HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-01, Page 4„
..Krwrfv, ,.--;01110pprilmmir
JUNE 1, 1899.
ALL OVER HURON COUNTY. ever the armour, and upon it wsa the
NEWS FROM Theorem to be called Jiteks. The Bar
blazon of their land or nationelity.
PROM oun own oonnorePoNotnrs NO ,00tovrv oxokANoff$, Crueeders crow Richard the Lionheart. ga tt
4,41 chalet for hid 255 tall shipa wbcli
Joi#0400,10000/0,0Aoyy41.40Aowyva,,AwASoi, won a Reliant sea fight over the Sara-
ceni. *.rhen came George the pat-
Goderich. Goderloh. Cederieb , Oodericb. ion eaint of England who Wow the
•••••••••••.r• ...••••••••••••
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hello of Exeter Ur. Vamplon harrIster, beginm. to feel
anauttie Ilpginald are guests at the that he could enjoy a little recreation
home of 8. 19._ Belie. PrineiPal 'Central es Welles Court honseofticials end medt- _
Puhlic'Selwol. Air. Hails as manager coa and we feelpretty sure tbe eforoairl -
' of Haley's bankrupt etock. Mo. Halle will be none the worse of having an
is quite charmed with our town mad no ItisLi wit on •tlas turf down there. A
wonder it looka eo beautiful this year. yery interesting and friendly game
Another ou landmark on Britannia waa Pleed on the howling green on
•road, mirth, will sofin he Oliterated. Queer) s birthday and it would seem
It belonged to the estate of the -late that Mr. Campion had no vis-a-vis for
Sheriff Gibbons agd, now it belongs to his name dal not appear in the
Ms. 1 -lays who preferred enlarging her bowlinA, verdict. Messrs, Lane
Therefore the old. brick cettage, and Wynn chose Sides with the
that vvithstood sixty winters at leastos following result that each sides gained
being taken down, brick by. briek. The it. Messrs. McLean, , Arnold, McD.
brick is good and will be purchased by Alien, Galt, ,,Virznn. and 'Otters.
: 'tome of the builder% The house was 'Parker, . Naftel, Farrow, Shephard,
the homeof Robert Gibbons of Detroit. .U1130 were among those who took part
' the one time preprietor of theMichigan W. 3. Thetheway left Brace Mines,
' JFarther, ef his brother William, an el- May 2001 for Sault Ste. Marie. •thapt,
1,!...:••- der brothertnany years ago deceased, :Tom Tretheway left Goderfeh on Fri-
--7 - • itr••okilful druggist, and: a former day, ewe date, for British Columbia
' teaclii5t7rdetilfr.-Ben.Gibloons, a pros: via Toronto, Sault Ste.Marie and Port•
. permit” business Man of Detroit, all Arthur; W. j.will join the Captain at
nephews of thelate Sheriff Gibbons, Sault Ste. Marie and. will go out as
•aue. Forrest, wife of Expressman Mining Superintendent • to , take-
Forrest. Hotel Bedford block, returned charge of mining operations for he
on Thursday after a three weeks' visit Dominion Consolidated Minos ' CO.,
at her old horae in London. Her moth- Limited; of British .Columbia, Captain
• er, liars. McIntosh, apcompanied her ais Tom is going to British Columbia to
far as Clinton and spent .a dayor two examine and report on minbig proper-
' there before corning on to Goderich ties for Toronto people and wiltbeab-
where she will spend some time, the ;sent for 30 days or more.
" guest of_her daughter, . ' We were in ecetacies over the bent-
. --..-..We -Were - treated to a phenomenal Wel Sunday which allowed se many to
•, union on Thursday night, It was at -chive to the re -opening of, :,the church
the MI, but ted like the firecrackers of it Smith's Hill, but alas we were treat -
the previOits night, • It rained after 8 ft.' ed to torrents of rain and a hail storm
in.; andwhen thc,shower was .ever the ' at about 5p. m„. The hail WAS of: ebort
rnoon . appeared - through the clouds duration, but the rain fell until after -1
veiled as it.wera and the next time We p. re., and at intervals all evening. ac -
looked "Chad/ completely disappeared. - companted by thund,er and lighteing.
, It rooked Ominous. We were glad it On Sunday p. tn. aft ut the Captain
was Thursday night night inetead, Of .Wed- of the S. A. made an address to ail
useday,,, , -those en the square within hearing the
' rs. W.Smitii,Best Street/snow/1, iri S. A. lasses seng without any , accom-.
.. . A. circles as Mother South, hae the paniment that beautiful hymn "Beau-
- pleasure,pf basing as guests her dengh. tiful Lana of : Light." . Their united
ter, Mrs. W. 3. Field of Chicago and voices produced much melody...
her grand -daughter, wa: Frank Wads.: Mr. Robert Brown, druggist,, Goodets
•:Worth of BUffale.:' both incites hailing assistant, is taking a couple of mouths
spent their sehool days to Owe.. They holidays. • .. - . .
