HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-18, Page 6fe t MAX 18, 18“, 400000400004104400111414 $t. 11.400-n Wate) GOON 0 TIBER. t ROM Teaeliffe P ToWnthip of Stanley, * Parliament. Township Hell, Verna on Mondity. HAT 90th. - freeb from the St. Leon ope. at tho hour of 10 o'clock ra, for the per. 'USE IODUCA,TOtte OF TUE Re= SIDINet mo eprings Quebee.It comes oaf anY'derepaunts thet Roll mDe tr ageins1/4tehe Aaaassment atow the A HOLD bileatineeriDresoonVletirp I at go to 1,14 44 It comes from the t ownehm y for the presaut Vans Ali IN saidetTeer TRUUSDAY ASO eh partial Wares will pewee tete notice , Varna, Mee tale T. CAIRNS, Clore of the Municipality. antroax Lao, ne CI: OLIN 6-1L1OORD. development. He thee mpoke et the weel.oue mime of brain tied *add that Le size ;Led depth of the convolution de - WS Wed thee -opacity of the Individual, thaelse of the brain woe greatest d -- ac :„N attire- : 0 * It has in innumerable ways. : : provided .for the requirements : : of ,the humaiy sys.tern. Oue 0 , • • ot net provisions is the greet • a le Natural Realer, St. Leon : a Mineral Water. St. Leon is : • mi. . : unequalled. Ithas remark- : • • Ole euretive properties'. it• : 0114. recummended by physi.. $0. .: Oiatilfer Dyspepsia erinai,-. : • • $ gestion Impure Blood limb". : 0 , ,41 .tion of Bowels; 'Kidaey or .ir • '• • • • • • For dyspepsia take after : • • meals. For gentle cathartic 111 take bot before brearifaSt and • ilpon retiring. &gal. bottles • 'As '30e and we give i0c for, : 0617 •bottle returned., t SYDNEY JACKSON : Graduate , DrIlglilati* • e '% • Suceessor to Allen &Wilson Blume& se 4960111000.!...01040100..,,i40100.41,001! dry57.1,, The regular annuel meeting of the ve no sp of eit as ho -4 B. II. T. A. took place on Thursday 001Jilf OF REVISIONt Institate, Clinton. The first session ttnd Friday ma, May not aoa 12th, in Lilt' assembly r0011, of the. Collegiate - 1 Or...my Town of Clinton will hold its iiretsitting in the oecretary, Mr. Plummer% . t hen read. _PI'. couucit Chamber, on Friday, l,daygOth, A. D. - • the minutes of the '08 Meeting, Itioved vs"' Talc° Notice that a Court of 'Revision for the _With prayer by M. llonstoo. The , • Town of Clintorl. „ • comareneed on Thursday at 10 a. tn., in the chair. The„tneeting ttpened the President. Me. T., 0, Shillinglaw, 1 ,commeneing at 8 o'clock p, m., foe manor. paw) cf bearing anti rectifying all complaints 1)3r XV' J3lacki lec-antled bY Itly" VV*/tt" 42..nol against or errors ie the Assessment Itolforthe ern that tbe adulates be adopted, - present year. A.11 parties interested are re- Carried, Oonimittees were then ap- quested to attend. ., pointed as follows reerepoeting,Messre, L W. COATS, CAork ' amo and Lowery; siness,Messrs, In of Pus MealdPalltY. Scott Int% iniWatters; resolutions,Meesrs, no Olintoo,MayStli, 1829. ' . Robb, Lough and McFaiti. This WAS - followed by the roll call. . • „_. - , , • . . The- tirt eubject greseuted WaS "Jin,A ouij-RT nil ElyigioN ,t,:gtolcittlitziasteu,:ls astieitk:;.R.1,14 _ ... , Gently Sweet Afton." He favored the ' 'ffl• --- , • intimate acquaintance with the life of Village ef I115'fieltli • tile Author in ordee to uederstands Mae , .,...