The Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-01, Page 7a • 104014,44041,10440114441111111 • THE MO NEW844001111 gall% 147,11tratgitYA.Itert 16. CiblatekVatelegete, 400131.-6. eserveve Anvgirritang WOW. 1 Yr. 6 Mo. Si Ifo, 00 On 3 00 460 kife,o OR 4 . I Zolumn .... .,E41 00 434 $UUO " "" OgiUmn 01) 1 eeiiiiau ad inee UM 1 00 S 00 4.10AIION ...... 3i00 a 0 61)0 11)0 Inch., „ awl g go 4 00 1 AO ser8Pecial position tram ze to 50 per 000e/tea Foe trausient advertisement10 cents Per litee for the first insextiotii 8,eeiete per line eaeb eabsequent inseeeion-- nonpareil meaeure. Profeseional carte, not exceeding one ineh, 05.00 Per • Manure. Advertisementswithout spec- ifie direetione Will be Plah1k1)1°4 tiNI forbid and etteagee for aceordinft•Y* Transient ixotices-"Lost," "Found," "heir Sale," eteseerei mete for tient. in- aertion, 24 vents for each ettlesequent •ineertion. ' THE NEWS -RECORD will be sent to any addre&s,. free of postage, for 81.00 Per year, payable .In advance-, $1,50* may be charged if not Bo paid. The (late tie wbiele every sitbeeriPtio°, le Paid is denoted by •tbe number on the address label. No paper discoetin- ued until all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor. • • . ' W. J. MITCHELL. I • Editor and Proprietor. HE MOLSON'S BANK Incor*Trated by A et of Parlininent1066, CAPITAL REST - • Sotoo0,000 . 41,500,001, Bead Oce, MONTREAL. MOLSOg.: MACPHERSON, President; RWOLVIgitSTAN1.1104A% Glen, Manager • Notes disciiiinted, ,Collsotione Made,. Drafts. Timed, -Sterling and American Ettohange bought end sold., Interest allowed Onlieposits SAVINGS BA.NE. , ' Interest allowed on sums et 41 and FARMERS. • • advanced to farmers on their own notes withrme or more endorsers. No mortr• gage required asseeurity. 0. BREWER, Manager, Clint,on. McTAGGART, Banker, 411,B.Rir STREET, GIZTON A General Banking Business Transacted. Note S Discounted: DraftS Issued. ' Interest Mowed on Deposits. sTA.000313 tr,A1.-"SelEsChalit CLINTON • ONT Fire. Aseident and Life Insurance Teonse.cted. Represents several, of the hest Companies and any information relating to insuranoe gladly given.General District .Agent for the Confederal& Life Insurance Co. Money to Loan on Reasonable B,ates Office -Palace block opposite Market. CONVEYANCING John. Ridout, . ..0onveyancer, Comissioner, Etc.m Pim r. Insurance, - • -• • Real Estate. Money to Lend! STREET, OLINT9N , . • " MEDICAL , Dr. W. Glint, R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh: Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calls at front door of residence on Ratten. bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church, Dr WI/2. Graham '- (Successor to Dr. Turnbull.) Licentiate of the Royal College of, Physic - lens, Load° Office andReSidenc:, EgPner.rites 131° c k i occupied by Dr. Turnbull. ...e Dr. -SitaW, Office -Ontario Street, opposite English church„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple- -ton. • - • Ia. 0. W. TECOZIPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Ace and Resident& net to IVIolsort's /1attenbury street, Clinton. DENTISTRY, Dr, IlIttrOg, Surgeon Dentist. OFR10E-Over Taylor's Shoe Store, 01inton, Ont. Speeial atteotion to preser. vation of natural teeth. . MB -Will visit Blyth every Monday and Bayad every Thursday afternoon during the tnimtner• A.GNEVir? Office adjoining Foster ei 'Photo Gallery - Office Rears, to 5. , &Enrich the second Thursday of each month. VETERMARY. . Blackall Ve/enary Surgeons, Government Veter leery Inspectors. Ofliee-Isaac Street,Clinton" Residence, Albert Street. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, ratuoti mit Your liver Is mit of order. The belt medicine to rouse the neer and eire all • those 1110, Is toed flocid''st Pills •25 Mt". geld by en Medicine deseenie John T Emmerton "ERE LEA01$0 BARBER, • Smith's block, epposite Post Office • 41.80 . • Ageft for Standard Life Nuance Co. 1-0,..4 Office for (Sensate Montreal. • Insurance Zifere, - •111itrA Estaratentle1826.11Thricidarielk;ble '11'4400We) - V eaWerselAWiiiiiVelet he, with may enough grain at the • chime of the fattening, and without 4A *EOM or melt, the Eastern pork is much the beat. The _ water le which mit rrk and beet fresh- Agricuitural 'I* 1•11 NOIF IfOrgT8 OF TB WORM P1'10114 iee Grata, Cattle, G1ee30, (mei; is high y nutrition' am good , III the Leading' M*xt.s. deal of ita utreneth go;s out withWIIAT IS WINO ON IN THE Foot (Rermite, Slay 21L. -We had to.day a MANURES AND MANURING. the salt when it hi fresheneooRtimits or The atom iggorhuunfast:tifigbtr,ratee.