The Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 2morellomm20.220.404.20022210TMOP.m..., •-•- ,••••••*20.2••••••••••••••••••••• 414774.4. 41VP C9AfiV8MIS ' SAFETY OF BUG ON, Most important Measute which beim introduced during the pre- REV, DR, TALMAGE TBNDER8 WEN lesselou of Parlienient is the bile SOME 0000 ADVICE• ✓ dividing the wIde area over whieh • Zoilelon Oottnty Commit now bee earlerdatiou into. I lens nem" ✓ of munielpalitio, each' of whieh 111 Menage its local oolecirrus, while he,-Oeunter Council :will ow:Whim to °are for their 4011006e% interests, In eerier te ceMpreleend the •bestring of this Innovation, it meet be well lo roe call the divers ways in which the Bri- tish metropolis bee bon governed dux- ing elm hurt half eenterY$ e The historic Cite ot tendon ekroper new" a's it bag long been, controlled be a corporation consisting- of a May- er Mad Alderraell,'WhIO centinue to ad - Minister the revenue of the large en- dowments. The reat ot what De Quin- cey ukked to call the " nation," of Low. don, was origin,ally an aggregatiOn of boroughs and Parlehes, *melt 10eallY antonomous. These political entities, whIch had nothing in common 'but contiguity, „were first dealt with cm- Prebenetvelr in 1855 by the Metro, Was ManageLient get, which created Metropolitaie Beard ot IV'orka. an& elongated to it certain general tune - 411.01.1. . Weere Ank hoer or lave elves* Pitme 1* - 10143-'llioneande or nen •filet en Ivrea% Trock-Tite Serionntese Groves: Sul WI.10-41$10ler or the First mod* nein anoceee--No Nen Potent* the lie - ~elate**. end Unite or 1,111»-,Milio irelitte Oat the Tree War to Lire 6$4 A de.epatelr from Washington, MOW. -- Rev. DA Talmage mantled frone the following text: -"Is the young man Abealom safee"-2 Sam. zeal. 82. The teve greet Oarecteristios Of Ab- salom were worldly ambition and %tien- t . y met e wart de aee by the second hung. He was a bad boy, and. broke his old, father's heart. He wanted. to get his father's throne, and, ao he goes out, stira ineurreo- tioto and Mates a great battle. 310001- wbile the father 'sleek in the door •of a fortress waiting for the neWs tO acerte, ti.:92,ps win or Abolora's troops win, but not °hien anxious ea to 'vvhether his ' chiefly anxious about the, safety of his son. While the eld Man is sitting there -end -looking oat, he streathe dust arising and some one running with eeee, ke-e- k • r . r. • , qua; Th'e Saute act. established through. ou the metropolitan area administra- aye vestries end distriot. boards a works, whose busineas it Was to attend to tocial matter% The very different degrees. of efficiency 'with which lo. oat duties were performed caused wide- ' sPread dissatiafitotton, Whicb led, in 1888, to the passage of the Legal Gov- ernment act. By this law, a popular.: eteeted, CouotY Council was .substi- tuted for tire Metropolitan Board of -171torki; hut contrary to a euxreot not only the .historie corporation 04. the City of Loudon proper, but a/so' other existingi local authorities, Were lett virtually untouched. While. this was theoreticallY truer the Progressive majerities in the County Council have inceesantly endeavored to increase their powers at the expense of -the vestries and district- boarde, end have tend- ed teliring about en e.xtreme centraliz- ation, the nItimate .reault Of which would be the effaceMent of the • ves- tries, and evert- the absorptien ef the City of toedon proper. The bill introduced in the present sessioO is the outcome of a decided re- antion against the centralising ten- dency. It leaves to the County Coun- cil most of the collective. powers which the ackt; et 1888 intended to bestow up - 'on tt, but effeetually debars it &in acquiring .any -others( by. creating a large number of ratinicipalitiSs, whieh are to have exolueive coOtrol of . their local• cencerns. The bill defines the areaS of thirteen administrative Yee- ' • tries and school district board wineh are to beconie " ntunicipal boroughs." oleo revivee the ancient pity pf West- , ininstegr which will have a population , J.80,000 and *ill include ode places "'"--.tri Mayfair, BelgraVia, tits present Westminster, the Strand and St. Mar- • tili's-in-the-Pield. Commiseionere are to be appointed to delimit similar bor- oughs throughout the remainder - of London, under the restricticin that each shall have a poeuiation between .100,000 and -400,000. The Council of each, borough is to consist of a Mayor, Al- dermen and Councillors ;• the number of its members, however, must not ex- - oeed seventyetwo, whereas; at preseot •sornieof the vestries have 120. • great despatch; but 'he canna wait until be gets up to the beams. The old man orles out at the top of his voice; "Haire you. heard from ray boy/ 1,30,* the time of sortie. greet bushiest* &Wise Might, ao well and out * ship oil, THE SUNDAY SC11001, render him eny Orr/Ice,. end that they ter, wheu hie soul *auk witbin hiMt taln witheeit eny oktrpenter, or tool', $ might now °moult thelr own safety." and hie mind elmest dropped from Its or °etre frontage. As long art the nee 9. See John 17.12. "No doubt, ae the throne , -yet after the duns, awl toils, wee smooth, the oaptein. would get evangelist inetrizete Uti by referring. to end anneyerices, end ineults of the along very well; but, eftet awhile, INTSUATIONAle LESSON, KAY 14t, tbekee werds, it Wall OUr 1,order pitying day, he went to hie home and shut the when the sheep le caught 14 the teeth r "" rose • 0 Ill •••• Cara fOr their wealtness Anti fear door againet the world ot ttalaY/Moel ota northeaster ; crash! goal therareetek 'sheerer metre ele rind 4 tee tt g se wee which guided hint in peoviding for their and, there, amid the sweet home voleee and the ;tea (bushes clear over the bur- . of those who had never betraeed hem, eicane deck, and the captein cries out: ha gottleei Text. Nee. 08, le . etiTtapttelkrefealtir shtobitrd blieve aMloUr a 117014. found ti fOreteete of