HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 8•
01 1ON 11113410011,0
'ad *vary TRIpte.Y et Toast . HOSIfii10110
torPld or 1111.4tife. More sorkele
troubles may follow. Fax * prompt.
efficient care of Ileedeehe and all
Utter troubles, take
Hood's Pills
While they mute the liver, lettere
full, reguler action of •the bow.*
they do not gripe or pain. do not
Irritate or indents the Internal Organs,
but have a positive tonic effect, 250,
at all druggitts or by mall ot
Ca. Rood 1 Uo. LoweU, Mini.
en Pretties, Ouse, Alb* t 11 Often" al Wareing that the liver is
lbeCEILLe 110123:64 „-
envinterstroa tient*.
1V,. a Mo. el4o. 1 Mo.
........ be 0.1.) kte 47 eto
...... Wee Ye W 111 Kt 11 4u
....... . Stf ee Di 00 IUU it
........ ad IA! bUU 1W
• ......(et e s I Id
POSItlee trout *te 60 per cent amok
treneletet advertimenente 10 coati
tor test first insertion; 8 celata
naell SIU.OstirlUent ineertione-
IL neaten*. Profeselonal• °ode.
ct44111g Cele in* #5.90 Per
Advertisements without epee,
setlonn will be publiabed tIU
•••itati eherged for accordinglY•
nt (T ...I. "Ifettild,"
25 Meta ter each sabots:meat
al NEWS -RECORD will be oat
ndereae, free of postage, or
'Per Year, payelne in adetinse-•
mill be charged if not at( Paid.
ate to vvhich evert* pubsoription
4 le denoted by theenumber on
ddrese hthel. No paper discontin-
nttL all itreears are paid, except
*Alen of tne proprietor. ,
•• • W. V. eltITCHELL.
Editor and Proprietor.
hater fat In ehurnIng. This water IA T8 Mil THE woRLD see. Corn steady; No. yellow 4$
tank alsould be in the dairy house.
I in'.
140; No. 8 high ntixed, 41 140, to42o;
No..3 mixed. 416. Oats steady; No *
BARN VENTILA.TION AND SUN. men. of Grath, cattle, vhoose, 860.whlts,115 ti -4e; No. 2 white clipped, Mk.
LIGHT. • „ lit the Leading Marta,
Roby market unchau$04; Canada
620, to 860; western, 50e to 07c; ne
Farmers Wont to build ot barn not Toronto. May 5. --Our receipta to -day trenmentions. Certal freighta to New
MANURES AND MANURING. unfrequently inquire if it Is adviaa at the western eattle nude were 45 Yorke -Wheat, pees end rye 20, buck -
T. Q. Wallace, before the Ozitarleratraa able to arrange for the cows in the loads, including 1,000 hugs, 100 sheet) Wile° and bail" 2 1"2"2" b14143'
erie Inetitutes. basement. By en mean*, no.' In tha and-lambe, between 00 and 00 °elver.,
The great interest which attache e to arrangement and oonstruation of the and 30 milkets. MILLIONS or ERMINES,
this sUlijeot of manureti ana xnanuring barn sPecial attention sbould be rite- It was an WaeVentfUl dro; on the
makea it important that it should be en to ventilation and aunlight. Fail- market, and the Conditions of last Many nines nrevelee ter natty nses-eorne
ap.proached with Care and as Much ex- tire on thette point* is likely to moan Tuesday etle prevailed, only not bos4 Made to Order,
more in detail than )aa been the prate, nen. a the heed. The Practioe of Ireeln were a little eo.ore dull. . liaany kinde of brushes, • sUeia at* tbe
. . . . in the °owe in the baaement of the . sh• • to, v • ' t 4 dest brueb, the floor brush, the onto*
quotatione range from #4.25 per cwt.
f ever =term,
aetnees and tensible, and even 000ner Or later in decreased, healthfUl- ror h0u9ehol4 inte atom there are •
reoognieed market day, thinga
, tice in dee tug with w a etre usu y
• • barn where the dust accUmulatee and •
remind not be tolerated. Tbe dreaeed ght etuff, Up to #4.80 for choice * •
uring not a ranch of agriou 'are,
balm, but was not a fairly representa,- suggest it, one would (Marcel, realize
, farming. It underlies all branches of In tir rainan famile as coneumption,
thee sixth conditions .supply. Op the V g
Jo• hn T Em.merton •
looked not
aboientiflo subjectleitMaela the sunlight eeldont
f II • the clothes brush and the hearth brneh
brush, the tooth lulu*, the hat brush,
eatele ; $5 etas pew tor a few picked but, even with mush au assortment to
111 knit the VerY foundation of profitable diseatte tuberculosis, commonly known
0,10." ete•-•50 cents for Mat ire TI1E. LEADING. BARBER,
ALSO MaittePring • of cropproduotion aud other band ht d di Butcher cattle melts well at frem $4 .or are made. The catalogue of a big
ter AO better breeding ground the Yore great variety in which brush.
