The Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-25, Page 7Rhubarb juke mils. exeellent
Meat JeIly. Like fruit it should be
gathered at just the right Sim% that
is, before the etalkitere old, over. -ripe.
brake same ste Unit Jolly by baking or
;dewing until the Jule* con be easily
PUTTING AWAY Villit% dreined out; then boil the letter twen-
is the Way fur dealers prepare tiewattotl'Aumvitant IbrignAlsdk2
their goods tor eureMer storage. The terwards.
fur inlaid on a- smooth table, hair Hide lidnaharh pie ie both attractive end
upwsrd, and then whipped wAll flexle wholesome made by either of the ftrie
ble wialpe, but willow switches are lowing methods. Prepare the plc,
, quite aa good. Tide whipping is a vig., 1 plant as abovedirected and while hot
grout; matter, though the steokee are :add a few bits ot butter and a little
net laid on hard enough to hurt the cinnamon or mace. Slit a. tablesnnOn-
skin. If insects or 'eggs are already fill of powdered sugar over the top- be -
in the fur, se ted.r be the ease, 'fore it is baked; line a deep tin with
this treatment will dislodge them. pasteand hake; fill with the prepared
Tlie garment is then plaeed in a Verbal; iallr Pa16 U•r"itblel
PaPer cover and. that enolosed in tehaafre ira!ttere_ aovrimelsetmA;117tuugte
°loth bag. Par dealers Mire fures•ont a thick meringue fur the polite straps,
every OW weeks during the summer Rhubarb pie must be served very cOhl•
and Sive thent-a whiPPiag 444 a a"" ' Rhubarb tarts with meringue heaped
Abair. do not use an,
oemphor They fa;o3d preventives.y pepperIhrtY 04 ter are as toothsome as pretty. If
.--fare which are not cleaned by the use the paste of turn -overs is brushed over
• of witches, are given a bath of on the inside -with vrialte of eggs then
bran. This is xubbed liberuUy into filled with the prepared and
the bar, lett there a 'short gine, at once baked in a hot °vet, it will
and as it falls out it brings all the dust
with - it. It you -give any girxment
each a, treatment as this you May be
sure it befree from breeds when it is
'Pitt away.
/ reeently.,reireived e colleetton of.
house plants .by inail, and. as they ere
all alive' and doing well, my, treatment
• , 'wee evidently not far wrong, writes
Brame Clearwater. The plants. were
In fine condition, most of them. rather
large to come through the mail, arid
as :they arrived too•late in the peening
fOr'xne to Pot that • ditY,- t. immersed
them in slightly'. warm water in a peil-
deep eneugb to came a little' above the
• paper. that was wrapped around the
TOOtfI, ..The leaves were sprinkled with
warm water end, the bucket set in a
coel,Pretected plat* until mornieg, ..A.S.
there were more.. plants- 'than Patti to
hold - them, I imed..eans. and email •box-
. ',ea, also paint. kegs int :the larger
plants. There were, hetes :in .the ' bot•-•
toinerf all tlie veneele,- and ointreeel to -
the depth of, 1e2 in. in :the sonal-1 size
up to. 2 in. in the large size vessels
was first put in, 'then the vessels filled
• abbot half full of soil obm.posed of rot,
' ten stump dirt one-third, a mixture,
of well -rotted, barnyard manure • and
gee& soil,- ono -third, and sisaip sand,-
Oneethixdo: . -
When. the vessels were lief -full the
Plants Were carefully- unwrapped and
.6eparated,.-the .ones for each. -, vessel
were decided upon; . ono • Plant wee
taken, the others put -tack into the
Pail ot Witten .he ;xoote Of .the One
Wren were-pertkedllrelekeed in e diet, :e.
nuit.'S of the tilittitd -00117,14Pellat ii- Over 4'--.- ...iiABY. RILLA AS . A .1)1T.-• '
, „ .., „ , • ;::;
'094,-til•Feuffb -.tbisrooterzelWaT "sr-yreater
'enough to saint:ate •..the'seirtroUr ' "r" - • . -. ''''" ';"..-7 ' .:•• ' . .
the .vessel, tbitre.:930 eeveFee wet; ,:. .-, alt0.1..„IteetteS".4:reet Aireetion. dhown by Abe
filled in to viAtinn 1-21n. of„ tile 't,••.- • .4 tqe In en arrhsnt Imam% . •••• - •
-. •getlit -04114.. 'wait: treated in IhreAdMir, . t Pet tha.t ever came tii,
•,,, ;WaY and'etillue:-41i, wee-.pottedi t'• 01(1.7' m
',foliage Wen: agani-aprinkled end the, .„•___4. dite,"gistiY.s a Wereare who
-Q'Plant eat Iwo ..slurely• .Preteeteid Plego • "'''',•`. Frtea; "Wes a young 'gorilla,
and not distuxbed forethree :days, ax-; the . p.otie -,?,of . a merohant named
°opt that the was.foliage-sprinkled xenes-4..epeternother of the baby gorilla
twice birch day, - "..If oloutly weather .
