HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-18, Page 7•••• I ' • • . eta 4.• EMT OF BEM, at Huron Where • •*it. IL4eou Water fresh from the St. Leon 1 springs in Quebec.. It comes • to us as it comes from the i i rock. • • . Nature , • : has in innumerable ways , . . si provided for therequirernents ; • . as of the human system.' One o • • s ofher provisions is the great • • e• • Natural Realer, St. Leon 1 : Alineral Water. St. Leon is it • unequalled. It has remark- ° • • able currtive properties. It i i ., . * . so s •recommended by phys). le • cianfi for Dyspepsia or Indi- • Potion, 'Impure Blood iliac- . •tiou af &Taff, Kidney •or ' Liver. ,. • , . - For dyspepsia take after •• meals. For gentle cathartie take hot before breakfast and upon retiring. kgal. bottles 1 300 •and' we give . i Oc for : every empty bottle returned. e• Towshtpot Stenley. Parliament, 14.4.1•104 ••••• A ' Court, of Revialon will be held in the Township Msal, Ver114. Olt Monday. Hey 90th, I 1$00. et the hour of V *look. ei. in. tot the pv; =iffagbitianrili r the AcreaaPtat %teal/rale Townsuip ot ietateey for tbe preseut Year, Ah - panes interested wie plass. Lake notice I T. CAIRN% Clerk • ot the Municipalite. o 1 Tema, Mir 9th. . II Offillif OF REVISION • • • • • • - . SYDNElf JACKS011 : . .... 0 . . • Geadu.ate Dtuggiet. o • • . sw,seeeser to Allen &wilson Pheee 2. 6 . . • 60111110.011111111111WWWIlleineelain Ogee w BRATIO CLINTON.• YIEDIESDAY, NAT 24, • Morning Program • Absolutely Free. Will, enthuse you from the gent. Grand Parade • from Station on 'arrival of trains at • 10;10.a. na. Firemen Cadets, Com- ... peting Lacrosse,, Sage 'Ball and Football Teams, Bieyclists, etc.,. headed by two strong Bands, to Market Square., , Band Concert on Square, by ISeafortli 33rd pat. Band and Goderich 'Meanie 'Band, each 25 btriing. Military Drill • • ' at 10;30 a. m., by Goderich Cadets 42 strong,fully uniforined,under cow - 'need of Lieut. Grata. This con] pany has recently been fernished. by the goeernment witIr the new Mar- tini rifles. They 'will be assisted' in . firing of the Royal salute by the Ca- dets froth Clinton Collegiate Insti- tut', under command of Captain • . Combe. - Firemen's Contest. With.liose reel. Op -en to the world. _ First prige.Atiereseetpd- priere-B30; •-• rnust consiseof not more than 12 men. No restriction hi made regard uniform'. All equipments will be supplied by the management. Three teams to enter or no second money. Contest to consist of rim- - ning 200 yards to hydraut,.. attach hose and lay IQO yards; transpose fourth and sixth lengths; attach nozz• • el ready to throw water. All coup- •. Brigs must he two.and a half turns. Afternoon. 'Program . Procession to grounds. at I o'clock ehaep. Exhibition,of '• Military and Fancy Grills • .Grand Feu de joie, by Goderich O. 1. Owlets and Clinton cieL Cadets, -at le 20 o'clock. • Base Ball Match itt 2p. m. Winghatn vs. Brussels, Danielle Specialty Co. • Single and• Double Trapeze, Plying Rings, ete., etc., etc. %1/4,Pootball Match -Iaialeltitte.„0. I. ye, Clinton 0,-I., ab 3 Log -Sawing Contest ••••%., . •• at 4 p. ut. let 'prize $6; 2nd prize $4, ,Firemen'slielay Race • 4;30 p. m. let prize $6, 2nd prize $3" Highland Dancing • McMurchy Sisters. McKay and Ross pipers - • Laughable Bun Contest lst prize p.se, 2iid $1, 3rd 50e, " Evening Program Band Concert By 83rd Batt, Baud ..and Goderich Maine Band, in Recreation Park at eight o'clock. Danielle Specialty Company • With entire change of progrittn, Highland Dancing, Cake Welk. • lat prize $6, 2nd prize $4. Grand Military Tournament . and Spectacular Exhibition ."rho Taking of Khartoum." In which the. 4th and 7th Clomp:mine --23rdBatt Clinton Gun Club, Goderielf , and Clinton 0,!1. (Wens will take pert. Notes to Visitors. Mean Want information about the day's events ask any member of committee. Wheels will be theeked free of charge at Lee Brown's bit:3ml° work*, north side of lvfarket Square, Reel/ yourselt and the person next you in good humor all day. Watch closely. for hand bills. the Mule Of all special. trains CO and. from Mit- ten. •Admission.