°11:41; of hop would /3e healthier' It tbey But the greet l, Q. Wallace, Before the °aerie. eoeiting. «teem I Wade eame to the yards. ineluding be- Rarinere Inetteate4 • had enough fresh water, fruit': and 01,1 snd row world moms eteteenet "roe I tween. sixty anti :seventy eheele year- (Conteaued tram last lame.) vegetablea to offset the •ezeese o ait that most of their drink con- e. conaideratloo e, wimple way of ling% and Iamb% Se milkers, auu afeW gc1"/ ari'llY"41""tisg "1"./114141 - ealYeS. 'There Was mareely any buy. ROOM Date. lug, most. of the offerings being left how pinta and annuide feed 10 Wee'• London IMP 1,888 Mlle* Of streets i over until the regular market to - stied eery, as well intexeeting, Y- ABOUT PRUNING. Palle, OK . • morrow. Cattle iii not enetahlY mind tbe term he wante the tree to 0,4310iinhoortonerativraelz5:17hpuottboelloo, housee awl elm -aged in price. Gooe caves fire in Tbe main Portion of the shipbuileing buletOrsgrsiceveseraereixit3telikigdilIt aneur ulichtaeu-dageyd: eeMaral, I tble 'subject. Anion:Is take their If the owner of the tree halt in Ins , of"ai:iseinthebyn,lkbelInnt: 41tebtte8cIt°Itrt tbbee- assume wen grown nu severe prya3,- works, of mieop eg, co., Etreetoo, wee earth, haVe tO GAVrSr their text with 1.ag ehouid over be eeeeeeery. The destroyed by fire, For choke eelections from, 100 them while moving About. There it unnecessary limbscan be removed Wages paid on the fifteen leading ihs, to 240 IWO 5e Per Pound Was paid; the Eoithah railways in eses increased for light fat hoot the prism is 4140; le acted upon by the digestive Rade when email. When Betting Great ' Beitain has AO fewer than pound, t gewa fetch per pound - 4g,512,500 over 1897. and tin* fat hogs fetch ,eaele per whicb, entering it. Make soluble finch tree it is often beet to prism to a empective acide coMbined Witli the voile with the too‘ which boo !,10rgaroirazontiette4str.ot them being o : as sea et m pert pound. perrnit by parliament by nearly :24,(i0O. leuteher, choiee,Cailltie. and the liquid toad so eXtraited from tree Sufficiently high to the oyster% where, being retede in!.° any large limbs wben the tree la ob'renveltdherxeditgeothere et: PeicreY;toeuditatet,°31. . blectil,, it Mere all. over the body to eiterely grown, , a, so with a eaw^ 110110,41 the -animal, building bone, inviting a, neat tint, and the next . The British Court ia called the Court the of St. James 'bemuse St. a•amete Palace, muscle, flesh, etc. Different classes dp,r aPPI•Y' paint to exclude It will net usually 'stick quill, London, is its official headquarters. of animals have their varying degrees Vf";, wound dries. e Prince of Wales was recertele bard bone. , . , ' ' bear, jeeeae, wee, eweeee can dissolve. farnuait.pyory isuumerer eprrqt4ewagetthemsearpa unanimously elected for the 25th year Prtine , in the Th . Greed Master of English Freemasons. of digestion, as for instance, the dog. wintee if wood growth ie needed; is thrown •Into •the -buds for _ tiee Lord Fitzwilliam may now he regard- Theie ptu•pose an the World'S eeori- coming year, converting many leat- ed as the rather of Maatere of Foxe oniv seems to have been • principally bade into fruit -buds. hennds in Britain. He is 84 yearsof ^ for destroying the home and hares of ' • ot feod aa can be dissolved by their et ]educing the top te more& tore hose w no selL watee to.ken with the fbod. been - aevereir Prenee •reMoVal The eoet of the Diamond andiltie cele e pronowiugthe range of tierrent They exert MusOular tuition Upon it from the ;Pinery row. Head the bratiens felt alert of the 480000 toted, quotations:- tha. mem tue etomso„ passes into ultivatiop. With homes beneath it. More than 100000 copies have