• prevaile;:lCwill be good the pIentri.. i"-all',b4..11‘;:iCiiiS:ci by the 'natives,' ' -and
to be Put, it ther:arepretected, frron. the tisbr was efCeireil for Sala" Mr;
• Jotie.s was greatly. interestedin ieor,
,, • Generally nreqh water hir not need- illas and bought the small' speciinen-
•• ed 'until new growth begins, hilt thee .few shillings, and Woe th.e baby.
are excleptione; .notably •Otaheite. ,4w a
orange, which le -very slow -to'. start was, climbing all over him, a hdbit
new growth. ,It stands journeys well, these gorillas have. Ur. Jones -soon
: . however; enareely losing a 'angle leaf.. found, that his small frielid was toe
- It hos been.ought weeks since mine • - _
wae, xosived,„ and. althouto, looldni ;young to eat, and se he hoed. a -native
thrifty and .green, new growth began boy: to look after, the :gorilla. To his
'''''' only a few • days ago. Souvenir de 'delight, little &tank; as he named. the.
Bonn was also Slow to start. new gorilla; grew strong and soon was able
• growthenOt ao doer as Obit eite, how:.
. ever. Neither did it 'stand its journey' ' to-sit'at the table With him and eat al-
so well. .Garonieuinai,; jasmine, ate,. • most everything sot before her. Above
eterted. growth ,inunediately, even all things she was fend of bananas and
started buds for floWits, which:were
The. black boy developed every'
of eouise picked- Off. Begonias- are
sweet tooth himself and helped: hint-
- . slim quick to-- abut if doleg well. Solt
' for begonias jasmine and primulas te. self on the lily to tire jam. Mr. /ones
better with only one-third. as much inquired' how it came that the jam pot
barnyard, MarMre ea -the other plants,
. was always' empty, earl of course poor
the "Mara- prciportion. being composed 1
, of leaf mold. •• •Jenny got the blame for it, because
" This spring when.. planting • Morn- she 'could not talk and defend laerselL
hug glory geode at the windows, plant But she was equal to the -occasion ., A
a row of manutoth sunflower seed be- few days later she get hold of the boy
tween them. and the dervr. They ., . ..., ,..._ .
. form a lovely combination of -colors watter, when Mr. aones was present,
.... when both are in bloom, and if you - and pulled, him to the cupboard; and
wish the vines to -"go higher," splice after it was opened elle pointed to the
the sunflowers with strings. I denq boy atid to the jam pot, which was
know but it would be better to have empty again. So little Jetery
- the alma oP before planting the ltiOr- - vertged herself 'on her • accuser, and.
' les,. for f the latter try to run awe.Vher maker trtieted her more thari ever.
from each other. , . • ` . ',Me took her with him everywhere peel-
-,......r.-. Whip. If he went away .without heti
. dealeING CletogENs, -- tube would Bearoh the Whole place, and
• ' if . unsuccessful would continue her •
- ' Z. E. Torii toile of a poultryman search at the housed of the other lilu-
• cwho cane illekener . When the roes- roPeartie She would look into every
hen:- b room, even, =to the .beda, for her Mae-
terra get large enough to suit
dresses and cans enough to last about
e • ter. If she Ail not find him,
eintiebody word • tell her to go home,
a year for his .family use. ' The rood- that her master was there. She would
tors are out up, boiled, and then pack. go back,. and was overjoyed if she
u. 'found Inin. Every one vvas attached
6c1 la 2 -quart calla' all al' E`Pae-aa ""- to iittle Jenny. Mt. Jones intended
ing filled with gravy.. Then the cans to take her home with him to England
• are 010664, jut as though i00 .v"ta after he had her about two 'years. He
putting up Truft. •_ was very busy in the laet few weeks
This Plan has a number Of aciVrau"' and absent from home a good deal..
taiga& in the firstplaet you have a day One Can hardly intagitie his sorrow
• or two at the job, and it is done for when, on his return home from a long
• the season. Agabr one does not baVe business trip, he found his little friend
toboerd the retorters nail such a tints dead, either starved or poisoned.
not absorb the syrup and be indiges-
tible. Sprinkle , auger .• over before
Fok rhubarb pudding, fill a deep
dish with the prepared rhubarb; cover
with a thinlyerollecl teatiecult dough -
and take. Serve hot with herd aattoe.
Tor rhubarb dumplings, "cut tea
biscuit dough in - liege circles, fill
with pie -plant peeled and. ent in erbell
pieces; add sugar, two or three drops
of water and a pinch, of cinnamon and
one heaping ouptul of sugar, one el -
form in halls; Mahe a boiled satioe Ot
ful water one teaspoonful of
ter and a of cinnamon thicken -
ad with two tahleepoonfule of own -
starch. Place the dumplings in a Rua -
ding dish with; plentYlof space between,
pour the sauce over, cover end bake.
Serve hot with the sauce dipped over.
. .
Dont hang curtaine around. the cot.
Children need plenty of air, especially
when sleeping,
Don't place the cot. in -a positton
where the light will fall ou the child's
Oyes, nor in a draught.