that heavea where e Where is the carpenter 1 Where are x0.......AL Had they followed, him to the judge polies never oeme. Why., he 'aerate the Mole l' Where are the ropey!" Whur vt:roe rtaa1070 wort:. Zallii:;0rde.00e... vae.teccitIbulrelto, Hilke rater, 000 Luke 22.01, misfortune. lIe gayer "She won't be dered to tell hie wife ot the bluenose it le prepoteroue for us to /Wane youpg men en life with the idea, that tained in the thirtee th f t nth meet-hele, like Pa_ter, therMight leave able to endure it." But when be wae they are going to leave it stilooill all 10, A fuller aceeunt of the incident n , enr ee , fifteenth, eixteenth, *and seventeenth elorapelleel to telt` her, how eurprise4 he the way, Tbere will be storms. You e men house as tu a urge house; aod lot war was oyer, woe people csraa his clikkolples. Where he and they Were John mentions the lian.le4 Ot t/ile eater& was tO find that ehe was ea happy in want extra covdage f hnow who our chopters of john. Ile went forth with after the piano went, she could„ 0011 back witholit a wretch or a soar, but at itoy point in these teaohin a can-, Then should be "therefore ' - fore- Atii iitgttt.h260,04,51,r004t., NoneavvainuggeallestwobrUat. POinted to in this verae is to be found eing without the accompaninzent a. thtat it not so in the greet battle of II not be certainly said. They went from slatie welt as ebe ever eang xtee Which it was unlawful to have on feast "'Teems, lover ot toy gout, , ' life; we get wounded in the hands, daye. It haa been auggeeted by Dr. Let me to Thy boom flee . end wounded in the .feet, and wound- lee •••••8 auPPer roorg Mit into the moon - While the Weems near Me roll, ,, I heart. No man esoapeseput now what ed: in the head, and weureted in the !Mind recorded by Liike explains IMO mirinight. Some embolus oonjece, Westeott that the healing of the tux° that Jesus spent two or three . Willie .the tentliest atilt le nigh; . are You goleg to do with YoUr first r r' esteape trom arrest. • tilde' inef 0 My Sevioirr, hide, Tilt the storm ef life is pest, Borrow t My young brother, the waY, quiet hours with bia disoiplee In the ei Th Whioh were °Pea at given ia. Ti 1.70:10flit,te rl, obradtt 0 reoelee my Keil at last," other 'sorrows of life. It Is the first Yon got through your firet marrow will temple courts, decide whether you. can endure the night during pessever week; in any prayer in the Safe Into the haven guide, garden, whioh, howevee blow that sende men to drinking to oses, they had a long walk through the john does net record, as mine of the eter had droweily half heard t There have been Christian mitten other evangelists record this sa drown their trouble% or quit knooke er7ketige east,reetts orgbonew of° the egrneeawt 31E:r.ityer a few minutes beiore, eet t hi hi h h Yigi blee sanetifie ..ce ent hat they wha nave' " nria.:14,etht clolatin °DN.- th'e fir t f them until elhee root a (See not could get more raw" eat.pt a aiming wofhtzbeits: trig (Iwtheeigyhigro irrwtheat axert:4; The brook Ocdron. only Matt. 26, 89; Mark 14, 86; Luke . "went forth," Maehine than ever before in their A muuster at the.ossosi 04rue into a aliwned the store. Who la 'that under- of -Cedare." Nearly all ravines in Fai- ad oommeroial establiahMent ? He once "The Meek Ravine," or "The Ravine 22, 42; but also .Exek. 23, 3,t7 ,Thilfh, ea, lg. Then. "Therefore. or "so;" as a life they could get out of a piano, . . minpxy AND DESTITriv nee - -fee', - tory, When thee firatl4sorrokev came he 'ea . ng in thet great manufanturing es- tablishenent re Et ono owl ed the face now a eteep, narrew, pebble bottomed oillitt.re'be; ohett,i's c... winter, xhe ca.:Iran, ar xideen, is tonsequence of Peter's resistance, The (ratite: are dry in sum er b t torrents iti , ti heMe where the a re w s great • anci it wad genetally Supposed that the - fell, hexing ao grace to atistain hinit A eau:Iran' ?Iti Poveiety came trom the fact that these and he never rose up -never will rlip• Vall0Y, with cultivated itrips of land e.ettaionoca'n:aurdgeirn,„alzitlitear°y' tribuene;" .peoPie, had niarried too early; and, ofr, PerhaPe your first trhuble may ,Pe...andefoothatli.s.orosaing it it irieghlai "1 ter the minister had looked around up. bereavement, Gocl sometimes °examinant. , 'leers Of the Jews.' Jewish p n "lart--0(fit, iii.rvabs. Once in a while it is filled. on the ntter want and deetitution and takes a lamb out of the fend, Reeve , cers who guarded the terapie. Bettund the first -borne I have Seven' broth- idler dry, and the eorontork belief irk that *learns may- have retitle. deemed hem a ers and testers, all of Whour lost their a iiving eitr earn flowe iender-ground• eksedelmes Man, and' les bonds a had. rehearsed the reisfortwies that had come upon the housetold, he turued to, the poor man and said: "Don't you.now you. ever noticed how often'ertrul taireS h.Y.' the winter rains, but iteisegeneree-inar Some at least of the enemies of HERVIVAN tlreTooDAT*. CHURCH. Webby Jake * Theatre MIA rr11400,441014 iNeXes for the Peewees, The nOW First Baited Temper ox Colunabure Ohio, which wee dedicated last Sunday, elle at the unique edh Soo in the Wert. In originality it prehably stande flint in the Skunk architecture_ of Ohio, In aterie it is a modified form al Gothic, without cupole, dome or steeple Though it hes beautiful wrought atained glass Gothic. wink:hives and arches, many Romanesque eeatures are used in the minor parte, especially in the Wexler decorations, where the are rangement ot the building- is most striking, - Initead et entering the house el worehip through a small vestibule, the' visiter etepe through the gorgeously herved Gable portal into a long corridor. on either side of which are °Moe% electure rooms, nursery, pare lora and similar rooms Wessell tae modern *churches, The corridor ts wainscoted in white Marble and lute the appearance of a theatre lobby. ,irt either side, near the end of the