HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-18, Page 10r • .
The llouseturnishing
Question .
Mies Clara Clopp of Tevistoek, who istrUdeehore.
WAS here brat week to attend the niacin
era' **invention, was the guest of the
MileleitTwItchell riser Sunday.
OP far en it luelndee W'all Paper, Our- -
tan Polee and Shedee ende its knOat COUntY
favorable solution in our store. The
satisfaction obtnined by buying here is
contagious, Mies spread. Many peo-
ple hoore eyinced to us how deep the
• feeling L. Qur lines of 'Wall Hangings
*tent and ten cent e have been a revela-
tion to many who never believed it
possible to produce ail effect Of such
beauty and general excellence for the
money spent.. They are really remark-
able at the price and have that "Inst
,..right" appea•raoce which makes home
attractive and inviting. They are only
.one of the unusual values that prevail
• throughout our home furnishing de-
pantinents. Our 2e Pole in Oak,
Mahogany' and Walnut is much 'better
finished than we ever had before, with
'either braes or wood trimming. Our
high class goods are proportionately
cheap. Goed values are what we ever
ary to preseut to you. With prudent
buyers our price is seldom an objection.
We nurke a profit but it is an holiest
one, such a proilt as makes true our
claim ,
to be "Often the Cheapest" and
nAlvenys the Best," When we sell we
try t� make it an invitation for you to
come -again and buy. We Asir the
favor of your trial.
noon nn 014eapest, 4litvaytelteBesS,
Lowleaboiro is too import4int *centre
to be unrepresented in the columns of
THU NOWe-Ritooma which contains ini
Steam Roller.
-..-- Much bright and breezy correspon-
dence from the towno, villager* and
' It bag been euggestod by a menaber towns -hip, in thaeountl. we take up
of one of our municipal councils that the perntherefoream behalf of our yin
the county cowmen ehould be reveated_ _ lege and by our humble efforts bope to
to purchases?, ateam rollor for t e IT: make Talb PeoPten'EnnEttincreatinn-
provement at the roade through....,1., popuhur among our people. We
the county. . The price, SAY,Ethbut two laiave no doubt but that the outliner of
thousand dollare, is too greet for *toy
one of the smaller bodies to assume eubscribere will be increased here as
our citizen* are becuMing better ac-
whele it would be A mere bagatelle quainted with its vim and trustworthi-
upon the whole. The proposition la
that each Onmicipalitr . requiring the 11,58. -Mr. Samuel Woodman will ped.
1. 4Ie Meat in Olin ton no mor,e as the
nee of the Oiler payfey as 8° nItle4' 1101 butcher, who Ina4o tripe to
per day. It would seem in the long this village, has diecontinued them.
run a geed investment ig the O. O's can He only went to town to even up as it
be inducetl to look at it in that light. were,.. -A. company or swiss Bell
W Fair. Co,
4genes Parker's. PY0 frorks.
• New A dvertisem.ents..
Tour liousc-Oleaning-P. B. Crews
• How to Hang Pletures-W. Cooper 8s Co 1
•This Week's Bargains-Hodgens Bros... .....
Pedut Your House -Harland Bros 5
St. Leon Water --Sidney .Tackson. . 5
24th Demonstration Program -The Com 6
Tenders Wanted -4. P. Doherty 8
Telephone Operator Wanted-J.B. Rumball8
Tenders Wanted -J. P. Doherty..... ..... . .. 13
Housefurnishiog Question-W.D,Fair Co.., 8
Departmental Store -Jackson Bods . . .... . . ,8
Screen Doors -W. Smithson • 8
About *
U0000003CIOCit.10000 W e now
Mr. 'EL E. iledgens was in Toronto
this week.
Mr. Harry Fitzsimons, Seaforth, was
home -Sunday.
Dr. McKelvey of Brussels wee in Olin-
- too on Monday. •
Mr. James Young of Seaforth was iin
town on Sunday.,
Mr. S. H. Gisiley of Blyth was in town
one day last week.
Miss Blanche McKeown of Auburn
spent Sunday at home.
i . „
Miss S. Cook s spending the -week
with ftiends in Hensel.
Mrs. Charles Bezzo is the guest of
Goderich friends this week.
Mrs. Blatchford of •Elora is the guest
of her mother, Mts. Graham
Mies Emma Doan returned to Detroit -
on Wednesday Of last week.
Miss Gordon of Constance is the guest
of her sister, Miss R. Gordon. .
