HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-04, Page 9A Woman Loves Best TEE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, John Smith Wiled Yesterday. Annual Meeting of Clinton Public Library. STRUCK )311' A L. U. Sr B. TRAIN WM= D GUT MO WI= TRItItiti The annual meeting of the member 'IOFR, Tnaolt, a tim 0, P. L. was held in the LIbtaey rooms on Monday evening. The Presi, john Smith. Foreman of the Londes- dent, Mr. Brydone, being out of town, V bora section of the L. H. & IL, wee Mr. Lough was called to the chair and performed. those duties. very ably. otruck by the soutiabound train yester- that which she thinks og most. The ap- Though small in attendance the meetthroWn some dtstance ing Was enthusiastic. The Librarian, I pearance of her home is one of woman'e I (IV aftPrnooni fro rri the track and instantly killed. reported that Mt volumes had been ="-* first concerne, she thinks and Works He was caught on the track by the added &wing the year and that there ""-- Over it very much to have it clean. train and those Who witnessed the ac, are on the catalognes of the Library dainty and refined, Nothing does more to produce the desired result than pleasing decorations on the wall ouch as our stock can supply at a Moderate expenditure. It will he a great sur- prise to us if .we can't do as well or , better for you in meeting your. Wall Paper wants than most -others. May - bits conceit on our part but we honestly believe our stock is composed of the very best productions in the art of manufacture, that you can find ln any town of egnal size. We belie -se it, so because we have tried so, hard to make it so, - We have also been very cereful to make the prices right. By right we mean, as low as is in keeping with the quality . It has been our eon - cern to have our qualities give satis- faction and our prices made to please. Often the dhoapest, Atuirays the/360, The IV. D. Fair Col CLINTON. 4goni8 Parker' .Diie Works,. -New Advertisements. Economy.-11Odgons Bros..... ... . . ......,,4 For Spraying.Fruit Trees. -S. Jackson.- 5 Eatable Articles. -A. •Ulrkby 6 Court a Revision.-Nixou Sturdy,- . . . . . Special Notice ,--G. J. Stewart 5 .6, Woman 1.oyes Best.- W. D.Fair Groat Shoe Ucuss.Jatilcson Bros ' 8 Solid Satisfaction.-godgens Bros 8 Servant Wanted. -Mrs. (Dr,) Thompson 8 Servant Wanted. -Mrs. 0. Wileoh 8 About 9 41 -IRE THEY ARE AND WHAT .0. People THEY ARE DOING uoperigonnt WGW Tr Miss Gill is visiting Goderich friends. Mr. C. Hoare was in Guelph yesterday. Mrs. Shipley, ,Sreis visiting at Dun- dalk Barrister Bordone was in Stratford on Monday; • Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., was; in Toronto this Week.. . Mrs. Edward Saville is Visiting friends in Londeribora. • • • • ' Mrs. Carlton of Goderich is visiting friends in town. . W. W.. Farran returned from his trip Bait on Monday. Mr. Alex. ljeabinson,of Auburn was hi the Hub on Tuesday. • Miss Flossie Stanbuty spent Sunday at. tier home in Bayfield. Rev. John Learoyd of Lueknove was, in matter of the ityrnent of taxes and town on Tuesd.aylast. thought -a by-law should be framed to MissBelle Worthington is visiting re.. •pet the prompt peyerated the delta- lativesin Egmondville. • queirt on a more equitable basis. As Miss Mary Stinson left on Tuesday fol, it now stands Murphy who paysin the a visit to Paisley friends. spring pays ntemore than his neighbor Miss Hill of Toronto' WKS the guest of whohands over the cash ' to the collec- Miss MoapIcastle last week. tor on his first round in the. fall. M. - Miss Maggie Hillen of Goderich visited cording to the new by-law teho:se who her mother in 'town over Sunday. don't put up until after December 14th E. Peters of Seaforth was • kiwis On will have to contribute an extra five Tuesday. He wheeled to the Hub, per ,cent. Mr. mud Mts. Edward Sweets of Godo- On behalf Of the May 24th Celebra- rich •Werlein town Monday eyening. tion Committee Conncillor. Doherty Mrs. NV; Reynolds of Serapta is a guest -asked for the usual guala,ntee of $100, at Mr. R. 