HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 5• • MAY 1L 1899. • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. . , 1 Vor 'Spraying; eorpooloososmosseesereHm••• IVirtitit Treest • Sulphate of Copper or Blue Stone is considered the imest ; article. j kali all insects 1 *and injurieUs and destructive fungi thus developing health., ful growtb and improved lat • •• -F.�'the first spray be -fore the buds are open, 3 pounds :I ▪ of Sulpbate of Copper is needed with 50 gallons of : • water. it It is ;Low time forIbe—first : • • : spray and if you spray your : trees use our guaranteed • Pure Sulphate of copper. : • • , • e Our price is 10 cts. per pounu • • • or -3 puunds for 25 ots.f and • o `eaper in larger quantities. : • • SYDNEY JACKSON * "' Gra • • • Successor to • Allen* WilsOn Phone 2. 71 041110110110011.110,11110001141111.0eo • dilate Druggiet. • • • I Bought the Business , • q of Ford St Murphy I keep in stock Fresh Meats of afl kinds, Hams, Rolle, Sausage, Bologna, etc% etc. • - • - Any Farmer having anything in the line of lat Cattle •• • Hogs, Veal or Lamb which he wishes to sell will tind it wortb. Zhu' while to call on me. • A. Share of „ Tour 'Trade 8-64oited : . 0.11'11001 4 . Stand next Hodgens'DryGoode Palace Bright and Well -Written CORRESP.ONDENOE IS A FEATURE OP THE , • CORRESPONDENCE IN . ' The Chntou News -Record. Tilouse Clean,ing Time. '• Yes 00113T OF RiTISIONI TOwn. of Clinton. Take Notice that • tlOurt of ReVisiell for the Town of Clinton 'W111 tisog it firsttintingi the Connell Chamber, on Friday, MitY 08th. A. D. 1840, commencing at 8 O'clockp rn.or the nor - pose of hearing and reetifYing fl coMPlaints -against or errors in the Asseesment Ron or the present year. All partite) interested are re, quested to attend. W. COATS, Clerk • • -- of the Municipality. ClinWn, Dfaylith, 0011B1T BAVISIONI .0•00.000.0. Viflage erliayfteld. Take Notice that a Court or Revision for the Village of Bayneld will hold its first Hitting in , the Town Hall on Friday, May 26th A.,•D•t....11 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. for t e purpose of hearing and rectifying all complainta against pr errors in the Assessment Roll of the present Year. All parties interested aro requested W attend. H. W. ERWIN, Clerk, of the Munich/silty. Baylield, May 13th, 1808. 1 ••••••100000••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _..... 41' &tom Well iirap .FAJR News Fro ioli Thia: ;time's/moo. g000ssi xmadesbera, ....f........orro 1 Mr. William Riley, the f i with an accident one da which might have had solo 'With his gang of men be w Oa barn in order to plac, tion under it when one o threw down a plank whic shot upward and struck It was a bard blow but a gl and he escaped without mir _ to his p_erson. Like builder al Mr. Riley has his mishap The remains of the late J. who was killed on Wedue. noon of last week vvbile tal move his hand ear from the track, were taken to Londme red in Woodland cemetery , on Seturday, the funeral b from the G. T. Et station services were conducted by Fallis of the Hamilton stree _church. hir.'Stnitli was 1 year and had been in the j the L. H. &B. for twentrt 001J113'. OF REVISION.• uobneorine. Township of Goderioh. Mr. Scott, our new cheese his assistant, Mr. Eclwar ' here la,st week. We welcoe Take Notice that a. Court of Revisien for the our midstand wish them Township of GoderIch will hold its iirst sitting in the Township Halloo Friday, May 26W,A.E. Mr, liallS Of Nile was the gi _1899, cominencing at 1 °Week p. ni•Ifor the ur. A.. J., Oourtice this week. pose Of hearing and rectifying al cora iatits sorry to hear thet Miss Ole • against or errOrs on the Assessnlent Rol of -the is very sick,belt we hope to ; quested to attend. speedy recover y.