HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-11, Page 1Sit00 A 'WAR IN ADVANCE. " VOL. XXI CLINTON", 14URON COUNTY ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1899, WHOLE NO. 1,065 fro. • JLssOss, TON • • ; .? IIMIMENDFIT VIN AZ& TRINGO-NlitITRAZ IN NOTHINO. WO M I TOP! Elt,Li Editor and Prop The Laurier Government Has More Faith in a Gerrymander Than ill the Wisdom of its. General Policy so is Preparing to Juggle the Constituencies to Mak° Itself Seem Against 'OaDay of Judgment. T. C,1 St toiyed Well, probably you can't blamolt, Por- n has boon a good faithful servant been ing tor fit° or six years, and you never t.,) e it a thought as to having it cleaned or (, oi d; or perhaps you have had 0 repaired. and 0) It 'Us Stopped on account of bad oil, or a pour workman.. However. ne matter what the eats° may be, bring it to US'and have it thor. • onghly cleaned and. repaired. We guarantee ' you entire satisfaction or w.o refund you your ,rnoney. A.3141E4 EN • • and let es know if you have one that re- quires repairs. We will wafer it to you, when we are.satisfied that it is In fILI.C1ItS runsing -order. , ..• "------JP-- . . . Little Locals. ... .1 W. A s. entre:won. . • A hllesiOaarY Serafino A New Organist, !Mayfield. Clinton's May 24th Demonstration •The annual convention of the Gode- Rev. Fremantle Webb of _Calgary ,' Miss May Bentley took charge of will as usual. be a good one . Make ar- rich DistrictWomen'aiilliasionery Slade- placed before the ,congregatin4,0149t. the organin St Pa'ul's church on Sun- Mr. Stinson is pntting scene improve I rangements to come.—Sone Mis- ty of the Methodist church will be held Paul's church on last Sunday p. nithe day last and her playing was a pleas- naents on his house on Main street, I chievons boy covered Grocer Duncan'e in Holmesville on Thursda,yef nextWeek requirements of the ebureli in the dio- ant surprise to the ' congregation. Mr. W. Brandon has moved shoP windows with bad, in the double beginning at eleven a. m. An inter- - ease of Oalgeey, He met with a gen., Since then, she has been appointed as butcher shop tnto Mrs. Walwirecs senee, writing last Fridaynight.-- eeting program is being arranged and erons responses.something over $20.00 organist, and will no doubt give gen- further down Main street, Advertising in Tag NEws-REcortn the HOhnesville ladies are doing their bejng promised to the Work out thereeral satisfaction. Sohn Biggart a Dolan was in town pays, those who have tried it say.-- utmostto make the convention a stic- - it is only about a month since St. 'Paul's Th o chmhur Domo`osiattion, • this week., , "ss m Mr. Thos. Mason' hought a carload Of. emend hope to haven, laa•0to ge delegation sent ovbt $10. the 'Mission field else- . .1 (.4 horses ,for Mr. ..H017. Dili iao week \from each auxiliary in theDistrict-. ,whitre. • . The comnuttees appointed to cirraage Mrs : N . Murr.e,y and Miss:EBaker . for* a big celebration' on May 24th are were in Goderich last week. ' and, they were • shipped to Mani-. Mrs. Harriaon, who. SO thOrOlighlY" paining /1(/Th. I actively at work and promise a pre-' G, .A. Stinson has opened outii. gm - We are leaders in our line.. .7,t) 9 I?) • Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer. •••• ' Ssis• -SW or— (11 ElettITSE-,CL Jost now is staring every woman in the ,92 ' face, The stern realities of life are not nearly se hard to battle with if you •1:3 only know how to meet them. You cs will find that you coin do your house- t ea,riing with 0 great deal more ease . leasure if you Use a bar of c toba points on Friday. --- Mr. captivated the delegates toethe branch for eery store next to J. Tippet's harness ' John' Parker of Goderich township meeting in Goderich las,t year, has eon- . n town.tli:week,term this the . everybody. They Propose as usual' 84°13' • Mr W. In hell a Exeter has been grain that will have something ..s.ss has industrious hens.' One of them eented to addressrthe evening meeting, i ... ..1 . lila 1 - 1 u, liberal I' f i t , • k t Miss L. Ferguson of Brucefield spent: ma cselivery of a number of ma ingnee o. pr n era in o centre for . 