HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-18, Page 14
, •
1111•00 A YEAR 1N ADVANCE,
. . •
-Clinton 'imposts. the Pleasure Of .Yei,r -Company" at the Demonstration to be Holden on Wediesday Nett in Row of the 80th Anniversary ofGood Queen Vio.'s:Bipthday. Ceriony Begins at 10 a,
• W. Jo MITCHELL, Editor and Prop
use Gles„ Z g
Is not completed unless you have
, your Silvervrarti nicely pelished, Try
bottle Of oirr, celebrated Magic silver
palieh it will do the work inhalf the
time and With hilt the trOn We the or-
dieary polish takes and we guarantee
t Will not injure the plate in any way
and good a will not tarnish as readily
. after using it as they did before. •
We will,refund yorie mone1if you.
are not satisfied. •
--- --We ere•leaders
114 g
eel -and •Expert Watch
Repairee. '
A -A
The only proper way to hang
Pictures is front room moulding
securely ;railed on the avaIL
My the use of itiouldiug and
-- picture hooks • you can place a --
picture where you wish vrithout .
making ugly holes in plaster or
paper . •• . • .. . s
. The mouldieg we bought ta
this spring is 10, four shades
Terra Cotta, two shades of Green k
1..1 and Oak. With . these, we -can ,
roach alinost all our Well k
Papers exactly, and it makes a too)
Very pretty finsh to the room. to
Th* pattern we •selected this
year is an entirely new. one, and on,
the blending . of. the shades hi 40
quite artistic and beautiful; ' • a
The price of these mouldings
is another interesting fact, just 4
3 cents per foot. •
• •
Don't- forget us when you
• •
• just now is staring every woman inthe
face. The stem realities of life are not
neariy so hard to battle with if you
only know how to :meet them. You
wilt d -that you can do youe house- (..)
cleaning with a great deal ino.r•e. ease oi
.03(trE 'S SOAP,
and a little '
• • • • .
. Ifllatit
..WeanInlizaig; Polvall(1)ir
• 36 Solootted P4troors: •
For washing your, blankets, flannels,
etc., use WOOL SCA P, the only soap
warranted to wash,woolen geode with-
. nut shrinking., Have you tried our
Bity a good BroOm. Make your. cif '
• - old carpet look like new. •
UF-TO-DA:TB CASH' G1100EltY. g
all Va
Curt in, Piles
All paper trimmed free. 0)
OGLE CO PER & CO. Clinton '
Booksellers, Stationers and
Cash paid for Butter and.Eggs and Fancy Goods Dealers, Clinton.
uried Apples. ' • Phone 23:
THE TWO A,J'S. • e
. • •
To see the lateqt in Hats
insgeet A.. I. IVIorrish's
. .
•stock Don't 1:14 till yon
do so • An inspeetion will
convince you -not only that
he has what you want but
• that •his prices suit the
times send the good quality
the goods he sells.
. His Ties, Collars; Cuffs
Shirts, etc., are also sups'
rior goods at taking prices.
• • •
Our business hag chiefly been Ordered
Clothing with the exception of Ready -
Made Pants, Overalls and Ready -Made
Overshirts. We have often been asked
for a cheap suit and in order to accom-
modate our customers had to put In a
few Tines; of Ready-Mades. We do not
purpose making any more profit on
these than will pay the freight, as it is
Ititeitite out of the ordinary run of
on radei
The first price is $5 for a Man's Suit,
generally snld at $7.
The second price is $5.50. This • suit
would be cheap enough at $7.50.
The thitd price $7. This suit is mildew
out of all wool Halifax Tweed and will
give $10 worth of wear.
The fourth mulled pricein the Ready -
Mules is and 15 18 really aide° suit,
neatly cut and well made, good trim-
mings and got tip in the best stale.
Sotoe houses would charge you $12
°Vic; Ordered Clothing season is in full
have the beat liiie cswlng. Alt ettrareeeverta."
L. ;, i:JaiXoaT
•••••••..j Alcillth.0.•iiimotookr••••••••••••• .
our Customers Fils
Oh, do hear some one say, I
don't think I Shall go nem: you, I
don't waint 'the. Ohl yea you do.