Dont` forget that children* clothing
should be warm; but Jigbt.
Dont forget to remove the'ehild. to
a cot, with, a hair mattress, wheriit
ie old enough Ito leeve the cradle.
Dont negleet to air the childreree
bed clothes every day, taking them in
about noon, -
Don't allow a Child to sleep with an
elder person, its rest will be less dis-
turbed and more beneficial alone..
Don't riegIeet any of • the foregoing
ILAIXELL0118 BALT CITY .4. The MX Carnot Grkur '
with Wee? Thais
t woman saki in
wItucutts. 'tams. 7"his ts what a fagge‘l out,.
iwleitillteiett Itirtireen-ltallers of Walk
iments-A Eitv new' /ter CAPOS 4114 We44.
Macs Pate Reek liseubor et Oa
notion Davertioneet. by telling of' a relative who
It ,Oould take atjeast three week)? ha just sociiiroubto 4701,04$
to visit every portion of the marvel. ,,,,,,,,odA4,Hogdirs Srosapoitti,
ow; salt city of `Wielleska, the center '""*""'
triad Xaa have worked in its Morfralph:itTicoldV,clat'ilv:kliacebigrairl
lows for centuries, leaving it as a the istrerigth of the printout bustard of
legacy posterity. Hermes have been worrying Omit that of the put.
brought to life and died there with. .,114.Urnor.-11riben aloe Vest parlitat
out seeing the light of day. It lig site fieltg.:tflitategeaelrailet 040:4.4,403,g
tint and -dark, -except when the voices Joint. EOM& Stafford Springs, Conn.
elaerea-eeedeeuca by, Absity4y.belat, noses, Herfriendencooraged
of the eat induetry of Polish, Awe, The Woniiin hae teem of -
of• people eche through Its countless ErYnipOins SOrrine-"fl Alter scarlet fever
re was ett on me nose. Took
'tortuous hang and the candle of the VitrliValiegiparlIta and it eared me. MY
gUide or flaab Of the rOinilit light die, bonier wait oleo relieved by 'tot eryai§elts
covers its massive and. tflittering wont-‘ table teas' 34" °"16aar ISIrd"r •
dere. It ie a city blevvn in salt.
The mines are under the dirsot cort-'
trot of the Austro,llungartan
ter of 'Duane% -liere the . wonders _ ,
Leos rills cure liver iattvoe norgries atel
1,000 years. ,Direing that time the • • / e
Wieliszka flail' Mines. has been. at work
- t.))
.. .., L., ape 1,-;
spoken about may be seen en. they
kin' cathartic to take * Doe 's savor s.
have been seen" by people for nearly
rained : band a As laborer in ", the manage in the course of a year te pro-
duce 05,000 .tone Of salt. They toil pee
turning .the, depths of darkness into a tiently, cutting their w -ay• through tire
rooms, eliapele, altars, statues, Tests -Ur- lihg white. ' )26
ante, railways, chandeliers, stairoases,
Pillars and thrones in the bowels of
the earth, and the grandeur of these A Query AttelNered.
has exalted the admiration of the Anxiotts questioners ask. "Is there
world. The minee date bat;ls to 1014 gt:ree.b(iT7o ftf1/11);:r" Ze are glad
end now hive a length Of over 2 84 re:teeter% ,e1E,,eliese
realm trt beauty. it has created ball- 7010.11.4.alotlivleetaevding„tirautftujaporagtze.„
Z3oran eiexr4aiellicart
. . willrelieve them in a day, end extract
Ahnost blinded by dextrines. a-nd corns withorit pain. It never fails.
frightened by the eerie echo of his . --
own footsteps, the Visitor entsis some zusimexiD rene% Hear
clatirsearl iQn4atlawaboilrrtilliullir°y•wdA curious
c6oUrTet;I:Ymilhx: Newcastle, Eng. Per the third time
raarliage has taken phete
Ing .after a plan laid down by some -a lady named makings has been be.
master mind. fore the altar in the oharacter of a
• ITE ALMOST I,OSES IIIMSELP bridt, sthd there was salastI3ing
111- thte exPOZSe ot the KetQwb1lr00k markable in each case of her three
*which, with ite • mural decoratibn, engagements liter first husband was a
3uminated galleries, stalwext , pillarS, Quettr,, ber sectucl lifinten.
Old shining chandeliers, is illd"d fi't risbari.d. N!r)trar t:le:herr°4se.alli 16 :(1)ist
..i%nd isrsieorne Chan:tiler kOr lOverEi. Of the married a gentler:aim Of 82 at iii8
In its historywhich dates back took one of •60, and neve, .81 42, she is
Fn 17101, wheel it was dedicated to Le- united to a gentleman of 84. .
toweki, the ohief of the minee at that ••
,tunelt he.e witnessed many remark- ; CORPORATION KINDNESS. •
ble atherings. These have taken Henry, can't rdmonstrato about,
• a g ;
place on royal visits or tor the enter- thtse *two telephone pawl on our side-
tainoient: of distingeished guests One tkr _ .1.
end of • rho room hi adorood with a rad= no, Ellen. I'm just draft-
. . ng a e o thailbas -to the company
eoloesal Aiistrien eatgla and YOtb traaa" for not planting them in our front
tarenciee painted. prirtitiebs of pelt. re4. -
stenesa-throne .of•iereemthe
n alcove at the -other end, of the rOolnis • • t•
vs?" ,wirri
1 17
4' re tt, *ti,V.13:10nChibi.-11ftrilinth't,a,thriff 00,45.10, ii!'vlaroar roulthiwrbeed*n FkilliS 1111 vy,DAnks
. . •
as they may be wanted. to eat, and one
• has spring ohickene the year around.