9 . .Sunday in tow . ' laid an egg ilix8S inches. His neigh- to which all are invited. , make la thein• f • ' a' fanning mills he recently received ma know list o attractions. ...... Mr, N. Cameron 6f Oorrie ,was in hors could .not be convinced' at first • P) sight that it was not a duck egg. Will the Tref:lc:nen Strike? ' . orders for. Cm hisrounds he Ruda A Lillie M:ick. ----- town over Sunday logs are approaching a crisis on clanY old mills yet in use, particularlY Master Jimmie, the nine-year-old son, Mr. A. Whiddon of Ripley is visiting trackmen over the whole road may i0 Mr, Robert' Welsh receive& word on Th Mondaythat one of his uncles, MIS John Welsh, had died &few day ago at his home in Wisconsin. • The deceased was et one time a resident of Goderich township and will be remenibered by the old settlers. He was in his 85th • year when death overtook him. --The Baptist Mission Band has considerable talent among its membership and ccin:. • ducted a pleasing entertainment, on Thursday night la,sb. . The yoong folks, got up the program themselves and carried it through without a bitch. The members of Court Clinton 0.0. F. will attend divine service in. Ontario street church next • Sunday evening when Pastor Clement Will have seine - thing .special prepared for them, The choir will improve the oecasicip by singing the anthem "Spirit Imtnortal," while for offertory the &sett "My faith looks up to Thee" will be rendered.. The announcement rnade last week that the 0. 0..F's would attend phurch on Siinday, 7th inst., did not appear in the colturins ofTsedNEws Mr. A...Anderson, shipped 4 carload of hogs to Collingwood On, Tuesday, Mr. D. A. Forrester sent off three carSOads' of oats for eiport While W. Doherty' & Cosha,ve shipped organs to Liver- pool. -s ----Mr. John Hays of the Revere laundry has rented the. store 'in .the Contbe block recently vacated -by Mr. --.-‘45Q1•111 and -takes -Possession next.. Monde • meeting of the Licenso Board of Weits-Hosen was held. at In- speetor Paisley's oMee-on_Monday to sign- licensee and prePare stateinent reired by the Government.--z0a, ,Saturday evening last • Mrs. James Catling wes preeseted with an invalid chair by her children. —Martin 0' Donnell's boy and a led of John Hen- ries got into a keep on Monday out of whieli young O'Donnell came with ,a broken wrist, --Evangelist Hunter; who labored in Clinton with Mr. Cross- ley last fall,hass received a call Irons the largest' ctiiirch in Newfoundland, but wiltnot accept. He has decided to re- main in the special work where he has met with such signal success. --Mr. HarveyDavis has bought Gal. Hello - way's driver and will add it to the ery.—Mr J,B0 Runahall is now the owner of a Great Dane With a pedi- gree as long. as J. B's arm. It has the distinguishing points of that famoua. breed and its clipped ears make it look More ferocious than it really is., --The road grader was brought into service on Monday with Foreman Carter as manipulator, --Mrs. 0, S. Doan died on Saturday last after an illness of about a fortnight, She had made eon- siderable progress towards recovery when a sudden attack carried her oft The funeral took place on Monday when a large number of citizens follow- ed the remains to their last .resting plaCain Clinton eernetery.--Mr. A. T. Cooper's stiles of bicyeles this past week include Clevelands to Miss Mo. Ewan, 3 . Eagleson, W. Moore, W. P. Spalcling,and RS /3, Jeffrey and Rev. 3. Hamilton, Londesboro, He also dis- posed of a Columbia to Fred Heywood. —Mr. alum Cook brie bought the house on Albert street he has oectipied for tome time from Mr. G. 3, Stewart. Price, $550.--s-The annual meeting of the East Huron 'Teachers' Association will be heldin the Collegiate Institute tn•day. To -eight's en,tertainmetit in the town hall under the auspiCes of the Association will be well Worth attend- ing. -.-Andrew Crawford, aged 72 years, and one of the first inmates of the House of Refuge, died yesterday of apoplex3s. He hailed from Stanley.--- Me.Albert Downs Will Move hislamiTy into the house of Mr. James Young on Itattenbury street.