. are delighted to find so many improve- The engine house for the' new plan -
mento in the town which they 'bye so ing mill is complete and the boilers are
well. Aare. Wadsworth is the datigh- being put in position by Chrystal's
ter of liar. John Robertson now of Bid; men, but it will take some time to fin-
' folo..but a one time prosperous raer- ish the body proper.
chant of Goderich; also of Clinton. Postmaster Galt takes possession of
sMr. Eddie Belcher of 'the Goderich his new property • this , week, It Was
organ' factory Spent a pleasant day on formerly the MeXidd estato, Nelson
Thursday last, eater, the afternoon steeet . • • • ;
train•c,ame in, getting congratulations •Major•Beck awakened Saltiotd with
,retaa his nittey 'friends on having won a fog de joie' on 24th May. Gallants
.„ailanrel. sprig for Goderich at the Joe aid not forget Her Majesty's birth-
th.e Brantretti bicycle meet On Queen'e
War; He came in fifth winner in
.a c. • et of 50 • ;. cle riders. His
Prize isa axy, 1tiust Ed,will
:be chosen 'aka Secretary. Dimeelf eonne
''',.;of these days.
Mts. Wade, Brace street, sperettakfevr
days in WoOdstoek last week. • -,- 7-,
Mrs, Robert McNevin returned last
week' to her home. in Toronto. ' •
' We can call Mine Beet,of Britisirkx-.
change the champion weather' proh-
pet, Mr: Tilt ',Often takes a :promen-
ade or emistitntionalaround the Square
and on Monday 22n4 May,. just before
' the rainbow Made its appetite:Ike, year
Coriespendent noticed him while near-
ing the Bedford block looking intently
utaXingefon street:soil:an-you see that
sky ?(the eastern sky.), tclo you notice
. the color Of the clouds? It is raining in
Toronto:" "Toronto," , we . repeated,
thinking Mt: Tilt must be a new prop -
bet in. Israel, so We wrote to Teronto,it
..,evenda Cost to teleplione,and we found
'--..,,' at rained in the Queen City„.and, pour-
ed in torrents in Louden and nearer
. horde, "(entail and. BayileId, its we
1 learned later. ' • - ' -
•' Miss Macara is; preparing to .gpend
her summeavacation in Virginia. • '
• 'Porter's- hook- store and stutioliery
-' WindoW :hada n amber of 'Union Jacks
fastened all evened on May 24th which
looked loyal to the passers by.
' • We do not know whether the Cita-
. ten Belles are conamemoratipg the last
year of the 19th century by •wearing a
sunbonnet, but it has struck Goderich,
yellow -as aguinert, at that; but; it ores-
• tante ly has comein with Our American
ks very etiff and quaint
. •
and will rende he tise of a parateatob-
: •solete. Thesun onnet will just atilt
the bicycle belle. .--.',
Two of ;Lieut. Grantlertadets have
repine at Mr. Beale's, Wellesley- street,
pear the lake and by some unforeseen
accident a Collegiate, !..Institute
.Cadet ;named Darren, Who -watt
carrying a rifle to a wiudow to fire off
a blank cartridge, the muzzle being in
• the,directicarof his room mate, the rifle
•'fent off and the charge went into
young 'Cadet Hile's eyes, face and
throat. The surgeon who was called
in thinks that the sight will suffer no
injury. but he would have been a hap -
Pier yoffng man on Thursday last if the
accident had not occurred. We truly
hope it is the first and last time:We-way
be called upon to note tatch.reckless-
n s. Great earr,,sheiuld' he exercised
wljere &ear : Art:Voted, Mr. Biles at -
te ded tit 'Home and seemed. all
xi tr
re. McCol ..Beitannia. roitclihadeev.
OW geelits itaitx,week who drove to
Goderich .1 -,•-:Mr, and Mrs: S. Williams
and little Harris of Listowel, and Mr.
and Mee. S. Vanetone of Winghton.
We must congratulate' Mr. . Parer
,. Waltonon the vvay in whith he hand-
les the rIbbone of hie spirited team.
His businese most be rushing when he
needetwo steeds. We wish him all
,...' prosperity, .
We thought Morris tiew'. planing mill
lives. being rushed on, but we never
thought it was so nearly ready for the
reception of the necessary s machinery.
Everything willhe new and we -trust
there will be no lack of work for the'
new enterprise. - ,
calle ' away on Saturday by thesermue
james Stewart,Elgin etreet,,was
,:.2..-illnese Of her mother, Ides, Matheson,
'who resides near Listowel.
Contractor Cosner is bury&mooring
the ‘sorn
e eidevralk areund °Or quote and
Making the netteettary not , .
Goderich had it lot of, lnice __gentle -
Manly looking visitorrifrom London
on 24th May vitlao,lf thAy had fewlad-
lea left in town with which to fall in
love, fell in love With the lake and
• could Loudon blame therm They
went out towing with 60Me Goderich
friends and enjoyed themselves very
much, On Ihe return of the Marine
• Band, wAila the O. /. (Witte marched
-,tothe Armoury, that undaunted corn•
• party of nitisiciane 'played one tune
Only albeit, the most inspiring of halo
"The Britieh Grenadiere" and played
.it like Briton e tee in spite of their
day' e playing at Clinton, All honor to
them. The 0. I. Cadets, "mot feel
quite prottd of Trig Neirreeltgeorm'is
e received an invitation to call at
the residence of Mr, W. A. Ross, Bruce
street east,to see his Jubilee incuhatoro
his own patent, and itet jubilant brood.
Mr. Ross has made seven incabatore„
Thirty-five' lovely Wyandottes, some
Golden,came into existence on Sunday
-Last and chi) ped and picked bread
cribs in fine style, so wen as they
got Jut of the shell or at least very
soon after: They were 20cir 21 days in
the incubator or perhaps we might
mere properly write,' the egge were
hatched in 20 or 21 days after being put
into the incubator. Mr. Ross says the
little chicks hatched in the incubator
are always free from any kind of ver-
min. He has a brooder not quite fin-
ished, Which will be the home of this,
brood for some time to come. This is
the second batch this year. 45 eggs
Were set this last time., but only '85
chicks materialized on Sunday last.