already Shipping, pecWt i 25 $ 00 , 15 If it , IS neemeary t0 remove • 'GEO. TROWIRL, Horseshoer and General Blashamith Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. WoodwOrk ironed an& Out -awn Material and work guaranteed. Vann implements agd machines rebuilt and reporee, The Milk) Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Fara and Isolated Town Property Only InsOett. orrioltas; • j, B. McLean. Presid.nt, EilMen R. 04 Thereat; Frazer. viee-pretadent,Beneefield P.O. W. J; Shannon, Seey-Treas.. Seaforth P. O.; Thomas E, Rays. Inspector of Lessee, Seatorth • DIREOTORS: W. G. Brorultoot, Seatorth ; John G. Grieve Winthrop: George Dale, Seatortb; Thonnisle• Bay% Sertforth ; James Evans. Beechwood: .John Watt. Barlook. Tlionsia Frazer, Bruce - field; John /3. McLean. Rippcm James Connolly, Clinton. • AGENTS: • - 11obt. Smith, Harlook Robert MolVlillan,Sea- forth jarnea Cummings. EgmondvIlle, 3, W. Yee; Holmeoville P. 0.; John Govenloek and John O. Morrison, auditors, • " Parties desirous to effect insurance or .tran- soot ether business will be promptly attenied to on application to any of the shove officers addressed to their respective post °Mess. LEGAL Scott it McKenzie, BARRISTBRS,.GOLIOITOItS, ETO. CLINTON AND BAYPIELD, Clinton Office -Elliott Block, Isatiti et. Beefield Office -Open every Thuesday -Mani street, Mit door west of ----eleeeeroet •Office. Money to loan. Zitniee Scott, E. R. SIDE:enzie. . • *E: 'Campion, 4,0,, Barrister, . Solicitor, ". Now. •gre, • OODERIOH, ONT. Or itICAOVer Davis' Drug Store. Money to -Lost 0. --------- - Bar Solicitor, COMMissiOnar, EEO GODER1OH• ' 0Nr. ,•orrielt.4-Cor. Iligillton and St. Andrew's Streets. W. 13r7done, ilattister, Solicitoe, Notary Public; ikc,, Oe us 1 EVER 81.0(S., • CLINTON Grand . Trunk Railway. Trains arrive and leaveGlinton Station as follows : • • Buffalo and Goderich District Of the,„ Plant, and it depends upon the For a mug time Fejt rural dietricts Butcher, med.to good 0 59 as° leutelier, inferior. . 3 80 8 50 Sheep and Lembo. " Ewes, (per owt. . 350 . 00 Yearlings, per cwt. . 5 Oil 5 50 Bucks, per. cwt. . 3 ,00 8 25 . Spring lambs, each... 2 00 4 15 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each. . 25 00 . 45'00 . •Calies, mole . 2 4/0 6 00 • Hogs. . • Choice hogs, per cwt.. 4 75 5 00 Light hogs, per cwt.. 1 371-2 4 50 Heave hogs, per cwt. 4 1214 4 37 1-2 MONTREAL. Montreal, May 26. -There were about 60n head of butchers' cattle, 400 calves, 060 sheen and lambs, 70 store hogs, and 200 small pig's, offereirfor sale ail the east end abattoir to -day. , The butth- ars,-were out in full force, and trade was fair, with slightly lower nieces all round for cattle, the • deelin.e being greatest in, common and inferior stock; prime beeves sold at , from 434 to 5 1-40, per lb; pretty gime stock at from 33-4 Co• 4 5-8e; and common dry cows and half -fatted animals, at from 2 1-2. to 3 1.2c, per lb. There were ninre than the usual number of bulls on the market te- at*, and these sold at from 23-4 to 4 1-4e per lb. Celves sold at from 01.50 to 010 each. Shippers are paying 4:3 per lb for good. large sheep, the but - ahem pay from 31-e to 4.1-4e per lb. Lambe sold at from 02,50 to 05 each; only very choice lambs bring over 04.50, • Fat 'hogs sold in straight lots, just off the ears, akfrom. *4.50 to $4.80 per HO hese and a few selects sold up to 04.90 per hundred lbs; among the store hogs to-dety there .werts• about a dozen sows, exteh baying, tram, 8 to 12 small Page from 2 to 1 weekst old.; some of these were, sold) at 'from; $10 to $14 for the sow and her litter; the other store hogs sold at from. $6 to $8 each: and the mnall pigs at from $1. to $2.50 each. Milwaukee, May 26. -Wheat -Firmer; NO. I, Northern, 75 to 75 1.2; Alb. 0 do, age. , animals : which dying, left their re- TI1P. LIFE PLANT OF GUADELOUPE Chepstow Castle, beloriging to the . • unties on the lend, vettere these+ earm- There Is a strange, yild plant in tfo.ur al %of Toreester, win probably be 'prone animals thariged tlaera hat° a Guedeloupe, called the "life plant." Il. r:ofeatio: Pubre t°w0•11 0i C110133thw f°1‘ condition to