—At the 0. E. of Willier church on Monday the topic Was taken by Miss Annie Ross, and Miss Gutm of Boston gavea short get - line of the work done by the 0. n. of the Presbyterian church m Boston of Whichber,father Is pester.—Seale & Hoover received an order this past week from Mrs. L. Ttoss, Seaforth, for monunaent to be placed over the • grave of her deceased husband,anether from 'Times Somerville for grave of - wife and a third to perpetuate the memory of James White, late of Hen. all. On Tueeday the firm placed tbur menurnents lis Clinton cemetery, in memory of members of the Wallace. Eliggin and Mutt familles and also a red Swede over the grave of the late Joeeph Whitehead. --- If the NRWe. itirconn plettees you recomMend It to your friends. 039),P_RiS• SQAP • -abet a . 1.,t Wearalinimgc '11.) 06?ilootedi alotliners • Pihns Yam 5e i i _ $ our blankets, flaiMels, . etc., use W00 SOAP, the only soap . warranted to slash woolen goods with- . out shrinkingHave you tried our 8 BARS SOAP FOR, 25c. For washin . • ° Buy a good Broth. It will maice your old car et look like new. • ' ••• OP,TO,DATE CASH GROOERY. # OGLE. COOPIR. & CO., Clinton Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs find.Fancy Goode Dealers, Clinton ssc tided Applea, Phone23, teeert43..ecioeee„6-e,E94,(Reeerg • o 9 - THE TWO A.J'S. • departivent was never as popular as now. Customers have come ) from far and near to select their (4 papers /rem one large stock. There is a reason for it too ,as few stores outside the cities give you the selection we do and none are better value. • • Our offer to give enough pager t d your room in the house free to the customer corning the greatest . distance during the week has...., become Ignite popular. Two e) , ladies have been already awards- * ed a bundle each and you may be the next,. • ' This . 'week. we are offering 500 Tolls of splendid paper usually at 15 and 20 cents for 7 cents. Bor. idceilings to match. , All Paper med Free; p Our selection of window s de and curtain poles is as complete . as you will findin larger towns* and the values cannot. be niade better. • • . es • Booksellers, Stationers and • To see the latest in Ilats '•inspect A. J. Morrish's • .stock. Don't buy till you II., so. An inspection will convince Ion not only that he has what you want but that his prices suit the times and the good'quality of the goods he sells. • J-Iis Ties, Collars, Cuffs Shirts, etc., are also supe. rior goods at taking prices. 4(4, ' N.1 VE, One business has chiefly been Ordered Clothing with the exception of Ready. MdflellPants, Overalls and•Ready-Made Overshirts. We have often been asked for•a, cheapsuit and in order to accom, modate our customers had to pub in a. few lines of Ready-Mades. We do not purpose malting any more profit on these than will pay: the freight, as it is n, side live out of the ordinary run of our -trade. • The first price IS $6 for a Mares Suit, generally sold at $7. The second price is $6.50. ' This suit would be cheap enough at $7.50. • The third price $7. This stilt is made out of all wool Halifax Tweed and will give $10 worth of wear. The frit:1db andlast. prieein the Ready- Mades is $8 and it is really a nice snit, neatly cut and well made, good. trim- mings. and got up in the best, style. Some houses would charge you $12 for it, • The Ordered Clothing seasons in full swing. All the Tweeds are In and we have the beet line we have ever had. So Holloway .k - CLINTON% ' MINTON. ' / WE 'WE Our Customers tits Oh, do I hear some one say, I don't think I shall go near you, I :don't want fits, Oh, yes you do. Yoh like your Coat and your Pants 8". tior,tit and yon like a nice easy fittinf . Spring Overcoat. Your Hat won look well if it don't fit.. That is the kind of fits, we give our customers and guarant \ good fits or no sale and you can then give Ili the othei; kinfl of fits. Give us a trial tc 'fit you. out in a nice' Spring Suit. You will be more t specialty of giving better values an in town. We are practical tailors at and best of an our prices will ilt y„ ready made dePartment we have 811 the latest styles and patterns, an