HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-04, Page 6MAY 4, 1899. :000000000000000011000400 00.0 Vor praliying • • V'jruitTreew • • • a • , , I ; Sulphate of Copper or Blue ; : ,Stone is considered the best ; : article. It kills all insects : : and injurious and destructive ii o . e • fungi thus developing health • • • • ; ful growth and improved : ; fruit. ' : • • ; 7or the first spray before 41 ; the buds are open, 3 pounds : : of Sulphate of Copper is ; ; needed with 50 gallons of i * water. • . • • • it is il ow time for the first • • • • ; spray and if you spray your : ; trees, use our guaranteed ; : pure Sulphate of copper, : e •Our price ni 10 cts. Per pound : • . el I or 3 pounds for 25 •eta. and • • cheaper in larger quantities. : • . • . • 1.8YDNEY JACKSON • . • * • Geaeltiate Druggist • • - • • Successor to Alien Bc Wilson, Phone 2. • o •••••••••••••••••••••••so: llaving Bought the Business • of Ford & .Murphy keep in stock F'resh Meets of all kinds; Hams, Rolls, Sausage, Bologna, etc„ etc. Any Farmer a having anything in the line of Battle. Hogs, Veal or Lainb 'which he wishes to sell will find it wouth his While to call on rne. Share of Tour Trade Solicited G. WILSON, Stand next toclgens' Dry Goods Pelage Bright and Well- Written CORRESPONDENCE ISA • FEATURE OP THE • CORRESPONDENCE IN' The Clinton Plows -Record, ouso.Cleallillg line" Yes. • ' • • This is the time of the year ivhen housekeepers should not have to.be'bother- ed with baking. , Why do you When you can get your Cakes so reasonable at KIRKBY'S, •Here are a few of our priees:— Layer takes - - 20cte Queen's drops - .10e per doz Swiss bons 10e Oatme0A date cakes Mc And. all other kinds or cakes. Rhubarb pies, 10 cents each. Lemon pies, 15 cents each, 2 ter giie Custard pies, 2 for 25 cents. Tart shells dandies, 10c. per doz. Our home.made ginger, snaps are • the best, going hire hot cakes •• at 10 cents per lb. MINTON, ONT. ro". Air`4 Phosilkodino, The Great Ningtieh iletnedf/i Sold and reoommended by all druggists in Canada. Only tell. able medicine diseovered. Biz kaga guaranteed to cure all forms o SexuariVeakners, all effects of abuse ' or excess, Mental Worry, Exceseive use of To - hence, Opinra er Stiratilante. Mailed on receipt 46..04of prioe, one packsige SI, six, $5. One tett please, /VIVA OW% FIGnpnlets free te any address, Ilms Wood anispOssi, Windsor, Ont. 'Wood P1;0011*(10;0,1E' sold in Clinton by Sydney 3aekson, Draggle. - r poolAN AN ABSOLUTE • sorry • ire/110,m ALIO IT PLAYS oAkt4 It HEARD 4011 A CHILD CAN oPE. l'T BIB MORAN? 4 111.0POVIST. .01111.301.19.11•111 The Metnber of Parliatrient who is not any too well endowed with this world's goods may practise ,nepotionn andhave some excuse, provided he did not condemn it when his party Wall in Oppoeition,but not so the Mem- ber With the big bank account, Sir Hichard Vattwright, for inetance. He le one of the worst offenders theegh he condeinned the practice in his most scathing Mallper when the Conserv*. tives were in power: The following is aa incomplete list of his relatives who have been provided fer :- In.the Dominion Civil Service - 1 Brother, I 2 Sons. 2 Second cousins. In the Ontario seryice- I 1 Son. 2 Cousins. ilionnal1100414; " ggs For Sale. 1 I have Andalusian eggs for sale. My fowl Iwere prize winners atthe Huron Poultry Show, scoring from 94 to 91 points. The Andaluslans ere a hardy breed,lay big eggs and are the most 1 , ti t th (I ta lb pro o alerts. ae Model Farm prove. 01 jrs,13143114EN'Bulay. Clinton, April 25th, . Saddle For Sale. Lady's saddle, buckskin seat, leaping horn. - leather pocket and flap, also whips and russet Pelham bridle, very little used, will be sold on Clinton, April 26th. ,Apply • at THIS OFFthE. reasonable terms. GORT ,OF REV SION. Townshipof Goderleh. Take Notice that a Court of Revision for the Township of Glided& will hold its first sitting in the Township Hall, on Friday, May 26th,A.D. 1899. commencing at I. o'clock p. m., for the pur- pose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors on the Assessment Roll of ,the present year. All parties interested are re- quested to attend, NIXON STURDY, Clerk, of the Municipality. Goderich Township, May 2nd, 1899. HOUSE TO RENT. • . Large frame house on corner of Albert and Mastreet, containing nine rooms, large lawn and larden and all conveniences, Or the two story cottage on Mill street containing eight rooms and all conveniences. .Apply to ARTHUR COOK. Clinton, April 18tb..