Miss May McCreath of Goderich spent
Sunday with Clinton friends. ,.
Mr. H. Ransford of Seaforth spent
Sunday under the parental roof.
Mr. W. E. Costello, G. T. R. Train
Master, was in Clinton on Monday.
Miss McCullagh of Seaforth is the
guest or Misses A. Howe and G.Sage.
Mrs. D. Cook, Jr.,returned yesterday
from a week's visit with Nile friends.
Dr.:and Mrs. Blackall and familydrove
to Mitchell on Sunday. to attend a
funeral. '
Jeliss Ernma Rathwell is spending a
few days at Mr. Jos. Robinson's of
The Rev. J. W. • Hodgens and Mrs.
Hodgens of Seaforth spent Monday
ab the Rectory.
. Miss ROSA Cunningham left Saturday
for Detroit where she will visit for a
couple of months.
Misses Maud and Winnie Goodanin-will-
take part in a concert in Mitchell the
forepart of next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Potts and family
spent Sundt,* with aelatives in the
township of MeKillop.
Mr. William Downs syisits Hamilton
and Toronto this week. He may
locate in one °Mose cities.
Miss Brownlee expects to leave on Fri-
day or -Saturday for flamilton, and
her sister, Mrs. Bay, for her home in
Messrs. Smith Kitty and Ed, -Foster
spent a few days of last week as the
guest of Mr. Thomas Farquhar and
other Hillsgreen friends. -
Rev. E. B. Smith returned to Clinton
on Saturday after spending a few
days with friends in and "round
Woodstock and Morpeth.
Mr. Powell of Wingharn, late teacher
in Goderich township, enjoyed the
hospitality of friends in town and
township Saturday and Sunday.
Mt. Sas. Tait, 0. R., and Mr. Thos.
Burrows, R. S., Goderich, were in
town Sunday and joined the breth-
ren of Court (Hinton in their church
parade. •
Miss Mabel Annie, who has been visit-
ing for some time at Mrs. Washing-
ton's, Rattenbury street, returns to-
morrow to her hoine in Port Pluton.
Miss Maud Rorke, who has been visit-
ing herbrothers, Messrs. George and
Hugh Rorke for 40133e time, returned
to her home in Meaford on Sattirday.
Mr. Sohn Rea:Word was in Goderich on
Monday and informs Trot Name -Viso.
ono that the firm of R. & J. Rana.
ford has leased and will operate the
Chemical salt works of that town.
Mr. Robert McLean of Goderich spent
an hour in the Hub on Monday while
waiting for railway connection. Ile
was on his way home from Montreal
whither he had gene with e carload
of heavy horses consigned to the Old
Country market.
Reeve Carter'of Myth was in town the
other clay catiferring with Rome of
, our councillors in negard te the pur. Ing Mende in this ° vicinity. -
chase of a atone crusher. Eib inter. Mr. j. : Watts of lifirlock ripen
est in the matter, apparently; lay In Sunday With Mende here.
trying to stave off is pulphase by
Clinton for this benefit ol-a, lilyth "last ligaWart0fib.
citizen who thinks ef doing so.
Mr. W. Ten'ocktill, O. P. R. travelling Mr. 3. P. Tom X. P. S. paid his sere
Pawing" Agent' was in WWII II"' . annual 'lett to the schools' in this (11
any . and Tueedat If within fift
-- ---- -4' trict lad Week, --Mr. and Mrs. Ito
miles of the flub e makes a point of of /mot viaited ab mrs 3. Dow's ial
coming up. to spend the evening - week. - The teueher and pupi
with the COMPanyls representative of S. S. No. 11 are preparing a 'sr
here. It has been said they are two
tl a kind' meaning 4 genial. happy Warrattino "Ili itierxtenntePl"cordpaitla Ilan:
pair. ' tation to all interested 'parties t
,• Ringers gave an entertainment here
one eveumg last week under the atm -
' pices of the 0, O. F. The audience was
large and apparently wellsatisfieclwith
A vote nee been ' taken to build a the prograin.---Dr. T. j, Walker, who
Presbyterian church in Varna and cars practised for ten yearn here AO a vet
ried with a large majority, and the and in the States for some time as well,
sutiscrintioxi list totals up very well but Is now in his third Year's course
also. Varna is improving rapidly the for M. D., is *resisting Dr, MecOallum
last year or two. --The Methodist par- (luring the long rarations_A shoe -
soilage_ stands complete except the maker ought to make good wages here
plastering and painting which are now 0.11a so sbould a hainessonaker, but it
going on. Lloyd Bros., Seaforth, have would be better still if somebody would
the contra,cb of painting it. It pres- locate in the village who understands
ents eatery showy appearance and no both trndes and was equally at home
doubt great•credit is due to Mr. S. S. at patching shoes or mending harness.