• h' bl 't Post Offi k d t lb 11 d the ti 6 fi u
Aet ef Palliereent 1,866.
t •
MUM. $2,600,000
EST • • Sr,5oci,000 -
Witte:TAN 11100448,13en. Vitutafier
es't1 connIteil, Collections made. Drafts
. Sterling and. Ainerienn Exchange
it und sold. interest allowed On Deposita
' gAvliftea SANK.
rest allowed on eume a ei• and up.
ney acifiliarte farmera on tbeir own
'with one or more endorsers. No mot t -
required as security.
. 0, BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
•Sine s ce , appeal, eco our wor an. may ru e ea a
Ager• it for Standard Insurance Co
tread °film for Canada, Montreal.
Insuranee le force. - 1110100,000
invesien e .tiT' 1:1,500.000
Establisked 1825% The cid tellable ono favorite
liorseshoer and General, Blaokewith
Albert Street, North, Clinton;
'Woodwork ironed and firsteelass material
and work guaranteed. Farm implements and
machines MAUD and. repaired.'
The Ificlidlop Mutual Fire
In$urance Company.
Fain' and isolated Town Property
. • Only Insured:-
.1r, B. McLean Presid•nt, Nippon P. O.
ThomairFrager; vtae-cregklent, Brueefleld P.O.
W, I. Shannon, Peciy-Tree.v.. Setiforth P. 0„;
Thomas E. Hays. Inspector of basses, &Worth
P. 0,
W. G, Broadfoot, Reaforth ; John G, Grieve
Winthrop : George Dale, Seaford): Thomas E:
Bays, Seaforth ; James Evans. Beechwood;
John Matt. Oarlock. Thoma e Frazer, Bruce-
1VI TAGGA RT conn9lly, phitoz,. .. •
field; John B. IVfoLettn, -Nippon; James
• f • ' ,' aGENTs:
Bairiker ' -- '
. _ .. Relit. Smith, Onrlock : Robert MoMillanjlea.
forth : James Cummings, Egmondville, J, W.
___.Trolmenville P. O.: John Gleveuleolc and
ERT :STREET ... CLINTON ..TohnC. illwrison, auditors.
. . 0 ..,
• . • . Parties desirous to effect insurance or trait-
........;... • Boot other business will be promptly atteneed
• .. • .. to on application to any of the above cancer*
eneral Banking Bushiest Transacted. ' addrestied to their respective post WHOM • ,
otes Discounted. Drafts Ustled. • , •
'Grand Trunk Railtvay.
Interest Allowed on Deposits.
Sr.dh.VeMeCeli. , Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station an
TTON • - - ONT
fro. Accident and Life Insurance •
seated. - Repreiten,14 eeveral of the best • Gt:ing West, Mixed toes a.m.
follows t '
'Buffalo and Goderieh District 1 ---
partial anti any Information relating to •
nee gladly given, 'General District 4„' Eiepress... ... 12.5e p.m.
t for the Confederation Life Insuronce ' " Mixed ..... ....... 7.05 P.m.
Money to Loan on seatonabie Rates EIt press ... . .. .10,n p.nr:
e Pelee° blokoot--------------
, IS a ea y enee
brUshmaki st bl.shatent woUld 1%W
e demand. tellers Wee a goad. Itreshes in tore thousand varieties, and
they are The warking of the twit to n addition, to title the barn. should atea4-
4.4 attiek-raleing. It has ita brancliesand mi to the germs of this disease. to $4.60 per cwt.; and good Beat ea la. lig e a i
- , • be arranged with a vievr-of seettring
.e.eese some of its lockedaup fertil-
g u 0 in . a le comes in OA UM+
tion of selling it until the next day, there might be a dozen sizes, t'ind each
stances wk. remove be cropping and .
antount of- trading to -day, but much beeldee these there are brushes made
the greateet convenience ants foe
restoring some of the alimentare maintainin tbe tenet Glee of the cattl tab: h
ixing elements, drainage, and aerating,
Ill to order every day.
• ALS the baby too thin?
Does he increase too slow.
ly in weight?
Are you in constant fear
he will be ill?
Then,give him more flesh.
Give him more power to
resist disease. Ho certainly
needs a fat -forming food.
