HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-25, Page 44 The Ounfon Netoe.Record Ina sliteele Musk. A.: • paroa.3irri,-....ar- TatileiMAT. Max 26th, 1809. fvfx ozzeRrittANDSR. " THE CLINTON NE RS -RECORD. NEWS FROM ALL OVER HURON PROM OUR OWN OOPM141100NONNT* OOUNTY lilirONONMES. . The tmur ler Government ties intto- Gsderich. GoderIch I 11 WeAlkititiet COUNTY. Goderiefis Goderieh. MAY 26. 1814- This Week's Bargains Itt the Wiseman Store Lowness of price only does not make a real bar "sin. Oood 'tinged ite Gerryinaander BM which has Me. el, Johnston, voganet, returned Jalnee Marke Esq., left on Sweat./ Main Street is noW enened tet the Mise Maggie Murray, late °Metro% claahtY Inuit go hand in hand with a low price, or t so.oalled .01010.411,0•491 MT*. for its object the juggling ei the ten" te hie home at Termto ell Mtaldal holt ell settle °tiler business trip. • ehore of the lake, The new park on is vieltiug ae her home, Bruce street, bargain is not worth the buying ' - IAN Eugene Oerey, who he* been the south vide of it me fenced in and Ms, Raihb le Preitl easing verY oat" - .Thefie Are real bargoins„ bar.gailis in the best sense of " the course—and scarce anyone will venture etitizincleir to perpetuate ite power. Of iten- &Shoppitra have. a handsomely visiting Mr. IIeaten and his reletieess laid out for a nark, dotted with ever. lefectorilytive areintppy ehoule piece The Opera Hoixse wae comfortably word, possible only beeauffe we to eta te. bought these goods. at the price pi carved iefrigemtor in the window ?Ir. anoteldre. .-Osweld and Miss -Cara temente The towu a, contradiction—no such legisletiett which could stand anywhere. nere aext met week for the N. W . T, therein a few benches or' fieate. 'tined on 'rues:lay of last, week ta near - - il Ascension Wiseman (store. They go on sale Saturday morning next nd g t d Al th .th d f El t t Th d I that we did, and heeause we mast close them oat at the would be sought for if the Tarturleriteir The rectormf St, Georgeai bits a, large We Irma the trip win benefit hine -There are Oonle benches overlookirig Rev, Morgen Wood, but had he been . Tlitia Di iettrice vim:dein! elite ymen the lake near the park but eon° in it. able to reaelt eloderich o felt eure of a renewal of the confidence Painting ef one of the 014 reasttre of the MVO A.D. period. Rees Mark • uru• ear ye rt ineu on on ay at en ono e not e 0 gin s yea tire Itie es re was. billed, be would • f of the electorate It is tine feeling of insecurity, coupled with an aversion to leaving °Dice and its perquieltes, that hat( 'brought about tills iniquity. raa. It has been generally understood that the eenetitution only calls for a re -ad- • justment fetter each decennial census and based upon the einem returns,but under this new order of things the conetittiencies may be shuftled about at the teleine of the dominant party's • busies. Even simpose it is constitu. tional, is it, either pet or fair ? Fur- thermore,if a Gerrymander is in order in '09 'Matt not also be in 1901.-2 Or • any other year. If encouragemeot is given this eort of etatesmanship a we- . tiou of the electorate will. per'"kiiiivi' . one niS13,4 Where- they may be next e..Noesening, A WI8111 2'EACNER, • . The editor of pur contemporary down the street has undertaken to enlighten ' the farmers of Huron. as to the relative - values of Yankee corn and Canadian rough grain. for feeding purposes. . 'There is a bare Possibility that he knovvamore about this question than — men who are feeding for money not for theory, but while" pea - sib'? it is scarcely probabls. eis long- winded article on the subject' owes its origin to a news paragraph 'which ap.. peered in THE Naves-Raconn a .fort- night ago when we cited. the opinions of two of then:lost eXtensiveaud expers 'ienced breeders in the, c ounty. As it so •laaPpens, one them is a strong Grit and the other as equally pronbuticed • a Tory, but they discussed the subject from a dollars -and -cents standpoint ; , :the Era, alone haegiviie it a political • sayor. DISGRACE IV CINTAR10. According to all the statements now in eight, the provincial bye election in , West Elgin rs eltsflgured-by °Times wycirshould rope public resentment.. - There ti no longer e strong :public opinion in Ontario in favor of an hon- ., est Vote and w fair count, Or the At torney Generahe Department would not dare to sip with its. hands folded and allow a fewi Tory pertisans in West Elgin to fight every raap's battle, for where is therev ;Oanadion who has not a stake in the eacred right • to • an e.ee honest electipn eerier - If it *wee question of 0, hank being Vobbed of 'ite -money, t he Attorney- -General's Detiartmeetof Onlario would • Idee heaven and earth, te, recover the plunder and punish the criminals. The strong suspicion that a constituency has been stolen from the regularly qualified voter does not move the At- torney -General's 'Department, whiehe -if et is not Obseriicting the exposure of „ the alleged erimee In West Elgin, is • r aeoeeneete, bay_ doing nothing. to aid the •men who Siti'doing the tountry's work . for the party's sake.