HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 6MAY 114 1899.
I$1000.00000040104111/00. II
Vor ttporayin it
Vrott lirreest •
Sulphate of Copper or Blue
: Stone is, considered the Inet
Iarticle, 4 kali 01 insects 1
NUBS OF HYMEN, ps."e"w":""p•
Town of ounton.
_Telco Notice that a Court of Revision for the
ToWn ot mato) will hold its first sitting la the
Coupon Chamber, on Prider, May intb, A. D.
too, commeneing at 8 o'clock p. m., for the par.
POO of bearing tad notifying all complaints
tiestaat or errors hi the Assessment Rog et the
Present Lear, AU parties intereeted ere l'e*
W.004413. Olerk
of the Munieipality.
••• 'and injurious and destructive oullton, maY8ta,1• .
: fungi thus deyeloping health. ' - , • ,
(pleated attend.
• fel grOwth and iinpreved °GUN_ OF REVISION
fiuit. • • • •
• •
• For the 6rst spray before
bud.0 are open, 3 pounds :,
: of Sulphate of Copper. is 1
: needed. with DO gallons of :
: Water.
: is now • tnne or the first
: Spray and if you spay your ;
• trees -use Our- guaranteed :
: pure Sulphate . of • cupper,* :
▪ . ▪ Our price. is 10 ots. per pound :
: 03 pounds for 25 Os/ and.
c 'seaper in larger quantities. :
• o
- •
0,:,. •Graduate Druggist..
• 'Successor to , Anew& WilsOn Phone
Bought the Business
of Ford it Miirphy 1 keep in
stock Fresh Meats of all kinds,
}lams, 'Rolls, Sausage, Bologna, •
etc,, ,etc.
'having anything in t,he line of
at Gatti°.
Hogs, Veal -or Lamb which.he
wishes to sell will find. it worth
sins while to deli on Me.
A Share of
Your Trade Solicited
Stand neat Hodgene'Dry Goads Palace
Bright and Well- Written
The Clinton Nows-Reoord,
louse Cleaning
This is the time of the .year
when housekeepers should
not have to be bother-
ed with baking.
Why -do you
When you can get your Oakes
so reasonable at
Here are a few of our prices:
Layer cakes - 20cts
" titieen's drops - 10e per dot
Swiss buns - 10c "
Oatmeal date cakes 10c
And all_ other kinds of cakes.
Rhubarb pies, 10 cents each.
Lemon pies, 15 cents catch, 2 for 250
Custard pies, 2 for 25 cents.
Tart shells dandies, 10c. per dos.
Our home-made ginger ena,ps are ,
the hest going like hot cakes
atIO cents per lh,
alitt'4 1700{111 PliOliPltainA 1
Th ariat lesetisa 114tneatt.
Sold'and rbootamended by all
druggists in (amid& Only rell.
abio medicine dirocerorad. /fis
Pooksgis gorgroatitd to oars all
forms o Soups,' Wearnessittiraill eflosta of obese
or excess, Rental Worry, to vie of TO.
havoc, Opium or Stimulant'. al ed on reesiPt
Of pries, ens Dockage $1, int, W. Ow le f 0 Plitakt
SO wf4 curt 'Pamphlets fras to an addresa.
isrThe Wood Vompoor, $ Ont.
ood 1Thesphealne is /Wein anion be SYdhaY.
Woo.% Druggist,
mom ir IALKS
A Of.111.0 GAM
LONDON 014rr
Take Notice that Court Of Itevieion for the
village of Beyfield will. hold its first in
tho Towa Hall on Friday, May With, A. D-1
commencing at 10 °Wool/ a. m. for the purpose
of hearing and rectifying all coMPlainta against
,or errors in the Assessment Roll of the present
year. An parties interested aro requested. to
H. W. ERWIN, Clerk,
• of the Municipality.
/3aylield, May 8th, 1899.
BOURT. 0.11 :114VISION.
Township of Goderioh.
Take Nettie that a Court of ReVisien for the
Township of Goderich will hold its first sitting
in the ToWnship Hall, on Friday, May 20th,A.D.
