HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-23, Page 5JANLIAite z�xu rgo8--TNF BLYTH ,STANDARD • .PAGE PJva.
...masmanancomapansmarli W
Stock -taking
During Stocktaking we are offering special
reductions in ell lines of Children's and Ladies'
Children's Coate from $1 upwards.
Ladies' Coats from $4 upwards,
Ladies' Coate regular $11, sale price $7.50.
We are also offering great reductions on --
Men's and Boys'
Ready-made Clothing.
For a good black dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods.
Highest pries, pald for Farm Produoe.
See our prices on Dressed Poultry
s•►•e fill •a•Nets•e,s 4414 ,0641.1k, 64.••i,{s,t
•i.' e41t A•e e * s.a�i ��a'• ie
Ws are right in the midst of the
tie.,1 sry Thaw trial,
,EAST WAwANosn Council meets
otC Mdnday, February 3rd.
't'oiI)tTY Coencii meets neat Tues.
day aka p, m. in Goderich.
THE Auditors have finished their
work on the books of the Treasurer
ofthe,towh, Their report will be
presented at the next Council meet-
Nur Wednesday Wm. Campbell
wilt hold an auction sale at his
Mine, , consisting of household fur-
niture; etc.: fie iiiso offers his house
and 2,acres uf,land for sale,
WNDN travelling by the C, P. R,
pu'chrise your ticket at town ticket
office, All information as to rates,
time table and connections cheer-
fully furnished by J. McMurehie, C.
P, R. Bail and eteatuship agent,
A Liis? of 188 barristers hes been
added to those previously distill.
guished as "his majesty's counsel
learned in the law," Following are
those in Huron County whe can now
wear the silk Own and attach the
title of K. C. :-Edtnund L, Dickin-
son, Goderich ; Dadiey Holmes,
Winghsm ; Francis Holmstead, Sea.
forth, and Moses McFadden, crown
attorney, Sault Ste. Marie, a former
Grey township boy,
7'Rtt LEotsttTuRE.-The Ontario
Gazette euntaine the official proelam.
atlon convening the legislature for
Feb, 5 Monday, Feb, 17, will be
last day for presenting petitions for
private bills ; Monday, the 24th, for,
irntroducing private bills ; Friday,
March 6, for receiving reports of
committees on private bilis ; and no
public bilis to ntnend the Municipal
or Assessment, Act shall be in.
trodgced after Thursday, March 12,
government measures excepted,
I. "0: 0, F.' INSTALLATION, -On
Tumidity evening of this week S. A.
Popiesfone instalied the following
officers for Blyth Lodge, No, 366, L
0, 0, t+', -
_3. P. 0., 11. L. Haines,
N. (3., A, Robinson,
'R. S. N. G.. J. Weymouth,
S. N. U;, D. bloody,
Y. (3,, F. Anderson.
f`I. S: V. (., S. Westlake,
-L. S. V. 1,4.,'0. White.
Warden, B:,Sloan,
Conductor; G. Mains,
i; G„ J, Watson,
U, 0., W. l3egle,v,
R. S. S;,. D. Somers.
L. S.'S., D. DicArter,
Fin. Sec ,:o. E, Mo'i'aggart,
Ree See,,,R. M, McKay,
Treasurer, tss, Cutt.
After the officers were installed,
.speeches were .;made by the new
otltae holders, after which the meet.
ing Mused to meet at 3. Moor's res.
tau,rgnt where ;t tasty supper was
served. Ashort program of speech.
es, songs and choruses was given
after which the meeting broke up
by singing the National Anthem.
