HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-04, Page 5MAY 4, 1899,
0 •
• •
: Vor praying :
• •
• •
: 17'r utit Vrees •
• •
• 0
: Sulphate of Copper or Blue :
: Stone is considered the best :
:I article, It kills all insects 14,1'
: and injurious and destructive 4,i,
as e 6
• fungi thus developing health- *
, *
: ful growth and. improved :
fruit. o
e •
t : For the first spray before LP
: the buds are open, 3 pounds :I
.: of Sulphate of Copper is 41
. : needed with 50 gallons of :
e : Water, •
: It is noW time for the first it
8 e
: spray and if you spra,y your :
: trees use our guaranteed :
I: pure Sulphate of copper. : i
O -
e Our price is 10 ets. Per pound • •
ft) or 3 pounds for 25 cts. and :
O cheaper. in larger quantities. •
• Graduate Druggist. i
e •
. te Successor to Allen & WilSon Phone 2. 6
I 1 I nil 1,, 1 1'
The Member of Parliament who is
not any too well endowed, with this
woria's goodsmay practise nepotism
and have some excuse, provided be
did not condemn it when his party
WAS in Opposition,but not so the Mem-
ber with the big hank account, klir
Richard. Cartwright, for instance. He
is one of the worst offenders though
he condemned the practice in his most
seatInug manlier when the Conserva-
tives were in pewer, The following
AO incomplete list of his relatives who
have been provided for
In the Donainion Civil Service -
1 Brother.
2 Sons.
2 Second cattalos.
In the Ontario service-
! 1 Son.
2 0011$ins.
'Bought the Business
of Ford & Murphy I keep in
stock Fresh Meats cif all kinds,
Hams, Rolls, Sausage, Bologna,
etc., etc.
Any Farmer
having anything in the line of
Fat- Cattle
• Hogs, Veal or •Lainb which he
• wishes to sell will find it 'w.orth
his While to call. on me.
A Share of
Youi Trade Solicited
Stand next Hodgens' Dry Goods Palace
. ,
• • •
Bright and Vire& Written
The Clinton News-Reeord.
House Cleallthg
This is the • time of the year
when housekeepers should
not have to he bother-
ed.with baking.
Why do you
When yin' can getyour Cakes
so reasonable at
'Here are a few of out. prices:—
Layer cakes - 4 20cts
* Queen's drops ....10c per doz
Sense bens - 10c
• (*meal date cakes 100 "
And all &her kinds of cak'es.
Rhuhaib pies, 10 cents•each.
Lenten pies, 15 cents each, 2 for 2r5c
Custard tiles, 2 for 25 cents.
Tart shells dandies, 10o. per doz.
Or home-made ginger snaps are
.• the best, going like hot cakes
at 10 cents per lb.
ZW°"' itlYv6 %wee Phonfhaaino, '
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only roli.
able medicine discovered. Mr
pokages guaranteed to cure all
forms o Sexual Weaknese, all effeete of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To*
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one 'package El, six, $5. One teittplease,
eiz wilt cure. "Famphlete free to any address.
TUG Wood Clempsi*y, Windsor, Ont.
*ilea Phosphodino is sold in ("Beton by Sydney
Jackson, Druggist.
coo MIK
CAN lein HICAllb 60ry e.: lag? P„,,,
A Ciaill-D CAM ' .150ACD,Wilfl
XT1kills \ANTED 3&»A REOOROf.•
L.0140p.t4, Ow., , .,
. Eggs For„ Sale,
WoUrPlziligitiVrtnallgcl • Huron Poultry Sifit;1,
4s3?.?3rilingafrrg pboligur . Thneall.galiusIllaonsst
Prolific laYers, as the statisal and
the Ontario
Medal Farm prove. $1 per 13 eggs. „.;
Clinton, April 25tb. - •
Saddle For Sale. •
Lady's saddleAuckskin seat: leaping horn,
leather pocket and flap.-alse.whips and russet
Pelham bridle, very little used, will be sold on
Clinton, April 26th. Apply at THIS OFFICE.
reasonable terms.
Township of Goderich.
,_Take N• ett& that a Court of Revision for the
Township of Goderich will hold its first sitting
in the Township Hall, on Friday. May 26th,A.A.
1899, commencing at L. o'clock p. m., for thi3 pur-
pose of bearing and rectifying all complaints
against or errors on the Assessment Roll of the
present year. All parties interested are re-
quested to attend.
