HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-18, Page 4TLIE °LINTON NE iVii-RECOR15).
ne-Onnion Newswilecord
The -‘400.0100.-%
Tfirateriale, Woe 10110800.
.reetferee Mere OWN OORINISPONONNT$ NO Nry swop,' ANoirs, •
This Week's Bargain List, --
11'he Laeirier GovernMent is still aids Cadertele. Codeine% . . • COderleh. . 130711014-1,411e,
MAY IS, 1890
ILA e Testae ledwase.
wiseman. stock
Toon 041.4.10%.4SS.
leg the Galicians to immigrate to time
colintry though le pretty morally
eakneWledged. that they are it very Ma
desirable clue. It is now costing tbie
eountry dear to get them, but, in all
proballilit.y, we will by and by be only
•too glad to be rid of thein holm bolus.
They have been compared. to the
„ Chinese with the latter excelling in the
virtu,e of industry. It were better by
fa etoleav e th e airiesun cultivated and
trust to the future, whieh is oil Vene-
tia's side, for good settlers than to 011
the country with the mum of South-
ern Europe.
The Estimates as introduced into the
Commons show that with the Ministers
to madefor is to buy; Sir Henri July
purcbased a book entitled "Dictionary
• of Our Own Faults," The knight's
bump of observation eaunot be very
pea developed. Mr, Mulock added
. severat works to his librare, among the
number "De Brett's Peerage?' The in-
ference is that the Peettnaster-General
is its training for an expected lenight.
• hood. The Minister of Customs bought
"Be Your Own Lawyer" though the
Government is piling lip law costs. He
is also down for a copy of ePraetical -
Quotatiois" and Sir Richard Cart-
wright for a copy of "Poetical Quota-
-Um:me-At $12-pereyolume-these ought
:to be very well bound, indeed. e But
not, yet satisfied Mr. Patterson must
etieede buy at the country's expense a
bendsomely-framed pieture of the
present Premier. Evidently the gene
tletnen wbo are sacrificing themselves
at Ottawa Amon the altar of duty -say
nothing of ambieion or self-econsider
Parliament a liberal paymaster., '
Sir Wilfrid Laurier is at times quite
eager to investigate scandals, but it all
depends upon who is to profit there'll.
After the last election in Manitoba
frauds were alleged in connection with
the ballot boxes and Sir Wilfrid gave
Mr. Siftent, then • Atterney-General of
that province, powea:to draw to au Mr
limited amount from the Jeoutipion
treasury for the purpose of investiga-
tion. Mr. Sifton spent $18,000 willing-
ly and the Gevernment paid thebill.
Frauds are now °barged in maniac.
tion with several bye -elections in this
province, notably WesteElgin where
seyeral arrests have been made, but
Premier Laurier renders no assistance.
Fie will leave naught to do. with them,
but leaves to the Conservatives the
trouble, and eepense of prosecuting
• raiscels who have outraged-Doti:anion
laws. This should 'not be a queition of
party polictics for Itis in the interests
*of the whole country that the guilty
•persons be brought to justice. e
Sir Wilfrid has had several oppor-
tunities to prove hitnself more than e
mere partisan, but has :milled himself
of none of thew, and kis too much to
expect .that he will do so on this oc-
Stanley Townshp.
Mr. Mitchellealto is holding special
• meetinas at Blake,cobd.ucted the service*
in iartyllisictroad,church last Sabbath. -
Miss E. Turner, teacher of fee S. No. 3,
attended• the teachers' convention in
;lee on leer -week.--Mr. and Mrs.
es Reid attended the funeral of the
• late Mrs. Richaref Pearson Of Grey
township wisieb took pitted on Friday
last., The deceased, who wits a sister of
. Mrs. Reid's, left a family of six small
children. --The anniyersary in on-
• nection with Bayfield Road Presbyter-
ian church will be held next Sunday
when Rev. R.Pallackay of Toronto will
preach at 11 a. in, and 7 p. m. On the
• following Wednesday evening a tea.
meeting will be held for which ample
• preparations are being made. A num-
ber of reverend gentlemen will deliver
addresses and Miss Stanbury of Bay-
fleld will contributeseveral elocution-
ary selections, while Madame Wail of
' Clinton and the Verne Methodist choir
will render a musical program. This
will he probatily the last anniversary
• held in this old church so a, special sig-
nificance will attach to it.. The congre-
gation has decided to erect a new and
more modern place of worship in Var.
na and will use much of the material in
the 'old church in building the new.
This oid therch-it was built in 1858 rie
• that the term Old Well applies -was
quite a grand structure tit that period
.and the congregation was composea of
• nearly all the Presbyterian families in
Stanley and a Member in Hay and
Goderich tovenebips. Though it has
three tit four offehootaell vigorous and
•prosperous, the congregation remaine
a large and flourishing one. This food
old church will eyer remain associated
With the early history of Stanley town.-
. Alin&
Me, and lire, Albe-•t Mitchell of Col.
borne spent Sunday vvitireirreand Site.
