Chris
, the hall, and paintings in the sitting- . Mars Iiiiii addresaing a handful of phi- souk sad at your bedside will halt ties
I tinted a soft green. The ceilibg, is Was tea whose price represented the ,"These are the Bret recorded of the 6 1 • help. In fact, anethink h h 11
sacrifice of the best part of a huma
, n words which Jesus spoke after his re- To-dey we can smile at the deead the
fore him had tried to stem
induge dreness in the heap will 'assist.
w ic wt.
eltneecioan, and works ofeart in all parts of 1 losophers who knew, not so much about chariots' of the king, No more rennet° draped with fish nets hung on spear's.,
'e.he. holies, but he has the chienpieture ; science as a school girl of Packer In- PaY, no more agony because flour has A whaler's lantern and a narrow 1 •-• . • ' • surrection, and we may well interpret , growth of London then inspired. eve t
- -e- 113ut if we spread the manure„on our •
in 'the art gallery, and there, hour stitute or a school boy of the Poly- gone up, no more struggle with " the painted frieze of red crabs heighten the !life-. To pieduce it the light of a pair them to mean soraething more than the , wo uave to do is td face this growth, fields immediately, no loss °ochre; The
after bour, you walk with catalogue 'technic. ' Tinday he talks to all the world, the flesh, and "tbe devile" but illusion. , ' ot human eyes was extingueshed. To dense which they immediately convey to I not to lament it, and to be ready to sun does not waste the manure, iteitilyee...,,,e
et ' and glass and ever increasing ad,mira- millions . of Christendom about the peace -lank ' deep, everlasting ewe.
. . . . For t • ' 1: d and r ta" d the tu f thts wonder MarY. Henceforth let no believing ' meet the yet larger growth.which is
gratis s aunt in men an lawn e a n . na re o - , takep Water from it and dries ite Aline
tom. Weli, heaven is the gallery i wonders of justifteation and the glories Stephen -asleep! min sorrow or e ea as others
f th d d, bound to come. in the sunlight, the microbes eo not
. use alcobol, then (mitt water 'and soap. ful., tea it is necessary to know' some which h h • f th • Sit
ave no ope, or, as eir v- . — clevelop.and work destruction: This
• .
th t'de
where God has gathered the chief f of resurreption. john Wesley w
-8- "Asleep in aims, blessed aleep;• For -hen rust use salt aid" lemon juice of the peculiarities pf the tea lea! in .ttur -ethe ched is risen again, even so
rinVEING AT PARLIAMENT: a. lebor-saving operation, and the
tre.asures of His reale:1. The wholcarbowlede down by tbe mob to whom he p .
t rom welch none ever wake to wee,h, and -sunshine. Thie is also 00d tor its native state. The tip of each leaf t on also which -sleep -in Jesus will • labor Bayed will be well %pent in out -
=worse is His palace. In thee lower preached, and they threw bricks a ea calm and undisturbed repose, g God bring with him "-Churton Sure' nog the straw for bedding. Bat is
dew, rub with soap and ohalk freely. is differently constituted froze—the re- . • • '• G which fli priiving Verieltoe• - ..
adornments; tessellated floor of ame- they jostled' him, and. they spat upon
roora where we stop there are many him, and. they .denounced him, and
Uninjnred by the laet a foss: '
A new method of taking oat fruit meander of the leaf. When the leaf is posing him to be' the gardener. A Newee= in me sciumiis armiaan. there no other reason roe spreatang
• thyst and cowslip, and on the winding hirn, -and yet to -day, in all lands, ha • For who else wolild be at thie hour. in • ,,,the pure as soon as made? Most of
cloud -stairs are stretehed out canvas is admitted to he the great father Of
on which commingle azure; and purple,' Methodism. Booth's bullet vacated
- " Asleep in aesus far erein thee stains is to tie up oream, ot tartar in dried gut it hecamea black a.11 gut ethe
Thy kindred ancitheir graves inay be; the spotted •places and put the gar- vetY ttlN whien enenEee awn ge en borne him. hence. These are the words'
that suburban garden? If thou bast Ae be .
genions school teaehet in Jeliabi the 'arlre made itt the barn is pro-'
• But there is still a blessed sleep, ment into cold water and boil it. If . • . .
