The Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-01, Page 6•
7,177,,P117f ..I.R.,rrurr • R./ T www 1r
LI= 11 k.$ bopt 111E101110 IS illER flE10
ehouln be made. It the weather • •
thtlIrattir ogirforlautuls othrecathealeinitewar By
An Internatinuel Congress of vrelttee
rePeitted. Pnilliags the plants. are all-. Wilt 1/4 UK in Louden from aunt' 26
ways kept of mail awe, end never to dady 4 tide pier, end the Endicott
310USIWOLD )3XNT13, in size they make up in quantity
make *mob *howl but what they livek women of the world will be enter,'
floweres' tained by the Conservative women of
gOod. houseerivee alseuld see Wit Mr. aexford Mate the following( sorts Great Britain. In connection with
screens •eyft plessed early in the Melon ate the best for matting Sunaet, a • Om conferenee entertainmeeta have
at event' doer and window. It le a rice* epricot yellow ; Perla des Jarding, been errangiect for by Le,dy Aberdeen.
great nabsteke to negieet this import. et tiblfi.erne yell Vow is3,1hei tarit the presIdent of the Internetional Con -
oat Matter, atettlee have already made QiiiiieenN a art t Ntirt ler
their appearance. Rotate cream %visite with a touch of ahmixesto of Sutherland, Lady l3ettteraea.
. pure w te au ar cll ess of 'Women, Lady Creighton, the
Glass door knobs are bondman* and Auk Stt, the base ot the potent; safrano, and Lady Rothethile, that by the late
more easily kept in good condition than another epricot withd grange shades, ter being a garden party at Gunner's-
' end. Cetherine Marmota, ricb, pink an
those of bronze or brass.
carit that la ateapac for a few olootrths , ry d buPark, near London, on Tuesday.
tentational council during the cone
the purposee tor whi0h, a glass stop. °Sem TheY are then the most, at -
;lady 4.. The heedquaxters at the Xn-
aneMente in hot vaseline will eerve all ahoniet be cut juesvteistivearityQtaligluant(cli
pee ,is made. feotion.
. tractive, and reMain longeat in per., grass week will be the Wastnanster
- towe hall, where two nestle= will hold
The. nets= that 4 calm -sometimes . their daily sleasiona anti where inter-
"falle"-bn taking A out 43f the oven .
TO REMOVE. STAINS. • national oftiees, red and writing FOCInS
IS that it was -net done. To aspertain
we the oak is done ress the cake .,,
Stains on painted wood caused by wn iho'Orovided. St Ildarties town
„n e P
gently with the inger /f it is firin epattera of mortar or ltme may be re- hall and the Convocation Hell of Churoh
to the Amok and tedites, no dent. it moved by rubbing with lemon jute% Flom" DeanYard, Westminster.
own!, win resume its original will provide balks for the other 090-
'1*--le-4eilesisor the gluier way le to hold the
color. and a little fnroatiare oti well tPfl
, rubbed in will restore the lustre, Art The present .effiecirot of the Internes
easy way to imam all atains trne ttPnal C°413411.°4 Women, "6 as tQl."'
table linen is by league the stains in President •the Countess pf Aberdeen,
the Pan olose to the eer; if tnere
#O sense inaide the °eke Is dem,.
The Icie box ihould be washed,
othalded end wiped and the witate- pipe
flushed With salt aocla water twiee
eaeh week .% No food must ePitl in it,
• and a, fresh lutini of .ohascoal each
clear, cold rain water, then washing fluid° Reese, Aberdeen, Scotland;
iminedestelY in boiling Water in the vice, president, 11/re, May -Wright Se -
washing machine, When waten Indiarianolia, Ind.; tremurer, Bar -
A • b Finland*
month will absorb any possible odors. water in used for washing' by machine ,
If you want te be - healthy eat or by hand..the 1i1101/ MAY be plated corresponding secretary, Milos Tereee F•
epinach. sTbo epeoialiets have die- in the boiler and covered with cold Wilson, 20 littotcomb street, Lendon, 8,
covered that -ftiiii plant is the "Moat rainwater,then allowed to boil a few W4 recording secretary, Madame Maria
preaioes. of vegetabie:s." .It Pon" minates, Every stein will disepPear, asset- p is France. '-'
table salts of Potessitith and. iron' in and it is ready for the • wash. For ' "If 4 '
Tlie International -Council of Women
abunclanm. The iron ir. spinach is washing. windows I have found noth-
easily amitailated and, the vegetable, is ing easier or better than ammoniait is a federation of national eouncils or
dige-Sted. The fact that spinach is weakened with rain 'Water as little unions of woolen formed. .in, earioue
hassueli e. remarkable effect, open the
complexion will recommend it, to the
girls, and it aots upon the liver also.
To remove wine a,nd fruit stains, wet
• the stain with clean water, strike a
ma,teix and hold .so that the sul-
phurous vapor is diffused over - the
stain; -sometimes two matches * • are
needed, rarely mere. When the dress
celneS from,tile wash the stain will
have completely vanished. All stains
of wine, fruit and colored juiced of
vegetables • will yield to this treat-
ment. Another method to remove
stains is to stretch the linen over a
- tub, pour very hot Water from a dis-
tance On Stains fill they. disappear.