—Toronto Tele- hull possesses geeat artistic taste. e on W, W. MacVicar is beautifying' his Monday and Tuesday 1 N'orth etreea leven at his residence, Elgin etreet. Be Methodist church. bas formed of large stones quite a Mr. Wadsworth evidently le of * stylish mound, evbicti in good time humorous dieposition. after hie long will be covered with flowers. sojourn in California, far he send* the In last week's issue of War Cry we following for publication in THE News - noticed anong the list of "Rustlers" Ito:soup 4—Williem Wadsworth, vvhile in West Ontario province who num.; visiting in our town, bas reason to her 98, the nanam of P. S. McDougall, believe that the rippling water of the Sergt. Brindley. and Lieut. Hodgson. Maitland river does not run as smooth- Tbe Poultry 13reedere Association of ly as he would wish to *we For Huron are taking an active interest instance, 40 years ago a warrant was in the work, •. They are unenimousefor placed in bis bandit with strict jejune - having A new exhibition building erect- dons to proceed immediately to Sear- ed in the Park for the recention of the geen and arrest reJustice of the Peace poultry; and later we Will give a report on a criminal charge He employed of the committee's visit to the park,. •John Porter and his fust team of bay which will be brought before the horsea to convoy him to the above directors at an early date, A. McD. mentioned place, to aesise in perform- Allan,presidene inrthis arduous duty, Porter being a e Mr. Tait has been painting his reei- constable at the tine% They brought -deuce, Which ireprovesit vastly, t their prisoner and delivered him to the • N. D. Itongvie experimented on the legal authorities. Since W. W. arrived newly -shingled roof of his handsome he sent word to Mr. Potter to come to residence near the lake, with some of tee•him, dead or alive, bite he has not the Jibe preset vative he has plit in an appearance. probably for the stock, • reason that W. may have allowed • J'ames Clark, Esq.. returned one day him to draw from the county treasury last ' week feora his recent trip to larger fees as mileage for man and • 'Merton. • • team than the statute made and pro- , A. Manger of the Ooderich organ vided. in such case Allowed, hence factory is off east on ei visit and his Porter, knowing this, fearing that the house on Essex street is for side. We principal with Interest,' and compound hope he does not intend leaving orir interest for a period of 40 years, would town fpr residence in •a, city. testify .the said William Wadsworth Manger carried on the extensive busi- in havIng a large claim epeeist his ranch—all this with $10,000 judgment he expects his friend judge oy e will . render against the city fathers as darn - ego; for not having electric cars run- ning, which would keep the said Wm. Viradsworth. hi ease the remainder of his life. • Mr. • Ohrystal and •workmen are through with their work at Stapleton/ They returned froht that, villa on. Saturday. • ' The regular Meeting of the town couneil toolaphice 'last Friday evening in the caution chamber, and emong the matters submitted to that august hody was the following, which is of much interest to•our citizens :— To the Mayor and Council r Gentle- men,—Your 'cornmitee met, and an invitation. having beeu sent to Mr. Rumball to meet your committee in reference to the loan Asked by him to were open. iss .Ketie Nevins fell aseist him in running the Kensington into one tfiat is being opened on News furniture. factory, and after the inter - gate street. next to lilies liefturnonter view van had with him, we decided to ,protierteeno lamp being near and New- recommend the cofinell to submit a gate street is poorly lit with electric byeave to the ratepayers granting him - Miss_ Nevins hurt her limb a, a loan of $10,000 on conditions and little and got her feet Wet but fortun- eircinities named in--Mrs----Rutuball's ately she escaped serious injury. letter, and as intimated to the special Captain Trethewa was at Toronto I committee by him the security of the kb waw ) near the lake we counted twelve times have ha a much lerger number of pa°. stay at these prices until all are sold, but those who come that ere as deed ne the guarde which pie to liaten to hie*. However, he Saturday will fare the best, because in many of the lines the surround them and yet the intiPeCtOr MOW and the beet critieleux anyone t. . . and there may be more on the sduth voice is deey toned end convineing, Inc " ' grain. noes of the lug null for years mobt satisfactorily. • We called. at D. fe. Strachan's Web- lishinent on Victoria street and found the tank catt forevatering the streets nearly ready