HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 4'NEWS FROM.
• Ounion News.Recorri ‘04
TeleTtetiereee, MAT MS, 1809.
' ‘•;
Leerier budget, intinduced last
tomelfrOnaPP°101413g Miss 171,ralteis of Goderielt attended
'of the Oover 4meat more the recent assembly -1st Clinton.
t14 0oniereet
the teriff wee
.P. Still rulee t
rate -strange to
Yee. NO Oharlee Moe, cattle dealer, has pur-
nnouneett• chased the beautiful voidance .on
land and Cautbria street of Oswald Carey, Seq.
ye it Mr. Carey will take posseesion this
ut, l
. week of his new purchase the hand -
g beconie ite mP1O. eoute grounds and residence of the late
uld have thought t '10Y would ample- Wilhelm overlooking the hat-
ch 0„,.. four t.ltbe ogre bor.. It commando one of the most
unroedliind roared alarming view* in town.
Th tfor
eines will oiue
* b,iriende inGermanT,1--vme'a
ena " Prarth'ea Inc. Carr, f the. Bank of Montreal, took he lawauthe
afierri°°4 °r that
ns are 'vete; ee y
nrior ourepionthe.thelrCIfer vi itin me a;
•Mr. Wardeworth is in town after a On Monday 1st May the annnai meet. imrs, Italph, we are sorry to inform
lapse of 05 Or 40 yeare. He went to ing of the melt:here of the 1M. took our more. was wend With an attack
California frona this town and owned place, but few put in ais aPpeerence. which very much reeembled pareissis.
the property now the residence of There were about 4000 vaunter. in the Her daughter, Mee RAO: nen men
derinin_g and serydges vice proldents ; RsIpb. when she wag Anddenly
Philip barrister. He wee ap. library. The new Board bias follows :-
aphd for to 13. O. Mrs. Thorn -
pointed a constable under Sheriff Mei Mr. II
Mr. Mem% oleo' burnhapperied to he in chatting with
Only DUO of thedredges at theiterbor B. P. Halls. treasure'''. ; J. Moore. etrieken dawn. She had been eery
wOrking sO far, eeeretary ; rectorstiilessrs. Duff,Tom. mil did not complain to PAY ena of not
MAY 11, 1S90
11 1,1
iWiseman Stock
Clearing Out The Clothing
e4re, ()rain) left on Saturday bet to Colborne area Nettie. Further note), feeling and was ao the pest.umee
enenoeit " Tit funeral of the tato Me. , Fbrriiiso .ear
on every concession and eideline
visit her on (Marto and femily at will be given again. Edwin ciduaiteigahytq
to the general eleetions of juife,"07. sent some woke, on their arrivalit evening owirig te the council haying a place from St. Thomarichurch an Sat- these dive and the perfume frem the
torus street opera hone° on Friday
.,„ ew York citI, vielertig friends and ti tie h ' b that ureay morning. , blossoni croWned fruit trees exhiliara,
mefk. 11 Olt eta r on
• • „ rater epent a OW daye in Toronto. bee - e The patriotic song "Cansidit" sung at Ong.
TIM INVESTWATIOX Th,ey.are bore this week andwill spend n R
a few Weeks with their brother, Oe- ir in I. P• ea• a late entertainment St.Peter's ep- 'We oupposed both dredges were at
The investigation into the Yukon sturdy at thee. arate schoolroom was quite conipinuen, work in the harbor for on Saturaay
II:caudate as conductor' by a Govern- ehePricific 0oast, . tary to the romposer. Your corresPone eyening we heard one roan remark te
weed Carey, Esq., and later Will 'go to We ruet Mr. Nixon
gost-ofilce on lot Thursday even1ntr.
o dent and to those who sang it. another,"We'li have nothing but shov-
•••••••••••••••0,195 •
er Man, he had so much mail matter, I On Thuxsclay evening at st, George'e ening .now het we • find on y erre
foremost among which we saw Tem dredge ie as Vet emeloved.
the seem, be be nothing less than a of GuernseY. is atpresent visiting eere S. S. voom an At Horne. was held,
Mug th.e guilty parties. It is.• Heaton whom he knew in Guernseir, bride droVe to tire ieeme, of am auxiliaries hare been working energeti- rich ria he can above from statistics that
been advised, the Women'a and Girl's to have a through grain route to 0 e-
• 1 . 1 1 d to teederich from
block,and her cousin,•Mrs. Alex, Kirk
ment employee. is said those upon Mr. Eugene Oerey, medical student' One "aid euPPeee he was a newsap-
ilarce. for 4.nstoad .9f probing:into the glastionn-lit. jttafavo, isdarPer!,c, Ile leseee_REeeme, , which was truly enjoyable.- As the Mr, Errieet Heaton deserves emelt for
isa ss of 'corruptioie It in reitlity came out to ':t his relalvEsq., and es Mrs. AfUrY Morrie, 'Hotel Bedford Leaders of Tun Nsive-littOonn have the manly etand he is eaking in t:iriclig
enrluiry, Pei les& A.
h hed. nothing to
se impartial
itArion suale t
asked for.
