HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-25, Page 61
ewes Ipeeiteppievememeaauwiewwww
al tie 1,4felem,
i'reelv from the St, Leon
Springs in. Quebec. It comes
to us as it •comes from the
IN attire
has in. innumerable ways ;
, provided for the requirements ;
of the human system. .. One
of her provisions iethe great a
Natural Realer, St. Leon
Mineral Water. St. Leon id
UneTialled. It has remark-
able curative properties. It
is .rocointnended by physi.
cians for Dyspepsia or Judi. 11
gestion, Impure Blood. iliac. 1
lion of Bowels, Kidner .or 1
Liver. ''' - • ,• 1
For 'dyspepsia take. after 2
meals'. Per gentle cathartic i
take hot before'breakfast and 1
Ati, retiring. i I gal. bottles 1
0 and- we give 10c for :
ery eM pty-bottle return° lit
• e
, .
Graduatebr,got. :
........0,,,,...,,180Y141911 PlloOo 2'• •
_ _ g
1 have moved my Laundry, the
Revere, to the stand lately occupied
by Mr..T. W. Hill, in the Omaha hingit
on Albert street, wttich will be more-
couvenienb both for myself and cue -
tamers. Our work apertke for itself
We respectfully solicit a ehare of your
patronage. Our prices are right and
we will do our. beet to please you,
Clinton, May 22nd,
cult To See
Those eyes iot.yont'sai
probably overtaxe , and if you
have not found it oilt yet, you
.0 'will 5, oon do sO. • Prepare. Tor
PPP- th e future by taking care of the
present. Defective ,vision is
ea Oly cured, unless, of long
standing. Our large Atock., of
lenses and frames combined'
with Our knowledge of how to
gt them, properly, insures you
-permanent benefit and not
merely temPorary • relief'
Charges mode ate
. .
Jeweler and Optician.
• If you want anything
inthe Musical line) 0511
0, Hoare's' Musio
'fright and Well- Witill
The Clinton News -ll rds
140"' 4fter' V°041111 P11611105jl41
Ths Omit English Bow*
Sold And reoonitsended by an
druggists in Oozed.. Only rat.
able medicine disoOvated.
guaranteed to ogre all
forxtut &mu* Weakness, all effects Of abugt
or extgeo. Mental Worry. Exoessivs use of TO.
Woo, Opine:tor Stimulants. Stalled on teeelpt
, ours. -remphists free to any ad
of Woe, one pukes! V, six, S5, onsiiptiairsaw,
Who Weed CliMpitssy, WiW,sor.
Phosphodine is width Clinton isy Bidiser
eon, 1Jrugir1st.
trinvisfir las
ir LAY
A Qm11.4,N
Oa V °torte *treat. Near Organ Factory,
esui}„. ad buy areomy, oorefortab houee wi.th
10 -the timpani!. fecontlyOornipted er
u'itrul4k0. APY..1311.,iDONE, Barrister,
1 , . , I
HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The 0Ottneil of the 'Clorpeto,tion of the County"."
• ' ...,,---- •
i of Huron will isteet itt tile tOwli of Godorloh. OOP
1 tho 'first Tuesday in Stine mg,trA3Noitlimierrp. in ,
Dated BUY 22n4,1 • •.. ••• .'
ToW12. of Clinton. ,
Take Notice that a Court a flOV.141021 for the
Town of Clinton will hold ite th•st sitting in the
Council Chamber, on Friday, May 26th, A. D.
Mg% commencing at £1,o'cloolc p. for the pur•
posh of hearing and rectifying all comphanta
•against errors in the Amassment Roll of the
present year. All parties intereated arere•
quested to atte• ,
nd. - •
W. COATS, Clerk
of the Municipality
Olintcom, May 8th, 1891 •
I have Andalusian eggs for sale, My. fowl
were prize winnereat tbe Huron PoultryShog.
scoring from 91* to 91, points. The Andalticians
are a hardy breed,lay big eggs madam the most
proliflo layers, as the statistice at the Ontario
Model ram prpve. $1 per 13 eggs.