pleased for we make a better fita than any house can fit a giant or a drarf tIr pooket book. In the 8MOM $3.60 TO $12.00 Owe Us 4 00 and We Will Save roil Money. the Grand Trunk and a strike Of the those of the McTaggart .make which of Mr. Ed.. Robinson, had his left arm friends in fractured above the elbow while play • Mrs: James Ferguson has gone on a 1 ing with a schoo1 mate last Friday. short visitto Belgrave. ' He was taken to Dr.Gunn's and bore M. T;Delgaty of Brucefield was in were apparently budt to last for all time to come. Some of the mills W. M. comes across he believes . were put on the ma,rketforty years rig°. „If the machiners of to -day was equally strongly made it ought not to be a diffi- cult task to estimate the probable de- mand. Pen Oaf the Best, • take ialace. The men have not been able to get any satisfaction helm thcise high in anthority; indeed; it le claimed their representatives have been treat- ed. with scant eourtesZy. Superintend- ent McGuigan is reported to have told 'them that they represented an "Un- fortunate clasir whose places' could be filled without any trouble. He furth- er assiared them they need not trouble thenseelves going to Mr. Hayes with their petition as.he WaS general-numa- ger se far as their grievances were con- cerned: Every trackman in Huron it is said will support the movement for better wages, While the engineers and firemen are also in similiar frame of mind. `There is a 'possibility of the three 'taking united action.: , • An Accident. . ,• Mr. 0.1Tesbitt of Godeincis township met With a rnishap in Clinton on Fri - 'day and as a result is nursing one of his legs, a small hone having ben f rac- -bared. Mr. Nesbitt and his son Will had come to town with a mettlesonie span of cells Which becomingsfrighten- ed, Mr Nesbitt sustained the injury to 'which allusion ' has been made ist jumping from the rig; His nanny friends, and "Chris" Nesbitt is popular Wherever known, are glad the mishap kvas no more severe and. Will be pleas- ed to see him around after; is few days enforced abetinence from, labor. The colts, by the way, became frightened a second time while being driyen down slineen street, and going through Mr Divits'sfenee. as if it had been Of so Many strandbsof„tswine instead of Wire, knocked down the-borner post of his verandah before being bieuglst , tn, a halt. . ReMrded in Triumph. . • On Thursday 'evening after four o'clock the Collegiate football team journeyed to Kippen to play the Shatn- rocks of that place. •The gaine was called for six o'clock, but all the Kip - pen players not being present' at, that time, play did not eommence until 6.15. The ball was kicked off by Brownlee of thelCippen team, but Was in the pos- session of ' Clinton almost at onge. Passing rapidly from one to another, it was rushed up the field, by the Clinton ferwards and lalcLeed escored the first goal four minutes:after. plaY was • commenced. Both teams now commenced to play harder than ever, yet notwithstanding the fast play- ing on both sides and the many "rush- es" and "shots" made 11 both teams,• no more goals were seorbd before the whistle blew for half time. The icy. termissidn was, however, brief as darkness was beginning to, gather in, so the. whistle again sounded and in less than fifteen minutea _Kelly scored •Olinton'sa second goal. The Shainrocke now began a fast -aeries of rushes, but of no avail. ,The Collegiate'a sturdy backs were "always; there" when the ball did. manage t� get past the half hacks, in consequence of which • it Would land far upsthe field and a rush be made by the boys of the C. O. ta Two minutes alone were left to play, • when by is mighty onset Thompson passed the ball between the posts, making the score Clinton 8, Kippen 0. A noteworthy feature of this match was the absence of all rough playing and the friendly feeling existing among the players. The good work done by the Collegiate boys cannot be potion. larked as the combination work was good and all -played well. The Sham. rocks put up is good game and having with them a couple of old players from the ranks Of ate "Hurons" they