.Soak a few minutes in clear water;
wads with soap, then put in boiler
with cold water and soap powder;
maid, then rinse. .
Molasses will remove grass stains
from, woolens. Ittib in and rinse in
clear water. To remove ink stains
soak in ripe tomato juice.
Tb.,*feritys of housekeepers say
•t. i a not a god& plan to aoak
eIroth•ets over , night When the water
()old it 'eats the dirt. The best'
way -is to fill the tub half full with
good Warn)wat er, with- a wineglass -
1 at of aratri'onia, and soak the elothee
ren minutes, pound and wring out. Put
in another tub fixed the tame way;
rub clean with „soap; scald, rinse in
ekocn water, then SIM; wring in .a
wringer and hang in the sunshine.
The kitchen. floor should bes scrubb-
ed with sap ao.1 e little soda. •After
dishes are washed the sink ',must be such there arce to come out and be
cleaned at once.sith soda. .and Plenty' killed. *.,Newepaper -poisons them too,
of -boiling . water. Ranged shoal& be and . by the time the camphor reaches
cleaned and. Polished every night. the organs of the common sconige, it
It has been discovered that' marbled ought to be rendered harmless. , .
enameled cloth is serviceable. for the - •
walls of kitchens and butlers". pan- • • --- •
tries. This cloth has also been found-.-.:•--
44 u Wit -WITTED , NIMSE.,,
of value applied to bathroom i walls, as
It , is waterproof and also very easily
cleaned. These _qualities Make -it
useful. in the kitchen as a.vvalI cover -
Ing. It can be fitted as neatly as
paper. a little glue being added to
as it xs possible over it, rubbed over
the glass with a Sat, 010th, dried •and
in IX few minutes polished. This
leaves the glass beautifully' clear.
TnrPentine -iesinvaluable in cleaning
wood and gilt frames. Apply with
cloth or brush and dry with soft cloth.
A bottle of hard or finishing cal
should be kept in every home. Its
application where needed on furni-
titre. or frames eaves *mush of tile
extra' hard work at bou,seeleaning.•
The "moth balls," which are Iso muoh
cheapor than pure camphor • tnet
many of "our best people" employ
them, are an Indignity to put on one s
acqu.aintanests, and should be abol-
ished. ne3r may keep off moths,*but
;they are capable of destroying Wend-
shin- Igothing so nauseous in the way
of a smell is known in Civilized so-
ciety. And Yet men sad women will
go out reeking with tne horrid' oder,
and distress half a dozen friends with-
out a quaint.. Gem camphor may be
75 cents 9, pound, as it Often IS; it» is
the only decent • preventive of •moths,
Cedar, chests are beyond the tea= of
those who can, by the aid of a poand
of pure earephor properly' distributed
in bags of cloth, keep off tbee enemy.
Before the camphor is used 'the -clothes
should- be hung out in. the air andsun
fpr a day to induce the inmates. if
A hospittirasurse retired* from the
ward one afternoon in order to prepare
the bread and. butter' ordinarily served
with tea to the patients, at five
the paste by winch es put en. It o'cleck. She wits at work In the pan-
ts elseepar than paint and more dar- try, with a loaf of bread before her
able than watel-Proof papers. And a sharp Sastre in her band, when
• ahe heard -a stealthy -step behind her.
I(OW TO GROIN TEA ROSES: Before she could turn her head, her
-E; E. Rexfordi-iii it"recent minsiser firms weresPinioned and the knife wee
�f Harper's Bazaar; article On snatabed,•from ber hand.
the culture of tea resee that contains One of the patients, & fitaiWart, ME.
so many excellent pointsjhet we glean • Miler man, had suddenly become in -
from it a, few for thebenefit of the sans, and, had stealthily followed her
Weadera, of .this eoftinut who love the into the pantry without beineobserved
queen rif. flowers: • , When the knife was his bands
ewe ensieor grow. tea roses,' akyn he made a frantic flourish itt tne air
and • tearing his collar from his neok
Mr, Rexford, "so ranch for the decor's- Was onthe point of cutting his own
•den of the garden as vve do for the throat.'
• flowere4they *furnish for other ear- The nurse was a woraan of grit and
pesos. theY belt the size of the t good sense. If she had shown signs of
ends are thus sometimes considered ins
'ferbeir by those whose standard ef 'eudga
ment is quctutity rather than quality,
it is equally ,trae that they combine
• a great degree the finest attributes
of the ideal rose. They have that
atabtle, delicate, delicious' fragrance
which we reeognize as the most ex-
4ulsite --a1
she.= N.seolOisuiel fora that mate
oder,s, and they have a
-400011144, thent a flower for poeta to aieg about
and artids to delight in painting.
'X =wee for ine roses a sunny and.
wellatrained looation. A loarts that is
rather stiff with olay is better than
a soil contaieing a good. deal of sand.
Roses like to feel the earth firm about
their. roots. And it must be- Neb.