--Afterhoon, 25 cents for adults; 15c for children under 12 years of age; 10c to grand stand, Evening, Ific to ground and 10c to grand stand, Oen &Wit TEV 4132EN0 Dr. Shaw, Mayor P. Doherty, , Chairman, Secretary. •Viocit4 Ploollhodins, Via *vat znaish Ittnway. Sold and Niteroi:derided by all druggists in Oanade. Only rile able medicine disecrfored. BLi guaracao4 to mire all Arms o Sexes Wes nese, all effects of abuse °retools, Mental Worry, Exoeseive no of To• loomo, Opium or ettrattlante. Hailed on isoeipt of prier, one package sr. six, $5. One f pkast, SS Welters, Tempialets free to soy addrees. The Weed cempaisy, Winditora oati Wood, Phoepliodine teed in Clinton te' SIdee7 slatilotoe, Druggist. 00.01601 NOVELTY /resoles IT TALKS iS , fr PLAYS CAN lifiC HAD OW P A CM CAN . IT Of t ycoRD • oni AGENTS WAcrED 36cf, 14 rIVOWY AND VILLAGIO, AMOS CANNING moue co opt "Wwwwwwww,.. THE•EDUCATORS. OF THE EAST RIDING now A. KloilithilliPtilee CONVENTION IN CLINTON ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY LAM • The regular annual meeting of the E. U. T. A.. took place on Thureday and Friday hist, May llth and 12th, in the asseuably room of the. Collegiate • s Institute, Clinton, The first seseion Wwwwwwwwwww• TOWP, of 011iaton, Take Notice that a Court of Revision for the Town of Milton will hold its firstsitting in the Council Obazaher, wi Friday, 110 Wth, A. D. 1899. commencing at 8 teelook p, ne, for Weyer - pose of hearing and rectifying all complatute against or errors in the Aesesement Roll of the present year. All parties interested are re. quested to atteud. W. COATS, Clerk " of the Munielpality, Clinton, May 8th,*1893. ' ' The first pubject presented Was "En. GOUT OF 11,EVISION tram° Lit'ernture" Mr. 11* E. FglPi , who had chosen as 1113 selection "Flow '' Gently Sweet Afton." He favored the . commenced on Thursday at 10 a. in. the President, Mr. T. G. Shillinglavie •in the chide. The meeting opened with prayer by Me, Houston, The Secretary, Mr. Plummer, . then read the minutes of the '98 meeting. Moved by Mr;Black, seeoncled by, Mr. Watt - ere that the minutes be adopted. -- Carried. Committees were then ap, pointed as follows 1-reporting,Messra. Cameron and Lowery; business,Mesers. Scott and Watters; resolutions, Messrs, Robb, Lough and MeFitul. This was followed by the roll call. -4 • ef Intimate acquaintence with the life of the author in order to .underetand • the Take Notice thet a Court of Itevielon for the Village of Bareeld WM hold*.. first sitting in works. In proceeding with the ,poem he- would give attenteon to the follow - ng t1100, Place and rriood of poet ; 2, dietionary work; 8, develop the plan ; 4, develop the beauties of poem ; 5, reading of ether poems by the author ; analysing and parsing; 7,re- view. Mr._ Fair was highly comple mented on his inethod-ofelealing with the aubjeet, the following taking part, viz., Mesers. Murcle, Oanseron, Lough, Unbh, Houston and Lowery. ' Mr. L. L. Marvell then presented -bis tilled, PL. 0, M„ G. 0,141 and Prime Factors." By 'means of simple num- bers he led the pupils to see the • Mean; ing of meaeure, prime num- ber, prime factor, etc., the resolution of numbers into prime facters- the using of the factors in finding G.10.M. and L. C. M. find filially testing' the pupils' understanding of all terina the Town 1 on Friday, May 20th, A.1) 1.890, 1 commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. for Um purpose of 'leering and rectifying ell complaints