'Reynolds' and Mr. W. 0. There being ne opposition the request Searle's. • was • granted. • With anything like Mr. E. S. Downs has • opened up a tat- the usual euceeits the guarantee will toting establishment in the village.of not be exacted. • Auburne ' Mr. Lech Kennedy appeared on be- IVierr. W. G. Dehertyhas returned from half of Court Clinton 0. a F. to a visit to relatives • in London and. ask. for a grant of $100 to the • band Belmont., the Court is organizing. Ea Mr. John Watts was ticketed to Cook- stated that it would be an aggregation ston, Minnesota, this week by F. of at least fifteen pieces, an experienced .Hodgens. • leader would be secured and the band Miss Brame Stephenson of Hensall ' be made a credit, to Clinton and Court epent from Friday till Monday at alike. 119 did not think the Court her home here. , would benefit financially, but it would Miss Young, who had been the guest be an advertisement and in that serum of frieeds town; returned home to beneficial. _ Seaforth on Tuesday. • ' Councillor Ford was lukewarm. He Malcolm Millyard went down to Thorn- had known bands in •town which ap- hill oti Tuesday to attend the funer- plied tor and received grants but that al of his grandfather, the late James was a,bont•the lastimard of them.. If Millyard, satisfied that the 0. 0. F's would do Mies Lily Miller and her cousin, Mr. better he would vote for, the grant . Janata Donaldson of Bayfield, were asked for. guests at Mr. Jacob Miller's ovee Councillor Plummer objeoted to the Sunday. grant, at Ihe , present stage at all Misses Minnie and Hattie Rumba!' events. .He did not think the citizens have .returned from an ,extefided at large would favor a gift of that Visit' to their sister in Patkersburg, nature. , As an old bandsman, a mem- West Virginia, . esti ber Of the first band Organized in Clin- Mr. and Mrs. Jain' Sivarts and family top; he knew how difficult it was to • of Wingham were gueste of the for- keep one together, but in his exPeri- mer's narente, Mr. and Mrs. George once each member' had to pay fifteen Svvarts on Sunday. dollars and as well the cost of tuition. Mr. ;Syd.'0. Cron returned to his home Onuocillor Jones said the Court was in Clinton last Friday after spending not particularly anxiout at the outset scene weeks the guest of his sister, to go Into the band business, but the Ms. J. W. Green.--Tavistoek Jour- town needed such an institution and nal. • when nobody would take it up Court Mrs. Charles Burrows of Detroit, who Clinton decided to do an. The ment- hes been on a visit to her father in bees would not all be Foresters, but Henfryn, was a guest at the J. Ono- those learning 'must be. It would he ningharn and O. Stevenson Mines an efficient band, would play on the this week. • streets one night 'each week, and he Mr. Colin Campbell of Goderich left thought all the circumstancesconsider- last week for the Duck Wanda where ed the 3100 ought. to be given them. he will spend the summee. During Speaking from the book of his ex - his absence Mrs. Patterson will visit. perience as the manager of the Dotter - friends in Clinton and elsewhere. ty organ factory band, Councillor Doh- : -Varna. Mr. Harry Fitzsimons has taken a erty said .such an organization would: situation in Seaforth. Harry, or entail much labor on the part The regular quarterly meeting of the ",Happy" as the boye callhins because of its Managers and precious little pro. Varna, circuit will be held in Varna of his genial nature, understands fit. „ Methodist church next Sabbath, corn• well the work in which, he is engaged, 0ouneillor Johnson said he wanted mencing 10:80 a. nt.