to a beautiful golden colour. The folde
. . of timid hopeerather than despair. If recently conceived the idea of having duced in ,eie-tajleeyvinter and earl
and saffron and gold. But, heaven is I the Presidential chair; but fro
Prom which none ever Wake to weep." the stains are Illueh t' ea tip is almost infintesimal In else; It is the gardener who has removed the his pupils ho sessions
in that
the , gallery in which the chief glories spot of coagula,ted blood on the
tartar in the water. If still visible and usually loses its identity in the
are gathered. There are the bright- ' floor in the boz of Ford's Theatre there You have seen enough for one morn- l't
boil the garment ha a mixture of sap-
' black mixture that results trom the
. eat robes. There are the richeete sprang, up the new life of a nation 1
browns. There are the highest ex- StePheif stoned; but Stephen alive, big. No One can successfully examine
ercarbonate of aoda, a tablespoonful final process at tea -making.
more than five pictures in a •day, "The high-priced tea I eild you . of
hilarationee. John says of ie "The 1 Pass on now and. 'see Stephen in his to a pail of water, .
Therefore we stop, having seen the • was made ber a Ceylon %planter, who
kings , ot the earth shall bring their ' dying prayer. His first thought was cluster of invitee • Raphaels-Stephott For sumnler 'cottages - the latest
honor and glory into it." And I see not •how the stone hurt his head, nor cherished an ambition to place upon
gazing. into heaven • Stephen looking style when papeeing walls with a vine the market a tee whose beauty of ap-
- - at Christ ; Stephen s'tened; Stephen in or stripe is to have the lines meet at pearance and riehnesti of flavour would
the procession forming, and in the line what woula be,come of his body. Biel .
,00M3 alt. empires, and, the stare spring . fired thought was about his spirit. - e •
. up into an arch ,for the hosts to march "Lord: Jeaus, receive, iny spirit.'? The nis aying prayer 1 Stephen asleep.
a point in the middle of the roiling. It make him famous. ' His name I can -
least a friendly removal, Tell me ld • similar te those spring. If we consul
remainS of her Lord, then it was at of the Japanese Parliament, and so
take him away. Her synipathy out- success u n
f I h ovel idea proved
where thou haat laid him, and I will
rkuiransahwearr.sebnuste.sheShheasennulhdalnl ofteetlainke' throughout the sChools of the country.
that• it is now being generally adopted
g It has also attracted the attention of
• spread s tr. cream
• under. - They keep step to the sound murderer standink on the trap-door,
• of earthquake and the 'Pitch of aval- the black ear, being drawn over his '
not remember, anel probebly if I did 1
makes the walls seem lower, but it is
wcould not pronounce it. HIS idea
allelic from the mountains, and the head. before the execution may grim-
, BAD .NEWS FROM PITCAIRN ISLAND. novel and cheerful. Good effects can as. to separate the golden tips front
be secured with pink and white cheese-, the leavetnand peak them separately.
flag they bear is the flanie of 'a eon- ace about the future ; but you and. 1 . ati 8 ll to Re Datoneratitig_A cloth, the pink gathered in tiny folds Ile would trust no one else with this
'miming world, and all Iteaven turns haie no shame. in confessing . some The N vet; a 1 lam settlement.
for the walls, end. at about 20 limbers precious. 'secret; and undertook • the
out with harps and trumpets and ivy- anxiety about where we are going to _ Murder In the le
from the ceiling the white is shirred,
riad-voiced acclamation of angelic dom.' come out. You are not all body, It will surprise many' to hear of the and meets it, extendipg further to be task bitn.self. It was a tremendous
tnion to welcorae them in, and so the ' There is within you a soul. .I see it . undertaking, for it must be remem-
unfavorable report that has recently gathered. into a -big rosette in the lien- bared that the tip had to be separat-
• -
le get 0 a ear zing t en* anent g Y • ter.