You like your Coat and your Pants
to fit and you like a nice easy fitting
'Spring Overcoat. Your flat won't
look well if it don't fit. That is the
kind of fits we give our customers
and guarantee good fits or no sale and you can then give us
the other kind of fits. Give us a trial tx fit you out in a nice
Spring Suit. You will be more &an pleased for we make a
specialty awing better values and better fits than any house
in town. We are practical tailors and can fit a giant or a dryad
and best of all our prices will fit your pocket book. In the
ready made department we have 411/7:6) FROM $8.60 TO $12.00
tho latott styles and patterns.
Glue (Is A tiall and We Will eave.Yoti Money.
; \
&Steam tretherlierreet.. •
. Notwithstanding thatthetowncouneil
• porno Weeks ago decided to buy a stone
angler no purchaso has yet been rnatle
though a special meeting wait held Mon-
day night to consider tenders and Make
A deaf. One councillor was absent. Had
he been at his post its likelesome de-
finite action would have been taken, As
it is the matter stands as it was and Win
'again be teken intctcoesideration at the
first regular meeting or a special its the
Mayor. considers most advisable. Pour
firms have crushers for sale, viz., Sew.
ye r & Massey, Good Roads Clo,, the
Anstin Co„ and. Yates,, a Montreal
thin. There ie considerable difference
In the prices quoted Which
is offset hi -a -Measure by a difference
hinitttie cr iscopwiicnigtYtooaf ,etbontmenarepillaintelniToyilee
by a 'citizen of Myth who say e LS in-
tends buying a crarsher as an invest
Merit; With the expectation of .sectir•
big contacts from the surrounding
•towns•wide offers, we believe, to run
the machine et sevendollars per diem
and two or three of the councillors
think it: Woolci be 'better, Perhaps, to
give him a trial this year, at all events,
and if he does not give satisfaition or
it can be demonstrated that mu nici pal
ownership would be more profitable,
why • then let the council buy
a machine. Against • this it has
been contended that the Blyth man has
yet to learn stene crushing and its Cost.
Furtherniore, it is: stated • that con-
tract work has been 'found unsatis-
factOry in municipalities' where tried.
Councillors Johnson and Perd, two of
the most painstaking Mee -lives .of the
•council, went -on a tour of investiga.
tion last ateek and it wilt he as Well to
briefly narrate their -experience.- They,
Went first to Oamitton and visited. the
Sawyei-Milisey works where they saw
one of that firm's or Where and le a quar-
ry. on the mountain they had the mech..
=ism of the Good Roads machine .e,x•!.
plained to them. In the city they mat a.
deputationfrom the BelleVillecitycoun;
cit which came lip to buy a steam roller.
The 'Belleville men were communion-.
Live and said theY deeldedlyucl-
vise the uee of crushed stcine, without
which it waii impossible Le make really
good read'sr...he3r. bad tried it for ten
years and it had proven satisfactory.
A'steario roller was a greet asssistance
and, Made the roads better the sooner
'but it was . not anabsolute woes -
It'," --Common ' land !eller
*Mild render good service.. Though
the 1cltr or" Hamilton owns • a
crusher it has not been used this past
year owing to the action ur the Mayor,.
who, for inOtives of ,popularity, or at
least it law alleged; substituted Manual
labor instead* 2000 cords of stone Were
broken hy men. out of iimplpimept
who thus earned from 25 cents to $1:75
per day. This sort of stone;lhe prac,
tical.road handers were unanimous in
saying, did not Eompare With the ma -
Chine product -as. there was, an absenee
Of the finer grades or dressing vvItich
are a necessity in order to make tbe
whole bind. Prom Hamiltori Council-
lors SOhns'on and rord went to Paris
where they saw a piece of° road Which
had been made on the contract -System
and in a • slipshod mahner. The me-
terial had not been graded and had
been put on carelessly lo was anything
but satisfactory to the committee of
investigation, who, had .they etopped.
at that, vv',ould,have returned home op.
posed to the' buying of a crusher.
The Paris authOrititieS thought other-
wisehowever, and. intend tieing -more
of the same material upon ' their
Areas. Stratford was next visited
and here -the Councillors were delight.
ed with whet they avv. They. *ere
shown about the city by the Chairman
Of the Board Of Work, the Oily Engi-
neer and the Inspector of.Streets, by
whom they were treated with much
Courtesy* They Were 'shown a. street
Which had last fall received a layer of
crushed stone but, as it was late in the
season, no dressing. Neither bad the
roller been used yet the roadbed stood
heavy teaming well. With. another
street, which had been systematicallY
built, they were highly pleased.