• NIXON STURDY, Clerk, -
a the Municipality.
Goderich Township, May 2nd, 1899..
Large frame house on corner of Albert and
Mill street, containing nine rooms, 'large 'lawn
and garden and all conveniences. Or the, two
story cottage on Mill street cootaining eight
rooms and all conveniences', • Apply to .
Clinton, April 18111.
. .
The undersigned has Silver Laced. Wyan-
dotte Eggs for -sale from buds which scored 93,
points at the Huron Poultry Show. •$1.50 for
fifteen eggs. White Rook Eggs, Rice strain
$1.00 per dezen:
Clinton, April 15th.
' • . .
The subscriber offers for sale his house and
10100 corner of Rattenburv and Haglab streets,
Clinton, April 13th. •
Lot 30, ,Con, 1, township of Tuckersmith,
H. R. S. the property of the late William
Whitely is ofkmed for sale. On the farm is
erected a 2 story stone hens% barn and sheds.
There is also a good bearing orchard and • the
farm is well watered with a living spring and a.
well. Apply on,The premises to
Mips E. 'WHITELY or
• W. S. LAWRENCE, Clinton.'
Clinton, Mareh 21st, 1899.
On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory.
5300.'111111 buy a roomy, comfortable house witlf
good lot -the property at present occupied by
Frabk Upshall
Vacant Loton Maple street also for sale at a
very low price. Apply at once to.
March 7th.• 13arrieter
' The undbreigned offere for rental the store
at present occupied by -H. C. Barlett,. furniture
dealer. This is one of the best stands in Clin-
ton. Possession can be given at once.
Also that large room over .T. Wisernan's dry
eoods store. There is a good entrance. Apply to
3.0. ELLIOTT, or
•AS. SCOTT, Barrister,
2.3Clinton P. O.
Clinton, Feb. Oth. 1899..
We keep ali!kindeof Seed Grain in
stock and make a point. of buying
- only the best,
When you want Flour give • as a
call: We buy from one of the best
millers. • .
Our Groceries are fresh and our
stock well assorted. We hell 201bs
of Sugar for 21, Ourrants at
per lb.Raisins at the sante price,
and other fruits proportionately.
W, 1)1(31NTC.A.N.
Onposite the Market, Olinton,
Special Notice.
We are Headquarters for Good Goods
at Lowest Cash prices. ninnies
of Choice Groeeries always on
hand, X call solicited.
Goon 3it1VrIell AND Betelet.
T.86 IL MYRTLE etit
is the boot
It is the b4t Virginia Leaf,
- nrst carefully packed',
It burns easily,
It stnokes longest.
•••••••••••• •••••••
• • ▪ News Fl
Mr. St Phipps is worKS
Mrs. P. .T.vans and f
Manitoba, on Monday to
band who went out in t
Mr, and Aly_s. Stanley
ter's sister, Mrs. Jae. St)
Misses H. Courtice and
of Clinton spent Sunday
Courtice. •
' Mr. W, Elford of Godet
ing visit to -friends here o
Next Sunday will he gt
ing services. 'The Gode
meeting of the W. M. 3,
in the Methodist church
•Mr. T. C.,eElford mo
house last week.
Mrs, John Jervis spen
with her brotlaer, Rev. .r, I
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0oll
Clinton spent Snnday wi
Mr, W. Mulholland.
Port Alber
Willie Hayden—, Godhri
day with his parents in t
The work at the harlot:
started time days before
tion is nearly dead, so tc
would-be foreman has tw
'lowly all this week. No
too much of the goodthr
have a few dollars to spe •
like men and do it and
heavy end of the stick
pocket for according to
brought down on Tuesd
this burg has been forg
the big wonders Holmes
do have gone up in the f
being short at present I
stop• for this time'Si
let the people kno
minder at an earl
Charlie Tout, Huron to
Sunday in the village.
Test) and' family of Ba
present in the village, she
called to the bedside
Adam Green, who is at
death. The old gentlem
the average age of most
passed the hundredth •
until a few years age he
_attend to his garden but
been confined to the hoes
time with rheumatism
Mrs. Cook and family, 'D-
at present in the village
her step -father's bedside
Green. --,-..Edward (1 -re
Wheeled up to see his fath
---Geo. Tout and Harry
builcling a stone •foundati
Oliver's house.