He also Intently going out to the Pact 0 e
Kirlebridee sister, 111rs. Oakes of Olin -
Mrs (Judge)Toms, whdo ispteont tic: • stOornhont-o3rudoMten,(0.v:edryredeOliceakteeshisztehire
winter in Toi'onto,
tives Monday est May. Miss Toms spent The latest air of the Marine Brindle
. the veinter in PhIlaclelphiit and remains "Going ece Clinton." The M. B. COW -
there yet. • • posed of a lot of sterling musicians;
,Mr. Moore, late of • England, finds men who love Music for its own sake,
that all the gentlemen of hie acquaint. and we trost-thiseeear of '09 they will
anee twenty years ago have gone to make a good showing.
the better land. They were Messrs. Messrs, Platt and McLaren are mak:
ing on artistic showing in their adjoin-
Orabb, W. E. Grace, lately deceased.
ing lawns setting 000 a • hedge and
and S. Detlor, Sr., merchants and
Mr. Mc,Kellar who we think taught ornamental trees. •-•
penmanship and wee his ,eleeth in a The fourth meeting of the Goderich
.railroact collielon, • . division of West Huron Teachers' As.
veaciy all The young ghee at the sedation WAS bold, in the Central School
ciese , Mr. Fisher was in the eflair. Conet-
Some prohibitionists have come out
vin of Provincial prohibition. The
or of this scheme are those
ore concerned about the
ho. Laurier Government
tereelf, Furthermore,
edgment that Quebec
dg the .only province
d the plebiscite... If the
eesive province in the
to sway therest, and if
nd solitecians are to
sooner it is
e West'
r. When
ve 'eye
Knittieg factory have'pure,hased bicy.
on Saturday, last. The President,
tion for 2nd class was taken by Miss
Horace Horton Esq., is. _going to
Wiggins, and for 8rre class by Miss Mc -
his iesieeece, which will have a ewe*. .Cluskey. Both` teachers taught with.
rut effect. ability, pupils answered gitestions and
efa-nagee saendeteeseemite prefer hie forneect sentences readily and, accurate -
new givaritb a eaee pacing bore° tele, 13r. The follovving officers were elected
bicycle. for the corning year :-President, 'Miss
Mrs. AnleyeeEast street we are Sharman.; vire, Mr, H. Morrish see.
happy state has quite -recovered &ease Mies Wiggins. TleuneXt meet.,
of blood ing will be held first Saturday in Coto -
from, hex. recent' serioirs case
poisoning which threatened her for ber. The subject for discussion will be
time, "Scientific Temperance," Mr. Tom will
open the discussion. Also"Class Man••
Mrs. Mary A. WarrIngton of Strat-
ford returned to her home on Thursday agen3ent and Discipline" will be taken.
senior classes by Mr. W. Elliott,
last atter a. Pleasant visit with Mrs. far
and junior classes by Miss Watson. -
Sharman and Mrs. Charlie Reid. She
Watson. -
resided in our town a greet many yeaxs 14", FRAWICet 'secretary. •
At Folkestone recently the funeral of
a baby took place. Only people on bi-
cycles attended the funeral and the
casket was borne to -the cemetery by
one of the riders who placed it in front
of his bicycle.
Mrs. Jrunes Stoddart of Chicago is
visiting her I:nother, Mrs. Geo. Oakes
Sr., Clinton.
• Mr. Dave Stoddart has purchased the
cottage on East street one door 'east of
E. O. Graham's grocery. Mr. Stoddart
at present resides one door east of the
residence Of Mr, James lkicMath, Bast
street. Gallagher is havini
good stone
foundation put under her residence on
Trafalgar street. • ,e
Mrs. Hays has had a neat -verandah
placed in front of her residence, Picton
street, and a storey added to the south.
ern portion of her house.
Mr. Allie McLean has had, a railing
placed around the centre of his roof on
Elgin street which will give him a fine
"view of the lakeand surrounding coun-
• try when he can find time to emend an
houron the roof. • •
- Cattle can soon be weighed at the de -
Tot The scales will soon be put in pos-
ition ad the stone masons are 'busy lay-
ing the foundation for thein.
The late Mrs. Harry Reid, mother of
Mrs. Oswold Sturdy, was born on the
same day as Her Majesty Queen Vic-
toria, .
Mrs. and Misses Hutchison have re-
turned tetheir lakeresideneeetellengow-
an,after spending the winter et --
L. Card, air army regimental tailor,
we understand has the order for the un-
iforms for the C. I. Cadets who it is ex-
pected will visit Clinton in their rege
tnentals on 24th May. May they strike
all. beholders with delight.
Lovely froth salmon can be purchas-
e& those days, and they are a treat.
Dr. 3, B. and Mrs. Whitely and little
daughters, Vera and Geridys,have bicy-
The lovely loath that is being turned
up for the building of the new addition'
to the organ factory is being. eagerly
sought for putting on the lawns and
gardens, The loam is very deep and it
18 seldom one gets such a good chance
to improve the gardens.
The following interesting notes from
Formosa we copy from The West-
minster (the Canada Presbyterian)
Which will interest the Saltfard. read.
meat Tao Nervetelteconn possiblc more
than any °there as the Rev. Dr. Me -
Kay was an esteemed teacher at Salt -
ford about a quarter of a century ago.