R. Lathe—Mrs.-IL Grey and Mrs. V.
Atkinson of Hamilton were the guests
of mos, H. Little letie
Wingfield Oiler moved out of this
neighborhood lase week to McKillop. -
Mr. Arthur .Warren spent, Sunday
with his friend, Mr. Arthur Dale.—
The nIalOneara busy engaged this week
at Mr. Thomas Dale's new barti. Alma
is looking tip With so malty new build --
Inge this 10.146'yotr ot itia--.The 'people
Of AlMa Are looking forwd to it le
day orrehe2ith. Quiteanum platen
teltitat in the sport* at Clinton.—
Ma, T. 11. Brownlee of Kippert spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Harry
Littleee-allise Mand Montgomery hits
returned home to spend the eunitrier
with her parenta..--Mre. Will. Roes
and Mee. efieo, Brownlee of Forest
lIoneetelled on friends here 'set week.
• Mies Abide Lemon of Manchester
15 tipentling afro weeks With her un•
cle,Maltobet t IAWsen. r.
of leitiburo visited this ischeol last
,itteek, lot the Tommie of vaecinating
The ithool children,
On Ascension Thursday service*
were held in St. Peter's and St. Goa
ge's churches.
Rev, 1P, W. Ballinrake B. A. Of
Washington, Ont., tilled the pulpit of
North street e Methodist church most
acceptably on Sandra, evening lase
The Rev. gentleman took for his text,
the 10th chapter of St. John, 20th
verse ;-"But ye believe not because ye
are not of My sheep as L said unto
you.' The congregation was large and
all were quite delighted with the
scholarly, sermon and, impressive man-
ner °retie preacher. Rev. Mr. Hollm-
mice is the guest this week of his fath-
er-in-law, John Acheson, Esq.
Mr. W. Edwards' orchard, Rose Hill,
was a floral study although he reports
that the peach trees have been injured
he, the winter.
MaeHamlink feels quite proud that
beeper at Menesetung Park has been
finished for the season's pleasure. He
has opened the Reuse this week to the
general public.
J. J. Wright, Poiat Farm, the pion••
ear host, isquite ready for the large
mariber of visitors booked for this last
season of '99. We wish him a record
Mr. William Wadsworth, after the
lapse of forty years from his leaving
Goderich, says he intends bringibg a
suit against the corporation for not
having an electric railway to the har-
bor and which obliges him to walk
four blocks to the post office for his
heavy mail matter. He says his old
friend; Crown Attorney Lewis, will
conduct the case and His Honor Judge
Doyle will be expected to *give judg.
inent thereon. At present he is engag-
ed in buying salmon • trout from the
,Beffalo Fah.Co. but it offense they are
enable to meet his orders. Mr. Wads-
worth is an ex-aoldier of the Queen,
• haying' enlietede in the 83rd under
Colonel Wetherell and in '47 was called
out with his regiment 10 quell the re-
bellion under Smith O'Brien, the Irish
advocate for the "call to arms," O'Con-
nell was for. moral. suasion. He also
went with the 83rd to Bornfety and
bought his discharge after remaining
three years in India. 'Mr. Wadsworth •
is very well preserved and is visiting
his relatives, Alderman and Mrs, Cald-
well. He was statiopecl at the harbor
when Sir Edmond Bond Head, the
then tiovernor-General of Canada, se -
rived to be present at the opening of
the B. B. and L. H. and nearly lost his
life while hiring • the salute as he
wounded his band and a fragment of
metal penetrated one of his limbs and
cost Due McDougall and Hamilton
much anxiety from the wound bleed-
ing so much, He was taken to the
Western Hotel whose thee landlord -
Was John McCarron, West street. '
Your correspondent leavetraolities
to ye editors to discuss Which shows
some people know their business -and
that's a treat these days/ ,
Mrs. Charles Nairn and two little
daughters are visitfea relatives at
Gait and will visit Toronto friends be-
fore their' return. ea
'Mr. Wiley has returned from King -
"The gipsies aie round" the small
boy said. . 'The stogies are round" the
shopkeeper said and he traded horses
with them and made them happy with
goods to boot.
For the -sake of the "Rana) Club" we
give the following interesting bit of in-
formation sent to the stamp column
of Mail and Empire of 6th May :-"Ir-
ving H.Gammond le3 Langley avenue,
will give four genuine stamp dealers'
addresses in Egypt, Turkey, Finiand
• and Denmark, for everY -three unused
map stamps sent him before May 301b.
'Tie a pity. that the ruler at Castle
Griffin had not remained ca. county
councillor or become a city alderman.
His sphere is so small at the Castle that
the town will have to incorporate him
as a manager of the public works com-
mittee and the chestnut row will most
surely grow.
„ On May 6th at. her residence 17 Mc-
Arthur street, Tremroeneere Thomas,
beloved wife of Conductor Fred. W.
Secombe of Detroit, departed this life
after three days' illness caused by acute
inflammation, at the age of 8.3 years.
Her brothers here only had the Jaime, -
tion of -her death and date of burial.