Cooper, Clinton, the contractor.-- -Mr. Thos. Millen just adjoining'
Miss Maud Moffat has started to take town,has pulled down the old house
vocal music from Madame Wall, Olin- and is having a new one of brick built
ton. -Mrs. Jas. Barnwell accornpan- McGill and .Cowan of Galt are the car -
led by her mother, Mrs. R. Young, 'has penters Mid Theo. Crawford of the
been visiting at Mr. J,HarnwelPs this
J. Wile, burg the mason. These men
week. --Messrs. Thos. Elliott and
have the reputation of doing good
Sparrow have taken a trip to Walpole work,-:-Thet Sons of England will at.
island with the intention of bringing tend divine worship in the Methodist
home some Indian ponies. -The gin church at 11 o'clock •next Sunday
worth League hold their monthly Lit- morninVafter which they will. dine at
erary meeting next .Wednesday and a the Hill hotel. Members ofthe Order are
good program is now . being proper- expected from Clinton, Godei nab, Ben.
ed to make it the best yet. --Mr. 011 miller, and Blyth. There are S. 0, E's
ver Keyes wheeled down to his brother but no lodge at the latter place. ---Mn.
Mr. Fred. Keyes of Chiselhurst last Jos. Riley bas gone to Sanford to en -
Saturday and track Monday. • ter the hotel business there so the Or -
MA.Y 18, lEM9
Goderich Township.
angs Lodge will have to elect another
Master. This lodge is, as a villager re-
marked the other day, one of the
Jackson ros.
I/ In
The celebration. in Clinton on the 24th will be, as it always is, a big one and a
great program is offered. Large crowds are expected, from all parts at the country.
All visitors will be well looked after. Ilundreds of people will be buying something
new• for this day, and want to oall, attention to our wonderful selection of Clothing
r and Furnishings. We buy and sell for cash. Our large Cash discounts enable us to
offer goods at prices than most people give and. it will pay to deal here. It must ap-
peal to every thinking buyer that our large business could. not have been worked 4
up by selling goods too high in price . .
brightest in West Huron: Its banner
Mr. Williain Turner of tbe Bayfield boat about one -hundred dollars. Though
line is a hustler at the lime burning. its past ,ruasters included such stal-
He has burned two kilns already and is wart True Blues as George Ruddell
ready for another. He has a ready sale and Matt Mains there are so massy in
for it. • its ranks of another political persua-
Mr. and -Mrs. McCool of Clinton were •sion that it is sometimes called the
the guests of Mr. EdwardRathwell last "Grit" Lodge. Let it be named what
Sunday. ever it may be, it is prosperous and do -
Mr. John McLay of Grey township hag a good. work for as is well-known
was down on Sunday to see a friend. • the man who takes the Orange obliga.
It looks like business as he often comes bleu arid lives un to it is in consequence
this way. a broader -minded and better citizen of
Tbe people of thisneighborbood have our common courttry.-The Grange
caught lots of stickers this spring. still does business at the old stand and
The crops in this neighborhood are ' is the third strongest branch in the
looking very good and the spring Dominion. ' In the golden days . tit the
grain is o. k. institution, the Londesboro Lodge was
Mr. Edward Rathwell intends raising the largest in. the whole country.
his barn in a week or so. Mr. Thomas Mr. Ashbury of Blyth has two mares
Walker of Clinton has the job of the each of which gave birth to twins this
stonework, and it will be done Well. spring. • Both were bred to Napoleon
Toni always gives satisfaction. 2nd owned by lin John Potter of
Mr. George Graham left last week on Blyth. We believe this beats all pre -
a visit to members of ads family who roue records. Certainly it is a very
reside -in Senlac county, • Michigan. unusual occurrence. -Court Londes-
Mr. Grahem is in his 82nd year, but 'bora 0.0.F.and its sister Court at Olin -
hale and hearty, still it is unusual for a ton have had a pretty race for the lead
man of his years to undertake so long a
journey alone.. He is one ' of the pio-
neers of the township.