•• • EGGS FOR SALE. The Undersigned has Silver Laced Wyan- dotte Eggs for sale from bit ds which scored 93, points at the Huron • POultrv Show. 31.60 for =teen eggs. White. Rook utak.% mos strain 51.00 per dozen. ' • .S. LAWRENCE.' Clinton, Apri1.15th, HOUSE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his house and lot on corner of Rattenbury and Raglan streets-. W. G. DOHERTY ClintontApril 13th.• FARM FOR SALE. Lot 30, Con. 1, township of Tuokorsmith, Th R. S. the property of the late William Whitely is offered for sale. On the farm is erected a 2 storyttone house, barn and sheds. There la also a good bearing orchard- and the farm -is well watered with a living spring and a well. Apply on the premises to • MISS E. WHITELY or W. S. LAWRENCE, Clinton. Clinton, March 21st, 1899.. • HOUSE FOR SALE: • • • On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory. 1.300. will buy a roomy, comfortable house with . good lot -the property at present occupied by Frank Upshall • Vacant Lot on Maple street altio for tale at a very lOw price. Apply at once M. W. BUYDONE, March 7th. Barrister "STORE TO RENT. • ••The undersigned offers for rental the store tat present occupied by IL 0. Barlett, furniture dealer. This is one of the best tands in Clin- ton. Possession can bo given at onee. • Also that largo room over J. Wiseman's dry koods store. There is a good entrance. Apply to 3.0. ELLIOTT, or ' JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton P. O. Clinton, Feb. Oth, 1899, 2 3 SEED CRAIN We keep all kinds of Seed Grain in Stock and make a point of buying only the best. • FLOUR When you want Flour give us a call. We buy from one of the best millers. • • GROCERIES • Our Groceries 'are fresh and our stock well'essolted. 'We sell 201bs of Sugar for 21, Currents at 8 etiliti • per 1.13., Raisins at the same yoke, and other fruits proportionately. CALL ow us. Mr„ 11:›11..T1.C.A.144T • opposite theMarket, Clinton. Special Notice. We are Headquarters for Good Goods at Lowest Cash prices. Pull lines of Cheice Groceries always on hand. A call solicited. iiionnsT lquens PAID VOA GOOD 3317TTER AND EGGS. G. J. STEWART. T.& B. MYRTLE OUT is the best IC& MITH BECAUSE CORD tY*WANTED 36 systriTOWN *NO via -LAOS ADM% ORTALIONG MAC4ille • It is the best Virginia Leaf, ft iS most carefully peeked, It burns easily, It ionokee longest, 0010000091100 00 1 News • 000000000000 *0 1101010ov Mr. S. Phipps is w way. Mrs, P. J. EVaue and Manitoba on Monday to band who went out in the beginning of • spring. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley visited the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Jas. Snell, Hullett, On • Saturday' • • Misses H. Oeurtice and C.Newcombe or Clinton spent Sunday with Mr, J. L. ICourtice. Mr. W. Elford of Goderich paid it fly. ing visit to friends here on Sunday. • Next Sunday will be quarterly moot- ing services. The Goderich District • meeting of the W. ill, S. will he held • in the Methodist church on May 18th. Mr, T. C. Elford moved. We bis bailee last week. Mrs, John Jervis spent a few clays with her brother, Rev, J. W. Andrews,' Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs, W. Cole and son of 01 inton §pen t Sunday with her lather, Mr, W. Mulholland, ° Port Albert. ° . Willie Hayden, Goderich, spent t San - Virework at the harbor which vas with his parente in this burg. started three days before the last elec- tion is riearly-dead,--so-ta.-speak.