On Monday Mesita • James and Charlie
Thomas, brothers of deceased, left -to
attend the funeral which was postpon-
ed until the arrival of the train from
London. Mr. Secombe is secretary
for the Conductors' Union who at-
tended the funeral in a body, their
wives every one- of them bringing a
basket of flowers as it floral tribute in
memory of the loving, clever, sincere
Trenemeneere. The -room in which the
deceased 'ay in her beautiful casket
was so strewn with floral offerings and
the casket so laden one could scarcely
approach it, One daughteaMies Ruby
Secombe, aged thirteen, is left at an
early age to mourn the loss art loving
mother. The funeral cortegaProceede
ed along Fort street to Woodmere
Cemetery. The Messrs. Thomas ar-
rived in town on Thuisday evening.
Their sisters, Mrs. Walters and Mrs.
Tomlinsoreof London and their niece,
atm Coulson of Detroit also attended
Ilia funeral, Mrs. Coulson being with
her aunt all through her brief but
fatal illness. The late Mrs. Secombe
was born in Goderich and passed her
school 'day, among us. She was the
youngest sister of the Meseta. Thomas
here, her eldesb mister being the late
Mrs, Jahn Bell of Winghame whose
daughter, Mrs, Coulson, attended her
in her illness.
Clinton citizens should not lose the
grand treat this May time has to offer
in our grand lake totem. Friday was
'an ideal day. The foliage is at the
zenith of its beituta, strawberry
blossoms dot with white the Wake
of Lake Huron, although thereee
a blight upon the sweet briar,
possibly winter killed. On the 1211i of
May SOWS years ago Mr. Ellett say* the
earth was frozen and your corres-
pondent remembers aortae years since
When the leaves on that day were only
coming out upon the Aliment beshea
Unloading coal at the dock was a
brisk business on Thinialay tase•
great many men were engaged and
the Marine band could have engaged a
good many minstrels without the me
redeem of Mr. Voorhees of New
York. Minstrels are always happy,
and thoteat the harbor were no excel)*
tails to the rule. • Captain WinSuther.
land's new purchase, the A. /. Sauna
pore of Kingston, with coal for the
ehemicaaworks, the P. B. Locke of
Toledo, Captain Durand, teal for the
Writer wor 'mind the Viennaef Toron-
to with coal, for Wm, Lee Were ell
moored lade by side and busy unload.
Ong. The schooner Militate, Natalie
and Owner John Macdoneldeooked the
trimmest of them all in bar coat of
peen and Itch! • Cnlfitge
charged her etfrgo of hotelier frous
Johnston's llarqnr at Chatham Andre.
turned light to port to take the large
planer that A aited her arrive] for
Johneton's Harbor.
A rituxiber of , hsvng it
planing raill ettetobed, to piiti. floor-
ing, ewe forth* taarkita
The tug gee Zing, Captain 1naetes, Miss Keittirts of Toronto is the guest
value steaming. in at about on of her uncle and mint, Mr. and Mrs.
trout. Toronto also accompanied Miss eat -
of $10,000 to any do. wiNing to eetab. an Mrs, Tighe. •
Thursday wit e, fine catch ofsalmon Tighe. Beitennia road. Mee Bible of
Wincbestei3Ont hag assed bootie iogaand will speed some time with Mr.
lash a pork factory there, On Monday lst May a meeting wee
Mise Bagley of Duegannon ',pent last called to oeganize A baseball club,when
week the guest of Mrti, W.• Nevine, the following Were elected caws :-
Raglan street. Hon. President, Hon. .1. T. Garrow. M.
Mrs. Robert Nevins of Toronto spent P. P. -vice president, A. Moe). Allan;
it few deys recently in town with her Ease:lea, D. B. Giant; vice. Barry
brother-in-law, Mr. W. Nevinieand his WatsOn; treasurer, Will Passimire
family.s e -eta • L All •
Miss Georgie Walsh of Clinfon is John Nairn; managing corm ttee,
spending a few weeks in town the Elwood, Edwards, B. Tilt.
guest of bet* sister, Mrs. Spalding, Vic- When was the town clock cleaned?
torlastreet.eBelleview" had 8. empties party one
draw on Sundqi
aylast en route for Cal. anti some went one on bicycles, a fit -
Mr. Will, Hillier lefe on the St. An- • tine evening lase week. Some drove I
, where he s going prospecting. al ting larewell to the heir of the house,
with much pleasure we learned of who was about to sever his connection
the arrival of Contractor Cosner to fin- for some time with the Victoria, street
isle his contract of the:granolithic side- church choir. The company pne and -
walk on the square. We trust it will ail wished the here of the hour,
be a successful issue. . Will. lililier, a safe journey and lamed
Oa Saturday a. tn. we 'were treated he would find a ferteme in Calgary, N.
to a cyclone in en) bryo and we felt W. T. .'
that it almost obliterated the beauty Miss Ann Hussy, late of Boston, has
of the previous day. . we are oie y to learn, been suffering
The logs at the harbor were quietly lately from nervous prostration.
dumped overboard before the arrival Cards for theweddingof Miss Maude
of the coal barges.