This is of the utmost importance. U
not naturally so --and few sods con -
tabs enough"plant food to supply the until the doctor and several atten.
demand of the plant, which like all delete appeared, The sick mart was
roses is ii grass feeder -it littlat be token back to hie cot, and nut under
Made SO. The best of all foods for thfx charge of two nttraes for the
but finely ground bone meal le a good The mires, who had saved his life b ' Mt'vements,
provided expressly against
June an the hybrid -perpetual roses W'octitirrtinvteoilleedr. atm demented
ad at bine with a snide, and ata not
move a muscle.
"That is a dull knife *hi= rift
Wirer- Eba remarked, quietly. 'It
will de poor service. Let me give you
a sharper one."
The strong man even in his frenzy
paused to stare at her, and she smiled
again as tranquilly as though she
were offering him a palm -leaf fan on a
sultry day. She held ottt her hand
for the kriife, and after a moment's
hesitation he handed it to her. The
pantry' window was open, and she toss.,
ad into the yard.
"Now go Week to your bed," she said
to the patient, pleasantly.
The patient sprang to the Open
window and attempted to throw him-
self down, but ahe was too quick for
him. Calling lustily for help shebeld
on to his legs, and kept him prisoner
.aountries for the promotion, of unity
and mutual Understanding between
ell associetwas Of women, working for
the common welfare of the Comintlnity.
The preamble to the' constitution, in.
clicates the main bonds that unite the
members of the International council -
It runs as follows; "We, women of all
=done, sincerely believing that ,the
best good of humanity will be advanced
by greater unity of thought; syrapa-
thy's. and purpose, and that an ortahlz-
ed movement of women will best con-
serve the highest good, of the, family
and of the state, do hereby bond our-
selves together •In a confederation of
workers,• to further the application of
the golden rule to society, euntom and
law." .
The objects of the International coun-
cil, as stated in the constitution are
to provide a means of communication
between womeri's organizations in all
countries, and further, to provide Op-
portunities for wemen to meet togeth-
er from all parts of the -world to con-
fer •upon questions relating to the
family and the commonwealth.
The fort:dation of this society, that,
since it's inception has so grown, so
broadened that now it has become a
power in the world, was due to a com-
pany of earnest women, who, after con-
sultation with friends to England and
France, decided to convene a repre-
sentative assembly of delegates, from
as many countries as possible, at Wash-
ington 1888, to consider the possi-
bility of organizing International and
national councils of women. This as-
sembly cleated. as its first officers,
President, Mrs. Fawcett; .vice -prem -
dent, Miss Clara Barton, of the Red
Crass Society.; and corresponding see-
retany, Mrs. Foster Avery. On the
same °combs' the National Counoll of
Women of the 'United States was foroa-
ed with Sims Francis Willard- as its
For five years after ite inception the
International council EIS 911914 did not
make any definite move forward. But
an 1893 it accepted the invitation of
the Women's Branch of the World's
Congresses, held in connection with the
Chicago fair, to hold ita first quinquen-
nial ineetieg in that isity. Women
-workers belonging to over thirty dif-
ferent nationalities reaponded' to this
invitation, many of them being prese
tint in an official sense, and the result
of this meeting of the International
council was that a large number of
those present returned to their own
countriea pledged-tb -.form national
councils of women in harmony with
the constitutional previsions of the In-
ternational council. Two meetings of
the executive committee have since
been. held in London0he results of
*whose deliberations will be laid before
the international council at the forth -
coining London , conference.
Aa the tesuit of that work at the
Chicago fair, national ,councils have
beer formed in Canada, United Staten,
Germany, -Sweden, Great Britain, Ire-
land, New Zealandslaew South Wales,
Italy, France, Holland, Denmark, Bel-
gium, Finland and Switzerland. In
the higher body these national couneila
are represented by their presidents and
two delegates, and. the executive te
,Tormed, of the presidents of each Na-
tional Council. together with the cleft-
ed officers of tbe Interriatiostal Council.
By those knowing l!ttle 'of the hopes
and desiree of athievement entertained
by the women that go to !erre this
greet acyclety, the question has often
been asked, "Hes the society identi-
fled itself with any one or more move-
ments t" - The answer 16 "'WO." The
council is expressly forbidden to do so
in its constitution, which "loos not al-
low it to be formed in the Interests
of any one propaganda. Vela was par-
ticularly guarded against by its origi-
nators, who, although all adherenta of
roses is old, well rotted cow manure 'tight. the temperance and women's suffrage
substitute. Use a pound. of the lat., her coolness and good sense, afterward eithei councils
ter to every • equate yard. of earth» i became, noted In the basinful as a wos espousing either those or any
Have the greund, well worked up be- , Man who never lost her head under other ' controversial questions.
fore the arrival of your planet, which the most. trying otrannstances, She Notwithstanding this holding aloof
will generally be about the first or was little woman, without much from questions and Isms, the results of
the middle of Igny. When they couttei vhystoal strength, but with her keen the inf11161166 et the international tout -
spread them out on the floor without intelligence and Ease.p.ossession. she ell offer between adherents of essen-
ttaWrapping them from the moss or Was batter tinned than if she had been daily different faiths, races, partlee,
paper In which ea= is wrapped, and sinewy and remarkably couragetels. and of having provided a center around
wet them well, • Appenough *a- which all who dettire to labor for the
good of humanity can unite foe' the
ter to thoroughty saturate the Soil COS. LOOK AT A SERVANT'S HEAD. eeraMOtt cau•le• •
tairlillg the roots. After sundown
put them in the greuted; In planting. Tire netveet Idea no to 0110090 servs Of the 10/401141 organizations, It has
disturb the /Pete as little as possible. beet claimed that they have (lanceted
ants by the shape of their head.. If anti spread correct information cootiern.