—Mre :. e NLICON STURDY, Clerk, improving, edra Runaball- • of the municipaliti. proving Mrs. Stanley' is al.' Goderich Township, X6Y 211d, 1888- again. ---Mr. and Mrs, J. . , • , Sununerhill spent Sunday present year. All parties interesMd aro re. . s This is the time of the year when housekeepers should not have to be bother- ed .with baking. - . COURT OF REVISION Township.of Hullett. .citice is laereby glirtin that the meeting of the Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hullett will be held at Londesboro en Saturday, May 27th, at the hour of 10 0'01.0C1C. m. for' the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assess- ment Roll. Persons ' having bnsinesa the Court will 'please attend at the same time and place without further notice. JAMES CA.MRBELL, Clerk. • • • .of the MunicipalitY. Ondesboro, 11fay, 9th, 1899.. • - hy do‘ you .• When you can get your Cakes so reasonable at Here are a few' of oar priees: Layer cakes 20ote Queen's drops - 10e per dos Swiss bons - k• 10o " Oatmeal date cakee 10a father, Mr. Joe. Procte Rumor eayathat.wedding ringing in our Midst on --Mr. A. Cousins, 'wife spent Sunda with his pare dwaling house in the town of Walker- the town treasury, paying the full gentleman enjoys it as well as anyone. Nile. ---Mr. II. Elford wa ten, amount of the 16ss incurred by the fail- From the return made by Assessor ford visitleg his daughter, ure of the McIntosh & 11IoTaggart bank, Youhill, for 1899, we find the follovving A. K.,IMrks. , 1 Resolution', edopted by Rock of I Frien iship Lodge, No. 40 I. 0. G. particulars: Real estate aasessment, T., in yvhich the town's monies were de- THE CLINTON NEWS -RECO Clinton Ont., Thursday, May lith, 1899. I eir1RE *eye •;•",. • Lneknow. • • Brussels. ..t— A Vaster Day Than Has Been. winazaln. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Berry, Miss Asresscr Cousley has completed his Here is a good joke on Rev. William Leila Berry and Xr, George Berry left work and handed in his roll. • The total Lowe, the genial rector of bt. Paul's -... GRAND -.- . assessment is as follows: -Real estate, church. On May 2nd, like Peter ol old, 011 'AMOY 0101.1)ing last for Toronto where they will spend the summer. $277,690; Personal, $36,050; Income, etle he said, (61 go a -fishing." A few friends . Jenie, July and August. • Manning avenue for the months of Mier Mr. Berry has taken • a residence on 000; Total, 4317,740. This is en in- crease of $15,275 over the 'assessment 01 pleasant party sallied forth to scare the said, 44We also go with tilts.," and so a A. IoN . . The Robert Ellis farina eighty -se. en 14st year, The population ia 1193, an finny tribe. They put up at Mr. Vaug- increase of 36. NumLer of horses, 124; ban's, beyond Belmoral. When it came acres, part of which is in the corpnra- cattle, 121; hogs, b7 and sheep 15. time to return , Mr. Lowe's mirid. must , • . Lion of Luoknow, was sold- on Monday . The Misses Scott have returned to have been so deeply occupied with the . CLINTON' . town and have taken up tbtir residence 'thoughts of the fish he 'didn't catch, that . IRaisethtaorr wreeebositeoruriloacasle.couitriezdentsb,e Mr. .in rooms over the postoffice. Since he made the joke ortne day: Instead e ••••'-'ee Pinin,Berry and Thos.. Webster have bought g his own farm and Messrs. G. vv. the thirty-seven in the village. acres in the township of Ashfield ad- „,,, leaving Brussels they, have resided in Mr: Farrow intending 'to take a muck; . will assist in the postoffice for a time the State of 1Vlissoure One of them •eubbed clown one of Mr. yaughan'a, of taking 1118 own horse, be cleliberetely . ' hitched it up and started for honie, nor ' did he discover the roistalce, until he 1810.. . ..... 