The Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-01, Page 2• ee ” 4 ,4' ••^ ' ere --es. *11 A At!". ,• ' sores4NPCOMISIENTS• TIth CHRISM:5'B BM ittop t 0 World. Witk the err ell Greek wax mere thou other *•••640.4 • lAsnstr THE SIJNDAY SCHOOL. 24". .TISeetirdie rs Matt. S'7. 86 ; MIA 15.00 EPROM nings. Moth interered in his to give , oepeolslly emote the learixed-; Logi re, when they had croei- t end hard heart. Iter zrzi rs too *rarest Ithroaghout the fled Jesus. The four thet had been de- Aottoot „ ottesful ot the Ofaerts now being meals - EVA DR. TA101141.0Z SAYS THS hear the teeth:way of this witness whicatordical cloietons vroul be es- INTEENATIONAL 10E0430E, JUNE 4. tagskiledrusenttsao beltnitixecoututitioenegn. vs.Toots.k "Ito :4:went idiilinto ;thZieterprh•40.14461"4.4,117;b4411 W40 the Official litarags iis **eel SUES TREKEND011.3. know that there is arc old family woo noun "It wee a triPhi hroeisa • fer the Illtiitting ot people. is the On, of 13:100t Ititereeting 0414 One- see - Impartial sv donee. Let all them who Latin P.M** every soldier a_ partt "On head he speouleted on 4 large toile. rel between then two parties. 'Lire *team. 'in the words of tetareo onegeeeta• asim ma wee, sow* Ana wore a white suder, fetitined uh. Mrs. Ouselero-Bale you *mit, Y *Wain ha* 10.00 4.1arienes between ttire end Zoopire."-.-Moulton. So 'rem. 4141. e. lee der -.--. hlo end hanging, down from the World and the Church, aud while that* se we study this I'M ltaturel guidanee. There ire no doubt that Tila_t•Ikaa fa Alarfa An4 (*a" be lila Ian( generation of ZgYpt under British ' ought to las a dogl llir Gueslive ....a.,. , ident it team tirtan 'twat a' left I'RACTICAL NOTES. that ahoulder behind. Over the greY wish / wok ou, a. bet ii god red strtped tux& which covered can't lecture 'em. a ' we toes told a great 401 Of tretit shout symbolic; char...., Wit000°44$ "le "6'4144 N.4°H.ww.""`"".."' this Ohretot Man, you Must take, it setions," .(47. Dr. Irr, R. Vincent, or .1.., r was 01 mils tallith, with boie eme white wsna -mac aorrici rime Mszt orer the; • fox. thew, emery, and Lek' tell ua that Shoe taws on the tour ends, Vero 17 Bearing Ms c oes. Mat. the hOdY from the Uncle to the feet „. , , was in alio first instanee intended. toactor. "The Oar's coca * he Only temporary, that the aleUrtineeit 4118.1 er 6.41$ owl ggle 8Plite sr 614'4 an wit''ne 41101704M. reMembering "which had prepared the way act thrown way? Oh, that's my brother. How - Wore Fur ehe pry or otos good, 0 world, Of the greedy over and gathered together tbat the etupid of 'me, dear, I ought to have a rewerfut Mee ter tee Waxer to rats* that theLstill keeP the old. grudge., °brig, woe this coneentrated at his °Atha Cyrenian wee compelled to bear given the worla brt both Liberal erad Coueeivative mitaleters -that with- Um harcl heart, thet will do!le Tanntge.ebroaeiiittxrisy.the real center ef the crate Pert of the way. That it You* undergarment was scarcely notiteable known by the likeneas. dravval would follow completioa of the __ A. deePatch frean Washington, says:- ratty sit down. an Afrhom Weer work of reform were sincere, But, ttov• Pr. Telmage preached from the • **elk Ole °Idol" Wbb 41" Is the World, on $lie witirealoetand te-dey Withal Oecupetion of the Nile COO/Arr. the laulletmeetf. - th1)44 Xeitayed g littb4 PX0ePt when the sandal-ehod. feet came dark tor theca' VVho will pleed on h t e burden of our Lord, becomes, tU w ' ' * Do you think strong drink }Morten* The seciontl-witnetex I Coll 10, tide elle thy side in .so forlorn a roomer some ' lniste tviiisewie '0'-„beeolfdte,"geherweAailte.° alltearathte a anan'e life, It raay, but 1 never eaw a. s from toper who didort me* establiaboa, the force of aroma- followthig text: -"We have an advo- leyonecience. Who ert thou °Coro, tasa,ee 0, man will be b without seam woven: live out tlie Junto** 1 unarm late 0, the light ot modern history, beautiful., eclat wail elate with the rather, Jeeue Chriat the Memel :What ie Yonr 13nliness f court of le,w, and he will have rio ly suggestive, Under the rto n em- the top threyglunit. .1? ibis it reseror °.t hie days. . Britain to go much further than had righteous," -.1 John U., L doing here A "Oa *Ili Otiotiolenee, I ii, / .. 001orentered " - - - il - -- 111 bled the time of the hush Priest. Such Frenchman -Do You Oil k anYthina dances 41341 needs compelled Great 'Where were you born? Whet are you eieenite and no money, end the led e pire neither race nor * been originally contemplated, and in Standing in a court -row:, you Say Wee horn in heaven. X mune down to toe . •ii - 1 ell iota 'the queetion of elavery, and e garMecit Would be valuelesa if "rent" will he done at the °saes peace confer. will look over the bar and saw•1 or cut, • enceli German --, Tee, airl Even if we ( to youreett: "At thie bar crime had befriend, title mon. I have lived with t oretir ane wha wil velaateeF' t?• we axe not to hire. I have metructed him. I Mir • some yoong man rises up and says; ch0004 as belonging to an Inferior for it. In ancient timee the lot was have to have war. .. 00 vie* of the tremendous advauce Made _ f a 0 is Mans ease and defend hire/ - - OuP11000 that 6Lelea WO a34-• Itet ua not rend it, but cast lots during the sixteen pare since her oco otterl hewn arr4gtiedi at this wituesa. weaned. him, I allowed him to right ter yen b b. • 1 e 10 6011r160); 4 nerhape etart. grade oe eoclety ; lie eimPly tbappened regarded as the handiest and justest htee'de--Teu wealdnt blew la aupeti0a began. there will be few to etandathe oath has often been taken I so the wr.;0_ vi . 