Seeding is the :order
around' here, Some IN
The cheese factory wil i .
10th.. Mr. Jones has hi
for the factory again this
Miss Chatman of God
visiting the past week a,
Mrs; F.' Kerr's.
Ale. Andrew Yining pu
of 0ne colts from Mr. W
a good figure. -
Mr. James Mitcliell h
creek this year to Dr. Re
Some women are in a,
get rickof their daughters;
to send invitations to sone
to Mune 10 800 them whil
the sick list. Come alot
don't be too late for if th
get the glitrepse of your
they would soon re
, 1)i ysdaleJ
-- i
Mr. Joseph Durchard
•smith:has his new shop
'pleted.—Mr. H. Talbo
a large supply of wheal
only grain tnet•chant.--
order of the day. -t. --Mr.
let lost a valuable mulch
—Mr. William Turner i
ing his buggy for the con
Our tree agents, Messrs.
Bannerman, are doing a
nese this season.—Miss 4
has been visiting in GodeA
week. --Don't forget o,•
Snowden's grove May 24t
TT, Johnston had a, four
Forest last week.—Mr.
planting a large quantity
this spring with the intet .
ing ta large shipment in
House cleaning apd gamic
order of the clay.—Ri
needed in our vicinity.-
Duchame has his blacks]
most completed. --Mr. . „
tends moving into Mr
In -ick residence opposite
residence lately occupied
Bannerman reeve of the north ella of -Craving securer'. air. 1 awn icir ttus 00- ••:-r--et --: v- -7.--e----- --- r -- -.7-
, DIM evitn, awn w years, e mentos
Blade, ' easion.
Clinton Ont., Thursday, May 4th, 1899.
Itrinssele. . Ilensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mooney and It Seems Only A Trap.
Mrs. McQueen who has been confin- .
their two youngest daughters left on ed to her room for some time with con- .
Tuesday morning for the l'orth-West. semptiee, passed away
• They will settle at Weyburn, Assinaboia night in her 34th year. ShoeuheMe Monday The Yukon IlaVestliation 30 Char -
where Mr. Mooney purchased a large been well since the death of her hue- aeter Ind bY a Vletlm.
tract of land last summer. They took band, which took piece four years ago. .1
along a car ot settlers' effects and ma- She was a quiet, estimable 'woman, and Winnipeg, Advil 26, --The Edmonton .
Bulletin, publeobed by Frank Oliver, Do you want a Piano, Organ, or any
tett.,,E. Lee, top kind of musical goods? If so, calf and
= terial for a house. It is their Present her loss WAIT he keenly felt.by her five
. intention to return in- the fall and spend little children and her brother Will who Liberal, M. P., says :-
, the winter here:
• see us , We can supply you with the
wady of gill:not-1ton writes from Dawson
resided with her. finest instruments ae the right price, ,
Nawe reaehed town kit Week of the City moiler date of ittrch 7; stating in
Let inc quote you prices on what ynt-
E lis & Sniallacombe's new onion
death in California of W. D. Brothers, ut inv"tiga" may want.
a zon-in-law of Mrs. Jae: Wilson- Mr.' whibb greatly helps to 'lighten and ' tion 1 --
seed drill has a musical attaohme regard to the commission for
Brothers VOW in the newsPaper husin Nis cheer the heart:of the man who shoves "I bed the pleasure of waiting upon TWO r'ECOND-HANCi
in Miltoe before moving to California. tbe machine along.
the oourt on openintelay in ansvver to
..' He was 39 years of 'age and leaves a , Persons interested in Rodgerville a subpoena, which turned out, however, PIANOS TO RENT
widow, and three children. Mrs. oemetrry met in Carmel church on Wed- to have been terved ou the wrong man, • Our leaders are the. Bell,Heintzman
Brothers and children vvill return to nesday evening noadd arrangements consequently as I had walked sixty and Morris Phon.s. Distributing cen-
Brussels in a few months to reside, Tor lencing, draining and making other miles to attend court, it was of interest tie for the noted Doherty. Organ, the
The oontraot of carrying the mail to necessary icaprovemente. • to know who would compensate me for superlatively sweet told rich Regina,
the station has been awarded to J. A sister of Mrs. A, A. Goetz, who was losts.of tune and out of pocket expenses our own make of Dulcimers and Auto
Beattie. There were three tenders in. a sister in the convent at London, died incident to my journey to the town, Mr. harps, Sheet Music, Mouth Organs and
Geo. Inwry boa ' sold • his house on
Queen st, to Mre. McKibben of Walton of consumption on Wednesday, and was Ogilvie said he had no authority to pay a large variety of other instruments.