18 . commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.. for the pur.
pose of hearing, and rectifying all complaints
againekor errors on tho Assessment Roll of the
Present year. - All parties interested aro re-
quested to attend,
• of the Municipality.
Goderich Township, May 2nd, 1899.
•..•000410407041701100, Oen
Mr. William 1UIer, th
With an accident one
'which might have had serious reaulte,
With hie gang of men he was jacking
uP a barn in order to place 'a founda.
tion under it when one of the men
threw down a plank which glanced,
shot upward and struck Mr. RileY4
It was a hard blow but a glancing one
and he escaped Without much damage
to his p_ereon. Like builderin Senor'
artir. "Riley hits his mishaps.
The remains of the late John Smith,
who was killed on Wednesday after-
noon of lotweek while trying to re-
move his hand car from the L. B.
• track, were taken to London and inter
red in Woodland cemetery in that city
on Saturday, the funeral taking place
from the G. T. R. station where the
services were conducted by Rev. J. G.
Fallis of the Hainilton street Methodist
church. Mr. Smith was in his 60th
year and had been in, the employ of
Lha L. H. & B. for twenty.two years.
Mr. Scott, our new cheesemalter and
his assistant, Mr. Edwards, arrived
here last week. We welcome them to
our inidstand 'wish them success.—
Mr. Halls of Nile was the guest of Mr.
A. J, Courtice this week.—We are
sorry to hear that Miss Clara Proctor
is very sick,but we hope to bear of her
Pearly recovery.—Mr. S. Walter is
improving. ' Mrs Rumba is also nn
proving, .Mrs. Stanley is able to be out
again. --Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowery of
Sunamerhill spent Sunday with her
father, Mr. Jos. Procter. --Dame
(IF IIEVISION ringing in our midst on Wednesday.
Rumor sjayrkthat.wedding bells will be
--Mr. A. Cousins wife and family,
• ' TOwnship of Hullett.
'kale() is hereby given that the meeting of
the Court for the Revision of • the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Hullett will be held at
Londesboro on Saturday, May 2711i, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a, m. for the purpose of hearing
-and settling complaints against the said Assess -
went Roll. Persona ' having bnsiness at the
Court -will please attend at the same time and
Place without further notice. „ • •
. • • of the MunicipalitY.'
Londesboro, May, 9th, 1899. '
have Andalusian eggs for ssie. My fowl
were prize winners at the Huron Poultry Show,
scorner from sa to 91 points. The Andalusians
are a hardy breed,lay big eggs and aro themost
prolific layers. as the statistics at the Ontario
Model Farm prove. al m.134istrEiimnr,. • _
Clinton. April '28th, . • .
Lady's saddle, buckskin seat, leaping horn,
leather pocket and flap, also whips and. russet I
Pelham bridle. very little used, -will be sold on
reasonable terms. •
Clinton, April 26th. Apply at THIS OFFICIO.
Large frame house on corner Of Albert' and
Mill street, containing inIne oorns, large lawn
and garden and all conveniences Or the two
story cottage on •Mill street con in ng elght
rooms and alleonvenienees. Apply to •
Clinton. Aprill8th,
The undersigned has Silver Laced 'Wyan-
dotte Eggs for sale from Vida which scored. 93,
•points at the Huron Poultry Show. $1.50 for
',fifteen eggs. White Rock Eggs, Rice strain
11.00 per dozen.
Clinton, April 16th,
The subscriber offers 'for sale Ms house and
lot on corner of Rattenburv aml. Raglan streets.
Clinton, April 13th.•
• . .
Lot 20, Con. 1, tovinship of Tuckersmith,
B. R. S. the property of the late Williaim
Whitely is offered for sale. On the farm is
erected a 2 story stone house, barn and sheds.
There is also a good bearing orchard and the
farm is well watered with allying spring and a
Well. Apply on the premises to
* W. 8. LAWRENCE, Clinton.
Olineon, March 21s1, 1899. •
On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory,
OM. will buy &roomy, comfortable house with
geed lot-rthejnoperty at prosent occupied by
Frank Upshan
Vacant Lot on Maple street. also for sale at a
very tow price. Apply atone° to.