1 g, ad sing butt tO take in 0 f great aud • f fiance new if Attlestioo •the righteoueness of her at thie jurors' bench ------------ rhe oeta and,esoltew the other I haVe I b 8/-4 ri/Ms the4 "Int' t° a • to be the tiset MR371 031 whom the ee1. xeady court of reeort, and all sorts o diere 1 id ei • you met him. Neil - problems were Bottled by it. That the Why, has, he changed, s.o mtteli aa that!'" ' o as you have nothing to pay a th r handay an- letoalng tieriPture Might be fulfilled. The writ- Mande -That isn't it excaotly, rye. ministration of Lord cremee and bis eentence has been wormwood." . ,But whip of scorpions X have atiourged his for counsel do yen think that any J'ew or Gentile woul4 have dons as ere of the New Testament are alwaYs changed hint. weak with entteringe reade to gee that "through the ages Browne -Walter briug me a dozen. . . . essietente, order 'has replaced . the chaos 1, 42-ve than !e11.2o•1.tf-d.a...ya orpt.....ne itrtal .s.„.. bwiimokewdhnLasstirotinnagIrlakvt; talect yteot eiheaemr r.one w, kti yobaiateext :zeta yeti, a ace welt. 30eue. tale 3413111M heoun man only • }gosrtreyrs.0:134. tlinet bwalein:h2.011:1A7:iitseirleit, , , highirdieciplined and effective uotive - '" • ed dowe, and how often bee he etood different from any other in the or the life of hie soul. - This trial ie fact with bis hard heel on . ePectacie• Thanks be unto- God• "ws of Bevan are thrilled with the been reeieoea, la ancient ogles, a ers , as well aa by virtuous acts that I would like a at: with this. a' •left by Ismail, taxation has been, ra• "`giser 8...'7 Oyer.- ".." ."--"."'"'" awittelled to testify -ott the etand to.1 thirt thrTs- . e T • g -1 ' r prOleagea thropgia the nighti was °MI' Mereaehltt PerPoee renal" army has been greeted. . , ortlintuelareer‘ New'In tilis4 matter tenure. Under the wise and, able ado been tendered; at this judge's desk kindled a great light in his sod. With a a or Moult, or aupreme, or Chancery. day that he has ;sometimes rejected MY; 00a4taccee Yeareaceece rItaa tears atfil PrObably.fatuting under the load Of the even • owfhaawilmal atheyatat irwirrioWnt"ter; fish, ;au, ieeptin• age, with the e.bolitioh of conscription a f • • • • have I pressed to his lips tharehe9dni lei hf e - 1 Coveredwithivith blood, and all the galleo Mee, Otherwise he would not. have theraselvee, by ems and hlund- ddeed and revenue increased, an • It le the trial of every Christian nreri Mission. 0, how me.ny, ' cu the bleeding have an advocate with the Father, . Tbey pareed =Y. raiment nen ejaculated the waiter, who won coudemned man need expot trailer isaatte. sermon, against this uhristise siaii, end yet r big solil.trur case begins to look way so muO•13, as La the treatment et they cast lois. See Fee. 22.1.8 Mrs. .Aturphyi-Now, which, wa " of - and wise 'ii•dgreente cart. •c•ut God's 1°111°2144e* eatd the 104 et the table. heart 14 he gml O'c'd• • It Pam° .Tesus Chrtst the Eighteotte." 0 Chyle- 03rmPethY nor pity, Perhape tio among them and for •rey Vesture did. hard of hearing. No strew, I said. ous b t • that it is both civil and orimioel. ttlersepel 1;11:it ot.flitu wh° will in 0° you %ay nortaarnobafiti teachinao of jewel • Between verses 24-- and 26 should be aka criminals have the, show you, last, viliat eta the grounds is now About ten milUons, increase he t • - 1 Con whit% In 1882 num e popu a , issuee at stake are tree:madame, end I very much that .L hers to testify . t. bered somewhat' less than six reanons, BMX. this morning, in my The Ilehrewe itreftldi kthe prayer of the panitent Y e yes uru that ball ' of complaint; then, who are the vvit- Christian en cst/41:iy thio, ifie advocate in ali.the nniVersee% cond ment The Patehe karieteAsii . permeated the world. " --"gretttetathan'the lancl. has contained names in the cause, and lastly, who are has been neglectful. He has wrong. eide. No One was ever so quail-- Punished With stera'-and rap.- sever. wO:d".13roem2!iirtss:tn‘t-bdeti, 4* fish It must be re ' Vat ed with athe UMRTII of 60, per} cent.; and, a total: probably . op:, satid, left undoue a, thousand a mall as tills aavooate ita ; but Rosana have always delighted thou be with me io paradise"; ' Tt' teddy -P1 b 11 ' • y o jets o MO, 1$ • aY A , 'lord einee the time of the Pharaohs,- if not the advocates. When a trial is called gnelsand things he oughrilibt• th'haVe- f?dateletad a was a little before noon, ) The Wife -If you b t t giving , 111..1411:1) tCt.gePen4 Y°U. - He knows in inteusifying and prolonging the tor - (Molds. gs Pon- tures of those. sentenced to death • d asap 0 will do, rht.to have done." Thaa , 7t•itieTaii°;3w4. alli" CL A an jesua his mother See Luke 2.84, Old 26-. Now there stood by• the cross of aomey, always, wby doo.t youi give me. SD 33111411 a year and 1111V11 00110 with Ur' in all histSry, The growth of popula- _eat the first thing le to have the in- • eteada increase. of industries and so of Christian 331611, and hear the indict- dowwit •. . thud witness I.•csall tol the case 1 0.s earnest' Pa though . • and He will lead id f Could hardly have twat has been accompanied with a dicta:tent read. Stand up • nnsmeneei You °en Sit i t0111 'of thee onsweawYaillTe:uar7iiisee, Haiara.w even Christendom, until Within- the Simeen himself The Husband - I do give you:so mach. . . That's just what I object. tol le you Or nothing hug century or so, WAS disgraced by an drearaed with whet agony his prophecy be fultilled, His mother's sis- prooperity and weelth, 'agrieolture, meat of the court of high heaven i a" utoeut you izooat. anhesvoltnouraber of capital crimes, cruel 1:i:it:traria:be lie .of_.01eopos, 'pis _Young opitcsian-It eeems to bealeime- the develceament of greet system of inganottegaal ?i, mil . Sriant` and al"' I a wOrid efYtr.E35as of tbousands who Were as forlorn as culprit as public and bitter aatilipossibl: Mother's sitTterz'T astigmatism. The patient -Say, of. ten counts, for thou haat directly hast thiiu to sayeeasgttitotutWel Wu boat sides that he boo undertaken the case to Make thPerelege:atearterldatidisPeotithe war Vatit.sy titi,t wig. pueation of ooejunotivitis, preaboopla yielding more than ever before under against