HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-18, Page 3JACK, Aeie*le". • • :geositio: 40* Tlien out et the Mess or motionlese tigaree there emerged at different Poiate teree young Iuditine. tail anti enagnitleentle formed. Beneath the ellear, dark skin, whici bad been oiled and eubbe4. teetil it glteteeed 1k bur - Walled copper and etretched like rube bar. one eould see the play pt the powertee Alesoles. Pembroke leaned over to Oviston, °Ga41" he timid excitedly. "Look at the tallest chap. Look at those, musolee over the shoulders and in the bok. If b bal be�fl a flrinLty CoLtege Man lad, year, rather think we'd .have won.' . "lie a my favorite," pu.t in Carl- ington; beak him to see the dance th'raugb Lve emelt him before; his ammo is White Eagle, and be s a fine time with the beet of the ernm• while the muitictene saw "The Song ot the lertive;" I ring, 1 Sing ,under the center ot the skee 'Hader tbe center of the aryl Under the center of the elty I MOW, Under the Oenter ot the sky; • The birde ot Ole breve take, flight around the eke-, A flight around the sky; The birds of the brave take a flight( Mike a flight, moon. •I I I II 111 11 • 1 1111 1 .1 1. I 11 I LIK lirATIMIt Wig SON wok,. BRIEBILELLIONADIEL Men l'flaso Are irellanwiss 1144004p11 Of Varese* leareats. It is remarkehle what a number of • prominent znert hey* *oaks IwhO er* OIQm1 XO11OWhg in hei taotst�ps, Many striking instances are to be found among etateamen. Tbe. Marcel* of Salisbury% tiftle son, Lord Hugh Itiehard Heethoote Cecil, ***veritable "obi ot th� old b ," and • be a PrOnatent pereonage in the pOlie, ties of ths future. Even now be is one of the Wt. listened -to• members ot the, *nee, and being a no Mean orator, he will undoubtedly go far, Moreover, he Starter' bis: potiticial dareer in an • egoellent !school, that of private tee - retell •te the preeeflt Penal Alia* The hie& et tee breve take a tlight. ter. ^ • • .ThMr. lierrhert Gladetone Hee for many e 'merits on bleb repeat my name, . , .tua. — years sesiumay rollowoutne high ex*, • Repeat ray. name* - Repeat my name; office when . hes famous parent was Tee spirite on high, the spirits ea high, amp* set' by his lete fatherBe bald Xadion." Premier ter the laet time, andt in the First one set of nansiebteis wouldsine hey alt look gam" remarked i ' neist Liberia Aaminietration Ire will • and then another set wou 4 tales up , Stirling; they must be the pick of the, words; like the antiphonal (seems probably- be found ha the Cabinet, . „ the tribe. The one with the red brow- et a cathedral choir, wniie the .two The Colonial Seoretary has reitigna to • . , band looks Wieltedp theugh. I rather, dancers swung staggeringly aroundtee ' hope the torture will be a little too aiam op0,00, 45.,w mt. ward ali .4.4.1. waihmg be wend, of lee son, Mr, Auaten, Ohara- julich far 12b11-", ' uphill now smiting end she/ping Week-. beriain, M.P. Nce only are father and The three Indiana were moving ward aa the earth, reeled under their on vrominont ' politics, but both are noiselessly around the ring, keeping trembling limbs. The sweat was run-, aimaat idcutioa/4 Aunt and figure. perfeot time with one another as they Wog (Lowe. their rigid bodies like rain! , tire same height ther dress exaet_ , raised. and lOvvered the foot with a an a their sinews were milling fax out veura' an eye eastiglass, -double blow on tbe grotind, showing front the panting ohly eets and enapPing , nd eoir tele . unions flashing eyes and the quiok. nervous agony nautie them give to the lariatb- A. WEAKNESS FOR OReleelDee Oxen: intense excitercient only •by their back again in a horrible way, as the Movement of that limbs. Six medi., Miss Kenwood, covered her face tVith , ,cine -men arose slowly, two approaching her handkerchief end began to "7 each of the three Indians. They stood ;softly- The men moved 'restlessly and - for a moment mirtterinia some 'mane cast anxious glances at one another tation, and then metionecl the young and tele women. Stirling put an arra Indians to lie down on the ground., arOund his wife. . They then stationed themselves on the 4'1 euPPOse it's.impossible to get out right and the lefti of each, and began of this," he ventured. . ..._ .. .... - geatlyEto rul3 the eeaving oheste. it . •Captain Ralston shook his head: . . _ • was -li e the even, practose4 avork of "Quito impeasihwT-, -ge--- x---,-aturaed . ' a good Masseur, only there' was no grim), • • spot on each breast that they kneaded, He had. hardly sPoken when, With a Wel, Parliamentary address of a son 4 and rubbed Qattid, net be larger thee, 02,y; 01 mino„n fear and rage the must be very deem to a fetheretheart. - a silver dollar. As they worked, the atil.Tokuirdol-nd drierwszwidthertebtn° rtt:berhwer" rilE;amiCritimlabtertjaelatiES:070.63.67" with A few, years back there woe a pleur- al:Li' episode m the J:Intaa, on the °Wono edr. Austen Chamberlain de- livering speeoh. • o • After it as verlaalr. GlailittOne • °raised over to Mr. aoseph Chanaher- lain, and congratulated him on his sons success, arid /a bia suesequent epeeeele the -deceased ,statesinen re- „ • varying of the stroke or position. The niareed that •ewe ea event as the •rth th° tmet°113 be t° side of the opening and held np th• e Mr. k.ocattr,-- member for ' beat ftl • • . gain out ver so and there '. ,. r 7'broken elide of his lariat. The rope East 'Grinstead, has been able to write ran a sahattea, sympathetic, murmur ' had amxted-the worst •inedicine that " ALP." atter his name since 1895, and threngh the crowd. Froth out on the could, Prairie one could hear now and then ehappen to an Indian, The those who know