, and their gloey into it. Do you times I am abashed. before an .auffience, been publiahed by the Colonial Offiee
etronder that good people often stand,' not; because I come under your • phy- in London concerning ,the inhabitants
like. Stephen, looking into heaven? We meal eyesight, but because I realize the of Pitcairn Island in the South Paei-
have a great many friends theie. truth that I stand before so many im- ,;„
In the saucer system, of rOoting cut- planter Veorked clay and hight u.ntil he
Thereiti not a man in this house to- mortal spirits. The probability is nee' The fact is well known that they
ed from each leaf by band, and it re-
el-- quired great care to ,prevent some of
the black tea feorn finding its way into
i 1
nazis° isolated in life 'but there is that your body will at last find a are the descendants of the Bounty tinge, the, vessels are filled. with sand had 50 pounds of the golden tips, and
Sams ohe in heaven With Whom he once sepulture in some of the cemeteries mutineers, who landed on this solitary simply. The euttings ehould be was blind as a bat. He sacrificed his
OeSight to his ambition. The news
shook hande. As a man gets older that aurround this oity. There is no rock in 1790 with some Tahitian vve- sra 11 d 1 b t '
, a , an severe can e pa in one 1 • •
. ot the fitty pounds of wonderful gold -
the riuMber of hie celestial. acquaint!. doubt but that your obsequies iyill be
The sand must be kent so en tea got to London, as news of Dom-
slices very rapidly multiplies. ,W0 decent va. respectful, and you will be m
en and a few men of the same is- saucer.
Ve not had one glimpse of the ince able to .pillow your head. under the lands. Most reports about the de- wet that it is like mud, and the saucer mercial import always does, and there
maple, or the Norway spruce, or the scendants have represented them as must be placed Where it.will getplenty was hot rivaley among the tea brokers
•we kissed tbeni gopee y and
ay; bat stiii 0 stand: eypressl or the blossoming fir ; but
ly aveilable part of the manure, the
dung, is at a state,of v ree-fine 'subdiv-
ision we °air -ieadily see how the grav-
ity weed. of the soils,' present during
thine seasons only, can assist in distti-
bution of this manure much more per.
feetly than any maehine we earl devise.
This is an itaportant reite0h for fall,,
winter and early spring manuring,
and ehould not be lost eight of.
that his poor body is be somebody's
a treasure to her. • many Europeans, and certain leading
way, and there is not the slightest re- ,
16. Miry. Her Words in the prey- .he Germany and France claim
minder of his life tbat would not be journals
with her deep sorrow, but now she that school teaciters in every county
raight well follow the example of the
ious verse show how she was taken up
tones of that familiar voice whioh had pjaaPrtalloefsee
hears her own name spoken in the In his school the principal plays the
'pronounced her sins forgiven. "Our eae er P inister, and tem
her ears first and her eyes afterward." t h s re resent respeotively fa,
Lord," says Bishop Andrews, "opens
Saith unto him, Rabbom. "Saith unto War and of the Navy.' Three of the
him hi Hebrew, Rabboni." Revised Ministers of Publie Instruction, of
Which is to say, Master And there- Councillo ,
senior' scholars take the part of Privy
re and the oldest professor
Version; a Galilean Ararintie phrase.
fore presumes a return to..the condi- oda an President of the Parliament,
tion of the old life -a mistaken pre- I the place of Vice -President !Luting
.e7. Touch .me not. . This comman
d letatenr • pbryof e stshose part% a spsuaprils°4 Ethel! tatrhye.
is not so hard to explain as a our
Lord's explanation of it. For I have
not yet ascended to my Father. The
verb for "touch" primarily means "to
to geL possession of the new mixture. fasten to " and therefore "Toucte'me
. eiee .when some of this sprit about which Stephen pray- a . held in the large schoolroom of the
being very innocent and happy folk of son, • .Never shade from the 6116$ In London tea can .he sold to brokers not" mai mean Cling not to me. Im-
parts of Speaker, Secretary of State
and the other official personages at-
tached to the Parliament.
At the opening session, • which was
r eissethe sea, we stand ed, what direction will that take ? g
n win n a sor o ar en of
i t f G d but proteet from the wind. This is High School at Sendai, a city in the
only.at auction, and the general pub- pede me not. Dr, Vincent interprets north of Japan, an embryo member of
the d on elle team -tug, and What 'guide will escort it I what gate Rave.. all that is neceasary to insure success- lie is excluded from( the Satee, only it as explaining it to Mary that she
hero is only a patch of sail on the it has got beyond. thelight of our sun, flee, the islanders are "lax,..in morals `----- in 11- e r between the broken; is very close. about to be renewed, The old inter- Parliament presented for hisoussion a
bill was a yoang sLudent maned Kato.