That lump of coal on West street Kofenthneisdytoawnd6, Mr. Harry Malan, both
areout for 25th May.
theeloor of F. Holmes and W. Oatno. The wedding will take place at Miss -
bell's office has proved itself to be a. leennedy'e homeaGuelph,
stumbling block. We thought it might ' Mrs, H. Martin and her son Frank,
contain a diamond it was so huge, but Newgate streetaave returned from the
eiteseerns Mr. Nicholson haaa clause for elyslop-Brown wedding at Hamilton.
damages against ram the town al alr. Blackstone has laid in -a large
somebody, and, it may cost the price of supply of confections forner Majesty's
a diamond to settle the affair. .e.„ clear birthday and we noticed quite .a sup -
case of diamond cut diamond. •ply ot -crackers-fire crackers of
Our citizens were awakened on Thum- course. ' •
day a, m. last about 3 o'clock by & tiro: St. George's church was prettily
longed steam whistle in the direction or decorated on the Feast of the Aeon -
the Chemical salt works and the the
alarm. It turned out that lightning
• struck and consumed the bane of John
• Hyslop, between the G. T. Renick and
• the Maitland. The hose wagon coming-
out of the fire hall inet with an acci-
dent and reacbed the scene of. action
too late to be of any aez vice.
Early on Saturday a. m. the St. An-
drew steamed into port with cargo of
37,0C3 bushels of wheat for Richardson
Bros. Wise old St. Andrew to get in
on Saturday, thereby eluding any Sun-
day fhiee
or loss of time.
Burrows & Colborne have been ship-
ping oats for the Liverpool market the
past two weeks. 25,000 bushels is the
cargo for that seaport this time.
- R. Tichbourne supplied the place of
Chief Thomas during the latter's ab-
sence on Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday evenings. .
Mr. George Black is in a new role
these days. Front being a clerk due.
hig bankrept sales, he is janitor of St.
Patrick street school and caretaker of
the courthouse square and Harbor
Park. He'll have it busy season.
The tug Bowman quietly 'slipped into
the harbor on Thursday night and
bore away Porter and Bowman's
dredge and two scows for Kincardine,
we learned.
Mr. Wm, Dayidson and family of
Messrs. E. Johnson and W. Hans-
a/ell both of the Line,paid flying visits
to t respective' homes last week,
the former's befog. near Kintail and
the latter's neer Kincardine ---Now
that eeeding is,nearly over the farmers
are turniug their attentiob to the
root coop. The prospecta for it plefl.
teoue barvesaa.re so far good though
we cannot tell what A day May bring
forthe-e-The frosts at the beginningof
thla maker° reported to have some:
waat injured the early fruie„...-ehe P.
ne mon preseuted his
daughter, Meat Flossie Cole, with a
haudsome upright piano last week, pure
chased from Me. Scott of leeitfortie—
We are way, sorry indeed to be still
compelled to ioclucle Mrs, H. Beaeoca
on our slat list. MM. Beacom has for
some time been in a very critical cob-
dition and has been under the able
care of De. Woods of Bitylield. We
hope to hear' of .late. Beacora's com-
plete recoyeree—lar. F. Cole bits also
been in very poor health lately having
%ken a severe chill wbile itt Clinton
ene day last week from vvbich be did
not recover for some time.—Rev. E.
B. Smith, pastor of St. James' church,
Micidletores Corners, has again resura.
ed his duties having returned from
• London *here he so houorably passed
his final exittiaination. He is now a
fully ordained ndnister of the wive).
We all unitedly join in wishing him
God Speed in his work.—It has been
O mystery as to whatinfluenced Percy
Coleto leave the trader of organ task-
. . .
Dungannon took passage on the steam-
er ate Andrew on Saturday night for
Algoma, where he has taken up farm-
ing land. The steamer had a quantity
of baled hay for freight. •
Mr. Alex. Chrystal and assistants have
been employed at Stapleton. salt block
for the past three weeks putting in a
new pan.
Mr. Wade, Bruce street, is employed
at the organ factory, Vagoestock.
Mr. .Young, Parke street, has gone
to Woodstock where he is employed at
the organ factory there. '
Our mayor has beautified his lawn
with evergreens. " • e •
Little Miss Olive Smith while on the
sidewalk opposite Smith Bros. acci-
dentally struck her face against °Lease
which is fastened outside the sto re and
was severely wounded. '
Mr. James McLean, brother of Robe
McLean, and like him a cattle buyer,
spent a few days here and shipped two
carloads of cattle to the city.
Mr. Will Smith has; we are sorry to
kern, been, laid up in Chicago with
some affection of one of his Ittribs. He
-retained from 'that city first week in
May. We trust soon to wee him ationt
as usual. Mr. Hatulink accompanied
Miss Bettie Wilkinson returned huit
week from a three months visit at Min-
neapolis. She also visited friends in
Chicago and spent the last week of her
visit the guest of Mrs. Cassels of Strat-
foLiveryman nays..
Etat street, is
quite a connoisseur in horseflesh. He
is the possessor of a coal black team
which are great beauties.