TRE Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
held a very successful sound evening
in Milne's Hall,
ILY.-The following appeared in the
Toronto daily papers last week,
refers to former residents of town :
Coal gas corning from an old htsh.
ioned kitchen range almost caused
the death of an entire family at
their home, in the rear of 54 Te-
cumseh street, on Sunday night, and
as it was they were just discovered
in time to save their lives. The
names of those who had such a nar-
row eseapo are : Geo. Smith, sr.,
aged 64 ; Mrs. Rebecca Smith aged
64 ; their two daughters, Lulu aged
21 and Blanche aged 19, and their
son George aged 24, The discov-
ery that the entire family was over.
come was made by Andrew Ballan-
tyne, son•in-law of Mr, Smith sr.,
who lives with his wife at 634 Wel.
lington street. 'J'he rear windows
of their horde overlook the rear
window of Smith's house, and every
morning the Smiths get up earlier
than Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne, ex.
cept on Monday's. Yesterday morn.
ing Mrs, Ballantyne rose about a
quarter to seven, and looking out
saw that the blinds in her father's
house were all drawn. She pre-
pared her husband's breakfast, and
as he was about to start for the
water works where he is employed,
she again looked at her father's
house and saw the blinds were still
drawn, and thinking that someone
was sick she asked her husband to
go and see what the matter was,
Mr. 13nliantyne went to the rear door
of the house and pounded it, but
could snake no one hear. 1[o finally
kicked in the door, and was met by
his sister-in-law, Mies Lulu Smith,
who had managed to crawl to the
vestibule door, She; had been up
several times during the night with
her younger sister, who was 111.
She was therefore not so badly over.
come as the rest of the family. She
informed Mr, Ballantyne that every.
one in the house had been poisoned.
Mr. Ballantyne rushed w the room
downstairs where the two girls sleep
and found Miss Blanche Smith un-
conscious in bed• He then ran up.
stairs and found his wife's father and
tnother in their room totally uncon.
scions, and their son in his room in
a like condition. He called to his
wife who hurried in and opened the
doors and windows, and Dr. M. 3,
Perkins and Dr, W. T. Williams,
both of Bathurst street, were sum-
moned. The five members of the
family were almost dead from the
poisonous fumes, and if it had not
been for their efforts the entire fam.
sly would undoubtedly have died,
They were sufficiently recovered
last evening to relate the story of
their escape, and were all visibly
affected by their adventure.
Tuts week 0. H, Beese expects it
car of pure small wheat hrnn,
. Tee Board of Directors of the
Library will meet at the library
Friday evening, Jan, 24th, at 8 p. In;
Ton Skating rink is all the go
these nights. Advanced vaudeville
acts are put on by the skaters though
hot advertised by the proprietors.
Tn. election in South Huron
yesterday, M, Y. McLean, Liberal
candidate, defeated the Conservative.
candidate, Henry Morten by a
majority of 134.
'1'ne C. P. R. trains were badly
delayed last week owing to the
snow storms,Thelate train hist
Wednesday did not get here till 4
o'clock Thursday morning owing to
being stuck in the drift east of Wal.
THE citizens of Blyth will be
sorry to hear that A. and 51ra. Mc-
Nally and son, Alvin, expect to
move away shortly to Newbridge,
near Fordwich, where the former
will purchase the store of II. Bowes,
Mr. Bowes takes over Mr. IdeNnlly's
property in Myth. Mr. McNally
has served as Councillor and is
Treasurer of St, Andrew's church.
They will both be greatly missed by
the people of Blyth, The ,village
will not be new to them as it is the
house of, Mrs. McNally, We join
with their !friends in wishing theta
received here on Monday tnornieg
that harry Kelly, formerly of'tblyth,
had died on Sunday in Vaughn,
Louisiana, and would be buried on
Monday et o'clock. Since then
word has come stating that he was
shot on Friday while acting as
peacemaker in 'a quarrel and his
murderer was shot and killed. Dir.
Kelly was married 10 a daughter of
John Brown, and Miss Lizzie Brown
only left a week ago to spend
two months visiting thein. She ar-
rived safe and sound and wrote
home stating all were well, No
other word or particulars have come
to hand as we go to press,
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will he received by the Council
of the Township of Mullett up to 2 p. m.
on Friday, the 21st of February, 1908, for
the erection of concrete abutrgente to
support two steel bridges, also for a es•
ment arch, 24 foot span.
At the HAM time and place tenders will
be received for the steel superstructure of
sald two bridges, length between abut.
menta being 82 feet and 24 feet and 14 teat
roadway. 'One of these bridges will bo
over the Maitland at Qufgley's anti the
other will be on Con. 12.13, opposite Lot 4.
The lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted,
Speoificstione for the concrete work can
be seen at the Clerk's office, Londeabor, ,
To United States Subscribers.
AFTER the 1st of February
all those who live 1n the
Cuffed States and have not
paid their subscription itt
advance, we must cut their
names from our list. if you
wish to continue on send
your money right away.
$1.50 pays for the paper
for one year,
We are paying the highest prices for
Turkeys, Geese, Duette, Chicks, Butter
and Eggs.
Grain checks paid atter bank hours,
Dlnsley Street • Blyth
Come to London!
To consult the specialists of the Tait.
Brows Optical Corpaay and have your
eye troubles corrected by a pair of prop-
erly fitted glaesu. We are Owen's eye-
sight experts in Canada who take all the
rssponeibitity of your syn from prescrib-
ing the correcting lentis to the making
of the slams complete on tie premises
237 Daadas St., • . Loads, Oat
Preacher's Opinions
Rey. P. K. McRae, Forks Baddeek,
C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to
recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies
to my pariIbiouers. 1 believe there
is nothing better for throat and lung
troubles or weakness or ruu•dowu vi -
ten. For speaker's sora throat I have
found Psyching very beneficial,"
Rev. W, A. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.:
"Psychlns seemed ,just the stimulant my
system aeeded. I stall add ray tentirnoa,f
as to its efficacy at every opportunity."
Rev. Ti. U, Browne, Amherst Head,
N.0,, "f have often recommended
Psychine since taking it myself, tar it
is a cure for the troubles you specify,"
Rev. Chas, Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I
have used Psyehlite in my family; the
results were marvelous. I have visited
people who state that they never !mil
its equal. 1 strongly recommend it.
Rev, J. S, I. Wilson, Markdale, Oat.:
"I Laic taken two bottles of Psychics
and am pleased to'say that I am greatly
improved iu health, I was troubled
with my throat, but now f find it about
restored to its normal condition. J
dud my work very much lees taxing,
I believe Psychics is all claimed for it,"
These are tartest preachers of the
gospel of Psyehine, They know where-
of they speak. Psycbiue cures all
throat, lung and stomach troubles, It
is a great voice strengthener, acting
directly on the vocal, respiratory and
digestive organs, thus specially adapted
to public speaker., At all druggists,
50c and $1.00, or Dr, T, A. Slocum, Ltd,,
TRU case of Reese vs Pigott was
adjourned till Feb, 3rd.
ASUNATION,-Art examination dud -
lar to the old public school leaving
examination, called public school
graduation has been established by
the department of education. The
first examination will he held in
June, 1908. The subjects for this
examination shall be these of the
lower school of the high school given
on pages 68.68 of the regulations of
the education department of 1905, a
copy of which may be obtained from
the education department, Toronto.
This examination will, with the eon.
sent of the county council, be held
et the same time and places as the
high school entrance, The subjects
of examination are arithtnetic and
mensuration, algebra and geometry,
grammar, .English composition, his-
tory, literature, geography, spelling,
book-keeping, elementary science
and art -11 papers. This will give
the fifth form pupils definite work to
prepare and a uniform test of the
knowledge of the work. The se-
curing ofa public school graduation
certificate will be a guarantee that
the holder has a practical education,
and should be of value 10 him in se-
curing a position in any commercial
establishment. This examination
should bo welcomed by the teachers
and students of continuation and
fifth class schools, and create a
greater interest in the fifth form
To Our Readers.
We have come to a point in our
business at which we require before
the lbth of Fei;raary, nearly one
hundred and fifty dollars, andwe
ask alt our readers to help us as soon
as possible by renewing for Tie
STANDARD and paying all arrearnges
as this will tide us over successfully
and give us a good chance to make
this paper a success in every depart•
aletit. We earnestly ask you to
send the money es soon as you can,
"A favor done quickly la a favor
done twice."
"The man to whom a thousand owe
Bach one hie small amount
is oft distressed, for these small bills
A noble sum do count."