Vat& the I very firmly about them» th'e head extends well back behind the big wbrk, Intl needs =4 Its
This is rtant, tome* 'never do , ,
well w looseir Planted. Water ears, the-iiiiittiress may be satisfied iratifevettiente. Purthernaort that tioy
them ell after planting, end shade that the " doineetie region" well de- hmeuvicidontortioteleonntedtheorarogvaeortizaaptifitong ainodr
tb,eut ext day if the nun is not. velopea and the servant will be cap- kindred 611,1115161. They Inve :given wo•
4444 44 tile/ 61•1°‘"r 61gail able. A, good lady's maid should have men workere the opportunity of widen -
h g0 over the Vents and 00.0 the lower portion of the brow broad ing their knowledge and increasing
em back to the strongest bud on
9004 „„," and prominerit, signifying artistes serm utheir faith and eharity by interchange
each bran°31* Alt05 neW ty"``' and the ability to make everything -look of vlevra and personal touch with' ether
are developed 'and get a hold On the ita beet. As it is armor rule that does workers whom they would not others
soil shoons will be sent out which will not Wed: both walls, perhaps it would W180 meet. But greater then all thie
produce 1.10Wer$. It will therefore be be Vitae for the Servant to elevate her , they have, through Melt milted and re«
seen that these room begin to bias. Mistress by entailer methods.
Oitte very SO011 after pleating. preeentative influence as local and me.
trona! outwits, been able to help Iowa
'When a shoot hes .developed all ite , - ' - - —'''''''',
flowers cut it back to at lewd. two. A. CONItIMNT DOCTOR. municipal Iola legislative bodies to ef,..
thirds its length. This generally , feet much in th'e reform and arlminie«
'tea to the prodeetion of a new shoot„ anrs. ,Ankel. 11101-4bietor, bow is my tretion of verlotte laws good prod that
'front the bates of the old one and this unspent' Tills morning. it has been inetrumentai in breaking
In turn will produce flowers, If the ilr. Nonuthying, Unpreestvely-ne down prejtidiee, and in promoting nine
ground la kept rich the plants, by IS ft Yell' sick Men, toe, rstending and rharity bear.
being well fed and by repeated cutting Oh, dootor, Yon don't think...*n woraen and children »and on
back will be kept growing through the Beet &toured, my dear madame, thet-flte It00141.
isetteon, and as long as they grow they MY treatment will streightext him, out in Its turn the international town%
will bloom, for it is a charecteristie of in lees than a week. • b0081 to do the 68.1116 Work On A larger
this cleat thet every new shoot will
sod*, ando•.to pro -tide a common center
bear a estop of flower*, JUST AS GOOD. stottlad which. informatory about all
"The importent things to do, then, '' Met (10116$111/1 VrOMen --their work, edtt.-
are to eat bock all flowsr-prodnoinig 'reitet-e-IXd you ever take May of mato* and apportunttiove-in all' parts
*otut *K toot se its 1 lower -teatime s tholit tuld Whit af the World may be gathered and tabu..
done end to peeled in doing this Criavonibeek-Well 1 ren for otter Iated ready for nee ; a neuter, too, win
ihroillie the. Illelettli, and to am that the mos. Prove 6 raliY111 Pant for *0146/1 FAO/
"The Least Hair
Casts a Shadow."
it shore 'drop of poison
blood will, ontess checked in
time, make MO whole impure
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
oat leader In btood purifiers.
It oasts no elude*, but brings sun,
'shins and health into every housiehold,
rtUrtnitit sore -"11-7 mother WM
trout/1441Mb. reeureetisra In her knee NI
e number of years, and It broke out lotto e
Mining Sore.She took three bottles of
Sarsaparille and is now wen.
noodle Olive Ointment helped to heal tbs
eruption: Mai. 3o PASS, 0101r0118Willly
Anealltim QM.
Iftetaul'untjoine-"X WAS badly afflicted
with iscietic rheumatism. Consulted deo.
tore WithOtit relief. Was persuaded to try
Roode, eareapartlie, and five bottles gave
me relief and enabled rne to go to a t :York,"
Wirww.Oe 11eacu, Margaretville, X. S.
Nyj 4.460,446
aturil Pali cure Ihrer ills 1 the norgirnItat Mg and
y eaGuntle to take whit Mood,* Sarsamtrillat
in all countries., desire to live fer
others» and leave the world better than
they tonna it -a rallying point where
they will learn to know al trust one
another, to -find strength nn guidance
and inspiration for united often fel'
those mutes which appeal to all human.,
ity. aad at the seine time an increased
Power, through larger 'faith and more
enlightened charity, for the special
mission wilt& baust ever have the first
claim on the workers of each country
d' each race.