1899 • • Mr, J. G. Anderson of this village last needed rest. • got about half a mile on the way home. ' ‘ The executors of the .estate of the This is not a "fish story,” either, and — - week purchased a large apple .evaporre tine eatablishment together with a late Iliomas Kelly have settled with though thsejoke is on himself, the Rev. The Oitizens of Clinton • ----- 1 Wilross, at the regular meeting on • eeeitee. _t492,749; peisonal property and taxable Having decided to celebrate On Thursdey morning last Robt. Ate income, $61.730; total assessment for T. 1 • Colborne. . • prohibition plebiscite held on beptems oaclay of last week : That.vvhereas the ' clerson met with an accident in the saw 18991 $558.479- The population is . he Wen s Birtb.day Quite an excitement occur ber 29th, •1898, re*ulting in the grand mill that will lay him up for sotne t1me. placed at 2,204; males between 21 and 1 • '42; deaths, 21; number of dogs, 120; U . tive actitm by the above large vote of in town last week trying to increase the Misi Robertson, teacher in the second W the members ot Rock of Friendship . 'Y. been obliged to secure leave of absence Maryellen were prize winners atthe Huron PoultryshoW, announce the death of Mies worms from 911, to 91. points. 1.11e Andalusians I have A.ndalusian eggs for sale. My fowl ed, to arrest him. ---We ar ertson, youngest daughter c ly regret the failure of Goverartieet to MR. FOOTER'S pc;INTs% in declining health. • We are inforniecl Thrilling and F Lodge, No. 40 It 0.G. T., Culrostedeep- - - --• --- -----. -- in order to wait Upon her sister, who is ' carry out the will of the people, ,,and le about a year since Mi.s are a hardy breedday big eggs and are the most ---, that it is on prolific layers,.as the statistics at the Ontario Robertson,who diedon Fria.' majority of 13,916 for prohibitiou, we as Shortly aftcr going to work he supped -60years, 470; children between 5 and midst on Saturday last.• Every effort is being put forward to on the floor and in fal•ing broke the 16 years, 477; children ween 5 and Edward Malian was worki electors were led to b. lieve that the arrange a Programme unequalled in • field, he received a, bad cut Government and. Parliament of Canaria, small bone in his arm just above the 21 years, 669; births during the year, of the head frdm a man nate which ordered the said plebiscite, In- wriiit,• tiers of Goderich tovvuship, tended to be governed in their 1 gisla- Sergeant Major Jaekson, Clinton, wqs number of steam boilers in town, 21. " P -to -date Mtn with his walking cane. , 'department of our public' school, has ttracti Knox constable .waeqeickl the people, p Me oret r volunteer force in this mine, • EGGS FOR SALE. I 0 ti f Resolved that • . . . A is said to be out of his mind. In reply to the budget speech of Mr. Robertson lost aesiqter by'death. Mi s Model Farm prove: 0 Per 13 ege• Tnohoenfuneral took place Sabi yeauld earnestly call upon the Perlin: J08. BATTEN/WRY.. Fielding,' MI'. . Geo. E. Foster a 'd al All • Ulitt011 will take charge -of- the -second Dashing a.t 2 o'clock to Colborn • ment to enact such legislaiiou as will• Clinton. APril Mb* . at which was largelyattended ! • "of the whole cornmunitar and A. E. Thompson , the most complete reoantation of the carry out the vcdOe Oi the people. Sign- part:- . 4 depprtment in the niea.ntirne. , the home of 'Mr and Mri Holloway on e Prograttithe Wednesday, 26th of April, it being the w/t,t,coNSIST 0E - ents and family ave the se- • ed in behalf of the lodge, F. E. Jones Mr. Fielding's budget will go down A verry pretty wedding took place . • _— SADDLE EOR SAL.E. eavement.--Two or three • pledges and policies propesed by the --- from Bethel line came to Zi ' ' h S performed by the Rev. Dr. Pascoe Local Attractions Or a,. - Pelham ridle. very li t e used, wil e shed with. stireulent fOr 0. Novel Chareefer, Etc. ' The' many friends of Mrs, Frank The total surpluses from -Confedera- in the presence or. the immediate , reasonable.torms. Clinton, April 26th. Apply at THIS OFFIC.E. they got in pretty good sha, Rockamrekv,vill- regret to klear ot her tion up to the present have been $41,- friends and relatives of the bride and Zurich. . Ltberals for eighteeti yeers. marriage of their daughter, ert a, to - Lady'a saddle. buckskin . Mr. George S. Oleghorn. The