HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-01, Page 1ip
.014INTON Huitc* it111115DAY-7, •03.VNIatio9t WHOLE NO. 1i068
IN; J. 114111'0141EILL, igditer,-nodrrOP
• . .
The government gives $67,000 to °Amid but Nothing to Clinton though during the recent election the resident candidate claimed support on the ground that he would do more forthe Hub than an outsider.
11.1.11111.1•••••m• •
at Clea i g
net completed uu1ess. you have
Silverware II3y polished. Try a
tle,of quit cel mated Magic eilver
- polish it rnU 1the work in half the
tune and with half the tronble the or g
dinary polish takes and we guarantee ca
* will not, injure the plate in any way
and goods willinat tarnish as 'readily
after using.it as they did before. M
We Will refund your -money if you
are not satisfied.
;We are leaders in our line.
Jeweler and Expert Watch
' Repairer.
:OF, •
just now ni staring every woman in the
fade, The stern realities of life are not
neariy so hard to battle .wit'h it you
only now how to imeet them, You
will find that you can cici your house,
eleaning with a great deal more ease
-pleasure if you use a bar of '
C(2010) Rfr14,0?
and a little -
Op. 31tict
maths. Powell=
Oolictotaall allotlla6ss
PAnno Pore De
•For -washing your blankets, flannels,
etc., use WOOL SOAP, the only soap
warranted to wash woolen goods with-.
out shrinking.. Have you trred our
. 8 EARS OF SOAP FOR 2.5c. .
guy a good BrooM. make 3ropr •
Old carpet look like -new.
OGLE. COOPER & tO. Clinton
Cosh: paid. for Eintter and Eggs and
Uried Apples. Phone 23. -
z. •
• To see the latest in -Hats
insPect J. Morrish's
stock. Don't buy till you
do so. Anifispection Will
onVince you not only that
he has what you want but
that his prices suit the
times a,nd the good quality
ofthe goods he sells. *
His Ties, Collars, Cuffs
Shirts, eto., are also supe-
rior goods at taking prices.
The onlyproper way to hang
Pictures is from -room moulding
segurely nailed on the vvall,
By the use of moulding and
picture hooks you -can, place a
picture where you wish without
making ugly holes in plaster or 0
paper . . . . . .
. .asia
The moulding we bought el
tiffs • spring is in four shades
Terra Cotta,two shades of Green ,,c1
and Oak. .'iNtith these we can
match almost all our :Wall e.
Papers exactly, and it makes a C.)
very pretty finsh to the room.. 0..0
The pattern we selected this
3 Year is an entirely new one, and
the blending of the 'shades. is
4 quite artistic and beautiful.
' The price of these mouldings
is another interesting fact, ju$t
3 cents per foot.
Don't forget us when you
want. : . .
a 83
Clal.Poles 8
All paper trimmed free. • 2
Booksellers, StatiOners and _c3
Fancy Goods Dealers, •Clinea.
Z911 EX
, .
Our business has chiefly been Ordered
Clothing with the exception of Ready.
Made Pants, Overalls and Ready -Made
Overshirts. .We have often been asked
for a cheap snit and in order to accom-
modate our customers had to put in a,
few lines a Ready-Mades. Vire,do not
purpose making any more profit on
these than will pay the freight, as it is
a sideline out of •the ordinary_ run of
our trade.
The first price is sp for a.Man's Suit,
generally sold at $7. .
The second price is $5.50. This suit
weuld be cheap enough at $7.50.
The third price $7. This suit is made
out of all wool Halifax Tweed and will
give $10 worth of wear.
The fourth mulled price in the Ready.
Merles is $8 and 12 18 really a nice suit,
neatly mit and well made, good trim-
mings. and got up in the best Style.
Some, houses would charge you $12.
for it.
The Ordered Clothing season IA int full
swing. All the Tweeds are in and we
have the best line we have ever, had,
IL TIE olio
Our Customers Fits
Oh, do I hear some one say, I
don't think I shall go' .neer you, 1
don't want fits, Oh, yes you do.
You like your Coat and your Pants
to fit and you like a nice easy 'fitting
Spring Overcoat. Your Hat won't
look well if it don't flt. That is the
kind of fits we give our customers
Medals fer.the Vetetans, tittle Locals. An 01)0 Ilxhibition. The Redfooata in Camp.