And then, perhapa, the grottiest gain •
is that the chickens are alwayet cooked STEAMBOAT ON Tat IOWAN.
and ready for an etaergenoy. When
oompany *mem a half an hour or so
before dineer, since they get to tea*.
nirtg ohickens it never worries them.
Coming es it does when froth. green
eitiblee are Seared arid yet very Olden-.
t.141 to health, the garden rhubarb de-
serves more patronage than le utinelly
accorded it. It would. receive it too
if housewives reglized' that its biting
aeldity. can be really modified to air
agreeable tertnese, and that the corn.
mon Method of serving it in a two
artist pie is the least wholesome way
in which it can be cooked.
Baking imparts a richer color and
flavor to rhubarb than stewing; but
*rklehaver way it is cooked should
&at b. covered with boiling water
and. allowed to rennin on tlie back of
'the StOrd ten rainutee, then drained
and, cooked froth water.
To bake make a little rleh syttip of
boiling water and sugar; pour over the
fruit, °over and set in a hot over; as
soon art tender remove the eover and
fiftieth baking.
Rhubarb Should aleo be stewed in a
little eyrtip. Some people are fond of
rhubarb molted id liketrile syrup.
Baked rhubarb eared very cold is a
moat apoottsing meat or other mattee.
If baked or stewed rhuberb is to be used
as * filling for vies, turn -ora,
puddling or dumplings, it ehould be
eIlehtly thirecesami, goon se suffiol-
sntly waked and before removing from
the fire. with a, WAN sore sterols ale -
+volved la sAi .
The progrese of eivilization hes at
last reached the Jordan, and a team-;
boat elaurne the water in which, John
baptized. a`he .A.bbot Vaeboniitts, of
the monastery of $t. John, at Jericho
made the first attempt at steam nevi -
gallon with a diminutive launch about
three years age. The experiment. was
ea successful that a small steanaer wad
pUrehaded a year later and taken to
the jordari. This boat, the Prodromus,
•now maintaies regular passenger
service between the bridge, near Seri..
oho and the southern end of the Dead
Sea,. and is 'well •patronised by the
tourists end pilgrim&
underittand that your friend is fit-
ting up his roma in strictly extietie
gueee mut be so replied the
'heavy young run. Ever'y tliiee I sit
On 4 Otte of furniture it goes to
ire a plausant thing to have st bid*
house,In the 't itt *eked iliturphy's
Faith, it is ea, ree•lied Murphy, the
ould an't trow stove lifters an
such at me Ntar fear av isittle' the
A. rreent
• thorn are ao
let thee. 014.
In Pane *bon eat
r then MITI durfoes
ilfa;,coni •
)&06Aer �f gayety and splen-
dor °it but. a ablie'to. thc. home a ringa,r2, it"Pigmy Compared With
quietude and -preyer. Here, off. one a. :._
POdd's Kidney Pills.
Pore, • Etaancipeitor,e,With, ali
our work, the Oats* Of WOZ)1101 flelle not
progreere Why is itf
Mole Philosopher -Mae trouble is
tbat time tl4yg:ttio agathte
!MID/. girls spend all. their time try-
ing to look pretty.
Weary Clerk <after cutting off
twenty-five enviers of drug goocis)--.
Is that all madam?
Miitut Ortibbe---I would like one
more ample. My mother is so par-
tiouIetr. Cut one off a piece, from,that
roll under your hand.
Little Sieter (loudly) --Why,
that won't do at all. Mother eaid ebe
wasn't going to have Any blue in that
crazy 'cause it alwaye fades.
Ton live next. door tot that distingu-
ished pianist, don't you, SilDPesil?
No; be lives next dope to me, aud
Is distinguished la• thifi neighhertitled,
only for Pelandieg hja piano fifteen
hours ,a dal.
Mute Itiffer,Oirs so guiroF min, hoe ea
For Overof Sty Veers
need by teething for their a Hem teething. IA soothes
file 11
oh d. softens the guise, allay; oil pighe Norm wind
toloolie,54/10144 illierthaunharrurgesim.rtgyfroruditbarrouthroati:gewacias. b Bo t;
Otero and park tar!' Mrs. Wins ow'elleetlitne, . tbrulan_L_
. .
