HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-23, Page 4JAS,McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTII, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sete Notes a epeolalty. Advauoee made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every a000mmodatton non• instant with safe and ooueervative beaking praneiplos, UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on one list for dale, ]tents collected, CONVEYANCING or all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance oompanlee, and respect. fully eoliolt your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A,nt. to 8 rats. Business Bards. A. B, MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Sue. censor to G. F. Blair. Ofllce over Stan. decd Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. polite** Bank. PIIOUDFOOT, HAYS at BLAIit, Baiileterd, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs, Catneron and Holt, Goderieh. W Proudtoot, K.C. ; It. C. Hays, 0, F. Blair, G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dente) Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Pronto University, 081ee oven Jennie Cntt's store, Pretoria Klock, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. tO +i,p,m. W. J. ,MiLNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D,C,M„ Uni• 'malty of TrinityCollege; M,D„ queen's eternity; Felow of Trinity Medical olleae, and member of the College of 1Nhyslelans and Surgeons of Ontario. Cot, onerfor the County of Huron. Office, one door= north of Comnimercial hotel, Queen street,3Blyth. F. 4I5i- !SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of T'ns STANnann, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables aeera@oQ Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 4i silo GW GS Firet•clasa horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Beat of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary oftice at livery stable, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, ELYTR, INVESTIGATE into the moolte of the traitor&,``:' Isis the most suOoeaetul bq alneee tale• In. retool in Western Oetarlo. Oar Com. morotal, Shorthand and Telegraphic It. 'pirtmenta are in the charge of able In. ?;atruotoreofexperienc.. All our (musses %.; are thrr,ugh, up•to-dete and Ma'tteel. ,We have become one of the larzear; burl. rises trent* g +e.hot1 in the pri s ms. Get our free catalogue and learn what wr are doing. Commercial solitude as w 11 es business men employ our graduates. Stu dente err entering eech week. Entero tw. ELLIOTT d McLACHLAN,'Principe's, FAfl1 FOUR—THE I3LY'TH STANDARD..,•jAw. RY 23rD, 1908, I �l1c i!}!#!t ptaitbarb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, 1'HUKSllAi, JAN, 29. 1908, mp People We Know Miss Mottle Barr, of Godericli, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. John Wilford is visiting her sister in Clinton this week, Miss Noble, of Norval, is the guest ul' her friend, Miss Amy Elder, Mrs. David Moody is visiting her parents in Londesboro this week, Councillor Joseph Carter was con. tined to the house for a few dad's last week, Mr, Jas. Scott anti bride, of Yellow Gress, Snsk,, was the guest of the formet''s aunt, Mrs, Martin in town. Mr. Scott is a son of Mr, John Scott, who formerly lived on the Sth line, of Morris. Mr, F. Carr, expects to leave by the end of this week for 'Toronto where he a0sunlea hie old position; Mr, W. J. Andrew was in Acton hast week attending the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Arch, McNabb, who was buried on Friday. This week ,)r, Fred, Haines, 'of Fullerton, and Mr, McGill, of Mc. Killop, were calling on friends in town while driving through to Wlugtiant. 1M'. 0. Goodday, formerly C. P. R. Engineer, now of Ottawa, was call. Ing on old friends in town for a few days last week. Those who arc appointed to at. tend the Convention in Clinton for the Y. M. C. A. convention are :— Revs. Small and Anderson and Messrs, Chas, Jacobs, A, Elder, E. Bender, F. McPherson; J. and Al- bert Wilford. The meeting is to. day and Friday. *Ours. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were big days in Knox church. The weather was fine, crowds were large and receipts good. Blyth choir G. N. McLAREN m BRUSSELS EMERENCT SALE $ 12000.00 Stock of Bright New Merchandise Being Slaughtered. The greatest money saving oppor- tunity ever offered in the County of Huron. Strictly new goods, doomed, must be sold and will be sold regardless of cost. Read this list of attractions. Think it over. Compare. Prove what we say. Come. Come expecting to get goods very cheap. You'll get them. The terms of this sale are cash. Borrow the money if necessary, but don't fail to join the crowds in this sale. The greatest money saving event ever offered in Huron county. Dress Goods Dress Goods in Poplins, Venetian Cloths, Tweeds, Pnnan100, Cashme1es, Serges, regular value up to Tec, Enter gency Sale price 99o. 27 only Ladies' Winter Cloth Coats new and are this Seae01i'14 heat styles. All Furs are being sold regardless of Drees Goods is all our best qualities of cloths and coluting8, teunh,r price up 90 31.25, Emergoucy sale price 79c, at exactly half price. These are all cost 01' values. Men's and Bors' . e eClothing Men's Beaver, Melton and Tweed aency Sale price your choice for 87.60. C)cercoats, 00r regular price got was Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits, our 38,50, Emergency Sale price 39.98. regular price up to 39.00, Emergency Men's Pine Beaver and ,Melton Over- Sale price $4 1)8. co.tts, our regular. price up to $15.00, Boye' 'Three Piece Suits, light and Emergency Sole price yourchoice37.5o, dark reeds, sizes up to 33 with knicker New Tweed Worsted and Serge Suits pouts. regular prices up to 333.90, Emer- our regular prices up to $15.00, Emer• gency sale price 53.75. Ladles' Ready-to•wear Skirts, new thie 'minion, beet sl3les and colors, regu- hu' price up to $1.00, Emergency Sale price 32.25. 35.00 and 933,00 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirt, Emergency' Sole price $9.50, Sensational Selling in the Boot and Shoe Department Women's Box Calf and Dongcla Kid Boole, hale and blucher style, register price $2,00, Retiring Sale price $1 89. Women's Choice Dongola and Vici iCid Roots, Mil and blucher styles, (0- gular price $2 15 and $2.50, Emergency ,ale price 31.79. Me•n', Box Calf, Velour Calf and Ked Roots, reguler prices 311.75 sed $4.00, t:a•rgeecy Sale price 83.90, Mrs's Box Ceti and Kid Boots, rngu- har price $2.90 Etnergeeey Sale $179, Boys', Girls' end Children's Bents, 25 to 90 per cent less than 'ogee!. prices. Overshoes, Cardigans and all Felt Shoes must go, cost not considering. Permanent Results "1 had been suffering for over two months with an ubatiaste cough, as had ales my little girl. We tried several remedies common to any drug store without obtaining any apparent relief,. in fact we were growing worse. I got a bottle of Coltafoote Expectorant from toy druggist and Weide of two days the (ougb was stopped, and the revolts 00 permahent and rapid that we decided to keep it In our home continually, ROBERT PALEN. C. A. R. Station, Ottawa, Coltafoots Expectorant is reeognieed the world c.ver as the best prescription ever used by the ihedical profession for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Brouobltie and Tlgbtuese of the Chest. Children like it, 'Co introduce it into every horse we will send a free sample to every person seeding their Mame and address to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Sold by all up-to-date "druggists at 25c. neW for Prue Sample To4a7. did exceeding) ywell. The speakers and reclters were very entertaining. The total receipts were 8209. To this can be added 8100 from Ledies' Aid Society and 8151 paid up sub. scriptions, making a grand total of 3460 towards the debt on new church and shed,, S. S. Coxvxhi'tog.—The annual convention at Auburn on Wednes• day of last week wile attended with the usual success, Besides local leaders taking part on the program there were Revs. B. W. Merrill, B. A., of Toronto, W. 11. Smith, B. A., of Beachville, and Arch. Cullens, of London. These gentlemen did much towards the profit of the day. The officers elected are :—President, R'm, Plunkett ; Vice Presidents, the local clergymen ; Secretary, John Wilson Treasurer, W. C. Rubinson, Dinner and tea were served In the base- ment of the church under the super. vision of an efficient committee. Printed by Request. Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle. and take in tea- spoonful doses after meals and at bedtime : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsapar- iUa,`ihrco uunees. A local druggist is the authority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtain- ed at nominal' cost from our home druggists. The mixture is said to cleanse end strengthen tine clogged and inactive kidneys, overeotning backaehe, bladder weakness, and urinary trotible of all'kinds, if token before the,$tsge of Bright's disease, '!'hose who have tried this say it positively overcomes pain in the back, clears the urine of sediment and,. regulates urination especially at night, curing even the worst forme of bladder weakness. Every man or woman here who Palo that the kidneys are not strong or:acting in' a healthy manner should mix thle prescription at home and give it a Iiia), as it Is said to do wonders for Many persons, The Scranton (Pa.) Times was (frit to print ,this remarkable pre. scriptlon, in October of 1906, since when all the leading newspapers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have trade many anuonneemento of it to their readers, Canadian N.w., Captain Colin C. Harhottlo default. ed to the Ontario Rifle Association for $460, Ho` is said to have been seen in San Francisco, —.— Test clues are to be trade in Toronto to determine If druggists selling certain patent medicines are commlttieg breaches of the license RM. _*— John C, McLeod was sentenced at Suit, Ste. Marie to two years In penitentiary for writing the "Black (land" letters.. Fire at IIamiltort destroyed the Herkimer street car barna and four care. The walls of the building fell, and E'n'etuan .1ioy Green was crushed to death, Thg Anto Club of Winnipeg Is up in t(rnne agatoSt the bill to regulate au`<os; now 'before the Manitoba Legislature. 0norge Chambers, found guilty of a 80riea of highway robberies, was sentenced to iniprisontnent for life, '"he action' of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt against J. A.. McDonald, ,Managing Editor of the Globe, came before Mr, Ju-stice Britton lin the Assize Court! and wa3 indcdoittly postponed. G. N.1 McLAREN Next door to American Hotel $R.U>sSEI T-iS 0 0 O) New Year New Prices Special inducements in Furs, Dress Goods, Etc. See our Overcoats and Boys' Cloth- ing before buying. It will pay you, J. A. 'ANDERSON CAMMITOOMM0,001s 0 U,bd ' 6 Q, (O' i0j 0n 01 (,0�) (0 0. O; 0 0 �b t0. >�t t to The only way to start a Savings Account Is to start It. Good inten- tions do not bear Interest --neither does Idle money. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest 'thigh. at current rate, compounded quarterly. BLYI'1-1 ih&ANCIA T. W. SCOTT, AGENT ONT FORGET Metcalf's Retiring Sale 'Mere are Bargains for Evergbotig All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 26 per cent oft Watches 15 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 50 per 'cent off, Everything must go. Coma and see. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. IS YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN THE STANDARD Thoroughly covers' Blyth District We do r.11 kinds of pinch)); from the small calling card to the large poster. We want your patronage, CHEAP,READING The Standard 31 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 65. The Standard and Weekly Wit - 11808 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 96. The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail end Empire 1 85 The Standard and Hamilton Semi weekly 'rimes 1 80 The Standard and ]Veekly Free. Press 180' The Standard and Toronto Week. ly The Sun 1 80 Standard and Hamilton Th Twica•a'week Spectator.... . 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News ... 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo. tate,,,,,,,. 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver timer.... 50 The 8ianderd and Livening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and 'I'o•onto Daily World .... ... • 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press 3 5(I The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mall mud Empire ' 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe4 60 Send all subecriptione direst to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the I3leod. 200 day's tree meiut $1, 30 diaye' treatment 25c, For sale a6 Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL!, HERB AGENCY Kiecardlue, Ont. While the Public is invited to make use of this column for the expression of pertinent views en public 'matters and palate men, poreonalltlee are debarred and In all cease the suitability ' of the norm meanders for publioatloy le a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of tours,, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our Own THE STANDAR anutt dtclalmre«pnn•ih)(Sy, An advertisement in THE STANDARD payu•