We have hundreds of smalls bilis
out ranging from 50e to $25.00;
and every one of them is important
to us. They altogether "a noble
sun do count." Don't keep your
share back,
For subscriptions of course n
smaller payment is acceptable if it
does not suit you to pay the total
amain. now ; but we earnestly ask
y' -u lo let us have at least one
year's tines now. The label on your
piper will tell you what yon are
Yours very truly,
Presbytery of Huron met in Clin-
ton on Tuesday of this week. The
ordinary routine of business was
Rev, Mr. Sluall has begun it series
of sermons e.nii ltd "In the
Sli'ulow of the Cross." This .series
will be glven'nt the morning service
and continued (,D, V,) until Easter.
nly Three
Days Left
The Big Sale has only until
Saturday, January 25th
Bargain Overcoats
$7.00 Overcoat for $5.95.
7,50 " 0, 38.
8,50 " 7.23,
9,00 7.00,
10.00 " 8.50.
Men's Suits $3.00
Only 13 Men's Suits left of tills job
line, sires 30, 87, 38, at only it sub 13.00
Mon's Suits $5.00
23 Suits at nearly half price, many
worth e10.00, while they last per snit
15 per cent off Boys' New
15 per cent off Men's New
to per cent off Men's Over-
alls and Pants,
$75,00 Coon Coats for $55.00
70 00 ' • 30 00
60,00 , " 49.00
826.00 Men's Saskatchewan Lined Coat
for 818,00,
890.00 Men's Hamster Lined Coat 824.
Children's Coats nearly less
than half price and away be-
low cost.
$1.05 Children's Coats for $125
2,15 " 2.50
2.65 " „ 2.00
8, 5n
Job Line for $2.o0
Misses' Coats nearly half price
$3.00 Misses' Cont. for $i,50
4.00 „ 2.00
9.75 2.211
4.00 2,50
4.50 " 8,00
2,00 " 3.70
$4.00 Job Line for $2.00
3.00 ' 2.75
$22.50 Black Dog Coat for. .,...,,$1C,50
875.10 Men's Fir Lined Coals...,$53.c0
60,00 " " ,.., 411,00
825.00 Corsican Lamb Cdat for, , .419.00
887.50 Men's Dyed WombatCoat,$30.t00
No goods punched on tickets. No goods returnable
Pop1oton o a�r ince
Terms, produce or cash. = BLYTH
GROCERIES._......► A !Mu kept
Woodenware, Meats and Flour --Five Star,
Best Manitoba and Choice Family.
1 ant now handling Coal Oil, hiving a perfect measuring tank with government
seal, Give us a call. (foods delivered.
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
26o to Cure Your Cough
Bole's Preparation of Priar'a Cough Balsam
comes in such a big bottle -and the prescription
from which it is made is such an excellent ono
-that one bottle cures most coughs,
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
costa only 25c a bottle. Yuur dealer hes it or can ensile get it for you.
See that he does. It is BOLE'S PREPARATION you want -tie cough
cute that cures coughs. 37
The subject last, Sunday morning
was "Gethsemane."
The convention of the Y. 81. C. A.
in Clinton this evening and 10 iner-
row promises to be very interesting
-and instructive.
Friday, February 7th, 1908
Friday, March oth, - 19oS
Friday, April 3rd, - 1908
All the leading horse and cattle buyers
are apestatly invited to attend. Let
everybody come. Welcome to all.
A. W. SLOAN, Prealdent.
WM. JACKSON, Vice Predtdent.
J. LESLIE KERR, Seoratory,
How Christmas steals upon a
pees 11. 'P1101011 be Roast 'l'w••
trey, Plum .Puddin) and Cake
and, Santa .Claus abnast louse
we know R. And there'll' In,
Dunce Pies and Christmas CA kr
plenty tbo. Now we out supply
you with your heeds for your
Xmas Baking
Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs,
Peels and Nuts, ell new boo,
Also Freth Mine i pt -package
or bulk,and we. it ea hill 11 yk
of Oan tea, Nuts all '1\ MINI, `'i
We keep a fall line of t`a
China', suitable for Chi Winos
• Presents.