Scott's Emulsion is just
that food. It will make the
baby plump; increase the
weight; bring color to the
cheeks, and prosperity to the
whole body. Thin children
take to it as naturally as they
do to their milk.
joc. and ban% all 400E01%
da) la usually sent here witheto inten- a ug ne 0 Pa
.5opT IletWNE. Omen, Toronto. .
ayithout 'of course, a good offer should of them made in text variations as to
• Another Is the pipe-oleanin
grazing, the proPer oars and handling• .
applicatime the use of commercial aids, Ithe Arrow ot the famine -Deaths Canted net raise tbs. early market on Fri- OUS kande of brliallea that take their brushes of this kind are often mallet to
tb h and thfh dl
brueh. Lamer brusbee of this sort
FISH THAT KILle MEN. be made. The cattle is sent bore the weight aald. quality. There are Yeti- are used for cleaning boiler flues and
of manures, with elle best method of r---• day before to make, sure that it does
The shark is haedies at an angle instead of straight ceder, for speoial uses, and of various -
ane various - kends of brashes made t , .
aecording to the size ana leugts of
1 T da .
be the rnost to be dreaded Of all fiallea. peBr peUnd. There is a good (inquire',
toceere are worth from 4 to 4 1-40 A
•,...e pipe through with% it ire to be I
generally supposed to
with the brush part at an angle lao" f 1,
but it rarely happens that an nitthen l$
- 4F. eadOenrlsy aarefew came in to -day. gstraightacross, and drawn, the brush, it might be of tatt
xport bulls are werth from $3.50 to ,
stead of bein
at an .dimensiens ot A WOW chiraney, or big- .
U. per owt quoted at from 44.50 to some with handle and face both
tio account of the .delitructiota of int -
angle asmight• ger, and the handle of stout wire, d
feeerha.pes twisted, ten, fifteen, eightaenen
man, life by a shark Is recorded. ' Th , be the came with some
• 325 to $45 each. .
Milk cows are unchanged at trona of• the Neonate made Or use. ia nonce
Wilms, burying its sharp weapon in , Calves week at frora fa to.06 °ail; -Painting. • finked.
The samples of brushes displa ' d • t 1 lig --• whatever might be re-
'4wordfish sometimes dashes into
their sides, and octuaingA great many brushes of vlirio
spring a leak A ship may bestruck a" Wanted'
-4-- a--11" wildering i th i ''' 1 ye la •
with the brush part. of wire, of Ir es
the vessel to quelity as itGood
rule peer.calves kind, and for many mem are xuade
These are the notable casualties that spring lambs wanted. woule seem as though a.nybody using
12 e r vex ety, and . it
concern are itintost be-
bY 4 whale . G a • . ' . a large brush
ue wire out into suitable lengths, tufted
oo gram -fed yearlings, 11 1,f 111
Steel or bras tit
• s, e rus es meg Made
in Mid. --00e411 and crushed. •
tatng sheep, and a few better class of
_ brushes could. find among t e .
h ra a__.. in. various ways, but often with the.
attract attention on account of their Hogs are steady win unchanged. di'
leg that he wanted; but teere are,. int,' t b •
he look Just as bristles would ,
sensatiottal featuxes, yet Rees are lost °singers" are quoted•at from 4.1-4 to
d. . 3' 1 Pf be. Some of the wire used. tor ouch
nevertheless, frequenti ordered a ecie - -
annually where fishes of small size are 4 li, gol. als3, the top peen. ' • I, b h f •
4 i 8 a las es or in ivIdtta use, o a ;purp • f t i
supplying humus and nitrogen by ate by Tarpon -A South June& can error. • .
aid of the legumes, clover, Peas, vetches
and bowie, and the action of water.
I shall not undertake to lay &wit
1114114 Of Procedure, for I know fill'
well that it is quite impossible to do
so intelligentle. I shall aka, then, only
Lo indicate as shortly possible, auch
of the e- Wei°. principles Underlying the
work as our space will permit. And I
will ask that the subject receive the
earnest. thought of every Canadian
fernier, 'so that, if possible, by taking
warning from the mistakee of the eld-
er' nations, and eyed our forefathers in
our own country,* we may place our
fair Dominien et the head of the list
among the agrioultaral countries of the
world,. by maintaining, and even in-
creasing her boil productiveness.
Original soils were but rook ground
Up. disintegrated . by the action of the
elements, air, fire, frost and water;
also more or less by micirobio action.
• Thie ground up rook, carried by the
floods and lesser flowb, formed banks.
or deposits, whioh the waters, reced-
ing, left as a resting • place for ani-
mal. life to follow. The coarser parts
sinking earlier in the sterems, and the
finer P4ts beteg. carried farther on.
ticcounted for the . various grades of
Soil. The kind of rook from 4yvhich they
came governed the dims of BOLL as; for
instance; the feldapathio rook -forming
clay. These original soils were 'clearly
• 1 I end Would certainly be
t ogs are worth from 4 to ° epe' weight me length perhaps or ' t
the direct or indireot oause. per pound. • with genie ()pedal 0haraoteristen i!ebrreusfirbeaiwakirbils Off
. , oses is o ex reMe y Line gauge;
garfish is very-nomMozi. It has a
In the islands of the Pacific a emelt Thick fat hogs fetelted 40 per pound. such ordera_coMing bi greater number
from craftsmen Lora foreign oountriaa measuring perhaps a foot and a half
. N44,0100wiletogeit5a„nOs
la re hdalwaltar reil 1, - -
Sows fetch Ott Per ib. . teesete. the inoh.