Mi. W. A. Ross purchased his pres-
ent residence Bruce attest east, from
Mr. Abraham Wilson before his de-
parture for northern latitudes. We
learn Mr. Wilson is at preeent in
Michigan, -
The C. 0. F, will parade to Knox
church on next Sanclay a. in., 4th of
June. •
Mr. Chrystal bad a contract on hand
in the Forest city last week and this
week he is putting a pen into the
Chemical salt works.
The many friends of the late Mrs.
Thompson, beloved wife Of Captain
James Thompson of Bowesmont, Dak-
ota, will be sorry to hear of her death
on Saturday, May 20th. Captain
Thompson went with her to California
and lived there for a long titne,but her
illness was too serious for change of
climate to benefit her. Mos Leona
Thompson of Leeds, Da., was with her
grand -mother in her last illness.
The county council will .rneet on
Toesday, of next week.
We learn that N. Dietrich has leased
his new star mill to Messrs. E. Down-
ing and W. P. Weitoby.
After many postponements the Col-
legiate Institute At Home on Friday
evening was a complete successin the
way of a large -and fashionable audi-
ence. ,,Orcourse it had to rain some
dorlair the whole of the entertainment
which was held up to 11.30 p.m.and gat -
or the conclusion of the literary and
musical program all repaired to the
gymnasium where it recherche lunch.
0015 and we might ear a flower banquet
was prepared for the guests for the lit-
tle tablets were covered with a profile-
iort of lilies of the valley and all the
flowers of May. The gymnasium was
beautifully and fetitaatically decorated.
The gneate were soneeneroUs that they
divided and wont down in three differ-
ent divisions. The teachers and pupils
•all waited MI .the guests and chatted in.
knots through the rooms and corridors -
Sortie of the 0. 1. Cadets were in Ind.
form which gave the affair quite a mil-
itary air. Sentries too were posted in
grounds and for once no one scaled the
walls from the outside or gave any an-
noyance. The program was Short for
once and really we must say that al --
though the music both vocal and in-
strumental 'was good, still the enthus-
iasm awakened oft at like recitals were
more inspiriting. People seemed more
intent on ednvereing with each other.
Mr. Stratig,:principal of the 0, to was
chaleMan. He prefaced the program
with a neat speech. The opening No,,,
wee an instrumental duett by Jars, W.
It. Logan and Miss Blanche Wateon,
which was well executed lay teacher
and pupil. The firet vocal solo on the
program, that favorite, "True Till
:Death" was yery sweetly sung by Miele
Turie Brow, accompanied by Profes-
sor Simeon. Then followed the bow
tired recitation "The 'White Rose very
pleattinaly rendered by Miss Irene Ach-
eton, as Mr. Strang celled it a tribute
teechool talent. Mr's. Logen and Mies
Cainpaigne, who Mr. Strang termed
old favorite friends, exeouted in fine
etyle it beautiful piano dutitt "From
Foreign Pots." Mr. Carrie Nang a
base 016 "Out on the Deep" and ehow-
ed that his bao note* are getting down
deepe. „it Mire Elio Tye, *coon:mai:1st,
Wee Millie fitodwio recited yery path- •
record of their perfection in drill under • etically 'A Violin Fentasy" and Milet
Limit. Burton DeForeet Grant, science Elie* Tye delighted till with the jun-
matter, 0. L They dinbanded after flee Quadrille in whieb she. introduce"
Siving three cheers for the Queen and ye*, patriotleally "The Maple Leaf
tattler for Clinton. Perha s ur eon. Forever" and other Coutdien airs
,dragon which Was abotit to devour the
Mr. and Mre.tawarte of Clinton Spent An Beet, Toronto tes,e, Alexander daughter of the reigning king and who
Meseta, Swartz. . of the Stewart, belittle contract of removing Was born, as every teader may not
a tew dart last week the gueets
. the old breakwater. %het looks like know, in Vanpaclocla of noble parents
, The M. M. Drake, Captain P. 0. Bets, getting a new one in :earnest and *mitered Martyrcloni during the
mitt, Chicago, Moe bushels corn for • . The store fronts in the Hotel Bed. reign Of the Roman Variperor jUllAtt
Mocier's Elevator, cleared on Saturday ford block are hong re -touched by the on the Wird April on a crossthe Greek
for 0Ideago. . skilful hands of one of our painters. cross. Richard adopted St: George as
X. Geo. j. LeHean Chief Clerk for Mrs. (Rev.) Carrie returned from her his patron mini pinning nituneif uniler
IL A. rose, Board '•of Trade Weigh visit. to London on WOW., Kbci May. Ns protection and adopted the red
Master, Chicago, haft been spending a The fog horn began to whistle about arose on a white ground as the Jack of
few day* with Mr. Mover's at the Offi- :32 pc m, on teaturtiay night. England, red meaning bravery and
ce at the elevator. Ilera too, tIsinkti •Mrs. Deneey returned frotn Port white purity. • England's crusaders
Goaerieb a lovely place althotigha lit- aloron hut week, learning by telegram Sought under this flag and Edward 1st
tle stand offish, •-• that her daughter-M.14w, Mrs. Loftus, claimed. and maiutained the lordship
Tbe St, • Andrew went . down the Dances', Was net expected to recover of the narrow seas. which Victoria
Arnerierin chore with wheat from Fort from her thee Perkins illnesii. Banpily ' owns this Empire Day. We need not
William for Kingston and is expected Mrs. 1,...Dancey took a change for the note the many battles gained under it
in thikweek to load with oats for Vert better and is progressing most favor- and the discoveries but j will mention
William. It is eleo said her next trip .ably, Mrs. Chiptein A. E, McGregor is the trainee of the victors,Cabot, Drake,
vvill,be from Mica 0, • also here. • , Raleigh, and .Eanneigiothia nwabvoyorinellitzbaebevtilie.,
tory over the Spanish Armada. Then,
the Scotch chose it flag for Seotland,the
saltwe or cross of St. Andrew, apostle
987. At that time Rows was king of
the Picts end was attacked by Athel-
stan king of the Saxons-, but. Rungue
prayed to Goa and St.Andrew, and his
prayers were heard for Aehauis, king
of ,the Scots with 10AD' of his Scotch
subjects came to his relief and it is
told that on the blue sky appeared a
white cross formed by the clouds which,
gave courage to Achania and liungus.
