HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 9• THE CLINTON NE NS -RECORD. - Woman, Loves Best that which. she thinks of most The SP- pearahca'of her heMe is one of wonlays first concerns, she thinks and worlis over .it very much to have it clean, daintq and refined. Nothing does More to produce Ge desired result than pleiteingslecorationa on the wall such ae ourtock can supply at a moderate expenditure. it will be a great Kw* prise to its if We can't do as well or "better for you in meeting your Wall Paper wants than most others. May be its conceit on our part but We honestly believe okirstoek is composed of tbe very best productions in the art of manufacture that you can find in any town of equal eize We believe it '• so because 'we baYe tried so .hard to make it so, We'have also been very careful to make the prices right. By right w Mean as low as is in keeping with the quality • It has been our tron- cern to have one qualities givesatis- faction and. our Priceti inade'to please, • 0.10n ls C1fea,z3ese, .11Nociya theRest. - 'The Fair • Co, •'CLINTON. r f.ditersta Paricer's bye 'Works. , New Advertisements. Mr. john Ransford was In Montreal tiodedeli Township,. this week. MAY 11, 1899, It? Ittiffit! rim VIM IttrItt ittitflIt WM? itttfftt? rritm to Worcester, Masa., this week. were visiting at Mr, Peter Cook's( a a Captain /Waller of the S. A., has been few day* ago, unwell for sotne days and lute goue Reeve Churchill Is a good farmer so home to Drew to recuperate. Nikko:lade a success; of it. One follows Mrs. Lillie „Vanning was the delegate the other as naturally as light does from the Willis church branch of the darkneee. If we are not mistaken hie Pretilayterlan AVomen's Foreign Mts. acme number 240 or over. He hee a strawy Society at the eonvention big °reboil,. or rather tbree of them held in Woodstock last week. She and le,st week had them thoroug_hly wile accompanied he Mrs. (DO Ag. overhauled, pruned and grafted. The new and Miss MeTaggart who aleo worthy Reeve could haye done it hina- Itake an active intereet in the work eelf, for he is an old hand at the bust - of the Society nose, but instead. he gave the job to Mr. and Mrs. Jo.hn Derry returned on Ben Oote and Aattiur 0oolt of Clinton •• Monday from England after an ate who applied 1500 grafts. Both are good men at such work and in one do put in 000 grate. 'This is conelderecl a good day's work but they think they veil do better still. This week they are engaged among the orchards of Mr. W. Doherty mane businees trip Mr. and Mee. David Cook of Clinton Our Weekly Store News—Hodgens Bros.... , 8 Out of the Orclinary—je.okson Bros 8 Servant Girl Wanted—Mrs. (Dr,) Agnew...:8 Hou'se and Dot tor Sale --Mrs. John Stanley Court of Revision—J. T. Cairns 8 Clinton Court of Revision—W. Coats5. Bayileld Court of Revision—H. W. Erwin5 Hullett Court of Tievision—J. 'C(01.10811 "5 Ensilage Profitable—NV, ...... . . 5 Clearing Out Clothing—Hodgens Bros 4 About ,o..o o WHERE THEY •ARE . . AND WHAT * THEY ARE DOING .• r tipecYzeoustAx3000 w e Know. Mr.. A. T. Cooper was in Exeter yester- :day: Mr. M. Morrish left for Detroit on Monday. Inspector Paisley was in Harriston on Saturday.. • Mr. Herb. Switzer returned from Det- roit on Tuesday.- „ Mies Ida fleyveood is visiting friends in Blyth this week. Mr. Meyers spent Sunday at his old home in Stratford. _ Mr. Hank Bradford of Sanford was in Clinton ori Sunday. ' Miss Gunn of Boston is the guest - of - Dr. and Mrs. Gann. Mr. A___.. Saunders of Goderich Ine in the Hub on 'Tuesday. BarristeeDickenson of Winghato Was in the Hub on Tuesday. , Mr. S. Beattie, Sr., of Brussels was vis- • iting at his son's this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradyvin of Blyth were in Clinton on Thursday. • Mr. Percy and Miss Dot Fair spent Friday with Seaforth friends. Messrs. John Snider and JacolaTaylor " were in Stratford on Tuesday.. • Miss Francis Catlin!, -Goderich, is spending the month with herparents. Mr. ROA. Gardner o the Tecumseh House, London, has returned home. Mrs. Will.roster and two children left Monday to join Me. Foster in (Oahe° Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. McElroy of • Blyth were guests of Miss Beywocid On Sunday. • Mr. Hovey, st.,and Mr. Ed. Orchard of St. Thomas are guests at Mr. Q. E. Hovey's. People • Mrs. Blatchford of Elora is a• guest at the residence of her 'mother, Mr.s. Graham. . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murdock of Lucan' were guests at Mr.. J. B. Hoover's last week. • Percy Fair, Will Canteloh Al. Miller spent Sunday at the tatter's • home in Lucknow. • Dr. and -Mrs. Anderson of Mitchell will spend Sunday in town tae guests of . Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiltse. Rev. E. B. Smith missed the train last Saturday from London and 0.14 a re- sult large congcegations were disap- pointed at each of his churches. Mrs. Worthington was called • to El?: mondville on Tuesday owing to the death of her mother, • Mrs. Vaneg- mond. Mr. R. Worthington goes down' to -day to attend the funeral. Mr. W: Alexander returned, on Tues- day evening after a week's visit to his daughter, Mrs. Green of Port Huron. He reports the Port alive, Mr. and Mrs. Green and • faintly In good health, and Mr. G. doing a growing business. Mr. Sohn Callender retained to Lon - aloft on Saturday after a week's so- journ at the Rattenbary Hope re - meriting. He has not been in good healthier seine time, but on leaving here expressed himself as ready to return•to "the road" again:. • Councillors Johnson and Ford went to Hamilton on Monday to gather 'in- forioation as to stone crushers as welnaa•roadbedreariede"liji -lie use. Neither of time worthy councillors is in favor of buying a "pig in a poke," as one of there remarked, meaning that some personal know- ledge *as necessary before making such aponsideashle investment. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cooper left on sence of about eight nionths. They love the eta land mulch but Canada anore, the -common experience of • tlaose who have sojourned in this Donainion long enough to become familiar with its wear. Mr. Derry looks as if the trip Iola agreed with hins Varna, The usual quarterly service took Place to the Methodist church last Sala bath when the three appointments were well represented an the Church well tilled. The Official Board met on th.e following Monday and transacted the usual business. --Inspector Tom paid his visit to S.S. No. 0, Varna,Jast Thursday end pronounced the work well done. It was the most satisfact• ory he had found it for some time and was well. pleased, With the excellent' order. -----The par:renege will soon be conaplete with the exception plaster. algae that Our SAM is bard to be beat, - en in rushing a contract. It presents every flue appearance from the out- side already. --Mr. B.• A, Higgins has purchased a thoroughbred roadster horse with a long American pedigree. It is hard to beat our burg for fast horses. Mr. Higgins has also received an order for ge, strong set of harness for drawing in logs to the.mill from jow- ett Bros„*Bityleeld. They know where to get good value for Aleast money. Ben's reputation for good huness is widespread and the demand is now- -greater than the supplya--=ariiiff in- teresting and enthusiastic meeting of the teachers of Varna District was held in the school last Saturday. The attendance was better than usual and many line points in parsing were brought up by the teachers. After a lengthy Program was ermined • for next meeting the. meeting was ad journed. Druceneld; Mr. .Nlebol of Brantford' occu- pied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sun- day atid will nextSunday well.a=-Mr, John Snider, hernessmaker, is nutting an addition' to his shop. Improvements indicate prosperity. --During March and April twenty young men left this station for *Ants Manitoba, seven