Clinton• April 25th.
. . .
The undersigned bac; Silver Laced Wyan-
dotte Eggs for sale from bilds which scored IA.
points at the Huron Poultry Show., 61.50 for
= g
teen eggs. White OOIC Eggs, Moe strain
51.00 per dozen.
Clinton, April 15th,
The subscriber offers 'for dale his house and
lot Oh corner of ltattenbitry and Raglan Streets.
' • NV:G. DURZI:tivr.
Clifiton, April pt.&
The subscriber offers for sale a Very desirable
property on Isaac street consisting °flour lots
upon which there is a comfortable Mune house
with kitchen and woodshed attached. There
18 agood stable and a' firsttelass well of Water
on premises. The orchard, consisting of grapes
and. apples, bra good one. The property. will
'be sold at a reasonable figure for cash or *cash
excl,halence on tune. Apply to the owner on
the premises
Clinton, 1)10 '
Let 90, Con, 1. township of Tnekersthitb,
H. R. S. the property of the late Willialin
Whitely is offered for sale. On the farm is
erected a 2 story stone house, barn and sheds.
There Is also a geed bearing orchard and the
faros is •well Watered with a living spring and a
well. Apply on the premises to•
- MISS r, wHITELY or .
W. S. LAWRENCE. Clinton.
Clinton, March 218t,1892..
The Undersigned offers for rental tho store
itt presentotoupledby H. C. Barlett. furniture
dealer. This IA one of the best stands in 011 n.
ton. Possession cattle giv.en. at once:
Also that large room -over .T. Wiseman's dry
goods store. There le o. good entrance. Apply to
j. 0. ELLIOTT, or
'J.e.S, SCOTT, Barrister
Clinton, Vels.eth, 1809. 1,3Clinto
Special Notice.
We are Headquarters for Good Goods
at Lowest Cash prices. Fun lines
• of Choice Grocerieti alrays on
hand. A. call f301i0ted.
litaniST moms wan lion
000D Algt),EGGs.
wise Cleaning
This is the time of the year
when housekeepers should
not have to. be 'bother-
• ed with baltitig. •
hy do ou
When you clot get you Oakes,
so reasonable at
Here are a few of our prices:
tayer cakes • • Siete
Qtteen's drops , 100 per doz
Swiss bone 100 "
Ottawa date cake* 10c
And all other kinds of cakes,
Rhubarb pies, 10 cents* h.
Letnot pies, 1& en .
on , 2 for 26e
CostArd pies, 2 ;•':ente.
Tart *belle den .1 7' 00, par doe,
Our hoine-tnade ginger snaps are
tha best, going like hot cakes
at 10 cirrits per lb.
Mr. nein Of Clinton WAS the guest
Mr. 0, Voltaic° ozi fiunday.-•••—Mr. W
Stanley haa received the largest
load of Page fence ever *out Into Hur
county, there being 2400 rods In it.
Rev. J.10reene and J. W. Yea Mize
ed the District meeting in Oodericir.
The District meeting ef the W. U.
=Thursday was largely attended. Tu
delegates were served with dinner r
the church and in the evening the WU
entertaitted them in their honiatt—fte
J.Greene preached Ammon ou Suuda
evening to the Epworth Leaguere
e.ccouut of tbe 10th anuirereary of th
Epworth Leagne.---Idiss A. Startle
returned home after a weelee visit t
her uncle, Mr, J. Grattan). •
(Toulatefor laet lame
of • The early fall wh
. neighborhood looks f
car Snowden Bros. have I
on chum wheat.—Mr.