Ma -Humber wisely purchased the
Russel residence on East street,adjoin-
ing the t7. S. Consulate, giving him the
ovenershipeoe quite a large block.which
he can atmenntend with ease, his own
residence and all being en bloc.
There must be a fortune in the Hatv-
ley mineral Well AS Mr. Walton has
added it to his stock of roamer Inver-
eges,and now he is enlarging his prem-
ises, We wish him bon fortune, he is
so energetic and so polite.
The St. Lawrence is due from Chica-
go with corn -for Richardson.'
Mr. J. McBrine, Waterloo street, left
per eteamer St. Andrew on Saturday
night for the Soo,. where his brother
Moses is employed.
At a special meeting of the Citizens'
committee, held to consider the action
token by the Toronto City Council and
Board of Trade in the matter of the
proposed independent line of railway
to carry grain to Toronto from Lake
Huron, the following resolution was
unanimously passed : "The Citizens
comtnitteeof the town of Goderich will
loyally, support the construetion an
independent, railway. All a natioual un -
taking, to connect the waters of Lake
Ontario with any portion of Lake Hur-
or the Georgian Bay, which shall be.
proven to be mob favorably situated
for thie purpose. Bub this committe
etrenuousaly deprecates any further ac-
tion being taken in the matter until a,
committee of experbs shall have modes,
slots, Thursday Ilth inst. The reveries
had an inscription suitable for the day
"Thou art gene up on high"in gold let-
ters, the wore of Architect Fowler.
On the altar table on eithereside of tbe
reredos was a very fine amaryllis with
its itch crimson flowers and between
them a yeey fine La Belle France rose,
"the packs of the Rectory. At the,
evening servio the anthem "Lift up
your heads" was especially fine and
the sermon impressive. The text for
the evening was taken • from 2nd
Kings, 2,12. Quite a Melee congrega-
tion attended the evening service.
Mr. Frank Elliott, Palmerston
street, is engineer at the Kensingeton
furniture factoty. He sold his p:;ee
"McCormack" and esurchased froin Mr.
Robert Wiliam Seaforth "Bay
George' Mr. Elliott seems deter-
mined to excel in horse flesh,
We hem the Goderich notes in Tun
Isietws-Racioati will charm more lime
ness men of Clinton than Mr. Bam-
ford and Jackson Bros. ele. Ra,nsfora
spent a couple of days in town and we
learn has Jeaied the Chemical Sale
We saw at the residence of Captain
John McDonald a very handsome color -
lithograph of the "Ducks" with all its
steamers and fishing fleet. Mrs. Mc-
Donald. pointed out a' nice two-storey
building saying "There is the Bins'
•boarding house" and we thought no
• wonder the Misses -Bain like to spend
each season at; the "Ducks" among the
beautiful trees and the fine fleet before
their door.
Mr. Harry Johnston of Toronto is
the guest of Mrs. Van Every,
• Mr. Jim McVicar has been beautify-
ing the Coping and stonework general-
ly of the postoeice. We told him if
he could only pull the structure out
to the front it would be worth while
ependidg time upon it.
The Misses McIver are spendirig the
summer with their father, Captain
Dan McIvor, of the tug .at Coiling -
Mr. Charlie Lee returned quite re-
cuperated front his visit to Middletoti
Place and is now up to his eyes in
business. •
Miss Walters is assistant at the Cafe
Balmoral. • .
Captain Dudley Holmes has a
military notice posted up, at- the ba-
ttens of which appears -the following, in
pencil :-The 33rd &battalion will parade
every evening- Recruits wanted- All
and accoutrements to be brought
to the armory." We wonder where
last year's recruits are. We will be
glad be hear the bugle sound once
Mrs, W. Watson, late of Cassekon,
Dakota, is the guest of Mrs. P. MacFar-
lane. Ito
Wedge (Pet Green) and son
of ()madam, Dakota, accompanied her
parents, Mr. and Mee. W. Green.
Taylor's CornerS.•
Mr. Sam Sohnstien is improving the
appearance of his farm and reeidence
by replacing his old fence by the Page
wire fence. Mr. Stanley, the agent for
this fence, is putting meet great deal of
it this seasonemving sold over 8000tods.
He is it hustler, -.Mr. Charlie Younges
making a great many improvements
to his farm. The most noticeeible is
the mallard. Ile has pruned and graf-
ted It and is going to summer fallow it
this summer. He Intends remodelling
his house thisfall and killers near future
is going to move his barn to *here the
Old brick house now - stands. When
this is done he will have one of the
best fortis in Goderich township. ,
The teacher, Mr. Trewartha, cleaned
up the yard and otherwise improved
the school's appearance on Arbor (ley.
The Inspectoopaid the school a, visit
hist week end tainted well eatiefied
with the work.—Sacrameneel service
was held Sunday, May 71h. The pas-
tor preaelied to a large congregation On
that day and also to it large One on
Thursday, evening. The ' ladies riee
talking of having a owed in the near
future. It will be &good one as it is
always has been in the past. --Mr.