him hatimately bear the shOrt, fierce wh' y of a bronco, Medicine -men, Terror-stricken sank to witness to-the'possession of muole of their knees but the young bravo stood the ability wet diptinguishes` els pee- ' . and the sun beat own on the, Pine . up defiantly, although he reeled from ent 'Mr. Gosobett, jr., tees not yet done . • , , houghs mere hoti then ever, and they faintness $ °rill across the open any great thin s but he is slowly, Yet - . . . tau g 9 9 , , ! gave forth o, faint-, refreshing odor. , e in- ,- •Ottptain Eviston . turned uneasily -to Jr him,' . space laritia his broken lariat dragging surely carving, out a position -eh hi he pausal on "the 2acige of self, and will be one of the leadifig the -women. • . . the circle, just below the little. party lights of the Conservative party in the 1. Yon D. he awfully sorry you came of whites, and -tnreing his back to coming century. - - in about a minute," he remarked. them, he began to harangue the In- There can be no doubtwhatever that '"Perhaps . you had •betten not look-" dians, He looked like some devil as, one of the mast tragic evente in con- - • He might as well have spoken to he stood there, his wicked face bedaatb- 1 teniporara politica was the death of . • ' stone walls .The eyes of the girls ed . with paint and showing ghastlY. Lord Randolph Churchill, just ...at the ,•. zenith of his power,. It is,. therefore, all the more pleasant to retlept that. his eon, Mr. Winston. Churchill, seems d I,vp,I tn1ra nn hio f,,thr's mantle • were fastened on this prostrate Indiana even under thit red, with agony and • „, ..as and held -there; by et maga 'Id rage,. his bloodsh.ot eyes rolling and their breath came in etnok,- uent' - from .side to side, his breast 'crimson evene gasPs• They did not even hear with the blood that now flowed freely .him. Be he turned again to look,.,and from the lacerated flesh, and the Not long Ago he made his first speech aft he did Bindle saw the „medicine men quivering nostrils and uppe?r, lia telling on a 'politioal platforni, which he de - draw from their bags sharP little even 'better than has wbrds the wrath livered in a, way many " old" Perna- • „knives like scalPels. and Malta 1•Wo that alone, as keeping his trembling wintery hands". could not surpass. In parallel incisions in (lath! lienutubed limbs from snj under him. His another walk which his father follovved. • .. . breast. blot a drop of, blood jawed voice, in spite of his faintness, was slightly -that of authorship --the son. . • from: the wounds; and the sinews thus strong enough to make itself heard biaa followed. air. Winston Churchill laid' bare were drawn' out carefully above the din by those nearest him. being only in the twenties: has nuiPle and skilfully, and short - pieces of °I Yellow Wolf, am brave and fear- time to make his mark. . wood passed beneath' them, to each less,'o he shouted.; l'I do notefear death TURNING FROM POLITICS, -end of •which a leriat was tied. The or any kbut of torture; but who can f anedicine-men then took each Indian prevail against evil powers, that tome One fin" m" by the shoulders and helped him to no one knows whence? Our medic ne- plea a tar000e mon with -sone &atm - y. distinguishing e?ratna his feet As the ' Indiansan ,avo „1- I ed to become equally distinguished. in stood .upright, facing the excited, vitiated the Beeditre of the Indian, pro- Literature, for instance, the case of ' restless throng they gave one trim- ethey had not thought to propi- aux. Jestin McCarthy. maymbpe ialte: " d ita th Kauko of the white .phant, scornful look about a,n then te e -Re is a most versatile man- . jour- -is the white man nutlet, novelist, and historian. Ms son, IVIcOarther, was for- . =Dyed forward until each. had 'taken Mari. Why up a position beneath e cross-beeM-, here? Why is our „lodge invaded, ___Mrer',..Trustin nuntly another, go far .they did not seem to Children of the White Mother per- an M -P-• and he is following in 11 the tiler paths his father has . . • . and about equally distant from. one our &nee made public.? Why are the a o he at all affected by the torture, ex- nutted to-eorae teem among .i Have trocL. Moreover. in bneiflstanoaneJ „ eept thatthe pupils- of their eyIss had we lost ell freedom, all courage? Did passedN`s parent, having added tbat eontraoted to pin -points, and there was they not exercise ma evil hiflu.ence over of the dramatist to • a peeuliar rigidity about their limbs. -the Reaver, who lies fallen *aald helPe dens. Among miters, many bleve eons who . ;Thor vvere the picture of proud un- less, lee who was so 4itrong-" The . tbrown. oveie the cross -beams and murmur as he foil, half fainting, to Irving leas two sons whearabelieved to his other :ream- -concern while the lariats. were being. words died away in an unintelligible -ere he tb:e" profesaion, Sir IlelarY • 'fastened there. and they put the the groin:id. have. a great histrionic future. Sir Shrill' little whistles. whieht "they were "'What Acme he say, Doyle il" demand- Squire Banoroft„ too, lies a so ri who is leas blossoined out as a uw- ability. of leir. George Geeesmitle lias a son and 4 brother, each of whom has taken their cue.friOm.liint. Mr. George • ,tome btirst Out with a ter.rdlo rattle; la' Saes, tar, that, we ava 0000,4 er„ writes hianwn mu p , to blow while they danced, to their ed Captain Eviston once more. 