•e- our popular policim
O. Cleave
— of Hayfield are gel
S. West ohortly.—Mr.
0 ming to fix his bar
n Orr, jr., hes on hand,
es turkeys, ao the peep '
v. Johnston was the g
y Horner on Sunday
• Mr. R. Snowden bite
• ithingling hie house
y everybody will be
0 ' Mary Orr is ependi
parents- during the
of our boys were out
Jai& week, hut they
tbe %Lb, when it wit
ehould be firet seate
----The frost bas d
damage in tilts vic
vietted • Zurich Met
filmed in a, critical
severe accident,
proved fatal.—#.4$
' order of the day,
• 'ter say there is
they harm bought
• That is very good,
Aliso Annie Darn
guest of Mrs. G '
Week.---M,iss 'F.
sening at sirs. q,
JAuote.--Mr. Mi
iDrysdale Prefiby
ing successful wee
during the past,
wish him prosperi
Rey. Mr. Mulholland of Iowa -Falls i
the guest ot his fatherNeXulitolland.
Srree—Mlisee Howard of °orris called,
at the parsonage last week while at-
tending the teachers' aseociation. In
Olpiton.---Several from, here attiluded
the Foresters' stemma in ViintOn on
Sunday. --Mr. B. McKenzie _Paid a
vielt, to his grandanether,Mrs. Holmes
re to his departure for Regina,..„—
he .E. L. intend visiting the Bethel
League ott Friday. •
The ninth annual convention of the
Gotlerieh District W. M. S was held in
Hohnestrille on Thursday of last wet*.
Mrs. Leech presiding. Owing. to the
extremely nftworable weather; the
°aside auxiliaries were but poorly
represented, causingat jack or members
at the convention, also intimidate
returns in numbers and finance, ns
several societies sent no repoi t. flow -
ever; those who attended made up as
far• as possible in enthusiasm and
brightness, the want of numbers, and
all pronounced the convention a de-
cided success. The hearts and hospi-
tality of the Rolmesville ladles were
not eatistied with the few athand upon
When), 10 lavish their kindness. !Twice,
the number, apparently, ..coulit have
been as easily e4ertakieti. ' _
• A morning sessitut was held, begin-
ning at 11 ricloek, After devotional
exercises. XIS. Green, of
gave a ,,Bible reading on- "'Abiding in
Obrist,' Results Peace', Growth,
Fruit, Christlikeeesse
After a hymn, reports of, aukiiiaries
were taken, •Olirittui ((Jntario and Rat -
ten bury streets), Seaforth, Goderich.
flohnesville, Varna, Auburn and
Brucefield responding, showing a Mem-
bership .• of 107, and. $381,.68 sent to
Branch Treasurer. Also, nearly every
Society had Sent bales of clothing ro
eed y tuissions. A number Of auxiliaries
are taking up the suggested progrilin,
each month with good retains. Tithing
and systematie giving are being aim,
cessfully introduced. ^ '
• • was desired that the secretaries
remepiber in future that the reports
given in the convention he the stitne
as forwarded to the secretary for the
year ending with the previous Septem-
ber. that a4creports may be uniform
and complete.Also. it should he re-
membered that once each quarter, and
onlyonce, should moneys be sent to
Branch Treasurer, Easter offerings and
all donations being kept, until the.
quarter's returns are ready.
The afternoon session began at 2
o'clock. After the opening hyliin Mre.
Wm. Harland of Clinton gave a Bible,
reading on the 27th Psairti, which was
full of good thoughts and helpful sug-
gestions to the Christian worker.. A
discussion on time of helding conven-
tion resulted in favor of some date
between the 24th and last of May, AS
MOSE convenient for elkAfter a solo,
Be will lotgive you now," by Miss.
Newcombe of Clinton. in Accord with
the new. hy.law a ballot .was taken
for District .Organizer , by which Mrs.
Leech was by a large malority re -sleet-
ed to that office. •
Mrs. liarriston of Granton then con-,
dticted a "Repert Exercise," taking up
W. M. S. Wait front its beginning at
Hamilton in MI. through its growth
and develo .ment; until at present
there are 15011 mei/hers and 438,031.11
raised last year. This has not decreased
the funds of the General Society, hut
is altogether independent and advanced
giving, •
Mrs. Turner of Ghderieh izrie
beautiful paper on "Our Work in
China," and Mrs. Diehl of- Varna one
on "Our Work in Japan." Al this
unitture of the convention a resolution
moved by Mrs. Elrod of HolinesvilIe'
and seconded by Mrs. Stanley was.
enthusiastically endorsed, that an ex-
pression of our convictions that it
prehibitory liquor law Is desired
by a large • majority yote be
granted, and a copy of this resolution
be sent tO' our representativeat present
.in Ottawa.