Lew. Telibutte ' accemPanieit by Mies
Clara McCune& And Mile Mary aphis.
eton, spent, Sunday in Port Albert. --
Mies Willis of Port Albert le vielting at
Mr. Simon McCullagh's---George Kea
he of the
searching enquiry ea to tbe merits of le' sports e, now wheel,' bou
every available retaeleed shell hate ree, web known' agent, Will attou.
ported that it Is possible for 'such a line Fall wheat does not prorate to be n
very good crog this year end Maribor
of rally?"' wit hnnt financial lcsa't° di' of acres have een plowed up:-.-Neate
verb the carriage of grain from Buffalo 1 11 the ted h be n but
• y Es Se has been SOWa
into Camellia' channels."
large number of the farmers are going
Mese Celetain rien Sutherland, Wel' to mow their peas late thie leer hi or.
lington street, has returned front a vire der ta aware, the eurtee_aartde prom,
it to her 014 hone, Bothwell she
went to be with her dying triotheteMila meet of the orchards are ahnoth full of
lees' to be in Abundance this year as
:oho Sutherland veho had attained the weal, .
Celt A y took place on 80th ,April,
age of 83 seats. kite fatieral of the de.
The following letter from tbe Admits. FOreet 11101rie.
*keit* Captain Babb of the Life-Saa. ,
lug station Wall kindly handed your . Ale and Mile Albeit Mitchell of 04*
correependenti ha,vetoaequitintyou hOrne visited friends here Suriday.----
thet your sa lication of the 8rd ultimo Mr. Albert Beers, of Brucefield called
to he grant the Canada Service Merl. friends ere.-- .
al lute lieen forwarded to the Secretary Berra visited at Mr. John Berry's
of Sada for Wer for transmission to adriday....--Mr. Steck (Wiper of Alme
the Secretary of Stele for Cenlide, Ofle. vile the tiesb frienes here.—We
tawa, for the tonsiderittion of the Can-
adian Government. Your perchtnene
Certificate k returned herewith. am
tout* obedient weenie Manning, *ea
ceun na0euthed of the Neva."
are Oa io hear that Mr. Sack Mc.
Lean Is recovering. ---Mr.' Irnett
Berry' is busy raising his barn. this ,
Week. --Mr. Sandy Mproae Will *oon
have hie kitchen completed.
tng ut is now ecounng clear as in-
dications strongly pointto the fact
that he is soon about to embark in the
cooper business which he no doubt
thinks is a more lucrative cellina.—
Mr..Geo. Bothwell occasionally puts in
an appearance on our line on Sunday
evenings, especially so since Epworth
League has started in Cole's church.
That is rightGeoege,and you are exceed-
ingly welcome as we regime more yeo-
men in this immediate vicinity,—Mr.
John Stewart, father of Messrs. Chas.
and John Stewart of this line, has for
scum time been in a very low condi-
tion, and is, we believe, not likely to
recover from his serious illness.—A
meeting of the young people of. the
Epworth League was held, in Cole's
church last, Tuesday evening for the
purpose of arranging for a garden
parte. Fuller paraculaes later.—We
wonder if Jake was- lost lase Satur-
day evening or not. Some are of the
opinion he was but he certainly knows
his own business best. Never mind
Jake, there a a as good flsh in the sea
as have eyer been caught. ---Tax
NEWS -RECORD is becorcang still more
and more 'popular in this vicinity.
Why 'should it not ? It stands second
to no paper -n the county. It gives
the -news of the whole county and
owing to •the taste and ability of the
Editor the nes,s is plaeed in arch it
wee, as to quickly draW the eye of the
readeathus grasping- the more itnpOr-
taut items of interest first. The Editor
certainly aims at nothing less than
epeefecacon" and arias such an aim in
view the result will 'Mailer be most
list of 'values that are away below regular and in most eases
'below what the goo,le cost to put in the store; values that will
},ay yon to investigate and mean 411 absolute saving of money
to tbote who buf, • •
This stook must be oleared out at .the Wiseman. store and
whatever your needs in Dry Goods may be if we have the
goods'you will save money buying here,
Men and Boys' Clothing.
. Clothing prices have been almost cut in two, Every •
man's and boy's suit we have must be sold out at the Wise-
man stere, Races like .:hese will soon clear them out. '
'ittea's strong Tweed pents,'Well •
made from good honest Can- , Men's strong Blue Serge Suite,
Men's suits, made from line all;
light colors, clearing at • et lekte
adieu Tweeds, in dark and 2:1 Hot - well trim ne(e>odr, 3 98
. .
clearing price •
wool Tweeds and Worsteds,
dark colors, lined with good
Retina cloths, well made and
trimmed goods, thee- came •
from one of the best clothing , •
factories in Canada. -Wise-
- Boys' Tweed Suits, . coat and
Pante, may small sizes,. merle
froin all -wool tweed and sea
ges, good linings. Wiseman
men prices were $11 to $14, a CIO paces $3 to $8.75. Our new
Your choice L
amp price •
Carpet Bargains.
weIre selling .the 'Wiseman Carpets, cheap and have sold
a large quantity slime we opened up; this means an accumn-
tion of remants unles.s they are cleand out quickly. • They. •
have been measured up and marked at a price, for the piece,
and if you have it room that they wiljlt you can carpet it for
a little more than.half price. A list of temente.