Stage sell at 2o per pound. - accustomed to brushes different from across. with the many strands laid to -
long, sharp beak, which gives it an Stine bogs are not wanted. a •
. any o the many varieties familiar gether Around forming a tbieknese of
arrowlike shape. This living arrow Pollowing is the range of current here. And then there are constautly ' '
may be three-quarters of an inch
when alarmed dashes out from the waa quotatiente- . . . being ordered bruilies•of various kinds
, would, if lifted by , one side, halal
sUrfacie in short bounda With such per ovvt. . . eszo *nem th0 m
Cattle ,
special c Ti
advantageous results in ed silk -rope might do But when this
. ,
ter and, goes soaring away oyer. the Shipping, • -. - -- -e for PartieUlar re..pnrereent.4 to give down limply, as a loop of loosely-twist-
Butcher,choice, do.. . 4.00 4.50 •
wire is out into short langtha , and
force that when it strikes a foreign Butcher, med. to good . 3.50 3.80 es et en:rites* . ere are many. 1:if:pleb.;
e andlarge, made bristles would be, Bru es mad '
Beres, per owt. . .. a. . 3.00 4.00 '
in finishing lead joints, Wire brushes
this 4 a at
Obits painful and serious wounds. Na- • he .nd LambS• for varidus uses in manufacturing es- sort of- wire are used by plumbers
S . ep a •
tablishments,en . and swill brushes are of -
life shell -huntere wade °vet.' the reef Yearlings, per owe . . , 5.50 5.75 t
in search Of shells, lifting bunches of Bucks, per owt. . . . . . 3.00 8.25 . of Ode sort and another, many of them
Metenn TO. ORIPZR. made to be used by hand and others to
coral with a view to taking the small Spring lambs, each, . . 2.00 5.00 ' be operated by maolguery, are used for
shells frail them. This accomplishid, ' Afilkers a.nd Calves. . Brushe,s are made not only of brist-
often alarms the gars they go dart-, .. Bogs. , and of other materials, meat, for in- '
body it either passes.through ft or in- Butcher, inferior. . . 3.e0 8.50 another, cylin
and othertIme, and
tufted it is, in the brushes, stiffer than
les, but also of the hair of various ani- various purposes, on stone and metal.
the Coral is throve down. The n se
• Cows, each. . . . . . 25.00 45.00
eao 2.00 &pp nials and of various vegetable. -fibres, CANDLE 130WER LIGHT
stance, as rattan, of which the street A light of one candle power oan be
wanting in one of the inipartant ele- nig away like arrows, and penal Mint- Chaise liogs, per owt: • 4 00 4.50
ments necessary to.the growth of such
L' ht hogs, per owt, 4.001-2 sweeper's brush, is a familiar eicaniple' Plainly seen at a distance of one mile,
ers Imee been pierced and even killed 151:a
?Pee of Pliants intostly grow for hogs pe and
vy . ., r owe .... 3.50 4.00 likewise the great brushes oi arid one of three candle power at two
. .
Ur Use. , refe o n tro.gen, which by them. An English. °Weer was
the semaphore, which is nearly so nor This.reselted in an investigatien hY• a becoming more active with, the. -opening 111aallillea, . Of other kinds of brushes representative of • the British Govern- of navigation, Manitoba No. 1 hard .. •
ment and it wea found that men hail wheat sold at 72e; peas 1-2e higher at the familiar bottle brush being one. the beat antidote for carbolic acid.
lost their lives from this mune 141-20 afloat May, • oats, 36 Mc afloat P2-"`-":a-ern' e -e. - - --.---.. •--• • ___ • : _ ........ .1.....:_,
Among tbe casualties from fishes in Mayr buckwheat was in demand and • • •
the various kinds of street sweeping
seems to be entirely an elenient of struck by ono on the visor of his cap. • Montreal, Mak 0.--Grain-Business is . SIMPLE ANTIDOTE.
'ncylindrical"• f ' Milk ' if taken in, large quantities is
cent, nitrogen., end • can only be tak-
en up by plants After becoming fixed,
in some Poem in the earth. This is
worth nothing, for it aUggesis a ren -
Going East, Express 7.40 amt son in nature for suck "nitrogen fix-
" " Mixed
. •
4.35 P.M ing claret of paints as the clovers an
CC 46 . SC 2.55 p.m.