'winning aPura the eteger and • mouths with as much indifference , Doyle, looking more unhappy than 'though they had been eigarettes. When ever, trenslated freely, shifting him - tell was ready,: and tho medicine -Men; pelf uneaailr from and -foot to th'e oth•-• • had stepped eileck, suddenle the tom- err. • meal moos and the Minix Indians began to de/06..1m, same sts the bother Hindian, an, Afr. george, jr,./s first mithiced comedy 13aok and forth at the -en& of therr thiak we hought n't Ito he 'ere." has just been published.-_ ' lariats; with long, Sweeping.. lunges, as Captain Eviston looked thoughtfully vein among preachers. /lees erten • though they would .citnekly tear the 'before heel a moment, regretting most take to the pulpit. AT typieal.inetance the masses of Indians broke had prompted hint to. tome unarmed to which is afforded be thes offspring of •the late celebrated' O. ele Spurgeon. His twin sinews from their breasts; theetelestles keenly the feeling of dellowe . into a Imating, and the medi- the danee. lie had thought that such labna are both Preachers, one behig the elneeniehe liftitig ttie filth- hands, prayed irociuree .would.attpatl to the -Indians. Pastor of,,tlfa °March hia father made aloud to the Gretee 'MontA. t°. sort of Unfortunately, they had apparentlytemeeo• u ' frenzy Seemed to cOniniumeate its- net noticed or appreciated that piece self to every Indian in the lodge. Their of refined seritiraelit, ire aroused him- FINGEE-PRINT TESTS. • faces turned ttshY, and their Muscles self from his little reverie to fine the ' . - quivered as if thee were 'undergoing -eyec -uf all the ihdielell in the tePeo Tito Method Discussed in Novels or silents some intense physieal- strain. The fixed scowlingly- or threateninglY tiPN .fjlng Cr:wimp's. double throbs that shook, the whole ettnpressed excitement arid antagonism_ In deteccive.novels Iipger intsleft • restless fheels beat the • ground. in'on him and bis gees*. There was a tepee. The swarthy faces, which an about them, erhieh Would. have been, by criminals, preferably in bleed, Play - hoer before had been only vacantly sufficiently unpleasant if kb had been an important part; but truth seems ;stranger than fietion in the faet that good-natured or sullen or social, were th:ere -witb. fifty good larivatee at his 01 psst0n an wi ness. A DOLAS, , . o e pe - Indian beside Miss Page sprang into Winless of his -situation made hire( per. the finger -prints Elston of identifying the Or as though scone devil within fectly cool, Four Inert and an brder- criminale in Indialuts been Made so had broken loose. The young ty ,witli seven women to take date of perfect that it would 'enable any Intel- ent persoti m a few minutes te die - broke, whe was slightly- behirtd her. against five liuncirect maddened In- g girl shrank beck femtly toward Pam- collid not hops to conteinl stieeeesf1111• 7 tinguish the individual, If necessary, The men had 'put the women hi the diens. center and AVAS trying' to proteet-them 'While Yeakreo eVolf still lay moan- frora other persone. now tieing in from. ihe crowd of radiant pressing in ing and struggling enetien ground, an the world, or; if data were available, - on all sides; but it was quite impos- old tenet seated • near hiln, and who from au oth" pemons who hsive lived - • Whits to make them keep back or appeal Wed heard what he had said, arose, and to than in any way. . spreading out his hands toward him, since the eteation of Man. The ewe- r' This is awful; it must be worse- began to speak. soothingly,, at if to a tem is simplioltr itself, and there, • is .than a prize -tight,!' the young gild said, chile. :none of the elaboration of process of. with an unsteady little sled* at the Captain Eviston .reeognized Wait as t ' Englishman. Pretty Feathers, one of the frieneine i the e le d d li t iii os. an e ca e mac nery re- Pet/broke smiled. back sympatlestie est anci most sagacious of the Pei- (Attie:I for the an.hroponvtrio system, eally and looked over et hit sisters•Rano. Alt that is needed is it piers of tin, a were taking things Gabel doe h " arise be comfortete Cease tity Com- The ink impreesions of t ten diens . anxiously-. Being ,Engleth girls, they "My gone, said •the 'old meat, softly, alieet of paper and- some grinteres ;Lek. are teken and filed;,in the proper dom. pertment ot,....ther.fproper pigeon -hole, and chit on, the` classification of re- cords and their distribution into the pigeonholee that the stinceSS of the system depends. ,Every finger mark shows idles' of the "loop," or the "whore- type, and by a siniple table of the combinatione of these, types in the ten digits 1,024 main classes- are Made., There are again subdivided. according to minor detaile, and the ei ltbd iv lei° op Can be farther divided, ad infthitunt if notes- sary; but with the table before him any person of ordinary intelligence can pl.toe bis fiuger on the corresponding bard to a reeord in his hand within ;Rye rainutea, no Matter how many ' thousanda earde there may be. rt is oalculated that the chances are about - .04,00140000 to 1 &gait/a two per - sone having single fingers ideotioal and the chance* satinet all ten tin- iera being identidal Ott 106YOUtt Math. ematiod altogether. 16046, p ODD irtfRNITHRE, Ponape the oddest suit of furnitige is ewfted by .romph Berger, a hotel, keeper In Badapeat, For Many years he has Made it his lewdness to collect matchboxem from factories of VatiOus oottneriee. colleetiett aggregettee 4,000 bozos. tre ordered a skilled cab - !net maker to equip a room with furni. titre made of the.se boxer.. The out-, fit tionsists of k writing table with smoking *playable, a fire screen.