The new Fenian Brod medals, each A landmark bas disapperri4d, feem f/Seeers, Swallow and Grigg attended A special train of fourteen cars left -
Mr. Ed. Vitatison maybe ceneidered.
as the Huron Veterane of vs will re • North, etreet, MN P. Ker having sold a meeting of the directore of the Huron, Clinton station last Tuesday evening
ease, will have the word ‘,01.,nocia, , ,t12e old Martin barn, wbich bas been Poultry Association held in Seaforth carrying the Companies of the 33rd the veteran stock buyer in Huron as
embarked in the business over
There Was a goad turn Battalion, with the exception of Sea- be
embossed upon the top of the medal t9rn down and , reinoVed.—Mes, on Friday last. thirty-two years ago and has follOweel
instead of Dam* a, seven iteros $ al e aag , VVhitehead is lirtving improvements olt or the members of the Board end forth and the Band, to Camp ab Lon- it .
as was the original design, made aboat ber cesidence.--Mr. .1, enesiderable business transacted. The don, The Lucknow and Kincardine *2 centime:444Y einee' Like an
N&lament Ye
• - '0, Miller has been rather .'tteder the Association has decided; 20' .widen its Companies other buyers he bas had his ups and
of the 32nd also went down
e t,
weather" for a few days this past : field and will at its next exhibition by this special, The gallant 33rd are
The strike of the Grancl. Trunk Track- week.—J. & ML. Fair shipped
Men still remains unsettled. and the one.thousand sacks .of floor to Liver..
men are standing loyally by the noel this week.-.-Serin & Keunecly
have taken the follovving orders for
lightoirArode this week a-Goderieh=s
John Clint 2, Robert Coiciongh 3,
JinneS Graham, 8, - not 3 as was
reported ; kulletta-George Coll 5,
Themes Hankin 8, Orewford
Thos -0, Ocibper, a veteran of ninety-
three years, was down town -on Thurs.
:day for the firet time in 1110,1*.ranzatis.
Bventoddling was a .task for the old
man, bat lie was as ready ;to creek a
joke eyea—S. F. Baulch of Wnod,
stoelc,a son -in -lair of Mr. .8: .Davis,
had his leg broken at the' ankle on
Thursday ofiast' Week by being tbrown
from his rig,. his driver, a. spirited Colt,
haying become frightened. ----Mise
Elieti Scanlin died on Slinday. •• The
Mem which catered her. death was
contracted at her sister'e funeral . four
Weeks age on Friday last; .4.11e fimets
al took place on Tuesday to theCablio-
lie- eemotcry in Briliett, the services'
being conducted by Rev. Father West.
---One day last week a' special train
with the pay car ran feint.: Clinton to
Seaforth in five mioutera • The distance
is eight miles. -The cards are orrt for
the wedding, on Wednesday *,next-, • of
Miss May Pi idham,.' da,ugater of Mrs.
John Pridharia of Goderieh to Mr, P.
B. Orews,—The two A. J's, A J.Hol:;
loway and A. J. Morrish, have moved
their stock into the .stoore lately occu-
pied by Me.U C. Barlett . The new
preniises are Considerably 'more. toni-,,
rnbdiatis than tlicse they &miserly .0c.
cupied and wiJI enable •the A. J's to
display then' geode to still better ad-
yantage,a•-•--The poultry fanciers have
had poor luck in hatchings thie spring.
Quito frequently a set ing has turned
out onlY one chick,'Init of late the yield.
has been better, Messrs. Grigg- and
Swallow have each between seventy
and eighty hardy chicks.-HShipments.
of Iive stock from Clinton this iveek
include -K) hogs to Collingwood by
A.nderson, 3 carloads cattle by S.B.
Suith and 1 car bY E. WatSon.--Sol.
amen quirk; formeily of Seafortli and,
late of the House ist Refuge, left Mon,
day to talce• up his -abode ,Yith his .
dtiughter. Mrs. A, M. Smith of Ottawa,
.I11.-Mireter Fred, the dye year-old
sun of Mr. 3 P, Tisdall, met with an
acciaent one. day but week in
which' .he narrowly esCaped a very.
serious injury Ha was 'eetting off '
large fire crite1t0s, ancl one of them not,
.exploding as tiaickly as he ifinuaht it
should, be took it up tvscertitin why
when it went off. For a time itwas
thought his eyesight had been -destroy-
ed wholly or in part, btit very fortun-
ately such was not the case and, the
bright littlq fellow is gamma again as.
usual. --The 0.0, F. band is practire
ing diligently and making good 'prov
ress,but its debut win be delayed some-
what because of the non -arrival of the
new horns, which tire expectedstiortly.