CONVEYANCING y FT beans, Whieh can flourish on the min -
their brothers, tbe peas, vetches and
' • -on-on, -uron and Bruce :-. era. elements alone in this soil - and
John, RidOut
onveyancer, Commissioner, Etc.
Insurance. •. Real Estate.
Money to Lend.
- Going South, Express . ...... 7,47 a. In, get their nitrogen from comparative-
• . 4.25 ly low forme of microbic life. •
GI:ring North, '°•15 a.m. Before pursuing ' this line of thought
• CS • • SC SC 6
• ... ' . '55 P•m• further it laecomes necessary to im-
M. C. DtCusoN, W. E. DAvis, press upon our minds the elements en-
Dis. Pass. Agent, • G. P. & T. A., tering into plant and animal life, or
. Toronto. Montreal. at least the principal ones. as under -
A. O. Peeemote Ger.R. Agent at Clinton,. stood. Plants and animals utilize some
thirteen of the elements of thet air and
50 YEARS soil. but only four of them, oompris-
America may be mentioned several in sold about 2o higher at 610. .
wheel the gamy tarpon was the cause. Flour -There is a fair demand at
Near the mouth'of the Mississippi the steady prices. • . We quote :-Winter •
twine haulers sometime s take the tar- patents, 33.75 to $4; straight rollers, shjn diseases from the merest pimples to the most obstinate eczema,
Ron in tho long nets; and on one mica- $3.50 to 38.60; in ,bags, $1.65 to $1.75; Salt rheum, running sores, are (WIC*, pleasantly and permanently -
ston a large fish ' leaped over the in- Manitoba patents, $3.90 to $4.05; strong cured by Dr. Agnew's Ointment -35 cents. - . , "
Closure and struck a man, killing him bakers', $3.75 to 83,80. -__
instantly. Two men wan nearly lost • Feed --Trade was fairly active. On- Who does not envy a baby its soft velvty . panion until past Middle life, and Dr. •
off the coast. of Florida by a tarpon, tart° white wheat bran in bulk sold at skin? How many suffer from distressing Agnew's Ointment has cured speedily and -
which leapedinto the boat and knock- 416 to $17 and shorts at $17 to $19 per skin diseases -Do you suffer? Have you permanently. It is a boon to mother,-
ea out two of the Planks with its head, ton; Manitoba bran #16, shorts 118 and.
literally going through the light craft mouille 018 to $25 Per ton, incluaing •
tetter-saltrheura-scald head -ring worm because it fs a boon to babyland-scald
A. well-known Texas fisherman was bags. . -eczema-ulcers-blotches on the side- head and its irritations, which are morn -
killed hya tarpon when landing it. Meal -Business was Simw and prices chronic erysipelas -liver spots and what paniments'totheteethingpertlid,arequIckly
TIte• fish, in making one of its leaps, were unchanged, in oatmeal at, $3.60 not else of these distasteful and aggravating driven off and restlessness passes away -
aro usually considered. 'Ilte reasan for ana caused him to be drowned. . Butter -There is 4 fair. demand at disf)rdern Whinh dinfigurn and ' ' and where torture reigned with
EXPERIENCE • ing about 3 per cent, a th•e Make-uP, struok him, knocked hnn overboard to $3.0a per barrel. • . •
. ,
.W. Gunn, -
c. P. and L. R, C. Edinburgh.
e -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night
s at &cid door of residence on' Ratten-
Street, opp. Presbyterian Church.
Dr . •
Wm. Graham •
. (sdocessor to Dr. Turnbull.)
ntiete•Of the•Royaigollegeof Physic;
• tans, London,. Eng. •
filee and Itesidencei. Pertin•i'-Blocice
y Occupied by Dr. Turnbull. °.
. Dr: Shaw,
illreLtatiarTo Street, opposite English
rche formerly occupied toy Dr. Apple -
this is that the rest of the atmospher- Size is by no meads a factor in de- 16 1-4e •to 17o for oPeamery and 12 1-2e disconraget Dr. Agnew s • • baby this balm brought met
lc elements can be easily acquired, and termining the dangerous nature of to 13e for -western dairy rens. Ointment allays the dis- , and a cure -it affords le -
that the rest of the mineral or soil fishes. This, is well illuiltrated in Eggs -Thera fe a good 'demand at 11 tcmeg tataste -
g , earn stant. relief 'from the
. •
elements are in abundance in the soils. South Araerica, where the ,most dan- 1-2c to 12c. itching distress, . . .