* a cabinet, a chair and other smaller tutted's. . Thou the boxes are erapty, they are tad so ingeniously ihat the plots ere fully as strong as the ardiaery fersiturs. , there was a hot spot of red In each cheek, and their blue eyes looked al- most black from the intenalty- of their excitement, ' • • Sinidenly the Indian " cendidate° leered thein dropped his Whielle, and with a low groan fell feewerd on his face in a dead faint, His attendant me-, dioitte-men sprang forward, releneed the lariats; and pulling the thongs e free: the sin.ewit, ?mit upon his chest, rubbing the wounds, and murmuring incantations over him, After a long time he slowly opened his eyes. When fill toneciloueness returned to h'in and he realized that he had tailed in the on - deal, hie sprang to his feet in a frenzy disaPPointment and rage. As 114 eyes fell upon the little group of white people opposite him, a wilder gleam of anger Tigbled up his faee, and point- ing * shaking finger s,,t them, he Istirieked Mit some imprecation. As he ered baokward, the medlotne- grappled with him and bete hint tines and eliouting from the ring. Ceptain nviatort tinned to Doyle. " What did that Indian eh?, Doyle t" he lurked. quietly. 'rhe orderly. wee tugging at hit) gloves and looking Very uneorafort- able. '"F., says We .sete given 'int 'bed man. . sir, sn' that '6 hin`goinc to get a Blood Indian eonjurer k/l6We to Makes Us All amides," "Ste), by tie and trenniate all they say," cmtmanded the officer, tairaly. Throughout this eel:sods the toni- tonis and shoutings had not CenSed for it moment, nor hal the other two dome- ers stopped an Latent in their frantic attempta to break their slueVra and So be proclaimed "brevet." They leaped gad artillig from side to aide. keeping plaints --the complaints, .of child who knows not leoer to take punishment. Why shouldet thou think the Mantel) of lite white man has interfered with thy destiny e Hat the Moldier of the Indian never visited thee before with his displeasure IL e turned to the rest of the Indian.e, who were listening, and raising his voice, eried, "Yellow Wolf bee spoken words of foolishness in hie anger. Let us forget them as he will forget them, and-"eignificantly-"a14 the white men wilt &reel thent." There VAS a martian. of disapproba- tion as he seated himself, hut many of ib' indiane looked leea aggretteere, and many once More turned I heir tit tention to the circle where the litel 'White Eagle, still tlaneed, lie woe ai moat anent. .and the quevering, faint notes df whistle told how little breath and life were still in hint. Mit face wasgray-witite, and alight froth fit:eked hie lip.. His body covered with blood and great drops of per- spiration, and his lower Webs, which bled at first base unnaturally rigid, now bent and twisted and doubled tinder him at lie 'Wiped beck and forth, It was evideot -Met eniees the anew.) Jam buret he would faint from nein and loot. of blood, end all his agony would count for nothing. Suddenly a young and pretty *query eprang up from the mass of Indian women oroitehing near the edge of the Made end forcing her way frantically Meares them, ruebed forward with a terrible tryend throwing herself with el! the strength of her young lerly against White *mist,ftreed him baok until fife elne1911 of Ilia eheat Snap- ped like wleip-borde, and with groan he toppled nv.z Wokward. errs be thite14.1 „ ( HOW GORR OR MX RICH KO Oa. MINED THEIR liTRALTIL Th. alreaS ep eaWlrn a inew400011, Jainides MN MOW lit air ca-itarsity DAsen4t0 it.vicky hid -re Moe er CAW Sarin, tile nitrate gine. It is a mistake to suppose that the Money mines of Great Britain are pre- empted, or that, Me titlee and big landed estates, they pais from father to eon by an entail impoaeible to break. A toolleY Miner4. who hiser only hie - pie*, lila &load and his grit, can ac- ounittlate milliOna: under the Britieh flag. , • VerhaPS the Most dramatto fortintee recently made were those of Col.North the "Nitrate Wool" Barney Bernal/4; tied "Kaffir King;" Ernest Torah Hoe - ler, the champion promoter anti bunco man, and Sir Thomas Lipton, what* wealth ie roore legitimate' and lessi speculative. At <me time the three richest men in the kingdom, it was Said, were • the Duke of Westminster With 850,00010OG, the foundation of i,Whicli• he inherited; the Puke of Ner- telk with, •040,000,000, mid Col. North) whose possessions it was understood • amounted te ehe figure lent 'named. Six Ikknahl. Currie, the owner -of' a large Steamship system, was a canny • Scot who began his business career with' a salt of clothes very threadbare :and all sorts of energy. , "Thomaii Wilson of the Tranby Ceoft baccarat scandal, 'orrather, the pro, - genitor* of the Wilsons, who took part in that scandal, Was once a laborer, Now his ronaily do nearly all the 'ship- ping flash -zees in -Hull:- THE WILSON iagusE FLAG seems; to 'crowd out every other tlag • around Sweden and Norway, and about • the • east maid of England. Tim firm probably ()erns 100 vessel's, and yet old • Thomas Wilson, who founded it • Was thareuglaly unpresentalale. It is Said. that- after the family, Weenie sooielly arcibitioee they used to lock hine, a hall. room and put one of his oven boaterefateis on guard lest he should. • burst in on the snob company: • Cecil, Rhodes was a brillient meteor ine the British pelitioal and financial sky. Hee rise toed fall --though he has ttot If 11 11) whlmt a poor man. mity do in the Britiale Em- pire. He was the on of a poor vicar 'n r • N t 1, Cape Colony, to ee mired of lung trou•;., bie. He' took up; .abode Her- bert Rhodes, bie brother, who had, a Plantation. • • I • Rhodes eoneeived the idea of trite ()razing etie largerpart 'ot Soath Af- rica.. He was one of. th kiret to think of joinieg Egypt and Cape Colony by conquering thee intervening teerie tory. This is now a 4sectiOn-of'British imp�y. -England po y. Ana. land she generally first sends .an discreet but zealeua missionary to wit- 4fridAt.to be captured end eaten; then follows the army to •punisli the out- rage. The: army never leaves ' • o es was ne or strong • gion, and instead et missionaries he sent. real. estate agents,..more danger-. one and. practised annexers. tlis agents • were . known as the "chartered corn- Psur:" and in it euch famoui potions ita the 'Duke of Atercorn and the'Dlike of 'Fife,' Lite Frinott Of Waleies,:son-m- law were interested. • TAB CHARTERPD.'COMPAhlY r bad a lot of 'policemen, who went along to makeetrouble. 