ofor the Coast and nine for Dakotaa•---- Mr. &Graham sold a; flne driving mare last aveek to Jacob Wilber of Dublin for just about the even hundred dollars. --Mr. J. Watson has rented the sta- ble on the eroperty which Mr. Scott recently bought from Mr, LEigan. ' Mr. Delgatty has placed a new: plat- form in_front, of his shop- which adds not a little tit, its appearance. --Mr. Mackenzie, an organizer for the Inde- pendent order of Foresters, has been in • the village for Somedays and a guest at the Dixon House. • He is working in the interests of Court Brucefleld and as the result there were four initiations ablest meeting .pight with four or so more on the string. This will, we un- derstand, bring the xuembership up to about fifty, a gotelly number and in- dicating a prosperous Court we should say.. Mr. Thos. Gennnill is Chief Ran- ger, a good man in an important posi- tion. --Mr and Mrs. T. C. Delgatty andfanirly sp.ent Sunday at IC W.Del- gritty's on the Bronson line in. Stan- ley. --Colin Kennedy and Jewell Kyle 'of Seaforth upon friends here on Sunday. -George Quinnon spent Sun- day in Seaforth.---Mr. Ciratram is placing a•new platform upon his weigh- scales—The cheese factory being fitted. up as a ceee,mery and will bogie operations about the fifteenth. We learn there are goodprospecte ahead of it for the season. In the mann- factnre • of •cheese • the factory wee not considered a success. stave •factory , has Changed bithda, or rather Josiah Watson, who has hadit rented for the past couple of years, has turned it over to the owner, Alex. Mustard,. who will run it. Mr. Watson, who le a thorough mill man, does not intend leaving 13rucetield, nt least not at present. • The stock upon which the mill - has been working is owned by W. Ament of Seniorth.-- Pete Cameron met with a bad accident on Saturday last at Simon Macken-. zie's the and concession of Tucker - smith., Waves holding a colt when it reared and coming down With itafront feet on his shoulder fractured the bone find otherwise injured him. Dv. Arm- strong attended to his injuries, lint be will not be able to swing the Mtn free- ly for wale Aarosteong is the M. H. O. for Stanley and will do all the vaccinating for the schools in that township. He has also the schools in sections 3. 4, and 0 of Tuckersmith, Drs. Mackay and Scott • of Seaforth have four and Dr.141cDermid of Howell three. Clinton doctors have been giv- en the old ehoulder.--Brucefleld: IS the centre of the good roads district and yet an improvement might be made, Even the trifling matter of a raking, which would not cost much, would be appreciated: In speaking of the roads the other day, Dr. McIntosh remarked that the original cost was £800 or $4000. perjmile and that the grade was not, to be more than, one foot in the hundred, - East Wawanosh. • Mr. and Mrs. Jae Dow were in Hib- bert last week attending the wedding of Miss Roy, Mr. Dow's niece.--a-S. T. Irwin was in Kincardine last week de- livering a horse whieh he disposed of at a good figure to Mr. Gentles of that town. --Mrs. • Stewart McGee of Winghate visited Mn McGaree last week. -a --•Mr. Coornbee of S. al. No. 8 le inlay preparing for an exam. Monday. to return ft). their bottle in which he intends writing on at Hamill- Helen:4111°0mm ,They went by tile ton about 24th of this month, --On most direct route, not making any Thursday last the spirit of Annie Vielet detourinto Colorado, and Utah as on infant daughter of Me. and Mrti. 3'. A. avellt• ae n the mountain Plisses in this vide t,ears of abontawenty of those states they followed on the days. For about nine days the little heels ef anew blockades and land thing suffered tench pain and its death * elides. On one section of the line was a happy release, but young as it theirs WWI the second train. in seven was the parents will MISS it much and times eleven doe, They veere-ac- conipanied to Monteria's &mita by their lul earner eitirt which was not