-- The - would -be foreman has two men work - nearly all this week. Now, Sir, this, is too much of the good thing. If they have a few dollars to spend corne out „like Men' and do it and not 'put the eilvy end of the stick in one man's .pocket for according to the Estimates mought down on Tuesday week last this burg has been forgotten and all the big wonders Holmes was going to do have gone up in the fog. My tithe being short at present I will bave to stop for this tirne, Sir, but will let the people -Meow the re- mainder at an early date. -- Charlie Tout, Huron township, spent Sunday in the village.—Mrs. Frank Tesh and' family of Bay City are at present in the village; she having been called to the bedside of het father, Adam Green, who is 'at the point of death. The old gentleman has _passed the average age of most men. He has passed the hundredth mile post 'and until (Crew years ago he was able to attend to his garden but of late he has been confined to the house most of the time with rheurnatism,—Mr. and Mei. Cook and family, Dashwood, are at present in the village being called to her step -father's bedside, Mr, Adam. Green.—• -:Edward Green, Exeter, wheeled up to see his father on Sunday. —Geo, Tout and Harry Hawkins are bull,iing a stone foundation under Sas. Oliver's house. ' Colborne. • Seeding is the order of the day; around. here, some being nearly through.. - The cheese factory ;Will °pert on May IOtb. Mr. Jones has his bogs • bought for the factory again this summer. Miss (batman of Goderich has been visiting the past weekat her sister's, Mrs, F. Kerr's. • Mr. Andrew Young purchased a span of fina colts from Mr. •Wm, Askwith af a good figure. •° 111r. james Mitchell has rented his creek this year to Dr. Reg. Shannon of • Goderich. • •• • Some women are in a big hurry to get rid of their daughters as they have to send invitations to some young Men • to orue to seethem while they are on the sick list. Come along, boys, and don't be too late for if they eould only get the glimpse of your smiling face they would •soon • recover.. pont d any; • • Drysdale. Mr. Joseph Darchatne, our black- smith, has his new shop nearly corn - Talbot has.on band it • large supply of wheat. He 18our only grain merchant.—Seeding is the order of the day.—Mr. August °bal- letlost a valuable Milch cow recently. William Turner is busy repair- ing his buggy for.the;coming Our tree agents, Messrs. Talbot and 13ennerman, are doing a rushing busi- ness this season.—Miss Flora. Turner hes been visiting in Goderich the past 'week..--Dereh forget our' picnic in Snowden's grove May 24th.— W. and H. Johnston had a four days' trip to Forest last Robt. Orr is planting a large quantity, of potatoes this spring with the intatition of hav- ing a large shipment in the fall.— House cleaning and gardening are the order of the day.—Rain is much. needed in eur vicinity. --Mr. Jos. Dnehame has his blacksmith shop al- most cotn'pleted.--Mr. John Itu in- tends' moving into Mr. Snowden's brick residence 'opposite Reeve Orr's tesidence lately occupied by Mr. Sohn Bannerman, reeve of the north end of Blade. a • For Over Fifty Years • 1VIres, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SITHIP has bee4 used by millions of motherii for their children while teething. If disturbed at night end broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. it Will re. Bove the poor little sufferer immediately. De-. Mind upon it, mothers, thereis no mistake about it. It MIMI Dlarrhcea, regulates thO Stomach and bowels, (sures Wind Colic, softens the 'Gums, reduces Inflammation, tildgives ton 0 and energy to the whole sYstein. Mrs. Winalew'S Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea. sant to the taste and is the prescription of .one of the oldest and best female physicians and nursesin the 'United States.. Price twenty -live dents a bottle. Sold by all druggists thropgh- out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WISsLoW's SOOTHING STROP. • • - Alleged Ballot Stutter. Brookville, Ont., April 27. -The caseof Gordon Empey, who was arrest - on Saturdaylest charged with bellot stuffing, was up for hearing before the pollee magistrate to -day. A charge of forging n, ballot was also entered against him to -day. Two witnesses were sworn—the returning officer and • Cetiservetive scrutirir--and as it result of their evidenee., Empey wag eotntnitted for trial at the assiZeS. Ilo was allowed to go on furnishing bonds to the amount of $1,800, Dr. P'on. Aimee Pirteeppfe rat;tetat, t Alt .Orteggiets ,noz..60 Iwtetr. 