-• ,
Have you ever been jilted? Then you
appreciate the feelings that Ouch
treatment inflicts, but console your-
self that you, have not suffered alone
4on2 this source. Persons high lathe
soda' world have worn the mine slip-
per. Royalty his had its share of this
pa.rtioularly disagreeable dish. The
present (Isar -or Aussie, broke off a
long engagement with the Princess
ReleneSto wed Alia ot Rosso, who aft-
erward married the Crown Prime of
Italy. The late Duchess of Teck was
jilted by the .Prince of Orange, who
afterward encountered so many Paris
scandal's. •
Princess Helene of Bavaria, was jilt-
ed by the Emperor of Austria-Hun-
gary in favor of her srounger sister,
who was recently assassinated. The
Duke of Orleans jilted mane, among
whom Marguerite de Chartres is pro-
Among other royal personages who
were jilted by their royal lovers are
Included* the sister of the German
Emperor, who was deserted and snub-
bed on the 'eve other, marriage by the
late Prince Alex of. Battenberg, -wit°
married in another direction almost
immediately after he had refused to
become Emperor William's brother -in -
Yaw; Princess Elsa of Wurttemberg, re-
cently jilted by Prince Alfred• of Sake -
Coburg, and Princess Sophia of Ba-
varia; who subsequently became the
Duchess d'Alencion. '
TeaCher-The sentence, My father
had money, is in the past tense. ' Sow,
Mary, what tones would you be speak-
ing in, if you said, My father has
Little lffery-Oh, that would .be
Are Positively Mired by Dodd's
' Kidney Pills.
Lasers evenly Peripie Winner Thfit-Their
Motterteme, fra• Proved It-Dorldre 1&1d.
• ney 011111 Cored Mrs, Peter O'Briengf
Widow Coniptaint.
Kilmarnock, May 22. -The people of
this section are among the shrewdest
, and moat level-headed people in Can-
ada. They knew”' a goad. thing when
they meet it And when they "run up
against" a good thing they make use
of it. Teat hi why Dodd's Kidney Pills
have such an -enormous sale be this
district. That's the reason Dodd's
Kidney Pills are =edits nearly every
household in the county, •
It Le nothing unusual to hear of Bev.
eral cures of Kidney Disease, every
day, by Doddet Sidney Pills, in tide
neighborhood. The medicine is in
universal use. It has the record 'of
having cempletely eared every case of
Bright's Diseaixe, Diabetes, Dropsy,
Lumbago,. Rheumatism, Paralysis,
Heart Failure, Urinary Disease,. Dia-
mines of Women, or Blood Impurity, in
which it has been used. Our people
Mahn that it is. the only medicine on
earth that will =re these diseases.
A Mill further claim is by
those who have toed liodd's Kidney
'Ithey assert empathically, and
to speek the truth, they bring convinc:
ing*proof, that Bright's Disease • and
Diabetes are as easily cured, if Docld's
Kidney Pills are used, as is a common
Peter O'Brien, of Smith's Falls,
whose cure le the latest reported haa
A cowscuorrows CLERGYMAN.
etringsr-Virhat Iwo become of Rev.
Mr. Ds Goods f .
Reetdent-Re med. himself au unpop-
ular., preaching against envy, hatred,
"IYIngli"Ab4hatkottletioonng'gcrbeTattiniognsnattor Ielatt
other arovs him out, end finally he
hadp to 1 CEYLON—W. ;8, 30. 40, So & 60e,
Not unusual Wit is Is he nowt
He's a down. townearhoemaker, and Ie
Everyone appreciates cup of good TEA,
earn a trade to make a Lead pac1oge4
whom. to make hien patiOnel" e=i;
new able, Without str ining
Whieb do not mole
_ _ _Per Over FItto Voice
MOLL WMIO 6007111/50) Munn, bee boo,
met emufor thott all Too tode tr. of
the Ob
eel* or * do g00% Oars oll pain. mato wine
-twit rentedr ler dlorrbote. Al it bat.
tie, lle h7*PU40041:41b0t atoetitne
moo154 in10„2046900,mi_
I 7.7.7......4
More women then men go Nina in
Sweden, Normay and Iceland; more
men than women in the rest Of Europe.
". Pharaoh 100 0 Porn". of Granby, Quer.
, ,
ilagr LONG VISli LIVE.
Att to the length of Ube of fish it
is said, that the ordinary earth itonnt
interfered with. would, live about MO
Take Laxative liromo Quitdoe Tablets All Pron.
elate rebtail the Money If it toile to am*. Me.
. Ralf the ships; in the world. are Bri•
dab. The best' of thell2 eiln be con-
verted. Into shops of war in .48 hours.
Hotel Oarslake, gurr17:,'",•p,""Opinpil.