Owners of orchards -should. examine
their trees for caterpillar's' nests which
are only too abundant at this season of
the year.
Mr. Atthur Cantelon has just com-
pleted the mason work eta new house
for I/avid Wright of the Base line. Mr.
Charles Lovett of that same section is
also adding a new kitchen to his house.
Mr. John 0. Elliott had one of his
steers get its leg broken while in the
pasture field the other day, •
Mrs. Henry- Cook of the Oth conces-
sion, who bad her wrist broken several
weeks ago, is gaining in strength and
will soon have the use of that . arm
• Mr. James Graham, of the eleventh
concession, had a barn ra,ising on
Tuesday. The captains were Guy
Hicks and .T. Wigginton, the latter
Mr. -Jahn 0. Elliott was scarcely
able to move about for a few days of -
the 'wit week owing to a savage bunt
by his Leceister ram. The animal is a.
two -hundred pounder and struck Mr.
•Elliott upon the thigh which is in con-
sequence bruised and sore.
• West Tnekerinnith.
, • inrvermwommor - .
Mr. Charles Cinch is able to be about
but is not quite out of danger yet.
We were sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Mr. Duncan Ashton in Sea -
forth :• His many friends in the section
are hoping to hear of a change for the,
better. ----Mr. Harold Pewter of Ran,
purhey spent a couple of days the past
week with his old chum, Mr. Walter
Layton. --,---Mr. Roger Pepper has in-
vested in a Cream Separator purchased
from Mr. Bobier of Exeter. -The
quarterly official board for this Circuit
met on Thursday evening lent -
Tuckersmith and Stanley townships
have the Grader at work on the London
Road cutting off the sides and improv-
ing it in general. This is considered
one of the best reader in the county and
'the councils are bound to keep it up to
the standard. --The farmers in this
part are busy this week getting their
peas sowed. -Mrs. George Stanbury
of the London Road very acceptably
addressed the Epworth League on Sun-
day evening last. -Mr. W. Stevens
and sister visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Oudinore last Sunday. -The public
schools of this township were closed on
Thursday and Friday last in order that
the teachers might attend the conven-
tion in Clinton.. -Miss Fannie Mini%
the popular teacher of No. 8,, was th
guest of Mts. George Staribury over
Sundays -Mr. W. W hits has return-
ed from London' where he *esteeming
engineering. He has the papers ahd is
now open for engagement..
The corner stone for the new church
will be laid in the afternoon of May
24th, A. tea-tneeting will be given in
the evening, a grand program is being
prepared. --Rev. 111r. Murray of
Kincardine took charge of Mr. Rail's
servicemen Sunday Fero
guile% is at present visiting friends at
Belgrave.--Dr. and Mrs. Agnew of
Onaton ent a few da lint
Iii membership and though- the lat-
ter is now slightly ahead it will likely,
enough be overhauled again. A mem-
bership of 141 in a village of the size of
Londesboro is •doing very . weln but
there is an abundance of promising
rnaterial in the adjacent townships to
work on yet. ---The butter factory
started the season's operations last
week. -Landlord Hill has mastered a
bike. It was hard work but he was
persistent and got the mastery over the
cranky wheels, or What appear to be 80
to the beginner. -Mr. lobo Denholm
shipped two carloads of hay to Leam-
ington la,st Friday, which seems about
as odd as sending coals to Newcastle or
sarsaparilla to Lowell, a/Cass. What
does Leamington want with hay at
this season of the year? Mr. Denhohn
has also been shipping this same class
of fodder to New Jersey. ----Mi. Jelin
Lasham is a regular encyclopaedia of
local lore. He has been here forty
yearn or more, but long since was able
to retire to live "at mine ease." He
owned the hotel here for nine years,
in the palmy teaming days, and was
succeeded by Mr. John Bell, now of
Clinton, who conducted it tor full
twenty-one years. It is said braid re -
'indents that the house under both man-
agements was a credit to the place.
Since leaving the hotel Mr. Lash= has
dabbled in real estate and other sinew
lotions out- of -which- his 'elineWdriesi
has enabled him to gather a handsome
competence. At times he has; in com-
pany with Mr. Bell, owned fifteen hun-
dred acres of land in this county, which
they have now mostly disposed of.