011./1.13TSItIV. 1. How vain aro the complaints of the thousands whose stemaohs aro the abodes of distress 2. lie* Mkt aro,tholainooto Was of thoso that suffer ;Wov°. e 3. IIow long .0, how long will the suffer ere think they -know the right thing for re. lief and the cure. 4. They diet, and doeto r, ant ry powder, and pills -and still suffer the tOrnIOnta of all manner of ille, 6. Why not end all the trouble , and be freed from distress with& mire for the stony. %eh that never falls of SUCCOnnt O. Heartburn. sour stomach /Intinen, Sink iseadaohe, and all other distresses of indigos. Lion on remedied quickly vrithDr.Vori HUM% Pineapple TabIete-a single tablet alway gives instant relief. 7 Many old oases of dysimpela ore permit. nently mired with one box of Dr. Von Stens Pineapple Tablets -40 tablets in a box -36 cents at te.- t allidruggisSold by,Watts as Co. iSteVells Wilt) ilike 1 t , .4 elm 4.4-unavgr. 1,011 the last six months, returnesi hem) an Wednesday last. -- Miss Jennie Brownlee of Forest Heine spent it couple of weeks with her meter, Mrs.II. Little, ---4118s Alice Date epent a COG - pie of days laet week with her sister, Mrs. Irldo (inch of Tockersnala.--, Mr. T. Livingstone and Miss Sway Livingstone spent Sunday with friends in Olinton.---Mr. O. Cooper hag en- gaged with Mr, George Brownlee of Forest Horne for the simmer inmates. --Miss Taylor of Kippen spent a COU, ple of days with her ;sister herie--Mr. Norman Carter and hie two sisters spent Sunday with Weeds in Goderich township. ---Seeding and bousecleate. lug are the order of the day in this vic- inity. --Mr. Mellardy of Clinton oc- cupied the pulpit ,here on Sunday , in I the absence of Bev. Mr, Armstrong. West Taelarsmth. Seeding with the exception of late peas will be fairly well wound up We week., Fall wheat gives every pros; pect, of being an average crop. --Mr. and Mrs. Newton ()rich of Clinton are 'Irelidaying here. Newton is trying his hand at farnairig this week. --Mr, W. Cochrane add Frank Heywood put chased wheels from J. Snider of Bruce - field and Walter Layton from the On- ward .Bicycle Co.—Horsemen are on their rounds again this week. --The celebrated Eckhardt family of Bell Ringers gave one of their musical treats to the people of this locality' in Turners church, on Wednesday ° even- ing. --Mr. Robt Hunter of Detroit renewed old acquaintances on the Lon- don road last week.—Mr. VV'ne Broadfoot has been on the road the past week picking up some choice cat- tle --Rev. Mr. Arinstrong spent the forepart of the week in Goderich.-- Mr. and Mrs. George Crich of Olinton were guests here on Sunday last. -- Mr. Chas. Crich is on a fair road to re- covery. The doctor think an, opera- tion will nate necessary. --Mr. Geo. Ray, who was engaged for the summer with Mr. F. Crich was stricken with an attack of appendicitis on Wednes- day morning last while plowing. He was taken to his home on the Baseline in the afternoon: We hope to hear of his rapid recovery '--Nelson the old- est son of Mr. J. G. ()rich has had a slight attack of diphtheria. Under the vigilant care of ]Dr. Thomuson the dread disease was kept within hounds. The patient is now as well as ever. ..Eat Illtron Teachers' Association. An attraatire feature of the meeting of the East Huron Teachers' A.ssoeiti- thin to be held in Clinton on Thursday May llth will be the illustrated.lecture to be given by Mr. Frank Yeigh of Toronto on "Imperial Canada.": Mr'. Yeigh bas a, wide -spread reputation es a lecturer and writer, and in this cese bases his remarks on his tecent travels from one end of the country to the other. The stereopticon ,vieWs used.to illustrate his subject are described as being strikingly beautiful end