thy soul. It is an indictment . seas to markets. Egypt has now mandments. You know bow it thun- guarded. him, I have watched him. th r gea r a - • yeroot_a and i!..)tectef t eevor lost a cese. Ltiseea. those who follow with unpre- of Cleopas." In that age and country VA tun soul. I think Adiced eye •the doings of many mod- t'wo sisters might bear the tame name; tale to ulv ern ' , • I hear that 31Ir Whitil tr h or indirectly broken all the text corn- trial'? "Q," seys 'the A.ngel, 'Tie havli: a i d to ' • r 110 many paire co speciell a Irrigation, and cheaper and. bettee at:- been a meesenger• to him. I have 4 ral a , ci 0 &awn how the mountain rocked, alid oftentiraes wh h k 'al ' t • • en e new t no , I chance for you. for the great Advo- orities L but £eel ea with- but If ari is more likely foar womeh e c c re'' V • Whiffletree RS Se-, dered MI Sinai, e.nd when God eame . Math this wing I alefended him and at a ter all there may be some ero district attorneys and oli • • • than Austria Hungary, and while a canna el that even yet re re erre sti true verse then "his • about 1400 niilea of 'Ivo d or m r • cured a -clavoroe from his wife, said Mr. a • , a the smoke ascended as noun a smoul- ledahim into t.he green pastures and Ite rises t° Mahe h' 1 t admit all that as been proved cruelty of the savage avenger, is geen ProbehlY Salome, the wife• of Zededee,. of the p ea, e says: o sorae degree and' eometiMes the mother's sister" u d h • • and this would melte John the cousin out • • nname ete was ecore o ye g Unto the ur hand of Mine, arid look at that other still haograen for murder, at 'lariat we was the mother of the apostle James uttered the vvords: "The soul that him, I fought theni beck with infinite excellent roads have been conetructed. dering furnace, and the darkness gatlx- w • aganist my °beet, ------.--a• dmese ems,ra--- - an tha 320 aus use W thew 0Wri the Less, and her husband is almost s P d My right foot, do not make them build Educationat facilities have been great- sinneth, it shell -diet" Are you guilty fierceness; and yet I have to testify -------------------- ere t , o • p c ad sprits came upon, him: to destroy aye, More; btit look at that wounded weeps while it punislicea But if 'we (4 'Tea" "Mary the wife of Cleopas" Mr. Mantshestea. was scarcely known, .within the.last the..poisoned. ehalices. *When • d hick and e 1 ud dee trumpe' half dozen years more than 1,00 miles. - e all things are pure; . • •••s By all these scaffolds; and it wasaii this. apialt of certainly the man crated Alpheus in 6 o ,seme expounders cardm; ut atilt it's always well to boil. or not 'guilty?"' Do not put in a nega7. te-day that -he has rejected. my. nos-- ; tntl et MY. loft . foot. Roman coo_ Matt. 10.3. Mary; Magdalene,. One of WWII sur- u InT.Itethweatajitirlteang::;• _ wbat . ly increased, justice adrainistexedwith mon, ..He has ,not done al!. he 'ought ' all the I plead for his elearanee. Count Intense- cruelty that the the close friends - of • Jeaus • Et on tive -plea rep quick, •for I• Mare to an- to have ,done. Though I came ..,trenv ai the drops of .My tears. Count all vict was. made to bear • his own cross, ' even . haild, order maintained,' • good the drops of , My blood, By .-tbe ho... Durtiig Ole three ears of our 'Lord. a name conies from haa• d 1 • . • , • . nounce that "all have ainned, and comet the sky, he drove me back. • Though - th f' g a a' a • • • • ' .goveroment developed, the 'great 'Work • • • . that he should call it such a hail : . . o announce' to taultiplied 1m- • • a . a . e up le °roes • • • Whosoever *hall keep the -whole law, perfections. I dare notaceeli back the On this arm lie hath leaned; to this' and . follow Me." His audience' -could devila. - - ..... • 26,-27. jesus theavfore saw his moth- -Monet ,• - ' and, so %mild a moral title to continued .' heart he latitli flown; iti My tears he hardly have :uoderstood in these words ••• • • - -control and, direction 'oreared. that to yet offeod iti tote Oonat, he is guilty testimony, for then I should r•ot dare bath washed; on my eighteMirmetas he a prophetio allusiOn to the. manner of er. Physieel anguish ould riot keep eve . . f . th• • Is, '' a army' , anei when a fellow , • , . , . • * • , haetkadeperided, Le.t him go tree; I aria his death, but they nxuse heve moan- 'his hungering heaxt and eager mind lingging aagirl, said. the CheerfriP •• '. . allalentands that G t B 1 - " of all." Do not, therefore . be • too ' ---- enes before the great white throne," ' to appear- again amongst the sinlese • • • a ate Egypt there oan'onla be an empire-. . , ' There Jelly one more witnees to be a ' th r nom. Lethini escape •the iesh; stood 'clearly that 'to, 13o:trona. a disciple took the soeurgingse.: Let the cup of his.was almost as 'fatal an act' as to lli: lieebaert's love. . The disc. iple ...... , Idiot, fixing the 'Yeungest boarder • whom he loved. John .wh 1 • would With la' • . haat); ma pronOuncing yourielf. net a - • • eryan eyes from recognizing, rea . ri ion taunt - you with. the . rtegtof Puit lion hint th7. ...orovin ot, &grayer ratmg us?, of thet wertla Oaek- 'the first end meet imaartani reason ••• breaking. of a . solemn' the •ootaipoteot Spirit Of God.. we bow holthy ' son 1 Tile • phrase "woman" lesi3 •diSarraed.. • • .' . . - . •. . , tretion of Egypt as a trust, its develop- .iscs to be_the Lord. We got down. on One, "I -know him. I have Itai en, • with h shame set. bis throne of triuniplie' one of tho•inostpregnarit phra"e. ' -th Gespel. Watt forth,. rrom Pileatee'T. ale-. lish cannot •reproduce 14 effegt.