* In proceeding with the poem Take Netts° thtt a Court of Revision for the ilV"ks. Milrwontfigtruili,1114:,01482ftt tittle:KID: , negWt °gr. $1Ve attentioirto the milow. ,71:411.;bLgngroggi,g-41 To'nZatt";uoraFit 12' 4ri'l,i()tnillt; Pp4a:k71113°B(4? P°ItI I lail ' 4 develo the beauties of poem;'P! or errors= toe assessMent Boll of th present g , _. ...,... s. so year. All parties interested aro requestea to . t reading of other peeme by the attentL Na - • ' author; li,_ analysing and parsing; 7,re- - . st, W,'IsItWIN, clere, view. Mr: Fair was highly -couple ' of the Municipality. merited on his method (If dealing with liasiteld, may 8th, ISO% ' ' ..4 the subject, the following tattin part, ' viz., Itressrs.'Mureh, 'Cameron, Lough, Robb, Houston and Lowery. : Me. Ls L. 51eFassl then presented hie subject, L. 0, M„ G. 0. If, and Pritne Factors." By 'means of simple num- • Township of Hullett: berg Ire led. the pupils to see tha. Mean. Noticals hereby given that . the Court for the Re-vi-sio-n- ot te Aasessrnene tngQrulaettlii:uitiPIePPviMnr:the ter;printfaeloretx.,thoreatulo. Roll of the Township of.linilett willte held at of oltaihers into prime filctare ; tbe Londesboro oil SaI;urday. mcl 2704 at the hear ,113ing of the factors in finding G. C.M. or to °Week 4. n/. for t o purpose of hearing and settling contplaintsagainst the WO Allsess. "a ,14; °' If • Ana IthanY testing* the irkent eon., Peraons -baying business at the penile .understandiog of all terais court will please attend at the same time and will& were used. One strong point in Mr. MePatirts Met.hOd Was its thor- nless! without further/10Mo. JAMES CAMPBELL. Clerk . • of the MunielpalitY. otlfhlTense3x. e solve' ct, 0 j undo,* Reading Lingleshoro, May, 9th, 1899. with Class," by MissAnnie Taylor, was undoubtedly one of tbe most instructive • of -the conveetion. The change from EGGS FOR SALE: the aithart to the long sound of the vowel by the addition of the final "e" was most skilfully presented. The 0 ta fo te 2. et• 3. LEBRATIO CLINTON.-WEBNEStAY, NAY• 24, Morning Program Absolutely Free, •• Will enthuse you from,the 'gent. Grand Parade from station on arrival of trains at 10:laa. in. Firemen. cadets,,Oonas • noting LacroSse, Base • Bali an& • Football Teams, Bicyclists, • etc.,. beaded by two strong Bends, to • • 5farket Square., Band Concert on Square, by Sealorth 33rd .Bitet. Bend and Goderich Marine Band, each 25 steatig, • ` Military Drill . • at 10:30 e, by Goderich Cadets, 42 strong,fully uniforined,undee cone; mn ed of Limit, Grante----Thiss-com palsy has receritly been furnished. by • the govertunent voith the new Mar- • tini rifted. They will be assisted. firing of the Royal salute by the tla- dets from Chilton Collegiate tute, under comuialist of Ca,ptaiu Firemen's Contest. • With hose reel. Open to the world. •• First prizess.$64,-neteesd-prize-$30.' must Coesiseof not more - than 12 Men. No restriction is Wage regard uniforne - All equipments ' will he supplied by the nianageinent. , Three teams to enter or no seeded ' nioneys Contest to consist Of ran - Ding 200 yards to hydrant,. attach hose and lay 1.00 yards; trenspose fourth and sixth lengths; attach not= e/ reedy to throw avater. 'All coup- lings must be twe and a half turns. , Afternoon Program _prbeession, to grounds at 1 o'clock sharp. • Exhibition of • "• •• Military and Fancy brills GraFeu de Joie by Godertch 0. 1, Oadete and Clinton 'f.).• I. Cadets, at 1:- al o'cleck. Bate Ball Match e t 2 p. ra. • Wingham vs. Bilissela Danielle Specialty Co._ • ends•Doutile Trapezes -Plying Rings, etc.; etc,, etc. s..F„potball,Mateh• • 1.70iirth,44). I. Ye, Clinton &to ye:ese,----essalaelondais, . Log -Sawing Ceritiit , at 4 p. 1st prize $6; 2nd prize $4. -FiremereeBelay Race • • . 4:30 p. 1st prize $0, 2nd prize $3-. Highland Dancing MeMurchy Sisters. McKay and Roes • pipers Laughable Ben Contest s let prize $1.50, 2nd $1, 3rd 50c. Evening Program Band Concert • • By 33rd Batt. Bend atnd. Goderich Maine Band, in Recreation Park at eight o'clock. Darnella Specialty Company • With entire ohmage of prograrre • Highland Dancing. Cake Walk. let prize Se, 2nd prize $4, • GrandMilitare Tournament •and Spectaculat, Exhibition • "Tho Takiv of Khartoum!' In which the 4th and 7th Companies, 33rd Batt., Olititon Gun Club, Gederieh and Clinton O. 1. Ondete will take part. , Notes to Visitors. 