. MILKMAN'S Edna, :
the milkeaan to bring
Maid -No use, mmrt. He hasn't any
cream •
- Did he say of '
No, mm; but his milk doesn't rabic!
cream,: I've tried- it often. •
,Hotel•carsiake Europe.* Ohio. Rooms
montrede fro°44:arerol (AP'
• .
Very. few people, she eaid, UAW how
to ehalre hen& properly. ' •
"Well, be teturned, somewhat expect-
antly, there are other forma of greet-
ing, you know,
La Toscana loo. RaLTAN"
. .FACTORY,MontreeS
Mr. Hornbill -Do yo* know, darling,
I could, pick you out of a crowd of wo-
men just by your stylet
• Mrs. Hornhill-I don't wonder, and
me with this same old dress for the
last two yearel
/Mee Pealtry Celt is the beet AU:odor in the morket
Wantrar.r.t4ti SAND ts °Raver, oo.,ROatreal.
be spoke of me, 'said 'the sweet
thing.. who had something of a reputa-
tion as a modeler'. What -did he. say?
Re tad, replied her dearest enemy;
that you were never' so attraothee as
when leaving therpiano, •.
Everyone appreciates a cup of good TEA.
c egos.
as, so, 40, so * 6oc.
Larriage Tops ...... .„
sioaroln* Wawa Ma
mini *Omar* VAIN OP,
aarrareea Patent Itensrveps hive mot With
ouch Universal favor that other winute.etur.
eviler() now waking interior lialtatiopo arid
seines thenl OA 4.10 reputation the coneey
Tope have mace, Po not be hoodwinked by
pay person, who reeounnentlit an inferior -
Make to be just se good.
The Couboy Roller Topa are ad negix pee,
feet col skitied, workmen °et Make that%
„ linen you artier your Buggr, stipulate
with year carriage. builder that It is to have
gentiino Conboy Beller Top, as ielitatidle
are never as pea.
; Peacemaker -Why did /op. give that
bey such a thrashing t
,Tuvenile Belligerent -He bit me wid.
b ' k '
Peacemaker. -But don't you know
you should return good .for evil ?
,Tuvenile Belligerent -Well, if Ad
not Seale 'im geed, I don't knew.
W 40.
• Ostrbolin Dirsinfeetante, Snaps, Oint.
rent, -Tooth Powder., ono., boor.. been
awarded 140 medalgand diplomas for superior
excellence. Their reseker nee prevent intooti•
ens &seas e. Aek your dealet to • obtain a
suPP1Y. Lied. mailed free on applioation.
F. C. DALVERT & CO., •
aiereoesseven. . ENOLAND
TORONTO. (hitting Beheld offers egeoha adrontngie
9 to sdi desireue of acquiring* thorough knowledge "of
°sitting end Sitting Cienblemen's darmente. Write for
113 Yong, St.. TsroutO.
ON E NIG HT der:rang Cir1 1 t.triaTg
Rneonnatinni......Clur• assured in 24 noun;
our/meet of St DE. ROItillikrOlValgeNtit'obnYtrilim:Ln.
Baking Powder. Formula to. Mike It
hot arnaeltlocAlt Equal to the berrFolkassgilletir for
LA -PIERRE, 19 r.eroyer St, Montreal.
509 TEMPI.* piCrIlifs4,13alid,w, .010 TORONTO.
Mani ideal and Itrivide INwst!eare'and Weier Suiligir
Brld:r glirtt.:40(t=tly,Tigtiztv'mo.
to speared else.
. a mererviboko.'ow
De Arnett, perilnconrinceyoutrot =V:
Tho Dawson. Commission Co,
Sir, West -Market & Oelherrie at, Toronto,
oetou you best prices for yom Apples, Butter. Riga,
°gamy, and other produce, If you ship 11 10 therm •
ri Instrolions fr th4,1! A
t oho Laxative Orono quinine. Tablets. All roar atiwaprosi a tooth wafer very intim
glen Whoa ajor loam If it balite Mita. 115o. 9 y in me. traum,.....8, Buoy An0.-yeropte
• .
the mein Passages ie the -noted " St
r0 wing ei 'COLD IN OMB DAVY PANTS 74812for Mtem in tito
Aittlierty's ehe.pel, the resort of thin -
sands of tlot devout since itas
w leo kidney Disease is• Dangerous it Doild's
herrn irt 1698.. The vestibule of -this ILtdney rills be thieet-altr. Je It. ,Ionee
chapel contains a symmetrical arch- aa-- ion r a r •
intenor is beautified by an altar show- Niagara Fa is, ' lit., ay , e
Way, "figures'a • 'd The • • r • ° ih •
V of ara are a stu endou pow -
n jo 110 Perm, of ambit gins"
of the altar are ihe forms of two et for the welfare of mankind. But, ._
chapel may 13e seen smaller altars and lace, another power a million times ,
year the priests of the district perform Niagara Valls haVe destroyed scores of - Prof. Driasdost-Ilave you noticed
• 'grandeur, they neVer saved one life. hard s speed'? - 24$ st. Jamas at., .
• • .