.and Athelstan'a artily was defeated
and Atheistan left dead on the field.
From that time the Seetch chose As
faithful, brave little scholar and coin- their ensign the white saltire cross on
pardon. Cerebral roenin4itis was the whine ground, the white representing
demote of death the M. D'S thought purity poi the blue truth. Mr. Hall
whose 'skill was tested to the utinest to then told of the battles won under
save the bright little bor. „: Relay like it in ., such a manner as to prove the
a soldier of Christ at rest, the lily -of- warning .motto of the Scotch' Thistle
the -valley on •his' breast, . The floral "Netno me impunis lacessit, "translat-
tributee Were numerous and very beau- ed "No One may touch me with iria-
Nful and i ncluded magnificent ficrtvell' punity." • In the reign of James let of
lent by the testers of Milt. Todd at England and Oth of Scotland the ship
New Haven, Mrs. B. H. Yates and Miss of each nation displayed each its own
Lizzie Sheppard, Who also sent tele- flag ,until james thought of the.17niort
grams of condolence and regret at not, •Jack, having both crosses with a fitn.
being able to attend the funeral.. Mrs. briation of white between the differ -
Dr, ' McNally • of Tara also tele- ent erosees which gave the Greek crew
.graphed ' condolence and regret • at and the X united, using the red cross
not being able to attendfuneral, which. and the white which resulted in the
took place at pp; m. on Tuesday from Scotchman getting, as he usually does,
hisfather's residence,Lighthouseatreet. it good share of all that wits going.
Rev. Mark•Turnbull attended at house The real Union Jack in the reign of
and grave. Prifecipiti Halls and staff QueenAnne 1707 did wonderful work
of the Central Public School and their at home and • abroad, in out own
pupils attended the funeral in a-• body: Country under it Sir W. .Johnston
The pall -bearers Were Masters Leonard raised it above the old Port Niagara,
and Frank Coff,' John Galt, Walter Wolfs under it storMed Louisburg and
Mitchell,Leo. Elliot and Ernest Jordan. died victorious on the plains of Abra-
The following members of .the Gode- tiain. Nelson covered England ,with
rich, Gun Club made these scores at a glory .'ett the Nile, The Mariners of
,shoot on Friday last. .The maximum England gained the coast of West -
10 :-7-4. Fritzley8,'W. Rutson. 6, Africa, New south Wales,' and Van -
'O. Garrow.6, 13. R. Watson 4, N. Drew •codver Island under. it. . Then Mr.
Rougvie,3, H. Batson 3, D.•Rougeie 2. Halls took up. the Irish flag whose
A. Lily of the Valley wedding.took lineage be said could not be so • clearly
place at •Bayfield on Her 'Majesty's
birthday at the residence of the bride's' defined as the other lacks,but he said
it is rather as a soldier the , Irishnaan
mother,Pars.Sarah Card.. The Rev.111-r. excels than a sailor as he is not canted.
tahaw of Bayfield tied the marriage ered to be -very lona of. the . water,
knot., " The • bride, Mary' Victoria Os- Wellington aucl Wolseley attest the)
niond,looked lovely and delighted all Irishman's power of.conamand. and. la
with her modest grace. .1ter bridal many a forloen hope the Wild energy
coitunie was of cream brocaded goods,
beautifully trimmed with dream silk of • the .Irish blood has scaled the
breach diapliying• that same eager,
and lace. She earried A latge boquet of fleece, impetuous valor with which in
lilies -of the valley; her favorite flower,
The lkidesmaid was little Miss Mina ' the charge of the heavy brigade at
Card of Goderich, who looked lovsly in Balairlava the Inniskiliees 'went out
into the msssive Russian Column with
'blue organdie with lovely •becitiet of ,A cheer. The banner of Sr. Patrick,
lilies of the valley. The meld of honor,
Miss Lucinda Walters, wore a cream ' Irelmfd's patron saint, is a white flag
having on it the same saltire shape its'
costume, beautifully made,and trimmed
with. silk and lace of same color. The St. Andrew's cross but red in color, red
for bravery and the blue ground,
groom, Mr. Williarn Parkinson,travel.