buried on Friday. . witnesses their expenses even. Now, Pictures in great variety for sale.
f 610.
what is the use of posters' vetting forth Pianos tuned musicelly and scientifi
While. packing apples last fail Leon Mr. Ogilvie's invitat on to men who knew cally correct, action regulated, new
Jackson put a note in one of the barrels of any malfeasance 'connected with the strings kept JD stock and put on. (In
Government t� come forward and make structions teleen from lending tuners
• in.Toronto.)
their complaints known?
I am ndt selling my fruit fa.rm, but
"In the first place, tnost people are
haying labor and capital to run it, un
under the impression that the investi-
der Providential blessing _I hope to
eminent can ascertain what claims have
gation is only a trap whereby the Gov -
been prqoured illegally, and ' through supply Strawberries, Honey, Cherries
rove anti Plums in great abundance
o he public. . •
collusion with Goveraneent employees,
in order to deprive the present owners STORE OPPOSITE POST -OFFICE
asking the party who reoeived the note •
to answer, and last • week received a ,There is a project on foot jar, the
letter and photo from a young lady in formation of a Company here for the
Chicago. . purchase and shipment of farm stock,
Will, Brydon who spent the winter with a capital of #30,0e0. •
here, left for Morden, Man., oil braMter.d and e Mrs Walter anniversaryWa t erPu r doyf , tcheel jar -
day where he will resume his trade co
wedding on Thursday. eveninglist.
0:iver Smith, 'who has been in the Mr, John Currie, ,president of the
Americen military service for several Torribery Agricultural Society, was in
, years. is here on a visit. Toronto fait w ek arranging matters in
visit connection with .the booiety's annual
Trvvin paid an official
to St. John's Lodge, A.F. 4e A. excursion to the Model Farm ataaiielph.
• Bruesels, on 'Tuesday evening of this The date . of the eXeursion- has .1-een
week. He complimented the officers on changed froin Mohday, June' 26th to
their exemplification and gave an ire Tueerlay, tune 27th.
teresting address -to the brethren, Mr." ni•.I'vncinPgrboa'Prnoseeyd tcleielebBrqintiaonanocif tNhlaeYB2i4steh.
Irwin is the Public. SohJol Inspector for i
North Perth. • ' . team has been dropped.
'Tuesday" morning of this week George. The G. T. R. has a large Staff aud two.
.Fitzpittrick wife and sbn Isaac left engines at weekly the Liteknow gravel
of their propeirty. I never heard of seeh Will be Open afternoons.
a gen oral fee big orinseourity -of prop- .
erty as prevails in this unfortunate ter- _
ritory, and can scare Ay realize that it is
part of the Brinell Eriopire. When this. • eninten.
()ejection does not apply, is it reason-
able to expect Men to _walk 50 ,or 100 - •
miles lose their employment (if they atie. W JACKSON.
working for tvagesi or their time if vro 1 '
ingforthentselves pay their ovvn expenses
all the time the,y are' kept in the town 'AGENT C P. R
and receive no conopensation whatever : :a
'Brussels for Manitoba, vvhere they • pur- Int The 00MpanY ititend gravelling
pose making their borne. road front Listowel to Lucknow
k will not his in ord .
and it is expected that the wor n • for all t , or to get the privilege
Friday last a well known Brusselite•' of telling Mr. Ogilvie that they were
passed away in the person of DanieLbe completed belore the end of July, forced to pay some one at the post office
Hayden Ile had been ill for the past J. G. 1V1cPberson, son of ' Reeve Mc- 02 before they could obtain a letter, or
'Through tic p
tickets issued to all Dints in •
3 or 4 months sd that his decease was Pherson of Turnberry, died one day Co intressioner's offiee in order to
3501' 510 to the door -keeper of the eigoalide
not an unlooked for event. Durine his. this week in Morpeth, near Bothwell.
innese he had been well oared for by. Deceased formerly resided in rurnberry admission to tbat holy of
Mrs. John Wynn wholooked after him and had been teaching school at Mor- •
as if she had been a daughter, It is not peth for some years. . .