-The Sabbath inspdetor Paisley was in Seaforth to do what VAS right and thoutrla 'a 0. school will be held in the evening' at Saturday acting as valuator for Mr. O. F. himself thought the request 6:30. -The Quarterly Beard will meet W. Ila,wkshavv, who has disposed of ought not to be acted upon in a hurry. on the following Monday (Arming at Imis hotel property ' that town to Other Secieties might • consider they 6 o'clock to transact the usual businese. take possession of the Ontario House had a grievanco„ mo that he would my ----The Methodist parsonage 10 going in St. Marys nail lately run by Mr. waituntilneirnrideting, in, !which the ahead in 'first-class shape as the akele- Sainee Moore. ton fonts is now up and soon tlae briek Mr. W. S., Holmes and daughter of A stone crusher " has not yet been work will he completed. Out' Sant is Lucknow were in town on Tuesday. purchased though it may be at a hard to beat. ---Vire broke ofit at Mr. Mr, Holnies associated with Mr. special meeting to be held in a week or Thomas Weed's ehickory kiln last W. G. Smith in the grain business so. Pour firms have Audi machinery to Monday evening about 5 o'clock, A here and being too cramped in their sell and the prices of two differ very large crowd, consisting of men, WOMen .present quarters they contemplate tnuch, one , wanting $000 and, the other and. ebildren, soon assembled on the either a new elevator or an addition .000.- Me. 'BUM*, ..,reprettenting the Scene and checked the flames, which to the one they noW 000113.7i , Mega. OOmpany,of Harvey,. Indiana, Wei* Making feet headway, The 'per. Mrs-. Thos, Dttuferd iettitnedeliVintrili- asked' tt"few days lenge' in Wall to sistent vigor and tell of the 'men ex day last from Langdon,, North .Da. (onto prices. . tingidebecl* the flames, and thongh kota. Where she spent AVM t4g116 likoiW4tfdressed the council there ig sotne damagei yet nothing to months with two of her sone Who and asked tenet from a sewer grieye. what tnight have been had it not been haYe settled near that plate. She is ance on May street, The following for the willitig helpers. -Mr. W. nOy- the guest of her SOis lame* here motion, itiratopi4anson, covoe codk Waved but to Egrnondville, and with whom shit, Wilt tiPtia14:, it , ION tbe groCnt4Tbab'owing to the bad _ fo take Mr. Cook's stand night or so before' returning t� her •Contlitiriff of Vail street Aram and tho htmelitonday.,---Mi. T. Keyes house harm in Brussels. probability Of eonstructing crritnelithe is undergoing a date of repalra. Mr. W. Spading cof Seitforth was in walks in the near futurd, it will be luta& rasing the roof and putting an toWn on WV. kle looked' Well, neeessery to have a thOratilliiiYatern of addition to the noeth end of the house, likes his retienti lthodesnd we - drainage Provided 'before beginning, lati, Elliott returned to Los. fettled, doing a good busineet besides it win be compulsory to _ don.iltet Friday After Visiting here a When he went to tleaforth he out submit to the Provincial. goard toutilo of vileeke among, imr friends and the -Prioo Ot Lour -pound leaf Health , 'any seWer 8. -Rathwell. our bread from Ave eenta,to four lull& before 'commencing 'operatfotiti , we great boot and shoe 'dealer, is having a thetownapeople no, (but* appritolott- therefore *MVO that the teem enk• _ clearing sale of .his stock at cost for (91 011(1 will hint ,PrAttle41' ear. ploy it surveyor to report 4a subite. &ugh ,4t8 he is intending to go to the touragetnerit accordingly. - quer& meeting of this council, west if he gets sold out. eident say he seemed mere er showed .a•balanci-.1119 r on hand of $32.10. cerned about getting his lorry Messrs. Treleaven and McLean, who had been appointed to examine the out of the way and the safety of the booke stated, that 2872 books - were train and passengers than his own life. found'on the shelves of winch number 2815 were in good condition, The num. An indignant passenger said the fatal_ ..bm, of books • atd issue o readers Luang the year was 8726 of which about 000 affair was due to“The penurious.' LlreerItiucrteiona.n7(010 141.6iostp_ry_,. (.100 General ness of the Grand Trunk which does Religious. The eport of President , Brydone was not provide men enough for the sec- r arfollows :-Having been unexpected, Mons," ,iy'ealled out of town I beg to present m• thiaform a brief report of the pro, f the librarydurin the year grg Much Sorrow in the Family. whichas just ended. Little has .oc- curred out of the annual routine which Ortsi SON INSTANTLY KILLED, ANOTHER, .18 worthy of comment save the one happy circumstance that 'all our debts HAS HIE ARM CUT OFF, WHILE THE are now paid and we ate in possession FATHER DIES SUDDENLY. of a small surplus. This of course is pot due to any revivahbf.