• The third time yeu ha,ve. heen, • here this, • week! •Dismal Dawson-M.adont, they want and improvement net for.,-„ahe oua knees, and Said; "0 Lord, I ara, him ten • thousand tini.e, °encl.!' thoughW4 wen, the cohneel-oo both sides have' exelernatiou3 Beheld 00011r13 four times was a time onee when the winunern, • . benefit. of Englishinen. but ter Hgypt-' Thine noviana for ever. Did'yOu keep sometimes he did seem to. rerieotrne . thing now•-remainiug and -that is the spoken, aria there in only one more ace through the city gate. lit egm- festtlatbeacir 4i.gas. thousand from his first ,. you Jews Were sera lau t Inds outside puceitoy. ewxrirst.e erg- . to 'this Chapter -"Behold the Man ''' Behold . your • King!" aalelold tliy 'didn't make. any objection to my c Dino . lans, to make it a land in which they the. promise? . Hive you stood. up to. e met,imateunilintru- -.awarding of the judgment. If•• a .t nations, t e a son I" and "Behold thy Mother 1" -and . estiaas lo7talaphoesaa which. it is posa communion. Youi remember it as well Bible, warned •hini; saying:. 4d;3ve,•zAt 0 yoh .know of • the • silence •• • and P it* when the . verdict- fourt tows of the. wotda for they Eloise so often. - . : ., - - . - a • -: . plied- • annwrddie. It's e Philippa% asked. Van Bream, Of course not • re- title-oSkull Place." Calledin the He- h a serrami might be preaohed on. these isn't San Thonicis an English town, • may live. Next IS the, employment .of - Ole contract? • a -go back to your first sand has heeegrieveha.ve over • been in - a court . rade' lace of a ektill. their,his is a• name o)6}3• - lvhast..zteesnuthtniltind wluit he -revealed a- . . • a . • Bible to use them -the number of Bait- as. it • it woke yeeterdey. You knew the • Holy Ghost, Quench • not. the z•-- a-- - Spirit.' 'Yes, he haat driyeit Me* back.. 'la about to be rendered, or the jodg- breve' Golgotha.' IfJohnhad ' written be.. This was the t0Ws. What Mad ou.. ask if itavere- ' • . E 1' ht I • a. I. . • ' . IA- offielall in • Egyat doeix not exceed . how the ,vision of the. cross rose before' Though• I km the Third•Person of the ment eboutto be given, A.bout this soul • immediately' tor us,' h i hi- -8 .°I.g-- have "third w d" f h • or reel t e cross. From' roo ed• ng is noticed that the h' had .ene hundred -that is, to administer the you. You :remember how, from • the Trinity, he has trampled on. Mynas- on trml. Shall it be saved or shall, it .added what it was " called" in - the thaitrshour that disciple took her up- country by• British brains through. . oar. • head, and the bands; and the side, and ion, and the blood of the Atonement be lost? Attentioni ' above, around,. Latin, Tor• a few centurieti later one ,..._ . . . Carried ot in a liberal spirit, arbitrary - "nelreeratter 'Me." came from the throne of God to con- fecision,. never. to he. changed, never 1.-heiiitfiller."01davary," wpich ieLatin for most tenderly . - cared tor by 'him for these. torn words: •• I defended 113111, • And., of 13ethiehent, by the sweat teaching lite had Te of damming the Nile and storing its shell of the glory of God, There is with this wing • peatedlY was that/ Native -That was the brake- ` • though with this d "70010 WOOe 1M, of Gethsemane, by the sufferings of any matt will come after me, him free, deny himself, and t k h semi e shoe 0 the Sea of Galilee, The is that out of her Johuit had cast Seven But what .has toe station dono to .13i . only recorded incident of her early man calling out the station. Stranger - d good; ne, not one. the (moss I demand, that he go mine that oeth waters. for irrigating purposes begun, have t h' ' 410 .negative. • Thi - , . called on be Alf of the prosetotien, ana• • - b , o, wou glittering eye, that then is the. pass from I• drank - it to the eu nrit to a sentence of death. Our se in, wee her nephew. Woman, be- time she may be said to- be more or s lawsu t toter us ,also charges that is the great, the holy, the eugliet, dr • 13, or ave worn Ole crown, of up 6 creme is 0 ten a trivial was. a highly respectful mode of ad4 Mrs .Watts-Goodneers mel This is the d wa before Ham. Holy Smut knowest orns. er 7 gains Y' cross 0 se of ,wha,t, rightly understood. it' th Ov a. • t 111 misu • • • dress. Its literal translation Mt° Eng- , e *eh sum se is t e a mune- e° t Many e, time d d we prom .thou this man/ "0 yes a ea a the 1:101 awn, ams. The legends of the P • • to b tha brought, with which to cleanse teen;a1Pllati!*!tie emlveree cries Hear I taitlattehltatel toria* reading the early. Church tell us that Mary went .our Timer -Of course see a good Live hands. Lastly administration 3E3 the feet' 'there came bleeding• forth a 9. n ansla 1031, cane with aTohn to Ephesus, 'and. was there teeny things' in the market I'd like to ' Ids soul, he sometimes despised. I• 8 rises ml 8 es as o be .revoked -o-" There is therefore , 1, an when, later still. each many years, Yoo recall how the cup of communion vert, and comfort, and sanctify, and power being used without fussiness or buy, but'I haven't ,got the money, jtltit AOW: New Timer - Ily Jove,' sir; but - . now no ccredenination to them who are nation toe* to reading the Gospel in . '"Between verses 27 and 28 comes the you re away off on business shrewd- - trembled in your hand whenfirst yet look at,that man and see what he . . „ - its ow I narrow prejudice, to secure the real . . . . you is tampered with what, unresisted, 4 in Christ atoms. . ro angaege., " Calyary," had be- "fourth word" -"My God, my God, why nese; that's just the very time t buy. took a • and -is in El. sea -shell it ou may come so Amato' that It passed over hast thou forsakea me?" which is the interests and safeguard the rights -of ' •' - '• - Would have made. him." . I" That soul that on Jesus bath Wiled • mto modern languages as the nom !first vrerse of Pea. 22. • . Yes, monsieur, _0.ese are the oho*. • hear, or think you hear, the roarina the natives, and hiving for its end the ' - ' - Theevidence on the part of tbe pro.for 'Went . of the place of our Lord's death. 