' to be Wondered . at that the deceased- Mr. A, Roe ol the Queen's Hotel 'John McDevitt Was
• remembered her in his will, i left on Saturday! to attend the funeral Road by lightning.
Tii.:8 three hotelkeepers in Brussels of his brother Chas. S. Roe, at Newboro;
were fined 521,00 and costs each for sell- One Mr e Roe. was a prominent busi-. .
. ing intoxicents on Sabbath, 16th April, nests man of Chicago and left there oh CLINTON MARKE'„T REPORTS.
They pleaded guilty to Inspector Miller's the llth April for New York and Wash- ' re '
charge. Information is also being laid ington. Re had been a stifferer from uorreeted eYery Wednesday afternoon
against. those who did the buying, tiro, .
. heart trouble,.but when -he left wee Fell Wheat ,,„ ....... ... 67 to 68
- - - - apparently in good health. On Thurs. Goose Wheat.... '.......... 63 to 05
The Fruit Prospects. .. .. 0 38 to 0 40
day, 20th, he vies .. found dead at his Barley...."
. rooms in New York city. uate....,.... . . ... . ..
' ,... 0 30 to 0 31
' Geo.4. Fisher, Chief Inspector under The following are the. hotel licenses. „„.. •
the San Jose scale act,was in Toronto granted hi East Huron for the forth- L"'
on Monday, He states that during the
period from the middle of January to
the middle of IVIttroh nurseries and four
million trees were closely examined by
bis officers and himaelf, in pursuance of
the provisions of the law for stamping
out the San ,Tose scale and other pests.
Mr. Fisher has just. returned from a
trip through Western Ontario anci- he
confirms the report of the great damage
of fruit trees by the severe frosts of the
winter. , One fruit -grower atLeamington
100 from -50,000 to 60,000' trees, and et-
hers suffered nearly as badly. Mr.
Fisher states that the absence ,-'cif snow
has greatly marred the proapect of fall
. wheat in many plasma in Western On-
killed at Mono Baggage checked through.. For all
information in reference to travil con-
sult thea -hove.
, 0 60 to 0 63 This interesting PlctO0 haowas rapidly i neotgio-
coming year :-Dublin, 11. Cook, Lead- Rye ' 0 80 to 0 35 hnege i•l: tol rtieoirminnet'a "IP
grounds of Mitsksoka. ' It
I.... Thos. Jones ; Walton Mrs. Sage ; Potatoes, per bush, new.:. 6 50 to' 0 55 is reached by the ,
Oraribrooke, J. tong : Queerin; I3utter looae in basket.... O. l0 to 0 11 • Grand Trunk ,Ry System
Moleawortii, C. Seehaver ; Jameatovin, B tt t 013 to 0 13 - from any point
o 09 to C 10 thenceiah73;d8Ttl,i...aaren711.13-017.1310`igaLetitif
Bel Waters of
• 5 50 to, 6 00
ant pa-te of the lakes by meane `begLakffeenri
, 6,00 to 6 00 Bay N vi et' Coof their effoi rts. gccollent hoUlts as
. 0 Onto 0 06
wine andbeer, T. MeEwan ; Fordwich,
Wroxeter, - John fl-afton and Alex. Live Hogs........
Figgs per doz
A. Orr; G. Brawn and .0.. •te
White; Belmore. J. T. Lamonliy;
Walker ; Aluevale W. W. McGuire ; Pork per owt
4 00 to 4 10 Where eeery [40114; gisti foe.° to Grasmere,
Belgrave, Jno.. gcancirett ; Brussels, 13 •
• Dried Apples per lb
,Jno. AMent Strettoh Bros., C. Zilliax.
• - Ducks per lb. '
Turkeys perib
Mr. G-ood man, who is said to beabout _. iv,
107 years ofage, will become a member Geese -pr '''""''''''
of Wesley church, Hamilton, at the Chickens per pair
reception service .next Sunday morn- Wool " ' ..
ing. ,, Flom poi -cut -
g ton . Anglers will ' this a
.. 0 05 • to •0 05 houses
eonaruri sdt ed:
l be tounct hgereeclea. nt. r8IlaafjtioYs nb561i)ainind 7uP- ,
• 0 07 Loa 08
0 05 to 0 06 Agents p8
- - and 14 daye.