'Ahoy got into the re- quired difficulties with, the Xittebeles Rad then followed it war of conquest, in wh ch. the .netives were murdered Wholesale by Maxim nricbinere, Veinal* to tire map of Africa, and el -rebate Egypt, etetrige part of Cen- tral Africa and an South- Attlee 'with his hand, Rhodes once said to e friend, " One day all Met...will be England's -- that is my dream." '' 1 give you ten years to wake up," observed his -friend cynipelly. , •-• The " Uncrowned. King tilSouth Ate rice:" is a professional bachelor. Ile thinks' mateimonyedeetrors a man's aim in. lire.. Ile won't have married men around him, either as servants or 6lake, claiming that the fact that the man married shows sixth a woful leek of judgment that he -cannot be. use- ful. The usual (stories of jam -stealing in lebodee's early life are told by hun- dreds of old, ladies; who client to have nursed lelta in boyhood. When he ate three days' rations of jam. in' ten min- utes, tied was remonstrated with by hie mother, he observed, Well, when I want some more 1 will go somewliete and get it." Another South African money wiz- ards itvlaa did natioh juggling in London wa " BARNEY ' IIA.RNATO, ' of Weettehapel. Hie name eve Ber- nard Isaac, his father being a dealer 111 Seeond-Itlanil elotbes near •Petticoet lane, in his youth he' was a peddler, but he accumulated nettling in the WO of fortune. 116 weet to South At-, rice, and joined a, circus, attending to tbn horses, at first, endd by dint of mental energy getting teniself enomot- ed to the potation of eiovrti-ons for witioh he was eminently suited -and which he played IC good teeny years subsequently in the financial eireus of Chapel Court. At 'Kimberley he woe peddling watehes, matches and 0611rt plaster, and telling Lies about.his wares to deluded miners. One dae he walked over an Abandoned Seine Which bad been qu.t isa a TaltaitOrttl. lie found a 'Seecarat diamond lying on the clay, et - potted by the rain wasting away 'the mud. Abandoned mince were. cheap at Kimberly, and Barnato-hie circus name -got palmation of thie one and oftleroto tstenarewl104134 alt.sitS000rt.n hattiotwt:e.pwuodrithy 4 million pounds. nit mate, *idly butlt„ vulgar in look*, man- ners and mind. At that time refine-. Mind, was not cheraoterietio of Min - bowler, yet Baroatowaa thrown out of Ike leading club there for bad man - nen, and profane language. Tht mm6 thing happened to him at the Bend CluT1311. KING OF TIM ICAFFIltS -Weis bright. Hs mice got into a row with hie lendlotd, that gentleman in- eisting upou his leaving the house in the eame condition as to plumbing as that in which he lied found it. Ittrnate put dee adverthement In n newels - per : "Wanted, by a gentian in trier agreed to leave Iris dwelling in the r llortdItIon in wieleh he found it, 100,000 Ilarnato's nano aFad, 41;itildreshatt sof vat ,blaok beetle' " oll 13entatolled Iteli of mot rtitrilirisith wit'', end he reale three attempts at 'Wade A fourth wee rucoeueful. Igo ii3eurni. off tea 1,inion line steamehig inlay atgatiass nods Africa and Southemirtoo end was time which hall, been put on the mar - Col, Jelin Tetweee North, the eriteeee ket reeently are OM electric, rainbow Xing, wan probably' a worthier Man fountain for luterior or exterior de - Char Baroato. The Colonel is York. a a OW or t then be eloold ralusege. give "1/1 314CIIRIC 11"31"511. PLUMING HER WINGS. uesetates, 'Wass me t of her voyage betweeo Scut drowned "She Is getting to bas yoga' lady • "X know It, And I'm not glad " sad the father of the young roles of faun - teen.: It was the girl'. Mother who made the firet remark, and, she add- ed: "We cannot litxpect to have her un- • der our eye every minute now, as when ;she waa oat the naraary floor; end for One. I'M not going to try, $ix* muat plume her wings, 1 sunned. We eave to carefully instruct her as to the dan- gers of the outside world, and then • trust her, God, keeo herr • I think there is nothing more 'trying to the parente of a high. and refined matte of propriety than the epoch in a child's life, be it eon or daughter, when the little wino begin to appear. This queation as to the hours after school; while the girl is in school you; know where she is; after few...games out -where? She must have oxen:date Must have the fresh Lir, must have re - 'Creation, play, frolic. Yet, with whom, And wberef 'We older people know that the atreets of a great town, or a little village. tor •tbat matter, are full of perils; we knowt the fright.), the• Poseible insults, the lures and snares, Yet are do not quite wish' to fully ex, plain all these things to a ehild; the explanation. itself le a tarnishing Pro- cess. We do not like our child to look upon life with a horrible anepicion, nor bang the sweet outer* air with "leiostly shadew•s. Still, there is the •••. fact -it is a bad woeld. If the little girl is out after dusk, we know there, are lurking dangers; and if she does, • netnews at the tea table, we know not where to seek -her. One miglit aa well