against or errors In the Aseessment Roll of the presont year: Au parties interested,ere requested to attend., i• . K. W. ERWIN, Clerk. •Bayitem, May 8th, 1809. of the Municipality.. '0- OUT OF REVISION • , • ToWnehip of Hullett; • Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the coutt.for the Revision ef the Assessment Roll of the Township of Bullett will be held at iondeseoro on Saturday, May 271b, at the hour of 10 °Week a. m. for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints Against the said Asiees. meet Itoll. . Pereons having business at the Court will please attend at the same time and place without further notice. • JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk Londesboro, May, sesoses. • with Class," by Miss Annie Ti"tylor, was 1 ed for each teacher in East ot the MuMeinality. • • which were used,. One strong point In Mr. litcPaurs method WRS hilOro S he next subject, ‘0,1 anew Reading 1 el ve of no see of iroM litXdeservii- tictivWV either mental or physical On het asked his opinion of home work th 1/04tor said that in his opinion n hones work Wound be given to polo pupils. A good deal of discussion took piece and the 1113anlinOtie verdict of the Aosociation wee that hones work should not he insisted on it) junior classes. , Mr. 0. Clarkson B. A. of Seaforth 0. t. vvas presented and stated 'that ow- ing to indisposition lately he would not present the paper on "Teaching of Composition and Literature in Public Schools" but he proceeded to give a talk on the stibject. -This he continued for esome titne throwing out among th rs the followine•bints :--I, He would divide an ungraded school into two classes, junior and senior, for the teaching of the subject of componition. ,g. He would use for material such books as "Aesoe's Fables," Bell's Read- er," etc., con twang ehort anecdotes. 8. He would have several pupils write their essays on the bla kb some of theen d f3ard mid mousse y the teach- eratnd class. The subject "Improvised Apparatus for Physical Science" was introduced by Mr. E. M. McLean of Clinton CY. 1. He showed bow a cheap apparatus could be procured by those teachers, who are engaged in the teaching of the subject of 'physical science. Among the principles for which. he showed ap- wattle were weigbts, measures (Milli- metres) expansion, etc.. Discussion en the subject by Messrs. Clarkson, Robb, Plummer and Caueeron followed. The Resolution Cotomittee then pre - seined thee report as follows e-1, That thanks of the Association be en. ered to the Collegiate Institute Board for use of buitding. 2. That a r paper has no equal for rheunifttiem. .....eureeTviterezet and enrichee the blood. It ourea pee when "a' hit off" or when seriously dfilloted. it never disappoint/. Rheumatism -u X belleYe Hood's Ole+ bas done ins more goo! thanuan. YATowthoOrz Metlieine I have taken Ammer, Bad court, Britritoin‘ Oft:re•my Ione imam did not help me °Ibeir RooArefinitirrompaedr111: bent me up and AM now Ole to attend to my work." Mnantz Unfits, °sham, Ont. eaP because the best. Ti is made of the eUrest mated:de-that .copieft of the minutes of the Provincial Teachers' Association be provid- -I have. ie' sft!eri: ferred back to the Pray Huron. 3, That home work be ,EGGS FOR Std. I otthe convention. The change front t undoubtedly one of the most instrective • the Mien to the long sound of the that in the opinion of this Assopiation not given to jenior 'classes. 4; Moved Ne. 10 Proeincial Resolution should be Andalusian e foe • sale, • My 'fowl. - • *vowel by the 'addition of the final "e" The aeoptecl•and that the remainder . . was .n3est . skilfully • presented. were•prize -winners at e Huron PoultryShow, scoring from ine. to 94. points. The Andalusians are a hardy breed,lay big eggs and are the most Dionne laver. as the statistics at the Ontario lvlodel Farm Prove. $1 per 13 Ogg& • • • • J08.