to be shipped to Mitchell for ,Ider• Majesty's Birthday. The gearing was made by the Chatham Manufacturing Co. and is very sub- stantial -looking. It is guaranteed to carry eighttons. It is tubular and No. 15 of D. K. Strachan's make. He has two other orders, one from Teeswater and tete from Port Elgin, ' Mr- Willie Leferth of Buffalo intends coming to eciderich to recuperate and will be the guest of his grand -parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kirkbride, King- ston street. The lamp supply must have given ont on Saturday, 13th baste for the use of warning the Atte that the sewers GERRYMANDER RILL ILI VIEW- 1 on business twice last week, . • • D. H. Ross has.returned from Saga URN whither he was called by the seri. bus illness of his mother. Mr, Ross retorts businers flourishing. said loan to be satisfactory to the council. • ' - The county delegates of the Royal Tempters will hold a cenvention in the tem evince bait on Thursday, June 8. • We called. -on Mr. Myers of the new A At Horne will be held at the flrin Bee er Meyeis,who have pure Collegiate • Institute on Friday, 20th chased A. B. _Cornell's stock on the May. Greet preparations are being snare. Mr. •Meyers says he never Made hy the teachers and pupils to met people in a strange town so friened- make the affair as brilliant as possible, ly and hopes he may be able to ensure Mr, James Sheppard intends taking part of their patronage. Everett McKenzie, barrister, left on the St. Andrew on Saturday 13th inst. for Regina, N. W. T. A number of his friends ?adhered at his theme, Biock street, to with hint God Speed. Mies Mona Weatberal , youngest daughterof one townsman, TeWeath- ot the season for the, elevator, but erald 0. E., won the silver Medal large vessels are expected in every day which was to be presented to the best for it. _ elocutionist at the W. 0, T. 11 eptere The harbor sawmill is getting hi tainment held ea the Victoria Opera - running order this week. House onl9thinst. Miss Weatlaerald Miss lliodigimo of Toronto -is the guest has ft good Voice for declamation and - of her cousin, Miss Robertson. Eight we congratulate her upon her success. and Stanley streets. Her recitation was a temperance seise- There is quite a pretty tune called tion entitled "The bugle is calling." "Rocky Road to Dublin." A' bright We called on Mr. Warnock on Satin.- boy • at the tiiano, taking it for hie day and he kindly invited us to look at exercise, tea to his teacher, "It is a his fine grape vme which suffered f rocky road to Dublin. UncleAtf. says seriously from the severe winter. Mr, tit is, for the engine jumps up going W o k alw 9 in envious ears over " Of course he means .Dublin, a holiday trip on the Olyniput with his brother, Captain A. M. Sheppard. Twelve thousand .bushels of corn of the large consignment on the :steam barge Spry. Capt. Elliott, Chicago, was being unloaded at Moere's elevator on Monday: This is the first consignment • ' ,11.1D -By SIR CHARLES TOPPER. had laid down his vines, covering them -Onfe• - , with Jeaves to preserve them from the Dr. Mabee is having his surgery en - frost, but bee fall the weather set In lamed, - • , — Pee so severe, that he kept Waiting far a Ray. Jasper :Wilson " preached to a • the unprecededtepted-etrintekameon. e ereppet atter seemed to. irow worse and last. His sermon was based On the stttutional proce ding of providing for he met left the% astened to the text, "As ye eow, so shall ye reap." atedietribution nite Um present moment. of frost. He bee also a fine flg tree Frank Sharpstein, came in on Monday trellis and now they show the ravages The Hunter Savage schooner, Capt. ••,— evhich is brought in doors for the win- with coal from Cleveland, 820 tons, 70 Toe ard this easure as &confession ter season but unlike the Scriptural figs tons.being for the dredge Arnoldi and .-•rs o Janada. from whom he • tree one would not get much shade, the balance for the elevator. The sitting under it, not yet if the leave,- -Hunter Savage clears on Tuesday for i ° e Premier is afraid tago back to "e very e zeptionai •eiecerastances make much of a covering, but it is a he barge John Spry and consort never suffers from drouth or mots- The Spry and Hunter Savage both s there ani regard for the principle had Masonic eMbleins painted under of representation by population in this kilvvreeenitthitireaves /X% 31 ripen their names. . September and heWilhaent1THE NEWS. Two lovely rainbows Were in the hill ? In the proposals respecting York Rummel some' specimens, Mr; War. eastern heavens from north to tiouth count); there is an utter abandonment nook has a gt eat many Callum: which on Monday at 5 pan. The 'Urged one of that principle, They .take from abrloes:om beautifully all rentenste They only disanneared at 0•45 Pent. gsen and West -York 35,000 Of a popu- hoice flowers and grow in the gar- Thegloomof Thursday was enliven - den. Sortie of his strawberries &refine, ed by the tritede of the dredging tug lation and add that to Toronto, lend healthful specimene white with biog. and last but, not least the arrival of keep Toronto down to four members Pane. - Teta N'Eves-Ritoones which iti eagerly tustiiii. "e"' IMO- The Coilliate Institute Cadets under looked for every Thursday a. m. Three were towed tother they would not Ara, where the belongs. handsome, flourishing g tree and cleared on Tuesdak d power. gm* bent. D. Grant vtere out on the days rain after all the lovely May time march' haturday , going through previous mil( be necessary to promote The Kau. gentleman leavea Quebec AbeirManOeuvres,pretentin • esemaete., vegetation but is rather depressing on pretty much as he found it. Why? as they marched past. When they eet human nature although our vocaliste Because Quebec gave him an over. their flew uniforms we WM be quite practised *very afternoon at Victoria Whelming majority. Bat when he proud of them. Opera, abuse for the elocutionary W. The St. Andrew left port early on C. T. 0'. medal contest on Friday even - turned to Ontarlo,he tore that to pieces. &twenty evening. • ing last. Why ? Because Ontario did net give We are lorry to note that Mre. Mc- The Sea GuiI, Captain Dan Matey, him ainajority et all. Kay, wife of Rev, Mr. MoKay, South at. will be employed in the fishing trade . has been confined to her bed for borne all the bea$019. My. Hon. friend knows that 'tulles* time frau a lengthened attack of la. On Tuesday May 10th the St. Law - grippe. It'ev. Mr. McKay is at home rence Capteeri D. Baker of Cleve - he can resort to means ofjuggling with again after a short call in Perth county land, 'brought 000 tons of coal for Fred, the frandhise and the distribution Of where he filled the pulpits through thie Holmes. The St. Lawrence is a .110••••••••• seats he Neill be swept out of power, for absence of the stationed minieters. stauneb, threa.masted 'schooner paint - .111 atend thesummer atToronto with nort tvro years ago, lyinK at. anchor thee which can be dorm be e. single et.will Mist; Mary Campbell, Tirock street, ed green and white. She made our ion cannot he done when the whole Miss Whams formerly of Goderich. of Canada, is eppealed to. - Rev. Dr. Moffat, Toronto, fillett the - pulpit of Knox ehureh on Sunday to say AO the more s...8xavained-the more a that I have not tads - object* arid aims that . J. F. Andrews, West street meat the Meters. Raneford are turning their Itichardsort Sons and10,000 for Mooer s ntleinan half in view in put—, rneeellee bele" the "louse, . Market, Ant to Toronto. on Monday a 'Ipso our town. Thor already own, elevator. Her consort, John T. John- her*, con octmg Cho seryice.-e—R. U. cat load of cattle, H. DeLong, proprietor Itoyai Hotel in and have for many years, * valuable ston Captain Frank Truilell of Chifigo, Mies McIeditin of the ,Oollegiate In- grove called by some "The Grove" and 80,000 bushelseorn &so for Itiehit ruin this village, is treating his place to a stitute spent the Queen s Birthday at bY others "Wechnut Grove." Now Sons. Every one went down to iew coat of ;mine inside and out which her home in Stratford. that they intend golog into businese the fine barge awl eorisort. Goderieh Is goes to improve things to their old op - Mr. W. Horton, town treasurer, re. here they will likely give the gtove a snrely working up. • pear/trice of days gone hys-----Who? turned on Saturday last per steamer visit and get all the fallen trees taken Airs. Warnock gave abirthafty party eari tell when the harbor works are St. Andrew from his trip to Fort - out. It would make it hant1901310 park. in hotter of her Mars ‘four.yearpoId Foroing to start again. They are waiting William itecompanied by his seater, Mr. Elam we learned vrith much • daughter, iris May, on Friday, 10th a grant, I guess. It looks more like Mrs.tlaker and tvvo children of Regina, regret on Friday Usk has been suffer- May. Oards of invitation were iient bribery every paseing day. What N. 'W. T, • inn lately from pan attack Of heart • nut to eixteett little mends book 6 to think yOu,Slippery? Ah I oia mac? g a a r , , The St. Andrew came in on Friday -There hp alto a whip and stirrup ne evening from Port William with cargo ogeld, evidently Inc good lack to the evening. The Bible and Tract Society of wheat, 87,000 bushels forjtichard- --coniposer, which weheartily wish OW work. lebis mission. At the offertory lort•Bros. who dote this wheat in the one-time pupil. ter; Peter and Mre. Oliver Moore, De - I - Mr. Stoddart sang verr:ccentahji the his Ibilit Ogilvie's' Mr, Itichardson of We heard the steam barge, john troit ; and Mrs. Frank Teith, Bay City. 64ered *esi° "N° 14°re' Dr" MaIlit Itingstml left with thft 84 And"?' °11 1,grY4 Whiatit on SundaY ab°ut 4 P- ni'• The funeral took place on Monday preached in North street Methodist Saturdey