• Be -and -by, when re know more of the. gereus fish in tbe fresh water etreams Proviaions-The market its quiet end ing• stin..--gring
er that tile availability of these alma- ' five inches in length, The danger of in bairels, $1,6 to $15.50; pure Canedian and parcel of such piles--itching,blind,
TRADE MARKO science of plant life, we may discov- is a creature not more than four or unchanged, We quote :-.-Canadian pork dons which ar11 e part Do you suffer front
Anyone sending a 'sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our liptnion free, whether an
invention is probably patentable. Carainlinlea••
ammo strictly conneentiai. Handbook on Patent"
Bent free. coldest agency for scieuringioaterits.
-Patentstaken through Munn & .Co. xecelve
specksswam, without charge, in the
-SCielltifiC •
•.A. handsomely Untanned Weeltor Urged, cir.
caption Of any sneer, revue. ..mortos.sra
- Mari fourMenthol.; Bo' abiawnewarmajera
MUNI & Ce 301Brosay, Now Tork
• Bran °mica... it St.. Weseingion D. 0..
dant mineral elements may -require these creatures lies in, their numbers lard, in pails, 0 3-4 ba 70. per lb. and troubl and in a bleeding or , uleera
coneideration, as the necessities of an and their insatiate repiteity, They compound refitted at 5o to 5 1-2o per es'
sited ?-1fo reraedi
expanding population on the world de- are veritable bleedhogads. that fairly lb; herds, 100 to 120 and bacon 10 1-2e thousand eases
=nide more food. • fill the wa.ters and attack all corners to 110 per lb. where internal treat- has brought so quick . ,
. For the present, however, we will try .in droves and swarms. If any foieign Toledo, May 5.--Cloie --Wheat ace meats have frilled to11 surgiCal operations as
relief, spared painful
and work Within the bounds of what Objeat drops into the stream __A it is at tive; cash /5 1-4e, May 75 1-2e. bid, July ,..e, •
; we know; Of these four elements.then; once surrounded. by thousands, and if 75 140; No, le soft, .73 -1-4o, 'Cern, cash ''''''''' a"MA ege ..
nitrogen gives us what eve 'terin groat- alive it is -reduced •to a skeleton In a and May 84 8-4e, TuTy S. Oats, cash them It has worked Dr, Agnevt's Ointment
. iness or size; potash, induces fleshy Marvellously . shOrt tinlep Xioraes in 29o, nozninal May 27 5-8o'Jute 25 1-40. wonderful and. palmate -itlies proved itself an
parte ; and phoephate malted lame and wading a stream have been •so terror- Seed, ()ash .15.55, April 53.75, October t ' ci kin din_
.forcee find after acting upen. the oth- ized. by the attacks of these unseen #4.40. .
i absolute pure • for piles
er atbsts.ncee durieg growth, fluent" foes that they fell over, and horse and Oswego, May 5. -Wheat market firm.......en curea-an no s.
ewe nomatter-of how long in all tarns and at all stages-. •
carries the plant or• animal to ripen- rider were drowned. The firth have ern 1 hard, 87 nee; No; 1 northern, ,8,5 sfanding,has baffled its curative qualities. tme application will relieve the itching.
lag, and Prepares for the continuation sharp teeth, and they literally strip 1-20; No, • 2 northern, 84c; No. 2 red, In Case§ of chronic eczema it has proved irritating sensations in an bistant-and '
The lime nd the, phosphor- the flesh from the lirabs of borse
M speciesor o, are °tensed to ---""---- ' , its great worth, and cases are on record long standing cases disappear after fro
ther aimam
. ae . •
• • where this dread affectioh has been the three to five rtights• treatment -the pain and
io acid lnls that
are included' in the
erm plias;
birthright of its patient and constant cone soreness quit you and the tumors vanish.
Mere'te be Found There Than tit •Aas;pete.."'
country 111 the World.
Co Be Continued.) In the waters of- South America is
found a large eleotrio ell that has been
• --,-- known to be the cause of the death of
ffice nd Residence next to Molson's men, Some years ago an attempt was
k, R:ttenbury street, Clinton. of Methuselah? Then according to the PLANNING A DAIRY HOUSE, 'made tot capture a band of wild horses
. Dr, BRUCE, •
Surgeon Dentist.
PPICE-Over Taylor's Shoe Store,
on, Ont. Special attention to preset'.
on of natural- teeth.
.8 -Will visit Blyth every Monday and
field every Thursday afternoon during
de adjoining Poster's Photo Gallery -
Office Hours, - to'.
Zurich the second Thursday of each
inotub.• • •
. . . .
I, • Blaokall & Ball,
rterinstry Surgeons. Government Veter,
inaey Inspectors.
'Mee -Isaac Street,Clinton; Reaidence,
bert Street, -
Scott &
inton Offiei-Eillott Mock, Isaac et,
'field Offiet-Open every Thursday
,.-3(elii street, first. door west of
Post °Mee. Money to loan. '
-les Scott. E. II. afeEenzie.