He was succeeded in the Saltfard
school by the bete Neil Douglas Moore:
Married in rorznosie-Many Presby-
teritene throughout Canada will he in-
terested in the latest, bit of news teem
Formosa which is that on Marth 9th
1 ,the bright young Chinese student
who accarnpatieli the Rev. Dr. McKay
on hievisit to Canada afew years ago
was married to Vas Bella testy McKay,
• second daughter of Rev, Dr. McKay.
• Writing about the event to the
Foreign Mission Secretary', 'toe Kan is
• as joyous are, any young Canadian
preacher would be in similar eiretme
stances. "'new write you the most
joyful letter* of My life, On Oth inst.
my teacher had been in Pormosa.
twenty-seven- yeare and on tbab very
day I got married and now I send you
a piece of elo. wedding cake. I feel
overjoyed and greatly honored in hav-
ing as tny .wife Bella Caty, riecond
daughter of my, beloved teachet, 'rate
has continued through darkness And
sunthine for sixteen years to be my
truest and beet friend on earth. The
marriage service took piece in our
house and preachers, eendents and
Bible women were present. Dr. Mac.
Xay conducted the ceremony and Rev.
William Geoid aseisted. We now
send you and all friends our united
beat voishoe'ACoa Kan as those who
met him Will remember is a very bright
and intelligent young -Ware very active
minded And thoroughly devoted. to his
the "Nugget, adder, "and right here and : work. His character and diepositIon
notr, we notify Mr. Ogelvie that that Were a eonstane delight to those who
time has come in his career when rut- - knew him intimately in Ceinada. The
picket has chilled hitch anmions, and Westminster extends congtatulations
none but thoo vrhose dell bread to hiinself sad his young wife and also
„ro t a -4,..ef -Elie and felt very Eleased atthe pro i
Imes st geese ve-
iinuesosbareof ai,t.holeilate W.
warrargegre,n wHer.
OWnete in each place' on th*
not hand over a pottier] on(litif. the, G. T. B. empleyeele e i j1.9‘
to the ,.
Osernpaiii the Clinton mem ahead. -We learn *that' the
Clintoniate students w e
rod_ and a new town 'bit le7row tomeetarchClaelleeir Celle eti colore, red and
1, ear cape
...miles' away. This kills the Old place gee .Goderich O. Lgstudents "Who is
e and the inhabitants have ee moye. yoirrehatter? That Is how the Barbee
This ffsh,atspecies of tyranny hard to nav° it• alahd.
should get that aleir :1•111Btrt:t4rhere'di Y°11
vised .8°131' 12*m°
to. tow. ereby iisy 1). put ,put a stop It Cuff, said to your corer,: wohr organ -
g , fit a man wi0 de it thout
834adian pacific itailwa brains but
h purchased at St. George's itTillmt_ewhn°
Especially should it no be Thursday evening a ininatere°clh
wi seated in a corporation which, has liar of or
added that it mi ht
ystal and anot ig
her gentlemaie
he 0 freely at the public crib as has
a sweet voiced. English lady observed.
k., We bought the hat to text violets in, as
41,erieffeetVeREANOSeeMrs. .Hamlink, after spending • the
?imam winter at Toronto with Mr. Hamill*,
returned to her home last week. Mr.
__;'-' ' Hemilink Will return later, . •
Major Bond, whohas been elected
, „ Mr. GeOrge Henderson: who had
etrairmanbf the Queheabrancheof the been ill of fever for some time, is able
Dominion Alliance, says he is utterly to'be about again. le
ir.' idled with the action of the • More Jessie. Straiten, daughter of
station_ master Straitotemgraduated as
ime'Goveenneent in regardeto the e. trained mime last ' arch at the
p e e andeterpoeiallee-4ith Hon. Rochester Hospital,. We wish her fur -
Sydney Fisher who has undertaken :ter ther promotion.
defend their. action. In spertking thus ' Our citizens may rememberthe elder
brother of Barrister .and Mr, John
Major, Bond but voices the sentiments Proudfoot who married Miss Tome
Of thousands of real Temperance Peo- Norval of this town and left for "Wee-
nie all oyer the country. The climliei- braska, where they have resided for
ereif••Liturier and his supporters on many years; Mts. Proudfoot's eldest
sister, Miss Nerve', who for some time
this question is ouch as to 'destroy the belonged to the Central school staff,
efieeb of future professions. went to Nebraska with her Mother,
Mrs. Norettl and sister, and there mar-
ried Barrister Page. who in a few years
NAPE 00 REZIEVE, diedeleaving his wife with two child-
---- rani who now are teachers as well as
. A report 'cared from . Ottawa last their mother, in far away Nebraska.
. • week which is almost impossible' to They intend to visit the old town this
eredit. It was to the •effect ' that 'MP. ear* •
Our citizen e used .to say that A. M.
John McMillan of East leeiriefeeted Ross new of Toronto, Vrae a giant On
we think
7 . brains needs the largestkindkinadn.owf albhh°autt.
80 with thefailure of figur'es, but this break -water contract
the Government to carry out. its Will, we think, give the Government'
. pledges in the deeection of Free Trade, Treasurer a rival in the person of .W.