-'1uterest on Mrs. Sane Richards of Kinlough in ' the part of our. eitizenst4owarcis the Kinloss township knows what Sorrow library, but to the good fortune which is. Just a year ago her son James met heti placed an annuity of $200 at our - disposal. The number of members with au awful death in his father's saw shows, believe, a slight increase over mill *here he got caught in a shaft and last year and now numbers about 150. was whirled into eternity, his body be: This in reality represents 150 families of from 2 to 3 readers each and there- ing sadly broken. fore indicates a rendingpublic of per- haps 400 persons. he . number., of books issued during the year shows no marked change. Indeed none might be expected in any of the working de- partments of the library since it has been the policy of the Board during the past year to keep the Institute running with as complete a system of economy as -would not impair its use- fulness and little if any effort was mede to go into the highways and by- laws to increase our membership and inflizence. This policy was followed on account of .an anticipated change following the completion of the Stave, ly Memorial Hall and the inaugura- tion of it library there. Unfortunate- ly the date of completion of that •edi- lice is still tindetermined and grievoes- IT. • • • • • • I' • • • Six weeeks afterwards Mr. Richards was found dead in bed one morning. Heatt disease severed the silver coed while the household slept. Last Thursday the second accident happened in this saw mill and though it has not resulted fatally, as did the first, there is an awfulness about it that make; the blood run cold. An- other sonof Mrs. Richards, ,a lad of seventeen years, was working about the big saw and reaching over it to pull away some obstruction; his foot slip. ped and his arm descending upon the saw it was cut off below the elbow. The prior boy picked. up his severed limb with his remaining hand and .started to run home to his mother. It .all happened so seddenly that he had gone some distance before the horrffi- ly uncertain and seen) to be ed. -spectators recovered- front the wisdom to continue for a brief space shock. They ran after him and car- further the policy of the past year. ried hina in their arms to his !home. There are munerous reasons for that. The doctors ,dressed the limb and at It has been often discussed' .et our lasf accounts he was ES well as could Board meetin gs whether we ought be expected. , j not to alk the commit to assume the ' library and carry it on as aFree library, • have always been in sympathy with Meeting of Clinton Town Council. the proposition of having otir. hbrary _ ' • - free and I agree that our council At Monday night's meeting of the ahould he urged to take it. over, town Council: Councillor Doherty gave hut the time has not arrived notice that he would move at the peat, for urgitig that. It .were bettei.. regular meeting for the rescinding hf to wait until . the building . is the byeave which requires At month's complete '''and alt'•• matters' relating deliberation upon all •motions calling fb eonstriictioh, etc., have been for the expenditure of over twenty- determined and disposed of. :We are dollars. The by-law he claims is it can easily carry on qui- library reflection upon the hard,,horse-sense of . for another half year • by 'which the members "of the council and ite time the neve building will possibly • be should be declared null and void. . ready and in the meantime our stir- ' Councillor Plurnmer drew attention plus will be increasing. In this ecu - to the ceninnin practice of spitting to, neetion you may be reminded that tine bake juice upon the floor of the town is the last annual meeting to be held in hall and asked for the drafting of a the mouth of May. -Hereafter we shall by-law forbidding the filthy habit, • hold'ourannual meetings in January Hierequest was granted.' , The 'draft- and the fiscal year will run from Jan; ing will be easier than the enforcing. 