cieremony Bese BelleGstenets, • nesday night, League nigl' • • ----------- • ' ng horn . leather rket and fishes° whips1 an seat. ThaPi d- russe6 b old on stead of coming in stayed e • - Lacrosse arid Football 31/etches, run their horses no and deatle.ee turned out 500,000, and. of these surpluses just 82,;••..grooni;' The bride. wile very prettily ••• • ' • • • sixth till It �v got • tir : • in full force for the first praotice of the 500 000 Are credited te the Liberal Ade dressed ite cream Silk lace Over pale Musk By .Brasb Bands:.: • . lease lease•of the, fair grounds for the servative Administraticins. • of roses, The bridestnaid; Miss, Mina ' Enchanting Music will he render.4 HOUSE•TO RENT. younk men ciught to be ha mill etreet, tontaining•nine rooms, large 10.9th • cruelty to animals and„ no _Large frame house on corner- of Albert and and garden and.all conveniences, Or the two -story cottage' on Mill street containing eight And all other kinds of cakes, Rhubarb pies, 10 cents each, _„ Lemon pies, 15 tents each, 2 for 250 Custard pies, 2 for 25 cents. • • Tart shells aandley, 10e. per doz. tOur home-made ginger snaps are " the .best, going like hot cakes At...10 cents per lb. A. - cLINVN.. Afkr. Irooat PlosightaIne, The Groat lingUth Mote*. Sold and recommended byall druggista intINstada, Only rel. •able medicine 0.11001,0r*d to We 111 0 0 SO all 'et** et *boo or tutees, Mental Worry, vir woof TO - blew, !Opines or Stimulant'. idled On receipt Of price, one peoltaga $1, Six, Ons igorrt virfit rut*. -Patiptueta free to au aurerede. rooms and all conveniences. Apply to, A.RTHUR Clinton. April:18th. •" EGGS FOR SALE. • • • 011_411 nary"Notle he had takcari a carload of cart e. -Ss. Of the deficits. •ainounting in ad to 12 '1 eeason, Dlr. Hag in •be.ine obtained the ministration, and $38,900,000 to Lib•Cone -blue silk and carried a shower boumiet • -„ they will be looked in the f seaaon .-Mr r Peter Lamont returned Holoway, sister of the bride, was be- ed throughont the day by the . from Toronto Tuesday morning wliere oorningly attired in blue covet•°loth, best Bands procurable for tht3 Froin the Oban (Scetlan take the following obituar Mrs. Peter Macdougall of Jopeph is booming again and this year • in numbereanc1123,000,000 in amount, with full frant of white Lisse over pale . ,occasion •. . . blii,3 silk and carried a bouquet -of roses• and piniis, Mr. james 0 eghorn, bro, a great change is to 'be Made lathe atie 06,943,000, belong to . the Liberal -Con- ' refeeence being to a broth pearance of its site. 'l'he large build, serve ve par v, and the ream n er e' ther oi-the groom, acted as groomsman. i, numerous other buildings are ping up. • p!ayed the wedning march. The bride . • . to whom was related se In view of Mr.—Fiel;ling's statement, families :-On Thursday busy prepeeing for their wcrk, the remains of the tete Al art of Ensay, a Highlan widely known and estee terred in Lusleintyre, Ha , eral proeession being foil • ti t d th i d b ' • 41 and ,,Openjw:•••GOnoer ung started last fall is to be finished and hinge to the Liberal party. Ws Annie Holloway, of Louisville, Ky., •• most prominent of Goderl 31,1easrs. Contme and Campbell are yery • . . . . was the.recipierit of numerouspresents. In the, Evening a Grand Open . we can only come to one conclusion, '-•-••••• • - •-- - -•- .. • that. the 'question of protection for the a, t•e • , • Bugs on tlid Trees. Industries of thie country is settled for Special and Noy& Features, never be many a year to Come in accordance with • ' fore presented in Clinton, will We have been informed by a gentle- the battle -tried standards of the Litt- man vvell • versed in arboricultoral sub- eraleponaervative party. ' flfl dotte Eggs for sale from lib de which scored 93, The undersigned. has ver. points at the Huron Poultry Show. 51.60 for fifteen eggs. White Rock Eggs, Rice strain .51.00 per dozen. • S. LAWRENCE. Clinton, April lab, grave