G.T.11,6tistlint, Montreal. Goo. Coarslake& co.:rrop's
War and glory bays been stly
things en France. Between risp and
1815 she ,saorificed 0110 bale of the es
500,000 saictiers she sent to fight her
battles. War has cost her ia this cen-
tury nearly 0,000,000 lives, •
The Trade Made
Blow strong since laerviline is in the
raarket. Nerviline is the great nerve.
pain oure. Its penetrating and pain'
subduing power, is such that relief
is almost instantanebus. TrY it and
be convinced. * *
. ,
I• tall,Way Superintendent, to carriage
!respecter -Any of the carriages out of
order f
Yes No: 412 is =fit for sereice.
• Well, Use it only forsexcursients,aft-
er this. •
(1111ca Poultry Olt is the best digester In LL. market
Rounder -I am afraid my liver .is
getting out of order. '
Sounder -What makes you think so?
Rounder -X Was worrying. about. my
debte this t.norning. • '
By's Sis frit'
and rioters' the ea or.
Sold by ail druggists., sec. a bottle.
pouottict'eiv-sWEa. '
It WAS evening time in one • of the
London hospitale, and the nutee on
duty was giving the little 94e4 their
last meal for the day.
All, save one, were patiently waiting
their turn to be (fovea, the One in
question hew a little roey.cheeked
lkonYeleecent. Who was calling Metall
for her portion.
DorothyInquired the kindly nurse, tO
with Juni inge of correction in ber
tonAetielet you just a little impatient.
No, Pm not 1 retorted Dorothy,
promptly, "I'm a littlee;c
• OA LV E RT'S •
Oorhalio OleinfOOLOotth 0000O, Otrot-
went, Tooth roWdoro, ettO.. hove been ,
&Warded 100 ntodall aria diplomas for ouperior
'excellence. Their meow me prevent infecti-
on, dhow,. Ask 'your dealer CO obtain ti
111V. Ir 11 mailedfree On applloattoa.
616100HoOTElt, (1441.6106
The Saireerelin Free Bue OM.
Ittgleigh-Shay, or, man, can't
,member, where I live. Tell me. •
Friend -You don't want to go home
to your 'wife in this condition, do you,
afigleigh-Course not, but' 1 I don't,
know where m"horne is, I might go
. there by mistake, •
ILe Toscana, 100. .RELIANOE MGABI
ellstataer-I Want to get a dog col-
lar ; something handsome and showy.
Dealer--WiR this one dot
Customer -No I'd like something
More expensive 'than that You 'see,
it's my wife's dog, and'I'd like to get
swat) one to steal it, '
$100‘ ReWard, $100.
The readers, or this psnerwill be Tat 5!ed to
Idarn that there Is at tenet one dreetten afintara.
that science has been able to tire la all ito
eases, and Shat le Catarrh, sore Catarrh
Cure is the I P"0 Ptiter
Medical fraternity. a r 'toeing* constitu.
known to the
Clonal disease. reqUires a constitutional treat.
went. Haire Catarrh Oure is taken internally,
foundatfon of the aisease, and &giving the
Patient etre/ eh by building ae the constittl»
tlOtt a,nd nesiettog nature in doing its wOrk.
Thilti5r itjt9itratItte %Ter itini ra
tie po rs, - ay no undr
lairs [Or any Oaell that it fella to our°. send tor
list; 02 teratinottisjs. Address.
J. HANEY dc 00.v Tolela, O.
LietOtiT5rocntit. 750.
Hall's Familyare tho heat.
Your Honor, said the attorney, this
MAU'S insanity takes AIM form of a
belief that everyone wants to rob him,
He won't even, allow Me, his counsel,
to appreirh-
$25.00 ' PER MONTH.
. -
,in be nutde by any woman oho* ug "Ideal Hat
resturnen. It glued= %riga Whiettl:131=lt bit pin,
getting askew. Adjurited to has can't be lost. vory
durable. Overcomes all ditadvantmtes olddsehloned
het Pine. /Cleft don't want to sell, wont ,et for your.
self r attled whit MU particulars, 23 °mite, Address
!ARC ht. 1.. LOMOLM ite Adelaide feet. Ionians
Many f den& in Kilmarnock, tali her -
complete -recovery amazes, wells t de- B
BAlights them. kter ease seas a severe
OAS of Xi ney Disease, and Dodd's Kids
hey Pills worked a wonderfully quick
and complete CUTE.
Dteld's /Kidney Pills are sold by all
druggista at fifty cents a box, six
boxes 42,50, or wilt be Sent, on receipt
of mite,- by The Dodd's Media= Co„
Limited, Toronto.
ITommy Brown -Is your hit deter
engaged to Mr. Wheite
&Ude Green. -lo, ext' I onmes she
- Your Wife ilt.TeMperodf
fittlinitte her foot, and if she has
corns buy her Putnara'A Painless
Corn •Ettractor. Reins will then be.
coras an Eden.. Much of the misery
of married Me le due to corns.
Putnam's Extractor la sure, pabalese,
and prompt.
don't want to be. -
Tommy Brovnae-DM alie say so
8118111 filreen.-N0, but she knowed ha
was 'amnia taster& en'' at onions
at supper.
Instrunteids,,Drumg, UnVoPmr, de.
Evory :town oan *have a band.