look for a needle in a hayraove •ae, to search for a person in a great • tevv-n, when once that person has walk- innansg the novel elearicel produc- now." ma ration, An eleetric fan outfit built allireman, He began life a run by When twenty-thret rein QUI wai; o y power furnished, by primary - Pocket.) except les hattde. Teebnie whioh (*glared. to bp eheaper and eel talent is net found in tity in Chile and North. who had large Oen"' very Dinah neater than matches for leti-eosse utile emiciuueleui, went • household or store use. The rainbow to boiler, mendingeeriveting and ma- fountain is a rainiature' of the well- WOrk. HO made good wages, known electric fountains which have • Wilen be beeeele better "401404 proved great attractions in parks and with the lay of Um land he began to tern an, =blows eye tewera the public resorts in many Parte of the enormoue bees of Chelan nitrate. country and it is Made in a size and After making motley in Chni, Manner that make it aa portable ea a istOrt,TU WENT TO LONDON.potted plant. In feet, round about the - and put his interests. into stock core- central portion, where the fountain • Patilhe. Hoole7 and Barnette were men playa are plaoes for plants. to decor - of vulgar manners, brutally frank in their dealings, so was North, Au Eng- - ate and hides() tile waters, nehmen of tbe lower cameos rztrely-pre- The waters are Made to, rise in the motes himself to th.es, ways of a rank form of a thin oylinder by being forced higher than his own,: One of hiS fads was to rest from; upward berweien the edges or a glebe daY to Mooney at his country seat, of glass in the centre and, a pezforate4 There he ravened in dogs and horses glasa plate outsitie this. , Underneath • and A ridiculous picture gallery which is another plate of glass which is diva- . contained absurcleaube -sold to him at large prices by alle etefriends Ile ran, ecl into seotions of 4ifferent'colors and on dole in Chili ithout anyteing in battery cells, and an electrie lighter his horses at the • ram, meetings 044 tins is kept revolving under the Mull - made a epeoialty of coursing. Some of tain by means of a Water wheel fed b hie dogs were worth rabillotie sums., the falling waters, ' Under the colored One of the Coloneler whereas for • disk is an ordinary inCandescent 32-• " getting in" with th robin!. was •to establish' a "-sporting. • resort r, at candle-power erectrie lamp, winch Ostend. This was to be a stort of Mottles lights the, daneing spray with tee King of the Belgians,. lewd Roseher ihese fountains are supplied With an o eotric pump whieh enables them to eit at the Sante roulette tab* with the Carlo where the Prince o Wales, h; ooloranr the revolving disk. , Some of and other haughty personages -would • Colonel anr/affably exchange epigrams operate without an. ou,t5ide. supply of and bright remarks, while less torten.- -vvater. Such 'a fountain. can' be made t t f ut hujitatra looked on ha -envy... to tperate with power from a few lionaires mentioned end a rxian 'who t h , reraar a le (entreat o t tail- cells or battery, and thus can be used • stands splendidly ire -the- eYes-of Eng- where tb_eSee.be xie enrret't_te_itt • , a ie oraas on, is an , • • gentleman did not naake his wealth lc is for such places that the 1183,,V by selling worthless mining stcok, bin outlet eau beee made. 'levee cells oPierate it, and it'is oak!, that.it wik • ERIT/SE MEDICAL FORTUNES.••• • • ,• WORK FOI4180 HOURS est oft your block.• . _ Piqmetau_s Are Rich, Ma Almo_ st at a epeed ot. WO revolutions a minute It is indeed necessary to cultivate a An or Thom Die poor.,,, Without. eliange of celltt. child•in aelf-relianee, The good wife The large fortune' left by Sir W•or Tee new eleetrio lighter as made to was right. You may coddle till you /tow 4.enner has ied to n-ineh writing, lie operated either connection with spoil. The ehild must learn to take •eleoteic lighting circuit or indePen- care of herself, in a Measure and it • -,•• • in the' lay press, but owing to imper- • feet information as to the source • dentlir by battery power, and either r William Jenner's wealth Waywere better that slie leere it while you sonie of 51 5, ea eaele ourrent'_ that' parents ere alive tohelp hei- tbaa. ranciv excellent mnizixing. has .1?00,,i the eleotrical coat of operatioais Most; after youeare gone. Then,' too, there. made Upon imeound: ded.1,10f10/1S, sills 'trilling. It consists of an ornametnal is 110 doubt that very sensitive natures tm, „lancet. sir wimara jenner wee body of chinaware into which arta& imagine forty horrors Which neeer•did for many years at thte top of the med- ehe nese °fee petal ,torch,, tee body of °cane: and never will. There are Par- ical profession, having risene there by. 1".th'eb^ b'91"a 414'01 e•C, gasoline 'held mita who. seem 'to become careless of •Iris genius, and having been maintain- mn cotton. The polifh of . tbe tbrah the whereabouts of their growing ed there by edientifie acclamation ev- has part of the st packing of saheitoa. The metal children; and possibly their children shape and thia ritorke the lighting de - toren 11601K la made bell get along exist' about as well es those . over whom parents worry every Mine,. ery whit as much as by popular tavot. During these • years beundoulitecliy* • , w • vice. hen t la? ass put down into t made a Veey le.rge inocime, hut not aii place it merely spree apex u e- t t they •ere °et of parental eye: t the arms Moome th'at would have enabled This, last sentence Might he him et two bele °ranee evbich extemi, ito eight. to save suoix a awn." x375001 an‘as wthilitlpettung in the . chain base, but