by a large numb from every part of the 'Men had a wider circle of • . HOUSE FOR SALE. • . acquaintances through° • The subscriber offers for sale his honde and I land counties, and W -1! lot on corner cit Rattenbury and Raglan streets. , in -the century', • W G DOHERTY. -Eatr.IY -- Olintoni April 13t1i. • father with a younger br , bald, catne from Garth i ' to the Island of Lewis, FARM FOR SALE. father took the farm of rented the farm of Park. Let 30, Con, 1, township of Tuckeremith, provedit rrl S ittlihde there (level He rt. s. theproperty of the late Williahnherd of Hi on the foxin is which he had hicoOght fr 00who Woad etilopestiy. W legs -------------------- Whitely s o erected a 2 story stone house, barn and shed% and which soon acquired There is also a good bearing orchard and the on account Of the superi farm Is well watered with a living sluing and a the stock. Mr. Icahn S wen. Apply on the premises to MISS E. WHITELY or , was born at Luskintyre W. S; LAWRENC131, Clinton. • Flodigarry in Skye in 1 Clinton, March 21st, 1899. • quently Duntulm, both , held for many years and - I his father's death, the Di ' - of Highlanders was renao • HOUSE FOR SALE ly increased and improve . ' lueritly • became tenant On Victoria street, Near Organ Factory. oaten eheeerfarm of 5 '000. will buy a roomy, comfortable hpuse with Skye .and in later yeaes good lot -the property at present occupied by Donald Stewart, entered Frank MAW' Vacant Let on Maple street else for Bab at a ship in the tenancy of • 66d Phosphodine soldin Clinton by Syniley, MAK C AN ALSOLUTt „ Koltun ir 0 NO IT IAIAS ir PLAYS • CAN NZ MAO 110$1 A 01411100 CAN opoRiehrrt, rr AUNTS A a . IN *VIM'S? AN* Vil#LidkOt ACM% tAKTAIIING Mame co LeNtot,, Qtrr„ vete lovr price. eepply at once to. • W. BRYDONE, March . Barrister aoloton, Druggist,. STORE TO RENT. The undersigned offers for rental the store at present occupied by EL C. Barlett, furniture dealer., This is one Of the best stands in Clin- ton. -Possession eau be given at once. Also that largo room over J. Wiseman's. do goods atore. There is a. gded entrance. Apply to 3. O. ELLIOTT, or • .TAS. SCOTT, Barrister, •Olinton O. Clinton, rob, Oth, 1809. ENSILAGE 18 PROFITABLE ' pay* to raise Ensilage as the' • farmer knows and moreare going 'pletinto it. it has been hard to get go�d seed this year but t have ecturerl a supply and have it now In stock. It is the welt known ENSILAGO., IED IT . holdinre. On the death Mr. Archibald Stewart, he inherited, the decease prietor of the islands o Pabby, where he reside, part until the time of hi .. Mr. Stewart was a well -k medicine she was kind ii'i rims at the annual shows of the anemone -epee cotee,...e ...Lee. ............, .... ee.„.. six bottles of - this teal goods? 11 80, call and a ' perinatent bandift- ansivtdm— and Agricultural Society, where his Lio. - cornpletely cured." -John Weeknar, see us. We can supply you with the ... finely -bred specimens of the shaggy • Galt, Ontario. finest instruments at the right price. merely temporary relief. , and picturesque breed usually' took a Dungannon, .—..... That distress after eating isprevent- Duty wo, t. Let me quote you prices on what yor Charges moderate. . leading, place. He was one of the ota. est visitors to • the Inverness Wool The directors of the Aehfield and ed by one or two of Hoods Pills. They " a • • West Witwanosh Agricultural Socie- don't gripe. cam*/ TWO SEOOND4-IAND manner made him au interesting and . CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. PIANOS TO RENT . A. J.Gf?100- Market, where it was always a pleas- ure to meet and igonverse with hon. tieshove decided to hold their next fall . His handsome pretence and courteous exhibrtron on October llth and 12th. i characteristic type of the Highland (Corrected every Wednesday afternoon and Morris Pianos. Our leaders leaders are the Hell, Pleintzman Jeweler and Optician. . • gentleman of the old school, Mr, In the spring the birds are singing. J• excellent shot with the gun and rifle. Blades of grass and buds are sprmg- Goose Wheat • superlatively* sweet and rich Regina, ' ell" Stewart was &keen sportsman and an •As they build their summer home, Fall Wheat . ••• ... ....... 