28. Knowing that all things were worn by Louir-X-VI., When led to ex - a the surf even after the shell ihffata. s.talutittiabas closed. Now let the de,- , r wait $10E., I Will not, desert to -Has -18- TheY crucified him. Three small new accomplish. ed, that the' soriPtUre ecutiot• Ha must- have limped- pain. development of popular go'Vernment. been taken from the beach, so you eat c•ratit on the rebuttal testi oes , U the cup of -communion, and you '----ee • Iseel•• • words to expx That soul though all hell should en- • • ess the pxvotal tragedy might be fulfilled. Jesus hall under- full tie the contrary, monsieur, • of earths -history. The heavy cross was taken to fulfill all that prephecy bad Y• walked boldly upright and with great GIRLS WHO WEA.R CROWNS. bring in reply to tins evidence of the I'll deav'our to shake, • ocean of a Savi.our's agoirs; and you,„ laid. me the ground; the clothing of t•edietecl of toil and sufferin for the •heard in it the surging of the great What have you, 0 Christian soul, to . world, of the consciencto of the angel, never, no **ever, no never. fOr- amnia was removed, cold f f hi The evident beauty of the Russian vice with face shining, as though you. and of the Holy Ohostf No evidence , ea e• tened•with nails 'upon it; it -wae bit- done. I -thirst. This was the fifth eights: Are till these things t.rue l" "Yee. lin- i Ent, my friends, there ie coming a ed. and placed In the hoie which had word" from the cross. See Matt. 27.84. . and tbe very air ;teemed treinu- 1 " . ' Not Too Confid.3nt.- M. Mure.vieft Empress' face is so overshadowed by had been on the Mount of Transfigur- an expression of patient, pathetic mel- ati'm ; Chr' Can d f t 1 • hi h t ' 1 the s int h f • h t i h c Ps 69 21 work 8was now dignity, He must have been te mar, 2; he was as- o men, and • vet of stoicism Both these shoes ars Came fortb - from lous with the love of Jesus, soul.* What?* •Do you not begin to but the sinter must appear. That day poles are fixed alongside of our roads 29. ,A. vessel full of vinegar. Sour asked the czar, What luck are we go• - -.-, 'iind curiosity In every one. .T.Indoubt- ant the grass woods, an tt e label:, trembleatat the thought of conderana- of tri I will very uddenl Th ' ' ;farmerawill bee atetheploeugh, therner Y• e_ and streets. ,r. was. now the hour of Wine,. the Peace, or ordinary drink ot ins °ruing sacrifice, nine o'clock ; m the Boman soldiers'. We read of a group Can't say, replied •the statesman. If we , to Itave with the peace conference! I..i ancholy „that she arouses sympathy ed13 the Czarina is not a happy wo- wore brightra sawneeteragiced 1.rhan. trial; The the vvoodmari Will be ringing his axe We have come now to the MOst in- ehatit will be 413 the counting -room, temple a iamb was sacrificed on the of tender-hearted Jewish women whu ever before and you said down la the terestieg Part a •thin ii4eat could whip all the .other nations, wa i enough to inspire content, and this irtery depth; of your soul: "Lord, Thlin evidence all in, the advocates speak . on the hickories Ole weaver will hays Var,atile 89.1.Zi.cetisi the city the Lamb provided drugged posca to mitigate the taketh .4 -way eaterm. ge of d3,131. g criminals. jayasop. might make them accept our beneyol- -1. raan. rtussian Empresses have little ' pale, 'pretty creature, with the , sad I alaoZallee".4hilltavi rotakcilep?wg that I, of responsibility, In England and taxer will be walking 'amid the buzz sacrificed ' on ttl: weer:" Two 4 blly- .1% iTeelt, he professioa of ao advocate is full his toot on the 'treadle the raanufac- e. 8 it a shook hie head dubiously. ant propositions; but as, it 4' eye.; and mouth, endurea. daily such gain, 0 Christian man / Have•you nisi' who, in, this calling,heve been honored ottinery, the couesel may be standieg others with him: Matthew e and Mark of the hayssop ie. nOt more than thief) NO Cause for Apprehension, - Lady e:wgri•IctlertafeknaathI 'United Statea there have arisen men of looms and the 'clack of :lying ma - tests of her physical strength and mora aometimes ofaltered-When you ought to OtillttlyrooatirlbergyLute;,:nert: 1%infiefeit;:tdiztp,;1.-tyliencia:itaty:1 rpitirenger, seated in the railway ear----- 7 . havehen ne y et HAvou. not been by their race, mad thrown ,e.onterapt• at the hat pleading the law, the mm. factors," upon those who an the' profession have later may *be in the pulpit pleading gands from, the mountains, of whora 'the cross. • I e underneath the rack which her • -al courage as few Canadian- woraen p -". il 1r • rond w en ou ought to have been 1_11tat profeesien will be lion- ing amid his cups, and the blasphemer patriotic) uprising, but in times of ies-lou have so many packages here, elan state and povvere to undergo. Her coward when you ought to have been nees7.e• taohed to it with the oath caught betvteen Irier filled. This is the "sixth word" from monsieur, I'm afraid they'll tall, The ••usband, on the whole, is a kindly I charge it upon myee).1.-we have brok- ela ore? e airteor asait toilet nam s s 31 lane and Marsh- teeth. Lol the sun hides. Night comae peace preying on peaceable travelers. the cross. He •bowed hie head, and „ _ tatting man, who ----------------- .eon the Contract.On either side one. At this time he gave up the ghost. "What mortal man mum", Passenger - Oh, never mind. spoke his "first word" froze the cress, eto resign himself at will to sleep as the hero? I charge it einon you, and all. and Story, and Rent. and South- down at mid -noon. A wave of clerk- There's nothing: among them that wouki care or consent, tor all the Ruse humblet Have you not played the been guiltr of Et great many mean- the Gospel, the drunkard raay be reel- there were many, ready to join. each 30. It is finished. .propheey oio fellow passenger has loaded with bunch Wirt The court- stare ed. to aesigned. himself when he will- would break easily. . tkrochne:wa momentiirto speak \3vord te aftectienare, but he can do very lit- Still fuethela this lawsuit claims ard, and