DOYLE-In Sudbury, on April 94th,
Reports Presented to the Town
For Over Fifty Years Council on Monday Night. Ann, relict of the late Nicholas
Doyle, aged85 years,
Mee. Wntstow's sobernect SYRUP hag beec -....--- COOK -At North Branch, , Mich., On
used by millione of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night and BOARD OF B.EALT1i. .April 28rd, John Cook, aged 85
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth Rend at That Jos. Wheatley be appOInted Impeder. HAYDEN-In 13russels, on April 21s1,
once and get a bottle of,"Mrs. Winelow'e sootit =1 ---That a Bylaw be passed prohibiting the Daniel Hayden, aged 85 years.
ing Syrup ' for Children Teething. It will re- digging of privy pits in future and also pr °yid- MILLER -Ili Wroieter, On April 20th,
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately., De-
perid upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about Ing further that all dry earth closets If properly John Howard, youngest eon of the
it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach conducted be cleaned at public expellee.* late Thos. F. Miller, aged 15 years.
and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the
()Mos, redu ces Inflam motion, aqdgivee tone and That a Bylawbe passed authorizing the regular 'TIFFIN-In Colborne township, on
energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winelow'a iriepectien of slauehter houses, butcher shops April 22th, Mrs, John Tiffin, aged
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- a lid dairies, both within this municipality and 70 years. •
sant to the thste and is the preseription of one in adjoining tewnehips. and that a report of the
of the oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five condition of such places be made perIcelically to
zents a bottle. Sold by all druggists threogh. tho council. STOP IT NOW.
out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs. , - FINANOE.
The report of the Finance committee as 4o1- DON'T LET IT RUN ON UNTID 'YOUR dow.
• lows was accopted:--SmnEEwCoikettirratt-(lhas. - ED AS Dr YOU WERE A. LEPER,
Alleged Ballot Staffer.
Carter, $19.58, S. L. Scott,$11. , G. Pickett, 6.00, —
Brockville Ont—., April 27, -The case Before it is to late stop that Sue -
G. Johtston, $1.s0,W. Steep, Sr., 81.50, D. Cook:
of Gordon fimpey, who was arrest- e1,65, cession of colds that means nothing
Jas. Cotten,$1.00.—Filus AND WAven
A. Waite $2,25, Gutto, Reteha Co.,
ed on Saturday last charged with ballot 14411 4 more nor leas than catarele Stop the
Gutta Perehs, Co., $16.00, Taylor & Sons. $23.20, .
stuffing, was up for hearing before the suffering: Stop the disagreeable dire
police magish,rate to -day. A charge of C. Carter, $1.81 S. L. Scott, 1.25, D. McGuaig. .. charges that are so humiliating to you
forging a, ballot was also entered *220. .1. Miller, $12.50, A. Seeley, $6.00, W. Steep, anil offensive tO YOUr friends. Don't
against 'him to -day. Two witnesses Jr., 500, IL Stevene, *LSO. Harland Eros., $11.371 ' lot it 'run on until your. condition
were sworn -the returning officer and W. Cont... $3,11 ----Pnoranmv.---11. Stevens' causes you to he ostracized as if you
a Conservative scrutineer -and as a $i.lio. Clinton MeetrielCo. $4.3.Wheatley $1.23! were a leper. rood% neglect yourself
result of their evidence, Ennpey was .7. Copp, $10.50, Harland Bros.. $10.00.--Cmult until constunption makes its fatal i -p.
committed for trial at the assizes. He nullity -IL Ileynolds, $30.00. — SALARIEg - pearanee. You can be ettred. Not
was allowed to go on furnishing bonds J. Wheatley, $102.60, E. Herman, $42.50, wi merely relieved, but absolutely and
Lo the amount of $1,800. COMA eauso.—PuttsmIla-n. Mimes, $15.25, perfectly cured. Dr. ,Agriew's Client.-
, .-. W. .t. Mitchell, $16.76. — IscrimarrAre- rhal Powder will restere you to com.
De. ma& sta,p, pi„„),2,t,) Towets, a f Alt "Ontario ' Gaaetto ", $1./0.---. Panic -Thos, pleb), perfect health, It gives relief at
.Drnsvisro • Aro .nex-60 2tebtets, Cottle, $1.60.—ItvertarTs-i. 'Wheatley Itent once. It cures in an, incredibly short
CHAPIIIRIY. - . ' " of Hall 621.00, .I. Wheatley Rent of Connell - titne. " „,
...„_.... Chamber 31.00, j.Wheatley, Stook Settles $11 &I,
thousands whose stomachs are the abodes of $6.00. It, Itcyttolds, $5,75.