Baynes, contractor. We do not think
' that, he had determined• to resign with all , the fl ''' that work '
forthwitii, shake' the dust of Ottawa treg. un at the harbor yet. __.
front off his sho4a and return -to the The Mary L. Bieck, Captain Dan.
peace And contentment of his own fire- Sutherland, will run tide season from
Sarnia to the Georgian Bay, where she
' side, Iteer. McMillan herr fealty become is in the cordwood trade for Port
uneasy ib is not to be wondered at. For Huuoneand Detroit. The McGibbon
eighteen long years he fouight the 'Ni. Bros. are her owners. They alto own
tonal Policy and hoped, for a, haPpy the Cataract and other barges. The
Cataracc, Central James Sutherland,
eliverance when Ider party Can" to is on the same route. -
owe-4mb riewliiat the Laurier 0ov- The Singrepore, Captain Win. Suth-
erntieent and the N. P. have become so erland; who is aleo owner', is en -route
inseparable, tie good man finds •that from Cleveland for this port, Lena is exe
pected in this week. She was ice
he will have to eveallovr his old speech- bound at Port Colborne:
An, which were as thymatie as blank Miss Nina eitrachatt returned teem
veriee or step down and out, Mr. Mc- her visit to Toronto last week.
Manager John Bain and dau hter
Milian wl" easallny rather than re' Mien Mary Bain, left on the tuggLoni
sign, we venture to way, butes, a Pro- fot the Duck Island station, where Mr,
teetioniet be will beasightfor the gods. Bain has the appointment of manager.
oily for sortie, weeks in order to realize gra. n rein re were e
some beide for. work they have in Fort, William for If of a cent less than
hand and although Thureclay evennig • to any Georgian Bay port because as
looked a little like inerritig *the enter- he writes hy the open water route
mamba with a, shower, yet a, goodly there is We risk to navigation and in -
number of ladies and children attended swatters rites are lower, there ate MI
and will we say the gentlemen made a fog islands or Ornate, and therefore
grand rally. , .We opinenot. This year vessels cite melee better titn,e tor they
of '99,, pesumably is to them a year of are notcompelled to slow down as in
rest so to make. a good beginning the the Georgian 'Bay,_J, J. Wright.
first year of the 201,13 century we hope. Point Farrn, and Mr, Heaton are an en -
Rev. i'dark Turnbull opened. the ,enter- ergetic pair. it would be to the inter-
titinment with a pleasing address, ob- est of Clinton and other 'towns if We
serving at the same eine, that he de- bad this grain mete for their business
plored thteabsence of Mr. Heaton who men could ievest ineveesels as well as
Makes such an exceptiovel chairman ours. So eyeehope they will help those
and although it always gives. us. pleas- KgIltleMen In their praiseworthy work.
ute to hear Mr. Heatop noike the We are sorry that Clinton. muse wait
opening address, the Bev. Mark Turn- yet longer for a new post -office,
boll is quite at h'orne with hie subject, The engagement of Miss Star,, one. of
a little difileult to decipbee his notes
h u in or o us and patient. He said it Wee thrAnbeamensurIbsoinjbte4003; announced,
as he had written them on the bottom
of a candy boX. Ile said that • the
to Me. Anderson,
Ice cream and music in the evenings
, [ .
We want to, clear out the balance of the Wiseman Clothing at
once and have cut our reduced prices still lower in drder to do
so. ,On Saturday-, iVitty 13th, WO will put ou sale what are left
of B?ys' and„.IVIen's Suits, all marked at prices that are less than
original figure, less by .far than the cost at the factory. No
Ulan wanting A Suit for himself or his boy should miss seeing
the lot for we will clear this stock at • prices that are lower than
any regular (hake Can go to the factory and buy the goods for.
• This 18 the way we are gein9: to sell
o only. Mon' a Suite, made from tine all -wool Tweeds 044
Worsteds, dark colors, Sack coatst, lined with good
Italian cloth, welemade and trimmed throughout.
goods that came from one of the beat Clothing fac•
tories in Canada. Sizes 87. as, 89,_40 le 42, Wiseraan on
prices were SU. $1.2; $18 86 $14. Your choice uu
Men's good, strong Blue Serge Suits, Size 87 only, well
made and trimmed. Wisen3an price $6,
11 only, Boys' Tweed Suits, coat and pants, sizes 25 ee
•. 26, made from All -wool Tweeds and Borges,
man prices Sa to $8.75. Your choice
The Lorig, Captain 3, G. Maley,
had quite a number of paisengers,, for
' .1 • Closieneif. the Duck. Mr. lames, Clark And
• • ee Manager Wallace elso"left, for that
Mrsiegalph was tiench'better oti 'Mon. station. " - •
day. She is subject to heart. trouble. Mrs. Sarno: Clark is emending it
. "Water cressee, writer cressee,5eente couple of week e allotting friends ati her
a bunch," one would' think they were old home in Buffalo,
in Old London but in that city the ettejohn Currie epees it badge tiow
'boys if they could not get sale for in the form of it shield,. showing that
their bunches would nob tear them to he has been Installed at Deputy Game
pieces and tele eaeh other with them Warden.