A. Kirkby is having his store
overhauled and renovated by that ex.
pertiialnter and ps•perer, ty, S. L
Fisher., The resulb cannot but be
pleasitig t� the eye.---Cantelon Bros.
shipped 4000 noun& of hUtter and 5000
dozen eggs last vveels.--D. 'Cook and
Son have hadthely store brightened up
by thekalemniner.--Mr.3ames Ste-
vens of the Base Line delivered, one of
horses to a Seaforth buyer on Monday'
Ile wade a good sale. --Me. Sohn Dick-
son, whose decease took place in Wing.
ham on Sunday last, was an old, friend
of Mr. G. I. Stewart; of this toWn.
'Their acquaintance dato baca. twenty-.
five yeirs when Mr, Dickson owned
and operated the grist and flair 'nal&
at Loodesboro. Me. Stewart says 'of
the deceased and Mrs. Dickson that
they -were one of the best informed,
kindly and hospitable. couples he ever
• inet.---4Irs. John 13rickenden, who
has beta very *II for some time, is notv
on the inend, Dr. Theinpson is in at.
tendance.--Mr. a. P. Tisdall has nose
a fine well, a good spring having been
Bretherhood though the Company has
sought, by both coercion and hlandish:
Monts, to . break up the organizatien.-
The Traekmen have resisted all such
marreeuvres, and. will take no individu-
al action, which would. a necessity
weaken them, but will be guided
the advice of their leaders. They are
preserViog the peace and in no way
meleating the . Company's property.
Public eympatliy is most decklediY en-
listed in their behalf, •
The Grand Trunk.industricaisly cn
unease therepoet that they have km-
ceeded in breaking the hackboPe of the
strike and will soon have the road com-
pletely manned, whereas - the contrary
seenrs to be the ciise4 matter of
fact -the Company his more eonstables
than trackmen on duty, It ie said theY
intend, if they cannot starve out the
strikers, to Put Italians upon the eec-
tionc If such '„a thing is attempted
the outery scaloud that it may
even -reach Mr. irlayS in his luitirloos.
quarters at Montreal, :In the meantinie
the roadbed is taking pare of itself, and
as a consequence mint shortly become,
at least in 'many places, unsafe, Does
this not voneernMe, Reis 7 If areacci-
dent should. haPpen, accOmpailed by
joss of life, Would not the head 'officials
be liable to indictment for manslaugh..
ter •
, It was stated. last week by a not very
teliablearilthority that there Were three
section Men teevery two miles of track,
whereas these are in reality' many sec-
tions are six miles long- which have 41.
he kept order, by two men, though
it used, to require three and four men
to do the work properly,. It has been -
freely etated Wet the lamentable ord.'
dent on the Londeshoro Sectiom which
cost the foreman his life, would not.
have. tekea: place- had the CotananY
not been so penurious. -
. and gttarantee good 'fits .or no sale and you can then giye
the other kind of fits. Give.us a trial tc fit you ottt in a, niee
S rill Suit. *St ou wilt be more than pleased for we make a
, The Company bee Italians at work
ballasting the line from LUCknoW to'
Listowel and one day last week sent
the interpreter to Buffalo to engage
forty more of the same nationality.
He Was filinished with priesis for that
numberibut only succeeded in securing
seventeen., who arrieed in Clinton on
Monday and had to remain here until
a speeial trabr, in -charge of the. road- •
master and trainineater, came up .frcarn
Stratford 'and took then north to their
destination. As elsewhere- through.
out the country the feeling is so strong
against the importation of ' foreigners
and the Company's attitude in general
towards labor, that the doges find con'
eiderable difficultsn securing meals,
The seaenteen went to a hotel for din-
ner and were told that they pould hive
it but that. it would cost them Iievebly-
five cents a head. /A.. hotelman could
not, of course, refuse to furnish acs
cemmodation, but' raising the price
sometimes serves the same end. The
aligns would not pay the seventy.five
cents, but bought buns at a baker's
down town to appease theit hunger.