again form' plant food* a leaf be broken off and pinned by the Ledy Geergiatia Gre7 daughter of Cattle me teadily diesolve rough stem to the wall of a warm room, each :I2, i e4 : .1_ ,,_ ___ , ,teare Grey, toe ,omouo lieeorm states . - fodder and roots, and Other anilnalar of the angles bete. een the currea• Of lalailo has celebrated, the 98tle enniver- eta readily handle the -coarse grains. tlie leaf margin soon throves out, a sarY of her birth- , SU011 as the lime% ass, etc., with grind- nurnber of very White tentatles, or The present printing machinery of We all know what sumess a eow root,d a tiny ew ptent b'e. the Oxford Press, if it were all run- _saii soonu maker when, she tries to get phosphate gins to sprout, and in the course ot ning for Bibles, would turn out 82.75 by chewing boue. a week or two attains a height of two sePaes Per roLoAtte. or three -14c es, When -tile old leaf It aeons very much on tbe plan a shrivels the new plant is cut off and • "ehewing air" as far as any rood see • i -••••• • are anEngland again after an inter - Planted. w hen carefully oultiv'atlid V:ati of vane; t ti ot Tii........ tchan 20 years. There are is able to get from it le Concerned. tho life plate produces curious led and The only - olored miestrels. Man cannot properly assimilate either Yellome•hloatieMs. Willie the .plant is bonee or hay, but must hate his boa native only iu a warm country there. tedium buried, in Westmin- partly digested for, him by cooking or ha n° doubt that it could enesuceessfule ster Abbey is George Graham', the M- in the condition of ripened fruits. Ir gt"111 ill au)* greenhouse, and as a strunient maker, who invented; an. in. The food in a mass, then, is passing plant freak it certainly is as interest- proved clockwork in the year 1700. Cooly two rulers of et • le si c through animals -while they are • ex- lug all the everlasting plant of Mexico. triteting - sustenance from it. The . , ' PSter the Great haeis, dier 8a natural Plants, on the other hand, being fixed . in the earth, pass their feeding roots • The Fmk Unieersity Jubilee 'Singers POSTMEN ON ;WHEELS death -Catherine 11„ and Alexander III., the father of the present Czar. through tbeir toed, arid along. their root ,sesitein is the hydrOseopit water Landon is to stave IncYeles tor Mali De. At a Methodist school in China Piere of the soil, which. is iMpregnated With livery, are fifty girls who were picked out, tee plata aelde and the soil acids. This impregnated water dissolves the eon 'The poetiiffice has been pa7ing a lot of some river Or poea, where they -had ;been thrown by parents to. drown. about it and so renders it fit for as- of attention reeently to bicycles and simulation by the plant. We may fair- tricycles with a view to their more Within St mile from Congletor' on general use In the poatal service e high mad. om Maecleefield, there oo upon 11 - THE FIRST STOMACH , London, says the London maw is a deserted village consisting of over 60 houses, not one of which is tenant. • Going eyese IVIixed . . ro.15 a,m, condition of solubility Of the aurroun4- over the eoudtry possessing fairly is di ested. Only sueh substances as .eoen roe ro.27 p.m. . . •• • • Express..........12.55 p.m. lag soil as to what extent plant food •• Mixed ... 44 4• Express Going Egst, Express • •41 • a a • t4 d ' London, Hereto and Going S.e,eth, Express • Goineeliorthe " d 't dee haee been covered by .... • • .• • 7.°513•ab• are '!efe. a condition' to be dissolved. by men mounted on bicycles and tricycles, • f ' . o.. this. aeidified teeter can be utilized by ande of course, much timeand labor the plant, so• that an abundance o • 4.35 p.m. forid-fOrming material may be pre- . . 'have been :saved tberele7 in elle collee- • tgrobi sena' in an unavailable condon and tion zu:el•delive.ey of letters and parcels , . Various clammy of plants evidently, are occa ionall ed. for the delieerY re; (let the plants may be seen starving. In London and large tewns enereePe .. . .. ••• 4.25 lam. have differing degrees of dislioleing „oftelegrf5ema eradv.sexpross lettere,. but, eeez, eAd, • *-. . • . • . 