It, had first been underdrained, then -
the road graded to the width of Oven.
ty feat, a course of broken stone laid
and:rolled, A layerOf finer material
was then and again rolled, fo1.
lowed. by the tap dressing and the
final tolling, The 'result was it road.
way as smooth and hard as grenolith-
ie. ..When the eituatien in Olititen
Was explained to the Stratford men
they agreed that a step in the right
directien Was being taken and with' a
gravel pit so close it hand good streetti
ought to be a comparatively Atir.
&tanking for thie town. It; might be
added that before his visit to thole
places Councillor Pord wail lukewarm
on the question, but as • the
result of oheervation and enquiry is
now is strong *demote of VlUbleiPal
OWnerehrp, Councillor Sohnson is also
favorable and can give many good
In support of hut opinion. Par
ILlato Eaaals. •.
Come 50 elintOn -On awavalth.—e*
Thos, Sheppard recelyed a telegram
I on Thursday apprising him of th
I• death of a niece, Mee, Richard Pear-
son of Ore), townsh1P, The funeral
took place on PridaY•4-,°-430einese , hi
brisk at the foundry.: ,Mr,, W. 'Young
formerly of Olintott brit later of Ocide
rich, has been added to the
The well at .W. W, Earran's has been
• sunk 200 feet, The last hundred is
through rock without Ariking water.
• The 100 foot epilog will be used as euy
further. drilling seenle neelees,--4
bright, interesting monthly magazine
'devoted tb the intereete of the Church,
Of England in Oanada,entitled"Church.
Work", publi stied-in...Halifax, ialii•Ihe-
hands of a cornmittne of Young meti as
canvassers who hope to localize it iri
connection with. St. Paul's church.
Many of the white ash trees in die
part of the province . have been killed
by the heavy.frost of last winter. 19'ot
one of them escaped in thew Cemetery
grounds —A citizen • Writes to
TIM NEwsancortn as followe ;-.-It
would be well foe ' the S. A. band
to ' .refrain from playing on the
public street . ori Sunday p. m. until
lifter 8 ,o'clock. ---Mr. W. C. • Searle
conmiciins of Wanton distinction of hie
stores,the brick wall 1401Kr:hipped and
the Windows scratched. Ile offers a
reward of ten deifies for evidence of
guilt, te which the Mayor Will, (no
doubt, add a heevyfineat-The debate,•
which was to have been held in the
Baptist church, has been indefinitely
• postponed. ---Notice was giVenin St..
Paul's church on last Sunday that
there would be an early celebration. of
the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at
8.e'elpck and again anotherafter morn.;
ing prayer on next Sunday as • on
that day the birthdaY of the Chureb,
She descent of the Holy Ghost, is -Com-
tnemorated.—Mr, Joseph Copp solEI a
horse to a Seaforth buyer and • delliveN
. ed -
it on Saturday. --Mr. John Lovett:
of Summerhill drove through" town On
Tuesdaywith' flee mare he that day-
purehased down in Hay towrithipa---;-•
Mr. James Pinch bee Moved trite Mr.'
Jacob Becker'ihOnse, Marystriet. Mr.
Arthur Cook Duties into his residence
corner of Albert and Mill streeta lately
oecunied by the Messrs. Menu!, while,
Mr. J. Stevenson has rented Mr.Oook's
cottage. Mr. Albeit Downs has taken
possession of thalroung house on Hue.;
on street, whilefiar. Wm. Downs 1.104
• stored his furniture untii he decides
Where to locate,--Otintelon Semi
made a Shipment of 5000 dozen of eggs
on Monday. --Mr. Prank Powell hew
bought a piece of ground from Neigh-
bor King and will build a stable thereon
ittapbe thie Week.-rMr.W.E. Perrin is
figuring on plans for a dwelling on the
gore Iotjustsouth ofaiidfecing the G.T.
R. station.7-Ashleyand Miller finished:
op Tuesday the piping and:the placing
of the acetylene gas getielathr in Mr.