67 to 68 tre for the noted Doherty Organ, the ' rt. hootin i • 63 to 66 our own naake of Dulcimers and Auto . • 0 38 to 0 40 harps Slieet Music .111outh Organs and III I{ . , .• •• • Air Concert will be givenen the LAKE OF BAYS, .MUsKeKAI : alseovbeneiningtroduced, in the ' '• • perforniance jeets, that the *heat of the past week has • •• produced a phenomenal number of in- This interesting place is now rapidly com- • Canada 'has nOt yet opened Up one tag into prominence, situated as it is in the sects and moths on trees, in a greet,' • "When we do it new market to one dollar's worth .01 eeert of the hunting grounds of Muskoka. It 1 '. many eases cocoons being plainly die- • is reached by the cernible on the bark OT the tree. These goods sine.: the Liberals :have been in G rand Trunk Ry System We do it well.” power t• Retie fibre pockets should be destroyed as speedily as possible, or el e the shade* .e. -4-- • TO HUNTSVILLE from any point . •We've done it well before and fruit trees will be denuded of their' The Liberals came in to lower tax- • Well dc; it well again. foliage this year to even a greater ex- ation; they have raised it $5,3oo.000. tat,. abnydstpeaemanersourae; trakbeer totiftial rwaa.estmereeroel • Jo , tent than they were hist summer, the They came in to lower expense; they where overittaollitir exgfrIttillgIsreorldinegLcollffee,5 Official Programmes. giving the de- - to work • earlier than heretofore. .The in to stop.an increase of the debt; the veritable paradise, and can satily be promised Connoils of some townships have taken debt is going up. They' came in to de • an abundance ot speckled trout as the result sued in due time. Write steps to divest shade trees along the stroy protection; they have embraced ie., f their efforts. Excellent hotels at d boarding for .one. Rouses will be found here. Rates \A and up- . roadside of all these nests before the wards per day. Dr. SHAW, * J. P. DOHERTY, • grub having apparently reciolvecl toget have raised it 310,000,000. They came re,tyPigetioen Co. !nova win find this a 'tailed arrangements" will be is- , , • e larvae is hatched °et, so that the trees, Tickets, rates apd 11 information from Agents of Grand Trunk alt System .- which are a blessing to man and beait The Saxon Minister of Education has .,,.(.2laty3loirlirman. Secretary. may be preserved is their fully leafy endeaeored to stop tight lacing' among if: 8: p, 1 tssea,ik ,Ni. 1 Toronto n t 0 14 . F. R. Frodgens, G..T.Ticket Agt., Clinton. GOD SAVE..ifis-Q.REE_N... , „... .....„,,.... . strength. school girls. , - / .1 He genera y a q g, rights over some of the farms he bela, O'er the rneacl,the cattle roam. Barley and during many /ears he rented the In the spring your blood is freighted oats.. deer forest, of Aline in the Island of With the germs that cause disease, .,,,.._ Lewis. hir, Stewart was descended "Tumors, boils, are designated K ea. from the Stewarts of Garth, fe branch Signals warning you of these. of which ancient. family be was the In the spring that ired feeling rept esent,ati ve. • Makes you every dirty shirk,- . Makes you feel like begging•steriling, , Rather than engage in work. Nanfa die'" at fa` Hut there's Something known that weerweir0;aecti boie--eoao, will a en.s.Prmi.v: Man to health and vigor lead. You will find Hood's Sarsaparilla .1 /rave ye heartburn 9 2. --Have ye sour denim% 1 Jusb exactly What you need. 8, Have ye distreel after eating 9 4 Thad ttre signs of advancing dys psia. - At iliklits.VeVtratnIVI:g061&agtft! giVe We have bt stock Groceries, Pionr inkliant relief. They aid diteition and bandob tablets come sixty In abet -80M atall drug- • -0.4r RYAS'. Price 315 centS. 