evening for Fort William. e John Soy, Captain Elliott of Obit to Pore Albert cemetery, Rev, Mr, church In the morning.Every brie le delighted to find that eago had about 229000 bushel& corn ile Armstroo r rotor Englieh church has avAdently never noticed. the same' cen offer is that he is up-to:date. His quail ities are mute , side OppOaite, but wediel not go to ace. . face most p easing and, as a gentlemen 1 Curtain Bargains New teem ebould be set out in their observed, •04fie is theatrical field has 4 places- before it ie too tete for triune good mouth." • The aura of his lecture WU hapVe "Sal a, great num. tenting. Thost that were planted. seetned•to he advice to youug men to er of the urtains tad the tope of t ein and everr branch he practical. What is written 0Wiseman lopped right off Which nossib Y is tbe in a beek ui, said he, only cold but have cause of them dying. We think Ur. type, you must have expert- . • Still 80111e few odd Lewis may call the new park "Long- enee, practical experience. It I tell phonier: leofit. the nnlettnr etxhpemenSoiVuot worth Perk" fpr the old veteran who you ot the grandeur of the Rockies fought with Wellington at Waterloo. and the thousands of feet 9001e of the b • resided on that vat almose half a cen- points attaio end, the' glories et the befoie ouse-cleaning time js g o sell them ed by ts pewee own* a few years. atesewe knew it is beadtiful, but, it I tory air and it hes only been_ lunches' seenerY. Yen would say ehe exagirr- oeser we are going t eete -ye. Green ties slot yea focal a cannot be what he sayte then you go a t prices like these home suitable to rent oe purchase owl '• Ni may visit at Kincardine 111411 hottngham Lac, Cue, e does. He wishes to purchase _a hendeorne brick VeSidenCe as near the square as tatn-P, 4 yards long, taped edgi e, good pattern, two pairs possible. Mr. RobereKerie Toronto street,pur- chased-the lot on Britannia road, from thaowner, Mr. Charles Crabb of Han- sen, on 'which Mr. Kerr is now making all p re paratione for building ep era tion 84 Mr. Kerr is a ship builder and will plan and build his new house himself. Mrs. W. Beephy. Quebeesereet, has a yery flue fuschia in her window.,. It has blossomed all year, And now hue 35 clustering bleeranns upon it. It is thtee or more feet in height. ' A number .of tramps were located in the vicinity of the: old salt block for some days, end P. M. Seager ga,ve them warning one day last week to take some otber route. Not because they might injureanyone, but because the press is solidi of burglaries; etc., and people de not feel safe wben they know men without any calling orhome take shelter in old ruins. Possibly in many cases it is people with botnee,auli good ones too, who break the 'laws, but of course the tramp is alwityssuepected. • The dog poisoning still "goes on, This time coach driver Dahres beautiful mastiff or Dane was the luckiest; -vic- tim. •tte w oeldbave been a treasure to a, bank manager and was really worth quite a sum of money, but be had to leave the master and eheborses he fol- lowed so faitbfully.-4 *L" Watson it is said lost his handsome spaniel the same way, and. when all the dogs have met• their fate the poisoner will have to be- gin on some oblier anittial for he evi- dently has no .compunction and it would seem delights in his work. The Marine Band after practice the Other night serenadedour citizens by nuirchingeetround 'the square with flambeaux and playing at the different points of interest. _ It was too cold 00 Saturday evening for many bicyclists to take their even- ing ride around the square. Mr, and, Mrs. Isaac Salkeld have re- turned from thele visit to St. Helens Where they were the guests of tbeir daughter, Mrs. Miller, who leas a gen- eral stom and the postonice in that, flourishing burgh. Weeuet Mr. Aitken, Picton street, the dairyman,. the • other day and we asked Item how he liked his Jer- seys. He said "I have had inyljenseys for two years and Iran quite delighted With results. 0 Vika my Jerseys," We heve been Wonted that Mrs. Hawley and her. son. Mr. J. BaesdeY and family of Detroit: will spend' the season in the ifew residence of Captain Baxter, Lighthouse street. Mrs. Bax- ter will spend the summer with her husband, captain Baxter. Detroit. - Furs, werireh.regle On Suoclay,last., Mr. Alive Mclieviii has parchased the former residence of Ma. William Marlton Overlieoking Lake Hupon. •• Painters are busy fit Mrs. Bryan's Cottage making it ready for her re- turn. • Birth—On Thursday, May 181h, to Mr. and Mrs. James Daniel,. Newgate street, a son. / • We were delighted to find that the bagpipes for Inverness Camp, Sons of Scotland, were purchased from bur old and —esteeined mnic publishing friends, I. L. Orme and Sint of Ottawa. The pipes woe! purchased on the recom. inenieation of A. M. Steveritt of the ScottishArnerican and tested ley-E'iper D. McKay of Kimball