John Ransford's reiddence. There will
be twenty-five lights in and aroundthe
house. phipments froth the G. T. R.
station on Tuesday included. three cars
export cattle to Toronto by S.H.Striith,
two cars flour for Liverpool by I 8o' N.
Met. Pair, and organs • for the Old
Country by W. Doherty do Co. -7 ---The
L. II. &B. pay car paseea down the
line on Monday..:= -Rev. Morgan Wood
was at the junction Tuesday evening
on. his way to Gederich.--r-Ite dollars
to doughnutis that a contemporary
will draw heavily from THE
Nnws-Rzeonn for its make-ip this
week, as in the past.—tlome not very
friendly -disposed person „poisoned
George Cooper's pet dog the other day.
A. neighbor's was treated to a similar
dose, but the prompt use of au ernette.
saved it.—The 0. 0. 10, band luid its
first practise on Monday night. ---Mr.
II. F. Andreith has sold his span of
black horses to Mr. James Reynolds of
aullett for a good figure. ---The Rev.
Rural Dean Hodgens of Seaforth con-
ducted the services in St. Paul's church
onSunday last, Rev. Mr.Parke taking
duty in Seaforth both nabrniril and
evening -The lawn tennis club COM-,
merited play lasb week on their grounds'
w e are in excellent condition. Any
'intending playing would do well to
hand in their names to the secretary
at once. --Mr. Dirudey has been sut.
fering for some time past avith rheum.
atietrouble Ile le no longer able to
walk down WW1, hut hfit many friends '
hope to see him restored to his usual
health in the near future.--Ths S. S.
convention for the Deanery of flUr011
".014 be held in Mesa on the 185h of
June this year ---8O0 persons partook
of cornrouniou last 'Sunday morning in
the Ilattetibury street , Methodieb
church, Rev. o'Fitther" Newcomb* as.
slated Pastor Millyard and felt eon.
strained to say that ascii it mervi ,ce alt..
er a , threeyearit' paritorate Mild not
but affoei gratification to the most
devoted and seadous minister of the
goilPel. -- Mr. ,Arthur Cantelon't
• • ••••••••••..
*144 te hi Killed Th P
. •
I• rasa •
. Mr, «William Weir of the Bayfield There is considerable difference of
lload, just adjoining town, lost one of opinion as to the amount • damage
e bis horse* on Monday, 15 was while caused by the 'rivet of Saturday and
viewing that the amnia fell, and In -it
soft pot, too, and fractured a leg. so
badly that to end its existence was
• -beth huniane and economical, To
•• lose a horse durihg the farmer's busy
season And with prices on the up grade
is no small matter. •
0:;: SON Eilitoi floe for natio 'walks, and for per.
sidevvelks, as the founds -
Imp, Biz= MUMS midways he bellow embed )
NT= • elione ist blob and sheopett.
1•4•bailapil 1.54,
• chiostnut pony is twenty.oneyeara old,
but is as sprightly as a four-year-old
ansi looki good 50 lsstuntil thlrby.
It has been in this pomeesion of the
family for seventeen years. -11 you ars
plerused with Tut N'nws•Itstoolin won't
you recommend it f
r •
• Narrow Eismapel. •
' The Rettenhury House stables haa
narriiw escape from destruction by.• ,
fire on Monday, the manure heaP !lay-. °
• •
. Sunday nights but 15 18 enerall g gutte in some unaccount,
pociecl that ib will not be very great able why, Porthnately help, was *Ilt•
and it has been somewhat repaired by hand and the flames were speedily ex.
the cool weather which has since pre', tinguished. What caused the fire is
veiled and the rains which have fallen.. much easier to surmise at than to/della- -
Early vegetables were noticeably nip- niteiy locate." • .f
Ped and thid not tam nut
- P 1, .
.eitlirinu jleurtlhetohaanyr hardier egrr e
_ been C. 0, Pis AttondCharca. "
to the number ef nearly one hundred Goad Domes Pay; , • Btr, George Stanbury of Toronto ar-
fartueixtstehnaje not: . BaYfteld.
On Sunday evening last the O. 0, P's • . ..___.