•RA'rTEN131111.y. Clinton, A.pril 25th. • change - from "mad" to "made" was readily grasped by tbe Sen.. tence stories were 'then dealt with. These involved the new words taught. Great pains were token to have pupils thoroughly understand what t hey read. Careful questioning as to "Who was spoken:of ?" . "What did he do?" %•To whom did he do ftP' "When did he do it ?" etc., called forth most in- telligent answers from the pupils. A most noticeable characteristic of the whole lessen Wart the remarkable ac- tivity of the whole class from start tp finish. All the work. was accorepliiih- ed by them under the skilfteledirection of the teacber. ' EGGS FOR SALE. The 'undersigned has • Silver Laced 1Vyan• •dotte Eggs for sale from bh ds which scored es, Points at the Buren Poultrv Show. e1.50 for 411'We-eggs. ',White Book Eggs, Rice _strain $LTO per dozen. S. LA.WRENCE. Ciinton, April 151,11. The delegate's uertit was then read beuetiee an' interesting account 9f the HOUSE .FOR SALE.. by Mr. Warrer e gave a eery ex - The subscriberinfefil for sale his hewn and Week- Of -the O. E. A.. and was bighly let on cereer of Battenburvand Raglan Areeta.-6cimplirciented thereon. „ ,• ......-wrortiliintaTy. The sabjeeb "Verb Phraites" was'pre- -Clietiee-Apiel tete •• selited by Mr. Lough, He first re- viewed the simple forms of the verbs - andg then blr skilful questioning had TOWN PROPETY FOR SALE. the pnpils give the phrasal fprms. The pupils were also required to investigate the composition of the verb phrases, - The subscriber beer-if/or sale a very desirable Web questions as the follovving beteg property on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is Ow comfortable frame house used: What auxiliaries are used in 'with kitchen and woodshed attached. There fortning the progressive**Verh-phrases, is* good stable and a, first-class well of water th • ". th tia; ; e passive vertep rases, e eo t on on premises, The orchard, consistingof grapes and apples, is a good one. Tho property will -al verbphrases, etc. The presenter he sold at a reasonable figure for cash oeiraiih tion of thift subject erns followed by and balance on tire& Amee to the owner on discUseion byllessrs: H011uton, Murcia the premises , two,, an McPaul. . mas- "RN j 'e'• Mr., Robb, I, P. •S., 1 hen occupied a . few minutes in presenting the /ollow-- ing matters, viz:-], He urged the teachers to give ,More attention to the Matter of keeping their respective schoolhouses and yards ifiett anti clean • _ • • Clinton, May fah, FARNI FOR T.ALE. "Lot M. Con. L township Of Tutlersinitle FL It. S. the property 'of the late. Willialm Whitely is offered for tole. On, the farm is erected a 2 story 810110 house, barn and sheds. There is alma good bearing orchard and the facto le well watered with a living spring and a well. Apply on the premises to • • . • MISS Ve/IITIOLY-m-• W. S. LAWREN0p, Clinton, March 21s1, 18911. ' • HOUSE FOR SALE. • On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory, 8300. will buy aroceny, comfortable house with woodlot,-•the property at present occupied by Frank UpsIinhI ple street alstifor gale at a very low price. • Apply at once to. W. BRYDONE, March 7th • • Barrieter • • STORE TO RENT4 The undersigned drew+ for rabbit the store at present (tempted by IL 0. Barlett, furniture dealer. This is one Of the best Stands in Clin- ton. 4 Possession can bo given at Once. Also that large room over J. Wiseman% dry geode store, There is a good entrance. Apply to • X 0. ELLIOTT, �r • JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, • Clinton, Feb. 0th, 1899. _Clinton P. 0, # 01180- U1eafflll Time, Yes. • This is the time of the year • When housekeepers should not have to he bother. ed with