ler for 4 London firm, with lily tit. the troth. Then Mr, Halls 'descrihea. the
birth, work and. death of St. Patrick,
valley bontiniere, was supported by • The moss in which he is said to have
Master Gilbert Card, little heather of
the bridesmaid, who also wore the lily •suffered martyrdom was ,a . cross the
shape of the red dress •adopted by !ro-
of the valley in his button hole. After • land with the shamrock, emblem of
the ceremony was performed- by the the Trinity. All these three crosses
RSV. Mr. Shaw of Bayfleld, the large. were united in 1801 dating the reign
company of nearly -109 invited wedding of George III who brought about a
guests, all carrying how:lets or wearing complete union of the three kingdoms,
bontinieres of the lily of the valley fol. England, Irehinet and Scotland, as we
lowed the. bridal party to the Queen's have them to -day. It was . the flag
Hotel where a most elaborate wedding
luncheon was prepared for the guests. which floated on the white ensign nn
' all the ships at Trafalgar and on the
The dining hall was decorated pus- main top of all and head of the Victory
fusely with lilacs and evergreens and. when .Neleon. sent aloft • his British
from the ceiling was euspehded. it large
bell formed of lilacs and evergreens; watchword the halo qf which shone
around it at Balttklava. Mr. Halls
which reflected great credit on tbe at- after dilating.on numerous other heroes
tistic taste of the Qiieen'ii staff. After who won victory under the flag finish,
luncheon Mr: and Mrs. Parkinson left ed with great fervour by adding that
by coach for Brucefleld to take the if these creases could but speak what
train for London., their future hoine, glories they would tell. The folds of
The bride's travelling dress was of car,'•
dinal cloth trimmed with black, and such a flag become an inspiration arid
the greatest pride of the Union Jack is
fancy white straw bat trimmed with that it never floats o'er a slave. It is
white chiffon and lilies •cif the Tetley: the emblem of one Queen, one Empire,
Mr., ••Mrs..and.Miter..0tird drove down one flag. The greatest order and at, '
to the wedding frern Goderich. ' tention was maintained during Mr.
Our citizens went in parties to the Hall's great display of enthusiasm and
Nile and Benmiller and some had par- when Inspector Tom rose to respout!
said that he had intended to give a
ilelaegettielmbjr :Itself that afternoon hut
Halls that a. ni. who hap.
pened to say that he -had an essay on
the British Flag prepared he, Insp'ec-
tor Toni; said not e.?word of his own in-
tention. ,and after a little mead .of
praise to the children for their • atten-
tion and clever recitations and' meat
and meleet setectione,with a word of
praise to the teachers who managed
the affair, not forgetting the loyal
decorations, asked for three cheers for
Principal BMW flag talk which were
lustily given. Theo the progratn was
next in order, the first No. being 'a
recitation by Miss Maud Tilt "Out.
Flag" which recitation truly suited the
'veungest daughter of Mine Rost of the
British Exehange, who threw her
whole heart and soul into the Spirit of
"Oar Flag." Chorus "Red, White and
Blue" in which ell heartily ;joined.
Mite Cepha, Fisher Jimmied and. inter-
ested all vfith her selection "What is a
Hedgehog" depleting in true elocution-
ary style the btight 'boy who asks his
mother trite but annoying questione.
Ceptut will make her mark in elocu-
tion. The Misses /retie and Etta
&mite sang the pretty little due%
"My doll la hlgger'n your doll," very
pleasantly. May "Arleitt's selection
"Heroes" wati truly well recited follow-
ed by Genie Dyke who excelled her-
self in "Canada to. Kipling," Mitt"
Nellie Jamieson paid Goderich and the
Collegiate Institute as welt as the vol.
unteertt, a pretty tribute in reciting oto
perfectly in voice and motion the
poem 'Tamale," which is rtOW set • to
rauste."0 why. do we roam in foreign
lands" by the late Lieut. It Skirninge
and after the entertainment Wits over
Was presented by your correspondent
with it copy of the song and a pretty
little; hoquet as a little tribute of
thanks. The last No. on the long told
intereetiog program WO the. "Cana-
dian Beat Song," hut if the .hoys had
taken it up hi would have had a fine
ming in ite rythm, Ater very pleat -
Our fishing fleet as to go farther to Piruples,beile and Warriors AMY that
ileh,to seek other pastures,so to ispeak, the blood is impure. 'Hood's Sitrsapar,
than during the first, of ' the season. illa is the beat blood purifier that Mon.
Early iti spring they spoke with the ey can buy. • ' .
tugs at Sandheach memo the lake but Miss Jennie Fra,seracceinpanied Mite
now they era Obliged to go above Campbell to Toronto,.whers they have
Seethampton and cannot fetal their gone to tetaelq the 'sewn with Miss
,haul same day. . • . • . N'Villiaree. • '. ' . - , .
Mr. A., M. Todd is, we regret' 'to '-all.! ....-Mrs, Harvey Tilt and little daughter
nounce, called Upon to - mourn the ,- .Gladys of Toronto .spent EmPire, and
death of his nine-year-old son, Robert,1 Queen's • Birthday_ at the British Ex-
Frewen. The funeral took place frons - change with Jar, Harvey Tilt,
the family residence on Tuesday. The - On the lest Sunday of May, 1888,
pretty White coffin WAS covered with . Rev. JaMes Anderson ascended the
floral mamentos, showing the etre°. pulpit of Knox churches its fully, in -
Monate regard the scheoltoates of the ducted pester, so the last Sunday of
little fereiten had for hini,thestiidlous,. May hes • been the anniversary cote-
bration every yeer since. Hellen Sun-
last -Was no exception to .the rule
and tht3 morning fresh and fair. Rev.
Mt. Anderson chose as his text, and
very- attpropriately, Atm, Philij3pians,
244,15,16,17. The congregation was
very large.
The stooge:ter the foundation or Mr.