11017%4.." rot,Tr4QA.1.11. kineapprtiiirsotent arepleasart to the tante, oonVenlant AA vestt pocket rismalfto 'relieve distress *Res Citing, Oppopite the 1.farket, Clinton. and Peed, Seed Graio, Etc, the Calm which prOduee ispepsia. These and for an derangements of the litenikeh. They quickly Sore the *fon% tonne of dyspepeith Special Notice,- ;oir B MYRTLE CUT We are Headquarters for God Good* at Lowest, Cash prieft Poll line* of Choice Groceries always on hand. A call solicited. PRIO166 P.0433 ret, Goon staorsit AND *GOO• is the best BE6AUSE is made from finest IMPOR4 TED tobacco by MEN with long expe,:ionee, in a factory . ups and Downs. That grand em harbor improver, Dan McGillicuddy, still addressee the Con- servative party in language which he should reserve for the deck hands on lile areage.-Toronto Toleisram oi a, largse variety of aher instrument*. 0001/100•00 0 30 to 0 .... 0 60 to 0 63 Pictures in greevarieby for sale. , Pianos tuned musically and selentift MASSEY-HAIRE Rye.0004. ........ ..... • . 0 0 80 to 0 35 cally eorrect, action regulated, new Potatoes, per bush, new0 50 to 0 55 . strings kept in stock and put on, an. Butter loose in basket0 10 to 0 11 structions taken from leading tuners BiatotE Butter in tub. ... . .. 4 0 . **to i 0 18 to 0 13 in Toronto.) • Egg* per dos. ..... . 0 09 to 0-10 h aIvai nnig laborotse lal ndg einapYitaftrutiot fraurnukhuliribl PIAS NO SUPERIOR. Ray.. ....... . 6 60 to 6 00 der Providential blessing hope to Live Hogs.. .. • . 4 00 to 4 10 supply Strawberries, Honey, Cherries Pork per owt...... 00,10 060.6 00 to 600 Dried Apples per 0 05 to 0 05 , to th bl' Ducks per lbk, 0 Onto 0 00 STORE OPPOSITE POST -OFFICE It runs easy, the materials of Pears and Plums in great abundance which 15 is taunt are all of the .1-4; e pu • very best, and the price equate the quality. There is no better wheel than the MasserHarrie. I Geetin per lb. . 0 05 to 0 06 Will be open afternoons. Turkeys per lb, ... 0 07 to 0 08 Chickens per pair 0 85 to 0 40 O. HOARE GEORGE LAM Clinton. 0 16 to 0 16 ' Agent Masser -Harris, Clinton. t, Plow per cwt..... ...... 1 75 to 2 00 XIDNEY131111DENS ''''' ' .0,...........IN . For Over Fifty Years f VA1413II Iftfreellt THE THEA.TMENT Oft Mem Vennizow's Soorrtrao sump had bees gehhtildar elan , lanzorg pitigor. nwseahnebytreutholonig otitindetistunererbedrotattet THAV 011,EATERT OV EICS,SOIITIlt AMERICAN mown' etinit. broken of rm. rot a Mc ceilld suffering Mrs, W. S.Bleisett. sz OatterOil St,, and "ring WWI pain at once and eet a bottle of "Mrs. Winelow's moth- Cuttlitig Teeth tend at trOt011t0, was troubled with severe ing Syrup for Children Teething. It will rd. Ins itt the small of her back which zoo the peer little nearer ittnnedi ly. ne- ............. • W. JACKSON BUSINESS AGENT G. P. R. CLINTON! ONT. BRICHTNESS BRINGS SUCCESS iSTRATFORD, ONTARIO. getore maid was cruised by kidney rim*" ity""°thell4t'b"i""144° 41'nt Through tickets. issued tr; all points in and which rodu ed I the twitch f,. t naive rrh trout) , P fitenite and we e. cureti"*irnr&C, *atone Properly Provarea Young Men *nu 'FOUR of our Recent Studente have no- reinediet without any lasting bene t mrter, vor: THE NOFitTliwWEST cepted good eituatione. Beefiness Men until she tried the South American nz /go it*t7a is 114 lad10711' appreciate our work and apply to ut 111* :Women for I inane** Ufa. POPSY,- ouffering at times, She used man/ oinno,reduevitnnoininatten Mt% vs MANITOBA AND litidney Oure. A few doge* proved 6 st/lhe a oldeet and beet fe " r!, Boggage checked through, Por all for our gratin t a es. Enter now If -you wonderful benefit, and after taking nurgoe* th• United vrry- vh 0.. $TrwAR,T, absointely OLEAN. were g0110. -Sold by Watts ,!* 0o. , UmilevrIto.rser W. J. ELLIOTT, Princhml 1 three bottles all trues of the trouble :Gent* k )4414. 06211b1 411 TOt Informotion inkreterence to trovii con- can.. Prospectus free. Ina the above. "