at the O.M. They are a very handsome set, bettatif mouuted with ivory.. One o' me • dies is learnin' to play on the chanter. We do not know whether there were enough wheeltnen left in toveri miler Majesty's Birthday to gather up the !stones around the square to pave the way for future pleasure. That reminds us that an enterprising West street lady says, when we mentioned the at - emotiveness of the new park overlook- ing the lake on Elgin street, "tell them to have it lighted- with electric gas." So there you have it. The electric light will be all right if the park has no dues (dews e to tear. • Mr. Peter BisSett; our new citiXen from Dakota, is far seeing. He took a trip to Porter'ssprings and bays thetas where Goderich should geb its supply of water, pure always. Mr. Bissett is right for the citizens are ever complaining of the lake water. The greater part of the time they are obig- ad to go to their neighbor's wells for drinking water. Nous s'accuecips, as the French ear, of receiving fromthe young composer, Mr. I. Rellmuth Clams of Bowman* hardware store London, a ogee of his - latest compositionHunt," from the firm of Ainey and Port Albert. "The Belle of the Hodgens, puhliehere, Toronto. It is Adani Green, one of the oldest set - quite a Showy march and two step and tiers in this neighborhood,died on Fri - has an extremely fine title page in day at Wi Id. son's residence n the villege green, white and gold. A handsome aged years. He leaves a wife and old horse horse shoeAn arch with "The familie at seem, all grown up, and tem Belle of the Iluet" in green passing step -daughters, Mrii. . Nesbitt, Myth, Under lb And a tieer's beadceabote. an Mrs. Cook; Dashwoodlis fame - is are Adam and Sarno:, farmers in Iliemhin district, Manitoba; Tom. who 'residea in this village; Edward, Exe- Youreelves and yon find. the scenery grandet than the lecturer depicted, and so it is with young men hi every pio- fession or trade. They must Work, they must come in contact With the actual work and they must strive to win, not to be .content with a portion but all they can get. A lawyer must pot feel that a small practice outlives, neither a doctor, nor e minieter ; they must strive to enlarge their sphere, to do all in their power to benefit man- kind and they must have experience, Re says he would not wane an M. D, fresh from college to prescribe for him he would like him to prescribe foreome one elsefirst, but now that they have so much hospieel work to do, an M. p. has quite an experieelece berme he utidei•takes to settle down to hie pro- fession. He says that et scbool for years one school boy whom he 'named Jacksat, with him. . jack was alvrays 'gratin everything and mould win out (4100 marks 98, and he Would win the other two juse because he thought so deeply upon his subjects. Mr. Wood is an apt and humoroue illustrator of faits, and the, musical society deserve the grateful thanks of our citizens tot - extending hint an invitation to lecture here, It is not whether a roan's grandfather came over in the Mayflower or not, it is what the man' himself is, what kind of son Or gTandSon he is,and to -day young men are prized for their sterling worth alone. Mr. Wood is full of philosophic- al and theoretical terms, can enumer- ate all the 'ologies, loves Shakespeare, bet says reading Shakesperian works cannot influence like seeing ,Shalies- perian ORB, He said he felt power given him by dipping his hand into the Swanee river when travelling in the South; the river which is commemor- ate1 in song all over ebe world- lie also shook bands with -Grover Cleve- land and felt the better of it and his father took him and his brothers and cream . and one pair w ite ; Wiseuein price was $2,00; our clearing prom Fine Nottingham Lace Cur- tains, Dive lacey pattern, taped, edges,. 3t yards long, three pairs white, one .pair cream ; Wiseman price was s1.75; our clearing price One peer only two-tone efface ,fine Nottingbein Lace Cur- tainsataped edges, 3i yards long; Wiseman price was $2.25: our clearing price Three pairs only cream Curtains taped edges, 3e yards long, large pattern ; old piece wed $1.75:. elearing price - •Blinds Two only best 131inds in Wised num stock, extra heavy cloth, " mounted on strong spring rollers; Wiseman prim WAS $i.00;• our price • ,, 65 Clothing and Non's Furnishings Every dollar's worth of •ing must be sold out at • Wiseman, store, arid what left of the Wiseman stook is, being sold for less than one- 1 29 i ball regular price. , Threeoly°, sitil ye neat 0 :an' dSusittys;:hedgivan: to dark colors, coat and pants • meal, made 'from etrong2 serviceable materials - Wise- man prtce wee $2.50; oar • _ clearing pip 1 49 I. 39 Two onlyBoys'- two-piece Suits very similar to above, • only not' quite so good quality ; .• Wiseman price was $L90 1 29 e 1'5 .our clearmg piece One only Men's oda Coat and. Vest made from line quality dark tweecl,and lined through out with good linings Wise- man price was $8,75 our -clearing prier! 