March 7th. . Barrister
The undersigned offers for rental the store
at present. occupied by H. C. Barlett, furniture
dealer. This is Tin of the best stande iti
ton. Possession can be given at once.
Also that largo room over 3. Wisemense dry
goods store. There is e, good entrance. Apply to
5. 0. ELLIOTT, or
JAS. SCOTT, Barrister,
Cliiiton P. 0.
Clinton, Feb. ath, 1899. 2 3
Ib payS to raise Ensilage as the'
farmer knowt and more are going
into it. it has been hard to get
**good seed this year but I have
secured &supply and have it now
in stock. It is the well known
. • , • .
• I
We have In stock Groceries. Flour'
and: Feed, Seed Grain, Ett..
Opporite the Market,
Special Notice.
We are Headquarters for Good, Goot
at Lowest:Cash prices. Full lines
of Choice Groceries always. on
hand. A call solicited.
HIGHEST Pracre rAm rolt
00er. ithrrlin AND it0-00.
A. AA:I:Ad
spent Sunday with'his parents at the
11. Elford was in Strat-
ford visiting his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.)
A. K. Birks. ,•
' • Colborne.
Quite an excitement occurred in our
midst on Saturday last. While -Mr.
Edward Millian was working in the
field, he received a had cut on the side
of the head frau: a man named Cham-
bers of Goderich township, who struck
him with his walking cane: . Chambers
is said to be out of his mind. kir. John
Knox, constable, wari gnickiy summon-
ed to arrest him. --,We are sorry to
announce the death of Miss Ruby Rob-
ertson, youngest daughter of Mr.Alex.
Robertson,who died on Friday at noon.
The funeral took place Sabbath after-
noon at 2 o'clock to Colborne cemetery
which was largely attended. The par-
ents and family have the sympathy of
of the whole community in their ber-
ea,vement.--Two or three young men
from Bethel line came.to Zion on-Wed-
neadey night: League night, but. in-
stead of coming in stayed out in the
shed with stimulent for conipany till
they got in pretty good shape and then
run their horses up and down ' the
sixth till they got tired. These
young men ought to be hauled up for
cruelty to animalsand no doubt but
they will be looked in the future.
Obituary Notice.
From the Oban (Scotland) Time. we
take the following obituary notice, the
reference being to a brother of the late
Mrs. Peter Macdougall of Porter's Hill
to whoin Was related several of the
most prominent of Goderich township
families :—On Thursday 'of last week
the remains of the late Mr, John Stew-
art cf Ensay, a Highland gentleman
and esteemed, were in-
terred n Luskintre; Harris, the fun-
eral procession being followed to the
grave by a large number of people
from every part of the island. Few
men had a wider circle of friends and
acquaintances throughout' • the High-
land counties and Western Isles.
Early in the century, Mr; Stewart's
father witha younger brother, Archi-
bald, came from Garth in Perthshire
te• the Island a Lewis, where they
rented the farm of Park. In 1809 his
father took the farm of Luskintyre in
Harris and tbere developed and im-
proved the herd of Highland cattle
which he had brought from Perthshire
and which soon acquired a high name
on account of the superior qnality of
the stock. Mr. John Stewart, who
Was, born at Luskifityre in 1825 took
Flodigarry in Skye • in 1845 and subse-
quently Duntulro, both of which he
held for many years and to which, on
his father's death, the Luskintyre herd
of Highlanders web removed and large-
ly increased and improved. He subse-
quently became tenant of -the well-
known sheep farm of Scorrybreck in
Skye and in later years his son, Mr.
Donald Stewart; entered into partner-
ship in the tenancy of this extensive
holding. On the death of his uncle,
Mr. Archibald Stewart, whose fortune
he inherited, the deceased became pro-
prietor of the islands of Ensay and
Pabby, where he resided for the most
part until the time of his last, illness.
Mr. Stewart was a, well-known visitor
.at the annual shows of the Highland
and Agricultural -Society where his
finely -bred specimens of 'the ;shaggy
and picturesque breed mieny took a
leadingplace. He was one of the old-
est visitors to the Inverness Wool
Market, where it Wits alwaya a pleas-
ure to meet and converse with him.