I. Hew vain aro the complaints of the I, Wheatley Markel Scales 118.85, It. Iteynolds,
distress I - ' „ in Huron county nevrs,
that suffer dyspepsia,. • STREETS.
2, How idleare thelamenta time Of those
3. lieW long -0, hoWleng Will the suffer Tho following report of the Street com. THE SPRING MONTOS
ere think they knOW the right thing for re- likely to find your blood um -
lief and the cure. Mitten w d t a c i 0 o
as a op e :.-- rose ng a range pure and, lacking in the red eorpuscles
Are 1110St
4. They diet, and dooto r. ant ry powder. etteet et J. Tayler's.—Stone • erossing
and pille-and still suffer t he termehts of all which enable it to carry nourishment
manner of ille. at T. Ileaconfs corner on Ontario street.-- to the nerves and other or MIS, There.
O. Why not end all the trouble and be Culbert at, Collegiate Inatitute and ditch elem.
freed from distress with a ettro for the atom. ea out,--Grevel walk on TtagIan street from
ach that never fails of sueeese l •Gilrefa to Itogere.---Iloard walk frotn Eng:
0, Heartburn, neer mime% Minnat elek it / / „.„1, t„ wink" strdet_Dgebi dealleg
headache, and all otlior distresses of 'naive- a ,.1 e 1"`" —
tion are remedied quickly withDr.VOnlitan's Out end deepened this side of river en Victoria,.
Pinsappie Tablets -a Ain& tablet, Manly street--Outborton rtaglan street opposite II,
gives instant roliof.
7 Many old 1144611 of dyspepsia. are Derma. '
Cantelon's .----3 inch tile ht centre /elute etreet
nantly °urea withene box of Dr. Von Stairs from Mary to josoph streets --Crossing at
Pineapple Tablets-60 tablets hiii box 3.5
cents at, allidruggIsts.--Sold by,Watts& Co. ury near An. i
Ontario street ehurch.--Tils drain on Rotten.
fore you feel weak, the and listless
and are troubled with spring humors.
Relief givett by Hood's Sarsapat ilia
which purifies, enriches and vitalizes
the blood.
HOOD'S PILLS titre billioustiess,
Mailed for 25 cents by O. Hood &Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
0 SS to 0 40
• 0 16 to 0 16
A. O. Pattison, G.T.R. Agent, Clinton,
175 ,to 2 00 P.R. Ilodgenst.G.T.Ticket ClintOn.
!nrn!ii:c..!)IrE,F •
Tne re -mum or nanois in tne--xsnock-
Ville election 'sin progress,.
Mrs, 0. Ward of Magog, Que.,-was
a greet sufferer for years from heart
disease. Paysiciana Weltered her and
gave her other treatmehts without re-
lief. She read in the papers ef the
wonderful cures made by Dr. Agnew's
Oure for the Heart, She procured a,
bottle of it. Fifteen minutes after the
first dose she had relief, rtefore take
ing this remedy she had constant Spells
of suffotationand fluttering, and
severe pains about the heart and was
so weak that the act of sweeping the
floor caused her to faint. She con-
tinued using the remedy uhtil she had
taken six bottles and to -day she is
well as ever she was.
1%Artaancy .
We thank our customers
for their patronage in the
past and beg to call 'tivir
attention to our-retnoval
fran Combe's block to the
former stand of Allen St
W ilsokk
Where we hope to see them all
and ttew customers too. We
keep in stock Groceries of ail
kinds, Flour, Seed Grain, etc
• 3. W. 3EILLI14.
with our knowledge of how to
fit them properly,. insures you
perinanent benefit and not
merely temporary relief.,
°hates moderate.
Jeweler and Optician.
n.4.s tro supsittolt.
It rens, easy, the materials of
which 11 is built are all of the
very best, and the price equals
the guelity. There is no better
wheel than the Massey -Muria.
Agent Massey -gamin, Clinton.
`PropeRy Prepared Young Men anu
Women for Business life. IgOltTY.
POUR of our Itecent Students have ac.
rented good situations. Business Men
appreciate one work and apply to us
for our graduates. Enter now if you .
club Prospectus free.
W. J. P,LLIOTT, Principal