• Wilkins.:-Deueed pretty, girl
your window, Du she foreign?
pilkine,-- No; a domestic,
!Cathollo Prayer 2014'''''''''"'"*"
;•,,,Rioemitelous Zebu: af:s.tsullsory,unsin:stChottorj.oholl:donrnaPtiwailliransetos
sawat Ildoostionol Works. flail orders resolve prompt Won.
• Printed vo.25 Lovitr.: ugh
01113D 401.0.10ILLOD nem
statues of salute. any Imes to. liven tree with each order.
1 IS kneeling monks. On the sides of the right in the midst of our quiet popu- Vaal . ibualeo.yrn.... N•foronts , and tins ben
t" elt greater has been at work recently. • •
their, pious. duties le this simple eta- live& With all their Power and the `absolute correctness of Mr. Shull- The Oensugan CAM Oen'
pel. morsel. 0 Canada.
It is est at all strange that the re- The other power we refer to has saved Mr. Getthere-Of course, That is
ligious .feeling of olden times, should thousands of lives ---it has never des- the thing about kis eonVersation -
be refleoted•in the chambers and pas- troYed one. This power is Dodd's Kid- there is to notice.
throu'gh which we are now in neY Pillo.
imagination passing. nerd by Let one of our most respected del.,
illuminated rot 11101. ae sari: "I have suffered.
314.GioneENT Kamm for seven years with Bladder mad Kid- -
my Digitate, and tried in vain to find
and archway hewn. in One of the pas` a •remedy that would cure me, until X
reny's chapel:, the torch of the gnide. -sells. tell what Dodd'a Sidney Rau did
A. El a Unmet along we • "d • ti 11 ...,,.,.i of Dodd' aidn y
see figurers cif saints in attitude. of Pills. So highly vit,ere they. recem-
prayer and a few minor rooms which mended te me by a friend who had
we pass. hurriedly through bear the uted Mel that I bougtht tine boxes
•Pol. with' its magnificent altar, earv- need to bncr any more. Those three.
contains on one of its sides a view' of ' epodd,s Kidney L_•61fle. mired me of
darned of martr.rg. The queen's On' a once. am happy o nay n
ed with expert skill in solid salt, boxes core me.
Bethlehem. As we turn from it the velvet" also. Therefore, I contend,
beautiful chandelier in the chapel 1 have good reason to sing their praise.
ehtehoe our eye and makes us marvel / oho' never oeiroo doing so -John B.
that snob. * delicate Conception with Ames:"
Niagara Fall, with the strengthof
SO Malay pendartt chains of white
should have oolong resisted the wear billion of giants, could not relieve Mr.
and tear of time. When illuminated, Jones Of one twinge of pain. toddle
as it often is, the chandelier, witb Kidney"Pills banished all his pains for
its myriad light*, is indeed 'beautiful ever. And,even es they cured Mr.
to see. Jones, so will they,, cure any person
The descent from the first to the who duffers from Bright's Disease, Dia -
(second story Is made on a long Her- betee, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bladder, and
iea of et " of eolid. salt. At the foot tTrinary Diseases, Diseases of Woman,
of this remarkable staircase the sight-, and all other Kidney Complaints.
seer 18fasoinated. by a beautiful sight. • ikeld'a Kidney Pills are sold by all
t ohamber " Michalowiee." druggists at flfty cents a box, six box-
• ., loan
nes before him -vast, fearsome and es #2.50, or will be sent, on receipt of
ettipendoue-finielied in 1701, after 40 price* The Dodds Medicine Company, '
year* of daily. labor. It measures SO Limited, Toronto.
feet long, 02 feet broad and 118 feet
high, the roof being supported by a ONE SORT." I
Wooden framework to avoid. disaster.
In the interior a salt ohindelier of You sold this dog to nte., for a bird
800 lights gleams brilliantly on the dog. He doesn't know, a bird when. he
'rugged sides of this imposing room. sees one. I took him out yeeterday and
When nnutioiarts play here the volume he vfouldn't look at a bird,
of anima rolls and reverberates With Well, how was the bird cooked, -
deafening effect against the -solid iSen. pawasb
fines of the chamber, and rushing up.,
L e to
ward, bursts with mighty' power , itlifilhe
anti rootome the 041W.
sir. It makes it grid
ageing the far off dome,
yhif third floor of this marvelous 8.1"Yalldruggist9• 5"' a bmaL
• t `I t ti d
he rat way st a on an
$100 Reward, $100. ,.
The readers of this' palter will be pleated to
Iowa that there is at leaet 0110 dreaded disease
time IllalOMO ball book able ti dere In all its
me/WM fraternity. Catarrh beteg& aosstitil" _.
Curs i 'the only peottive ogre know* to the
Mosel disease. require* a aenitibetiosal treat- AS A PARTURIENT MEDICINE.
, . .
stages and that le Catarrh, fiall's Catarrh '
latent. Hall's Calarth Ottre lit tat insennelly. ' onus na,roworo 00.
too., airotir,on th4 elope a MU0014.181.1f•
face* ef the eyebolt. Melly stroylog the LONDON.
feungiatIon of the disease. and aligner the ','
latientsteirasth er Inalitieffeitip tho oonstitu. BINDER
on and aisioting nature doling its work.
he proprietors here ie IOU faith in ity or so, , GRADES.