1st to December 31st. The fikal yeat Councillor J hnson brought un the upon which we are now entering will end ou December 31st of thisyear. With the beginning of the new system in- augurated by this redent enactment of the Legislature, let the new regime. be- gin and let the library be made free. I deem, it possible far this library to • he conducted as a Free library • even should the council refuee to undertake the responsibility of its conduct., pro- vided that the Stavely IVIernoriar Hall and the income froin the fund were de- livered to us and the present grants not altetea. I have estimated that our annual incomeif not interfered with ought to amount to abont $615. Our 'outlay would be:-salary.$150 ; hooks, $200; magazines; $50; heating, 575; lighting, $75; reserves for sundries,$65; in all $615. When the time is • ripe, therefore we may .go with confidence to;the town council and ask them to assume control of the institution and thus extend the usefulness Of the lib- rary to the utmost limit within our power. At present the council have their hands full with the erection of the building and probably are in no humor to treat with special favor any ques- tion we'should place before them. I' therefore favor a continuance Of the arrangemenefor whatever events may -indicate to be a proper `time. In clos- ing I have, to thank the members for. the honorconferred upon me and ex- press a hope that my successor in the chairmay find his duties as agreeable; indeed Pleasureable as I have found mine,' It is a, matter of regret that I have to be absent from the annual meetieg and address you thus by proxy. Obediently, • W. BRYDONE, The following geetlemen were ap, pointed directors for the ensuing. year .-Messrs. McGarva, Lough, Brydone, McKenzie, Stevenson, Fowler, Arm, strong, . Houston and Rand. At the conclusion of the Meeting the directors met and elected Mr. Brydone, presi- dent; Mr. MeGarvii, treasurer; and Mr. Rand, secretary. The committees ap- pointed for the year are •.-Finance.- McKenzie. MeGarva, Hougton and Rand. Property. -Stevenson, Fowler and Armstrong. Book, -Lough, 'Bey - done and Rand. Entertainment.e-• Armstrong, Brydone and McKenzie.-' Ernergency.-Stevenson, Houston and Fowler. Messrs 'Coats and Rowland were again appointed auditors. MAY 4, 1899 1. Iftli!ff? Ptliftl!itt 11?Iffilt il?11111? 11!IIM! 11?1/?It? Ittiffit? 11?It!Itf Ittittr4 biAle4ANYvvVoiesAAAAANYVVYVVY ebb- bibb-• JACKSON BROS. DEFIART.M.E.NTA.LH'pTOR E. RiOREAT-SH0E.,HOUSE • • 4 A A 3 4 v‘AAAAAAA,404AMAAANAAAANVA•WivW4AAN ,VyA,S#004/000vd Doing Business for Cash. Buying direct from manufacturers, and having no expense in this department, enables us to sell the cheapest goods in this section. To claim to offer the best goods that can a be bought and the prices are no higher than what you pfiy for inferior goods. When ...... we save $1,000.00 again in tbe matter of expenses from the old way of doing business, there is no reason why w should not be able to sell cheaper. b.. .40 *SP ...1111 *MO .-biop Our business is Vowing monthly and the rea,son lb not hard to find. At....91,--fa;41..."11wqa.,14.111."10.4%."0,1bAbwileirito, Ibb 141.,Svgakilb.Ata."40.ess..-sarc.... 6‘Creole." Our shoe manager says I am the greatest.selling Shoe. ever placed on the market. He supposed he had enough of me to last until July, bat 1 under- stand I am again ordered in big quantities. '1 am supposed to give the best wearing quatities of any Shoe o.4 the market. I am made for solid. wear. Once you try me I will always be with you. Dozens and dozens of pe ple haYs bought me &tint; the past month and lain becoming very popular. 1111.. ' "bait ..- The "Creole" Price - - - - $2.50. ...... SW. ;qabAllSb-ca.-12,--elitfrA4.-Iw!ft,ik.,44).-ft.,it.-14."n"qx-isbrlowork.As^et.,ft., ..::-.4b. ..6.-4•/:,-,wreit..~awitb.-ibbAg.-qtb-Ath..476,cb-liwIts-•166,4A-:11.1- 4 EY Boys . 