un- Menzies took its flight after ft sojourn McKillop where experts suet as they are are much in demand. • Trix Nuivs-Ratoorto is becoming Ain MOre popular in this section of the township and we doubt not but that &- the same may be said in other parts RS WW1 • Hayfield Line. • . . While travellingthrough the town- ship your correspondent was forcibly etruck by the appearance of the school yerds. Arbor day produces great re- sults as no doubt it is doe to the obser- vance of this day that Such a change. is. noticeable to the yar de, • • Miss laertie Thompson, who has been visiting at Mr. H. Beacom's .for some time, returned to her borne on the 10th last week. • Mr. Powell, butcher, has started ont on his regular trips along the line. Mr. Joon T. Beacom and Mr. John Cluff delivered a couple of fatted 'ani- mals in Clinton one day WA week, Mr. S. Smith of Olintort being the purchas- er. The forrner's animal was a fine specimen of fat beet, while the latter's tipped the scales at 1340 lbs. Quarterly meeting was held in Coles church last Sunday morning at 10.30. There was a good attendance and, all appreciated the excellent anthem giv- en by the -- Mr. G. W•• Hartwell attended the teachers' convention of the Varna dis- trict which was held in Varna Public School on Saturday last, . Mr. W. Hooey of Pine River accom- panied by Mr. Will. a former .teacher of'S. 5. No. 10 of this linetpaid &tying visit to friends in this vicinity last Saturda,y. Mr. Bleir's genial smile is a sight which all his friends behold with pleasure. Mr. %ill Elliott of Porter's Hill spent • Sunday on this line as did else Mr. P. Campbell of Clinton. e are always' glad to seethe sunny faces of pedagogp-. es whether they are actively. engaged in the work or have because of greater in- ducements branched off on some other line. • • • Owing to the absence of Rev. Mr. Smith,pastor of St. John's church,Mid- dleternis Corners, there wee no service last Sabbath. • Mr. John Middleton of the 9th con- cession shipped 57 large fat cattle last Monday averaging, we believe MO lbs. Ten more are being wade ready for .fo- tura shipping, while the remainder will be fattened on the grass. • ROO. The ()bristle Endeavor concert given here on Wednesday night last was a grand success. Mr. McDonald and Mr. Carpenter of London compos- ed the talent of the evening and every- body there -wits well pleased with their selections. Miss Sarah Hill of Londesboro vis- ited at the Central Hetet a few- days last week. The Methodist church will have their re -opening next Sunday. when Rev.Mr. Campbell, of Toronto will preach both morning and evening. We have heard of nearly every wild animal being ta,med, but never heard of a bicyage being treated in that way till one night last week. • . - • Porter's ma. Mrs. Sterling nes the barn which she Weight from Mr, James Hamilton moved to its proper place now. Mr. S. McPhail was visiting friends In Kippen Saturdo and Sunday. &Meg you should stay with rut when you did tome back. • - • Mrs. Burton was visiting friends in Clinton last week and • returned home on Saturday.. Miss Jennie Burke accompanied by her cousin, Miss Yates, has • returned home after a visit to friends in London. • • The masons are now busily engaged in building the foundation for Mr. John Young's barn and hope to have it soon completed. Mr. 011ie Gardnerp. While driving home from church on Sunday, Was up- set out of the rig by a cow that was Ly - ng on the road, but we are glad to say that he did not get hurt. Cows should be kept off the,road: Mr: J. Morgan paid a flying Dan %de- ft to Bayfield. on Saturday. Mr. Will Blair and Mr. Hooey, of Kincardine were visiting friends here and returned home on %Witt . Mrs. McGuire is visiting friends in Clinton now. • 111eKillop, Fall vrheat hair a. bad. appearance and in many instances cannot possibly be naore than half a crop.