Mee power.,that they etthr One Hundred! el.' anal that it tails to euro.Send :or ... .
Est et tesittionials. AAld rose,
- ' __. J. CHENEY ft CO., Telelm*G. ..,L,OWEST
Sold by Drueglits, 76c, . .r1RIC1IS. •
litilre Fangilf PIUS aro the best. . - •
Dealers, Ask Dm clonal***
THE. VAL,..1.11C CH!
•te Buie, Nate *Ind Mho. Sold byeat
• set Qum Teroatm
•koo 0.* 0. 00000".
Th "'Delmoret"NTRI," rFAIroo ue
J iONFS ENG (43 '
6!8•sp`Aortmot. . TORONTO.
. , „..
511115, bellits 'knit* I
Baud 'Normal:4, renewed(
to Weeloyilidite., Rich.
mond tile w., 'reroute.
H IS 131axar°
Witelongra eadr. Tent pigtails TsurPhelwP21.
Wikt..1414 *Toy TORONTO.
ideal Loather Polish
ts th• Ian tor
*rumbler All Dolma MrSoldlCOrrywhere.
L. COFFEE itc 004 44`14''"1"
Ramie 400.12 Board of Teadastaanoe,
ToltoNTo, ONT. •
1110MAg Ffinflf . Sone re corrsa
REE' !zee 1:4 {
taki, with guard or
ohatettineforesSlins 3 del
of our full.elsod Ling
DtrylloablOc.owis; Lady
ger& et
postpaid. Sell there, Neon
aseneyand we promptly rorriS
syrurrialtrkfross. Onselg dor ao . ,
LINEN DOILV00..Derat., rzr rent&
'Shannon WaelliMari*
File Complete 51.00. Joint ander,* Ma
The *Mee Specially Mfg. Om, Limited
122 awl 124 Ds' et., TORONTO,
• Fat:tory: Newmarket.
aall` IVY; VII iligatetreolgtd. %later
.1*, hill Ps. Imam', tre-Pam.
BUNCO Mire ed., Taranto, canada.
Mistress -Row was it you ,were so
late this morning? (Didn't you hear
your alarm. doer? .
Meld -I did, mem; but thought
had only dreamt it, and it didn't go oft
again, mem.
IntellIginst *Oman wanted In every town to demon.
MOO, "Taggistel Yerfons Skirt Supporter and Waist
Tardener" paterii nut grantee) attached to
Corset IA Connects wile, man. end :laden:kW keoplog
ail in porteer. position. Impoodhle tut darn to mg or
shirt watsto to pork up. imutstiesien or eider". RO,
foreoesse required. Samples medal tee.
Vaggett Menufaeturing Co.,Torottto, Ont.
o orrweattameearty
reiliroyer to eoetet Will
• At agog. seen Ithuseu• to learn went Write
0. W. BUNT 00., Toronto. .
ROIITAL NAIL I ST' 144wRir"c* -
susiongBits moorAaaCTo
NIIMIDIAN-May S. inn '10, July It
CAMFOADIAN--lleyl3, Juno 17, July 211.
eteeefe.--utty fit, June 24.,
ooromouto&-x.y Onl" 1.
Win Pregar14041g1 upwards.
Steerdan- rorpoel, *don, Meow, Leadoadernt
eaQseintatogra, ;AK
tor bather infonnailen apply to
IL 7/ 'lenge St., Toren
Or IL a A. ALLAH, Montreal._
liebond . , turn806.50, '
will, IF TAKEN at 0
tt plIAVIE SRAM) Maidgintoeh buy a PATENT IVIRDlCain
1;76.rallal_fifAtialettrta20 i
tempt. 91,9 Terente, OW,
Dominion Lirio:nerfilli
• Montreal pad !biologic to Liverpool. ,
Large and fast Steamltre Vance:lire
Dontinian, Scotsman, Canitireman.
seibdiQrsdrfewills; ."111*
- /kr furshoriefermidio" tolerant aginta, or
DANTS Tang; * CO.. doors' Asente.
TUE MOST NUTRITIOUS . 1131 flacrianent Moutresi.
smat.i"iirel =4"A= "IA to
57 "nialarara;••141.1.1?!Ir
• 1.11•4••• don "dn. alt
4.14 *1•114, Miriam
pertroa. V 11 eS:1:,11z1.