8elling more firmly than any shoe ever • placed on ,the market. ...;., • Price $1, $1.25 and $1.50 according to. size; Acknowledged to ---. Standard ...hie more wear than any tbmg on the market. They are it strong . -5 School reliable shoe, bat shapely and stylish.. - We made- a contract, for a -43 -, • • , • • large quantity of them at a special price, and we know that they , - Shoes . . cannot be equalled. Test these statements before buying. AiliJ1111..101."1.0%,1‘,11bella,ft#41frIOW41". '111bAft'llb,10.41141b,11.,41&,11.,..11b.Ael.^‘,44.,41b,111via., •-yr,--ta.• •-ewata. Atives-Aterae. mires, ....-Tio •.stviewge.•-gt, ,...ii. :Z. 'Line No.. 4350. ,.„...__.. ' . . .. . _.. . I's a Lailies.Fine Batton...Kid Shoe at $1.' per pan If we. 'charged $1.35 per pair they would still be good value, but buying in large qnantities and selling at a small Margin. tells the story. 'Button boles are Worked with -silk. Buttons fastenea With wire. Stylish and shapely in ap- pearain.e. We have no hesitation. in saying that thisis the cheapest shoe 'evei offered in. Clint9w. .. , : • . .Bell Shoes For Ladies. Wear , • • , We are daily complimented on the fine selection which we show in the aboVe make of goods: Nothing finer is shown outside t'ne cities, and the way they are moving out is good evidence that they allist'be right, ' • Sr- 1111, - 11%.••• Ob•-• es.4. SY. SW- • • vetti SLATER - super's Repairing on Boots and Shoe Promptly attended too. CXSOIT.13ROS.. AA* *14ki4diii 44444' -41444V, .4111444g::: Ohurch,-None last Sabbath here. as the pistol. found it impossible to • • • o preach here and yet be in London on at's ac Monday for ordination. --Sabbath 0 1 school started with ri, goodly attend- . • a,nce. Papers are to be obtained in the near future. -:-EndeaVor meeting was led by 4.. E. Wetheral in the necessary . absence of the pastor. -Mr. and Mrs. Mcelrattan of Goderich Sunclayed at Mr. Noble Lovett's and Mr. R. Miller's. housecleaning, etc., are the leading Orders..of the day. The drum was heard to rattle on Lodge night. -The fife mid drum band re- organizes next wee k.--Oonsiderable building is eontempl ated b3r people of • With what you buy is only to be had buying good goods. There's no economy for the buyer and no satisfaction for either buyer or seller in inferior qualfties. A low price advertised here means a low price for a quality that will give satisfaction, the line. for we never sacrifice quality for lowness of price. One great BaYfield• cause of the steady growth of this bukness ha's been the selling and I‘ishitig itel:TitTn7g'idbienaf.i.ceoftsct4 • • .• • tr. ready sale. Mr. W. Brandon, butcher, is moving down Main street to Miss Wahvin's.shop and his familY will reside on the premises. -We un- derstand Dr. • Bruce of Clinton will move into the shop vacated by Mr. Brandons-e-The bicycle livery is again in full swing with F. Gerninhardt as proprietor..-Herry Darrell has taken charge of the Queen's hotel Mr this year and on Monday the doors were open to the public. --Mr. Thomas 'Stinson has rented part of Mr. J. Tip- pet Vs harness shop and intends opening out a grocery business in a few dare We wish him euccess in his new enter- prise. -The tertehers of the Varna, distriet will meet at Varna at 1:30 p.m. next Saturday, the Ode to discuss "DO- ficulties in Grammar & otherSubjects." --Robert Erwin alid John Erwin have left for the American side and intend sailing on e lakes while r. 'John Ferguson, Jr., has gone' to Cleveland, Ohio to join Capt. Stone as wheelernan tin the latter's boat. Huflctt Hoard of Health. 011. MY .By ordee of the Board of Health Drs. MaeOallurn and Walters will attend ;each respectively ai.t the following places and hours for the purpose of vaccinating all children under 10 year of age free of charge and all unvaccin- ated, persoes over that age by paying a fee of 0i, nn ‘--ite school house No, 2, near Olinton.