HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-04, Page 21.7
It IS reported In 1041a, that, the Amir
or Afghanistan Is raising the queetioo
of his complete independence,Ha
seeks rele,sse from the otulditioes Under
w11io e reeeivee from the grata% In.
diau por'ernment an anneal. Bubsitly
equivalent to about ;750,000. Accord-
ing to the recent reperte he is direct-
ly•encouragell to pursue this volley by
Russia, The Novoe Vreznye. ot St.
Petersburg re.cently suggested that
both Russia anngland should have
Residente at the court of the
the advantages being that England
would be freed from the ehrottio Mar
of a Russiau.ievasien ot India, and
Russia, by the removal ot a great ob-
etacle to peace, would be able to de-
• vote her energies to the extension of
her trade in Central Asia, and Persia.
he Russian paper further describes
the polloy of subsidizing. the Amir as
• "mistaken one, the Afghan people con-
:• sidering themselves independent, and
' ,regarding the payment by India, in the
• light of tribute rather than a Subsidy.
e'The Terkeetan theeetteethe official or-
• gen of the Russian adminiiitration in
• Central Asia, follows the same line of
• arguinent, end in addition proposes
• ' the meeting of theindien ancl Central
• Asian railways. It also touches oa the
. • question of the Persian Gulf and eaye
• le ienecessteey Mat Russia shoield have
. an millet on that side to the sea, de-
ee-elaring that elle will continue the ef-
' forts he has instinetively made in
that direction until she has attained
end,'and. proposes that Russia and
England should come to an •under-
standing, placing their relations as to
Afghanistan on a more sati8faotte7
footing than -at present.
NIT A rtnig QN Rig RANI Xi: VOICe.natut;:ellienr:ayrY0-ud.alYealtid:rs itlgalhetralan.dihattrdw: rreyoXonseecom.
its arch a long processiOn of preeioue Only a few more sermons to preen
0•••• Memories.. Within the golden circle end hear. Only a few more heart -
rim BS. iaLlaiket SPEAKS OF of that ring there ia room tor a thous- aches Only a few more toile. On4
THE AL SON and. meet recollections to revolve, and a few more tears And then—what an
tweeo the hour when, at the Mose OI AVG Q01
entrancing speetaele will open bo-
ron think of the great contraet bee
A Wrong Impression Alormull as to Rel the "Wedding March," ender the
gtouen;wwettAhrtettesgAsusitaired or Eternal D • flashing eights and amid the aroma of "l3eauttful heaven, where all is light,
or cinisrs Age ' .orange-bloesoma, you. set that ring 411 Beautiful angels clothed in white,
flea Rama Our Illand..no Endow* on , ,....e round finger of the plump hand,
Beautiful drains that never tire, •
woe Ail 111* Wealtet-An Witeenttee and that other hour When at the close
Beentiful harps through all the
surtiatIon for an to tunic to God. of an exhaustive watching, When You ' ebelr'
, you took There shall I join the chorus sweet'
A despatch from Washington eays: knew that her soul had fled'''''orshipping at the Saviour's feet."
—Rev. lar, Talmage prelim:shed erom the from that hand which gave back no w
X stand before you on this Sabbath,
following text: "Put a ring on his responsive grasp, from that emancipate
ed finger, the ring that She had Worn the last Sabbath preceding the great
band."—Luke zee 22. so long and. worn SQ well. On some feastday in this Church; Oa the next
/ will not rehearee to you the fam- anniversary -day you take tip that ring, Lod's day the door of communion will
War story of the fast young man of . Y . . e open, and you will all be invited to
and you month it until all the old
metre comes back, and you can see in come in. And so I approach you now
the parable. You know what a splen- it the flash of eyes that long ago with a general invitation, not picking
did home he left. You know what a ceased to weep. 0, it is not an un- out here and there a man, or here and
hard time be had And you remember Meaning thing when I tell you. thet there a woman, or here and there a
how that titter ammo, of vagabondage oe.
when Christ receives a soul into His child' but giving you an unlimited 1/1..