William , bass rolls over all the earth. The tle tc, mitigate the severe, even cruel slumps at your hand. Tho greatest room has sometimes bean Scene Of appear at noon day. The earth shad - b n the rfioeructitirngknhormw, not what tna,. a oraler for the soldiers who were Mr. Meeker &tepee(' out -into the Russian cciurt etiquette to wbioh she e4lantritesr on the Christian religion Is en very motryvgloursemaLdbtehrrilgr ilings, dent and throbs. There •an earthquake 11 011..1 lie Worlt lays n esti: fresh free - must how; with her he shares the, loori ileSitigellont irfoOnfeeStSbOir).3g. 2013 Blobut1 '°° .. Girara will CAS% where 'one of o:irmlild! • Vi:$11$1 and a city oinks as a crocodile lg. Pilate wrote Iva &Ie. they eahave ments as Christ laid aside the Iclotiffianra. of the tie& t What MEM so readily you brifiggthe tuerkeenya'to he said, terror of assassination, anctavAn . inc.onsiatency, say religion is Ysome vocates pleaded the cause of the Bible in tleinoontietact calada:la. 141(1)11terStarW111033 Wila used Of placards, notices of departs fuser one placeto anothee as it beforMrsMeekerShe will tell i here a technical Roman term, Mullin his people he laments the fact,filat the -other thing; and what is more de- and Christianity in masterly Anglo. granite cliffs in an sivne:0 oaf. rock. sale affixed to houses, titles of 3300k13, Christ departed -from his mortal life? 3rou to take it to meand .e . . ,1 you can de a thunder- 1 Rivers pause in their chase for the 'What must we not hope or fear Irma so. This will start things right anti ,plorable about it is that. people can ‘,8,,,,a"sr everY. ParagraPh - epitaphs, etc Matthew, baiting regard Empress has not yet gleggi. an heir to see faults la others while they r.annot "ua• Elome of you have read the tarn- sea, and onean **rearing Cries to uy- to the chara.cter of the writing, II co. s hie poWer when he shall °cone to judge, you'll get along ;with Mrs: Meeker ' his Ultimo. a' ....- i eee any in themselves, If you shall at ous trial.'in, Westm nster Hall, r it an accusation; Luke having regard if so_great appeared his power when without any trouble. • In spite oe.thac beauty and her vir- apy time find, some Miserable old gots- - Warren Hastings, the dee iler of a d That great mart had con 0- big MPS and Hirr•alaya. Beasts bellow, • moen, and /muff up the darkness. to ite position above the head of fire died? -Saint Agustine.. Luke sip, with imperfections from the Mier' • Clouds fly like flocks of swift eagles. sufferssr calls it a, sunerscrifition;- words, "Father, into thy ' gives els final tooth 93,04..mprees is tot loved"hy the crown of her head. to the oohs of her ed India by splendid talenti1/4 by age, by bribes, by igigantie dishonesty, burst. Stare shoot and fall. The Al - coma* i• Greet thunders beat, and- boom, and la ' hi 4. -' 11 t hands I commend my spirit" -the "sev- ark 00111 1105 tile two and ea s t SOLD FOR i LIVING. plause ori cOndemnabon. Gat ered that time shall be no longer, and the Wait aP" I MIghtY, rising on Hie throne,- declares Jahn tells AS thiat Pilate wrote it. Put the superscription of the accusation. enth wore from the cross. • • . • An item has gone the rounds ol Ru at people nor consulted and con- foot, • a perfect blotch of sin hereelf, /rod' The whole world had/ ring if idea 10 by her husband, as her inoth- she will go tattling, tattling, tattling ,0,,,o. er-in-law, Empress Dogmar, the dovva- all the years of her life about ?i: W tm t r la 11 a lace i whi h It on the crofts, AbOire the head of ger, was, She has neither the robust consistencio Of Others, having no ietn. ea ns a, p_ n Parchanes trump repeats it t 11 al_ Ies,„. t kings had been inaugurateA li Ole continents.ot . ;On taint way to Calvary Women have had all kinds of pets TAME Bt:TTERFLY PETS. many papers to the effect that theit hes lately been passed a law in China i I phy'sique nor the aittbitious Intereste that she is inconsiatent herself. God hil• Yperhaps that $.voniett who vrish to live a single f th oat famous audiencee V lig hear and ' bad ProbohdY bomb wee oneti? re.n. te, na -------- spring tO their feet. cry tag; the owitom, carried on his ' trigues, squabbles and etiqriette die- and male. I think the males are the evt3r 04.1 efeth rieg iniarleds abi, "Time shall he no longer!" 0! on breast, fastened with strings about his the etrangest of all feheitia In this life will be perraitted to do so, Hither. lat d 1 11 ilYdm I hOW W have shown yott eil the Chris- the jews. Matthew gives this title art comes to us from Paris, that two ladieel. ed t° marrY whether they wiehed to eta " was' from tbne immeniorial, of the clever dowager and court in* lave the world from the gossip, female n that up to the very salvation goes on through the world; clad 'in &Mire end neck. Jesus of Nazareth tb,e King of direction is the est news which to women in that country were oblig a fact well know , tress, diegUet and fatigue her. It is worst! Now, the ohariot of Chrisre Planets ea en that day, will you be ready t day before her betrothal, she resisted but lt is our inconsistencies, my bre- •ana wonten wen a an a. 00_ e. In flan will get off in his trial. Will This to 3-eanat the Ring et the Jews tian name that wry 11118113411 grapreas all along the line there ought to have and eplendout.eard amid all excitenient Cluist plead on your side, or will He This is the lKing of the Jews. Much lis.vc succeeded in taming dozens of not. The law, or one represtuiting it, butterflie* the change of her religion and Chrisi thren, that block up the wheele, while upon the suite. A.mid au teat po you get off as welt in your trial/ Will ars the Hang of the Jews ; Luke, proVided them with husbands if they • again she has fainted at the long re- and the shout should 'Mee been lift- room, Edmund Burke advanced intha were unmarried at a certain age. epeeeha which will lot as_. leog aswitil do in the last great assize,. if V has been conjectured that ono of the mistresses' hands, alight on them and has been made of these variations. n These little biseets elit front their 'We Mile at a coUntry where sueh censor' Must yiel to; again turd been cot nothing but, palm bread:tee, Mich as is seldom seen in any, ccitirt •plead against your 01 what Will you ceptiona belle and. r6TAAWA, through ed: "Hosanna to the Son Of David." conscience is against you, and.