Even with these men the Company
had trouble, for afterlavorking but a
short time they quit on finding that
they were te be paid ab the rate of $1
per day instead of $1.25 which. they
The Company sent a gang of men
over. the road on a lorry last week
who were supposed. to be br..dge in.
specters, hub their principal tools were
Wrenches to tighten up bolts on the
track. These men are not Trackmen
and eonsequently not du strike, but
their sympathies, are with the
Brotherhood. The gang were "held
up" some distance down the line by
order of an official, who saw them
teavelling on the lorry and sapposed
they were strikers.
A special train with the following
'offleiale came' up from Stratford on
Friday Ferguson, general mut
master ; G. a Sone& superintendent
downs but is just as cheerful In arising
m e as a a mg one You never
invite competition from provincial expected to make a. good record on Oar -
prove beneficial, as' it is -pointers and cern it will be noticed that several of the when be is being "44". bY a Slan/P in
farmers frota whom he bought stock
fariciers. l'he change will lin d011bt ling's 'Heights. On roll eall of the offt. ee'n tell by his walk or conversation
prices. Among his potions are several
advertising that the Huron 'bresidees Companiep- are commanded by eitizene
want rather than a direct financial re- of Clinton,
Whoa' Meeting. when be fleet went into the ,business.
turn from the prize list,
They hayerstayed with bun -and
The annual meeting of the Liberal remained with them ever since, Mr.
Social 1301140
We Euron was held Watson. is as, deep in buying this silisen
The meeting of Ontario street League ikeseelati°0 ofWest 0
on Monday. evening was esPeeially in. atDungannon on Tuesday, when, after as ever and ships, on an average, 0,Wnt
a season of, speech.roa,king and self- three' cars of stock. per week.—The
teresting and the social committee de.
ii,dmiratiorron the part ofthe X. P. P. barn of Mr. Xraeling of Norris
serve credit for the manner in which
and the M. P., the following officers was struck by lightning. on Friday
the program was carried out. The
were elected i-Fresident, W, Proud- last but it fortunately so happened
evening's entertaleinent' consisted of
foot, Goderich ; .1s* vice, M, Dalton, that Several men were working hard
three Par ts, beginning with a nicely
rodarea musical program, as foam, 1, Kinasbridse.; alsa vice, Jas. Young, by and they extinguished the dames. -
Auburn ; 3rcl vice, B. Morris, Dunlop, 7-A number of our sports spent the
plane solo, Mr. Yellowlees ; vocal
. Secretary -Treasurer, W. , Coats, Olin- 242h in Clinton and report :having a
..dirett, Xies A. Gibbings and Mr. Poss.,. too . Auditor D M 0' ' Olinton ' ' ' ' '
clarionette solo, Mr: Brovin ;• Piano , , . c orvie, in on. good tim&--Mr. Morris Willows,
ritietk, Misses Clement and Nevireornbe ; Rattenburp Street Leave., . . who haibeen•in Cuba With the Arneri.
piano solo, Maclaine Wall ; iostrainent.
al, • Missee Gibbings and • Auarews. LeAngtneRn:tmtennuhduary; nigsntrteethte
woirnthg eeer?8,axrrer.Y.,' .815we inews,, of .owa„,____,,,w;
nt lest week at his faLr_th- .
year :President, W. 0. Meyers ; . lst Arthur Emigb and wife 02 'Buffalo' are
Printed forms were then given to each officers were elected for the ensiling
person, with 80 blanks left to fill in at present visiting friends in town.--- .
wire- then given, to examiue papers, Tine Cooper, ; 3rd Vice, A. T. booper ;
with the name of a'flovver. 20 minutes va T a McNeil,•• • It is reported that trim 'men were 'can.
, : ice, , . 2nd Vice, Blass ' •
after-whichene of the, chairmen, 'Mr. 4th Vice, Miss Maud Goodwin ; 52h yassing the town on MondaY for the -
purpose of having sports here on "(the,
W q. Ross,s' read the complete story vice, miss 3; •
Rudd ; bor.-Sec, Misi lst ot July. Why eirret Blyth join in
*inner of a beautiful bognet -of flow- Doherty ; Treasurer, Huh :Rorke. ' and have some fun S Because Gude- •
am Mr: Brovvo was the fortunate prize Flora Cunninghain ; Rec..Sec, .tbuis '
ers. Tee cream and cake were then Missies Washington, book and Dodd* t rich is haying races 19 no Feaster !wiLIF
served. , The -chair was plied by Me, were appointed organists for the year BlYth should . fall •Mit altoeether.