marvels ot artistic coloring. An expensive stereopticon is used, mem- pehtted' by an expert operator, thus giving the betel pictorial results. The evening's entertainment will give those who hear and see it a most vivid idea, of the resources, area, scenery and history of Canada, and no subject should be more popular at the present thne when Canada is looming so large in the eyes of the world. We congra- tulate the Teachers' Association .on having secured Mr. Yeighfor this casion. _ Reports Presented to the ToWn Connell on Monday Night. BOARD OF IlEALTII. ,That Jos. Wheatley be aPPOinted inspector. —That a Bylaw be passed prohibiting the digging of privy pits in future an also pr ovid- bur further that all dry earth closets if properly conducted be cleaned at publics mangey—. That a Bylawbe passed satin:wising the regular inspection of blaurbter houses, lintel= shops and dairies, both within this nutnielpality and in adjoining townships, and that a report of the Condition of sit& placesbe Made periodically to the council. mmusron. ' The report Of the Finance cotoMittee as fol. lows was accepted:-STMEtTCOMMITTAS-C11 SA. Carter, $19.68, S. L. Scott,$11.33, G. Pickett. 6.00. G. 3ohcaton,$1.80,W, Stoop, Sr., $1,50, D. Cook; $1,061 Jas. 0otten,$1.00.—Fims Aun 'WATER ,--4‘;, WOW, 32,25, Gab/ Pemba Co., *4.00. Gutta Pemba Co., $10.00, Taylor & Sons, $23.20, 0. Carter, *Las, 5. b. Soott.1.2.1. MeGuaig. $2 20, 3". Miller, *12.3,1.. Seeley, $5.06.W. Steep, Jr., 60o, II. Stevens, 11.00, Tbirland Eros., ULM; • W. Coats, Stevens' $1.26. Clinton ElectriclCo. $70..3. Wheatley 44.25', 3. Copp, 010.60, I/Arland Eros., $10.00,—Cnot TnItY-It En7nOMElf • $30.00, —Satsuma -- .T. Wheatley, $102.50, E. Berman, $02.60, W. Coats, $37.60.L-PaisTrisci-RsRetnies, $16.25, 3. Mitchell, $15.76. Itramurtrat- "Ontario Oasette ", PAntr-Thos. Cottle, Wheatley Rent of Hall $21.00, Y. Wheatley Bent of Council Chamber $1.00, al:Wheatley, Stook scales CV% .1. 'Wheatley Markel Sales $8.85, R, Reynolds, 40.00, 11, Roynolda, 86.71. • STRPIETS, The following report of the Street OM • irate° was adopted I -Crossing on Orange ;street at 3. Tayiere.--etone eremites • at T. Beacon* corner on Ontario Afoot -- Culbert at Collegitite institute rola atoll dour • otiout.---61raval walk on liagian street from (4firote to llogers.---itesect walk from Eng; • nob thank to William street. ----Bitch cleaned out and deepened this tide of river On Vittoria • street.--Cnibert on Raglan street opposite R. • CA101°11'8.-4 inch tile in centre brute street from Mary to Joseph street* --emoting at Ontario ;sheet ehitroli.----Tile eteen bis Patten. • ury near Anat. s- sapiartiCar 'f:.fwornprty-Tazcr—. This eeenree a fair outside, and consequent vigor in the frame, with the glow of healthon the cheek, good Apeetitel perfect digestion, Imre blood. haIlMrottbiA131311Itsti vrithiteeisIt'ssis,wtanledIntsolrintri sod loss or appetite. 1 was ooreplotelY ran down, 1 took .0400dt• 011X114 Arias and after emu4pc.h" better. A..°41istzlatesti Obeli/ea, near Ottawa, bave beim troubled Witit nceasche and bilionsnen and Vas Midi run down. Tried llood'e flarsaprilla and it ave note relief and built me up."16"1"1"1 80 Detc*"4::::::i:A1/ )/.,/0ts • 1621td‘ittatilo tO take yilif 16166ifs Hs* Pills Imre liver illsi Ilisicrsn•ivimittor Sold by Watts.* Co., Druggists. • MARRIAGES. MARKLE-ROSS:-A t the residence-. of the bride's father, on April 16th, . by Rev. J. L. Murray,4 D. D., Mr. James Markle, R. R. conductor, to Mrs. Mary B. Ross, daughter of Mr. William Kay,lighthouse keep- er, all of the town of Kincardine. SVNES—JACKSON—In Winghttin,dn ' April 24th, at the 'residence of Mr. Neil McGregor, by Rev. W. Freed, Mr. G. Stanley Jones of Nest Wa- wanosh, to Miss Ehne Jackson of Walkerton. OLEGHORN-HOLLOWAY-At the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Dr. Pascoe on April 26th, Mr. Geo. S:Oleghorn to Miss Ber- tha, Holloway both of Turnberry. GILL -ROY -At the . residence of the bride's parents, by Rev, Mr. An- drews on 'April 26th, Mr. Gleason Gill, to