But Mr. Lash= still owns fifteen hun-
dred acres in Southern Manitoba in the
vicinity of Crystal City, Pilot: Mound
and Manitou. Personally he is one of
the most genial of men and iS very
popular in this section. For twenty-
two years he was a member of Mullett
township council and in all probability
would have been there yet had he not
Voluntarily retired, Mr. Laeham's
politics are well known. In the early
days Tories were scarce hereabouts and
the first tince he cast his vote -there
were no ballots then -he was the only
Censer vatiye in the division, That isnot
the state of affairs to -day, not by any
means ----Agent Jeffrey of the L. H.&
B. has been added to the' list of bless -
diets. His wheel is high both in gear
and in price and on the good roads
hereabouts Mr. Jeffrey may deyelop
into a scorcher. --Mr. T. W. Parkner
is able to report an increasing businese
in tailoring and gents' furnishings. This
is the result of doing good work and cart
rying good goods. Both wear well and
are business makers.
The Epworth League met on Monday
evening at the Utillai hour with a good
attendance. The !subject, "God's Cov.
enant and ours" was taken by Mr. W.
Lyen, after which an essay on "Our re-
slaonsibility" was given by Mr. Henry
Lennox. A. short business meeting
was then held at the close of the meet-
ing at which Miss Mary Lyons' resigna-
tion as superintendent of the Junior
League was accepted, and Mini L.Brig-
ham was elected'auperintendent. The
subject for next Monday night is "The
Gift of Power" to be taken by Mies
Maud Andrews. Rev. James Vermont%
ioniser pattorswillpreack to the Sons
of England text Sunday morning at 1.1.
o'clockand in the evening at 7 o'clock
on behalf of the anniversary in coribec-
Mon with thi laying -of the dornerstone
of the new church. There was some
talk of having a tea on the following
Monday, the 22nd, but under the preto
ent circurinitances it was thOuglat bet -
Ln have a free.will offering on Sun.
day evening and in this way dispenee
is with a tea -meeting. Come one and all
s. and hearhtr.Ferguson.-Quiteanumber
y gym here attended the service in con-
t. nation with the re•Opening of the Me.
Is thodiet church on Sunday. -.There will
O. be a meeting of the officers of the Me.
Itr. A. 0. PAttuon 11: n. agent, be preeent at 1.86 o' Iock p. 'harp
wituteken quite on Tuesday but
we are glad10!earn that he ib nnw
much better. The garnet A. O. hes
been euch a fixture at the etation
that his alittenee even for a day or
WO is quite noticeable, but he Isms
stichu; courteous and efficient staff
that he need give no ecoverria to bud.
nes, it will go on all right. •
Mho Janet Spit who has been
spending the past few eeks *Rh her
emit Mrs., 3. A. Men , returned to
her home in Morrie th Week. -Mr.
Chimney of Listowel pent Saturday
and Sunday with Me on the Oth.-
-R. 3. Reid's sale I k wire WWI
eas*oded.and the pole for *took
wee n‘n.
thodpit thtirch on Thursday evening -
next to corisult the advisability of hint-
ing •Londesboro made aft independent
cIrctilt.attaching Milburn to some oth-
er appointment. --Rev. Mr. Hamilton
preached in Blyth on Sunday. --Per.
stomas. -Mies Pearl Andrews visited
Miss Ma Wilken of Clinton for a few
days last.week..-Miert Lou Oubliette
is home from London owing to ill
healte.--Quitea number from here
Atto-ndirli the funeral of Mr. Omelettes
raw Blyth on Monday. -Mr, H, IL
• S RT$...
E Sweaters.
.r... Our $1 OxfOrd
We will press Into stock this week the latest in For,Ladies,is being asked for every day, and the
. e s y es are new an e design exc pme.
• value does tt. They are not equalled by any house in the =alga
' NeckwearTh 1 1 e d th 1
Price 25c. 35c and 50c trade, and they 1111115t be good because the sale is lirge. --..
. P .> • ...in''.
Doubtful Buyers
. .....
Sh.ould hear what a great many people say about our
. Boys* otailtairsras. 1,000°1 shoes.
ii.d• A..' .199 .G. 1- 1 •
We have a line of Shirts and Drawers at 25 otsn Price $1, $1.25, and $1.50.
which are wonderful for.the Miley. We bought large_ .
quantities at a low price-fortirdr,std have tbe same for
Repairing Promptly Attended Too. a°
above low price. • .._ ......
Shirt Stock;
• Oramenor Dilemma. Those who nopre-
cinte perfection of fit rend good workman-
ship find our special designs and fashion of
Shirts "Ahead of Date" and altogether
desirable. .