Mr. Lever arid wife of Winghabi spent
lItaidieles and all were • Well pleased end Mr: Mural leader of song. Sile4U7 with Mr' -WWI"' Emigh —
.• . Tho "Old Aglow." Betted Well, . ' '
• Mr. John Littlefait spent a few days .
. . . .
With the evening's'entertaininent, " '
. The question of a new: post.ofdee for last week m Sarnia. .
A New Pastw011ice I) The baseball team, to be known air •
. •
the "Doherty Club,"" opened the Seas.
. on well by defeating. Brussels -on the
Clinton was a burning one daring the
21* 'This 'result was hardly expect -
late Sampaignand Itist.N'aws•Itmoogn.
saw that it did not; die -when' once the ed, but Clinton has the Material if it is
given' the .practise. .In . the - batting
Plection was. oyer. • Insteaa, it kept un '
the agitation and by drawing a emir. those .who have been called "Old Fel-
parison betvvien the generous trait- Iowa," such as Will Harland and. Pat
meat accorded Goderich, where a fur- Spalding,. put up a remarkable. game.
diet expendithre of $07,006 is to be The latter Made two three-baggera and
made upon the. harbor, and tbe cold. the former three two baggers Dr.
ahoulder given - Clinton, it has helped Agnew may also bp so designated for
arouse pirblic opinion- in the. matter. an those days when Otinton had e dis-
The citizena of the Hub ate unani. trict-beating nine, he was One of the
mous in asking if 367,000 ton is Pre- e .
best of 0 nr. ,
serving the equilibrium. :. The out-
come May be that jitetice may be done
this town by it being given an aide in
keeping vvitir its importance', A foeti-
tiou to this effect was circulated by
Mr. James Scott on Tuesday for prem.
•entation to,the Government. The
documentwes a lengthy, one and gave
roany reaeoris why the prayer of
the citizens :should. be ' grant-
ed. It etated that the present office
bas been In use for. thirty-two years
and though it Might have .been. quite
palatial whin bnilt it was now behind
the times. Furthertatire, it has only -
21 equare feet of floor snare and the
cublry hole where public businews is
transacted is just 3,1 feet x 3i feet. The
Ottawa authorities cannot plead, with
these figures before them, that the pre-
sent Office meete the requirements of se
tniportant a town as Clinton. The ppd.
don was numerously signed. Will it
procure us „simple fusties or will the'
gems of"jolly"be tried upon the citizens
yet again, , •
football. -
A number went down from Clinton
to Sertfortti on Saturday last to wit*
ness the game played there between
the Kippen Shaturocics and the Dub
lin team. Thie rinstela was to decide
which team should hold the Crawford
Cup for this season, which up till Satur.
day was in the possession of the Dublin
players. At about half-parit four
o'clock Oily was commenced. There
was a, very strong witid blowing,Which
the lippen. boys had to face, but, not-
withstanding this, they managed to
score three goal* before half-time,
while Dublin were without any to
their credit. licrWeiree; -when play
was again commeneed, the teams hav,
' ing changed ends, several hard. rushes
were made on both goal& but not:011de
again waS the ball paesed between the
posts, The Shamrocks wort thereby
the oniclaeoveted Crawford Cup by a • fallen -and value should follow suit.
close of the term and with a teitin -such - eounty judge, and Mr. Searle will -do callers ab W. Stanley's last week.--:- • ,
score of 3 to 0. The Shamrocke will, The court coincided with the assessor.
Middle division ; P. a. Lynch'. traiu. retritek at ninety-seven feet, There is as they now have a ewift game ought likewise, Mr. R. Johnson of Bright spent the
in all probability', play here ere the W. Doherty & Co. will appeal tc, the
mastee, and W. McGirr, roa,dmastee. - to be the- result. The Hough Cup. still 21th at Mr. r. Lermard's,,----Mr. and
now forty feetof water in the, well W. • McKenzie of Goilerich
The usual meeting of the Epwortli,
League was held on Monday evening,
Mr. Joe. Garrett taking the topic,
after whiCti the regular monthly busi-
nese rneetipg was held, which sev-
eral items of business were discussed,
one -being the advisibility of having a
garden. party •the neer future.