Manette, daughter of Mr. R. D. Roy, MI of Fullerton. ZOEGER-MILLER-In tbe German church, Mitchell on April 26th, by Rev- Arr- Eike, Stratford, Mr, W. T. Zoeger, merchant, Newton Sta- tion, to Christena, second daugla- • ter of Mr. Ludwig Miller, Logan. BIRT RS. COOPER -In Goderich Township on May lst, the wife of Mr. George 4 - Cooper, of it son. • CHING-In Hay, on April 25th, the • the wife of •Wm. Ching, of it son. ZUEFLE-rIn Exeter, on April 23rd, the wife of Wm. Zuefle, of it daughter. • DAVIDSON-In Mortifeen April lith, • the wife of W. Davidson of _Bel - mere, of a daughter. STEWART-In Toronto; on April • 26th, the wife of J. A. Stewart of the. Standard Bank, formerly of Brusseleof it onn. _ BOLDUQ-In Egmondville, on April 26th, the wife of Herman Bolduc of tedaughter. • HASTINGS -In Glenannam, on April 21st. the wife of John Heath:1gs, of a daughter. . . MANUEL-In Wingham,. on April 21st, thewife of Ellie Manuel, of a . daughter. BENNETT-In Blyth, on April 201h, the wife of Win. Bennett, of a - daughter. •' - CONNOLLY-In Legere on April 20th, the wife of Miertba Connolly, . of a daughter. .aTEWAAT—In ,,Leehurn, . on April 10th, the wife of Percy Stewart, of twins, both girls, ' ".. ' . DE ATMS. EMERSON -In Goderichtownship, on April 29th, 'Robert Emerson,' aged 65 yea& . BOLTON -In McKillop, on April 24th,• , Margaret Curry; relict ofthe late Barnet Bolton, . aged 60 years. 6 months and six days. BRAY -In London, on Tuesday, April "25th, Alice Maud, beloved wife of Rev. Horace Bray:, formerly rector of Trivitt Memorial „church, Exe- ter.' MoCASKILL-In Kincardine' town - on April 21st, Mrs. John Mc,- Caskili, aged 66 years. MoCALLUM—In Bervie, on April Z3rd. Mrs. Gilbert McCallum, aged 18 years. - MoKENZIE-At Inveihuron on April 23rd, Maggie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKenzie, aged 12 years. ROBERTSON -In Stanley township. on April nth, Jessie, wife of Dav- id Robertson, aged 72 years. ' MoNEVIN-In Wingham, on April 22nd, Mary Jane wife of Mr. John McNevin. aged 20 years, 4 'months and 14 days. , DOYLE-In Sudbury, on April 24th, Ann, relict of the late Nicholas Doyle, aged $5 years, COOK -At North Branch, Mich., on April 23rd, Sohn Cook, aged 35 Mita • HAYDEN-In Brussels, on April 21st, Daniel Hayden, aged 85 years. MILLER -In Wroxeter, on April 20th, John Howard, youngest son of the late Thos. V. Miller, aged 15 years. T/FFIN-In Colborne townehip, on April 22th, Mrs, john Tiffin, aged 70 years. • THE. DEEtifiv0 The best of all Ainericap. brands, made of the finest quality PURE MANILA FIBRE, guaranteed to run 650 feet to the pound and exceeds any other Twine in Tensile strengt1). The Best yet, Once you buy it you will use no other as it will save you money. Only a limited quantity,' Order early before 'prices advance. IF YOU BUY •BR 08 STOVES AND TINWARE • IRON AND HARDWARE. I .1 11 .. toadfoot 5 ox4. Manufacturers and riext1ert4in • ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. For the Spring trade we are offering the largest and most com- plete stock of High, Medium and Low Priced Furniture in the County,. We have some great values to offer in 'PARLOR SUITS, COUCHES, AND LOUNGES. Do not buy until you have paid a visit to our Warerooms. 1 UNDERTAKING • ' n this line we parry' a complete stock: Our Fi rses and out fit are up to date and.ontoharges reasonable. BR.OADF0OT,:BQX& 00. - -Furniture I:Sealers and I.Indiortakers .7. W. Uhidley-, Manager Night and Sunday ;calls answered at .Residence of our • Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley, KingSt., opposite Foundry. • • NERVES ALL smA§14pD, INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA AIM .THE AROH DESTROYERS, BM. 1301PrEi . AM- 1ITOAN NERVINE PROVEs THE NEVER - FAILING HEALTH, BUILDER. • Mrs. Ellen Butler, 37 Coilagie St„ Toronto, suffered from indigestion in a severe form for several years, was unable to eat meat orvegetables, was threateney with nervous prostration as a result of chronic dyspepsia. After many remedies had .been tried \ and failed, she began using the • South , American Nervine: When she had . taken three betties, to -use her own ! words, "I can eat anything set before .the, and enjoy it without any bad after effects. •I think it a wonderful remedy for. dyspepsia _and nervoes. prostration. • cult To See ; *."