10 ,
j Campion, Q, 0 -
. d ) .
'cristerc"- &inciter, .• Notaiee sae
rict.--Over DM/1st Dreg Store,
Money to Loa.n.
war s earl
kitest authority on tbe subjeot of long. Ines are yentnatien by driving them into a pond Infested
evity, you should spend the remain- 1' by these eels. The animals, maddened
Mr. E. C. Bennett. Ventilation mueslis thrown over and drowned.
shine, drainage and
uisu a. wntert
do of yottr days in -the south of Spain. by the shocks, were in several instances
Accord ng sta is ice .w eve
just 'been published in Madrid, Spain,
secured by meant, of Windovva, and One . ,
at least should if possible be on the .
The oompiler, indeed, estimates that southa side, so as to permit the sun • GREAT GRAVEYARD.
when desired et so ar-
every million inhabitants. Moreover, ranged as to exclude the direct sun- Tiny fiiinadrot the radar- the Detre of a
this proportion has been constantly in: 1111111e wben necessary. Sunshine is ab- • • Prehistoric. Itaer. •
necessaey to keep the dairy Easter Wend, eying about 1,100 miles
creasing during thi last half century. tlatIt61Y
utensils sweet. and free from raold from the nearest " land in the great
en 1857 there were twelve contenarlanit germs. Most of the utensils can, be trackless Radtke is one great human
to every Million; in 1867 there were
118.92 and in 1377 tire number rose as Matte(' outside -and exposed to the stni, graveyard. It is only thirteen miles
high as 29.87, For sefew years after In length and &Yen in width, IA ad yet
but the churn cannot.
1877, the proportion was not as great that an inelittea floor with a gutter out bringing up a human skull,
into which al/ slop and waah water Strientiats cannot solve the problem
ite tuitial, but sinoe 1889 it has reoov- .
ered -almost aIL of Its LOA ground, t of from where these come. But ae, at
is wonderfully rich In centenarians. •
there are twentaefive• centenarians to to shine in w
To secure drainage experience shows you cahoot turn a sod of earth with-
Centeriarians„ thrlyp better . in Dame will run eaves a great deel. of work. •tlie lowest estinutte.. there' must be
parts of the countre than in others. Thie gutter connects with a drain ; some 20000 buriecein the island, it is
In Andalusia there are more than any-, which conveys the water te. a distance. apparent that either the island must
wherelse. rn Magda the proper-, . .
tion ie
s samething like one hundred to If it is. Impossible to drain in thii have formerly beenmuch larger, or
every million of inhabitants. On the NAY,
that some prehistoric race used it as
the wash water cart be aught their burying ground.
other hand there -is not a single cen- outside in a slop tub set on a stone The mon probable solution lies in the
tenarian in the providoe of Soria. Ala- boat and hauled away Insulatron is theory that this strip Of earth has
!8.:t Teruel,. Broadly epeaking, it '
rie lie said that centenarians now_ necessary to preeent thanges in tem- been raised by volcanic upheatal from
U. drowned continent, over which the
ish befit in the country south of the peeature of the outside air from af- great Paolfio Ocean now rolls, and that
Sierra Morena, the proportion there be- fecting the milk and cream. This is ey a mere chance it happens to be the
ing approximately from fifty to sixty tteeomplisited , be making double Walla cairn of one of the great prehistoric
to every million of lehlhitantsin the witb. dettd air .space Ivetvveen. Tar pa.. nations. ,The -fact that the skulls are
nay, almost impossible, to •find a Sin- Per is m
comenly used for this. The not those of such savages as now in-
habit the island helps • to ,give addi-
north, on the contras', It is very rare,
gle centenarian; odor from it will Noon disappear. tree tional support to this theory. ,
it on both sides of the studding, and ''
. • ANIMAL r0011110USE, cell over it.
Calcutta coutaine n ixiuper asylum The° beet was is to run the milk PRESERViNG DEAD PODIES,
for indigent animals, l'hare are. now , ihroufrli a separator as soon as milk- The auocese in preserving dead bod-
about, 4,000 initiates, ranging from butts ed. 1 arm "eParat°t8 arc cheap nuw' ies that has been achieved by a Ntta
att experieneed veterinary . aurgeon, best ,iv.ay us te ssi• the milk in cans, Pies surgeon, r. 'lc n ,
to chickene. The Plage is in charge of If aageparetor is not used, the next
D r ini
eight maw m iameter mid twenty cited the wondee a European physi-
with x staff of 80 personS. inehett deeP, and set theee cans in it Mau, Ite lutes a 'series of special baths
0. Johnston
✓ , Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc
ale•teeCor• Hamilton and St. Andrew's
mister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c,,
s 'IV' feWs.211"siARO, 21 Ylatent Kt Tim*.