lolehis beautiful tkerved, staircases lead to the balcone aboye. ' • , " The end of the lobby leads direct into the main auditorium exaetly the lobby of a theatre. From the- west aisle which run around. the rear of the room ende the circular balcony a good' view. le had of the tiommoillous stage which the Baptist minister is to use for hit Pultit, and where are located the great organ and the :seeds for the oboir. The proscenium arch is elaborately decorated and lacks only the drop our. fain and the flies to carry out tile stage effect. On either side of the stage. pulpit are a series of. boxes designed to be used for the deacons of the church inetead of the traditional f`araelL1 oernera.'" The pitched floor, with its circular ' kkeats, the %realer balony, the boxes aod the stage, with their rich ornameotetion and brilliant frescoing, give the beholder the ine• . pression of being, in a pretty little theatre rather Ulan e, Baptist ' Church. • : A. tour of the building will disolose every moderft convenienee,„ including electric lights, water plumbing, it ' room for bleed's, cloak rooms, librari, Sunday school. room, kitchen arid lava- tories. • "We want sense -thing new in the line of church architecture," was the idea of the leuilding emnrciittee. It is the unanimous verdict of the people who have been permitted to peep iuto the church during the finishing of its in- terior that the committee have se - owed what they were after. The new teMple ift the church' sensation. of Central Ohio, and already has been dubbed even by prominent Baptiste the "East Side Theatre." The. ground for the new church was purchased January 1, 1897, and ground was first broken October 3, 1897 The „ corner stone was laid with impressive . ceremonies by the Knights Tempters June 3, 1898. The Rev. El: Barbour, pastor of this up to date ecclesiastical edifice, is a native of Hartford, Conn. Start- ing out in life as a reporter, he became a lawyer, and later on a clergyman. regret your AAA Is he dead! Is he alive?' Is the Young you ttkink it—w4rasmayrolarieggreat man Absalom erafee" But this mess- Mtge ih lifer And the man halted tor eager had not yore satisfaotery intel. :a moment, and. his eyes filled. up with ligence, Bo he WaS told to stand aSit10. Tr be leeked at kis 9°"1.Y and, looking out, he sees another there ate some of jytuawbo WIrultd, ne ° I The father waited for fuxther tidings, been Ivheesaainnde,staold4e'714PtIliir; Ilehres messenger coating, and se:ye; "Ahl now your home wvears have known what worth if Gad had not upset yoti, and hear from him," entirely .for yowl SCOO1 had not been ransacked of getful of' bow muoh Was involved in- trouble. The tirst tough of trouble the battle. As, soon as the messen 6 cha d th • g r lige at wife wine -was too fond or 'ernes wthlein sPeaking distance, the the gaieties and frivolities of the wooarg. I 01d man cries mit again: eWhere istdy ti.t° aer•Ildhat.rld• rise. la boy/ Is he Woundedt Iis he dead: 14 Vietory an thee 'banlrilet):1 gnegkkil Stella! he deed? .10 the young man Absalom 0,„if You have spoken of lightness, and frivolity, ana londriess for display as safe?" 0, no, he. was not safe. Iie had tloieeirolaief elearaoteristic of woman, been riding on a mule-a,emale is tturly u norwe not of What you ineak, and meanest thing on earth to ridereen; it I may ha to ,00rrect your mistake in has a toegh mouth; and it is stubborn- gems P - bitter 'day when all other 'su ntelrEgle. and it is uncontrollable' and hi)tad4by. the handa' of a Christian wife have tailed you, and you .are up - will net 'answer to the le' ' first-born, We want tiew grace of God.. where On the Mount f Oh es not neeeseltr• 0 v , lg. Annae. {Luke 3. 2; Acts 4, 64 to the house. that erst was full. to comfort ua when bereavement comes I of here nannad, but rising iMmediatelY This man is called Ananus by Josephuse laughter, and sunny, lochs, and greet- from the outer edge of the Eidron, A 01 her variaticiria of the name are Hanan Inge at the door,' and kisses by little garden,. Mods flung from the window as. yon ,_,... „„,. .. .. . . most powerful Jewe of that ame, and • ubt- and Ananias. He was one ot the An olive plantation, do ita name, tietiusemane, given had been. high priest, but was reraoved went do'wn the stairs, and everything '''":" "A by Matthew,and Mark, means Oil -press. by the •Romans, anti suceeeded by is °hanged, and the toyer; ory in the nest because the hawk swoops, a..,1 There were many such "gardeus", three othersovho each held the dignity the pulses flutter, and the cheek fade i around' Jerusalem. The alto of Gethe for a year or leas, when Joseph Cala- and the eyes close, • • see:lane is shown with eie the come, phas, eis son-in-law, obtained it: With AND THE HEART STOPS. . the. advancement of Caiaphas, Mess . deuce of early and unbroken tradition. Into which. he entered, and his die- 0 re ained much of the political author - To put away garments that never ity of the office. Intee of his sons• will be worn again, and toys that never (utiles. John makes no mention of 0114' Mlle in turn to the high priesthood,. again will strew the carpet, and to Lord's agony, which is serange; 'but When the eve,ngelist says that they go with a ono of suffocation in the usually mentions nothing except to add led Oim awey to Annas first it implies throat through deserted halls which to the acoomat of the other, writers, and here he had uothing to add. that he was afterwards led to Citiaphas, • 0, Gpd, who can stand that? Poly _ 2. judas. also, witioll betrayed him, once rang with childish merriment - held the office of high Priest trope as the story gem on to say. Caiaphas those who hese Thy help. toeng knew the place. A statement made to account for the traitor's visit. He had Al), 18 to A.D. 88. ) • man, when your first trouble comes, 1L4. Now Caiaphas was he. See Min be it of business or of bereavement, not been with Jesus for several hours. , you