as we saw eotrie boes do on Kingston ' The Klandyks "Nugget" of Meech
street. The oici. Landon bey Would 18th, bail an editorial headed, "The
either woik until he sokl all or else LighbThat Irailed," in Which the editor
take thein home. One lady who gam, "that eyeryone had such 'faith in
bought, a bunch it few minutes ,before the Yukon cemmilialoner, Mr. Wm.
said elle :would never' buy another Ogilvie, .and listened natiently ro his
'tekii she riaw the bops' vecklessnese. 4flo little time gentlemen,' 'time, gent -
SO bels, next time you want people's lemen, more' time. • 'I'm after- the*,
patronage, don't show them that what fellows,' 4I'M getting two as / want
yonhave worthleiss, them, and then you'll tiee."Don't men -
On Thuterlay evening the eitliens of Bon these things to the publIc.acid give
Goderielt haves great treat in store me all the aesistance you care."
for them and we trutit there will bee. and these fellows where -e-e, And
geoid rally so that the_eloquene Mor-
gan Wood may not use his eloquence
in vain, besidee it full house will be it
neat corripliment to WI MusicalSocie-
ty for the pains and expense they have
r incurred in trytng to give our citizens is in his hand's, or those wish ng for . to our voter/tit missionary,DtlifaclCay,
, generally is literary and molest feast. :franchises, which are 1ht his disposal, _ who by this marriage is bound by till
Mrs, D. Grahame has returned front _ will stop to toruly loriger or striketheir another tie to his beloved Pommes,.
' her visit to Detroit tthere she went to hands in phtudit .at the ..groteeque Tits IlitOonn cerrespondent
attend the nuptial* Of her daughter, parade." would add that Mrs, Koos Kan WWI
Mit)" Mary Grahame and Mr. S. Step- Mrs. James Harrison reeeived * tele. both near Woedettiele at her father's.
hen 'Warring of Detroit on 2itith, April. _ gram CY12 Monday rt. tn., 1st Sky. ad. ' 014 h ome when Dr. MrcKay" and his
weineres auxiliary was formed by Mrs. ' is the order ---tile evening . at . Blace-
Loidsbei_Bisliep Baidwire in 1885 &OM Illie 'Charles "Watson, eruggist re -
which 1M . heath:thee have sprung, The turned to his Position in New York on
girlie auxiliary • here n tutiliere'd 18 Thursday hest . His third gold is
-members all active workers. The Rev- arranged to he worn on his wateh
gentleman said already $80 worth of. plotin. The second gold medal he re -
goods had 'been sent . to the N. We ceived for proficiency tit his exem In
..missien field - the Past year' and he Toronto is the largeskinedal we 'ever
thanked all viho attendee theet Home , saw.. It hair, the coilege coat of
for their 'wishing to..further the work, Arens .. and is name and honors.
Thefirst NO. on the program was a . Three gold medalsbe one season was
beautiful duet; "The _errieel of 'Smite. -eenederridlucle for a student and we
Clause' . by, Miss and Master Percy are proud that Goderich won the trio.
Tye, whose musical.abilitles ate well- .We were geed to see Charlie looking so
known, and whose assistance is ever Well, as ee.le*, York druggists have
•reader. A: 'reading by Wire. Judge l scarcely:tithe to think ; they are . kept
Tons, "Trouble in the Amen corner," ' bpsynight and. day.
. was waeinly appleedid;.aecla pleasing Mx. Merrisis buildleg his neW "ialan-.
response Was accorded .the reldieuee bY, ink 111111 on his Bruce street lot adloio=
UTS."Toinge itecoeci reading, "The Deg,' ing the let on leambrreestreet. en which
critter courtslee of course, itwas fun- the former milt stood. Bruce street
ny, and Mts. Tome delights in .funny runs to the elver bank in an easterly
things, as well t1F4 in pathetic, and is at directioe, se now- Bruce street will be,
honie In both, Little Xies.elelen Sbep- opener' through the ono tune comnicins
pard, daughter of. CaptainA, M. Shepe and no more rubbish will be consigned
,pard, made her debut as it little scion to the olrl baseball grounds. •
of elocution in St'itieerge's junior ,S,‘
S. class. Her seleetion was very suite . . We notice that our Cleyer Police Ma -
able, ,,mararoa,. is teem too many of gistrate, Mr; Seeger, bas given up. his
appointment air clerk of the. Division
we?" and sve fling congratulate Mimi
lleieti on joining the ranks of the little,. Come, and will now devote . his time
church. workersee Mies parsoo's . NO. ,and talent to the prectice of he*. We
think Mr. Seeger may tee his way to
was the songeeelleeppee,days,". _very
DorroghaectimPaning with
nicely interpreted' by her, Miss Hattie.
yeein ebie,. ()wined circuit up in •Algoma. Judge
the vacant, or at least to the newly
igato, and Miss Emily Neftd presiding O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie does not
at the piano. Miss Lillian • McDonald„ want the anointment, ee as a new
the clever little daughter. of D. eteDon- Judge must Te found .MK Seeger
ald, Bete, recited very diettectly, "A •vvoirld, make re goodeerectical one. He,
Model Girl,". Miss Connie Le TOW. hat seed his latereeidence to John Galt
whom We neVee, luva the pleasure 0? pr.