—The people in the middle of their seeding and the forest out in leaf is one of the results of oue somewhat strange climate. Mr. james Bell has lost a brood mare which along with her foal botb died. -- Mr. John Lynch lost a yeluable horse while at work one of the hot days re- cently.—Mr. Grigg of Somerset,Eng- land, who has travelled extensively in the United Stater( during the last three months, and is now making a tour of Canada, visited this section recently. - Mr. Bostienberry of Zurich was visiting friends here a short time ago.—Quar- ' tete), meeting* eervices were held in Winter* circuit last Sabbath and the businese meeting on the following Monday evening. ----A number of • young people who were suffering trona scarlet foyer, we are pleased to Say aro recovering.---ltlesses. McIntosh and Muldoon have purchased a stallion and have him going the rounds.—A fish peddler from, Goderich WAS on the rounds lad week. -House cleaning is now in order, so the women are in bad humor and the men gloomy and silent. Drysdale, they have the eyinpathy of friends and . - Miss Minnie Cooper, who will neighbors. The funeral took place to Atessra. Snowdon, Westlake and; tberci an extended visib. pay Wiriglartin cemetery on Saturday after- Screerian drove a large herd of cattle i10011. Truly it Was a bud, allowed, to to Grand Bend pasture lately. lir. Thos. Doherty Cattle home on West= for a brief space.—Mles Hall Messrs. It, IL Talbot and A. L. Saturday and returned again to Dor- of Belpriievi.ve was the Root of lefiss Screenan were viewing the large boat JACKSON BROS. FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE. : Established 1854. alrellearivellesiv‘elle Out of the Ordinary Is the selling we are now doing, And many are the complimentary remarks that have been made abut our Goods and Prices since the adoption of the Cash system. We show an assortment of Up -To -Date Clothing that is not equalled in this section, Our prices are based on the smallest possible margin, and good, keen buyers are not slow to get the advantage. Theoldcredit system and lower prices are a thing of the past . aff.f ✓ W* NW. O▪ f•-• - That Wonderftil $5 Suit • Of ours is causing quite a sensation. it is easily worth $8, and we have no hesitation in Saying that it is tlie G-reatest Value ever Offered in Canada for the money. Nobody in want of a good. Knoek,about suit, can afford to this,chitnce „. Men's Pants -4111, . Our Great Sellers at the present. time are g.ods at 175e, and $1 lines that. can -not be -equalled bt any house in the trade um]. geode that will give good satisfaction. Because the Price is Low • Peofikneed not be afraid of the goods . . •11"11/416.••4111‘•eqb`411"b••1"11111.0411041b0111b• 1110.1b46.41•0111,116•4111)"01~4111•AbWi."111•"011601‘"lb ft•160.16,1b.,0•411.016.041111.•40.011111, • ,, Cffildrelfs Mottling, ' and most complete stocks in Western Ontario. 7e are noted for carrying one of the largest People who appreciate seeing their children . neatly dressed. should see our. goods. . We have a great many new things in .Nestee Suits. The prices run' from $3 to $6. The style and patterns are exclusive and, no other house has got them. Our School Clothing is havinganimmense sale. Ton crrin buy odd coats and odd pants. All made by ourselves and the greatest gocids kr in Canada for the money. Pants 50c., 60c.. and 76c. Odd coats $1.50, $1.76 and $2; aecordine. to size. , Shoe Departrnent* . .. Selling the cheapest goods in the country Showing a great selection and do- ing a great busmesS. No expense attached to this depar,tment, Saving *1,000 • a year from the old way of doing business By the way,. that "Creole" - Shoe at $2 again is still the greatest selling shoe on the market. • I n. 301ff Of*. 111.•••••• REPAIRS PROMPTLY DONE . . . . 0.- r... Aloy,........„..,....4................-,...Q./.............A.,............................-;:afr-.A.-0,....6...........a.ww......:A....A...46.-..........,..„../. 