tch them, and after awhile the wilt open to receive it? What. cloud. ACcording, however, to the cones- ful "rooting with good slips. When brokers being admitted,. This insures wan mistaken in supposing the old re- bilI for the abolition of all examine -
elle Of the vessels disappear, and then will be cleft for ite pathway / After pondence published by the Colonial Of- merle.. ter o . a e natist be taken a proper valuation, as the competition lations between her Lord and herself lions. The principal champion of the
ky,, and moil that in gone, and. they Will there be torches lighted for it the He spoke for two hours in its tavor,
to do it very gently, eh all not to throw When thee particular tea was put up course by means of sight, Sense, and
and weak hi intellect. They are fast
re all out of tight, and yet we stand rest of the Way I Will the soul have
• •
degenerating 'and unless tioniething is down or even unsettle the dips. It seemed aa if the bidding 'would touch teat n.ever again go on. "Hence- paying not the slightest attention to
The effort at the time
_to guild a chea
1,3.V•thts s ,og
built in the past have been
sive, and many of them
quickly. Those that wer
brick or stone have not be
factory as ehe wooden
pears to the writer that t
durable silo and the one t
satisfactory is constructed
veled-staves six Inches w
the length desired. It la
form and should have a ee
tom. The staves are usually' kept in
place by Meane of galvanized trot,
hoops placed about 31-2 feet apart
They come in sections of 10 to II feet,
with suitable appliances for tighten.
ing. Four or more posts may be sei
rise to t
cause o
of affai
speedily done to alter their condition he profe.ssional makes great US° of
T Bever cease, and it did not until the forth ctnnmunion with Cheat will he in a square to support a roof and gnts
oking in the sante direetion; so When to rave t tough long deserts be ore
iso ation and. procuring lopd. with lit- the top and .two inches deep. Booted o . Considering that the like or it through my ascending to the Father." many interruptions, which Were
✓ friends go away irony us into the it reaches the good land? If we should wonderful product was sold at $340 a by faith through the Spirit, and this the
, made by the deputies on the crowded:and boarding, and if the silo is he *
they Ivill probably drift into hopeless dny pots, two inches in diameter at
tura world. we keep looking down lose our pathway, will there be a ecx ity. Living tn almost complete fotand, or $17,090 for the fifty -pound eommunion • will become Pt*Sime benches. . The newspapers next day 'cold country the corners, of the
rough the .;.,eareews, and gazing. and •castle at Whose gate we ratty ask the Innt I
r but it is in a cage noW. It is locked ers." travagant, as was shown when the even their love for Christ, not lower- gave a long account of his speech, I.
tha silo, with oth altible ends le
zing ta demob, we. expected that "IlY to the city / 0, this mysterious r d f b t ' 1 '
r 6 ter in ama 1 t n in would rob bl nev r ma may he filled with etre
tle trouble the have no 1 cen
, .. y n tive to e iris o a ha p a y e again be obtain- "The lesson to Christians is that they , and predicted for him a brilliant Par -1 -
exereise thew mental and physical large pots, where they are apt to be- able, I do not think the. price was ex- must learn to exalt and spiritualize iliamentary career if he'decided to en. vent freezing. roof -Wei
y would come out and stand ort spirit within us! It has two wings, .
3 evening cloud and give uti one
rapse of their blissful and teens- Tne fact that the few families on the tea was retailed. It was sold to con- in 't th I Mr public life.
faat to keep it ; but let the door of Pew, come waterlogged. They should be
uted faces, While you long to . 0 island have contihually intermarried potted in fine sAidy soil and kept noisseurs in all parte of the world, .tions."-Churtoa. Til place of "mY not so fortuuate. One of them in- •
g i to e sca 0 of earth y affeo- The speakers who follovved him vvere On4n, 0r, if it iS dared, $1, flat xo .