1.00:41 141(44 eVVf ototed. rke. catalogue, 600 Shin.
trations, _mailed free. Write us for anything in
. music or idusloal lostrumeoto,
WW1 end Sidon then oinnot Alford tobe
without the Axiomatic Fewer Attach.
meth so it Matfor itself in one week dtari.
Ingbear. o drip, to waste. You only need
011e Wind to draw beer with the Autontatla
Main carat Of rush you can hold glasses In
egolthandrar the Automatic is
Always reedy. The Antoine
dant the fituirtglassof beer and
binned for any trade, as tt puts
the kind of beadouthe beer the
you want Price $1 Wpm -paid-
- 91011e.yreflinded if hot matte°.
tors. Ibuniltotattgeo.,Toronto
a The Tellernall Cpytiyatitig s
a Of fleeetti tVa oin maxim% IR
A '16"' mi"rd't. Jik
R.$ 2.6iittidettilisoLdIztvg. u
"VA to ortialata"
?He TALISMAN 00. y
fi ViaTOSIA /011ekte.
tela 4414 le
•-g) SEAVER BRAND t, Mookintosh
rower hurtle= & %guaranteed Water.
proof; Ark f6r %take no other, ilea.
ver Dabber OlotbIng Co., Montreal.
Buire. Ilehl and MICe. Bold by alt
Dratte166 er 01 CUMen W. Toronto.
cuTTIN0 sellout ...jailors' sod Dress-
aii`alg. C. at D, SCHOOL aritiligg11.*
w Barrietere,eta.reinoved
' MIMI Halo.
. . 111 Wesley Itidge,, woh.
mond Oh. W.4 %%Vat*. ,
11 1
Oathollo prayer :NA ftrap:Mr",
Rem.- resume einem% and -Charon Ornftrilent4
iltduoational Works. Moil orders receive prompt Atte*.
SOD. 1). 86111.101 & 00,, Montreal.
HARRIS .23m-zr-
Wholsoale only. Long Dionsum Telephone/1720,
ANTS INa'rite us for instructions on the sea
sevortnhe Sifiattra In the Word
r ry little.
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Oor, Went -Market *Colborne St., Teronte,
Con get you'best prices for your Apples, Butter, Sur,
Poultry, and other produce, iflott ship It to them
A email t os
Stastl morel's
Dr. Amen. Bello who will mutton, you he oint cure you
pa, ktkooktt.....?1$.1souziltlf.tle, 4411111,
Hobbs Hardware Co.
Printed OA 1.70VJMY maws
foroeir 15a, and thle beenifal
fa OPP eettelettite MHO
(71 Nivel free with molt order.
ill The Mr- hartliagtOokt °
ellotreid, . Oinell‘p
-BINDER limas?
Lpsolwagss:r TW NEs
bolero, 6or For Chotationo
to us wife 7,711, IMMO sag
sna we Will tbrmint watch.*
ems tee, NUM 1747144.6agl#
fl;;141.4" it= °
oltrit"Iretee"Oila torLonte,
ONE NIGHT:1:1°u. gr-1,141zg
Baking .powder. Vorroula to make It
at small cost. Equal to the InisrugginUtgrenrit:
Mo. in stamps. • :
A. 1.APIERRE, 10 Lawyer St, Montreal.
: 1-6% 8 z10 „SIN- RONTU.
TWO PAIIMMUr 5555 WANTED -with Owledge
of farm -stock; fair edueation to work in an ogee -for
ths ifeterinery Selene* Association ; V00 per year : Per -
14:1501 interview necessety ; must be over 21 years an.,
amiable to dope& 000 in molt as enmity. Apply in
with*, giving full partioulars. need office, Veterinary
Solemn Asscolitioo, Loudon, Ont.
Mtn DiteWEPOI.L.
-strasTrrerre TEA AND COMM&
100, psalms, trill mks 75 cups. Por see by .11
grooms, Aok for ft. Agent. wanted. send 10o. les
sample half lb. package, tre.paldi. • •
NORCO svrc CO., Toronto, Canada.
Plano, Notimates, eta., for
1111n1 °Intel and Private Sewerage and Water Supply
MAT/So ORA I5401 Abb repuovontircs,
_Etrldge Foundations, Concrete CenetructIon, Eta,
wb chord or
REE! tut
°hot WitoctriWitulfltie.sliollitligZ.31tdns.
pinitittsel"iladle:gen."bth; Las, I'l at
Sterlbagelilveritstob f07101154
5 dos. Doylies. In 1544)1 15
eight. Write sod we send them
in°11'"ourldr"walindtah'dairtreler UmnP,seloiluardraowatayaitlries
retwooble. LINENDOYLITO.,,Ospt., 11Z1 Tbrontn;
with push end enemy can more permanent, profitable
positions man oxolusive details, Little °spite required.
wo bare established over100 Young num in paying butt.
Oretesof titer own, end we aro ready 80 40111, same for
you. Enterprising Merchants' oleo repretent uo, Ivith
proM to themselves and ebsolute satisfaction to their
easterner& Write ustoday for full particulars. You earn
betternercentage front ()curds thati trOlxi %Di Other
eagle line. ROKCO M'F' CO.,..Toronto, Can.
v01)05E/viol Elt KNOWS
Or L Spindle
- Name Lard
Germania 011.00.,1-34 Oa To onto.
y st., COrSIOr
IuIIIU 11,Line :C118:141.