0 rill: im•-* , , . acksori Bros. n .STOREENTA Clint EPARTM L &AA 4101ii .41iiiiiik -AAA iiiiiiit iiiiiiiii Alia AAA iii iiiiiiiii iiiii 044411 %....141 XI • •I 116,1110.. Belgrave. Rev. S. M. Whaley of • st. Helena preached in Knox church here on Ap- ell, 30th. Mr. Whaley always, receives a warm reception in Belgrave.—Mr. Murray of Knox College, son of Rev. Mr, Murray of Kincardine, preached in • this .place last Sabbath. while Rev. W. T. Hall preached the pulpit vacant in Whiteohnreb.-111r. Robert Gal- lagher,*who knows well hew to build stone wall, is,with his assistants,busy at, the basement of the new church. It livexpeeted that the ' corner stone will be laid about the 21th of May.. We re- joice to know that Rey. Mr. McLean of •Blyth will lay the corner stone as he was the one who made the foundation , of the first congreention in Belgrave. --John Agnew of the Clinton Colle- giate Institute was assisting his father on the farm last week and returned to (Minton Mrn morning. --B. An- derson and A. Russel of tlae Philadel- phia. Dental College returned home last week, but James Agnew, who graduated from that College in April, Is now located in New Carlisle, Ohio, and reports doing well. Belgrave boys always get to the top. --Mr. J. E. Cciombes, our popular teacher from near here, intends leaving- about 25th of May to write on' an exam in Hamil- ton, after which he will be a full-fled- ged science specialist. We wish him every success. Forest 0 ()nib. • • Me. Angus Brown, who has been in 13ay City for some time, returned home again.—Miss Sarah' Doman visited friends in Kippen last week.—Mr. 'John Carter of Clinton gave a flying visit to friends here.—Mr. • Christopher Cooper, who has been home for a few weeks vacation, returned to work again last week.—Mr. Thomas Dayman left here last week for Detroit whete he intends to reside for some time.— House cleaning is the order of the day. —Mr. Jordon of Seaforth has hired with Mr. James McKay for the sum- mer.—We are sorry to note that Mr. here, McLean is very sick.—Rev. Mr.Waddel of Hensall called. on friends Servant Girl 'Wanted. al•••/••••.••••••••,•••• Servant girl wanted. Ono able to take charge. Apply to MUS. (1)R.) AGNEW, Clinton, May Oth, Property fOr Sale. ' The subscriber ofrera for intle a very desirable property on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached. There is a good stable and a ilrst.elass well of water on promises. The orchard, consisting of grapes itha kr a good one. The property will be sold at a reasenablo figure for east* or cash and balance on time. Apply to the owner on Um premises , 3.011X 31/N011, Milton, MAY Oth. Wuxi Tuesday, T. D. is an experi- LizZle Dates last Week.—School re- in Hared harbor Saturday afternoon, •A, a aoubt,tet go04 (Owe Oforders from nig of S. S. No, for tho month of nie foe conveying paesengers from once agent end will, We haws no port : The following shows the stand. and t ley purpose having It at our plc. • South rey farmers though lb must April. The narnee twe are arranged in Ilayflekl and foe the accommodation of be said there is very keen opposition order of merit : 4tb class, Jennie Reit- nlettsure seekers. in ilill inieiti and ttbout Durham. A.I5 tout, Ben °aerie. ,ard class, Grigg WA. (1 Screenan and daughter/iMiss stone, Tom Noble and Dan Ferguson Alien Pattison, Gordott Shiell: Robert last week. plasters, .They will 4k1c19 eaeh Edmund Irwin, Edna MeEturne , Melo Mr. M. Li. Westlake's wife pretented are hard to heat. They are genial, McBurney, Annie MellurtieNRuby, Mr. John Wettlake has started the and as persistent as so many porous Brooks Gladys Brooks. Sr, eh)" framework of Mr. It. Turner's barn, other in a business way, if the OpttOr• Shlell, Alex. Naylor, Sr, pt, 2nd slob, him with a bonncing baby boy Usti Wray is ton illViting,but withall are Alex. fihiell, Mina Currie. Ir. r, Ind Thursday morniate, very Well. , teacher. . viewing! the Bauble Sunday evenings. salesmen, Tom Barclay. jeck Living- 'Sine% Ora Currie. Sr, 2ria Clitar4, Annie, were guests at Manle rolre • the best of Mends, agreeing to differ &tee, T - An lir. Goo. (lamp 11, Ir., has been Court of &vista Township of Stanley. 