JE ping, e pu. s on a marriage vitation, saying: "Come, for all things
11 t it • ' - • - -
and prodigality he reeolved to go and ring. He endows you from that mom- ere now ready." Fe invite you to the
weep out his sorrow on the bosom of ent .with all His wealth. :You are one, warm heart ofeethrist and the enolos-
th k
well, there is Clued. and, he so --on y , ure o e r a
'great excitement one day in front of one in affection, one in hone. There a tthink13 •
great many that the Church
Parental foruow
keno power in earth or hell to effect a • does not amount to much; that it is
the door of the 014 farm -house. The divorcement after Christ and the eoul obosolete; that it did its work and is
servants oonxe rushing up and say: are united. Other kings have turned
" What's the matter / :What is the .. out their companions when they got goZiriri:ti. Ittli; .tilsieliappuse:tbaperoe 1
mateer ?" But befoee they quite arrive from the
of them, and 'vent then adrift have ever been in except my a.own
the old man cries out: "Put e ring banished VPashatrhome. I know there are some people
e Ettpeae o nAhaauforsookeruwho say. they are Christians, who seem
ity.• . Whet can ouch a wretched men- that is true for ever. Having loved o'thLeTtte :lid vININCtitottliallgriensYOli.PaarlyPlitiretTe
on his hand." What a seeming absurd- Josephine; but .0nrist is the husband
dicant as this fellow that is tramping 1:111,1 Tilie°e'
on toward the. h011E6 want.' with a ring? the, Soitor
111, loves you to Margaret,
end. They do not • wait any ordinances. .I,
gfr3i2. trirtrx Jesus? They do net belong to that class. I cannot
r many
witheut. them. Ther.e are
tending a the swine trough. No more ingsirin thisolorolucicitha&trilko:
O, he is the prodigal son. No more said: "You must give up your religion."
my aaftention
re said: "I. can't give up my,religion." -
°fall the symbols and of all the Chris -
No more blistered feet. Off with the stake at low-water mar; and trie;
ring 1 pen cm does God receive every The tide be
the tide came up her faith would fail.
' d love God and /reap His commandments.
longing for the pods of the carob -tree.
benadohaaof titlre sea,
a ic•InadrPe In and heaven, that I wahi all the helps
rags! On with the robe! Qut with the fastened her to it, expeciing that as about me a sol.ld phalanx of men who
tian associations; and I want around
one or us when we come back. There higher and higher, and to the girdle,
gen to rise, and came up Axe there an here who would like to
. , enter into that association? Then by
oornelian ,rings, and diaraond rrings a simple, childlike faith apply for atie
are gold rings and pearl ' rings,. and and to the hp, and in the last mom -
but the ' ' . ent, just as the wave was washing her mission into the visible Church and
richeet ring that ever flash-
' soul into glory, she shouted the pra ses you will be received. No questions
on the •ist. le is an everlast- asked about your past history or pre-
edvialon is that which our a soul from Chrof jetsus. a no. ' You cannot separate
I len th i • • • darkness cannot de it. Is it too much
ing marriage. Battle and storm, and you love Jesus'? , Baptism does not
sent surroundings. Only one test—do
amount to an thing, saya great many
•Father puts upon a forgiven soul.
advance ,by Russia is regarded by a' means and belittleti a man;,gthat. it aitifedr lakes like myself, rerzheozetnettldis 'He that believeth and is baptized, fire; it perished. utterly. ' Now, to
It is almoist*needless to say that this among Some • people that rail ion tie-
, exultationefor a mane who is .but. dus people; but the Lord sans cc are .
tiatlila rdeStit3tyedsia"8.pitit,Zigarrisiz and understand the beatetiful passage
same :of the Indian papers with con. he has • to eiehange a roystering in- Or heignigil, 310TandletIrtinaor prinelpalities,
• se nearly as possible in the
Urge Centime of the English press and itakes all the sparkle of his soul; that 0 now study we . must put our -
dependence for an'ecolesi t* 1strait-nor powers, nor thinge .present, nor dares: "Repent and be baptized, every
as toe shall separate. me from the love of aue of you." I do not itickle• for any .