:11ptuni. IcApiCid e !lefts,
The Blood is the LW: Sluggish Wood breed.
Usesse, the toed of death. A attest heat is
?Attars own invigorator end the It purifier.
• in many testator Ilea tt nini veins leek power
; • pettedly return the blood fielft the heed
se 1 extremities for purification. Then follow
aitaelcis el disrineasheadhelfe, ind tadee,
n teatantat IlOWARD'S HEART r.xJu
•!ii z. each dietesee.
Ale your drngelitt or by mallet $ec. box
Conk of cold water. if eliallow paws without 'n014.0110 or injection, The first
are used dose ti windows except on • of the three Stages is provisional des-
grizatl,het,ttillttestcs aanritmligttainhetr &brat! conditiofl wtehriehresks,7epadistoheeetiboeudyo'yilithae
Perature desired as well as may be. AS anatomist; the sewn(' is petrifaction,
for gime and etyle of the building, this giving the hardness of marble in a
depends largely upon Me amount of few hours, and the third is the restor-
money it is desifed to expend. Th'e lo. 'stion of natural color, flexibility and
'cation must be where the air is pure, freshness, so that the subjeet ap«
as milk absorbs odors and le easily negro to be ainney sleeping.
tainted, and is advantageoue to have
LI: near a good well. or spring, as a
great deal of wateo is needed. 1 have POWER, OF COLD WATER.
found a tank of cold water the beet
pules for taming cream as long m it Cold water is the greatest stint&
is to be kept sweet. Twenty-four heure lent known to the medieal profession,
before churning take it out and warm Poseetaing more lasting power than the
it for ripening, being sure to mix it strongest brandy. It hes been- known
thoroughly so it will ripen uniform,. to bring the pulse up to Ion from le
ly, otherwise there will be a loss of la a few minutes' time.
Your heart beati over one hun-
dred thousand *times each day.
One hundred thousend Supplies of
good or bad blood to your.breln,
Which ig it? ' •
If bad, impure blood, then your
brain aches. Yo tt ars troubled
with dine/singes yet canncit sleep.
You are as tired•in the morning
as at night. You have to nerve
power. Your food 'does you but
little good.
Stimulants, tionite, headache
powders, cannot cure you; but
will. It makes the liver, kidneys)
skin and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all im-
purities from the blood. And it
makes ths blood rick In Its life.
giving propertiti.
To ifaston.
You will be more rapidly cured
if you willtake a laxative dole 08
, Ayer's pills each night.' They
aleitted the sluggleh liver and thus
cure biliousness4
frfrito to foto thog000.
WO NONA the extensile terriela ef
acme et the meet eminent plirdelluts ,in
110, witted Suttee. 'Visite freely all the
pertiettlare in your sari.
A.ddress, De. J. O.
A ladylising in &northern County towirwrites that The baby of another lady living on Pacific Ave. in .
foreeventieuyeatesheWas troubled withsaltrhtietto. Toronto, was tetclbly deleted with scald -heed and
She took donors' treatments and used -many lotions eczerna---she tried washes prescribed by her thy's!. .
without any pennaneat relief. Reading ofthe cures clan, and soaps advertised for isuchpurposes,but the
made by Dr. Agnew's Ointment, she decided to try disease remained -Dr, Agnew's Ointment was her
et.. The first application allayed the irritation and good friend; half a box cured die baby and cured
she continued using it -the disease rapidly dis- herselfoftroublesomepiles which had been the bane ••
appeared and now foe two years there has been no . (Aker life since lialiy's-ldrth.
tign offireturn of 11.
DR. AONOW'S CURD FOR THB HEIART-Cudes palpitation, fluttering, shortness of breath and
all heartdiserders=relief in so minutes.
DR. slteitrw'n CATARRHAL IPOWPBR-Has cured caws of catarrh of3o years' standing -renews
cold 18 the head itt to minutes. •
DR. AGNEW'S L1VEIR PILLS -Stop sick headsiche-cure constipation, billounuee and live trotibice
•-pleasantlyle doses -se In a box --ie mats.
For sale by Watts &Co ;,.Clinton
Don't Spend.a pollar
for ,'
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5-ceiit cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cenis.
Iwo or* lo *10 Obooli to draft the **Taut stoma* demand for eloya solo.
It -you don't find this sort of
Ripans Tatoules
At the Druggist's
111 11 111
Send The Ceuta to THIt RIPAHS CIWOAL COMPANY, Ifit. 10
Spruce St., IsteiV York, sad they will be tent te you by Witilif Of
12 onions will be mailtd for elide The chances aid *t12one that Ripens Tabules ate e very medicine you seta.
• i •