. P. M. and luta purchased the residence
of Mrs. R. B. Smith. • We reptild Miss
hearing . before, gave a veey_.iminorous •
and descriptive feeding.' • 'Yee IOU , cbureit work. .
Mrs. Seeger, she is so indefatigable in
Please," sliewing the shrewdness of a
Frenchman under diffieultieri, e.matale The St. Andrew lost no time in lead!
for any Yankee, or John Bareithere ing up end getting out of the harbor
we thought Miss•Emily Nafterireolo. once tepee to go over :the old route;
"An Elegy,' was very reach edraired; She left some 'days wiener than elie in -
Miss Naftel is : one Of oar sieging tended 'fOr Port Arthur. -
Musicians and is ever Welcome. The • onage on Victoria street is
flute, accompanied by Mr. Blaeketotie
Messrs. Blackstone. .with cornet and q
being hurried up and Witlewe think be
uite readyein June for the advent of
at the plane, received quiteetti ovation the new pastor,. ._ '
on their appearance: Their selection Mrs. A. Kirkbride, Kingston street,
,was "Twilight Waltoes." They were received a letter last week .from her
loudly recalled; but as the coffee Was daughter, Mrs. W. Logen, Buffalo, ad -
ready and the guests tooe. the encore visinglier of the, serious Meese of her '
Was reserved to commence the secend .
son,. Mr: Willie lemon, twee 19 years.
part of the program. A pleesant hale Sallows, photograph artist, had. a.
hour or more was taken for eefresh.; great show of babies in art window
ments and purchasing the ladies' woile; on Saturday. 91 babies had their pho-
Mrs. Seeger and Mee Armstrong,. iii- tographs on view beteg taken after 5,80
Mined by .ters.. Slack, took care of one p. tri. ol1 lab May. In the front row
fancy table on the eerie side of the S. S. :were the six prize vvinners.. The trtiote
'Union jacks. represented the fitneY side.
of ahandsome dog was placed in the
centre and. three baby photos on each
room, and'a. pretty marquee, formed of
work department on the west side, Miss Lewis is studying up photo -
Misses Marion She graphic ort and possibly she lout bee
presided over by
peed and Flee Ball, the petite mice
le. artistic touch 'to the art window..
There are babies with cap and string
and chickens, 'made by the juniote,
were ttuly eunning devices. • Bow the and cap without strings. Mrs. Mc -
little gires got their fingere „around Lead's twins alio a greatatteaction, but
them no one, could. imagine. Some, me& St. George price is quite proud or
theyare not among the prize wieners.
mice grey, sortie white, and the chick-
en,penettipers were perfect imitationts her baby winning a prize, The other
of the downy mites, The Messrs Black. mothers are Mrs. Oliver Whitely end
stone gave the audience a beatitifpl 31re. O. Maddox all of town. Mrs. Mo-
onlit,"The Daisy," Mrs. Blackstone Cluskey, Goderich township, Mrs. Ful -
solo, ColbOrrie and Mrs.. Boratt,
Au -
presiding at, the piano, ' and finished' berm • ,
up with an original and Innaleial nni* J. F. Andrews, West street. shipped
Melon . of .the baieripee, which was O. double deck of hogs to Cellingwood
truly 4ocul. Song by organist •Cuff, .on mondese He ,ie getting to be a
Baldwin tire estimable wife of his stones, . •
vow. Boys, He worsted Suits, best goods in the au.
mama stock, extra good lininge and*Welemade. AO
Wisenuin prices $5.50 to 8659. Your choice
Bargaks in Men"8000aRt,
Men's Furnishings are selling here at a great_ deal less than
regular. prices. These are some simple values:-
:! !
'The haletea Yarn.' Which' was an noted shipper,.
especial treat, although ending rather • mr.Oewald Stately has a beautiful
pathettcally. We only wished our little, foureyear-old daughter who has
mariner friends down beetles sea had healthderraplivenrtbra3titatithkatondsolottroinegdinoga,litttbl:
heard him, we know they woukt haVe
enjoyed Mr. Cull's nautical rendition. little lady holding the teens.
of the sea tong. Mr. Cleft had a tine The annooncemene of the wedding of
iteconmanist, Master Geoffrey Holt, Charles Heale and Eugenie Andrews
who knew well how to give proper ex, *blob took place hi New York recently
presston to his petit in his master's eong. was received by Mr. and Mrs. Reale in
Mr. Cul! was loudly encored and gave due time. Mr. Harry Le Touzei, New
et second song "Three Wise Young York, wm groomsman. , The wedding
Men" which pictured the audience very gifts were costly and numerous. Mr.
much. Mrs. Toms gave another rend- and Mrs. Charles Heide will yisit Mr.
ing "Tom Sawyer Whitewashing the Heale's parents here In vacation time.
fence" showing how a boy, by bier Me. Ileal' has been in the Harpers'
rattenery and, perseverance, Oittl employ for soine'yeafs being a printer.
turn his foes into friends. Song 'We wish hint •ttnd. his bride all pros -
"'Sometime Somewhere" followed, perthy.
very well rendered by Miss Rose Nat- Mr. P. McCarthy is one of the cr eve
tel, Mr. Ouit acconapaniet, Miss Eden, of the "Olympia", Captain Sheppard.