1.....111414‘11, .A. Conti; of Iterision will be held in the Township Hall, Varna, en Moridayt Mat %Or lea at the hour of 10 °mem a. m. for ins pur- pose of hearing any complaints that may be made Ititaillfit the A15•00140011111111. R011 of the Tzrethgt 1%}; Stroll/ Otrttia513110tritoirg. Ali 4:1,1t.‘ T. CZ 1'4 Clerk of the MUnielpality. Virns,lisr Stk. 1,44, " Bright • • New Millinery • Slillinery that is at the top notch for style and elegance, and is the reproduction of the Sty] efl shown in the large centres • of fashion, is vvhat you find in our show room to -day. A' sPecial showing of new Summer Styles has been prepa,red and search - era after -what is new, novel, and that is absolutely correct will find it here. Our poliey is to have the. newest patterns and )ou may , of col Slerelicit,s .r Is read with interest att profit by th, many patrons ofthis store. It is not the fill ing of newspaper space with a lot of extra language, without any attempt at exagger vagant sta:tements, but the telling in plaial tion, ofthis store and its service, of the:goot that we have to sell: and the pride we sel them- at . . . "e• be cluite sure offinding the best values as well as best styles here. T'his week the stock has been brightened with . New Ribbons ' New Gauzes New Mowers • New. Shapes "- New Sailors and never has been in better shape fpr buyers.. &anther. Corsets The demand • fo these goods increase: every season, lf yor have not tried then you do. not know tht comfort you an missing in ho weather. Two lines that have just been placed into stook. Summer cor- sets made from strong net; two side steels well bound, two nar- row stay bands, lace edge at top • Better quality net, and better filling with wide stay bands, four side steels and fancy lace top 35c 50d Ready Trimmed Hats at $2.56, . Our great leader in medium priced Millinery is our popular ready.to-wear Hat at $2.50. For style and value it is without an equal in the trade at that price, and the demand for it in- creases every season. We will have an extra fine lot trimmed for Saturday's trade. Good There is a difference in Parasols, some kinds you can depend on and Parasols some yon cannot. Ours are imported by ourselves direct from the makers and are good through and through. Fast color tops that will not lose their color, / nor cut mounted -on strong steel frames with plain and fancy handles. These valaes are almost -good -enough to call special. 'Black Levantine top wareanted fast blaek and will not cut, mounted on strong steel frame, 23 inch rib, steel rod, oatmeal, wood, handles, it good 131ack Glorialop will not tut nor turn green, naminted on Paragon frames with fancy blaek handles parasol foe either rain or shine • $ 00 4 rine quality Gloria silk top, hollow ribs, steel rod, black and colored handles with metal and horn trimmiugs 25 65 Readpliade The trouble andbother of making up your wrappers saved by buying thein ready , to wear. We have opened this week sonar "very pretty styles in Wrappers, made ' 'Wrappers from the best quality American prints and perceles. Though made in Canada, • they are the exact copies of the newest American designs and eost yery little, if anyapore than the nut- terial would cost Alone. Here are two earnple items:- *Wrappers made from fine American percales, waist lined, bolt, collar. and shoulders trimmed with narrow braid, wide both aud extrafull skirt, blue, green,thrown, and red Paisley and si 45 floral pal tertifi Ott White ground Wrappers made front extra heavy Anted= Indigo bine print, waistlined with strong cotton, ° double collar trimmed with foamy braid, frill OVer, ahOulder, belt, extra full skirt and wide hem, an extra good garment 2 00 • 'aesti HODGDIRE07 IMPORTERat ENS BROS., Selling the Wiseman Stock at the Wiseman Store, Clinton. •