will want Christ. ." Eetrayed him " might be rendered lle 49 - •Now you are hate and strong. You " Was betraying Won ;," the treason was . . look as if you could leap, and hemp, a process still going on. judas could . CA.NISIBALISM IN CANADA. . and wrestle, and row, as though you not have betrayed Jesus if he hadoot could battle your way through; but been intimate with him. The .bitter. ---- ' The Existence orate Practice, hidicided be . after.a while you will be aiok. You est enemiea of our Lord were power-, will be told that you rause stay in, less without the help of one pf his ine Axrett orrwo Indians. and your door will be shut against , friends i and the nearer we come to ' - Recent arreets of North-weat Can , ,the world, •There will be two w,etchers our divme Master in church, in Sun- - a.dian Indians by a detaohnient of the at the •pillow. and the night will be d'ay school, aid in daily Me the more • aid attire came an awful negative: names have just been written. Blessefl anoreing will come and you will be preach txpon him•. The questiou of the nibellem is still practiced by Caoadiazi Tho significance of the proposed law is that it embodies a cenviction, bailed upon toe years' experience; that the diversified intereste of so a pppu- Jetfoil ea is comprised in the British metropolis should not be committed to a single hody of elective officers, who • either possessed' by statue pe have aimed bY etioroaelunent to acquire ere elusive jurisdiction over all local con- e earns within the metropolitan area. - The framers of -the Measure, as Mr. A, tr. Balfour explained, are 'determined that the County Council, established hit 1888, shall be what its lianas iMplieS, a board dealing with affaire that else- where in England, belong to counties, and hot with sucaz matters as are dealt meth in nikuncipaittiese During the last ten years, as we have sala• the drift of things; unit& the impulse given by County Conncil majoritie•s, has been toward. coesolidiition ; the Pure poets of this bill is to make segtegation definite and permanent, et If the Etill is carried through Par - hamar and of ite passage there seems to be no denibt, it will Cheistitute a de- claieteen that, rick far as the. experi- rai;it Made in London is coocernede five millions_ of people eanneti be !meccas - July governed as a municipality. The obvious truth is not, of' Conroe, die - puled .that :Mob a huge aggregation of barman. _beings must have certain cellective interest% the management of which requires a separate board creat- ed for that -specific purpose. To that end the present County Council will continue to exist, but with. powers rite etribted. and sharply defined. The re- cognition of this principle, however, is held tai be entirely reconcilable with the exemise el autonomy by certain territorial units containing at least 100,000 inhabitants apiece, so tar as Manifeetly upeeific ittterests are con- cerned. In view of eecett telegrams from Berlin It would not surprise tis if a simila.r reaction against metropoll- tark atilladlidatian Were tO proMoted by the PruetaiirGoverinment in that city. In the eh eapital, it will be eemetabered, e LS 'no Mit thing as a Mayor of Paris, Eaeh arm:obese. snot leas ite Mayor, kvhile the collee- thee intereste Mahe whole Departnuret of the Seine etr,eared for, by boards and by officiale•created for compreh.en- eive relzposete/' et' ' • ;yetTsitioNED nAttrtokns. One of the late;t inventiene that will no doubt Cane into extensive use Oneeete of a new ineutating material whieh the of "iron felt" has been given, The felt e,oileibts. of strOng woOlen fibree IMPregnated with a bY- -product of petrolettin and then coat. ed by gelatine rendered Insoluble and afterward, vulcanize& After beingauh- jeeted to pressure the! iron felt IA. hearties the forp of plates that vary in thieknese from half an inch to two Moho, Theo plates are very elastic are Practically hedeetructible, titkd will stead a presorts of 20,136 pounde to the equate ilkoh. Mimed between rails and their eleepers they; wilt riot AS epring oushione to eliminate ell jar- ring, and wheels of railway traitor wlit seem to be eland with velvet. it - andrid- suddenly armed by the Lord Almighty lire on the mule, hs came under %tree, for theet emergency. Young man, and his splendid looks caught in. a rush not into that relation without an appeal to G-ocl. If you ever need Ilis branoli, and the, ranie, true M its char. graoe you: need. it there. Is tbere a a'oteristios, would not strop, but went more beautiful spot on earth. than a on mild left Absalom suspended. So I new home in which those juet affiane. ad, have begun the service of God?. he died and to the question of the $ Bleseed th f '1 Irbl " • hot, and nervous and restless, The careful should we be to bring no re- Moanted pollee go to prove that cane The Yon -IV -man Abealore Was net safe. 'the. hour of morning _and, evening =Worse, and the lattice' will be tUrned. ,POssibilitY of audas's final salvetion aborigines. TWO prisoners. 'brought about .1 Propose ' this morning teo aPeak Praier. • Blessed: the angels of Ged, They will silence the footstepl Do the . should, be 143ft tcr the Juge of all the ' into the barracks at Edirtonten bY the safety a young, men., There who touch .wing tip to wing tip :until Stairs with a "h -u -s -hl" You. will be earth, who will do rikht ; but exam - are oiretunetances in: life wh the home.ii! all covered up wi.th a very sick, and there *ill be doubt ination into the detalle-cif the treason Polies .were caPtured ted -handed, but --e-ea plan 0anoPY of light, and love, and joy. It expressed co, tla -,vhethe:r you -will ever •Ininga tie at every step to a blacker they seeir to defend themselves from booms to get along quite well without maY heve been only yesterday when get well; and in your dreams you will deletle of iniquitY and dishonor. Jesus the charge of murder by declaring that any religion