His handsome presence and courteous
manner made him an interesting and
characteristic type of the Highland
gentleman of the old school, Mr,
Stewart Was a keen sportsman and an
excellent shot with the gun and rifle.
He generally acquired the shooting
rights over some of the farms he held,
and during many years he rented the
deer forest of Aline in ths Island of
Lewie, Mr. Stewart Was descended
from the Stewarta of Garth, a branch
of which ancient family he was the
rept ellen tati
.1",1)0. Ton Sfanft Pineapple l'obtetof at att
Ialtiftfigs; 3(70 a 604.00 Tablets.
CNA Iritlt
1 Nave ye heartburn 1
2. Ilave ye sour sten:itch I
a, Nave ye distreSs after eating I
4. 'rhea°, are signs of lid Vancing dysiepsia.
ing.tagt. '1r Sfan's•Pineanple isitbletet give
re 6L They aid digestion and banish -
the cause *Mob produce Npapepria. These
tablets come sixty in box. --sold atoll drug.
gisni. trite OS cents. .
JJr.Po1e NOW* Etneappo
are plemart to the tante, ocriveniget es a vest-
pocket roiled, to relieve distress atter eating,
and for ail derangemente th0 eteinfich. They
quickly mire the worst germs Of dyspepela,
%Vitliam 1cCi.eight left on
tto-4. . mar Ottesley where . he will
work for the sunainer.4---0harlie Sing
commenced operations in his laundry
this week. -m -Mr. Bert Moore left on
Saturday morning for Mapleton where
he will work for the (Ammer in the
• cheese factory ,there.—Mr. Thus.
Crawford, stone Mason comenced
work last, week for Mr,' mJamieson of
Hullett,—Mr. Ed. Keenie left on Sat-
urday for Strathroy where he has !m-
oored a position as barber in that
(intended forlast tame.) •
• Mr. Geo.. Farquhar, while. working
on his brother William's place leetSat-
urd7, had a valuable horse take. eick
and ie before Dr. 13Iacicall could get
ont to render any aesistanee.—.Mr.
John Hughes had a cow fall the other
day and break its leg, ---Nearly all in
this vicinity are through seeding.—
Mr: Charles Rogerson teat a colt last
.week. --Mr. Fred. Rogerson had the
roiSfortuno to lose a yaluable horse
also, It fell „dead in the liarnetis..,--
Miss Addle Tyertnan was in Seaforth
On Saturday.—Mr. M. .Creighton is
again able to work after the severe fall
he got off a horse some three weeks
ago."' 'Utiles Fairservice, his employer,
Will be glad to see hire back at this
time of the year.—Mr. Bruce Medd is
one of the rising poultry fanciers of
the neighborhoo . He has•good stock
and lots of pusb in him.
Taylor's Corners.
(Intended for lest issue.) •
Narrow Escape.—While Mr. Will
McLeod was out ploughing the other
day his team got frightened and one
giving a jurnp foward pulled Mr. Mc-
Leod over 'between the two handles.
The horses then started for the harp,
but their driver being ' very. active,
managed to get out of his dangerous
position before he was dragged very
far. When he gob to the barn .the
team and the plow were in the stable,
they going in through a, single door.
Nothing' was broken, but the most
aniusing part of it was to see the little
boy Angus running after them.
SchoolReport.----The standing of the
pupils of S. S. No. 2 for the month of
based on regularity, misdemean-
or, etc.,is as follows Cook of a son. Will-
son- Aggie Johnston, Fawcett Sturdy. na,
000n—.In on May 7th, the wife
Sr. 1V—John Johnston, Linda Sturdy. of Josh
Leith Sturdy, Mettle Johnson, David HEWITT—In Brussels, on APO. 28th,
Bodges, Ottie Wilson, Jr. IV—How-
the wife of John Hewitt, of e
. •
ard Sturdy, Fred Willson, John Mc -
Millan. Robbie Bell, III --Pearl Will- n"RiTelont Bs.rBtikr
uaaraia4oulaa dHaaightleart: the'
son, Nettie Sturdy, Alice Johnson, w
Chambers, 'Mabel Sr. _
Minnie Bell, key Willson, Harry
1st, the -wife of Benj. Wilson of a
WiLsoN—In • Crediton - East, on May
Reggie Sturdy, Oliver Prouse, Mabel z iroodblirug_hitenur•
Prouse, Charlie Willson, Alice Rick.
shorne, On April 27th,
Irene garke, Robert McCabe. Henson the wife of W. Moodie of a daugh-
McOulTagh. Jr. II—Mabel Wal -
hatfhe'dactorcsnnot analayse
the blood upon which these
..organs depend.