baking. hy do you When yoit can get your CAW( co retteonable fib to reVieW them. The question as to 2, The teachers warned conceThing the sribstitineon of the eurrentseries sehool help* .for fhe authorized text- books 3. Ettopte sae being made in the direction of getting trustees...and others interested in school affairs be' -baying them meet and converse with the Inspector and he also urged teach- ers to work in that direction. He also emphasized the importance of holding commencement exercises at which en- trance and public wheel leaving certi- ficates might fie awarded. Ratepayers should be invited and interest in this way would be aroused. Teachers were also urged to use their inflaence In the way of assisting in the bettell equipment of schools. Some discue- glen took place in , which school helps emelt) for soixie severe alenuncifition. Messrs. McFaul and Fair took part. Friday morning the treatinreed re, iiort was' read showing a balance of $93.73. On motion of Lnligh, seconded by Waters the report Was adopted; Election of officees was then proceeded with :-President, J. H. Lowery .• lst vice, V. Walters; 2nd vice, Miss A.Tity, tor ; sec.-treas., A. H. Pltinitter ; exeete. tive committee, lesere. Vair,E faker ,M c - Enroll ,Missin Re daehd Campbell dele- gate, J. Hartley .; auditors, Meseta An- derson and Metcalf. The newly elect- ed president, Mr. Lowery, then took the chair and thanked the teachers for hthime .honor they had conferred upon Mr. W. H. Baker therepreeented the subject "Third Class Granetnar." He emphasized the importance of having pupils at an early stnge woke their ideas. He wutild Obtain statemente of facts Connected With commenplace db. jects and in this way the distinction between singulfir and plural is readily made. His method of teaching sub- ject and predieate was then shown. He criticized the method adopted by many of always requiring an answer in the forth of 0, full seetence. By ex- ample lead pupiles to see the Use of did, clone, to, two, too, a, an, ete. The or- dinary defitatione should ha mastered at this stage. The diseuseion Was car- ried on by Mem& Wetter& McIntosh, Shil I Inglaw,Wilson,OaltiOrOB, Housten and the president. tion. On motion of Mr. Lough,second- ed by Mr. Cameron the report was adopted. . The convention then adjonrned, to meet ab Seafeeth at the call, of the pies.: idea, • • . OM and S.S.Convention at Exeter. Junc-20 and mr. PreiFfliion County Convention for Christian Endee.vor and Sunday School interests• is to be held in Janees street church,Exeter, on Teesday and Wednes. deY; June 20t1 and 21st. The executive committee met in Clinton some time ago and arranged a • strong • program. The Junior C. E. Superintendent, Miss Whitworth, is to be present, as also . Dr. Daniels of Sarnia and the Sunday School Secretary, Mr. Alfred Day. Practical topics will also be discussed by the local workers of the county• and &specially helpful convention is looked. for. The exercise entitled "The Jun- ior Wheel" is being prepared by. 75 of the Exeter juniors under .the leader- ship of Mr. Senior and other local workers. This in itself will be worth going a tong distance to see. The lo- cal committee of EXeter are sparing no pains to give the delegates a ,grand reception as this is the first time they have had the ei ivilege of entertaining the combined- 'conventions. Each Young People's Society and Sunday School of the county is expected to send 'delegates. Programs will be out by the first of June.- • w• Iww,-,r4wwW11114.