Further particulars next week --A.
Btundson and Fred. Johnston made a
business trip to Blytir on, Thursday of
Whit la the Population' last week —Our painters, Brundson
john Mcbool and David , Dickenson • & Johnston, have the contract of paint- '
are taking a ceosus of Clinton. the ob. .ing the, Foresters' Ball, which is .going
jectbeitig to show that the population•
to add greatly to its appearancee,---,
is sufficiently large to perirtit of a sixth Win. Little of the'13th con. had an.
other fine horse die on Sunday. .This
is the secand he has lost thie summer.
Brundson ez Son are getting .
new flues put into their boiler. Mr.
Robert Bell of Remelt has the job and
his men is now working at it. --
Hari Govier of near Aubmishad a
fine big lamb- 'killed. on Sunday by -
lightning. ---Geo. Snell and his broth-
er Humphrey visited Mr. Pinkney of
Seaforth on Sunday. ' Mrs. Pinkney is
very ill. ,Mrs. Geo. Sisell is attending • •
her. They are sisters.—Rev. Mr.
Andrews leaveo this: week to attend.
Conference. ---•-Miss Minnie Andrews
is visiting at W. T. Riddell's, Auburn.
—Rev. Mr. Furguson left for his
home in Durham last week, after
proceedings have been of coasideralgs making a great many pleasant calle.
interest and a repetition was expected.-7-aajoe Riley was in town on Thurs-
There were eight appeals, including dittar;giat of last week Attending the
two by Assessor Cottle against his L. O. L. tile4ing, he being Master of
Own valuation. Otte was that$10,030 on this lodge. jog-No.00as business very
personal property and $400 on stable good ab Saltford.--:::---14g.. William Get.
ise added to the assessment of W. tis of Belgrave was in Ow over Sun -
Doherty & Co, The Court halved the , day.—Mrs: E. Wilson irat„present
$10,000 and also added the $400. Mr, visiting friends in
Cottle also asked that the Bell Tele - Walken of Clintrin called on some of
phone Oe'e assessment be retained at his old friends here on Monday.—
$1000, $400 in St. Andrew's ward. and Vir. R. B. Jeffery is at pressnt suffer.
$200 ,in each of the other divisions ing from blood poisoning.—Misei Elva
This appeal Was granted. The Belt Adarne became the possessor of a hand.
00, asked for a reduction of assess- some bicycle last week,—Will,
merit but were nob successful. 'James :Brundson and -T. W. Perliner made it
M.e(11acherby will pay ° taxes on buiiness trip to Auburn on Monday.
.$403 not $500 for personal property, --Couneillor Moen leaves this week
a reditetion of $100. A similar reduc- to attend Confirence.—Alesere. Bell
000 Was made on Mr. Thos.,,,Tackson'e and Lasham.are securing many orders
Vietoria,' Street store, but his other for lighthing conductors. •
property, including personal, stands as
it was. The W.Doherty & 00% appeal llobncsYDIee
against an assessment of $35,000 was '
not sustained. Mr. W. C. Searle ob. Miss Jenkins of Harlow spent 'a feW
hotel license being granted. To reach
tbe minimum will require an increase
of more, than twi hundred over the as.
sessor's figures and when this is ob-
tained the Lieutenant-Goverhor must
be petitioned and the town cOuneil
take action in certain legal form made -
and provided. 'This extra census, it
will be understood, is being taken in
the interests of Mr. S. Pike of the
Wu -'ley House whose license was
abruptire4off a year ago.
Court el Revision,
The court of reviatailyeld. on Friday
evening last. was attencleit trg,quite. a,
number of citizens as in times iltis.,;„.the
days with her cousin, Miss M. Demp-
jeeted to the assessment on hia fiYe sey.---Messrs. R. Gibbons .of Aline
stores en the ground that rents have
d. W Blcoat of Tuckerstatth were
tory. They also endeavored to do eine ins,de up of inembei.s of the (1.0.P. spent the Mr with her mother, Mee;
80mS missionary Work among the extend e, ehalk4nge for a niatelt to any the bo
toilette° until the metch ehould make Mr. Sam. johrston intends remodel- '1"1m6s."1411" Stitt:44"n
Ye in fit *hair* to win. Integeet ling his barn in a few Weeks, air soon frien48 in the neighborhood. ----Mr.
is vieiting
erty here and vimited the organ faca um foundry Ulla week... ---A hiosball the Clinton slayers and continued '
Four ileparirtors will be shipped from retriaihs the1 tt t' f
They looked over the Compiruy's prop- centre o a rac ion or Tay ror's Corners.