'It you want infornlation about the day's evonte ask 5113t member of committee. V, 13(1015 will bo ehecked free& charge at Lee Jimmy's eked° works, north side et Market Square, Keen youreelf and the person neSt you in good humor all day. Watch olosely,for hand bills, Kilning the time of all special trains to and. front Cl1f3- tob, Adarliesionse-Afternoort, 21 eente, for adults; 15e for children under 12 years otage; 10c to grand stand. Evening, 10c to ground and 10e to grand Stand. 0013 SAVE THE CIDEEN, Dr. Shaw, Mayor, Si P. Doherty,' 'Chairman, Secretary. , -• **We' Alte4 VOthVg rh0111410ainds As eked Ongtirls AnneItti. lsold and reSemitended Walt druggist' in Canada. coley nu. %bids medieita disooverod Ofi ?revs gisaravessa to can; *II forms seem:Meal:adios .111 offeetif Of *bole or O*0608, Manta Worry, IXOSairla use Of T64 N, Woo, Opium or etimnlania. Hailed on evader of price, peciew ss. oe• mount" Tompbuil frOote Mw addre$I. The WOO4 Cdrinpaiay* W Weed Fhoaphodino 0 eold in Ciintenut Python, slues" preggist, •COURT OF REVISION I have AndaInsian cage( for sale. My fowl were prize winners at the Huron Poultey Show, change from "mad" to "made" Was scoring from 91f to 94 wants. The Andalusians , sped by the pupila. S.err- ere a• hardy breed,lay big eggs andare the most reat,usy gre nmittle laYers. as the statistics at the Ontario tenea stories were then . dealt with. Model Farm prove. at Per 13 eggS. ' * *---• These involved the new words taught. , . JOS, RATT.ENBURx. Great pt .ns. ti were taken to have pupils' clinton, AprIl astli. ' • thoroughly - understand what i hey reed. Vereftli Clitestioning as to "Who was spoken of P" "What did. he ,do?" "To whont did he do it?" "When did he do it ?" ete., called forth most in., The mulersigned has Silver Laced,: Wynn- telligent *ftnittvers frocri the pupils. A (lotto Eggs for sale from lei ds which scored in, most noticeable charaeteristie of the points at the Rama Ponitry_ Show. 01,60 for Whole lesson wart tbe reaterkable ,ac - Rice strain tiiinvilethy.ef the whole Class frOln start to .tifteen eggs. White Book Eggs. 31.03 per d•ozen. • • s..1,,A.w.nENcE, An tbe worit was accomplish: • ed by them under theskilful -direction C, Linton, Ap2.i113th, • . of the teacher. . s,..„ -e- ' • -. The delegate'ssreffert was then read — _ . s ...as, kg 4 I, HOUSE FOR SALE.. •• haustieeneld interesting account of the by Mr. ,weetett He gave a very ea. • ' The .subscriber offers for sale his,i,tZeaand ••••..-"....- ..,.• ....e' o. E. A. and WAS highly lot on corner *of Itattenbliry and Raglan ter -complimented thereon. • ' • ----------- -• • The subjeee "Verb Phrases'' Wee pie* EGGS FOR SALE, ClintearkerillSth:• sented by Mr, Lough. He first •re- viewed the rimpIe forms or the verbs ' and then by okilfut questioning had TOWN PROPETY FOR SALE. , , pupils were also required to invisatigate the pupils give tbe phrasal form. The the composition of the verb phrases, The sativeriber biters tor eale( Verf Y desirsuch questions as the following being able upon whiehthere Ise comfortable fra.me house used : What auxiliaries are steed in property onastine street consisting &our lots with kitchen and woodshed fatached, There formingthe progressive''erb.phrases, the is a, good stable and a first-class well of water passive verb-phrases,the ci indition- on -premises. The drehard, consisting& grapes bon of this subject eras fol owed,by discussion by Messrs, Houston, Murch and MeFasil. Mr. Robb, I, P. S., then oceupiee a few minutes in presenting thelollow- hrg matters, vizi-1, He urged the teachers to give, more attention to the matter of keeping then. respective schoolhouses and yarde neat