. eiderable-suspicien.' On the ether hand - -things to come, nor any other creature
influential Indian journals era in fav- 'jaoket. N'ot so. 'When a man becomes God which is m Christ Jesus my leirdio partibular mode Of baptism, but•I put mental and 'spiritual attitude of the
great emphasis on the feet that yin disciple. To thein the vine MRS a
ready symbol of that nation. in which
the hope of the world .was treasured;
for "salvatlim is Of the, Jews." But
they had begun to feel, profoundly
;RE SUNDAY SCHOOL the other dreesings Of the vineyards et
ere made lot° boiafires becense there bood Husband.
is. nothing' else to do with them, In- •
03 ea of men gather them e
thein." But we are not to thfrik of
"The Villa Nati the orourtiee," join IN this PaSsage as 00114401ns any deetri-
PILACTICA.1, NOM. Christ is peesented to us from different
7. My words By thi, Scriptures
are eo siMple that exolanation in de-
tail is hardly needed.
Verse 1. The symbols of this lesson Points of view. He here pointe to hira-
Waiver:mental:It tte treacttreara, still)!
rues threugh it all — the identity of Truth, the Utterer of God'ewords, Ire
•One thought 11:14th°e1;iffellteaac the Lamb of God, nor as the
INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 1. •vised Version , reads, "thiiy ather
, nal stet 1 he I fire
1.11. Golsen Text. John 15, 0.
amen concern ng
our.Saviour with his disciples. The ?all ask what ye. will, and it shall be
vise he oultiVates; the shepherd has zboirddos","intlitebvellrsaailiintgiesatl'euos! tieys Lord
closer iutimooy with his sheep; the
Master and his disciples are brought re,,loulton, his prayers, must be °clime
into a union Of interest and heart; but eam have.cltrataaZelnhgilt Ica:vivid;
all suoh 'learnt* and union are passed ask anything acoraing to his will, he
by the identity whiola is here pictured Leearretuhe wets,: tationedveift, wwee ask,
by tbe vine and the branches. I ant
the true vine, The ideal vine. As othiraetd wc; ilea, the
lily, Ireland the shameook, and France that ye bear much fruit. "Let your
eetitions that we dee
England holds the rose, Scotland the 8. Herein is my h'ather glorified,
igh.t isti, sh
ouine icirdore men, that thiv
the fleur-de-lis, eel the Hebrew nation ma
held the vine for its symbol, In spite' eenir Tatrierrwitich iwe°Ixiekteaaaven,11" SO
of the prevalent rigid Interpretation shall ye he my. digeiples. IQ direct
of, the emend commandment, this em- proportion, that is, to our fruit-bear-
blem entered into the artistio and poe-
familiarly reprodueed, A great— gold: - • 9. As ,the 'Father hath IdTecViae, so
great beyond the finite comprehension.
tic thought of the nation, -'and was have I loved you. A measurement
en vine was festooned over the 'Golden Continuteetehide, ye in my love; "The,
•Gate of .Terusalara's temple. On coins known and believed the love that God
, stip of the vine is love." , "We have
Judea was represented by a cluster of hath to us. God. is love; and he that
mist had sung of Israel As . a Tine and. God•in him."