. Our Selettion is very large and our Prices
very low. Oar 50e Shirt, collar attached,
new parttetns; is a marvel. for the money. ,
• Our tine goods are Welsh, Margilsen &
Co.'s English shirts and they appeal to pno-
ple who desire semethiog extra good. We
are the only people in this Section handling
noise goods
Our 50e White Shirt, iunlaundried, is
better thau ever. • They sell well and they
give great satisfaction. In sizes 12 to 18.
Our Shoe Department
Is like a river -always moving, and there is a reason a
• •for it. We are constantly
claiming that we are sell- •4
ing No. 1 goods at, prices
that are asked for very 4
' much inferior goods and -•
ik:Ak, 4
.tbe .pablie.are .D0t.,s1ow-• to realize that this is it solid 'fact,
Tuis departmentia-Under no expense and can afforell
We. are making
• • eine a noise still about the "Creole" shoe for .men, We do so
• because it roll stand It No shoe will give better wear, arid no shoe is
having such a run as this one. Clue „price is $2 00 ' here, but other _40
places in the country ask $2,50 for it. It is worth seeing.
The "Heir Shoes
for Ladies
• Our selection:LI complete. The goods are the finest
Are in great demand"jast now. Our stock is .comq, in Clinton, and the'eales are larger. ,It shows that fine' --46
Flcte. Our styles are exclusive. Our prices arb very goods are appreciatbd. There are a great many nevv ideas
ow. We can give you all sizes. in this line ofgoocla.
ew Neckwear.
x-7. Summer
acksoft Bro.
..ne. cam Bealers, .Clinton.
Fair and Misr; Kirk • attended tho.
teachers' convention held iu Clinton
last week. --Geos Bradford of Salts
ford visited at Mr. Wm.Riley's on Sun-
day.--Mr.`Alf. 13e11 met witb an acci-
dent on Sunday, while wheeling. and
had to have Dr. MacOalluria's attend-
ance, He received some very bad
bruises. --Mr. John Broridson made a
business trip to Hansen. on Monday.-
& Lasham got in a large quail-
aity of cattle on Monday and bave a
lot more to come in soon. They are,
among the best • buyers here. -On
Thursday of last week Mr. Walter Rid-
dell of Londesboro and Mrs, Warnerof
Manitoba left here for Tara to visit
their sister who is very ill. ----Miss Et- •
to, Johnston of London, a former School
teacher of No, 8, Hullett, visited blends
here for -a -few days. '-She-left-ini Mon;
tlay evening for her home in Wingharn.
Mr. Johnston of Goderich is visit -
leg frienda here. He has been on the
sick list, but is improving. -G.
Snell and T. W. Parlmer made a busi-
ness trip to. Blyth on Fridays --Mr.
Richard Wallace leaves here on Thurs-
day for Whitemouth where he has ac-
-cepted a situation as head sawyer in a
large saw mill. --Mr. Wm. Wallace is
home from Clinton where he has been
working for some times ---Our tailor,
Me. T. W. rammer, has secured Mr.
Johnston of Goderich to help him as he
is very busy. --Our Dr, is busy vac-
cinating the children of the- different
schools an Hullett township. -air.
Arthur Smith will return to his duties
at Simcoe in a short times --Mr. Thos.
H. Cole's threshing engine will be here
in infew days. It is a first class engine,
one of Sawyer & Massey's hest make and
is 18herse power. -One of -.Mr. M.
Braithwaite's horses died owing to the
hot weather it is supposed.---Theren
will be a sermon preached tO the Can.
adian Order of Foresters here on the
18th of June by Rev. Mr. Andrews. -
Mr. Geo, Niniroills, who was hurt by a
falling timber while working at Mr.
Manning's barn, will soon be able to re.
some Ins duties again; We are pleased
to hear of him improving so well. --
While Mr. James Hill Was driving
along the road on Monday morning
the horse became frightened and got
unmanageable and broke the buggy
pretty badly, while the horse received
some very bad scratches. --Mr. Webb
is busy getting out the timber for his
new dclin
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be received by the underregned
UP to LSO p. m. on Friday, May lie. for Booth
Privilegea in Recreation Park On May 211h.
I. P.DOIIILtITZ Sceretary.
Clinton, May 18111.
Tenders Viranted,
• Twirlers will be received by -the undersigned.