and elem. 2, The teachers warned concerning the substitution Or the currentseries of school help§ for the authorized text- books. -a Efforts are befog made in tbe direction of getting trusteessand others interested in scbeelsetrairs hv having them meet-sin:I- converse with the Inspector and he also urged teeth - era 1% work in that direction. He also emphasized the Importance of holding eOrnmencement exercise,at which en- trance and public scheolleaving certi- ficates might be awarded. Ratepayers should be invited and intereat in this way would be aroused. Teachers were also urged to use their infleenee in the Way or assisting in the better equipment of schools. Some diecus- Sion took place in which school helps came in for some severe denunciation. Messrs. Mcrae' and Fuji- took part, Friday morning the treasurer's re- port was read ishowitig a balance of $03.73. On motion cif Lough seconded by Walters the report was adopted. Election of officers wag then proceeded with :-President, If. Lowery vice, W. Wafters:2nd vice, Miss AsTass- lor ; eecatreas„ A. H. Pine:riser ; eXecn. thre committee, Messrs, FalisEtaker.Mc- Ewan ,M isselt Reid and Campbell; dee- gate, 3. Hartley ; anditore, Memo'. An- derson and atettelt. The newly elect- ed president, • Mr. Lowery, then took the chair And thanked the teachers foe the honor they had conferred upon • Mr. W. 11. Halter iberepreaented the subject "Third Claes Grammar." He emphasized the importance of having pupils at an (early etage write their ideas. Ile would obtain ataternetits of facts emineeted with cerianionplace ob- jects and thie way the distinction between singular and Metal is readily made. His rnethod of teaching tub- seee and predicate Was then ehown. He criticized the method adopted by many. of Always requiring ail fInSWer in the for& of a full sentence. By ex- areple Died pupile to see the tele of did, • done, to, two,,,too, 40 n, c. The or - d in art/ definitions. thould be maetered • at thie stage. The discussion Was ear - tied on by Messre."Witttere, Melt -death, Shillinglaw,Wilson,CalUer011, Houston and the president. An excellent paper wet; near do "Drill and lteyiew" by Mr. jatriee Mc - Ewan. Ile pointed out that there was a danger of teaching too much and not, drilling enough. recta tott, that may - ' beve been We I' presented will lie dor. Whenyou eaP Yetfr °45.04. newt in the sided unless care is taken so reti:aonable a b • to VaVieW then). The quettion ni to how far !lets of names should be mena- mired vitae In for a. very interesting detettatiell in which Messrs. Raker, Cameron, Plummer, Iloutiten, Curti*, the president took part. Her are a few of our prices: "nn}1 and The retiring premident then gave a Layer cakes - • Wide short addreint in which he returned Queerer' drone 10e per doz thanks for the honnr width bad been • Swiss bons • . . 10e " conferred upon lain. He spoke of Oatmeal date rakes 10e " some features of the work of the As- • And nil other kinds ef cakes.tfilf.1 !! 1.3.erea4.afternoon Dr. Shaw gave a Rhubarb. pies, 10 cents eech. very interesting talk on overetrain and Lemon plea 15 rent* each, 2 for Me underpower of the brain. Ile had a Ouetard Mee, 2 for 25 cents. humeri *Kin and a eheep's brain on ex. Tart. ehells dandles, 10e, per doz, hibition end by meant of Our home-made ginger PAPS are • theee and charts rut excellent the best, goirig lite hot cakes presentation rif the subjecb was at 10 cents per lb. made. Her said the tao great wittnoN cense of lack of brain power was first A. EIRE:33Y mac lack of haberited power, second leek of and. apples, is a good one.The property wIll he sold at it reasonable figure for cash orieash and balance ontiluc. Apply to the owner on the premises • • • • MRS. aonN nixon. Clinton. lVfay 9th. • al verb -phrases, etc. The resenta- • FARM FOR .;Al.f. 