dwel/eth in love divelleth in God and
grapes. Centuries earlier the peal -
brought Out of Egypt and planted • feotly correlative. Loves 'assures
I0. "Obedience and love are per -
where 'brims had been; it took deep obedience; obedience 'amens love,"—
root, and. extended ear; the hills were Westoott
(severed with its shadow: its botighs .11. These thin
unto you. Ali the "things" in this
things have I spoken
husbandman has close relation to the wc,gia, But inthe If witeb
were massive as a oedar, Neverthe- farewell disoonrse, and especially the
less it proved to be a failure; for a words of our lesson. That my joy
then became "an empty vino;" the boar might remain in yon. •In his into.;
oessory prayer our Saviour pleads tha
season it brought forth "wild grapes,"
out of the wood wasted it; the wild hciipalr, naCiligdhtthr ?sleet:14;1 eehpiaresdsieerd
ebueatsdteowfh;theitfieldwdesevourbuercineitit was desire of his heart io that our joy may
be full. There are many reasons for
overflowing joy, even in a world where
we mu,st .have tribulation, "Cur light
affliction, wbich is but for a moment,
w.orketh for us a far more exceeding
and eternal weight of glory." • But
especially should our joy: be full be-
cause our Lord is the true vine:ha;
cause we are the branches; because his
• Father is the Husbandman; because
every branch that beareth fruit he
purgeth it; because, en short, of every
precious truth we learn from. thislos-
upward. : Religion ne it' Glory be to God that when Chr st an ought to be baptized. e no 'no
• • or of a decisive settlement of the elles- a Christian, he does not go down he
Russia in that part of Asia, in order one by ten thousand. Na 'nee the soul are married they are bound
aeohain, a golden chain, if I Might Great Head of the Churoh puts upon it.
phasis than the Lori MAUS Christ, the
itieno in dispide between England and
the 1304 se, it Alain with one ' eh*, a_nd_elltit The world is going to lose a great
that an end may be put to the cease- oiler is in infinit It is Y' e blott
ing .eovnese ilictlicmg tilg golden • ring et eas s many of its votaries next Sabbath. We
less agitation -in the public mind in out,—it is a 1,,,,;_lifiiin it is . give you wafting. There Is• a great
.discussion of a Russien invasion. (hilt° irradiatiOn. when a man . 14 .13 into ,that when Christ receives a -soul intiii
you hest coming in to stand .under the
banner of the Lord Jesus Christ.
, India Caused by the apprehensions and eeceueee it is in eftiogr'eeoe: anitnt arbor-' I go a step further,' and teli
reeentlY it was rePertedethet the sem the kingdom of God, he is not sleet fLatiiTtv; .HW3ilit oonw hither b:einngtle Will you be among them? It is go-
of $600,000 Was to be ,devoted to farti- into a 'menial service, but the Lord God custora ill all ages tie bestow rings on Inegu Vs tettenirrette-youghave bhgathinking of
, ying the entrance of the Khyber pass, • Almight-
y fromethe 'polite ' f h very haPPY, occasions. There is no- SoY me of en
e•s o heaven . thing more appropriate for a birtlidaY this subject year •after year. • Yeti
• and itis now announced Offisially that sells upon the ;messenger angels that gift theira ring. You delightto be- have found but that this world is a
- the intention has been abandoned, and wait Upon the throne to fly and "put stow such a gift upon your chileren
• poor portione You want to be Christ -
what the psalmist had long before be-
wailed—that Israel had failed to
realize .it holy ideal, and that they
could no longer depend on its hope,
Josue *there penitents hineself as the
ideal vine, of whioh even ,the tidy
nation was an ireperfect symbol.