disputed, but, for my part, I am sure a Matter. of fact, a certain portion of arras art:* liaorsehd. titchlri:$ elttirize. that, my children were never one halt the care to me:while small that they bequeathed to fere by a brother But tee torch leaves them they make coo- have been sinceI frankly confess , Inc fortune' was derived from trade and apart at the same time until, just ae undoubtedly Sir William Jenner earn- 'taws with two ‘ binding posts within that the mostrdifficult thing has been . - . lighter ane an eleoiric a • a theof the torch, igniting sp rh flies for me to know just how far TO trust ed a great ,sain of /honey by the 'knee- acres Ace of hi's profession and the fact meg. gasoline. Any number of the ifgbters . c.rthem to themselves, and how der to ' jegitimafely act as a itineulus to can. be put in. asizigle electrial ei- keep a - vigilant eye upon them. As paling medical Man to observe keenly tery or other ,power. . Wilea the he period, esuffered cult and worked with the same bat- each in turn -hes grown to the‘plum- and work hard ligetera are attached to an gle tri That a -few nieclical men 'tieve made h h i i current cut off by a choke- colt G ° tin 1 saw and fully knew the right • g peri have tortures g t o rcu t they •have moat • of HI large fortunes ie well known, For in- stance Sir Andrew Clark left -X203,-; coneealed within them, but in a bat- * --e tendency -of* obaritote force of will t d ight V end' The true piece for oare Is at home. • " 970, Sir Oscar Cis3ctott left x1-400.7,4xgo. tehries g connecltion is is no needed. In It is in that charmed circle that the ' supply _power -enough and this Richard Quoin. left R110,82% Mr. Oen- _ pc:Laden in the °Irma of a spark coil. evil. It is ear better to instruct the gc:oldtlyeantd- ' L. T. Dumeereatoie left £107 000, sir is made to give the spark by the inter- ,BeciPi,rfi4Ouldeeedilarnelkiennoeewleiedgtee obfe ry Horsfall left £106,'780, Dr. G. D. . it Li a remarkable fact that in none of leave. her to discover these thi son left L110,290..end Dr. J. H. Paul t latter ease, two ordinary dry bat- v•-ork of protectioe mast he done. le Dr.• Rhodes Amite. e left 4217,420, Although there ' are a number of young thing as to the -weongs -and Lottgetaft left X.107,003, Dr, Henry Dan - the deco:Leal papers is there a single Discovery is attended with the danger • • - ngs. lef, 4109,051 But all these fortunes atriertisement at electric lighting 1 ed and not made by profesaional prac. tiee, are thrown. into the shade -by the stood that the eie ense would prohibit by haat: molenextPolfOrtahtelOnunrDeaiscol avnedryinhartis'ajanincilte-;' • I f '' h t • 'nh. . paratus for houses to be f,.el teries. Of course it is well under- one wants to know more, one is lured f at aot P02 table ekotrie' lights in the market, dabgers of the outer world than te. eatate •of Sir Ntrilliamf Gull, wh3se Per- e on by a false *teeming 6 tr . • r gu ar house Una by battery now,. Discovery is a possession, to be concea- 1 ' , • er• but there are many ,usest which ed to be even foolishly proud of ; the William Gulf, like sir 'William Jenne; coultLhe •mede of such outfits be the he.y or .girl, who "finds ont for hira- ad an enormous rofessionat income h DA 8 P Imes( Al i ere the cost would be self or lierself" la apt to be a trifle , e tiniugli fortunate investments, Pere trilling. 'They :Weivld be'of use in odd vain of the information/ and too:self- ' haps,. played the part in swelling the apo 0 whore a losn.P woull be either a confident 'in using it. Discovery is total of leis fortune that faintly be- ,e0u,ce de danger or inconyeaience generally coupled with . a *companion. quests .played-iti the case of Sir Wit - liana. Zenner, The above names have in front of a clock tee to .reveal . the inforart the growing youth of the hid- , such as in closeta or cellars or to flash Far better, with your own olean tins, , been taken from lists compiled by thP time at night, wad a ver'y pretty ASO 434,116 Bittki 7.1404. .144 in: Wait tO_Aatell-- - - apaizettlee Ind oehner ted ptilerioldV extten for the eiable, where little incandescent thing in its Ohre hatefulness, and °Nair the last ten years, - .,-Innlag, 'which woultLrequire onIy,.aaall win half the battle to ,begin with. Do On the -strength of them* the seedie currents, wonla give all 'the Tight not' enter into noisome details ; excite cal profession cannot be said to abound. OM wiretlier shining in the front rant: neebrd:wd. Esr wonD IN no curiosity; tell enough to make the . in pecuniary -prizes, Only eleven Per- .. I evil seem dangerous, fatal amid twat,' a y. ogre') au. e tee inmate for them -would be fir place' of candles yoUng liVee•- You am picture the dint * in. one of ite notorioualy . lucrative branches, or blessed by accident with e°11elseelous Term by Watch Iforsetess Ca, P nage is Roams. :To. -1- , • "If my child ever can go alone 1" FLANDERS, traetive, but no more. But though a parent sigh that, yet a pecuniary advantages, re died dur- • . pe -rent ought to know that none of IlEi amountthcs 1 igie0Ortttmo,00041,rwewhteutulyt • ,8itle tii3fr etwit, owl edvm roe del •atiated a corn. other tonguea. have also naturally inten Make More money, but the fortune of parative failure. We are not setting ;similarly enriched in. 'ill countries Dor not be a along vi:oreua up a wall that Medical Men do not 'wee e h ular, ,, r sue carriages have become pop- day of one's death is better thafi the day of his birth." That is, if he pro-, fig ing, virtuous soul. We re alt Gull ought !Wt. to lead the tailalk to . 