3 5 a.m. power The plants we grow tn our after keon eempetition, for Notwithstanding the vast accumuli- tion of wealth since 1878, the yield of a penny in the intome tax iit Only £2,- 150,000, eanipared with 41,900,000 twen- ty )'ears ago. - In London a number of letters writ- ten by Sir Walter Scett, chiefly to his brother Thomets and his brother's Wife, between August, 1807,, and September, M. D. DICKSON, • W. E. DAVIS, Dis..Pass. Agent, • G. P. & T. A., — -Toronto. Montreal. A. O. Perrisoti, G.T.R. Agent at. Clinton. 00 YEARS' Expemssieg TRADE MARKS • .‘ • , 'DEStaNg CoinfisiGHTs att. Anirene aendIng a eketob and description may • . • quicitlY ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communicit, row) strictly oontldential. rfaudbook on Patenta ' • . sent free. Oldest agency for seeuring_patents. • Patents taken through Munn .t Co. receive irpeciattetke, without charge, 18 the Stitilfifit .31rotritait A handeomely Illustrated weekly. &rest pir. ciliation of any eeientitio Icctuggi tpLrottlitafe3r: Co 33113readway, ew -r gititalt':41. N Ywk Branch Mop. u4a St.. Wasbington. D, - NEW CRAVAT CHAINS, • A pretty little novelty just making its appear:mei"' this cravat chain. It is a little affair, whieh may serve oth- er purposes as well, as it is but a bit of chain a few inches long and termin- ating in two large belle about the site of a hazel nett. These may be plain dull gold, with Rhine atones or colored atones set in *lenges, or merely` scat- tered, or the ball may be flattened, of blue enamel or iinitatien ttIrquiose, etched in some mysterious eyn3bol. The chains are pn.ssed double, just below the knot of the four-in-hand or Afoot, the balls pluming through the loop and thus securing it from. slipping. The chain is also found useful in scouring the natty little jackets in vogue this season, *when it is too wa.rne 4.0 button them all the way, and is yet undesir- able to have them hang without some confinement. In foot, them pretty -little ohaies may be useful in zany ways, for confining the folds of an um- brella or seduting a dainty handiter- elnef to one's parasol handle or fan,, and be aesured if my lady is so fortun- ate as to I/West one she will always find some means of keeping if in evl- dame, provided it is a baedsome One, for it is jewelry which partakes of the nature of a pendant or bangle. MATES WORTH 9)15,001) A lealet. A thouaand pounds was the sum Paid by the late empress of Austria -Bun. gary for a magnificent pair of gold iskateii set with costly precious Atoned. The young queen of Rolland was a few years ago, prestutted with a 'bean - Mut pair of skates, with ohasedgelden blades, artd a profuse diamond orna- mentation, which cost 0000. One of the Rueeian diplomatic staff 00000080S a handsome pair of Ortialnen. tal &atm set with diainonda, the atones in willeh are said to be worth $16,000. Hoods' Root Reid Coro 41) Bead Disease and Weak Circulation by ft* peettliar influence on the hetet, atietle* atm aetveil. It alio wakes itai healthy ble44-ez as to make the Cum Thle lot*striptiett is in daily tete in the Trost hospital* of England, Afttem and Orrnokay.. The greet heart specialist* soy it,has esusi for heart denttigenteut or Slnitgbin /tie 141.4 Melitea, Garnet P o. wee weedy ratchet heart 'IWO* et tight yearitattadiria, Att. May Proatet.Ditudie, Ont. cured of died nes., less of appttite aqd weskeess. re stow saistrtest tidy we know 51 eakik Ma ad. vanoadage, issiels gertitee's eftitd, nateridne, tt years eln-borauwitti defective cirtiAtioauthrosgh dull. Ei lertiregaZ Abitligh rellittcltkel children. • 0 May las lade' drig loom at ley men at s. ir.r47:g.,a,;"."'".:1.1. SI., Tomei% farming operations are Mostly cu- never for the ordinary postal service. 4,305. vated varieties, -and differ from, the A Daily. Mail representative aseer- wildlings of nature as widely as the mines, on inquiry at St. Martin's In domestic animals differ from the wild Git that it i not in to es - animals -of the forest and prairie. What ran • 8 X desire new to impress upon you le tablisli a cycling se.etion for tile coli- ehat the soles of our terms are - • lection and delivery of letters in 1.00,-.