- btra: evangelists. copied the Hebrew hi- a law is necessary to prove a wo which, in spite of her illness, she ist Now you have heard the indictment Fi,nih ,langnaget ceiee,.111ding _ r., world is against you, and the angle show no fear of any kind. They are . obliged to *tend, and the only true read. 'Are you ready to plead guilty tms burtAng charge whuai made w. a 0. of heaven are against you, and t 6 soription, one the Greek, -and tote the •certainly prettxr Pets, and Well be- a human being, with rights ove hes comfort and solace she finds in her or not guilty / Periutpe you are not Ten ntusngst. cringe and covver. •.1. Holy Spirit is agaiust you, and the Latin, while Sohn, using more word.% eeme the airy, iluttertng sweetness of ewe) life, and having the OW310r40 ip ot dreary splendor is the personal ser. ready yet to plead.' Then the trial ineleeach him in It he Commoos House Lord God Almighty is against yeti, sought to combine the tbree. This Is the • 1 typal wom n s 4 1 ' nature. her own person. let we duplieete the • *lees and attentions she is allowed to will go on. The witness win be Oen. of Parliament. 'er mei trust a tie e- h h b Better thie day secure eat ii.dvoeitta ingeniotne but it seenrs to no to make Th min r irl auring the dull condition here when we esu wentelt e au e g lavish on her tiny girls. . ed, and we shall have the matter de- trayed. I imperteh hini in the nein° too much of trifles. As Dr. M. R. Al - In sharp contrast to this sadefacee tided. /a the name of God I DOW make of the Englisti nation, whose ancient THE CHINESE rAmthr. Vincent suggeste the essential ele- big until Saturday noon, May in this own living rather' thato owe it to ens aays of the week, from Monday Morn- "unnatural" Who prefer to make their(' Bropress of the Vastest domain in Eur- Prodaraatiere 0, yee I 0, yes! 0, yes 1. honor:impels sullied. I impeach him matt, " Xing of the Jew*" in cam- new fad find a means of diversion, other, no matter how ranch, they may, ope, is the young, pretty Queen of the Whoeoever hath anything to offer in in the narae of the peolilii '5I'Ditliae --Onsoof-thaniostagrildng.oleMentilin Inort-tet all; for Pilate% .intent WaS t10305t, cleanest, freest little kingdom this trial in which God is the Plain. whole rights be has trampled on, Mid Chineee life is its solidarity. As is show contempt for his subjects. t* toning her butterflies in preparation to a series of fetching poses, with care for this other person. - The "nature" in this case is not titt on that continent. The 441106n Of $01- tiff, and. the Christian soul the defen- whose country he has turned into a 'welt kno:wn the family has a. Much 20. This title react many of the JeWe. whicb to captivate susceptible xnan up- "natUral" aft one wool.' try to think Mita lives far more like repopular, pet- dant, let him now step forth arid give deeert. An,$) lastly, in the name ofImmediately it became ,matter of Plih" on his arrittfilaat tile SUMMer hotel for it. It is not human nature; it is arab ted young 'belie of society than a testimony in this soleinn trial. human nature, in the name of both Larger fund Oil t an w na a - i u wit' The. ne note and discussion. The ,p/ace where sunday. tidal feminine nature. The notion sovereign. While the 'Czarina never The first witness that I call unon ilexes, in the name of every age and marmot% of a son doet not break in jeans WAS crucified was Aigh to Alm .-- • - • . that women should/get their Jiving cuts her teet out the door without the the %stand in behalf Of the Orteseoution rank, I impeach hin1 att the corm:non upon the family life, but enlarges it, city. Probably near to tt road which WOULD °BUTE A. DBMAND. only through a man, giving in return «merest guard, Queen Wilbelmbra is the World -all eritical and obiterv- enemy and Olmyeseor of all." 'Ant I --- - the daughter-in40.w bottoming Wow -ed I froze- one of the gates, so that be- de large the duties of waves and mothere," is goes shopping, Walking, _Skating and ant of Christian character. You turn from the recital ot those niemor- i a i t • t h h b d side. much throngs as always 'gather A sPeculator, %v e . , . Ito h d net a " • ' not so beeutiful and 'soul-inepiring al • ' riding when the whim settee her, with knelt' that there are People around you able occasions to a grander trial, and Penal- n 1. the amity o her us an . 'ded t to watch human suffering, and besides fortune out of a medicine for a t110., tho world generally ASSUM08, and the et mingle attendant, and that often but who perpetually banquet en the a have to tell yet% that in this trial Several genera ons . may be we e a- le authority of those that came because of their in- ease totrtMou among S eep, ottg h tli ht a favorite lady in waiting. For all frailties of Godfa children. Ton MaY of the Christian tor the life of his getiler in °Se. '11°Me. th- "-- a t terest in joust hiruself, teeny were that. a fine market for his patent proof of it is the growing unwilling* her love of .atmiretia_r, dancing and know, if you have lived in the country, maul the advocates are mighter, wiser, the elders becoming the more absoitt es eenatantlY Passing to and, from the would be found in Australia. Semi Of woraert to raake the bargain. . outteloor exports, the Dutch Queen is a that a crow eared for nothing so much and more eloquent, • with time. Growing old is Virtu Y n1 - city, t 't n i the height of He knew. that there was