'With. few exceptions, all these verde Mistake the feels as to the average fur true• 1 we go and come. The protection of a children. We are all - at wheat, and must meet the bears in the Woods ii$ • Sir William jenner or Sir Willalm are technical and th ' ' earnings of the medleal profeesion, The mgnifi- keen VVit,. a pure heart end a watch. canoe is only understood by the elec- hut Providence -these are as much profession ea Great Britain numbers trician and the machinist.: The mem. eonie 28,900 pereons, and althoUghliew hers of the Flemish academy of Anvers and agton one man dies. rielf the, vast , recently determined to frame a ward needed by the yeung girl's mother an0.. father as by the ohild berself, The majority dee otherwise.' • larger the game, the larger the beatite of "-the medical rofession or engaged ever °mule to the time when We can itig ten years isa. poese eiion • of more 4o•me •new words liaVe, necessarily 'saf Th t-classlerew- beet, added Ix; the Englis go_rt .„ never e. Or• . language are dangers to -young Wings ; there are - 'the horse. yet hawks for the oldest whigs. There b I ' .is truth in Solorcion's lament: "The to eh:We% Ike Introduotion 01 .0.4g4Itglorriliatielte4es ,c(; less carriage, and the v which wouid be readily telligible, to of prey; that% all the difference, • all whe underetand the language of Still, for ail that„ it :nest bver, re* GRAINS OF GOLD, Flanders arid wile had ever seen a malt true that the Ix/nod of 7ot:it herselges carriage; and the result tv Plueleele the Pelled et Punt ab°ve Whets ignorance is bliss 'Hs "folly that after . Much deep thought thir to be wise.. -Gray. • framed the following word; Y appetite and paesioneas ale° of thought othe.re. The new-found powera of and aspiration, knock with great Let honor -be to us as strong *;.at obit- ' ' Snelpaaidelooszonderepoorwegpet- gation aa necessity le to ()there.- raight against the young brtaist. With,. , riage which is worked by means 'of pit- 113,1-rrh-t-iisteeitgly'Indus word signifies ea ear_ out these powers the chile would be a orti:InillevIe: ni,e a seller nation and r wit take. care of the 'revenue -W, E. Glade no hirses, and which is 1..eot r aright is the wisdom of age I troteurq, which travels fast, Whieh has stick, a flat ; yet. to manage theft rails." That is, from, one point of view a fine example of multuntin pane), hut un en and even age fails. The ter4 two infanciee are the safest times -in- -- is the first present nature fancy of youth and infamy of old age away.-41,fore. eniescen,t.": Yet theee ere not the, • t raordittary 'Thng word la preferable to , . Brevity it; the, boa recommendation people however think diffeeentl f $ d Philosophy at:laminates them "aotive Ye an gives to women and'the first it take e -.for then appetite and paesions are it may be queationed -Whether Gros ex- hale a• dozen ehert words. The rienaish noblest periods of life, by any mean* -of ospeeche whether in a meter or an the acaderaltelans of AnVere have been Powe • orator,-Cloero, highly complitriented by thew. on their Any one can, sleep ineocently; but tO and yet re. re " the% do fres anti appetites. There is nothing so elear.eighted and Iinguistio skill as seen, in this unietua-mteuintogttilbura_tefittrii,lie the rah! Sensible, as a noble mind in a low es- „. word.. - ' • If idleness does not prodime vice, or . . ,...,........ `,_.-. My dear young readers, my frieed, tate.-Ialte Porter. MODERN CAVE DWELLERS. 81111Pme3716 *n*81'81°111 par8ayY°yuoub°, gtrilly toll malevolence, it emninonly prodtteed . p tt o 1 i be vrise for yourselves. COntrOl :Vont. Mire dWellerS, or, to he t th The tlights of the harden Mind are or rock dwellers, are net yet extritct. ° c 41(44 " 44t eelves. Be your own mestere in the inelaneholy,-Sidney Smith. not frrim enjoyment to enjoyment, but A freveIlitor, who elated the preidetorio tight rein in your own right guidance. sense that you keep yourselves wsith * from Imps to hope.,-,Tointson. eaVe dWeliinge near Halberstadt, In the May you is% 'whit YOur will ear; for-naraeiy, et moat intense otiv nmrignon201,1„.. tlohnua,spitetre,..4.0.inLatenuonity.Aatell vinairt or tomiteusteiu ten oaves brawn 8%11:forma: oieffterealfitterisehtttlaattett khettorptineto* wP"'"- -"" ..6"... " '-‘.."'.. ......4".." ..^.."' '''' in Um reek end oecupled by forty per- (deer of the burning eendle.--Ilarkley resting place, when bearing blearing* efehatever Jae the Moth% of El itt./._ MOM. Thie Attie lettlenlent is WAR Harker. , 0 ea the slope of a rooke bin near the eult it is always beet to overlook it i., vvrelliratgetn.ati6Thbey of athvet,srtdroAllitnage: LIBEL IN FIttilkteE. gleat.--Patinion. constructed only forty y n One teirtttillg for folly eleareety on deeetve resent- in the rock. remit "home" hart a deer Ma" -a (11.6 V"fteh Paii"r4 k661) in ment, Lut 7 . 'I'he shortest end surest Way to live Your,oftl!).,,.foszportedtiankroourOnInet in with honor in the world Le to be in real: t % ity whet we would! *plotter to 130; and -46,4 iron= " Hare I•iounteins, found In the neathy they descend to earthe:-.S. . 51 Ws rve, k t hotise was their employ Itartilless persons whours re ago by a regiatered es managers of the remote* the village. 0 Were too I t.. • 1 in winter t ve plloheatiolte. When a paper hite published eny article of a libelous char. are quite • acter, IA regard to W10011 the viothia a nit ttuelmony Makes legal eanplaint, the regnetered human virtues imams' and arena of their Inisa te, whose stout limbo' manager stamls trial as an offentler va themielvse by the prectioe wad - • and reel vent% for thA truth of end ia subjected ie fine or imprison,. hews.•orient* of them. ra eta eta went, porkies bet . t their s4 A • 24.