1,..j,wiage American Mlice
=t. Simi la'rot We wa1(1 'at
orri Watirli.00. firma, their
CE, p"t
n'ZI.11171 Etistntss, stock suilicieabio inake
*r °falling Co., dfout:teella. $3,000 worth, No other pill like -"
In 00 F amiattlittgrtegt, �n market, Portune for energetul
restaurant, attracting the visitor „by EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES. , twortlet ace.horsei.nognome vitriviggi num Box 17, TROTH Oltetee.
and, • goaded rne to desperatiote, your oil TIM etc. ROOFIbid Vile, /few .7 44l Dull& de
its long V sta 0
Totottai. 40130 by confirm). dal 00111011111, Cetr. y 11 r
PONDEItOTTS PILLARS honor, before t assieulted him, aloe, eta, gottoseet unlielied. for work OOMpliM OA* E
Whet dill he del asked the mama- -torcirriddithippid_t6 sat Dart of Vargo:Arnim Thon01814 110 fie
mut its promise of refreehniertt after trate. 5.111M111145SNSVAdoidittetWlemer Ste.,TOrenre
a long and weary tramp, on unyield-. Ile kept itutieting that his make of ---***
big floors; for here at thitt railway eta-, wheel win superior to mine.
•tion, where the 25 retied of ritilwalei
from all parts of the win, join, a
tempting buffet exists. Tie summer- Toplost of the Oar. •
leaisfool /upturn
1 1 CliS101
Loan snout* compaity, Cormanta0004:, it* sky St.; Toronto.
CA N DA P It 'V NT 410110
thy:nigh, and is well"patronized by the Every one ie aliPriebti at the rapidity
oweitroltaretritiO. ete1,1111,1110
theneande who ettrne from. Austria, and °mo.emmeth which Nervihne.
Russia and Germany to view the won- nerVe-pain cure-relieltes neuralgia
drone works Ot Salt. ;
and rheumatism. Nerviline is a sped.
Th:e mine is indeed full of manyfie for all nerve patriot and ehould be
mistrals, but the most marvelous of alI kept on hand by every faintly.
--at leant the ores which makes the,
most• impression on the vieiter-ie the ,
*subterranean. lake, lying /00 feet he-
tquegi 01' PERIL,
low the eurfate, ot the earth. The wee- Clerk, to eppliearit at the Leviathan
term on the leke are dark, ihiek and Asiourano cozapitnr_you web. to bo
heavy, and as Ore hoe glides oYer its aesured epithet eeeldente, sir/ kitty
suttee the waters roll up
auteres Pond f,les,oes
Hsid talligne-toraprito 115,1 Forint*.
•aritneh. littlellgt-WirmilMiti Man., thineetrVert LB*
DRIP* Ally reeelr'id *1 Inhered. p.m Or oluta
OS INVOKES tuned ill Comm or Sterling *lib
ton sutra f
1111•044 numtworsi attached. venal* In glaungle Or
in Zealand. I:genitors and Trust'. es are author.
bed by la* to IOfthaa in the Debentures of Mg
INIONICT AireVANCIUS on keel ZOO* mankity
• erenter liAll On Womble sondillens on AO re.
against the sides of the grotto with , Appliottnt„.„/ am football referec '7.114116011rste.
or.Z.Via •
ask your profession.
• gheetlike 'wish. A ponderous soli- Clerk, politely - Pirist door to the
tude overweigholli. The Styx alone of right fof this death departntentr
an the deathlike uttreents iniegised could
rival this stillness. The boat is guid-
ed through the Stephanie and Rudolf
grottoes by ropes running on pulleys
along the gide* of the but. There are
IS of these lakes in differentpate
of Hee mine,. but this is the only one
npen which visitors are allowed to go.
trip across and /auk takers 145 or
SO minutes, as the bowl move* slowly
throfth tho sluggish brine. A gun
iihiot 4f 18 118 middle of the lakes Mabee
a long aad lingering delta and the voles
of Me holitarat as he toile mat that
all 18 r , like the valet of a
&sit ha of abed..
bf the mine are
thousand miners,
t boars a day seek,
wxzeti so
pagRirouan "
OA %Om
511(010*01 C ANOE 0.
to ainotito
Ontario Canoe Co.
J. Z. ROGERS, Manager.
owrmoo, CANADA.
MULTI, miniiiiii--;:F•tiooTrineasi
:Du Barry's 111"1"tod
Arabi* F
Iswili4e NMI Olidldwit,
nItfata. At
A1frOOtmy ius.
. 50 Years° Matroolk*
ligistqrtmoo. Artrhol„,1104. 411
Novo* learn.* meolon4tRO.
DuBar 411 000
Deafness %Ls
NOISES relieved by T It
Made ot sort rubber, Ista sat*.
tortable and boilable. Write1.5
parnphlet flowing baron in Mile
oatental, Deatnece. Rooting
anent Souede. Relsced, Suolume
ed Thickened mem.
-The COM111011 SeiliBie dor
Drum a mateoina cot,
Freehold SitildIrgen Threat%
31E1• 1!
Ws iveth18 fine 4.B1oole
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
aanined LadiesiGold Plato
Shirt WaiAt Et A U TY
PINS at to cents each.' --
Simply send your ad4resa
and we will trwat&l wield
post -.paid. When sld, stn
the 60 cent* andwd vilise
knife, with ail charges
Clem Ifovoltwao.,Toron
On Tr
latk,k SPRAY
t Pump,
On Vita
4rn itiato terra No Mime, In
paiftioe, Will hot *Steno*
For Illeetreeett thetelitook. elk
AirLialli IRON WM*
4 -.let*