4 98 One oply odd Coat all wool tveedf°:$1ngWisenan• iriceea400our pre 8 00 Ten only Meted and Boys' tweed • peaked Caps; Wiseman prices were 25 cents our clearing price • 15 21 only Men's Shirts made from • good strong white cotton witla colored cambric bosoms and cuffs ; Wiseman price Am. • $1.25 our clearing price ' 89 • 14'only boys colored knitted 15 top Shirts colars attached, laced fronts Wiseman price • was40 cents our price s 25 Mem, medium weight Shirts and -drawers Wiseman. price was 40e our clearing price ' 27. Fine lacey pattern, good width, taped edges, 3e -yards long, e ne pair white and one pair • cream ; Wiseman price was . _ 8190; our clearing price ' 1 25 One pair cream, extra tine qual- . ity andpattern3e yards long, ' W hibinan price was $3,00 . our cleating price 1 88 One pair only tine white tees °net:tins, one of the best lines in the stook I Wiseman price was $325; our price • . 2 30 The best line in the stook, four • pairs white only, very fine net., and beautiful pattern ; Wiseman price wee $3.75. our . clearing price' ' $2 59 One end white Ourtain Muslin, suitable for sash or full...cur- • tains, 313 inches wide; Wise. Irian price was 25 cents per yard; our 'clearing price • This » is an opportunity .that. comes but seldoni. to buy good :Lace'-Ourtains. for , very little lilted them up to shake hands t„,e,r regu. • A big let of the Witenar Ties with - zore than one-half 1. Abrahana Lincoln' and he else added noble minds. The lecturer fsbed • "'ewe and tour- you; It ennobles a, man to meet men of lar value. :•• • choice• 2 for,25 with a couplet froixi Shakespeare end- ft I thank you with.. a partiqg vow was • big with "itistvliatvee make ourselves." OI)GENS BROS DIRECT • .IMPORTERS his tribute to our citizens and we know the Spirit. ef trying harder to do his every yoeng man who beard him felt Selling the Wiseman Steck at the Wiseman Store • CLINTON,. . hese in his secret heart. And We hope they will strive harder than ever-. Barfield. • • • Captain L. Braunagan is the guest of • tain was at one time stationed here end Urtylleld Line. Mrs. A': Brown at presenfe T e Cap - Mr. Ohne. and Miss Clara Middleton, her niftey friends were pleased to see L. Burt•Were in Clinton this week,— of Oth con., peid a visit to their Mende: , xlietr•s.rizianc.—ke abuldisesEta.nTdi.papaeutgahntdertMmilsass in .Aileit Craig last week.—Empire ' .TDtaleyeawnitsy indeolenbrts•aotheodoix.igThtheroayfatellryo ren , Heacke of Berlin, who have been visit - was spent in giving readings, recite- ieeherretsnornose,dm0hhoerloe.s_andup..v John iflir itlinetd, bons, eseays and addresses, all • of have Thomas Blair left town Tnesday last* .which were along patriotic lines. Our teacher thinks that such a day is feQdrSettotifibIlatnil Ste.igtArlies.in —townltrh . this week. EiR(e)eut- hardly necesesay for Ins pupils, as theyg . seen( to have the mYal einritcst patriot.r". 'forth this week. -- --Mr. and Mrs. JTippet were in Sea. —Mrs. Jas. Eagleson 1,S,nanarvoe0tyoociaanfidlehoeudndeintbem. house --cleaning of Clinton, who bits been visiting yet?" has for the pose two or three eirieh4odroe.—Mr. Webber of Clintonsm here for soe thne, has return - weeks been the by -word of. the fait d was in town Saturday ---Mr. e. Big, gee. Wel), we are thankful when it is gart and son Percy of Dublin split% . a finished, end maythe day soon come ew'claysehere last- week. --Mr. G. when house-cleaning will bee thing a 1Blashill of Brussels is the guest of M a the pot, as many are prophesying tbat . it evill be.—The Middletonai branch SMcGee this week. of the Women's Auxiliary was well attended last week, it having- been -- held at Mr. J. Cluff's . of this. line.--• Stanley_Townsh—lp. The farmers of this covaunmity are patronizing the Holinesville cheese • ' Seiel big is All done hut the wet wea- factory more this_year than they have reoleotsr ettbothese._pumterin. g John nohonf for some tune. We would like to seeand the business booming, as we believe it Sherrie :led Mrs. Sherrit of Stephen is a paying industry. were visiting' h lends in this locality last week.--eDr. Pallister of Bayfleld performed a very skilful operation on two of Charles Johnston's children a Porter's MIL . few days ago, one child seven months old, the other about five years of age, Miss Nellie McDonald is now staying both being cases of rupture. ----Mr. in Kippen.----Miss Lizzie Weston and Meilveen and his son Frank are visit. MisitEaith Cox have returned home ing friends in this neighborhood this after a two months' stay in London.-- week —Mawari Bros. are busily MISS Turner, a fortnet towhee of S. S. engaged 'making shingles in J. T. No. 8 apent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Stele Marks' evvainp where they haye erect- ling's of the 4th con. --Mr. Russell of ed a shingle mill.