to help, guider er restrain they clasped. their hands at the altar, hear the dash of waters, and you wUl oftentimes resorted thither with his their victim was addicted to cannibal -t him; but • there are' foux of Eve great tat they dazed. theseihends for ever, make UP Your mind it is the breaking criplais Probablait this-ri fers to eitr- ism att•d that havirag soprised, him in e orange ossoma w 11 fade, and the, of the waves of the Jordan against ex v on fest ve occ s ens, a y passes in bfe when a young matt fragrance will die Oti the air, but they your pillovr; and yeu will hear a 'sound of the orawds that came to.jerusalem the act of feeding u.pon human flesh needs the grace of God, 'and. I shall who mane 122 Christ shall walk togeth- at the gate, and you will think, why had to sleep hi the open air, and it their' killed. hini on the spa, in itecord- the Larab's wif ta e of this give a kindly warning to ottr young rr in the day when the Church, which that IS the pawning of the hoof a the is not unlikely that Jesus and his dta- mice with their custom. ,These Lee friends against undertaking life vfith- et her Lord and Eene mid, the swine_ the great physician te come in and garden as a sympathizer, repeatedly dians believe that when one* oi their 0, s ke th ,hand pate horse. 08. then you. will want olples, _recog.nizing the ovvner out religion. • ing of the golden censers 1 13t4nd hy you and say: "Young man, turned its irowere 'into places of re- number.once tastes hliman flesh, (inn TEI.K. FIRST GREAT pAs.s. . TEE THIRD GREAT PASS fear not, I tun with thee; whether you pose, Tudas may have expected to find to assuage the pangs of hunger', he be. ,n a Young men's life when he needs in life in which a young plan wants , our Lord asleep. conies changed. into a windigo or man, Divine help is when he el:1.00E03e hie oee religion is hi the time of his first suc- There conies a great. pass through 8 Judas then, having received a band .the chief e,ating monster, who will not hesitate 011Pation or profession. It is a serious oess. You will, young man, after which we must all go, ray hearers, and of men and offieers from mement when a young men .eete while get through with the. tirudgerK that is the Jest hour ot our life, •.t. priests and Pharidees, It is a horrible to kill in order to gratify his a t•t live or die all is %tn."- ppe e haps leavei his father's house and will get into a. etreet oar, your face We want „our friends and kindred in horrible question ask our therefore considet. it a solemo dtzty aa genies, 1,120,000. 'th I i I A GREAT NATION. ••••••• through avith his eeli r a of bueiness, and soixte afternoon yo suppose we all wait to die at home, priests and Pharisees. It as re whenever the opportunity offers. They The Jews of 11i0 World Number Alto .00 mg, 821 • pet- . • • • says: "Now, what shall I bet Meehan- shining, and (Wen strangers looking at e room w en our soh ;as aunched. selves, but a useful one. What' was ha d h • want to look tbem in the eye.. We address to the• disciples? while they tion to kill at sight, a possible by e. isra opens before him a score of trades you will know soinething pleasant has We want- to take their end. We Judas doing while Jesus gave his last well Ss a' simple act of selfeprsiserva. Theee milli= Jews live in Ruesia, and professionallife opens before hirn PPene ; and w en you. are eeated , °beak between these, ahd intuit 01100s0 . a car a lady comes kek, sea yolk see she want to give them the final message. wallrea across the city to Gethsemane/ stealthy does not find accommodation, and you Some of them we want to sing and. while lie agonised in the iknadows, and known .to have peactieed anthropop- blow from behold, any one seven or eight callings. He must aright, for if he make a mistake here rise up and say; "Have this seat, ma- some to praje, and some to recite the Peter, ;awes and eekhn droned eene Mtge. '•• , ' eam," and she says, very courteously, Divine promisee. When I leave this stead of watching t • The margin of the The inissionaries say that it is lieu- etiieseg, °B12a °lintel° cirintatYh'rou khi th ma ng a wrong b 9 a Warld; ha y a ii, i? Th h a in not the' sun, nor the moon, nor the hort" for "a band of Men." A cohort man flesh that drives them to the prao, whe started life in inerchaan"disea. Trtehenn Iless success'. You say: "Here I have art; he went into- the medieal rof s i rummy torev of my own. What shall I it is the !ape oe, my eriends. iBut almost sertainly reopens!. e or e _ _ a e qui e come A.ft r hil h .. e. aw e e crossed we .want a Divine friend in 8110h An arrest or Jesus, without els power t.he mon emote some of these inonns. mo Poore Sin6ene lo....wittp? itt.w.h.W4ehh,,sat,,i_nees,tfigaelftis rem hour as that. Without Christ death Prieste would net have dared to make victira ,sud,derily became a. hypochone epecific surgery. Then he entered the ' "ia - ' -"'". ''''''''' " Y is. a wild leap into the dark. Did you it, -even it they had been able, There driac,. his malady developing Into a in the army. After' that h t d soldier What wardrobe shale i create t What ever heir what a, dying nobleman, seamed to be need of force, for who, Mazda!, :•In its sueeeeding stage the in - shall I get t 'What charities what wrote to his nay friendt He tutid: 1-'1 knew when Galilean fanatics might sane wart.eeized•with such taut er eor -ministry. Then he became a I tphantlt ytea,t1 Whtig. :an u et, woild, the last object X want to see is Revised Version substitutee "the co-. ally huziger and not a passion for kw - rt. ul: his life be otielirs, midi his every ste arc d You bear had your first ,ITusi- ye picture, nor the beautiful works of was six hundred strong. Pilate was ties. Father Dablon tells in his Jour- •bl f tIt nal of a disease that w s t • te e they are shut Up in the west - *h. e mei provinces and villainously treat- ed. If lie ventures to live outside the Jewish. pele hiltuesia, a