Ifood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizeti
and en4iohes the blood It cures yet;
when a bit off' or 'when seriously
afflicted. It liner disolppointo.
Rhournotjoin.:•4° believe HOW' Efar4 •
oaparilla has no sawn for rheumatom. It
bar dons ms more good than any other
mediaine I bay* taken:, no. rumen The beet of all American brands, made of
lIslmT,00111r:111"-t°4"A,:s: My 1011, Illness, PURE MANILA FIBRE, guaranteed to run
wail very weak and bad bad cough.
Omild not oat or steep. Different remedies
4414 not help MO but Rood's Sarsaparilla
mywork."morsk.unp sumunazd I am now isboleshanto a:et:1144
Rood'e PM. cure neer ills: the pou•Irritatthseel
star slogptio thee elth Mood% SereapErtha.
Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists.
KoA-KAtr--MoKAir—At Tatnsin, For-
mosa, March 9th 1800; by the fath-
er of the bride,assisted by Rev.Wil-
ham Gauld,B. A., Mr. Koa-Kan to
Belle Oaty, second daughter Of
Rev. J. L. McKay, D. D., first mis-
sionary of the Presbyterian church
In Canada to North Formosa.
Ilaaarmra, —BRA.wN—At the residence.
of the bride's parents, Wroxeter,
• on Wednesday May 3rd, Thos.
Hemphill to Miss Lottie Brawn,
both of Wroxeter. .
Moonit---LooKninets--At St. PauPs
Rectory, Wingham, on May 3rd,
by Rev. Wni, Lowe, Isaiah Milton
Moore to Miss Lillie Ann Lock -
ridge, 'both of Whitechurch.
Itess--MeMumAx—At the residence of
the officiating minister, Rev. A.
McKay, Lucknovr, on April 241h.
Mr. Jas. C. Ross, Toronto, to
Johanna, daughter of the late Mr.
Alexander McMillan,. Huron: .
W.Aracart—SNALLAcottna—In Hensel',
on May 3rd, by Rev. W. E. Kerr,
-Geo.. Walton, G. T. R. agent at
Oakville, to ICSO' Ada
K. Swalla-
combo of Hensel'. .
- limosor.tenc—In Wingham, on May
tors, Mamie Youill, Jennie Yount,
Alonko Bodge's. Sr: Pt. II—Ar- lst,the wifeof Harry Hinchcliffe
thur Willson, Albert McCullagh,
McKee Johnston, Irepe Hick,
-Rey Chanibers,Mereclith Clarke,,Gertie•
Sturdy; Jr.. Pt, II—Thomas Cham-
,vvberiff.a.rysmr.optLeumnitientousilimit : n"—Clinton on May 6th, Mrs. O.
Gordon White. Eva ViTillson. Jr. Pt. : CDIan in her 60th year
AMERON—In Cranbrook, on May 2nd,
I—Joey Youill, Garfield' McCullagh, James Alvin, sou of James Owner -
Wesley Monk, Frank Chambers.—
NEr.soN W. TREWARTHA, teacher.
Surru—In Lanark toWnshin, Lanark
on, aged 14 yeare, 7 months and 7
county, on April 30t1f, Mrs. Eliza
• days. .
WHAT DOES IT MEAN'? . Smith, mother of Joseph Smith of
e It means rich blood, strong nerves Morris aged 100 yeers and • 7
and sound digestion. • It means pros- •months,
peaty and growth to the young: It - Idertiorm—In Rinloss, on May lst,
means good color and mental vigor. Vi7illiam W. Malcolm, aged 76
That'swhat Scott's Emulsion means. Years -
is the best .
it is made from finest VAPOR.