Henceforth he in ,to stand before, his
die:Agee In place of temple, sacrifice,
that instead farther Protection is to a ring en has hand." In Christ is the at such a time. It •means, joy,prophet and priest. not the nation,
is the perfect fulfillnient of spiritual
g t erty, and brightest joy, and ity, festivity.. ' Well, when- this mu lane: You have come almos Into
be given to the railway line through • kingdom of God; but there you &° ProPheoy. listenin to his w rd
. tar es 'b •
. • g o s
through. the 'echoes ..Of nineteen 'con-
the Bolan Pass to Chaman the dire
ecfion of Kandahar. On the Russian
side; the l'railway •,from Mery stops
short some' siic miles ofethe boundary
• line at the. railitarY . cantonments at
leuehk, and tt number of Cossack Set -
tiers have been establi;hed in colonies'
In the Kushk trolley. The point at
which the Russian • railway stops is
about' eighty-six miles iv road from
' Herat, but material has been Collect-
ed • with a view to Itti prelongation
, whenetrer oiniunistances May require.
and. the apprehensions of the Af-
ghans' at. its approach have calmed
The official relatimui between • the
• Amir and the British Govern-
ment continue on their normal foot-
ing, and frequeet, friendly letters have
been passing between the Amir and
Lord Curzon since the Viceroy's arrival
in India. A quantity of new modern
'rifles' from England. for the :Amir's
.arniy. have passed' through from
Peshawnr to liabulA and this Would
appear to.raii3e, some doubt as to the
e• reports concerning the Ain't's' attitode
on the question of his independence.
• On the other, hand, the dismissal, of
bis English Agent,' Sir Salter Pyne,
and others in his service:points to an
intention to 4ispatise with the employ-
• ment of foreigners:altogether; but, af-
• ter the Oriental manner, this may be
• done oely vrith the object of enabling
• the Aniir to refuse proposals from
Russia to receive an envoy and other
." Put a ring on his hand." . glad he was that his boy Jiad, . got forgetftil of. the fact that. to be almost._
highest honour, and richest adornment.' men of. the text wanted e
mark, in the first place,' that back, he expressed it in this Way. Ac- saved is not to be saved at all. 0,
' I re • • •
when mired receives a soul into, Hie ttially, before he ordered sandals to be My •• brother, after hitvine come so,
10 Xe R19 PUM upon him the ring of put on his bare feet, before he ordered • near to the door of mercy, if you turn
adoption. To my church in Phil del- the.fatted calf to be killed to appease back you will never come at all, After
Phia, there camithe. r present tiv• ae of the boy's hunger, he c emended; "Put all you have heard of the goodnees
the , of God, if you tarn away and die, it
Howard Mission ofeNew •Yaorlfrele li. ringon his hand." Q . ' 'II not be beim
brought with him eight or ten ilbil- 0, it is a merry • time when Christ ft goo• d •offer. ,
we ose you did not have
dress of the Street that he had pick- and the soul ere'united. Joy of for -
them Christian homes; and as the lit- is . to feel that ail is right between '
tle ones stood it 'God's Spirit will not always strive,
Ye Who persist His love to grieve
With hardened, self -destroying. man;
ed eiP, and .he was trying to find for givenessl What a splendid thing
On the puloit end sang me and God. What a glorifies thing
our hearts melted within us. At the it is to have God just take up all the May never hear His voice again,"
close of hte services a great-hearted, sins or ray life and put them in one - May ilea Almighty this hour Move
wealthy man came up, and said: "I'll bundle, and then fling thembate the upon your soul and bring you 'back
take this little bright-eyed girl, and depths of the sea, neve to rise again, from the husks of the .wilderness to
eadopt her as one of my own chile
and he took her by tbe hand, never to be talked.of again. Pollu-• the Father's house, and mit you at the
tion alle gone.' Darkness all illumine banquet. and "put a ' ring on your
lifted her into•his carriage,'d went ed God recoariled The prodigal hand, - • •
away.' The next day,, while we wore 'US/MX "Pat a ring( on his hand." • —
In tire Church, gathering :up garments
for the poor of New York, thts little Every day I find happy Christian •peo- ' • ' , — ;
child came back with. a bundle under 'pie. I find some • of them with no • AFTER -A MEROHANT MARINE.