an tutor- . or i was now n e They are holding themselves at a high. conscientious worker, and just now ishe as carrion. There are those who ins- The evidence all being in, Sudo" robbed in China of sollm o... a t the tortoni . ths /*mover twit. Truly, "these things Mous number a Sheep in that Country, with the jam of sentiment spread ov er Noce even t a reit -an - u er h t "b d d b tt '1. feels deeply interetted in the Interne. egine that out of the faults of Chris- rises on behalf of the proecoution to it luta aulOnit MI' ilrisehltuS r ad am -t were not done in a corner:" It was eo he sent out his eon to open out the top. ., . -A-•• --tional peace congress that is now meet,. thine they can make a bridge of make his plea-. Yirith the Bible open grow* the more we ght ewer a a 0 wtitten in Hebrew, and. Greek and this Moat PrOlrdeing ColtlleOtiOrt, The Bath etation has a claderent * tug in One Of her Palaces! the FLOUSe. - boats come the stream' of death, and in his hand, he reads the law, istern and his wieder:a. A, girl nay be worse teen Latin. To write sueh an inecriPtion in riling Man wrote to his father as , eapressibg its low estimate of W itathe-WoOd, just outside the Hague, they are going to try it; but alas i inflexible, sha the penalty: "The ealusleeit . a /eh" wile le the halite" three languages vote to a men in Pil- follows: and a ditferent way of bringing a foto for the rniatske. When they get *raid. stint that sinneth, it shall die?, Then servant of her Mother-in-lew, but *, I„. &tea position a natural thing to do. "This is a eplentlid plaoe. Ti,e isheep to b individual' t mr uponwomen o stream, *way will go the brifte, and lie stye "0, Thou Judge and Lawgiver• mother le Ore of honor, aadvi,1,2113-L- The world of th Romans was anted- are as plentifttl as reported, and I have make them u nab to the doctrine. down will go their eoul to perdition. th; is Thine ' St t d 11 the eresSe$ With the i een'' --- - gran — le Of t e SO 031 ISO that a no doubt we could do * glorious busin- -- 2 °PIZ- U66 n ear an etiVen agrees , ,if g „.„ mother voles the generations * h a ....). PS8U"; MU. AOMen sere WIldse tOMO Wee aro e t etel if we had the chance. But be- . • In. isome oountries a club is used and in some the sentlutent a moiety. • /NDX1L0B11 13'r lINGLIS)/ WOMEN. 0 World of the greedy eye and the, * ire ewh au 6, se e 6 evide i th d h Just now, long walks are a fed in hard heart, wine on this stand noW In *table that this man hae,sintted r°''' ‘" 4"4" •64 on the Pagan borders wax honor. fore sending me out hire you should and testify in behalf of the PrO66611" 64 by tin epitaph written in Latin,reb- have sent the sheep diseaee. They Aeolatidt end alie paaveo of woala a, .,,,,„ _,„ „.,_ „a_,_, a, Wiest ail these enactment*. Now let ' DIDN'T SIGIslibl'. -• WR.ANCE LEADS IN AtITO•CAllt, eita...TIK .,34"6 aoLlwitro‘ liran...9:4 the OWOrd leap from its ecabbard. slat, Hebrew wad Egyptian. There wee hevenrt got it, end unless you 0412 lot 'elle of it* detoteelt, willeh, o f douree, trim. vvinit do you. know about thill AS11 s Alan go thtolIgh the vat took &fats trokt, sai4 th , . e attorney, ' Z. Vile chief prieate. Alines, Cala- Me have a box of ralor,ohes, / had bet-, Prance IA far and away ahead of all %mires its popularity. It le an ex- Chriathin owl it O• NAY the d* $1 , as - ames of Alma unsinged ....... .....6 pOluting tO tne prosoner. Does he phas and their immeddiate tosociates. ter 001116 beret. other countries in the, produetion of "I know a great deal.about him. He law be executed Let judrent he 1 k lik one who vggild eOtamit 6 Write not the King of the Jews; but ‘J auto NOS. ODA factory in Paris em - considered so %%effete! to the entire heaven, but e t 6 sharpest man in Pthncalleeed` Let Id° ate' demand :lee, that he said, am Xing of the jeWs. Onent Moss for 110 Mae eletretS6 is talks about guttiamt his trereures in . , fend themeeleee against the cameral= thing like 1,250,000 pinta of tea art 11,118BIAN mounts. grained. The "rest %Mr*" LS another ' perfectiotus. I do not knew hut Ism Country fork feonit Gelilese arid ,,110.,s E(Y2 EN0illaaitIttY. The Ireateet pilgrinasges to the Holy thrown. back, mid the breathing mare-- child. of God, but he is just full Of im.. 110 ;universally i actepted elw 4. ereae with London seatiety women. e. great deal better than he is now'. Oe.. -"common people" of Serusalem would that a peasant was their king by Mtik- ambibea aetuoy by tondonere, and that . neteseary to contain thie Land ere tindertaken lit' the Damian& This colloids in Suing itist57 Pr It fOrt'• tenticalto he it Very earthly, end he read Moat relay the "IlehreW." or L naan has to die to Make anythine boinftndilesretretthi"ithgzehillraipetert„thfir th, tt4xpot. olght to sow, o ofot VISO, whtre. there • bilks so little about ohrist tad so fo be mord exact, the krareale, which out of his life !nutrient*, said the lig, Pilate anewerad, What, / hoe ty..trtit,,If P.r,°P1IlY all'eal;_alli 'Would it is eetImated, that batwdan 20,000 and Is OHO,' or frOO. sir Slut othstUles and 'touch about himeeif. 1 am very glee had gradually attpereethol the Ancient eltisen, Oli, no, rolled the insurance vitiate I have Irritant. Weak la rainuntlatural 1*10 In Ole woole of St. ' ,t0,000 Hessians vista palestina aver, than, eionPlY vseurtatiog. , to testify that this ill li bed man." , Hebrew In end miter the exile; th.,egent, blandly. I never tiled yet. - greet *Mina kw was fires In trines, • ; Pad' s Cathedral. i yea* , t AN OCEAN OE Taell. ploys ,1,000 hands, another, WI( , • body as walking. Ot dettViet the head a trade that ever knew'. Ile 'MOMS thet he die'' NO, replied the *Linea. But neither They dared not to resent Mates thould bs held tweet, the shoulders to want tut to believe) that he le 0 Christian, -does It not look ve ..y do you. insult directly, and oottld only de- It has been eaIoulated that tome-