Mantras' end. Quebec' tO LIVerpeol,
Large 'and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambrornan.
Rates of passage .1 -First Cabin, $50 upwards ; Second
Cabin, $35; Steerege, 52250 and SD 50
For furtber information apply to locidogents, or
' DAVI)) TORRAMOE & CO., General Agents,'
• 17 Eit, Sacrament St., &footrest.
Ao Effervescing Phoephate, exoellent aleanser for AM •
kidney and stomach, tikes Slia. place of Goal tar prepares
Cons in ease otheadacha, Its 8904 ls immediate, Sold Ur
all druggists, In 10o, 25o, 50o andS1.00 paokagea. '
Ideal Leather Polish
WM hoop your shoes soft as velvet
es Laval OMMUII Separator&
Of Montreal and Winnipeg
Sole Agents for. Canada.
.tovii, NAIL' ST. lAnoWurterit.
STEAMERS . traroActi:° .
' SUNIDIAN-13100, June 10, july 15.
CALIFORNIAN-May13, June 17, July 20.
GALLLL-May 20. Janet&
CORODONGA-May 27, July 1,
Cabin Passacer.450.00 aud upwardi,
Second Cabin -15:,.00,, Minn 566.50,
Steerage -Liverpool, Loadop, Glaegow. Londonderry.
Qteenstottn, $23.50.
For further information apply to . .
, N. BOORLIER, 77 Yonge St, Toronto,
or N. A A. ALLAN, Montreal. .
On' Trial
0&TU* ,
on these toms. go sucker, no
packing. li iillast a lifetime.
. Irbr 1/lustrs tell Catalogues, ad
dreoil , .
Aylmer, Ont. ,
3E7 Me, :113
L Thin TILOS and
0-h --45 on g
TRANSFER (1/4108.
rile Com plate $1.00. lioard andArch500,
13oard end Arch, 26o.
Binding Cases, v3.0.1 per /loran noinOlete,
The 0010 seeelaity airs% LIMitel
122 and 121 Bay St., TORONTO.
Factory: Newmarket.
XMAS/gent woman wanted every town to dm -n.41.
watt "AVOWS Petted (Aid Suppotter and Waist
Fastener" (Canadian catgut just groatedi attached to
toilet lb rOnneett *Met ekitt, and underekirt keeping
all In polo% tosItion, Itopozsiblo Shirto to sag or
Shirt w titts to work up. LonunIssion or calory. Re.
Ammo required, I:temples tinule$ 254. „,
Taggett ManutneturIng Co.,Toron_te,Oilt,
L. COFFEE & 44,,b0.,,boci,
• GRAIN AND 0069418310N
Itoonle 40,42 Ileard bf Trade Oullaltte,
We give this fine 4 -Blade
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
soiling 6 Ladies' Gold Plate
Shirt Waist BEAUTY
PINS at to cents each,
Simply send your address
and we will forwardsPINS
post-paid. When sold, send
the 60 cents and we will sehd
knife, with all charges paid.
Com Novelty Cooloronto. Ont.
• ETERS 110.11OH "R
,pacefiroti CANOE 00.
TUOMAS Fawn; Joss L. COrralt p
Deafness tind
NOISES relieved by T NI -
?dialed soft rubber, are safe, cont.
fOrtable and invisibie. Write SOP
pamphlet showing betted/ In elite Of
Catarrhal alealoteui, Roaring and
Flirting Sounds, Relaxed, Sunk.*
e,4 Thickened Drum&
The ComniOn Sense Ear
Drain & Ated'elne
Trtrhold YoroOto.
FREE Dgmbried
Pludt.engt emet
tor galling 1 ad dainty_ pickets or
'Heliotrope, Itevo sad violet pe.
DIM*. :ve tout cremates& 13411
*6 Ma etch. Return nk $1,20 and
realm ling MEE by Mont
20*11, comenerma, Kew
WM. tritsoldgoodr ritUrteM91
5111•111,1( Cao.,
Rept. iseitoreals, 0144
gi150 will, IP TAKEN at ONCE,
tiustntss, stock sufficient to make
$3,00n worth. No other pill like it
- on market. Fortune for energetic
Man. fax )7, TAUT* OPPICE.
' . :
0 0 0 0 A
OntarIO Canoe Co.
3. Z. ROGERS, Manager.
IIIALTH RESTO- RED rirltretril:
040.4.3AvitopiAttam.tftlr,1 We, Oteett.
Du Barry's Arabloa Food,
*MA 6001 Uvalde ibld Obildtot. mat Mk" hate me.
Vita* Shoes AtimetilitulttnewS b *a 1114
raOhm thettnotto. ItdIted• alt odor
o MEW. mew XI Wow Ile Olt ht
boathbls 11004104, 100,006
50 years Anil intrOl of Cenitipm
We. Ataletre, 11
• mays. Otatilhol.
0011 014
• 64 ositstglion.-rt's4
"""bwl'iros, tiltobt
• oUwe' Visalia*