- 4-INEs OF WEALTH, ' 'dim, but it is highly Probable that ft practically gold mines, and our .sue- seheme recently instituted to facill- gess in making teem pay depends tiP- tate the delivery of letter" in London on 'our knowledge of them and our us - the 'extraction of the wealth. It is ea. ing rational raethods of eultivalion for w„,-111 in time he considerably augmene- Under this scheme a service . of mostly locked up as.tightly as the gold tricycles was started a 'oboe, time is locked in the quartz, and we must ego for tbs conveyance of mail hags rower to bring Cum locked,u„, ,-up ewe ol,AVOSA elle eastern district office and • neglect no romper methods within our mote into plant food.. This is by far between Paddington and the north - the most important brand* of manure western district •office. Formerly lag and in attending to it -we mast en- these:letters destined for the north - permanent beetefit, and not merely ° 11314°a• sua sc'ried at' the °Etat- (leaver to ado* measures to 01181110 est ° 4 obtain temporaey relief. The 'use of ern office, lied. to he taken to. the een- salt for this purpose is .too drastic a tral office for circulation, but now the measure, and the relief is but tempore letters can be titken directly from the sorting °Wee, thus obviating an an- noyirig delay- . In regard to the Paddington cycling service, it was found that letters were missorted.there in consequence of the eecentricitiee of the northwestern boundaries, and letters were often de- ary, for in a few years evil effects fol- low. When we consider that its Use, either to 8 DilnalS or plants, is almost entirely to aid digestion, and that a whole crop of wheat of forty bushels, including the straw, will only absisrb about one pound of salt, WO can read. wise than as a predigester in the soil. inallure other- . layed-for a serious length of time. ily see that it its not a Now, all the rals-sorted letters are dm - The same meg be said to a great eee tent of gypsuereland-plaster, and it m petalled on a bicycle, and they reach the district in time for the :lira post. quite within reason that much denude- so : of fertility can he traced to the vicious far the cycles have proved a con- tionsumes% and there is every Practice of using these two ineterials too freely. Plowing and working, the probability that .other districts will be similarly catered- for in course of time. tioil, aerating and Sunning it, 'are vain- In the suburbs of Louden between able aids. Fall plowing, making the fifty and sixty bicycles are used, for r oil loose, so that the gravity water the delivery of telegram:5, and in the ean assist the formetion of new come eity itself only two or three are lifted hinations by poldrization, heips the -and that on Sunday -for the delivery case. Anything, in fact, wheel will of telegrams and exprem letters from assist the play of the elements. the b. P. 0, The offieials do net Out next etude in this problem is think that the collection and delivery the farmyard manure, of lettere and paresis will ever he (‚10 Be Be Muth:tattle PRESII WATElt von, 110GS, Hogs frequently suffer from lack of ,,water because farmers do not remember that Whatever cernee.111 liquid form is not a 'substitute for the clear end fee& water which -alt animals need. Put a little tenure( in AIM milk or heat it, and it Mier, turns into a :sued wbich no one would think of taking as 0. drink. Yet both the rennet and enough warmth to make it effeetive are *Mont in the stomach Of a pig or, hog. , The rennet front pigs is by some preferred • to that from Aiwaya the first PrOOSVS 411 digestion of milk is to turn it into •eurd. Milk it regarded an eortati‘ pitting, especially after it hat" been heated, which brings it more nearly to the turd 'condition, and thins ab- sorbs the water in the etoinaeh. A team needs a drink of water after he has eaten a howl of bread and milk Possibly. the milk dealers ilies the% as art argument for Putting water and milk together, sell. ing it as milk, thus heco4ling, es an aid milkman taid Im was, "like Phu/tole/I daughter, because he took a little prophet, profit, out of tho water " complishee