will no doubt make &good showing before the close of the season. The visiting team were kindly dined at Schafer's hotel where Host Schafer had &splendid sup per in readiness, prepared in his wel1. known good etyle. The boys all speak very highly of the manner in whieh TA N, E- PtiliNiestflat VICTOItIA nrioux AND IIATT.Elt. itrialillthod CLINTON; • . • Live stock 'shippers bad a husy time of it at the Grand Trunk station en • Monday and oft such occasions what is more natural than that the fa,rrners should comPare notes. Two of the largest breeders, .let ps say of Stanley and Goclerich townships, agreed -that corn was mot a pre6tahle food,`that is; stock thus fed did. not put on enough meat in proportion to the -price of the corn. As the result of their experience -is not experience the best •teacher -they agreed that Canadian • srluegichigwpraminensis. give bette,r results than Yankee corti. •• . •The live stock delivered at Clinton station on Monday netted the farmers several thousand dollars. Mr, C. Wal- lis bought ns hogs which averaged 170 :pounds or a, total of nearly32,000 pounds. • He paid $4.10 per cwt, • The cattle Were more • valuable, six carloads being shipped. Mr. John Mid- • dleton delivered 57 head. which averag- ed 1360 pounds and a total of 77,520. .A.t five cents per pound Mr. Middleton realized $3876. Mr. Alex. Metwen •of Stanley eiald.thirtY fine animals while several other farmets delivered a smaller number. • •°. Ballesting the Track, , • The G. T. R. is ballasting its track from Lucknow to Listowel and in the Company's big pit near the former place kstestin shovel is lifting on an av- erage nine yards of gravel in three. minutes, It is understolid the work will take a couple • ag months. It is being performed by natives of sunny Italy. the Company having sent up a carload af them, 'This action on the paat ef the Grand Trunk, which con- gests the la,bor Market and helps keep' down wages*, is not. being appreciated by the people of that seetion tra- versed by the line being ballasted. • A Golden Wedding. • Rev. Alex. Stewart and Mrs. Stew- art are in Toronto this week, having gone down toattend the golden anni- versary of the wedding of Mrs. SteW- ert's parents, Dr, and Mrs. Gregg. The Weis one of the .best known of Pres- byterian divines and has filled &Me of the most important positions in the gift of the church. • For instance, he was convenor of the' conmaittee whiela compiled the Book of Praise,now used throughout the connexion. The nu- merous Pi:lends. df the 'Dr.' 'and -Mrs.' Gregg will wish thein many a happy return a the anniversary they celebra- ted yesterday. 4 Canny Celestial. ' Woo Sing, who formerly carried on the laundry business in Clinton, went up to Gederich on Tues,clay with is. couple of altnend-eyed CelestisiissIsast out from their native rice fields, Woo is cannier than he looks and. by indus- try arid frugality, together with the arts once practised by a certain Mr. Shylock, who has beets immortalized, has accumulated "stricke of money." Ile is given the credit of helping his brother Modg�lians itte, good round rate of interest. 13. that as it will,ancl it only concerns Woo and the pig Mlle, he is a happy dispositioned little fe1.. low and had & hand -shake all round the pain of dressing the limbsso pluck- town Sunday. ily as to win -from the surgeon the re- . Mr. IL Archer of nullett was in mark ; "" You're a little brick." town this week. , Little Locals. The Forest Free Press of last week ern Miesions" at the Ontario street Derey has rented the McCervie cottage League on Monday evening.—Me. J. in. cen tairted the follewing :-"Rev. S. II . in their home on Gore street, where Smith. and family aerived here last * week from Bayfleicl and have settled 1711h e ne i n istrk• Many Rei, Mr. Armstrong ga,ve a very striactive and helpfol address on "Mod- ohnasIt.; receivedatenay.bosIt.ii-teet:netatpsptilatnadtiomnsovfoers in at once. --Court Clinton C. ci. F. , latabce etatYlvtehpdbi:luer tpi ni purpose esi pa such 'nails to unWitirt.:hSlininttfilo'rs . the. position of leader of tbe - band of our readers. will remember him as ' 'Which it proposes to organize. ' - • beingrector of Christ church, , Forest, AiterForty Years ' • - I smile 17 years ago. • The many Mende- '' ' • : ' th m bsc o 4 of both Mr. enc! Mes. Smith welcome .. ...