—Mte Johnathan Belgrave was visiting friends here last Peck, who secured a third:class certi- week.—Mre James Morgan is now &ate last July, has decided to study staying in Goderich.--Mr. Ara. Mc- tneelicine and expects in the near fut• Dougall had a raising on Manley and ure to have M. D. added to his name. raised his barn up about tivo feet high-- We tvish hint success.—Mr. John er.--bliss Lily Hunt of Clinton is vis- Reid of the flaytield road sold a good iting friends here.—Mr. and Mrs, driving horse to Mr. Snell of Exeter Sohn Torrance were visiting friends in efoeit handsome figure.—Mr. Joseph Glannies last week.—.Rev. 31r, Hanel- Foater•hae been busy delivering trees ton of Londesboro preached in Beth- for Wni. Armstrong, our popular apple any on Sundaytree agent, this last meek. . Some of our people went to Clinton and emne to Exeter on the 24th. Mr.. John Hart entered his pacer at Exeter races in the free•for-all.—Retr, Mr. McKenzie of Oakwood occupied the pnlpit of the Presbyterian church very acceptably last Sunday.----Ittr. Gus. Spading of Seaforth spent Sunday in our village. -----41r. Thos. realer, who gin°gb.—bn—dilfri.31JUO*6Saiahlve%tV4tatasgril hisesilsuetrravi teams drawipg lumber to W. Doherty & Co., Clint" --these days. 3.0e. says he is job like a fish out of water &rice he gave up the mill. --Mr. Ernest Co) - ling has engaged with Mr. T. Snell tee bus driver, --Mr, Wm. Dixon, who bas been visiting in Exeter, het re- turned hotrie,---Ma Wm. McDonald is erecting a new platform in front of his house which will be 0 deeided ptovetnent.-4fn W. W. Ferran and Rev. I. V. Parke of Clinton drove over to the village on Saturday afternoon.- --The Brimfield Football .Aripociation has been re -organized for the season of '00 under the name of "The Rovers." The following officers were elected :— lion. Pres., ler. Armstrong ; president, the guert of her aunt --------------------- ears in the Chemical salt *or s. earth/affixed to their gift* Mrs. War11. - andlire, It Downing. Watt! Watson, eenior teticher remit has reffl lected the card* to *how A. T. Scott; nom vicersexient, mrs hrei Downin gib Petrick eft Andrew's ward school, hati been her daughter when she become* of age. lett. •••.a.k. est Toekersinitli. Cudfilott struck it good deal Knights of thorned that were pad at Granton theP past week.— ers have been delayed vvith "seeding operatiees by the ell of the week past and are busy oak finishing up.--Itev. Mr. ng gave an excellent so•on y afternoon, Mai "Patel et ism .* of Him Mies Lizzie Downing of nt1199ell 14 fa MS, 1-141 has been anger for 1 p, ni. on each, and, they in turn had Miretard vicelreeident, bilcGrer ; llglish Lava llder Flowers , For Perfuming Wardrobes, :Liner' 'Closets, and preventing Moth - Bag. 1-5 Our Native Herb Tec. 26e a Package rtiqs is the great Spring Bitters. • We are sole agents in Clinton forn The Penny Prist Cigar ett the best 5c cigar in Canada, Buy it. H. B. OOMBE . Chetnist and Druggist. Physicians' Supplies. BARGVNS SUGAR We have bergains mapy lfnes but from tkOW until and. includOg • Saturday, June Ord, we hold out • two special indncetnents in Sugar, as follows :- 4 lbe 35O Black or japan Tee and 22 lbs No. 1 Granulated Sugar 1$2 00 leo ihs Kitehen Queen Flour and 22 lbe No.1 Granulated, Sugar We keep nothing but good goods. 0. OLSON Rutter and Eggs wanted. • Oa" areseassess oda% COtt011 Mid 00401111, 11 sueessitelir need monthly be ever 0.40014dies. aste,ettectest. !mimetic sur draltist far Coles Wet Rot Coe d Waterloo street's, ha5, fine whits suffering from indloposiMon ths past They were obi ned to piey in the draw- A ace en p inisseens ere esseetest 244.. p. ner ke tie o et** all lInderierpnipastd t,ue bloesont Bonds), hitt% It week and Mita Ceeithreei Toonst) fog men. tee chit being. too cold for it bars rafeincon Tuesday of lob Baird ; !rte.-tee/m.4. W. lehitetenebiler. toxlehee 10 df4reeestroegor $11 polio NO. lama as the night, blooming toter -theme of hex clack lawn The hfrtfutat great week in which esr. George Bad had chairman or committee, 4. eleintosn. I sr s• stivilvdea nveng of Driee *Ad slro S hia, it belongs to the soma Another lot on Britannia road hal musical and elroeutionary meet a* quite his leg broken by being struck by the The membership fee is 25e, Special atteaeltereettetaereall She also e a ene, nom -nail been trirelisit, from the Oftriade Vigra io number of the little gnats could. re- purline plate which fen. term etb. practice nightsvTueriday, Thursday thoponsugo P Quiet eaptain, G. A. atrner: manager tn. of dHp Grimm which s poly Cox, Goderich town- I cite, being for the most little *re were isuir somewhat, t none so and Saturday. he boys are Open fee • isto, 0.m.2,101 I elm ointon Ardnay nairmxte. ithepi ci is also preparing to build. member* of the kiloton Banri.t aeriorratly r. Amp, challenges. Acmes. Drussist. IS . •