TED tobacco by MEN* with
long expeAenee, in a factory
absolutely CLEAN.
. . • ' '
• Burglary at Zurich.
Last Thursday night burglars broke Sorra AMERICAN xtuRnmwric max
into the , post office at: Zurich, pried 9WA.7. Tan WAND AND 15171317ERINO
open the safe and carried off $10 or $15 itt A TRICE,
in postage stamps and small change. -
They also entered D. S. Faust's general Mr. A. S. Kennedy, 44 Sussex Ave.,
store and Wok several suits of clothes - Toronto, says.; "I had been Attacked
and some jewellery. Three suspicious very frequently with acute muscular
looking characters, supposed to he the rheumatism, affecting my shoulders
gang, were in the village the previous and arms. I used South American
day, all dressed in dark clothes, one - Rheumatic Oure.and found iM mediate
carrying his arm in a sling. The other relief after a dose or two. My family
two sold small wire articles. have used this remedy with the most
•satisfactory.reeults. think it truly a
.very efficacious remedy for . this very
LADLOVES BEAUTY. ' prevalent remedy.' —Sold by ii%Sratts &
The Pennsylvania oil trade is falling
off owing to the competition of Borneo
Skin diseases of every nature, from _
the merest pimple on the flesh to the •
most distressing eczema, salt rheum ALMOST IN DESPAIR,.
and tetter, are quickly, pleasantly and "My wife suffered with pain and dis-
permanently. cured by Dr. Agnevv's tress from an affection of the throat
applications make *i cure Dr. Agnew's most in despair of ever obtaining a
Ointment In disease where outward caused by impure blood. She was al -
Ointment never fails. One application cure,bitt &tally procured a, bottle or
gives inetant•rellef,—Sold by Watts 8t . six
'sarosaptithritallan4 eftesrhetakwinago
Co. -
completely cured." --john Wecknar,
- Galt, Ontario.
That distress after eating 18 prevent -
The directors of the Addield and ed by one or two of Hoods Pills. They
Weat Wawanosh Agricultural Socie- don't gripe.
ties have decided he hold their next fall
exhibition on potober llth and 121h.
In the spring the birdare Sifliging. ' (Corrected sew Wednesday afternoon
As they build their summer home, I...At vii,,„,,,
V V ....f 1.1,1.•Mi11.1111,... et to 08
Blades of grass and buds are spring- GoosetOWheat. ....... ..,.. 63 to 65
O'er the mead the cattle roam. " Barley • .. 0 38 to 0 40
In the 'goring your blood. is heighted oats.
With the germs that cause disease, ,
Humors, boils, are deer nated ,CORI
0 30 to 0 31
0 60 to 0 63
Signals warning you o these. Itye 5
....... 0 30 to 0 3
In the spring that tired feeling Potatoes,perbush, new0 50 to 0 66
Makes you every dirty shirk,—
Mak:tut there's sometiung known that
I:tau feel begging,steal:ng,
Rather than engage m work. Butter in tub,
11..1:ter blase 0 10 to 0 11
Eggs per dos . • . • ..... . . 0 00 to C 10 .
•6 50 to 6 00
xa to 13
Man to health and vigor lead. 41
You will find Hood's atsaparilla Live.... 4 00 to 4 10
Just exactly what you need. Pork per cwt..... . 6 00 to el 00
ib• '
. Eva and Downs.
Dried Apples per Ib. • 0 05 to 0 05
• Ducks per .. .. .• 051to 0 06
• • Turkeys per 0 07 to 0 08
o ar mr improver, Dan 'Geese ob 0 05 or) 04
eervative party in language which he Ohiokens Per Pair 0 51110 0 40
het gran
McGillicuddy, still addresses the C . to on- Pc
pound and exceeds any other Twine in Tensite Strength.
The Best yet. Once you buy it you will use no
other as it Will save you money. Only a limited
quantity. Order early before prices advance.
o the
Box & Co.
Dletimilaotureiras asitid Dealers In .