„ .v. „se. __ cot ... e . k t rerest, although regret- - . ne D ma d aalci of Seafortn ' 00- Wig the cause of their return ancthope ' cuPied the pulpit of Willis Church on Mr. Smith ,may be greatly benefitted Sunday, having sleade.' an exchange : by the needed rest and change," with Etev. A. Stesvart. He said sharing The Hanover I began his; ministry; in Clinton forty s rs)st. says :.---"Rev. Mr., the course of bis discourse that he ' years ago and that his sermons on and Mrs, Jennings left for B‘ytield yes- , Sunday marked in a sense the terroina- have elapsed since Mr. Jennings tehk , tereay. During the .five year s whieh s,...:. .. Rev. Dr. labored zealously and success - charge '-of St. Seines' charch here be tion of hie long ministerial career. The '• has held the respeet. and friendship of wore well, few better. ' all classes- ot the community. He is a fully in the Master's cause and he genial, large -hearted gentleman. The * : . removal of gr.. and Mrs. Jenningefrom k • A Baseball Club. ••Hatoi!er is deeply regretted by many, A. meeting of those interested in who will be delighted to learn of their baseball was held at the Commercial happiness and prosperity in their new Hotel on Mondaysniht when the fol- home. lowing efficers Were chosen :-Honor- Much regret Was felt here on ' re- ary president, W. Doherty; president, cdiving the sad news of the compara- . Mayor Shaw, vice, .W. P. 'Spalding, tiVely sudden death of Jas Hattonof manager, W.. G, Doherty, ; sec,-treas., Owen Sound, late fireman, on the ..sur-- Louis Doherty; 'committee, Harland, vey beat "Bayfield" Mr. Hatton was ' Hoover, Wheatley, Spalding and •mr, a genial, whole-souled fellow to whom El: Doherty. We are informed the the "Bayfield" crew were much at- , club has secured a battery from Lon- tached. He Spent it short time visiting . don and will endeavor to „put a fast here last winter. • Death resulted hi • team in the field: They are trying to two days from acute inflammation. secure a match for the 24th in Clinton. Housecleaning ' is the order of the . meeting of Pone School Board. .day and many are in'Pmving the �K: . The regular monthly meeting of the etitIr or their houses as well as the In- Public Sehool Board was held on moo. terior. Mee. Cowie is having her ' ` ' swas presented. • „stated that a similar improvement done to h house painted and Mr. Oleaveis having cipalIt . is day evening. The,report of the - Prin. there was an average attendance of 338 houses. , S and that preparations for an obser„ Hayfield is beginning to, put on.....a, . summer appearance .and anticipations . Vittlee of Empire Day were in full swing. The Principal, judging by the wording are high as to a good summer's busi- ness. If the sesisorscontinues as it has of the report, does not think OA Erre pire Day is at all necessary to incul- started the heat will no doubt drive cate patriotism. The property core - molly overheated people to our shores. • tnittee reconunended ,screens for the , ' ' . windows of the basement and also the . repair of the woodshed. An account of.,___, -3) • 1 II.: Mr. James Ferguson to the amount of • .v.*• - ten dollars was ordered paid ' .." Ms r jmes oung had 'a riinaway . ' ' '' first Sunday. His colt took fright just ' -. before he got into the buggy and ran... Stumiterbill, • around the field smashing the buggy" Church. -Ori account of the Pastor's into splinters, but doing no other dam. absence there was no service in St, • age.—We nriderstafid our new talior Peter's last Sabbath. The Sunday has gone. Work lute been too scarce School was'well attended, The En-, fortwo, but we hope other fields are dessvor last Week 'was led by William greener.