her arm, andshe said: "There's my old second coat, some of them, in huts and
dress, perhaps Some of the poor' chl tenement houses, not One earthly com- ,e,_ , •"""' ' _
deen would like to leave et," while she
chil- fart afforded th'em; and yet they ere 'me 'eland Empire rreparing to latter the
herself was in bright and beautiful are -as happy es happy oan be. They sing: carrying Trade.
y ' "Rook of Ages" as no oth'er people in Japan is making a bold push for at
raj, and those who more immediatel
examined her said that. she had a ring the. world sing it. They never wore • least a stare of the Carryi
any jeWelry in their life but -one gold ng trade of
on her hand. It, was a ring of adop- ring, and that was •the ring of God's
the Pacific. Though she now has but
tion. There are a great raany persons undying affection. 0, how happy re- about 500,000 tons of modern steam ton -
try, and they glory over the royal gloouer and, sad? Did you go with your •. . •
who pride theiuselves on their ances- makes us. Did. it make You nage; the signifiaant fact is that thie
Illood that pours through their arter- head cast down/ I do not think you is nearly all new. and up to date, .The
a duke, or a prime -minister, or a king g. . 4
got religion, my brother. - That is not 'vessels eonstituting the new esteem
the effect of religion. True religion lines 'tender the Japanese flag were
les -In their -line there was a lad, or
But when the Lord, our Father, pute — .... joy• "Tier ways are ways of Plea" raaiilly, built in British or German
upon us the ring of his adoption, santness, and ell her paths are peace'
we 'become the children of the WhY, religion lightens all our bur- yards, but their owners ,are ter too
manner of love the rather bath be- dens It smooths all our way, It in- shrewd to depend entirely upon for-
alt our eorroyes, .It changes eigners. Last year a iTapanese ship -
ruler of all nations . "Behold, what
launch -
towed upon us, that we should be the jar of earthly diecord for the peal
called the sons of God.'' It matters of festal bells. In front of the flam- building company at Nagmaki launch -
nen may be I__ Ing furnace ot trial it sets the forge ed a 0,000 -ton steamer, The materials
or ho* mean the hut we on which sceptres are hanimered out. for this vessel Were, it is true, not how how poor our ga
this world, or how scant our bread,
efee in, if. _, _ Would You not like to -day to come up ed, but the labor was entirely per -
have that ring of Christ's adoption uwe from the swine -feeding and try this formed by Japanese and from put -
religion? All the joys of heaven would ties together a steamer to planning
officials. be reperts that the Amir
n our hand, we are assured of eternal
of foundation, but he has provided for are brothers and sisters to all the good on his hand." , You are! not happy. .1 people.
and building one wilI be an easy step
was approaching hw end were devoid defences. • Adopted 1 Why, then, We come out and meet you, and God would
• ' Birder Habib -elle.. I.Cahn, •enth the ap- fentily name.,
the family dress, the see it. There is no peace, and some- . Nor
iicek-i twliiekteeldy joadpusootriwoelisi
the buccession of his eldest. eon, the - of earth 'and heaven. We have the atnhdatl
ory out from the throne: "Put a rinks for these
the. family wardrobe. The times yeti laugh when you feel a great as she does now on foreign yards for
continue many years longer to depend
o proval of the British Indian Govern- kiwis kiss,
power .withdut .opposation will deter- in our veins, and there are crovtns in its follies; then it kicke you, out into ''''
her warships Heretofore all the %Tap-
. pent. Whetherer nee the neer Amir Father looks after us, robes us, defends deal more like crying. Thts world is
19 allowed to asstusetee the .. reins of 'US, blesses us. We have royal blood a chat. It first wears you down with allege warships have been built abroad,
darkness It comes back. front the J'apain haft been in a great hurry to
m Afghanistan. our line. If we are His 'children, . .
Government appears to be to oarrx out a ewh is onlyt massacre of a million souls to atteratit
the destruction of your soul to -day. No
present the dispotsition of the British then princes and princesses.It i
tteation of time
a policy of abstention, eo as to avoid csalonet. Adoptedin1 gel" get
lime peace out of God, but here is the toen-
ail/mg any pretext to Russia for in th f "1"
6 azin y aeoreto.. tn. n . e .. E!'27 tain that. can slake the thirst. Here
a secret or the
terferenee in Afghan affairs.