Mrs. Russell of Seafeith then gave a
paper on " Systematic Giving." which.
was considered so pointed and helpful
that after some pressure .,her consent
was secured :to have the paper entire
published in thelocal papers. 1tehould
receive careful reading by all.
In the evening Rev. Mr. Oreen
pied the chair. After, well rendered
service of song by the inembereof the
Holmesville choir, IVIrs. Harrison of
Granton delivered the address of the
evening, picturing in vivid terms the
degradation and untold suifer•ing of
the women in heathen lands, and
clahning that no woman could remain
uninterested who Wag not totsdly
ignorant of the. sorrows of her heathen
sisters, or lacking in the &et principles
of gratitude for her own favored pool --
Von in Christian lands. Her address
was full of information to our workers,
and was given with an earnestness and
pathos that captivated her audience,
and we are sure her appearance at any
future time, in connection with this
work will be greatly welcomed in the
Goderich Diatrict.---Ik. W. con. Sim
The efforb hi England -tcw, celebrate
the anniversary of Me. Glaelstone'e
death was on the whole a failure.
Dean. ta. SIAM* rgectP,Ple TaSkts, al Ali brag'
.11le a bo -4O :Athlete. '
Our:rim vri,
1. Theboginning Of trouble Th the tinie for
its care. The sorrowsofdyspepsiaarisefrom
2. Indigestion is the beginning Of know-
ledge concerning the stomach -and some
people got knowledge through suffering.
3. Loss of appetite, 1000 01 vitaiity, lone of
Bosh, lots of r•st-these are the penalties
which thousands ensure,
L They try Dr. Von Stan's firersinslit
Tablets They WO the stotetteh, relieve s.11
distress end they always effect amid cure.
Ali druggists sell these tablets at 36 cents a
box, .
oirri—usisos slowerss maws.
Inatantlyrelieye-heextburn,sour otoniath,fieris•
whew. schen arising from de -eared digestiOn,
tald the/ quicken the appatite gbik effecting a
is the best
It is ntade in a factory oksb-
lutely CLEAN' be most skilful
workmen from selected Vir-
ginia tobaero and never varies
n quality.
• Last week t
nessed of ro
and arrayed
Dennis Sr&
Ei toe k era las
on is doing
Id Iupplp
going to
day and
doubt th
are bein
'the past
and has
• whieh
ter, is
• Miss
ship cal e. on Mends
Mr. George Dale was in Wimple:in on
Saturday and Sunday last.---Mr.Wm.
aainieson now sports a new *heel. ---
Mrs. T. Carter left on Thursday for Al-
goma to spend a couple of months vis-
iting friends there.—The'reanySfriendi•
of Mr, Duncan Ashton will be pleased
to learn that he is recovering from his
recent; severe illness. --Mrs. James
Jamieson spent &couple of days in
Seaforth the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Lloyd. '
(Intended for last issue.),
Miss Taylor of-Kippen was the -guest
of Miss N..McMichaeron Sunday last.
—Mr. George Roberton of Clinton',
Miss Bella Roberton and Miss Scott
spent Sunday with friends in Brussels.
DOnean Atilaten is at ptesent
very ill and under the doctor's care.
—Mt. Natenan Carter and his moth-
er were visiting friends in Londeshoro
last week.—The Alois boys have par -
chased a' football and intend organiz-
ing a team, in the near future. Alma,
is never behind. --Mr. jam untieson
and Miss Mary Bennett spent Sunday
with friends in Constance --Mr. Hor-
ace Bennett of Clinton visited relatives
here last week. --Mr. Charles Calton
Fpent Sunday with his parents in
Goderich township. ---Mies 'Annie of
Tutkersmith addressed the league
meeting on Wednesday evening lest
and read a very interesting paper from
the subject "What is true success?"