• ALMOST IN DESPAIR. "My wife suffered with pain and die- :70:st f.inrodmesapi: affection oecrtieovnerofrotb.htitekt3i,hnrgoaat caused' by 'alpine blood. She was- al - cure, but finally procured, bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and. after .taking six bottles of this n3edicine ehe was completely cured." John Wecknar, Galt, Onterio. • WwwwWwmmaww• ' That distress after eating ifi prevent - •ed by one or two of Hood's pills. They don't gripe., • William Ball has been arrested in Brockville on the charge of robbing the mails. A. DRUGGIST'S FAITH. " WEAVE; MOST CALLED FOR MOST BE Tscr DEST4tayanyr. A druggist:is testimony of the popu- lase mot a. remedy is the strongest kind of a proof that it will do what it prom- ises. Paul Livinwond, druggist, of Al- lentown, Pa., eare "Dr. Agnew's rem- edies have sold away beyond my ex- pectations You can quote Me kr say mg .that Dr. Agnew's Clatarrhal Pow- der is the best belle]. for the catarrh I Have in tbe store. Many of my custo-' .niers praise it highly." It is a great remedy and has a continental repute - tion. -Sold by Watts Se Co. • .A. Norwegian expedition is about to Atart to find Andree. • Dr. rot siotosPiesappto Mau, at 44 Drug, glatiti3Se a b00-60 ~tettik • CHAPT.lett VI, 1. 0, 74 of little faith in remedies and doctors! Row shall yo be Mewith the know. ledge that the tortures of dyspepsia may bo relleved in itn instant t wa very w ak and bad a bad cough. I could net eat or 1 Diff , 4 aug- _ te Oahe your person. Paint pre- • the building', Paint gives! beauty to the building. in painting the labor coati more than tEe paint, There will he a large voile if the fight paint le uot used. • THE . „ .PAINT Is b is made for painting buildings. ,It is riot a low-priced paint but It • Rood,* Pills oar. am ills; Um noairrititin, and lair cathartic to aka with flood's Sertatfailla Sotd by Watts & Co.• Druggiets. SMITH -BUTTON.-- Ab the resi- dence of the bride's father,on Wed- nesda,y, May 10th, by Rev, G. J. A:hey, Wm. M. Smith merchant, • Walton, to Mrs. 5, Baton., dangle, ter of Wm Sholdiee, Morris. BELDEN-HOWE.-At the Manse,in Molesworth, on May 2nd, by Rev. Geo. Ballantyne,Mr. W. .R. •. Bel- den to Miss Mary A. Howe, both ot Molesworth. LITTLE-GORDON.-On May 10th, hp Rev. P. Musgrave, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. John Wilson ,Lsttle to Miss Mary Ann Gordon, all of McKillop. PULLER, -.-111 CliTiton, on Mai 10th, • the wife of Mr. F. Fuller, of a son. • CA.RTER.-In Auburn, on May 10th, the wife of Mr, Jame rt Carter, 01a LYONS. -In Hullett, on May 3rd, the wife of Mel:Tarry Lyon&of twins - daughters, • teARDEN.-.In Seaforth, on May 8th, .•• , the wife of Mr. G. F. 5. Garden, of •a dau hte MoLEOD Seafortb, on May 7th, the wife of Mr, Wm. McLeod of a son.• OLOW.-In East Wavvanosle.May 8tb, • EARsoka./-typn eafieonT, of dauifIliterith • the wife of Mr. l'Itt Inanloaisr, of Ili ••daughter. ,•• NEIGH --In Tuckersmith, on May 8th, • the wife of Mr. Wm. Neigh, of a• son, . • DEATHS. May 5th, D•avid Knight, aged 74 , KNIGHT. -In Morris, on SaturdaY, years and 10. mon the.•• . •. PEA.RSON.-In Grey, on Wednesday, • May 10th, Mrs. Richard Pearson, aged. 38 years.4 months and 5 days. • , EGGERT.-In Blyth, on May 10th,- • rs. achel Eggert, aged 77 years, Night and Sunday calls answered Residence of :our , 7 months and 10 days. . - • O'SULLIVAN.-In McKillop, on May . Funeral Director; J.W. Chidley. Ring St., opposite Foundry. 7th, John O'Sullivan,aged 75 years. • Wear the, longest. The colors are 'bright and bandana*. • • See our big assortment of Lawn Mowers; Screen Doors and Windows, Fence Wire, Spades and Shovels, Poultry Netting, Spray Pumps, Pretty tints of KalSOInine, Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stove 4 and Hayfork Rope. See our Binder Twine the , . finest. in the land and then leave your order. • HARLAND BROS. • . ooNNormOrNoersoioNNININ roadfoot, Box & Co. Manuf• acturers and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. For the Spring trade we are offerinethe largest and most coni. plete 'stock' of High. Medium and Low Priced:Furniture in the County. We have some great:values to offer in-. PARLOR SUITS, COUCHES, AND LOUNGES, ,• - Do not 13tivu- ail you have paid a visit to our Warerooras, fit are up to date and our charges reasonable. U.NDERTAKIlgq. " this line we carry a coniplete Stock: • Our Horses and out . , BROADFOOT,. BOX. & CC). .Furnitio.re De:Ile:woo a.ndc' TIhniddier471;07:anagir DORSEY.