One end all -wool carpet 8e ads. • • Wisemanair;ce $1 yd,end for 4 45
WWI 92ic a yd end to clear, tea 60 "OnOertd union carpet, lta yds.,
One end all -wool carpet, best Wiseman priers was teic yard.
- quality, 5e yards. Wiseman End for • •
price $1 yd, end for 3 60 One end union carpet, 17e yds,
One end all -wool carpet 4 yds. , Wiseman price was 65e yard,
Wiseman price 90c a yard. End for:
, End for ' 2 85 Ono end union carpet, n yard*
One sad all -wool. carpet, 7 yds, Wiseman pace was. 50c yd.
Wiseman priee75cyd,enclfor , 85Encafor 2 79
One end wool' carpet, 4 yard's, :One end Union earpeb, yds.,
old prica,80ayd., end for • 2 25* Wiseman -price was 4uc yd.,
One end Wool carpet, at yards,' End for .
, . Two Bargains in Window Shades.
, .
Two lines in good quality window Wiseman mice 75e. Our new
shades thee are going out at e less than price ,
regutar priee. .Extra quality .gpeque, hand
Fine opaque hand painted win- painted wi n do w shad es,
-dove shades, good: quality mounted on strong spring
e nlioirtztiv
ted• cipatonsttenrrone,grollers, light and dark buff,
Wiseman price 90e, our price .60 .
four Bargaitts in Linen. -
'KY inch half bleached table dam-
• ask, old price 35. Ournew
rine blea.ehed table linen; dub.
- le ditanisk, wide width,heavy
quality, good siettern, regtx:-
lAr $1.25,-elearmg .
Goderleh Township.
mAikrv marrY naTuraes. • '
On Tuesday of lase week Mr.
Samuel Rathvrell of the Bay.
field concession observed the 63rd
anniversary of his . birthday, His
father was a native of County Carlow,
Ireland, but Mr. Rethwell was born in
what is now the town of aeoderich I
which was scarcely more than a clear- I
ing at that period. The faintly after.
Weeds lived for a time upon the Goshen
line in Stanley and forty-eight years
ago took up lot 25 on the Bayfield con-
cession from whence the old people
were carried to their last restingplace
and which is now in the possession of
the object of this paragraph. -His bro.
them, who on reaching manhood
went out atm the old homestead
to do for themselves are Sohn
now in.Stanley. Edwara in Goderich.
township, Thomas in Kinloss and Wil.
limn in Glen -while their only sister is,
Mr's. Little of Kiloton, The Bathwells
are among the best ifhowri and most
highly -respected of Huron ;families..
Mr, S. Bothwell has numerous warm
friends all of whom will . join in wish-
ing him many happy returne of his
P‘rter's HilL
Mr. Wm. McDougall of Egroondville
was visiting friends here lase week.—
Mr. B.C. Potter disposed of hie cow
and bought A. Jersey from Mr. 3. Mc-
Cluskey. -- Saturday and 'Sunday
night's frost was very severe and ice
was formed about a quarter of au inch
in thickness. The trek crop will prob-
ably be injured.—Mrs. William
Elliott was visiting friends in Eginond-
ville last week. --Mr. Alex, Cox -and,
Mr. Slued McDougall each bought a
mach ow from Mr. Gould.—Mr.
Will. Elliott epends his spare hours at
the lakeside for the benefit of his
bealth.—Rev, Mr. Henderson of Alt -
burp preached in Bethel la* Sunday.
----Ma Arch. McDougall is ' busy ex-
cavating tbe earth from under his
Myth. .
Mr. William: Harris left on Wednes-
day for Sirncoe where he has bought it
battery. We wish hinesuccese. —Mr,
Joseph Stealers has hired Mr. George
Marshal of Sealottb.--eMiss El vo
Adams Of Loridesboro , -spent Sunday
with Miss Annie MeQuarrie of towhee-
-Ma JoRepia rage bought*, flue horse
last week and commenced wafting
the streets On Monday. --Ali the
'Sports of town intend taking in the •
sports in Clinton 6E1 the 211h. ---There
was a meeting in Trinxby church Thule.
day evening for the purpose tif organ.
izing o sioung peoples' society. It is a
grand thing and if the young people
take an intereet in it, it will be it great
help, to the church, ---The funeral of
the tate John Cocheline pasted through
town on Monday Mr. Clark Vallee
moved lase week ietom his residenee on
Mill streetto the house of 8. 11. Gidley
on Queen street.--eAt the Methodiee
church opening on Sunday lest Mr.
Campbell, of Toronto delivered two
very eloquepe eernione. The collec.
Hone et the day amounted to M. --
Ma William Bell had: the misfortune
of having hie wee dog run °ler by the
train on Seturclayenight. it wets in the
habit of following the bus to the sta-
tion, but it will do it no room
_ seee-Leeetet
Base Line.
Mr. George Wray, who Was upon the
slat lest for two or three week* with
appendicitio, hes recovered sufficiently
to ha able to be out even.