It is better to preserve health than to
cure disease. Therefore, keep your
blood pure with Roast Sarsaparilla
and be always well.
ended for last isato.)
Mts. John Young has returned home
after spending some two week e with
her daughter Mrs. Bombard of Exeter.
—Mr. James Pipe has started work-
ing at his trade, stone mason, with Mr.
Stonehouse of Belgrave.—Miss A.
Tyerman was down to Seaforth on
Monday. --Mr. Lou Farnham has
purchased a Hereford bull. Mr. Fern -
barn has a great liking for this breed •
of cattle as he finds theor hardy and
good thrivers.---Messr&Virm. Hughes
and Bart. Crawford are kept hustling
building the cyclone feeee.--Mr.
Slimes Fairservice has a cream opera-
tor on trial audit satisfactory will pur-
chase it.
It means rich blood, strong nerve*
and sound digestion. It mean' pros
verity and growth to the young. It
meant good color and mental vigor
'That's what Stott's EmnIsion means.
A Smart Itoy.
An exehinge tells ole. North Dalcole
boy, the precooking ion of a Baptist
'clergyman, who inherited ell the tradi-
tional haptism-bydnatteriion prineiples,
and by close attention given the Ger*-
• loony as performed by hie puny' sage
- to repeat it word for word. A. hoe days
ego be had a tub of water In the kittih-
- ortand catching the funny oat and two
kittiee, he prootieded to Was& them the
manilal rites of the Baptist ohureh.
The kittenunderwent the ordeiti with-
out protest, but the est Plowed die-
pie:were by seratehing the bore feet.
Throwing the offending anima down,he
said in disgust. "peel it then lati
Metbediat if you Want to i"
rictus wen.* SAWING THE ratio nitom
Mr. ii„,ihemer, of Tinottnaut Idtob.t
says; ulrbr seven years I had "offered
from itchin and protruding piles. I
trietl all kin • of cure*, but got no re-
lief until I It Dr, Agnow'stieintarient.
One applicat • dicl more tor me than
any remedy I h d ever tried. I have
been such it se• r that I would will-
inglygive my 1 res of land tether
than bombe vet f my suffering from
tholes tdrmenting inyal." es mats.
up Dr. Agnew's L r Pills for liter
pills for liver ills. 1este.
• war
aged 2 years,2"inonthe and•16 aays.
SEgniDAN—At Lewiston, Rip., on
May 4t h, Sarah, relict of be late
, Thos. Sheeidan, formerly of Mor-
rie township, aged 68 years.
-GRAHABL—Ln Clinton on May 18th,
Martha A. Graham. relict'of the late
Williara Graham, aged 76 years and
8 mouths. • •
C0A.T13.—In Clinton on May 19th, Mrs.
Robert Coats, aged 68 years.
STAWLAKE.—In Sodom on the 20th
ingt:, Agnes J. Bailey, beloved wife
of Silas Stanlake, Jr., aged 25 years,
, 5 months and 16 days.
BAKER.—In Stephen on the 21st inst.,
Francis, beloved wife of William
Baker, aged 62 years.
AIMA, Mich., on the 21st
inst., William Ogee, formerly of
Exeter aged 84 years.
Bitows.—fa Exeter on the 1.7th inet„
William Brown, aged 66 years.
licirtairat,--In Stanley on April 28th,
Herbert Wintry, aged 81 yearit.
HOLMES—In Goderieh township, on
May 21st., the infant daughter of
Mr. john Holmes.
Mr. Granville Haight,of Sparta,Ont.,
says his father, who isa very old man,
wag very low from a severe attack of
rheumatism. His physician assured
the family he would never leave his
bed alive. A friend took it bottle of
South American Rheumatic Oure to
him. A few days later upon receiving
a visit from the doctor. he ran across
the room, and playfully administered a
hearty kick. He is now up and as well
as ever.