'Lot 80, Con. 1, townehiii of Tnelteremith, If. 1L S. the property of the late Willittim Whitely is offered for. sale. On the farm is emoted 412 story stone house, barn and sheds. There is &salt good bearing orchard and the farm is well watered' with a living spring and A well. --Appy on the PrOtelses to _ .• MISS E. 'WHITELY or • • • W. S. LAWRENCE, Olinion. Clinton), march gist. 1899. - NOVELTY Itomag ir JAMS Ir PLAYS CAN MC MAIM 40 aitRiNrirm rr Ott la V A C1.4160 OAK AGENts_..W 3 aVitrirr TOWN AND VILA -AOC ADDRESS fdarirLitiNG MACtilte, CO 1.01•IWo, t geas1441, • HOUSE FOR SALE. On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory:, 16300, wili MO it roomy, comfortable house with good la-tbe property at present occupied -11Y Frank Uphill' Vacant Lot on Maple street also for sale at it very low Price. Apply at ones to. . • W. BRYDONE, March 7th, Barrister • STORE TO RENT.. Tho li.d.raigned offera for rental thestore at present &envied. by 11.0. Barlett, furniture dealer. This is one at the beat stands in elln, ton. ''Peasetaloti can be given at onee. Alse that large room °raj. Wisonlateri ,dry geode store. There is a geed entratido. Apply to 3.0. ELLIOTT, or' JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton P. 0, !Milton; job. Oth. 1899. 2 S use Cleaning Yes This is the time of the year When housekeepers should not have to he bother. , ea with baking. Why d� you ti Well Man ANA Mt. n... SUPPLEMENT THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. - Clinton .1Via-sr 18th, 1.899, The Wedding Jubilee, • 13'11%18111y at Lneknow. stapiet.... • The remains of Isaac (Tarter were laid ••••••••••••••..... - Rev. Dr. Gregg and Wife Pass the Fiftieth Milestone Toga ther • . Surrounded by nearly all the mem- bers of ' their family and many of the second and third generation, Rev. Dr. Gregg and Mrs, Gregg. yesterday cele- brated their golden wssiding. The wortky couple, who are happily still enjoying the boil, of health, were be- sieged all day at aheir bon3e, 3 Wash- ington avenue, by the many callerEt who came to extend their congratula- tions. Cablegrams Irons London, Eng- land; numerous telegram Irons Vale isms parts of the Dominion, and a de- luge of letters extending greetinga on the auspicious event, were received.. A lot of valuable presents, pursea of gold, and flowers vvete testimonials Irons loving friends. Among the relatives present were Rev. Alex. -Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, of Clinton ; Geo. A. Gregg, of Mont- real; Miss Gregg and R. Clement Green, Mr and Neitie Burn:c , of Bii:lfax MrYs.'llioisss. Itilelize, Miss Holden and Miss M. Hol- den, of Belleville. Mr. Alfrt d H. Gregg, one of the sons, is at,present in Michigan.' To -night a family re-unit.nwill be held at the residence of Mr. W. R. Gregg in North Toronto, Dr. Gregg was born at Kellygreen, Ireland, 82 years ago, and tater being educated. in Edinburgh , and Glasgow, came to Canada, aud was ordained minister of et. John s church, Belies ville, in 1847. In 1817 he vvas called to Cook's church, Toronto, where he la- bored faithfully for 15 years'. Until about three year ago he vvas professor of apologetics and Cher, h history at Knox College. IT has complied se -V- ara] pamphlets and books, the most im- portant of Which is "The History of the _Presbyterian Church in Canada." - Fifty sy-eare-segos- yesterday- -be was married to Miss Phoebe Holden, of Belle- ville, the late Dr:R. P. Burns, of Halilax, performing the ceremony. -Mail and Empire of Thursday, May 12th. FOR Queen s mAYi18g4TH Birthdaya 99 Will issue return tickets at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Going May 23rd and 24th, returning May 23. Between all Stations! 