. . is off. Eagle's win could not catee ' may be used, About three door& should
r and the days go with such le The lightin ags are net swift during the last couture MS p.robably shaded for two Or three days until the and in each. instance at a handsome rather" the itemised Version, follow- 'deed, was so embarra.ssed by the inter-. be eta in the etaVea at suitable dia.
their eompanionship, and the
anxiety about it t Have you no maxi- t tish warship they certainly led the
. io the nature of the cutting and the scant consolation, to him in his sight
. - of the verse. Go to my brethren. The after which he hastily left the
ruptions from the benches that he lost
plat., are fastened together by means of bat
. tens and light carriage bolta. The+
etleturli to take „In-eth IC "eevheneile been detrinaental tO their physical and roots have time to strike into the sou, profit. The Tndian planter received a ing the best texts, omits the pronoun, tames. These doors are out bevel.
ttat that they break your heart, so / - / Ike wl, ••• • • - e• tee mental well being. For many, yeare handsome sum front his brokers, ,and reads, "the Father," Si II
W --e- eni- hie head corapletely, and wtts fain to 1 . ', ,.... ,
the viper of pain, and sorrow, ahd u 1 eavea t e boay it takes. if Y before they were discoveted by a Bei- In from four to eig . ,
ht week"! accordi
-ng though milliona would have been ' phasizes the beauty of the last part turn aside and swallow a cup of tea, I mg, anu eue Wee? which are out out
aveniant keeps, gnawing at your wor.da at a bound. And native no.
have changed since you SttWAheni • • .• . ' . - ° mutineers. SOMe of them, howeetr, I ' E mu, Pother, and your Father. The rather •port in it. Students, as well att pro.
A curious feature of the eession 1 b id b e
you still stand, like Stephen, tide when tent house is eli quite you i most harmless ofjives, under the pious heat it has had, the little pot will be less condition." shuddering eleven cooped up in their . form; a ou e cut on a beve at they.,eti
g into heaven, You wonder if ' o tuition of John Adams, the last of the
do vvith mv bodv when ma soul is donie ' f'll • • ' -
ed. with a nest of roots and needle TO.131 of 'prayer. X ascend unto MY was the gayety of all those who took, .
eo tnat the door may be pIam4,an
You Wonder if they woe" re, or whether. you believe in creinatiou have recontly developed vielous and repotting, bitt eo not UO6 tpo large a EXPERIMENTS WITH GAM of all. Ma fatherhood la onet that ii.. position froze the inside. TM
, der Was rommitted. fawamp moss is so useful that any is that the resurrection is really the Wearies whom they represented, and
f-essors, did not hesitate te lay atoms
se your face now, $o changed has r h ' t,
eriminal, instincts, and in 1897 a inur- Pe, , , lates to all humanity. The intimation on the weak pointe of the grave dig -
en with trouble. You wonder if, well in a %%Tapping of sackcloth as in At t e nt p t to t!rosit the' 0 finnan le he 'Went the
the myriad. delighte they tine' i satin lined ,agle's down. 13ut my Salmon from the Sea. beginning of the association, Ile is many a hearty laugh was aroused by
-- ee ' soul -before 'I leave this house this; The government 00balsts of :11 Presi- inmunerciak greenhouse would not .
think of getting along without. it. In A remarkable expariment is flower°, not ashamed to call us "brethren:*
Ton %vender if they look any `, di a a - -Y text, that when we yeite a British Man-of-war, brings them 111 eix-inch pots and larger a layer of ,
cry at Tadoussac, at the mouth of the , d h.
(so , w ich you have watched me for seven hours, and it might not hive
To the skilful manner in which they por-
are as much for you as they use llama" r win find out where it is dent mid ,a ParliaMent of five Ment-
on they gave you a helping band eleeted annual17,•both the wo- small pots half an inch at the. bottom needing at the Governmeut fish hatch- my God, and your God. The privi- trayed the leading legislators of their
at Omit shoulder Under Yotir bur. •
going to land. Th k God f the b91.9*.
au or Men andlnen voting. About once a is filled with this mom for drainage. ,leges of constant communion' with country. This first session Tasted for
Intiniat`ea Of in
and etinietlines, In, the evening- questions for Wh t th u h th
e esus takes us. That answers all clothing. and. luxuries, and. then, if an inch or more of charcoal is used in Saguenay. It has been observea that 1 three years enjoy, are yours as much ended tben if the Penne Minister had
this cage open the least and that Boni
gointe expression of opinion is -If
Coantry Gentleman, whith ••• u the
save 'We have exaninted most are
fully the cintilar-siloa and are le t
say emphatically that under most em
ditione the circular is preferable t
any other form of alio. it dries ou
entiugh to prevent ' any decay, an
when it is °desired; tot fill it again th
hove are tightened, making the ail
air -tight.