Stoddares. new •purchaee • the pretty
.cottageoweed by itir.. Wilson Salkeld
Some years aim, on East street, and
later by Me.'llfahoriey, G. T. E.; now
• or Sttatferce are from the River Mait-
land and when dressed will-1;11ot in the
sun like jewels. . . . ''
,, Mr. I. Helimuth Maces' of . London
'WAS accompanied on hi. Queen's Birth-;
dog visit here by bis friend. Mr, Nor
Man , Bowden, ., one of the . popular
Young gentlemen of the Forest citY.
Mr. Howden was delighted with the
beauty ot our town.
' Mr. John Robinson of the .organ
factory staff wins to be'enjoying his
\vacation, -'which We true* is not muted
Wow. inclispositioe. • , ,. '
•.• Mies Sophia Card left On Monday a..
13). to spend the sumpter at Montretil•
with ' her sister, . Mts. • Kidd. . 54.. that
• D. B.: Munro, merchant, Manchester,
Was an honored guest at the At Home
gleigvranteonaPetriltd:tey, evening, by.. the Col-
. :Mr. Tames of Chicago is guest of
Mrs. W. Smith, Eat ,street. He WAS
never in Giaderieh before and thinks. •
like all the rest of our visitors; the
is a -lovely place. He is en route for
Hamilton; Whet e b is old home is, •• ..
Bemire. Day was perfection in the
way of being loyally kept by.:teachers,
parents and . 'pupils. We .raiesed• the
:flags- floating in the breeze. from. the
flag poles round the square,i, but whee.
We arrived 'at the Central School, per
epecial ineitation‘ and . found so many
large flags there we. thought the town
must have loaned its collection. • The
classrooms upstairs, of which Misses.
,Flo Ball and Franks are the teachers,
were thrown into one 'room'. by the
folding &mini being taken away. Por-
traits of Her • Majesty adorned the
walls and flags were in every direction
outside and in, • One blackboard had a
:map of the 'Dominion in colors and Mr.
Mulock's boat), "We hold„"etc. A
great many visitors attended, but we
fear Mr. Ball had.. to represerit the
board of trustees. The entertainment
for Empire Day began with a pleatting
Juid well .delivered'address, "Why the
day is appointed" by Principal Halls;
Who looked quite &Wm:mire with his
crimson beutiniere, followed by the
boys' chorus "The British Lion" and if
that renowned , Lion. had heard them
he would have swelled the chorus.
Boys always sing . with their Might
when the words inspire them. &cite. -
Lion by our clever little elocutionist,
Gladys •Platt,"Pi ior. to Miss Bell's ap-
pearance" that Weheard. h,er repeat so
well at St. George's At Home, S.I3ean
folloWed. with a latighable story aboub
a goat that. luucheoned on a druggist's
besket Of spongerkand then drank the
dreggist's health in water, after Will&
the girls' chorus "Land of the • Maple"
was nicely sung. Recitation ',Empire
Day was very prettily given by Miss
ties •neerer. home. They ,all enjoyed Lottle Robinson, quite & patriotic lit -
themselves in Forms fashion mallY tle Misslor ber years, "Bijah's Story"
going down to the harbor to fish, but was a Very pretty and pathetic story of
fishing was a failure we are skirrY to a little boy who sold papers it a city
relate. ; • was . very nicely portrayed by Miser
We clip the following interesting Gracie Martin, but the mouth otgan
nuptial event from the Guelph Advo. duett, methinks we hear it yet, given ,
"eate :—This afternoon at 8.30 Rev'. R. by Masters . Allan Allen and
3., M. Glaesford performed the pleasinie A. •
estreninnY by 'which one of effelPhrs triabril oCtfratslise. moWuteh tnortigeatne"w3rasthae
meet popular young ladies, Annie pleasant surprise and real musical.
Maud KtinnedY,/butigest daughter of treat to every one present, no one en -
the late David Kenned74 became the iciying it more than the Principal.
bride of George Barry Martin of Gode- .1".1.1iii, adhett.mae "The 'Swanee River"
lieb. The eererunni was Performed ah The hope -received a regular ovation
the homestead, Waterloo Avenue, in and although Principal Halls knew the
the presence of about fifty relatives afternoon was advancing he , had to
and friends, including gueete from allow a recall and whet was nItaib
Hamilton, Goderich, Toronto and antusing the boys returned quite like
Brantfoed. The drawing room Waft being accustomed to an orcheetra or
artistically decorated for the occasion Military band and traVe Us "Por hese a
and a bank of flowers made an ' effect- jolly good fellow,"r quite appropriate,
ive settingfor the bridal :party. The you know as the Rev. Morgan ' Wood
bride entered -leaning on. the arm of would say. Miss ,tiffitin McDonald
her brother, Alderman John Kennedy, was the neaten the program and re -
while her nephew, Mader David Ken- oiled in dittinot and. well modulated
nedy, played the • Wedding March. tons "A model Child" and we only
She leaked beWitchingly winsome in a wished Mr. D. McDonald of the Court
travelling eosturne of navy blue box Rouse staff had been present, Mr,
cloth, with cornflower blue silk waibt. Balls had prepared the blackboard
hat to match, and carrying a istspet of with weli.eisielousa Ando tie the mt.
white row. She Was attended bY her fah flags in the different periods of its
trieud, Abbie Minim', who wo charm- Janney. Most he had a led MSS ort a;
ingly attired in navy blue eerge, with welt° ground signifying st. George's
blue 'ANNA silk waist and carried era% the English flag, By its side.