Hebrew hail to carry on sorn„ humble trade, and the rich'est banker in Odessa, if any Rus- sian has a grudge against him, May, be compelled to work as a cobbler on pain of banishment. • Naturally, the Sews retaliate, and delight in getting Russian officials and - rtebleis under their power with loans the ministry again, and is now a sue- Philanthropies, shall I favor . That 'am throwing ray last stake foer•etern- try to rescue their . faeorite: Rabbi? human -flesh tha,t sorting like ei, _ money. one minion five hundred" geon 01 if he had only had God at' is the crisis where thousands of men ity, und tremble and ehudder for the The eofficere" werethe leak° of the. fauliebed liPort all that he met, thtvasand :ewe live in the Austria.n , the start to tell him what to do. There uPset. Boma of them ruah,into diasie intpottant issue, 0, my -friend, With temple, uhder the orders of. the Sea- "In ProPortioo," says the good father, Empire, Where they axe persecuted. are tene of thousands of nun who get pation. They swing off into elpendf- ,wha t horror do I retail' the •hours of hectriii. Most. of ithe "chief priests" utiS,..he fines wherewith to glut this The present mayor and corporation of ere ahle 'to correct.the misteke. ' The tures that swamp them utterly. others vanity we have wasted together.; Bue were at this time related by intermar- hunger, it geoWs like thirst in dropsy, Vienna were elected for the express on the wrong treake And they never are in thb law When they ought to lir) take onean arrogance intolerable, a I have a splendid passage toithe grave. riage, united closely' in Politics -And in and teaeordingie the Indians never fail purpose of bullying the Jewish come -whole caravau of camels going through r die in state and languieh under a religious skepticism, enterers at spirit- to kill at OUO6 any one seized. with this: munity. Prance has 80,090 jews, Rou- • "It I ' • on soft mil life and the resurrection and disease."' doctoring the sick •or they are fel' the needle's eye of their meanness. I gi canoPY. ara expiring the pulpit when they ought to be. have. knewn men' before their succemie and . downy pillovv% My 'dependents toadies to the Rum.an power. lint we_ • Thts will be the line of defence made ploughing torn. We want iionte fine kind' and bumble' and Inving' and gall" are to take the phrase. as a whole- on behalf of the present Indian prison - 1 d useful and obliging. arid posie "the chief priests attd the Pharisees" ors at Edmonton. • Father Nedelas occupations, or 80M8 neat and ele ant a ' an ' tively Christian, who, after their sue, m line SISTERS WEEP, * -and understand it to mean the San- who journeyed. as far north as Lake jar public tam. -trade, and we start Out with -that de- $ for the ohief question, how „beautiful .bearixig, and infidel. A man wants the -2 k . years and of grief,. ray love y w e, pale weapons. _ y father bends beneath lthe ;ilea& of The soldiers bore their there, seports the murder oe alnydoirianngs 3520,0u190°,PA.8 tribaclia 5601,000,000,0Aflealv260,4001Alleraincda terrainatiort, when, instead of having cess, became hard, and crueleand over- ... hedrin. Lanterns and torches arid Mistassioi to minister to the ' h m r g y a mace , osep w gi i htl b I d J h as 9niah' 'fly frien-d, 7 °I:8 RS conceals her inward an - h es ney. own usua arm . d 1 s d cl moonlighe mother, for the same reason, and an- So altogether there are 7,120,600 of our apparel may be in that occupation race of Christ at that Crisis to keep "u' °Iient' ( a Lanterns and torthes, man 18 years of age, in 1$87 by his own Australasia 20,000. soul, sup raises his stg s an eave . . , not rdinarily nee e on a n were brought because o p o e ss weary e f Or th r ini i t Ils the kitory of the this nation, which is pretty fair, twil- 1 mania has it0,000 .7ews ; Germany 700,- 000, Holland 80,000 and Italy 50,C00. Great 13ritain has 80,000, including many a our most notable and poPu- or how white our hands, the only querf- tiem ought to be: 'Tor kvhat did God much % Christian in Pharaoh's court nig fit me P There are five hundred buei- 1 2 t a n th dungeon. Daniel forgot not the to hige his rief; but 0, which of. I g th . , possible n y ecessit to search among the murder by another Indian woman of aidering that -3,00yea g , Y rs a o the on y nessee in life • but there is only one uou amen the roysternag exceeses of :them will bal me feom e arrest or two entire f.amilies, with. the exee.0- numbered about 3,000,000, and the whole /3 e 3 • 3 Q n n nfan. death, Ayho will thdeseende tarot: meths? sluzdows of the olives. 4. leeowing all thiegs, Our Lord on of one young Man. The victims ti " '" ' ' has been maesaoring h if ta kW enemies with included two man, tvro wornee, three actvdnizbendllywinogrldthera ever eince. TheY . , • business for which Yon are fitted, the. a y omen pa £100. e d •d w h• tiA5 K. dar prison, o e gray yonag man iknd if you blunder on a owe o e are ° Adieu, till vve inset in 'the World of free, deliberate will. Wettt forth. Out boys, and tour gees arke skkbsisted seem to be by far the most cape le without arty Divine help in yeur choice ifeliVen of an 'oecupation ro e AXED THE GLITTER OOP GOLD spirits. hadows of the ardett into the for some time n' h T gave unse . up a the 13 hundred and ninety-nine chances to end the perfume of gardens of frank- Whit a sad way to nave, haeed whiatit meonlight; away from the ehrinkings late Father Dun:seller converted to art, industry or sciene% in which thee up° tlesa hes . he race on earth. There le not a singlet p f gown, four one, you will get the wrong businese. incense. A man can be as good walk- e Your father will want you to do oae ing 'upon Axminster tie though he r I -v- 'and let my last mid be like hie' 0, Let me die the death of the righteous, dignity of Godhead in which he died. Veronique, who was an inveterate Celt - Where seek 3,-e? Not becalms he did nihal, and. only escaped