Tye's recitation "Grandma" Wit& very Whare sorry to learn of the illness
faithfully interpreted in motion. Mies of Mr. Charles Lee of the firm of Lee
&Ira le a very:plowing elocntion. and Shepperd. He took ill at thehome
Duett, "In the Starlight" and al-
tho' very fernilier to singers yet, the
Misses, Burritt charmed eil with their
svreet rendition of it. Miss Hurritt's
late WM much admieed. Little four
year-old ,Alina May Sturdy recited with
much naivete "The little curly -head"
the only pity being that her recitation
Was so short She ism,. tharining little eon or 1-`)..„ McLean Our towneinaie
lady and Rev. Mark Turnbull observed who delights to live In Florida. The
"The elder one" will have to becareful, ekin of the rattler lest* feet in length
the younger ones are so dever." and and *bout one foot in whieet pert. It
het right. , Miss Gladys Platt "the has ten rattles in its head and WAR tan
eta of the evening"as the Marine band years old. The skin le tacked up in the
named her, gave very amusing reel- gallery over a nmnber of portraits. It
tation, "Previous to Miss Belle's ap- is a perfect beauty in its diamond
pearanee" in which she excelled her- design. Gregor mutt be In it perfect
self. She is itttaturel born elocutionist. - Garden 0; Palen We looked Into the
Mrs, Toms wound up the rogram with Art window a ;tin and we not iced that
et his fathetetn-law, Mr. Middleton.
Mr. Lee arid baby have gone to
"While at Sallowe, gallery on Monday
11. m. to get names of Wien winners,
the 'attibt, drew our attention to the
skin of a diernond rattler eent with six
other varieties of rattlers from Florida,
• as a wilt to him from Gregor McLean,
Mies Annie Graheme, sister of the vising her of tho death at 93 roam of 'wife made one Of their tout's to Osuse & "Jueb behind the trine& e, conpenion tape of the Ogles were dressed in dark
bride, Wite hrldeenaidand t of her mother Mrs, Mee Base, da, Son /Can, among his many ar. to 'Trouble in the Amen eorne e ()thee and the other82 hal** in white,
Detroit grootortman. Rove Itierhomish _ w o voided es.46 ei Toronto. complishments, is a clevor adotteigin - inst how s.verie the world **nal to be toms in long robes but the moat in
reception Wei hold at Millburn Hall rioter' Froudfoot,„ after a Number of trolly tin' hobo of hitesslf to Mrs, accustomed c itrch duties, Mr. Cuff at• that every mother thinks her baby the -
1496 W'oodward Ave. stranty-flva years s ady etoployrnent At the u.04. amee stew Wain atm* In it he cortrist. God SAVO the Queen be. prettiest, but we heard one mother in
moving will be at home to their - donee* on with it on it000teiti of in- which is Ai d the other Home given br the dual auxiliaries. which Ai 'aid As just loved tolook atr.
IFIX4111*. - ii
real*IP.11141 I' ,,rorb of Pbr. furthering tot work in G trich. MA rkivcii
B y or the ceremony, A jr john peewee^ brother of Bar. rotognoh heeleig preeented a le to aye the >led teitinpart in their short &ewes. It hes often been said
tr4t4 nrediente Idr. and Mrs. orlch factory, has moored his is dream/ in native coetume part of Mr. uff flnbtheed it moot suectie•ful At teihsediest over* photo in the window
friends atter let May at MI Frederick d We treat wills WWI & bitri i must have the Mrs. Turnbull 00 be congrtulated in "I °mkt otb it, it hi so lovely" she tie
Heavy seamless Cotton Socks
• dark and light colors 10c,
Men's tine Merino Socks, hea-
vy spliced heel& and toe,
regutar 20e. goods 15e
3fen's dark blue end ' white,
• check workizig Sh irts,W Ise-
_ man price 35c. Our price 25c
eteres fine Cambric Shirts in
Dark am& light color,. good
patterns, attached an"d. de -
tutted collars, regular 75c.
Our price • 50c
Men's fine Bow, and four -in
hand Ties,. special • 12ec
eMen's Fouran-in Bow and
Knot Time, dark and, lighe
colors. ,Wiseman price 80c,
Our price 19e
Men's base quality Knot, Bow
and Four-in-hand Ties,clark
and light colors. Wiseman •
price 50c. Our price 25c
Our Hat Values
, W e are giving the greatest value in Felt Hats ever given in
Clinton. All the Wiseman Rats 'must be cleared out at this
store, That is why we have made prices like these: -
Boys soft felt School Hats in blacks, browns, fawus and 15e
na,vys, regular 50c., choice
Men's hard and soft Felt Hats in blacks and browns,
Wiseman prices were $1.50'and $2. Our price COMVii,
Men's fine fur felt Fedora Hats, all gond shapes, linend
and unlined, in blacks, dark and light browns, Wise- : 101 lo
man pieces were 5,2 and $2.50. Our price IIPL.111U1
Black Dress -Goods for Skirts .*
Four lines- of Black Dress Goods that are just the thing for
.roaking separate skirts for Wearing with shirt waists, all priced
At a good deal under -value •
Be tech, Black thepon, regu- .• heavy threadismall pattern'
lar price 50. Our price • 25c1 Origineil 'price 80c. Our
44 inch. fine figured Dress new pi ice 50c
Goods, in black only,. good 41 inch, quality black tigured • -
color, original price.was 60c Lustre, small pattern, rich,
Our new price 35c • glossy finish,' original price
44 inch black figured Mohair, , was 85c. Our price Ole
CeT.eileeeroisT, oieTT.A.max0..