-In Hibbert, no May 5th, • • Michael Dorsey, aged 03 years, • Strathroy,on May 71h, • Isaac Bawden, formerly of Exeter, • aged 81 years..• - • • BURGESS -In Brussels, on Ma• y llth, , Samuel Burgess aged 79 *ears, .4 months and 16 'days. • • - HEART STARTS. DR. AGNEW'S MEE FOR DEA.RT- ONE DOSE HELPED IN 30. 31/Num- Two BOTTLES CURED. Mrs. M. Calliyer, 29 Paciflie Ave., Toronto,' was troubled with heart die= ease for years, • could not etand on a chair without growing dizzy ; going up stake; or being Suddenly startled brought on palpitation, suffocation and intense pains under the shoulder blades. Ske tried many remedies -was treated brieart specialists wi thotit permanent relief. She procueed and used Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart. She got re- lief within 80 Minutes after the first dose, and before she had taken two bottles every symptom% of hearttrouble had left her. -Sold by Watts & Co. . - An unfounded reporb of President Cleveland's deitth was circulated in the United States on Monday. ' LAITGI...11D WOMEN • TAXE TUE HELP /BAT 801/TH AMERICAN xunvran OPPERS AND BE WELL, • STRONG AND IIAPPE. , • • Miss Lucinda Buteher, of Teeswater, Ont., had a very severe attack of mat: arial fever. It left her' Very weak, lan. gold, and threatened with nervous prostration. South America.» Nervine • Was reeMuntended to her arid she tried it. After taking a few *loses she felt great benefit. She continued taking it •until six bottles were used, when to use her own words, "I was completely restored to health. L can recommend kit , great retaedy."-Sold by Welts Special Notice. & Try Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablebt beeause they are prompt in correetine all derangements of thestomach and absolutely cure the worst form of dyspepsia. .4. Time tablek are wonders *retell dreg. ride thent.-m in a box, at 35 cents the An excellent paper Wart near do bore' "Drill and Iteyiew" lay Mr., Amos Mc- Ton sto,e, iheppis moms Ewan. pointed out that there Wart free frail] all chemical's fliatrnin the Blom. a danger of teaching too much and not Tare fotatgialittnparitigicrie,DthaTaltit ear tit:tf drilling enough. Filets t00, that. 'pay fruert o of the pineappie eltalises the he • have been well presented will lie nor- fgestivejnies to assist in a natural cure. orient in the mind unless Care le taken how far lists of Batheit ehould he 11143111* ' 2000 Galicians are on their way to, KIRKBY'S', Here are a few of our prices: Layer cakes Wide Queen'e drops - ific per dos Swiss buns — 100 Oatmeal date cakes 10o 'And all other kinds 9f cakes. Rhubarb pies, 10 cents each. Lemon plea, 15 yenta each, for 28o Custard toles, 2 for 25 tents. Tart shell* dandles, 10e. per dos. • Our home-w.ade ginger snaps are • the hest, rows like.Oot esk" at 10 rent* per 16. * Kr.EZEBY, •°14.am'i, , (crilsrilstriiit'l Ar14111 vlasetitrrtlitt.g i °Ana"' • .....-..--..........4. es,.........„-- ..... Catneron, Plummer, Houston, Oertie, Snell and the president took part. For Over Fifty Years shTorht6 retiringttddress tPnreVelltdhfienlit .thbeenregtrrneefia iiimeaYAUT nitilimorer "inotlinelottragrYttilithrha bo,i thanks for the honor which had been -white teething-. If diaturbed at night and b_rskeerfn ig,izrestnby ft siek ohild sufferini eCinfetred uon blot. He spoke of pet of Crittin Teeth-. b. sante feature's of the work of -the As- limenuaend T eat a bone of ,f to tiinsiogigtnre.