• attended service in' the Ontario street
Methodist church. The pastor, Rev,
Clen2ent, gave it discourse on Broth-
erbood founded, upon the 85h and gth
did themselves atnple Notice in the
'rendering of their part of the service.
The congregation Was large , encl the
service one of great interest and pro-
fit. '
A and ,Wdek.
Last week was a good one at the G.
T. R. station, the receipts for 0115
freight amounting to $1240, an in-
crease of 8700 over the corresponding
period of last year. In "Inwards" there
was a corresponding advance. On
Monday Six tons of merchandise were
unloaded at the station from the B. &
G. lakebound.train, which was in con-
sequence delayed over an. hour. All in
all, Monday was one of the biggest'
days the, stition staff has had. for
some time,
The school teachers of East Huron,.
who held their simnel Parliament
Clinton on Thursday and Friday. last,
had, presumably,' a pleasaot time of it.
They were present in large numbers
andtheir well:dressed and well-groom-
ed: apperrance might- easily is
lair if not good salaries. They display-
ed excellent judgment in electing Mr.
Lowery as president and re-electing
Mr. Plummer secretary. • Both gentle -
inert are modern, painstaking and
successful, in short; lights in thepro.
fession; The "Travel Talk" by Mr,
Permit Yeigh was enjoyed, his views
being numerous and good, while .his
• descriptive matter left little tO be de-
sired. Though not wishieg to Mingle
any bitter -with the sweet, still we
• might add that a.little variety would
have inade /the program • more satis-
'factory. Sarneneea even in a ,..good
thing becomes a tamenessif top king
Callailate Nees. •
Last Thursday the -manager of the
Cellegiats football club received word,
that the Goderich team would be down
Shat evening for a match with. the beim
of the "red and blue." Owing to. the
latenese of the message being sent but
little notice could be given the citizens
of the game yet, netWithstanding this
fact, a good, crowd gathered at the
park to see the game and incidentaily
to cheer on their owe aepresentatives.
The teams were lined up at 8.45 by the
referee, Mr. Snell of Godericb, and
play was commenced. For the first
few minutes Goderich seemed to . have
the advantage, but as usual our boys
gratinally got down to playing and. in
four minutes Baird scored for Clinton.
The playing was again continued with
renewed vigor on both sides but al it
neared half time, two minutes being
left to play, Baird again scored for
Clinton. No goals were scored Id the
remaining two minutes and on the
sound of the Whistle both • teams °erne
ed play to partake of a five-minute
rest. Again the ball wait kicked off
and several rushes were made by both
teams and for the nexttwentyminutes
the playing was about balanced, but
during an argument over a foul at
ilinton's goal the ball was slipped
through the crowd and Goderich scor-
ed their only gpal, Excitementamong
the spectators was now -cat a high
pitch, which lasted until the close of
the game ten minutes later, when the
Score stood Clinton 2, Goderich 1. The
game watt devoid of rough play and
the referee gave satisfaction. Sever.
al of the boys of the: Clinton tearn
Were &Went at their homes-, but their
iubstitutee, though somewhat. opt of
practise, played well. Cantor -el bee
won bath the games played so far and
hope to continua the eureese in the
future and thus bring back to their
!supporters the latter's old.time confl.
dance. In short the turn seems to
have Amok it winning gait. „The play.
ere were as follows :-Olinton-Relly,
Tbonnnion, • Outlet% Baird, Henley
13randon, Mean, Campbell, Pairentore,
SInith,Taylor. Goderich :-Pritchard,
McTaggart, Draper, Snell, Blare,
Duenin, Downs, Morten, Hutton,
Hackett, Masson.—In the West.
ern Assioelatien Cup Otinteet, Wing.
ham wan , from Stratford et
Winghath on Saturday lila hy 4 to 0,
t—gippeti will play their return
match here 50 111 probability- on Thurs.
day eVallitle oxt.—Tho Cadets are
hard it work drilling ander Capt.
Combo for the coming otlebration. No
doubts they will maks it brave show.