Selling the Wiseman-Stbck at the Wiseman Store, Clinton:
Captain Lawson, owner of Tochnan,
• is off to South Bay for ae cargo of posts
for Sarnia, • •.
Iron bedsteads e•re first theetioned in.
Deut. . • ,
Michael Parr of Sanford has reneov•
ed to Blyth. Saltford managed to get
license for its two hotels and new
landlords are going to try their for-
tune in that village.
`At St. Peter's entertainment the ot-
her evening in the Separate schoolroon3
the MisseskturleyandeVan Hall charm-
ed all. with the pretty duett song eCan
you sweetheart keep a secret."
Rev. Fathers West and Dixon and
Judge -Doyle ettended the installation
atToronto of Bishop O'Connor of Lon-
don, as Archbishop of Toronto..
The funeral of Ruby i fourth daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robertson of
Colborne took piece on Sunday last to
Colborne cemetery On tht3 bank of the
Maitland. The deceased young lady
had been ill for more than a year, and
hiurgone to Toronto to be under the
care of specialists, but all in vain. Mrs.
releet lend her sob Prank .atterided the
funeral, also Mr. and Mrs. Crystal and
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson andlamily,
all relatives of deceased. Among the
many from town who attended the
funeral were Major Jordan, Dr. Turn-
bull, Mr. and Mrs.St. George Price,Mr.
and Mrs, Waiter Sharmen and Messrs.
W. Mynas, Jonathan Miller and W.
D. Tye, mail clerk, It VMS a inVelY
day and a great number paid their ewe
peets to the memory of the deceesed
and in sympathy with her parents who
mourn their daughter Ella ti.8 well who
died about 15 months before: The ems
tege included about 150 carriage&
Stanley Towitshp.
The farmers Are Almost through put-
ting iri the crop ; the lend in general,
works very hard. --Sorry to have to
report the death of MreHerbert McIn-
tyre, who died at his home on the
Babylon line on Friday evening of latit
week. Mr. McIntyre was a hard-work-
ing,honest and respectabler young men.
Ile contracted a cold a few months ago
which flatted ou his lunge. Deceased
was highly respected In this part and a
member of the Methodise church. The
remains; were laid in the Bayfield ceme-
tery. Rev. Mr. Burton conducted the
funeral service, --Mr. E.Tour of °ode -
rich, Public School. Inspector, 'Jetted
t,he mehool of Miss E. Turner, No. 8, On
Priday of last week rind reports it mak-
ing good progress. He was eiso well
pleased with the order and gond batty -
1 ear of the pirpils,--Mr, Mellen". s
dog has returned to his old home in
Stanley. It just remained wily one
week. His card neship evidently did not
like his limy home in Larnbton (mina
ty,----Mr. E. Johnstone is improving
his farm by erecting a Wire fence aelree3.
the front. Mr. IL Meelue ray has the
contract. --Miss Addle Itathwell has
returned home from Detibit where elle
was attending the Conservatory of
Mitre°. She is now reedy to impart
her knowledge to any w ho mity employ
her, arid with practice In teaching to-
gether with her college (ram n i nee we are
confident she will give entire set redac-
tion in the future ne she hes done in
the pest. . --Mr. Allan Douglas 'sold to
Mr. Charles iteld Anil delivered at Clin-
ton on Monday it bullock which weigh.
ed 2130 pounds. The *pined being too
big and fat, to walk that distance itwat
takim up In a wagon.
The best medicine money can buy for
impure blood,nervousnets,and all scorn
Mir and kidney !rouble. is Rood's Bar.
For Perf4rning,Wrdrobes, Linen
Closets, and preventing Moth
1.0C a Bag.
Our. Native Herb Tea
25c, a Package •
nip is the great Spring Bitters.
We are sole agents in Clinton for
The Penny Post Cigar
the b'est 5c cigar in Canada. Buy it.
Chemist and Druggist.
Physicians' Supplies.
This is an extra hiightertide of flour,"
made from all Manitobawheate lb
makes miM
ore bread per cwt. th
any other dour OKI Won't tem or '
crack. This is a firat-cises flour °
that We Can with confidenee re-
. commend.
. As a family flour the Kitchen Queen `.
ie tinsurpaeserl. It rises well and '
the bread holds moisture well.
Those who have made one purchates
of the Xitehen Queen have 'come
• beek for more,
This is a cheaper brand, a combine -
tion of Ontario and Manito
wheat, it ismade by the most i e
proved process and the quality
beatsthe price, $1.90 per cwt.
There brands etth only be hid from us. Take,
your choice aria try le "bat. gar G
all fresh. CA% pald for Butner and