A Frerieh sailor has been sentenced .
to death for threatening the life of an
Nair curia (malt)) HIM.
South American Kidney Oure is doing
every day for hundreds what it did for
this( steainboat man out In Lincoln
County. Through exposure while sail -
mg he contracted kidney dieettee and
be contracted kidney disease and in it
short while dropsy deyeloped, so that
his legs swelled as large as stovepipea.
Doctors held out no hope for his recov-
ery. He was recommended to use this
great kidney specific,with the result
that in a few weeks' treatment he was
able to resume his work again it cured
man,feeling stronger and better than
he had for years.
The celebt ations at Windsor Castle
on the Queen's Birthday were (dab -
Under the use of Scott's Emulsion all
the organs and tissue* take on new life.
The mind act* with more vigor, the
blurt beats etronger and the blood is
gteatly chrerietted,
The Filipinos have again opened ue-
gotta tient with General Otis.
.......4•00.10/0War fa ,
For Over Fifty Years
Mus. Wittsioyes grain* has heal
woad by millions 0103 for their childrea
while teeth!
'Woken a y . 4. rest o, c
aittasllght and
end ory tti , opth tt'Ilnat
ra. ussiow's trooth.
r •• Mug. It will so -
i no m • abo
• in Ds -
Lb," tsoh
0, softene the
vesf,ane end
Mg 10 ilea -
OM Of 011
••••• 6•I
• ,
Oil .Stove0,5 4
finest in the hti
tteFlame Wu
ork Rope. See our • Binder Twine the'.;
a d then leaveyour order.
Manufacturers and Dealers in
. _
For the Spring trade we are offering the largest and most com-
lete stock of High, Medium and Low Priced Furniture in
the County. We have some greatIvalues to offer in
Do not buy until you have paid a visit to our We' retools.
this line we carry a complete stocl: Our Horses and out
fit are up to date and our charges reasonable.
BROADFOOT box & 00.
truirniture Dealers and Undertakers
• ier.1347.. Ctihidleye manage;
Night and Sianday calls answered 'at Residence of :our
Funeral Director, J.W. Chialey. King St., opposite Foundry.
Ts MY moon PURE?
This itt it question of vast importance
to all who wish to be well. If your
blood is impure you cannot expect good
heitIth,uniess you, begin taking Hood's
Sareaparille. at once. This great tnedi.
eine makes the blood rune and puts the
system in good health, cures spring hu-
mors, and that tired feeling.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head-
ache, hilliousnese and all liver ills.
Price 26 cents,
tOorrroud sway Wednesday afternoon
Pali Wheat - 67 to 68
Goose Wheat
....... . . ......... 4. 0 38 to 0 40
Osts. 0 30 to 0 31
Peso 0 60 to 0 63
Rye .640 ..... • 0 30 to 0 25
• 120tatoes,per bush, new... 0 50 to 055
• Butter loose in ballot, 0 10 to 0 11
• Butter in tub. 0 13 to 0 18
Properly Prepared Young Men anu
Women for Business life. FORTY;
FOUR of our Recent Studente have no.
motet' good situations. Business Men
appreciate oor work and apply to tut
• for our graduates. Enter now if you
can. Proopectus free.
W. IELLIOTT, Principe,
•63 to 05•.1%./143.,x3.3r
We thank our customers
• for their patronage in the
past and beg to :call, their
attention. to our removal
from. Combo's block to the
former stand of Allen tic
Igo per dos
Lire }togs
Pork per out
Dried Apples per
Thiokol per lb.
Turkeys ger lia,k
Gesso per
Chiakeos per pa
Wool— .
/tont per cwt.
• 0 00 to C 10,
5 50 to 6 00
4 00 to 4 10
. 00 to 6 00
• 0 064to 0 04 Where we hope to etke them ell
and new customers too. We
• 0 07 to 0 06 keep in stock Groceries of all
....... 0 05 to 0 06 kinds, Moor, Seed Grain, ete
0 16 to 0 16
115 to SI 00 3. VV. ititta