°Mari StN.Scburch fitinday morning. In Goderich toVrtiship °
Ari'ved home Monday evening.---afr,
The fermiers up Sumineehill way
John Ilesson has returned from Nairn
raise' good horses and so command.
high prices. at, John Lovett on Sat- to spend the sumnier. At present he
terather under the weather. Rev. Mr,
urday delivered a four-year-old geld-
t3tuickr. odfeantheinEgsnut4-1glistucetsivuirYchaPhPeqrein, gleetteriurl-
lbg-i-vbreh Weighidr•iiver-IMY p
and realized a straight two hundred •
nicely settled down.-Mrs.jas,Burns,
dollars. Mr. George Rill sold a' pair,
one of which was a good mate for Mwho underwent a very critical opera -
r. •
tion last week, is doing as well as could
be expected. She is under the care of
the Dratircl Nurse Miss Kerr of Clinton. •
—Mr. Humber's steam yacht"Stella,'
with a company of Goderich boys,took '
a rue down to Bap:14)1d • on Suirday.
They ran out of fuel when a mile or so
out and some of the crew had con-
siderable trouble in getting the need- • ,
ful.-- The schooner "Ontario," Capt.
Glanville, cleared from the harbor '
here last Thursday night for Detroit ' •
with about two hundred thousand feet •
of lumber Which was part of the
ter's make at the mill here —Steps 4
are again being taken to have . another ' • .„
appropriation for the harbor... The
Jsouth pier is badly out Of repair and
some more dredging is a required. We
understand the supplementary esti-
mates will contain a sum for the pur- '
lair minister of, this place,hics recelVed
a Call from the church -witDornoch in •
South Grey which charge has been va- • • at
cant since the removal of Rev. Mr.
Little to Chatsworth. The congrega- '
tion at Dornoch is strong numerically,
loyal to its, 'pastor, .provides a good
Manse and attends 'with commendable
regularity tb,e various means of grace.
Mr. Graham all likelihood ac-
cept. The.firsb steps jn his translation
were taken 110,st Sabbath vrhen Rev. •
Mr.- Henderson of Manchester occu- •
pied the pulpit of said church and cited -
the congregation to appear it the acl.• • 6,
jCturned meeting of Iliaron1Presbytery
to be held at Brucefleld on May 23rd.
Bayfleld has sent out a large number
of ministers from this church. Mr. Gra-
ham is -only one of many who bave
made Bayfield, their starting point in .
the ministry, It speaks volunies for
Mr. Graham that Oki new' call ks tbe • -
first heliai preachedfor since he came •
here. His many friends here will join
in wishing abundant success in his „
new field. Mr. Grahaneci geniality will
win him many friends while hie fear-
lesa pulpit denunciations of eine, -
fashionable and otherwise, Make hinf a '
power for good in whatever pare .of
the moral vineyard he may flnd hiejlot
crest. •
The Christian Endeavor met on
Wednesday evening of last week, ably
led by Miss- 011ie Nesbitt. The -'topic, '
"Christ Betrayed arid Arrested," call-
ed forth conelderable discussion.—S.
S. -Excellent papers have been secured
for the Sunday school during the next -
quarter and it is hoped that with new
hymn books, etc., it will brighten up
the year, -Church. -Divine service was
conducted by the pester .1aat Sabbetb•
Week from next Sabbath, a children's
service will be held, the eolleetion to
go in aid of Sunday school supPlies.--
.A few took in the lecture in Clinton,
with views, on Thursday evening last,
and learned scimething more of their
Levett's and brought him a like fig.
ure; Not so long. since these would
seem impossible prices, but for the
right kind of stock it does ri4 mean
She maximum by any means nowadays.
Empire Day.
On the afternoon of Tuesday next
tho proceedings in the Public school
will be as follows :-Lessons or review
work in history, geography, or litera-
ture will be taken in Miss O'Neil's
room, Miss Wilson's room and the
Principal's room, from 1,80 until 2.45.
The other rooms will have their regu-
lar work. _After recess, in each room,
there will be a prograth, consisting of
readings, songs, recitations, speeches;
etc. The rooms will be opeo to the
• public and trustees, teachers, and pti.
.pils will be pleased to see editors, cler-
gymen, . etc., and parents visit the
• echool on Empire Day. 'Ushers will
receive • and attend to the requests of
visitors. • ,
The C. 0. P, Daad, . •
The C. 0. P. band may be considered.
iitablisbed institution. Mr.