• Up to 7.30 o'clock pan. on Friday, May 12th. for
the erection of a Platform and Grand Stand
ht recreation Park for May 241h. Tenders
to include the removal of same after that date.
•J. P. DOHERTY, Secretary.
Clint" May lath.
Wanted. 0 at 33,00.
.8. smart be or girl wanted at on 'tO learn
the telephone opereting. X IttlIVIDiain.
Clinton May teth.
Screen Doors.
'When yeti hiConghthigt toWn *11 round
barrow% eW.nd n Doors.
Moto% Mar 170. Ontario ittreria
you Will stil this the 111064 Kroll for
BMW lardetregoto Ladder Chair* heel -
A&A4LU4h 444 444 44L4L aliasu mita
Sailors, Parasols, Shirt Waists,. Fancy Neckwear are sure to
be in great demand for the 24th, nearly everybody will want
something n9w for the holiday. We have just opened some
late novelties in Fancy Dry Goods, .lines that are correct- in _
-style and -just what's wanted 'by ladies who like to wear what
is new up-to•date. ,
Latest New York Shapes in Sailors, 50c. $1.00,41.50
New Pattenis :la Styles in Shirt Waists, SIAM $1.25
NOyelties in Fancy Neck Wear for Ladies
You are always welcome to look at new goods here. They are
here for your inspection. Whether to buy or not is for you to
say, in any case we are always glad to show them.
New Sailors. .
There is always something new to be seen in our Mil-
linery Department. We keep in touch with the markets;
noyelties as they appear.quickly find their way here. You
might visit the showroom every week and you would find
something different every time. Goods moving out continu-
ously means new ones coming all the time to lake their place.
• Sailors we've
This week we have opened some Of the no es
shown this season.
Ladies' Senors, new shepes, rough straw, niack bath .. 50e
Nine York sbe.pes in Sailors, limey white' rustle straw, IL.00
tint bind .....,
West Biomes it; Amerioan Sonora, heaver, svhite Arnie ., „A
strew, narrow brim, bin* bandits% very trilby hatiasv
Not in Sailors alone are We showing new goods, but Flowers,
Shaped Eats and Fancy Trim:kings in latest summer novel-
ties have passed into stock this week.
......„...„1-.: ... '''' '
*.is.'.' •
The .
Dainty White Niuslins
Mint° White Muslins promise to be
Something more -popular this seaonilian
r catibltanraebeb,Ye for a long time. With warm
finremerTains, weather there will come a big
with kgboted nietlta.
idae:natiaritafoorrg tom. . We have
. . •
weebea whenever moiled. Da o k Crown opened some dainty mates,
tut is deteolieble alld 044 btee:fankge:WO:ainted
qualities at reasonable prices. "
Special Value in
Ladles' Vests 82 inch white
44,thirnatha .11.n.e. V. ......... Lawn, erenigig
Ladies' Itygeien Ribbed 'Vesta, fine 84 inch extra fine white Indio Mai.
(swan yarn, open burnt end long,,,..., , ty Anglin, fine oord effeots, ripe- etit, I
sleeve 170147/ daily suntans for wank... ..... ken;
cord effacers ............ 18o and. Xifri
'indent end children e wear. fine AA.,
opArinamitIrline to bend, just the thing. for
A big assort-
ment and all
new, all this -
season's best
styles. We have
not a last year's waist in the
store to close out at halfprice,
but an elaborate showing of
Cotton Shirt Waists, compris-
ing all the latest novelties in
figures, zephyrs, lawns,sateens,
percales, etc.
Fancy stripe print Shirt
pink, bine and cadet stripes on
white nround and dark faneY
plaianleteat 'style, with detachable kait
collar the BIM Mk the goods...-.
'rine zephyr Shirt Weisto,pink,greee,
blue stripes running round,detsch. gA
able °ottani.. ..... ; . • .. • 111"7
Vine Cambric, pink, blue, heliotrope
striper on white ground, bits yob
stripe running round *it. • * • *
Pine yield fie byre, made o
blue, pink, b aek and white
• ralfliibi'eqm241 wish letir " 1.10
Bargains in erash.11ats
The 1".4P"afatiu'lfCoo& lints you 1eve h ttiio•
Ira neweet ellepee and colors atpriesiea6
is good aim then regular.
Boys' tine Ore& gets, new shapes, a
good °bolos of oolors, regular val25e
use alie to 46c
140DGENS BROS. trotrters eintOn