—Mr. Andrew Youngblut • Lowery, tvilh a fair audience. New has got in his stock cif hardware and hymn hooks are hinted at, --Our oleo tinware. We hope the young man burg has is just pride in the progress of will do well in his line of business. its representative. Rev.G. M. Hilty Keep at it Andrewo—The members of sounds in our tars quite, fascinating, the English church last Friday night that gentleman having been euccessful presented their. organist, Miss Annie at his recent exam and having been Or. Sturdy, with a beautiful gold watch &tined to Delhi parish where be Starts and ehain. The evening was spent, in hl labor at once. The well wishes of music and recitations.—Mr. James this community are his not inerely for Young is about through with cutting material progrese but in his chosen staves for this year.—Would the peo- calling of Winning aoulsfor the Master. pie owning cows 111111rpigs close thein May fruitfulness attend his • efforts. up it possible, as Mr. Alek Robertson Rev. 'E. B..Smith is also worthy of our has a close place for . ea& as will be pride having scored a high honor found on thestreetsafter next week. -- mark, thus proving his scholastic ex- Spring work " „about through and • cellence and ability,while socially Intis • everything looks well.,—Mrs. Thos. highly •esteemed. Crawford of Blyth is visiting her sister, Aecident.-We are sorry to have to Mrs. A. Robinson. ---41r. sand Miss retOrd that Mr. 0. Nesbitt met with, a Cook' of Clinton visited Miss painful runaway accident recently, Lawson last Sunday.—Mr. Henry ra, at the depot whit; milting for the fracturing a limb which will necessi. Lawlor and son George leave this week Goderich train to pull out. . tate confinement for some time. Trust for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, Where , th• Tramp IVIalsinco. he may soon be all right again. Mr. George Lawlor will reside. With the advent, of warm weather Visiting -Mr. A.Straughan ond Miss Sucker fishing* is over for this year. A cometh the tramp as brazen,. impudent . Straughart of Goderich a,ro visiting at great many were canglit.......Mr. Thos, and as big a nuisance as ever. What W. H. Hall's and Geo, rarquharrs while Nicholson is hexing his house ren ova, - should be done with him P ,Give him the hotter irientioned Stindayed in ted and a stone cellar put under.. the cold shouldet and have tbe consta. (toderich recently, --4). Bare and . A, Mr, and'Airs. Ilegley of Dlyth Sunday,- 0 WO' were used by the Shamreeocks ' Wmake his life a burden until he E.Wetheral visited the sick and others ed with 1Subuns nen s.— r. Ross , z The teams lined up as follows :- - takes himeelf off to twine more con- on Sunday. .. • • of Auburn has gone to Chicago for a ermiros • surreit. . genial districtor treat him with kind. Notes. -They 'talk string band.-- month, ha has left another Di. in his Thompson .• ' 6 ' '..t. nrOWMfg SISS nese and to a generous hand-outP, The An improvement, in, the form of a new place'. - ---Mr. 3ohn Kennedy, Clinton, Reny . MeLood -FOtwat(18 - nicial - lamer -course would bis better in the line ferule between the store and G. called . upon Auburn friends the ,.._. • I silkenbesd '''''' • . "Bell long runove opine. Six of the itinerante Xohneton's home is noticeable. past week. What, bale Write - came nrtuldt)n.... WOO } Ralf Reeks '{ °Roston ; camped on• the' MeGneva salt block on School. -The attendance sometimes bon, . c , - r. and Mrs. 431 1 1 "dmoto 8 da i ht 0 e arried a crutch exceeds the 50 Ihnit.--Oclebrated Mulford were' the guests of Auburn . . At \ co:11)000 isermyth Pamstseros, mook,,rdie which he shouldered whenhe suppoted Arbor Day by a royal eleaning up of rooks d t lant n trees front their Taylor .Goal " armload another of the holm had bis arm in a native earth to grace the gtouud, re. Referee -W. -S. Turnbull. sling, an equally transwerent fraud, piling wood, etc. --School was visited The teammill likely go to Winghem , Big Chier;Wheittley Isc4,t hie eye on by Inspector Tont on Monday after - them w .hiel.ses he was out of eight, while yar r sp g on Thuroxlay hilt the remained bone town noon friends last Sunday.- - -Mrs. Robert . ,Tones o cute s vlbfting her p cuts, Mr. and Mr& Itelwig.—Miss Addienelwig is visiting in Goderieh. this week. --Miss Belle Wilson visit ed across the river last week. - „A