death at the sa waY to- get ettt t -wet . of his inaterial nitture• into the calm Christianity a Naseapee wentan *mined lieve not excelled. thing, yout mother will want you to ed on the floor of a shanty. There do another thing, your sisters will has been many a man. who has ridden Ile was a young man. He died a youno young man, to -day take Xesus Christ, tunit • to'. declare their purpose, a tot know •but to give them an opponrci hhaeonaduss eofotetthheardrnramdhwehrshohoisltriztarplibrt want you to do another thing, while through in magnificent enuiPage on men, • tie keows all a young mans espeetally,. it would seem, to conceal ett in them by reason a her powers as you yourself will not be quite decided earth, and at death got ou.t of „hies temptations and trials. Are , rmt, the disciples. a sorceress. lier first viotim was her! ysist as to whether you haVe• etidurance carriage only to nieurtt the charlOt5 fair and honourable, and pure ana truer 5. Jesus of Nazareth. Afore precisely, husband, who had died of starvation, This ...an 41111011,t7NbOtrotire Home Agalc Man needs the graoe of God to belp ae though it had ne / wish Ihad dui Divine him.. Goa fashioned yoor body, and Ile toe minimise But, my brethren,'sue- defenee. You know not the first to greet theta, r ant. lie, See the third 'Wee 'kilted, by its unnatural was thinking 5. Heavy, wearer, d What IS before you. Take the Lord Jelan 6.20; .8. 24; 28, 58; 18 10, Sudas mother. She next 'killed a Woinan of gusted, he opened the erone door will SAVED THE SECRET. enough for this, or eductitioo enough of salvation, in glory sweeping through I do not dispute it, Notwithstanding ',Jesus toe, Nazarerkee# in the gloom. and ,she continued her feast until she for that, or tact for the other thing. the !streets of heaven. •Xt is all not, - Alf! that is the time when. a young sense for men to tatk -against moneY man hag no Safety in these %ties neat- en that, you want Christ. A young np moo would .they..expect him. to be two of whom had died of hunger, while reuachellad ahilslerellsid°euntoelattleoci hureh clook they could not recognize him, end in had devoured three of her childree, -11" 0 When he "knowi• your physical endurInce. Ile cese in life* of ,any land must be tie- a`esus,christ this aft your parclon• sto d with them. Revised Vere her own tribe, who hadebereelf feast - eonstruoted Your mind, and tte knows "i eompanied by the grace of God, or it your nee, your heaven, sion " was standing with them." The ed Upon the body sert."Lora, what wilt thou have m43 f perity of fools shall destroy there," of one or her eatdreh Home clifficulty, and softly toiled up wilt stell you *rightly. Blunder here twiao can stand trouble, thete is not far ..astraY. .Y011 are too late when ward to take his phtee among the apes- in the last few years cannibalism was pyaouthsproefacaLtonm00% Xyohuavseeegintnienitiht: omens, itntl, if posilible, eon tl cent his tree.- extinct among Canadian Indian% but to dot" God will tell 3r0111 V nd ile , And where there are one hundredmen and you have blundered forever. 1 1 one Mart that can suited euccess. I Dish of my cheekt Don't you see it *Think goodness, site was asleep! knov a score of men who .have beep ohave• seen inen coining to sudden for. ed into a &air, and, with - the eerttrary is evidently the case., Ile drnPll . d I e groun . il V P , ,, d... Th 't t b k d tut fell to von ac war a ' , out taking -off hia coat or hat, began to remove his shoe. One he placed' ruined for both woelds simply beeause tune get into their equipkige, arid dash . iu the glaze of kne" eYet I have g°11"' th eSr d I ro lietio words the . for wbat prefession jrou have the inoot is ruin. Who was it that said -I think Het there is some young man here treac' herons kiss is .not mentioned bY and becareie feed, in turn for the .wret- the stairs, entering the bed clamber aeumen, tberefore, to Rim and 1 it wee Solomon that old, Theopros- who says: "I have already gene too .Teaks. sudee had probably come for. nixed Veronique. It was 'thought with- with elaborate caution. NAIL AND WIND, ness they lash_ so fax off in sin there is no nee o your preaching to me." My brother • psalmist sang ' "%hen the wieked, ON en . alas ! AS he took off the other it slip - with great care upon the tloor, but, they got into the wrong kind of bust- on faster and fester, and °aerie upon ed the /deeds; it' wee eight miles an Yeir are Irdstaken. You Mae' get Weir. mille ent5nlie8 alla nil f°68' Me to eat UP net flesb, they tatunabled tlreat tbintase to Property Isi Nebraska.- °el utd ..,...... loud Iroise. of his hand ami fell with t Divine direction is when he establishes and then they roused up and saw that the b cl hit i ' tit' y his own, household. 'When a man they were drawn on by fiety hoofs, of y e re i o or moo, e S hen tior. here that a supernetura terror geeeeekr toeuree, She looked at him and then, et the eternity', / know that affiancing is tering ort the pavemente of bell. The - - - - 3 be as' wool." But sorrel (me says; 1.1 n''arl'nwered these rues. he do," anye Augustine, " when h " What shall through the blinds, he , A despatch from St. Edward, Nene, suhemer eernlight that streamed betide his earthle bo.ine, be decides hie eternal alsoter that ealne down clat- don't dare o.nething al'oet that, I - tays:e-A terrific wind stornt 4 Pro (M- k . . comes to judge wit) did this when e p a was abottt to be judged t" One inkport- hue almost the fury of a hurricane usually looked upon as• soneething. to Teraelites got along tolerably well I '' " 0 have stateed in Vie path: of inn, emu "Why, George, what are you getting $ w a a er$ le were temitten in the desert ; bal.:after ro .r, whrit A mistake you ar M g i , oat grea dea o relief - our Lord's surrender to ri'ght d ' g a t 1 f damage to "Why my dear " replied George , $ in life when e younw man wants hour, and a thousand milee at hour, THE SECOND GREAT PASS