°Moriday the 8th at 1,30 p. tn., Dr. AlcCallure ; the separate school on Tuesday the 9th at LBO, Dr. McCallum school house No. 1. (Fow- lers') Tuesday the Oth at 1.30, Dr. Watt tees: school house No, 8, Tanburn, Wednesdathe 10th at O. a. Dr. donned coincided. The New Shirt Waists Line) Wednesday the 10th 1.30 p. , Walters ; 'school house No. 0 (Base of good goods, the knowledge the buying public have that "if they get it at the \ Palace, it's good." Gigantic F'urchase of Cotton Hosiery We tell to -day of the biggest purehaee of Cotton Hose we ever made. Nearly. two thousand pairs of Ladies' and Chikiren's fast black cotton hose. This is big buying, and - it will mean big selling to get rid of them but with the prices we'll have to sell them at they will not likely be here yery.loug. Ladies' seamless cotton he;se, heavy' .„k heel and toe, fast black Special at UPC Ladies' seataIese cotton hose, double heel and toe, soft yarn, absolutely fare black Heavy ribbed cotton hose, absolutely.A., fast black, extra special value ....1.74-te Children's. sizes In above ....•10c Girls' and 13oys' fine ribbed cotton 124.e , Ladies' Underwear Our Ladies'Underyests for sping-are now in stock. They come to us right from the maker and. you'll find- prices 'right and qualifies good ° . rine Ribbed Vesta, neck trinuned i Ladies' Fine Cotton Maas, toed with cotton ribbon end leder long quality, aloevelese.. .... - ..... . IOC sleeve.% 1htlb the thing for early spring wear 124e Better goods and finer qualities at 20e, 25e, 30e and 50a German goods, Hernial:log on dye,single and double knees 10 to ove Extra beany ribbed hose, fast black, " ' splendid make for boys X015 Ladies' fall fashioned cotton -hose, German make, II ensadorf dye,extra heavy here l'IC Ladies' fine cotton hose,full fashion- ed; Slaw yarn, Hermsdorf dye, double heel and sole, extra valueXite Nobby Hats Yoten find Our hats priced on a:dry goods basis and our styles strictly up-to-date. We can afford to sell on a smaller margin 'Th01 if we were de- pending on one line alone. See these lines: Men's fine quality, new 'style Fedora Rats in black or brown, a hat,'. Lee, good value at 81 50 and 81.75 .... Men'a fine fur Mt etiff hate, the newest Amos in black or brown, regaled $3 hat.. a.2.50 , . . . - . colored Shirts , . .. , , Colored shirts promise to be ' opened up last week. The very lomat Materials and the very 'The tobbiett lot of Shirt Walter( WO have yet, shown Were 1 more populai than . ever this . .. latest etyles in thee& populer garments' are here, In many of the • season, and .our stock is • made beat lino we allow only one or two of r t pattern,.and if you want Dr. 1Y1cOallum ; school hoase ti, (Harlock) on Mondey the 15th at 0 it. m, ; school house No. 7 (Elliott's) Mon- day the 15th at 1.30 is, nn.; school house No. 4 (Allen's) Tuesday 10th at 1.30 ; school house No. 5 (Vodden's) Wednes- day 17th at 1.80 p. tn. and at school house No, 8 on Thursday the 18th at 0 a. tn., Dr. McCallum, Certificates will ge given to each person successfully vaccinated. .IAMItS (.5.10113Ra/a Secretary. <••••••••••••••• + y Servant Wanted. Good.general aervantwauted. /verily to Mita, 6)11.) THOMPSON. Clinton, May 2nd, Servant .Wanted Good general servant wanted. Apply to MItS. C. WILSON, Clinton, May 1st. the choice a 410 ate& the best time to bey is early white the up .orthe right, colors and assortment is at its best, right patterns.. betcolors. I .. IPS V V ...... • . cheeks end plaids, detachable collate, abklutely 75c . liperlf:tatearltildobalre'orreboroitaahriaratoeba! 1,0,604 . Fine ISIrelOeg blouses in stripe atia theatre, new .. Mett'sfine quality emxibria ehirte,the ed - 05 0 . 14 , 1 aittk and light colorings, eelf,pr white detachable W • • ' • collar Pine ptint and Percales., Blorioile, in fanny rtripea, Pinelaw nlaid gingham shirt waists, assorted colors, white col. 1 AA we have et litre ... . ........ ••••”••••••••11w .11,41VU Very Atte white lawn waists.... 1,00 White pique wait, inoertion trim 1 00 newest colors and patterns, will stand the wash, eeporate tufts.... 1.00 tried,eorne of the moat et3iptelinteon I 24450 Extra qualityPi of t•bl dark and 118111i 65 -This la something filet every ,etere dote Underwear ' • otripes Skirts to nutteli 2,30 to 3.00 eize.as from 26 to 84. net keep. WFS h&VE a good range in ell 11006ENS BROS. tagters Clinton