'in Canada: • Between all stations In Canada and Detroit and Port Huron. Mich.. and from all stations in• Canada, TO, but not FROM, Buffalo, 'Blank • Rock, Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls N.Y . • Tickets-. rates and all information frail Agents of Grand Trunk Railway System M. C. Dickson, D. P. A. Toronto A. 0. Pattison, G.T.R Agent, Clinton. • F. R. Ilodgens, G.T.R.Ttcket A gent, Clinton. It Was a Bold Case, but the Rob- bers Got Little for Their Pains. Burglars broke into the grocery store of Mr. Thottias Agar ot Lucknor on Wednesday morning of last week some time between • two and four o'clock, and although they slid not succeed in getting much money, the fault does not rest with the thieves. •They ,first gained an entranoe , to the blacksmith shop of Snellgrove Bros. by a window, and having armed themselves with• a sleage-bansmer, chisels, .braise and bit and other tools, they proceeded to Mr. Agar's store, The front !door was pried open, the lock broken oompletely off, and from the number of burned matches found lying on the floor in the morning, it must have taken some time to accomplish an entrance to the build- ing The till in the counter was broken open and some 50 or 60, cents in silver taken, bat asthy evidently expected something better in the safe,' they left. all the coppeis in the till undisturbed. The iron sate was next attacked and a half inch bole wa,a drilled close to the combination, but bolero the work of. opening it was accomelished the burg - tare were alarmed by a noise up -stairs, and ran away, leaving all the tools be- hind them, except the brace and bit which they evidently carried away with them. It was the boldest epee of burp lerly that nig ever been attempted in the vile Shelving Another Member. • The Toront5'8tar, rank Grit, says :- The Ontario Governtnent is not ee, ,strong in the Legislature, nor in the people's confidence, that it can safely jugglewItheffices as it has in the peat. The registrarship of West Huron hile leen vacant for it long time, and still there is no sign that the Government has nitistered sufficient courage to choose. one among the dozen clamour -- Mks claimants. The tea tem tthe office bas got along witeiont an incumbent for at rest itx Clinton cemeteryon Thar last, •He had reached bis seventy-first year when the final earthly stimmons came. Mr. Thos Kearns bas a pen of good chiefty W•yandottes which are his favorites. They n'e industrious lavers and the eggs good sized,but one of Wyandottes dropped an egg the other day which measured wily 34 x 30 inches'. • I] Sit) 110 (ISE - Do you Wan t. a Piano, Organ, or Any kind of musical goods? If so, call and see ns We can supply you with the finest instrutnents at the right price. Let me quote you prices on what 'yor may.waut. TWO SEOOND-HAND. 'PIANOS TO RENT Our leaders are the Bell, Heintzman • and Motris Pian. s. Distributing cen- . tre for tlie noted Doherty Orgeu, the superlatively sweet • and. rich Regina, Our owe Make of Dulcimers and Auto harps, Sheet Music, Mouth Organs and a large varietyof other instruments, Pictures in great variety for sale. • Pianos tuned musically and scientifi .cally- correct, actual regulated, new strings kept le stock -and put on. (In. . structions taken from leading. tuners'. • in Toronto.)