- nevesyrup for Obigintri eeth g. soelation. Friday afternoon Dr. Shaw gave Mere the poor little sufferer iminediately. Die a very interesting talk moverstrain randOtheakra, thrssuereffirzint.heiatatiktoe ambo.tiht underpower Of the berate nR had a, and bewr,;:, „,, Allrirtto it otUtitri. rl.tfttoVe etat human brain and a sheep's heft& On NO Ournentredia_ mete. hihttlort and hi means, of twenty to the *Mee lei yra e rein teething is pew m. "...re .. inelovre theee .and charte an excellent sant to the truespresentation Of the subject was of the oldeet a beet foreile yoph- clam eaa---- t itdd Ix the Orte10110t1on of Ottli ' made. Ile mkt the two great rinreem in the UM States. Prme treentiefive causes of lack of brain power was first .3ents a bottle. eold birelatdruggietd mac efarthroug„m_ra.h. lack of Inherited power, second 'lack or vIresteyrer BeISO TOUR. We are Headquarters for Good Goods at• Lowest Clash prieea. •Full lines of Choice Grooeriee always on • hand. solieited. • 10011IftsT PittOSte PAID IrOR GOOD ntetTan AND leGGI3. • G. S. START. 1 • 11 1 • - • -T.* B. WYRTLE CUT is the boot BECAUSE It is made in a, factory the cleanliness of which is the sur- prise of all, If you visit the factory you will smoke the tobacoo. It means rich blood, ' strong •nerves Di • WHAT DOES IT MEAN? • • and sound digestion. It means prOs. • peaty and growth to tbe young: It means good color and mental vigor. That's what Scott's Emulsion means, • CLINTON MARKET REPORTS., • (Corrected evere V.Vedreaday attetneon • Fall Wheat ••67 to • • 08 Goose es to 65 Barley Oats. Peas NO 0 38 to 0 40 30 to 0 31 • 0 60 to 0 63 'Rye 0 80 to 0 35 Potatoes,per hush, new... 0 50 to 0 55 Butter loco° in basket.... 0 1010 0 11 Butter in tub •0 18 to)) 13 Eggs per doe 000 to q 10 Bay • .... 5 50 to 6 00 Live Hogs.... . . . ... 00 to. 4 10 Pork per cart .. 6 00 to 6 00 Dried Apples pet lb Ducks per lb. Turkeys per lb... Geese per lb.. Chickens per pair. Wool... .. •...- Flour per cwt 0 05 to 0 05 • 0 051to 008 • 0 07 toe 0 08 • 0 05 to 0 06 9 35 to 0 40 0 16 to 0 16 1 75 to 200 ivicza,n* We thank our custonae"rs • for their patronage in the past and beg to call their attention to our removal from Combe's block to the former stand- of Allen alv Wilson OPPOSITE THE MARKET Where we hope to see them all • and 'new cuetomers too. We • keep in etock Groceries of all • kinds, Flour, Seed Grain, etc GOODS AND PRICES STAND THE TEST ENSILAGE • 18 PROFITABLE Ib pays to rah* Enellage as. the farmer knows and, more are going into ft, It has been hard to get good seed this yeer but It have secured &supply and have lb now in stock. It ia the wen known ULRICH ENSILAGE. HAVE YOU TR I ED, IT We have • stock Groceriee, Flour * and Feed, Grain, Etc. cult To. See • IP. f. oww4 • "e• aWow. Those eyes of yours are • probably overtaxed, and if you have not found it out yet, you will soon do so. Prepare for th.e future by thking are of the present. Defective. vision is ea kily cured, unless of long standing. Our large stock of lenses and frames, combined • with our knowledge of hofr to fit them Properly, insures you a permanent benefit and not merely temporary relief. Charges moderate. Atd,CIRIGG Jeweler and Opticiin. BUSINESS • BRIGHTNESS BRIMS SUCCESS STRATFORD, ONTARIO. ProPerly Prepared Young 'Men and Women for Business •life. FORTY- FOUR of our Recent Students have ac- cepted good situatiOns. Business Men appt•eoiate due work and apply to us for our graduate& Enter now if you can, Prospectus free, W. xtrastorr, Prinditift. NABSET-IIRBE • ECRU 114.S tro ativianion. It runs easy, the trieteristla o which it is built are all of the. very best, and the prices equal; the quality. There ie no better wheel than thte Mitesey-ilarris. CA..."N GEORDE LARS -the Market, Clinton- sent massof-no,rris, °mom