• Two only, extra, heavy quality, •
half bleached double claniasit
2,_ table eloths, colored. borders.
Wisernitta price was $8.50.-
" 'Our price • • 411 85
. Two only, saine cloth only larie;
er size, Wiseman price was
85c $5.25. .Our, price • • .6 00
Selling the Wiseman Stock at the Wiseman Store. CLINTON,
'Drysdale.' •
Seeding in our neigbborhood is al-
most at an end and farmers are busy
now planting their potatoes.—Mr.
William Stevens sold his small farm of
80 acres to Mr. Louis Deinony, Jr. for
a handsome. sum or $1,525. -
Orr intends shipping the -best of bis
lambs to Buffalo next week.---klesers.
Bannerman and Talbot are talking of
running a nursery of thaw .own next
season if all is well. --Mr, ThoaSnow-
den of Snowdenville was the guest of
Aerate Durand on ae•recent "eaednes-
daya---A grand time is expected at
Snowdenvitle park on the 2410, Canso
one and, all. --Shearing sheep is the
order of the dey.---Scoopes a regular
attendee of the Blake afeetings.---Mr.
R. Drysdale, Sr., visited Rensall last
Friday. --Messrs. Joe. Ran and Z,
Bresau are busily engaged peddliug
• Flowers
For Perfuming Wartitobes, Linen
,• Closets, and 'preventing Moth
10C a:8
.fresh fish.—Mr 0. creenati and his
boys are busy cropping bis mother's
farm. ---Mr. Jahn Orr, reeve, is em -0 • X Or
ployed as foreman for our councillor, mi m atli
Mr. - W. StInson.—Mr. Arthur al. ta or
Ib Teas
Sereenan is laboring in St Soseph brick •
Ye,•14.---Mise L. E. Horner has
sb been 26c a Package
friendS in Creditors the pa
week. a *-
Th iti is the great Spring Bitthre.
• Exeter.•••
• (Intended for last Issue.)
The weather is very agreeable and
the farmers ate getting in their crops,
Market-Potatoee 70c, a busbel, but-
ter 12c. a pound, eggs lie, a dozen.
Mr. P. Prayne has his new • house
nearly finished. It will present h floe
appea ran ce.
Our Laorosse club will he among On-
tario's best this year be all appearan-
ces. .They will be known as the Nat
• The dry is where are yell going for
24th 2 and the answer is to Exeter.
• Why ? because there is horse: racing.
'We all like it.
Mr. A. Dempsey left thee 'Week for
California where he will 'eeek leis for-
Mr. 3. Stogdill, our genial laundry
man, twit week sold his laundry Intel -
to Me. lie. D. Thompson for a good stun
Mr. S. will Iive m Seaforth.
'Messrs. floss & Taylor, centractors
and builders are this year doing a
robing busineasen the building line.
•Port A Ibert,
Mr. and Met. ale Carrell of Goderich
spent Sunday in the village.. --Miss Oe
McDonald of Goderich was the guest
of Miss Ethel DeLong nn Sunday. -----
Hurry H. Hawkinis left for Huron
township this week where he is engag-
ed at the stone and brickwork. --Miss
Yates of Goderich spent it few days
with her eider,: Mae Harry Haydee,
this week.- -.- Miry Cunningham
WAR rtz Dungannon a few days last
week. --Mrs. Metean of leickhow
epent a few deem with her sister, Mrs.
G. te A. Thurlow, thie week,..- Seed.ing is nearly at an end le this section.
-Fishing at the harbor has been the
sport the pate week, herring being
ought in- great nuanbees.
Sweet, refreshing steep Is given by
iloodis Sareaparilla, which' feeds the
nerve*, tones the stomach and curetall
dyspeptic eymptains.
Tits Nawsaiteolto has it staff of
bright correspondents Who cover the
round tb.oroughlr.
We are sole agents irt Ciintdn for
• The Penny Post Cigar
the best 13o Cigar in Canada. Buy It.
Chemist and Druggist..
Physicians' Supitlies.
This is an extra high grade of flour,
made from all Manitoba. wheat. 11
rnakes more bread per ewt, than
impother flour and won't run or
crack. Tleiti is a firsteelass flour
• that Vire ean with cOnfideure re-
Asa fai.bily flour theIefichen Queen
15 unsurpassed. It Mee well and
the breed holds moisture Well.
Those who have made one purchase
of the Others Queen have come
back for more.
• This is a cheaper brand, a eornbina.
tion of Ontario, and Manitoba
Wheat. ft lentade by the =seine4
e prate(' process and the qualit
heats the price, $1.90 per cwt.
Thesebrad eanetile be had trout us.
• yourchoice and t*• a bat. Onr Oreestiee
all fresh. Oath putl for Butter *adzes&
Coors Cotton god aompotiid
rikui&to asegetots. rrise, Xs. r , $fsr
AZ2079firlAsktrkioltv1", virilk."4:
oUotati.,;114:t i kir"try'gtai
V.% WS: at. wrizgltant
141."40. 222 IRA 2 20k2 in Clinton by %valor
Jackson. Drnalit.