• ' • • • . I am not selling My fruitfarm, but having labor and eapital" to run it, .un der Providential blessing I hope le supply- Straseherries, Honey,' Cherries Pears kind Plums • hi great abundance to the public, • . . . STORE OPPOSITE POST -OFFICE Will be open. afternoons. • .0 HOARE "%early a year Is evidence either that it Clinton, .is a (useless positian oe that- the Govern- ment is allowing tbe public interests tosittrer rather than offend several can- didatrs by giving the place to one. And along with this sebject comes the announcenmt that Mr. Loughrue the member for Nipiasing, is to he appointed to an office. This is So coins mop a practice tbat it no longer sur-, prises the people who now tolerate this phase of the spoils question because they hove got used to it, • But surely, when it becomes necessary to take a Cabinet Minister in to the constituency, to initke the arrangement work stmeit le, it is time the Government . eailed' gait in its nabits of filling offices with MP RI tws• •' Moreover Mr; Loughrin's services to the proyfritii have'not been soch :As to entitle him to an 'Office, and the honor Of bolding swat in the House should . he ample recompense.• • . • YU JACKSON.. • ACENTOIIPIIR. 'CLINTON,. GN17-. Through tickets issued to 'all points in MANITOBA AND • THE NORTH-WEST Baggage checked through. 'For 41 information in reference to travil con- sult the above. • -1""8"Tir".".'""---"•""tr-15-15bitilleg. •M Pkinffii AVe -0- te OU" trsar • cure, but finally procured a bottle of goorra..sarettnarillaAnd' atter •takiag six bottles of this medicine sbe was completely cured." John Wecknar, Galt, Onnerio. That, distress aber eating is prevent- ed 117,one-or two of Hood's pills. They don't gripe. • William Bali has been arrested in Brockville on the charge of robbing the mails. • ADR1TOGIST'S FAITH. WRAT'S • MOST CALLED POE 11117ST la TUE Doer ItEMEDY. t•1 or.** druggist's testimony of the popus Ittritysof a remedy is the strongest kind of a proof that it will do what ft prom- ises. Paul Livinwood, druggist, of Al- lentown, Pa., POS. "Dr. Agnew's rem- edies heti° sold away beyond my ex- pectations. You can quote me for ray •ing that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der is the best beller for the catarrh I have to the store. Many of my cede- -mere praise it highly," It is a great remedy and has it continental repute- tibn.-Sold by Watte & Co, s Norvieglart expedition is about to „start to find Andree. $ • br. rot Maker Pineapple Teibtofs, at '14 Dre•g Ode, itte a boce—ed ~WS. ORAPTEUltr 1. 0, le of little faith in remedies and. doctors t a. UOVI Shan ye be filled With the know. Ied e that the tortures of dyspepsia may be rel eyed in an Instant I s, Try Dr. Stanek .; beeateic they Von Are -,-e2 „0tda %%bleb; aneeittents tiiiiiiiigatTegvurreStVit all der euro the wort form d Pa- 1"°11")+ a. 4. Thee/stet:tete eie wonders and all draw aidtataIrthent-M hi it box, at 36 cents the rsa, Mania ilneaerpte Athlete are free from all chemicals thattnin the stow - ,eh fo give tameerarar rellef. The action of These %Mete ieroothing and In of the leasing and thn frult ural irrstive neat* 10 assist hi a natural ouf:e. 2000 Ortlicians tire or. their way to Canada. . 11, For Over Fifty Years Mite Wiromow a Soo -mime Senile has 1044 • eee4 br millions °telethonfor their radium white teething. If disturbed at night_ and broken of your rsat by a sick child Suffering and (trying with pain of Cuttliti5 Teeth 'vadat greet:441r varertm ne. twill re. ItirvoYt It. It hew regulates the Stomach Gums, redo oes In nam raatlon , a vo • a Ind bowolo, earn; wind Colodeoftena ttl energy to the *hole system. " rs. Winelow'i Soothing IS yrrni" t children twAhing is Mee. tettiteitteb.74,1te . .5a 12.141.traret444, 4,,ntr ri, I @MAW tue Was is the preffarlpf4on of ono of the *Meet * boot fataalt phrlidase *ad nOrnee in the MO States, ?doe twenty:1u , WINSLOW'S . ncii Wiwi., enee and jt a bottle of "Mni. insiow% moth. rend upon itarrAh4r*, there lo nglidattIltborli• It 16 made in a f Toronto, wev troubled with heart dis- ease_for. years, • could,not stand op it chair withoutsgrowhig steers goingup stairs, or being suddenly startled brought, on palpitation, suffocation and intense pains under the shoulder blades. She West many remedies -was treated. by heart specialists without permanent relief, She procured and used. Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart. She got re- lief within BO Minutes after the first dose. and before she had taken two bottles every s inptona of hearttrouble had left her. -Sold by Watts & Co. • • • An unfounded Import of President Cleveland's death was circulated in the *United States on Monday- LANG171D WOMEN • • • TATE TREMELPTUATSOUTEI AMERICAN NERVIER OFFERS Min DE WELL, STRONG- AND HAPPY, • Miss Lucinda Butcher, of Teeswater. Ont., had a very sevetikettack of tnal. axial fever.• It lefb h ery weak, lan- guid, and. threaten with nervous prostralton. • South Arnerican Nervine was reed:untended tobet' and she tried it. After taking a few Moses sbe Mt great benefit. She continued taking it until six bottles were used, when to use her own words, "1 was completely restored to health, I can recommend it as s great remedy." -Sold. by Watts St Co. Special Notice, • • We are Headquarters for Good Goods at Lowest Cash Otte& Fat lines • of Choice Groceriee always on hand. A cali solicited. 35fIGID18eT•PRI0alte FAD) 111013. .000D lentlilit AND MGM,. G. 3. STEWART. T. B. !MYRTLE GUT is the beet Peas4ifek . 0 60 to 0 63 _ .1.111hot• 0 80do• 0 35 . Potatoei,peibusli; 0-50 ta 045- - , Butter locum in basket.... 0 10 tO 011 Butter in tub...,..., 0 13 to)) 13 Eggs per doz 0 00 to C 10 aaYr••••• ** • *** *** ••••••••••• •;.- 5 50 to 6 00 Live Hogs 4 00 to,4 10 POrk per ovrt 00 'to 6-00 Dried Apples per lb...-. 0 05 to 9 05 ' Ducks per lb. •. 0 05ito 0 06 Turkeys per lb. ' 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Chickens per pair' 9 35 to 0 40 Wool...-. * . * ....... .... 0 16 to 0 16 Flout per ewt..... , 1 75 to 200 .1%/145taxsr We thank our custon3e'rs • for their patronage iri the past and beg to call their • attention to our removal from Combo's block to the • former stand of Allen 84 Wilson OPPOSITE THE MARKET Where we hope to Bee them all and new custornere too, We keen in stock Groceries of en • kinds, Flour, Seed Grain. etc COODS AND PRICES STAND THE TEST • J. W. 111,10L414. • ENSILAGE. 15 pays to raise Ensilage au'. the farmer knowe and, more are going into it. 15 has been hard to get good seed this year but 1 have secured a supplyv and have it nOW in stock. It I* the well known BECAUSE 'ULRICH IMILA,OB. act ory the HAVE YOU a TRIED IT cleanliness of which is the " sur- prise of ail, W. Mee stock Grocerieft Flour lind Fes3,1ec1 Grain, Etc. •lf you visit the factory you will smoke the tobacco. Ncr, TY rill C.A.IST et, Clinton. • Those eyes of yours are probably overtaxed, and if you have not found it Out yet, you will soon do so. ° Prepare for the future by taking bare of the, present. • Defective vision is ea Eily cured, unless of long. standing. Our large stock of Tenses and frames, combined with our knowledge of hofr to fit them properly, insures you a permanent benefit and not merely temporary relief. • Charges moderate. • A.E1 GRIGG Jeweler and Optician. strsINEss BRIGHTNESS BRIMS SUCCESS STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Properly Prepared Young Men and Women for Business Ift FORTY- FOCH of our Recent Students have ac- cepted good situations. Rueinete Men appreciate our work and apply to us for our graduates. Enter now if you can. Protspeettis free. W. XELLIOTT, Prinelpa THE MASSENIARRIS BIOYOL1 HAS NO stromazon. It runs emy, the nisteritie which it le built are &II of the very beak and the prioe equal* the quality. There is no brrktet wheel thee the firteeei.flettris. GEORGE LOIS ..gout 3litalleey-Herrze, MAO*