Brown of the organ factory staff has
-beenairgaged,as leader. He formerly
and for some thne led the Bowman-
• villa band and plays the elarionet so
• well as to captivate older and more ex-
- perienced musicians than himself.
Several members of the Citizen's band
have joined the new organization and
with the proinising new material at
the service of Leader Brown the C..o.
P. band will, no doubt, in a short time
be a credit ante itself and. all concern-
-ed. It will be under the management
of the following trio appointed by the
Court r -W. Coats, W. Jackson, L.
• Kennedy. That there is a C. 0. F.
band is to no small extent owing to the
exertions of Mr. W. Jones who labored
indefatigably in its interests.
Dallstadory Reports. • •
The quarterly business meeting of the
RattenbUry street church was held on
Tuesday evening when the different
reports presented were considered of a,
satisfactory nature. The ohne& has a
membership ot 871 and has increased
its contributions to several connexion -
al funds, about doubling that to Mis-
sione.which this year amourited to in
the neighborhood of $400. Aresolution
of condolence was passed to Rev. Mr.
Millyard,who so recently lost his fath-
er. Mr. Israel Taylor was appointed
delegate to the District Meeting to be
held in Goderich next week and it
naturally follows that he.will also be a
delegate to the Conference which as -
ambles shortly. Mr. W. N. Manning
will- attend Conference as Batten-
bury's representative to the Station-
`ary Committee, Ars this is removal
year, the church wants two 01 150 most
active members if heedquarters vvheir
tbe allotting of chicults and statione is
going on.
LIU& 4•040, native land thereby. ---Band practice
Preparatory services will be held in started Priday evening.—Stratige--
Willis chuteh on Friday. Rev. Mr, - Watch lost -cattle stray -a sheep took
Wade will preach in the afternoon and sick --A traveller took it clothes line for
Rev. Mr. Goldsmith. of Seaforth in the a steamboat -they don't sit on the hall
evening. --Purchasers of wheels from jence so niuili-foothall has died this
Mr. A, T. Cooper this past week in- year and the burial service was short.
elude :-Walter Rigsby, W. Ilemilton, number of 0. 0. P. brethren
Oarlock, A. Whittingham A'r-For. from here "attended, divine service in
raster and E. 3'ohriaton.—A. Most ex. Cliaton last Sabbath evening at the
cellent paper by Madame Well On "The Ontario street Methodist church.--•
division of our time" was given at the Mre. Arnold and daughter, Miss Vera "
Ontario street League on Monday even., of Chaths.to, are guests of Mr. B. Butt.
Ing, Miss Newcombe presided.—The --Chas. 'Johnston hag returned to the
Stratford beacon of Thursday last had Parental roof and was visited by Isaac
the follovving t-Oottneillore J'ohnson Carter and family Sunday.—Miss
• avid Fiord a/Clinton are in the city to. Lizzie Johnston is the guest of her
day to get information regardine street mothiii. 'here before going to Port
laying. The came ur osel to in- Huron to reside, --Miss LoWer
• All•
. •
• epect, our stone crusher and steam road ed at the homes,pf Mr. Bingham and
• toiler. Mr. S. M. Wilson and Street others on Sunday, while Miss S. 'Wet -
Commlationer BUM% Illioted them ki Sundayedas the wrest of the Mite-
arouli pea ng to the eacon this es Wallace. re. a ace spent. 0 s
afternoon they said that illthough they week in Stanley visiting her daughter
had visited Paris and ilitinliton, the there. --Miss lg, Lovett and mother
hest road theybad seen was that put are visiting at Mr. Sohn Searlett'e in
on Change and Nile streete in Stratfotd Leadbery.---Mies Pearl Wright. and
hich was ° finished -last year. They Master Orvie amnion vielted in Walk.
would report to phoir countil in favor erhurn last week.
of Stratford's plant anttinitehinery lie.
ing adopted, eo tar tis finances would struney Townshfp. .
S ki
M W 11 1 thi'
allow. They also id Street Comtnis,
*loner nalikett 't1 hi h tribute for hie Meows. Senn and Renriedy. of 011110.
care of the street•,?. ribute not nude* ton have taken" several orders for
Devero Victoria Col. lightning rode in .thlit township. We
lege • 'Is dent. occupied the pulpit of bear they haee also Met With 114ACCOSIO
.41(111':':‘ •