by means of hicyclets in London. There are, it is• said, too many diffie.ultiee 15 tbe we', the chief being the very heavy vehicular trate fie clueing the day time, highly dan- gerous to the eiders. And so the pee- tal cycling service in Loneon must be testrioted to the late *titre of the night and, the early. hours of the morning, ann to the conveyance of let - tem from one office to another. The wobbles in use are mostly 13100- 04 by the getvertreaent. L mete:anger ean supply hes own bicycle if he but although the inducements to dot° are very favorable, it is seldom that a bey ten find eufficient capital to purchase his own. Thom who are for- tunate ebougb to ride their own bieye cies get an extra allowance of 8s Cil a Week for as long as they cycle in the inteeeets of the poetoffice, while those who ride machines which are the pro- perty of the postoffioe get an extra lit a week for the trouble of keeping thein eleart and in good working order. FAST ItIINNING. Of course a witness in court ought to tell theexaot•teuth, but sometimes, go in WO itiStaZIOS, be can convey a very clear inipreselozi without being quite definite: Attorney -You say •Itin ow' aiiafs Mee Nitnem-Yes, str. Ikttottosy—irow near were you to 1806)16 of the affrayt Vitnees-When the lint ant was fired, ten feet from the shooter. Moist of Abe ; 'Wafer that pigs get I Attorney -Ten feet; well, now tan ba is as d for drinking mil as skim k. 216 coui —------- rud th were when e I it ty cond o was f re . wal/binit of dilh" or the fr61413°"" Witt:moo-I didn't &mauve the 41.- Ing 0 salted pork. In this way tam*, the hogs get more salt into their .Attorney.-Spetking approximately, stomachs than they reqUirtir end trot far- should you Stqf this also makes the hogs feverish will:RANI-v/1s% it approximated to and injure* the quality of the pork. bait This soMetithee makes the Western pork, W.hleb la fattened in !age ottARAcrimisTios or THE mint droves, And gets little salt, better than the pork made by the farmer Daisy -I thought you at INek who keeps but two or three pigs, Dashleigh, tuid yet I saw hire hugging and fee& them from the swill barrel you last night. filled with a mixture of Akita milk Maxis, blushing -441i, / believe Ieid *lid sat "Wars It tad aa it *odd skY 114 WOO • • all.future issues ofethe volunteer long -service medal for 20 years' service tee name, rank ahd regimental num- ber, and title of corpe of the redolent, are to be engraved upon the media. Lieut: -Col. G. Hamilton, a gailalt Scotsman who inie just been given the eonimana of the 4th' Hussars, enjoys an absolutely unique ilistinetion. He is the first instanoe on emord of a Bri- tish officer who has risen from tee tanks being given the command, of a cavalry regiment. . HE'S GUESSING .YET• . . -Ye Poet -Would that my muse plight soar aloft, end eleavieg the e-mpyrean blue find words to sing the glorioua glory of your hair of burnished gold. 'Ye Maiden, Titian haired, but • prosaic -That • &muds very pretty, Mr. Scribbler, but do you, know the difference between your poems and ray hale Poet -Ah, Conundrum. I give it up. What is the difference, oh, fairest of your sex. 'Te Maiden -Well my hair -0 read - "Every Morning 1 have bed taste in my mouth; my tongue is coated; my head aches and 1 often feel dizzy. I have no appetite for breakfast and what food 1 eat distresses me. 1 have a heavy feeling in . my stomach. 1 am getting so Weak that sometimes I tremble ' and MY nerves are all unstrung. I am getting pate and -thin. I am as tired in the morning ss at night." What does yout doctor say? "You are !tightens from Im- pure blood." Whit is hi* remedy? You must not Save coned. peed !Jewels it you arpoat ths Barsaparilla to do its bast work. But Ayar's Pins curs constipa- tion. Wit boo a book on Paleness atul "Waskaassi itrbleit yott may boa fa es gulag. 40. Lost flesh lately Does your brain tire? I nerves? Losing control over you, Are your muscles becoms ing exhausted? You certainly know thei reMedy. It is nothing newo just the same remedy thet has been curing these cases of thinness and paleness for twenty-five years, Scott'. Emulsion. The cod-liver Ol IA It 311 t 00 at makes the flesh, and the hy. pophosphites give tone to. the nerves, see, anti 01.09, ail thyme* aeerier 30WEI3, Chemists 'Sonata, ^ 731-2e. Rere---No. 1, 611-2 to 613-44 learley-No, 0, 419; sample, 87 to 4043e Toledo, lifaY 26.