hen the house is all quiet, you I Were rtuissivenra.re betaween° hgere tient: necensary, Judicial easels are disposed the bottom and tbis tevered with moss. the famous ouartartiche or fr„esh-water as mine. not remarked that it was time for &n-
it you should call them by of, but, serious mime is very rare., X have used dried grass in place of moss salmon, caught in large numbers lir! 18. Mary Magdalene came and nor.
the oily ram .7m c e
Laker St, john and its tribittary waters . Literallya Evidently there Will be no lack of
rat name if they Would not ans- thee, h --11n When the murder was eommittea in With good resuitte It surely paya to fold th% discip1,5
ad perhaps soMetimee you do --* at t ough t ere were 1897 the Judge of the Fiji Islands had nee 61686 or grasa. Another item of * "corneal tellin " h h f Parliamentary honors
e experiment, a a* ar nees, taus r,ou
mid n° illittitine them. Wh t tk h t, to make vd,yage to Piteairn Island drainage name. moret important than
tinetly call their tarries and 1oil His
wait, and; sit gazing into! t -
h h
ear,v e way, rist could, ift irte
omnipotent shoulder. What un
The island is about two miles' long much tta 'tinders, so that air can get
toira* the crirainal. Alcoholie drinks the above, and not universally known,
a tobaeee are forbidden. Ls to keep the pots, on rough raaterlid,
cordingly, it has been decided to cross 19. The same *day at evening, being • /N
though quite as gamy as the salmon Neon
from the ma, are seldom more tban Mon, "X have seen the Lord." Notice
the , Lord. Revised Vela in Japan, at least during the preaent
about eight pounds in weight. AA- generation. .
_ ,
here the value of personal testimony.
t God and yourtielf are there, w th °lig •
nowt and see Stephen look -
Christ. MY, text says he
Sort of Man at tbe right hand
Juat how chriet iooited
have been impregnated with the. milt ante of our Lord to the two disciples 9tY INE USED }Tr sontrats.
Rig hand teuld trinisport, me. TheiX I from etost to west and one 'Idle broad. under them and water pass off more tha euatianiehe With the salirton, and the first day of the week. Between thia
h t inra
. southern fever or another during the
erica/. tioldiers aufferin
It may be in that hour We will be too eted with luxttrioue vegettaiell, riee they espetially excess of water of the ouorrniche and the fettilization going to aus Luke 24. 13.32, and g TOM Me
let Stephen's prayer be my dying lit- It has no oral rmf like the other is- freely. TIM drainage question is es- tni, purpom 80,000 salmon eggs ineident atid the last come the aPPeti7- The consumption of quinine by Ain.
any: oberd 3.06118, receive my lands in those waters. The cliffs, cov, pecially important with row, as 1118
bit in Out hour we will not be able te outlines. The landing places, of There is one simple rule for getting
o e mosque
aucceasfully accompliahed. The young 1 Cor. 15. 5.° The evangelist repeats Past
o the ova un erstood ito,have een $ e .
d, just how He looks in hea. feeble to say a long prayer. It may s rug
Atinot 8EtY. A writer in the which Bounty Bay, on the north toast, cuttings at the prtper stage. If on fish are to be liberated in *Lake St, " being the first day of the week," graine, In some instances nien la the
year is eald to exceed n5,000,000
Inlet says, deetribing my the "Lord's Prater " for it has
the Staten p b fa •the one meet generally used, are dif. bending the slip it breaks oft short it Jehn waters and are expected to be, from verse I, sa if to remind his read, hoepitale of Cuba and Puerto Itico
persona/ appearance, that.ile toe feeble eVert te nay tbe infant floult of UPPr°491*
eyes and light toMpIexion, prayer our mothers taught us Imbed by surf. Adamstown and its it la too old. One of, the most certein
and conatantIy bt good. If it bends without breaking
y graceful strgeture; but I "'hid johtt flitine Attains nt Plantatione ere Situated on a plateau meth,oda, and one whit% doee least in.