•whatever. This same Mr. Ferguson Thompson, of Se. Marys spent the 2tith
was eighteen years ago a traektnan Christian EmIciavor of Willis church . many express their intention of going ing to move ib hack from the road Getletieh.--Me‘ and Mrs'. A.* Eleest
at the parsonage.----Ure. Leech ill the
Teackinen, but met with no seacess team the WWII eun seal'e uP.----The in the gam. hes been aroused, and as the stonework is ready. Ile is go guest of her sister, /Are. Meltenzie, •
. would performed properly
hiThe °la
dv„,,,,,,i, tion of a 'Union. His personal sympa. ,
McKeown has moved into Mr. Searles like arc many Ere poseible to accompany cently.--While Mr. Cherlie Young turned hotne with thern.—We are
of Tuckersnalth visited Mr. Stanley On
Friday and Miss A, Stephenson te.
mself and woo dismissed by the Ornn. intend driving to Seaforth next Tues. doWn to witnees it and see ayerything eome diritarice and then enlarge it. -----
pany for taking part in the organize. clay to spend the evening,--iirW
, re. . ir Xr. Isibcon Sturdy lost a fine colt re-
speeigty of giving better values and' better fits than any house
and best of all our prices will lit your pocket book. In the though officially he .18 noW trying to
be with the metweven - -Th. fallowing applications haVe in8" 80e9 e 10h1C WAY in encouraging raising he had the misfortune to get sick list. We hope to ear o ,te
that Mr. Greene is. On the
h 2 h
in, town. Wo are pt. tors and can St a giant or a all thy ought to Flynn's house near the. It. Or chureh. the team to Seaforth tui a little "root. WO worting ab his brother's barn iorry to Nay
actical tai
ready made department we have 81117.8 FROM $8,50 TO $12.00 ottimhtlse Brotherhood, 'patient. to begin lit Clinton in a few Sear°
been ankle foe the Depagtinental Ornni* the boYe. The genie will be played in oue Of his fingers badly jamined. He greedy recovery.-- There will be a
rth at 0.30 p. ni.. rriday, and will has alma had to have it ene off,— g g
ithe latest styles and patterns. Not one in fifty of the Grand Trunk weeks :-Formi, botntilercial,28; Form derilde the fate of the. cup.--Thei Some of the farmers on the 7th and
- nieetin of the emigre ation of St.
we lie A II and WI aye You Mon
G. 60.0.7..., in ell branches of the see. 2„ Matrienlationi 30; l'"orra 3, Junior Ino(1418 which Were 2* have been given Oth were wondering What Made 13illie to take into eotteideration the advise-
vice, but denounees the management, ,Leaving, 101 llonor Matriculation, 1; to the whiners' of the game on the 242h WhItelY drite so fASt On his Milk Wag. John's ehureb on Friday teening next
bility of moving the thurch &Ma the
Ca We 7 1 8
. on the quiet but a state of terror eXiets Full Pase Matrieulation, 3; Compeer- still remain in Mr. Crewe' Window. got On the 24th, hut thought he wart in hill into the villege"---A fres miSsiell"
90 this state of affali•X puts money into eroise team Will cross sticks With an ranSea to earn* beck to play oft the non, 13nt, they have "sinco found one with St. John's church on TruledeT
MtNIStfliat VIOTtlItTA BLOO areholders is much Exeter team in the Park at 0.30 this tie, but no doubt the gams will he call. . that the queen Arrived at hie place. It evening next, -by itey. Cenon Smith of
TTEft. CLINTON. to be 'doubted. 1 evening. A, lively game ht expected. 00 1* Wort between theft tiro teams'. / is a houticer. London. Magic lantetri views.
the pockets of the eh
Ifs 0 SON, S
and they are afraid !..(, speak out, That cial , Specialist, 2. --The' Junior La- The Goderich players has not yet ar. a hurry to go to the races at thingalr. ary address wilt he given in connection