For the Spring trade we are offering the largeit, and mo t
Plete stock of High; lVfedium and Low Price
the County. We have some great .values to
Do not buy until you have paid a visit to ou
in this line We carry a complete Stock. Our. Horses and out
fit are up to date and on:chit:gee reasonable.. '
"E'llrisiture Dealers and Tindektvdceroir
Jr. W. Chidley.,, di\anage? '
Night. and Sunday calls answered at Residence or foue
Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley.. King St, opposite Foundry.
IVA:ekri3r •
ID cultIO
We thank our customers:
for their patronage in the
past and beg to call their
attention to, our removal
from: CoMbe's block to the
former stand of , Allen &
. Wilson
Where we 11°0 to see them all
and new customers- too. We
keep in stock Groceries of ail
. kinds, Flour, Seed Grain, etc /
- .
*Thotsp., eyeaof yo jar
probably Orem
have not found i
will soon do so,
. the future by 'taking care o..A
present. Defective vision
SIC esatiEmilayingc.uredonurntsge 0,213
nu u uu. lenses and frames, combined
_ with our knowledge of how to
Do you want a Plano,'Orgari, or any
kind of musical goods? If so, call and
see us, We can supply you with the
finest instruments at the right price.
Let me quote you prices on what yor
trio want.
Our -leaders are the Bell, Heintzman
and Morris Pianos. Distributing cen- Jeweler and Optician.
tre for the noted Doherty Organ, the ,••
superlativesweet and rieh
fit,thern properly, msures you
a • permanent benefirdndvnot
.merely temporary- relief.
Charges moderate.
our own make of Dulcimers and Auto
harps, Sheet Music, Mouth Organs and fi
a large variety of other instrurrienhe.
Pietures in greaevariety for sale.
Pianos tuned musically and seientifi
cally correct, action regulated, new
strings kept in stock and put on. (In-
structions taken from leading tuners
In Toronto.)
am not selling my fruit farm, hutj
having labor and capital to run it, un
der Providential blessing I hope to
supply Strawberries, Honey, Cherries
Pears and Plums in great abundance
to the public,
• Wili be open a ternoons.
It runs easy, the materials of
whieh rt is built are all of the .4
tlanndthe price o c equals
l r r
wheel than the MassepHatris.
should regerve for the deck hands On Wool... . .... . .444444 1.1% tO 0 id
his dredge.—Toronto Vivant Mout per clvt V 1 75 to 2 00
ginn .13110/3ENS
For Over Fifty Years
TARATaitaiNir OP M. itte
VARIAN 'Mau ir W Low Sooriuno Santry hm hem
our rest be file ehim fear/
WI. W. S. Bissett, 62 Cittnron St • 4701 erYink3;vith patnAtuk
ing Syrup ter CM reaething. re*
viva ortiejam op Rumor epga. used by millions Of Mather* f their children
PICIS,SOUTIT AMERICAN XIIfizaty CURL Vititteolthing. If distur night fetid
Toronto. was troubled With severe
g‘nd CteblbbttU ralle4e*"�eth "liedth"
Ins in the small of her back which lieve the poor little sit inneeditLgetri:s.
&tors said was caused by kidney irittLitittothftgetherekmarn ellbont
trouble, and which preduceu 'Owe Ana bz,itzi„ cuyirvrawr
o, whims thz
suffering at times, She used wan ciams.rsanoesnm mutation, ,terz. zersyr,i,g,
411 ro
remedies withoub any lasting bene t CT, Irs that,210166/1„
Untii she tried the South American ,a„ttalls'=174 rst:hr
Kidney Oure. A. few doe* proved a OftlAW oldest ami best la
wonderful benefit, and after taking nureso in th° illtte487
three bottles all tutees of the trouble
... litInrsaottathesbirortold b 411
were gons.—Sold byWatts p); 0o.
Through tickets hawed to all points in
Ilaggage checked through. or all
intOrmation IWreference to travil con -
omit the above. •
Agent Mamey-Aarris, Clinton. ,
Properly Prepared Young Men lam
Women for Business life. FORTY -
POUR of our Recent Students base ac-,
cepted good situations. Business Men
appreciate our work and apply to us
for our 'graduates. Enter now If ,you
can. Prospectus free.
W. 3'. ELLIOTT, Principal