pink resell* The g °mil was„ essiSted Was chalked out a white crime in X
by his brether, Pm Mortis of gam' form on it Wire grourid,the &Molt flea;
ilton. After the ha pi couple had re. anti next the 'PM fie, a red X on a
at the
We are going.to make SATI.TRDAY, Juls111 8110 a Day
of special bargain giving at the Wiseman Store, The whole
stock ham been gone through, odd lines of -every sort haw) been
picked out and will be placed on our oounters marked for.qiiick
selling. These goodp gd'on sale on Saturday morning, It is tt,
question of turning them into ready iioney and they have been•
tuarked at pricesithat are just about one.half of the old Wise.
man figureEarly in the morning will be none too sopa as in
many of the linesthe quantities are limited,
isenipin Store
14Aqpi1INS Clearing prices on tBhearWgaiisnes.
. It 'le not often that you can man stook -of Wilts.
buy Dress Goods for half price, for Saturday shoppers that are
While this lot lasts what you well "rth the' buYing°
can save (41 a dress • go a. 200ch Japa,nese blouse silks,
right navy . ground with •
long. way towards paying -for emit' white figure, ;mocha for
the lthings and making. /ler° Fattrbdraioadeci and. polka -clot 19
-silks cream ground with col-
ored' figuree, and colored
grounds with cream polka.
dots, Wiseman pries was 50
cents, reduced price •• 83
50 remnants of hlack.and color;
17 • ed silks, plain colors and
fancy designs in lengths of
flow one halite three yards;
all marked by the piece and
nt pu rii ite 04 bout one half iegu-
17 Inc
tint congratulations of their blue grourid. We will give for the berm-
friendethey sat down to a sumptuous at of the many readers of Ton 'laws.
weddirig breakfest. The tablets were RgeOtta and try to he as brief as potlli.
very prettily set in' pink and white. hie our notations of Mr. Haire
Exceptionally numerous presents, in. tors- Of the Union jack" BOUM.% noble
eluding many handsome ones, bore noble ensioi,hut it was tio good and in-
t t ken to the populerity of the infirm. teresting We eltnnOt refrain froM ftit-
The groom's gift was a bandeorne gold in little pot Montt Of it r—Inetinct 111
chair+ beatelet. The happy ettuple left the human race, Mr, 11,11 observed,
on the 5.4) train to spend a Ithort begine with the baby boy Who delighte
honeymoon in Toronto and Buffalo be. in getting Inc tiny stick iiiid, have some
fOre taking up their reeidenee Gods' one fitsten it little rag upon it. Eit.
rich. The ,Advocate unites in the plOrationtrin Africa show tlie natives
wiehes for a happy and protmertme had their eriiiign. Din the Book of
future." From the Guelph MercarY Numbers Mr, • Balls quoted the text ing remarke by Mr. Ball, who among
anti A.dvertlser WS CRP the tete per- Numbers 2.2, "Every moo of the dom. other' thing* isaid "i would rather have
tairiing to the guest* from distence rib of Israel ehtill pitch by his neon the apolautte cif the, boys than all thA
At the Martin-Kerinedy wedding on standard with the ensign of their fath- nice things Kr. Hells NA maki of me."
the Avenue ... "After the auptiai !twit er's house, far off about the tabernaele Mr. D. lifeGillieuddv made Sheet ad -
had been tied it eurnptuona repeat WAS of the congregation shall they_piteh '
partaken of. Among the gotta* front Amnia had lite "Twin' Bull." Bo drem after which All wig "God Save
reepoielentnet being suffic mat near The wells were hung with portreite of a nee were a . ar The Peruvians, Children of tieing Miss Isobel Sherwin, Mr. Hello'
mann the Queeen"the tiecompaniet, all through
to We certain hue they gave it usttly. Her Idejetty, landscapes, etc., andflage in, parents' of tha pvoom, MittOrrkeie the Skier, "Raiehowie teehme, Totem aseletent, who played very creditabIT
porde one added te giva this*. chetsrs galore. One large coign coitersd a Martin, their daughter, Mr. mid Mrs. of hie family "Tortolee"Wolf" "Beer" indeed.
for the football bet none were vouch. groat spew* en north side of piatrorm, Maddox, Miss Reid and Ills "Pish," ete. and hotly ours Um
th oiled preisibly newel* it was inferior blue covered with white item. We die Octette, all ef Godoich. The bride Wee 'Union Jack: *Web Mr. Halls old
the above trientitt. names. 'Beery- not count the eta" but thtry tasy rep- the retiOerit of men, valuable pro. wee nob "a haphastird olive of patch. It is better to rourrire health them to
y who rtiontined la tag wtt4 oat roenit Uncle &We whole timelier of Nag, mot mows from Britieh woek hub ft* combination bears 11rWM curs dime.,
First. blood
ito sra1001116 the returned *OS Oa. State*. It looked pretty and that , folds an interertint history. pore with itzeienvinfripettr
light of the glorious May Moon. all that is desirehle is decoration. I Albert Johnetou is going to tb. Pao. iyo jug tag volt wow:leo imreou , arta be &limn sig.
is our Bargain List for 'Satur-
day : '
one end wool Delaine cream
ground with Kinn grey flower
VViseinan piece was 35 cents
redaced to . '
Two ends only, 'double fold
tweedetfect Diess Goods,suit-
able foe entire suits or nett- .