COU16 larger speelmerut than the ouane ere of the. fire eoneecration of the were dosed regulai
aulche now taken in the lake. It is Lord's Day, as it is now -ailed. When a week, end tb8V6 'Was hardbo a man
uncertain whether or not tMre will be the doors were shut where the diaciplee in the field who did not take the drug
(1.11EAlet ,
It is welt known that the
ability of cream depends largui
ita handling during ripening.
cream thurns more 'satiny than
mean. The Xe6.8011 for One May
that the presenee lactic. add
some effect on the surface tenekni
fat globules. Slue sour °ream eke
more readily than sweet *ream, it
not do to mix creams of unequal r
the different ages have years of a 45, odd ver igbit when
he put hieg head u e
pon b P of 41)0 feet. The soil le fruitful and
overlooking/ Bounty Bay from a height Jury to the parent plant where man7
slips are wanted, and lespeolally good rini /mimed intrease froin these fish, Were aseembled for fear of the jews. one time or ano e .nin any ot
wee all gueas-work. The ,
gine the featuree of Christ, cocoa palms and breadfruit tress were for foliage plants tme,g6 liable' to kr some naturaliete contend that They bed been clotted and barred. The third of tbe entire i
"ud 6th ?tilted nem just before, churn!.
upon earivasi taut We "New I lay ine doWn to IleeP, introdueed by the liettlers. Brooke rust ander ecenmon treattnent• ia cell...In:tub% Or hybirde do not breed, and word " aimnibled 1. should be MAUI ed, the world is eelleUrne e creem would churn first,
Him and with our 01,4 has to be used for driskin ur ant but left han o
part of the population with a bit a bark, and la allowed hull
never occur riaturs.117. In that take CAMS us end stood in the midst. Sil- States.
the new fish wilt have in lee perpetu- entlY ti miraculously opening the
a wait until with our own, r peas the Lord my gout to keep." eind Ortega are mane ancl rainwater "layeriag ha, the air." "',Ire aboot la
cream. would be left as
hear him. And yet there m/it* Mar be too feeble to employ in ism g p poem. • g t tht plant se
- tiled by conetegat additions of the doore. 'saes be unto you. The tom- •WIINELMEN OP PRANCE. it is neoessary to
kat' Meet on earth, you' do e e_ eGonciale, ts so eszstesT., le too own-, venous
*ming end hearing Hint • ther ef them fantilor forms; but '
to tell yoe that unities tide prayer a Stephen ts too snort. lat tasittast. hove Row jummurivid GI 141 noels aver, lUld if ties plant k IMO
transferred to Norfolk biland. The re. there for 10 or ill days. The woun "6
• Itu e P at oneXttimes reposed to bag isn urably more from the lips . The recent eetteUS of cyclists in *f unequal riPeroltell, it
gartorthiebr: oorue40::,watuskt6aii: la
he d t I t 11 h
ing, Rad the rtitizine
- letrittiartady have begun to root n the lac-
- achieve t e 0 t Sew RUM a y
ssle bate •P d ' t b Of the Le .
k i Th il I Behold are then 'Seen joss, roomy* met
t id ego Winer& of th, Selman takes. end his ids. Ante:Oath* thine Ars $911•849 "nor* 9f ur/061/1•
110. Ha a tale them hi* hands l'Ilr'r'Pcson"' itoPit°,1hx!itognh,1:11fle IX
WOUlai *nut minions to
it le net likely that . eau la net
sost and reser Nita la 1)1141=11.a* wa tiarely will be able ta
11/31, Vet Nein 11 to nett bare
il a 1"ilit gilzialphert" t "110 craning the ottaneeiNe with the land -
la r reason. rz
I irne to tittle die. - n is 1"(1)°ted"ttailaitt 43aVrt theit tangent *a le sear al
wela4bniew kt
r rodeot f the hatchery. mon gr ing In the Orient, but mean -
bemuse it doubts.
would per- diem Mt
Mies of the a
avsi. a ph hot ooe Mt." O. if ilieLtreirer be saiwir.
to Glad to take the ed. , eke:ow Waif iT w T. la iss to a& Thil Lan&
Unit afro- 421 seiniegh tat tail lail sit
votes MOS inge
nd tail forlead,,
yolertZt, net pit
4r4.„41, This idee was abated°
wax feared thet the
"to Its of the lees game qt
whieb ars n
and vaulty UM
mealier Intl
Wilt the -17
4, ,