-`50*" „ The Governnaenb of British °ohm- `a*-- bia have taken possession of Deadman — HOW MUCH 1/0 YO:I:I WEIGH. Thinness is wasting. Wasting is tearing down. Scott's Emulsion builds up ; it never makes waste. It will give you rich blood and being back pito Those eyes of yours are probably over ed, and if you have not found\ it'out yet, you will soon do so. - Prepare for the future by taking care of the present. Defective vision is ea aly cured., unless of long weight' .• standing. . Our large stock of ' The re count of ballots in the 13!iock: le. 81 aid , lig. frames eombined Title election ism progress, With our knowledge of how to • • ..,—....... . - BLISTERED BY DOCTORS fit them properly,' insures you . i'OR HEART DISEASE wtrnousi DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR, THE HEART • RELIEVEs DIFIFTEEN MINI/TES: • Mrs, 0. Wird of Magog, Que., was it great sufferer for years from heart disease.. Paysicians blistered her and gave her other treatments without re- lief. She read in the papers of the wooderful cures made by Dr. A.gnew's 0 f th t Sile ure or e ear . e procure bottle of it. Fifteen minutes after the STOP IT NO W. • first dose she had relief. Befoce tak. DON'T Lax, IT flux ON UNTID YOUR C01V- 1)ITION CA178E8 Y01/ TO 1112 OSTRACIS- • ED AS Ir Iron WERE A. rowan. .Before ib is to late stop that suc- cession of colds that tneans nothing tnore nor less than catarrh. Stop the suffering. Stop the disagreeable dis- charges that are so humiliating to you end offensive to your friends. Don't lab it run on until your. condition causes you to be ostracized as if you Were it leper. Dod'b neglect yourself until consum, ption makes its fatal ap- pearance. Yon can be cured. Not merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly cured: Dr. A.gnevit's Oath& rhal Powder will restore you to com- plete, petted. health. Xt gives relief at once. It cures in an incredibly short time. TIIF, Critttox Nisws-Hnconn %xcela in Huron county news, THE SPRING MONTHS Are most likely to find your blood Im- pure and lacking in the red corpuscles which enalsle it to carry nourishment to the nerves and other organs. There- fore you feel weak, tired atid listless and are troubled with spring honors. Itellef is given by Hood's Sarespatills. which purifies, enriches And vitaliteta the blood. HOOD'S riLts tura billion/mess. Mailed for 25 cents by O. I. Hood ttt 0o., Lowell, Mass. • ing this remedy she had conetarit spells. of suffotation and fluttering, and severe pains ebout the heart ansi was so weak thab the act of sweeping the floor caused her to faint. She con- tinued using, the remedy until she had taken six bottles and to -day she 13 as well as evezt she was. •••••••••••Pow*. • WEEL11.37" 113013.49613.U.S1 . • We thank our customers for their patronage in the past and bog to call their attention to our removal from Combe's bloek to the former stand of Allen Sri Wilson • OPPOSITE THE MARK ET tt Where we hope to see them an STRATPORD, ONTARIO. ansi cuat nners too We • keep In stock Groceries of all 'Properly Prepared Young Men atm kinds, Flour, Seed Grain, etc Women. for Business life. POUTY- a permanent benefit and not: Merely temporary relief. Charges moderate. • A d,ORIGG • Jeweler and Optician. TEE IASSEY-RARRIS BIGYOLE • ix4s NO SOPERIOR. It runs natty, the materials of Width it le built are all of the , very best, and the price equals the quality. There 18 310 better wheel than the Massey-Hatris. GEORGE 11.10118 Agont Itirs/Ngss- • BRIGHTNESS BRINOS SUCCESS 4211 *WW1:J/15 /0 FOUR of o,ir It tit Studen18lsav GOODS AND PRICES STAND THE 7EST tented good situations. Business Men appreciate our work 'and apply to us ar. loft Eiji i•r for our graduates. Enter now if you ik.-4 can. Prospectus free. v W. J. ELLIOTT, P63011361