rate skirts, Wiseman :price
was 30 cents reduced price
3 only dress ends, neat small
mixed checks, make very •BARGAINS IN HOSIERY
nobby costumes, Wisenlan • Hosiery burns earl 'save money in
48priinCechwabsr$04w.2n0 rseedrogi elivreIcrey i$2,45 Lathectsiciesi,tablinasc.k Lisle thread Rose,
thread pure wool, old puce • extra fine quality,. will out
was 75 cents, reduced price . 47 wear an ordinary cotton hose
3 Dress ends fancy black goods,
all pure wool and very -fine •
• three times ever, Wiseman
price WAS 60 cents, our rectuc-
quality, Wiseman prices were ed price 40
e4.50e& 55.50 reduced price • 32,50 Extra fine quality girls' black
Navy: serge, beret worstedlinish Lisle thread Hose, ever last,
44 inches Wide, all pure wool .stairiless black, sizes 7 & 7*
with small red or cream silk , only. Wiseman, price was 40
figute Wiseman price ,wits cents,elearing Saturday at
• $6.05 reduced price . 62.75 About three dozen pairs child -
40 ince light navy blue Lustre, rens black cotton, seamless
Wiseman price was 50 cents • Rose, sizes 4, 44, 5, 54 clearing
reduced price . 22 Saturday at • 5c. pair
Basket weave cleith all pure Boys very fine ribbed cotton
• wool,•40 inches,wule, capital
thing for. skiets for wearing
with blouses, navy and 'brown •
only, old price Was 90 cents,
redueed price ,
One end grey brocaded dregs
goods 42 inches wide, ,Wise- • ,111 LINENS
mart price was 45 cents, rel
Huse, ever fast stainless dye,
double knee, sizes 74 only;
Wiseman price was $5 cents
elearing Satin dity at
auced price • •
Fancy black dress goods, double '
fold, all pure wool, Wiseman '
price was 75 cents our reduc-
ed price • - - ' *,
price was 69 cents, • our re-'.
One end only . Black Sahel,' 38
inch, all pure wool, Wiseman
duced price
Several ones. of black and white, •
fancy dress ,goods, ' all wool
and double fold, Wiseman
price was 75 cents, reduced
price . „
, 42 inch all wool Priestly Dress
rds, . small fancy flgute, •
• .
iseman price was 75 cents, ' D'Oylies. Wiseman price
. reduced price . • ' . .4ty was' 8 cents each, clearing
' Sattoday at 3 for .. ' 10 -
One end only 54 inch Dress
Single fold ()tape Oloth 27'
cetweed,nts, ci °e rairlitinga IS aPtt tted rya: t 75 40 three arms, Wisetnan price was
25 cents, cleating Saturday at 15
Nickle Plated Towel Racks;
inches. wide, miginally sold
at 25 cenM,clearing Saturday SATURDAY BARGAINS
SATURDAY BARGAINS. Boys'.1teavy white knitted Got -
IN BLOUSE MATERIAL ton Sweaters, clearing Satur-
day at 18'
width, and fine quality, regu-
Zeyphers for waists, wide. 18 inch pure silk fish net veil -
2 ends only fancy striped Scotch '
ISaactuprdriacye 'an cents, clearing .. ' SATURDAY'S BARGAINS IN YEILINGS
06 for Saturday ' '10 -
lar price 29 cents, our price
ing with...chenille spot:, regu-
28 Four bargains from the linen
vetiocfaltyttaotrngiongo.n sale on. Sit- -
5 only extra hue quality pure
38 linen damask Table Napkins -
, size 22x22 inch, regular price
$2.25,clearingSaturday at 81.48 d;...
One end only fine half bleached
42 damask,70 meb,original price
was 50 cents per yard, clear-
ing Saturday at 30
Huck Towels, naedium eize •
plain borders, Wiseman price
3n was 2 for 25e., clearing- the
- lot on Saturday -at • 2 for 10
An odd lot • Of Turkey Red
Every piece of goods in the store that is short enough to
be called. a remnant, short lengths of Dress Goods, Linens,
Prints, Carpets, all have, been nieasured tip and marked at
prices that will clear,them out in short order.
The last of the Wiseman Mantles, Saturday morning • we
place on sale all that are left of the Wiseman stock of Spring
and Summer 1VIantles. This lot embraces goodg that were $6,
$8 and $10 a piece. While the styleq are not the newest thing
they can easily be made over into short Jackets so popular
this season. They are in fawns, tweeds, and blacks, and we
offer you your choice en. Saturday at 50c •
Selling the Wiseman 'Stock at the Wiseman Store. CLINTON,
For • Perfuming Wardrobes; Liner • , tia follows
Closets, and preventing Moth
. 4 The 35e_ Black or japan Tea
3:00 a Bag, and 22 lbs. No. 1 Granulated . Sugar
$2 .00
. 100 ihs Kitchen Queen Plena
and 22 lba No. 1 Granulated.
We have bargairrehrinarirlifite;"
but from now until and including
Saturday, him 3r4, weholcl out
two special inducements in Sugar,
Our Native 106 Teo stig: bO
" W- keep nothing but good good&
256/a .Paokage
ThIs is the groat Spring Bitters.
Wg are sole agents in Clinton rot
Who Penny Post cigar
the best4ieelgarin Canada. Buy it
Ho Bo 06MBE
Chemist and Druggist
t Physicians' eupplies,
Butter and
Eggs, wanted.
�. oLsoit"
Cook's Cotton Root Ompotai
szeoessielly ttaMmottett
wit tgi'llft4retie
er,1111si xterit
. tr-stiee,
and NM Roid In an
at Oil. IVO 1114.
by split*);