hour, and ten, and twenty miles an searlet, they shall b5" 04 snow' though Etear that, "Thougheeour eins be att and felL" There is a distinct implicit- Live:Meek Killed and Several Permute kreekeeeee. awoke, ou the hest ant. be merry over o . a .p ace in 0 0 swept over this plaoe ork Thursday Talk about reprieves -I , instea of aomethIng when they were hungry and whop they ° h M iroinit to ea! an. , nay ant f ot • I d " I Sr so earlyefer t' thero fraught with Mich weal or woe? a while thyl teivterited sottekehigg More Yoti. are floating on dome into the rapid') of tin fretful and eternal plunge. death was voluntary. He turned to be prayed about • but h t t Is it not strange that azI affair charge worthy of r e svith the eleareet ,erinienrciatlIoni of wthilell oPtr • d aid, "Thinkeet thou kbet le'e?erie' a al lujuvinS eever,r1 persons, , a 1 1 lo.4* API t 4e aak7 Put baek! It may require some energy 6 6 4' an ° le th r iiii. lt eovered the ground„.to the depth Ile was ea with mai tetapoiall and eternal. im- ed for meat, anti ilia Lord sent a grefik- a e ,tilietk of .two inches. Considerable live 1 8 eep, to I thouglat I'd get UP and go capable, . ottnt eau ( n t port ehould depend ean a whim or it flook Of (plaits, and they darkened t ; a 1 6rna ni ncniatiall' a" a *1°ring :141,11L' PillibewssFlt gti.°"MtY° tPcIrn glance t I do not think I put the cage lieavene and they fell all around about field of the !strong arm of the Lord e NAnduet stook was killed. At the farm of eV. out and take A walk." too strongly, when / say that when the encampment and the.people mid: God froin the baleenles of light look Od AIMIghty; but put back! Angels Of twetv6 1681•66s st "gt6181 111-1637iheee A. MoCulchin, Mrs. Spragno of Sioux And Gat thS 'Mt Wretch Werit,drege here is in strict accordanee w City was struck in the back bY fleeing fug hirxiself round wearily for a irk ite inenulsions. If he bring the hunger, but not ee with the prosper- ide rn t, oar with both I tide' a id pull! arich It again, No Man taketht ii; ;maw:, house wee wreaked. ,.. :-- ti i e aga rist you. ee the horae wilt be elevated kind upward through with the hardehip and the The Ochre rioted .. ......... • ert heaVeri or hell If he bring into his h,ave !" ana they Ate of theSe Attalla, nef. Aht nalveivv-,ha tin6 tutia Wa 811111 down u the 'strug le, You have 6e,th6,,erem„.62316rahel6kr.°.,td.6...°C debrie and eeriekusly hurt, rare. hra., eur uPon ihe verge of tears end tere a young Mart 'terrine, he blarriee for a et:Meta to tog with this aw- '"‘" e"'‘" x'aular wve Culehin was aleo seriously injured, tes Per. . liouriehold the right kind tki influences, and thee ate and they died, TheY got L. hold of th lay clown tay life, that mighttmair t 'wee Mr. MeCuiehin's mother. The la a 4t n ad be. but lay it down of myse t e Moo s ar house he will go doweeehe mud go going on, in 'life, now fewsersieted• aad ls ruin here; it la salvation', theft. It It hi I. gIOW in your laSt thane° for heaven. It Wrong ktnd of influences into' his Ey. And see ecoree of men who are pokveteeo lay it down, and haVelv and ferietke, anti destroying theelaugh. " natio PENCES. to take it again." ter house of le IL Fisher, also levelling .0 llat A li tie are utitheing the ra Jay e, Aram forked he them again. 1 veer to the northwest tearing down barns down. Build giot your hone oh the tried, rued •set upon •and thee are Inaba. Is death here; it is life there. ."Again therefore ha asked. theme the 'Union, Paelfie Te egraph linos. wire feneee to establish telephonio caves or tellers. flail broke most of the romanork, but a tremendous real tY; tiller are gone. rt la not tho troubles Warned er the voter!, of heavenly arouset ' them to their m windows in town. Meagre reports of •61g let miles apart, The instrumento olour of a fair cheek, or the sparkle Mining their Chrik:tiark thereof:or ; but Everybody ti St. Edward wont into eommutecetion between Mations slit 01 Of a height eye, fot life is not a ItaY giVe hint a Milts brilliant SUCceSS and "Ye lovelly1 bands of blooming Y . arid there will catne a time in your of ife that slay Wen, It Is the quails! , truth, home whelk you will not want eo it it the toraftel Now yield to Christ peer yOuthful eiplek thoroughly identif prime, outh, Prom their terror the leitd. himself 8. Let these go their way. e le. tho gore), torat ert from the country, are connected to the wire atranche illut Molt a pet or a tee as a heroiete, ' Ydiftl'S With hiA eattaa, were 110117 iree.r. been bet • isd ftw .ther614 but it is feared that some lives have ineuring a " neetallie circuit" at no ex.' tra exPenee, lor the tenets are awes THE MOUTH GREAT PASS outturat &emetic% aria already in plikee. There is no difficulty, it is said, in oonversing with a station fully eight milett distant through telephonee ren. fleeted le described. beveral sianons 6. *re so joined There Will be a time whire the oilt- Yon will eektars into your home wanting, the ttreet of God is when he comes to "Eternityl.how near it rolls of them drew has sword in defenee o .............e..e................. most of ale a neereut word, nee to hut nrat eorrow. There le ne toed of Count the vast value of your eotile; . hie Fraeler. Our Lord's last effort be - CRUELEST YET. see A d011iatettants unbeclooded, yet my ptrophesying for these sous* men Beware! and b011a tile AWful eost, fore eurtertder to to secure the Melte ehead Is gray noweewho looks bitch to. Snot . r I, a I Apostle* duet they Could no longer aide world will be dark enough, kknd men'e whiers ha needs "4111 37454f ttilftttand "me' to be aerated, espeoially so When One There IS Only one Midden deed)) eympathetio. There is a rAttli-his sme6 ggieh th0 VOU I ere Get." ears letter, were * sign& 0 Ite--Volt Poverty ie durgra *Minot Wantell to story "elikt among num, 4, h thl Thny know thst life What the/ htve gained whose Outs thr wh° 1"6a ' t the "The Warda,' gh - ety roes ts my fortune.