-Wheate-No. 2, cash, and May,- 751-4e; September, 151-2ce Corn -No. 2 mixed, 34c. Ciata-No. mixed, cash, and July, 30e. Rye --No. 2, cash, 60e. Oloverseed-Prime, Itelorc cash, ..and May, 03,12 1-2; Oetober, 04.52 1-2 bid, Oil-e•Unollanged. , • Buffalo., May 20. -Spring 'Wheat Little doing, prices held too high for buyers; No. 1 Northern spot! 818-8; No. Northern, spot, 78 3-8e. :Winter wheat' --Firmly held; No. red, 78o; white, 77e, Corn -Firm, good enquiry; No. 2 yellow, 39e; No. 3.yeIlow, 1)8 1-4e; No. 4 yellow, 36n; No, 2 corn, 88o; No. II corn, 36 1-2 to 37e. Oats -Firm; No.2 white, 33e; No. 3 white, 31 1-2 to 31 34ei No, 4 white, 31a No. 2 mixed, 30e; No. 3 mixed! nee Barley -Nominally 45 to 47e, in stem 'Rye -Scarce, some enquiry for spot; No. 2 nominally 479, on track, Canal , freights Steadye wheat, 2 1-2e; corn, 2 1-8o; oats, 1 8-8o; to New York Flour - Quiet but steady. Detroit, May 26. -Wheat elosed;-+ Nb. 1,, white, east, 751-2e; No. 2 red, web, and May, .761-4o; July, 757-80. Minneapolis, . May 26,- Close -No. I Northern, May, 711-4o; July, 72e; Sep- tember, 707.8c. , On track -No. I hard, 73o; No, 1 Northern, 720; No. g North.. ern, 70 3-4e. Flour -Heavy business doing; patents, 5c. higher; fir* pee tents, 13.80 to 03.90; Becloud patents, 03.60 to '33.70; first clears, 42.80 to $2.90. ran -In bulk, 09 to 09,25. .Duluth, May 26.--,Wheat--No. 1, hard, cash,, 763-4e; May, 763-4o; July, 771-40; No. 1 Northern, 733-0; No. 2 Northern, 69 1e4o. . WOMEN STUDENTS' HAIR, Women students at the Universityi of Berlin are not allowed to wear their, hair in braids down their backs. Two girl students who persisted in !loins, ties were expelled. • • STOP IT NOW! 13efore it is too late, stop that succession of colds -that Atelans nothing more nor less that; catarrh. Stop the suffering. Step. the disagreeable catarrhal dip •611arges that are so humiliating to you and oftenswe to your friends. Don't let it run on until your condition causes you to be ostracized as if you wero a leper. Don't neglect yourself until consumption makes its fatal appear:me. You can be cured -not merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly„ cured. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder •will restore yott to completeperfect health, Tt gives relief at once. It cures • in an incredibly short time. 'Hundreds of cases of from 5 to oo years' standing have been cured -cases 'that physicians had•pronouncedineurable. The catarrhal powder acts like magic, net only in catarrh, but in colds, Sore throat, tonsilitis,' • hay fever, loss of smell, deafness and all similar diseases. Mr. C. G. Archer, oS Brewer, Maine, writee asfollowa I have bad satarrh for several years: Water would rail from my eyes and nose for dayi at a time. About four • Months ago I wao Induced to hye Agnew'! Catarrhal Powder, and since using the • wonderful remedy I have not hadan attack. I would not be without it" At druggists. Dr. Agnew's Cure or the Heart dune 611 eases of organic or sympathetic disease of the heart-tillevos In so minuted* DvAgnew's Liver Pills are at once a mild cathartic, invigorator and system renovaton zoo, tor so doses, Dr. Agneiy's Ointment relieves . 15 aday natures eczema, salt rheum and all diseases of the akin. Cures piles in* to jonabta, go. For sale by TATatts 86 Oo ,,Olinton • ONE GIVES REUEFr. on't Spend a Dollar for Medicine Until you have tried 00 0000 You can• buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. OW Owl la too lip ehattat /twat Ow warowtotlawaott dosies4 ter * ototi. • If you d9n4t find this sort of Ripans Tabules Al- the Druggist s Sega VITO Cade in Ttot CRIMICAI, COWART, Mk III Spries $t., New York, and they will be sent* to you by arshill za garteal Will be.theiled for 411 Wag. The ehelten Irs 04 46 144 iltat Ripent Tabalte are the very iiiesileirtio fot 104 48.61•Miwaft. arrorMAIMION0100.14410110...1. a•-••• ••