- Lord is with them that fear Him." is the harbour where you can drop
safe anchorage.. 'Would you not like,
Adopted! Then we hive the family !
; ELEPHANT GREAT IN CRIME. inheritanoe, and in the day when el" one brother might talk to another —
ask yon—not perfunctorily, but as
'rather shall divide the riches of heave
en we *hall take our share of the would you not like to have a pillow
Ilatelteetsed Powers Meet AnParentleiThs of rest to put yclur, , head on? Ana
Schemes for Revenge. mansions. and Palaces, and temPlee• would you not like when you retire at
Henceforth let us boast no more of an night to feel that all is well, whether
. .. Few More impreesive confidences can earthly ancestry. The ineignia of you wake up
be imparted than one on which e Hine eternal glory is our coat -of -arms This to -morrow morning at
six o'clock. or sleep the sleep that
Oleo describes hove he knows his ele: ring of adoption puts upon us all hon- item, no•• •wakinge Would yeu not
It is or and. all privilege. Now we can
pliant intends, to destroy him, JO exchange this awful uncerr
alt tie edeininitli trivial, and yet le take tlin,WordS of Charles Weslen that Jtikainety
AU. prince of hymn makers, am Ring. I abottt the future for a glorious
reality of such deadly significance. His • runnel) of heaven? Accept of the
story is so full of details that prove the
niant, profound- understanding of what
---he is talking about that one remains
equally tweezed at the brute's power
, to dissemble and, its intended victim%
insight into the would-be murderer's
chaeacter. And yet, from the psycho-
, logical. etalldlleint, an elephant toyer
gives any other such indication of men-
tal Pewit' tte is exhibited in its re-
venge, That , patient, watoliftil,. fm-
laoable hatred, oftert provoked super
y because a men is in attendance. tn)-- they have only to give a certain signal, got beyond the toiling atid,the weep
on another animal, for it is the rule
With' Waken to detest theit: next and the members of theit organization ling. You feel on Saturday night dd.
„#: will flock around ,for defence. And fereni from the way you feel any other
nelithhers, speaks more 139234"v/6'J ""' whin any matt belongs to this great bight of the week. You come home
a high intellectual guide than all stor., Chriatian brotherhood, if he gets in from the bank, or the store, or the
Jes; %rue or false, that have been told trouble, in trial, in persecution, in shop. and von say: "Welt, now mi
of their ability. Such concentration
,"Coute let lis 4oin'oir friends above rd Jesus to -day, and all IS well. If
Who hive e leeneetheecrizee---• •!. I
Andeon"the 'etigle wings of love
T� Joy celestial rise.
"Let all the saint:, terrestrial sing,
With those to &Ey gone;
For all the servants of .our king,
In heaven and earth, are one."
I have been told that when any of
the snetebers of any of the great Bee -
rat eocietied of this country are in a
distant city, and are In any kind of
_trouble, and are Set upon by enemies,
build up a powerful navy, one super-
ior in veesels and armament to that
with which she defeated China. The
fear of being caught napping by Rus-
sia has stimulated Japan to place her
orders at once without waiting to build
up at home plants capable of construct-
ing battleshipand heavy cruisers. Now
that she has got a good "first line"
in England, Germany and the ignited
States, ehe may not unnaturally try
her hand at constructing at least her
auxiliaries and even .more powerful
vessels, japan is growing rapidly both
as a naval and mercantile power, and
in a few years it will be dangereue
for other powers to try to rob her
of her magnetite as she was robbed
after the Mame war, .
on rout weer home some Peril should •
cross the street and dash your life out,
• If would not hurt you. You would
PLAIN EN01.1011.
rine up immediately. You would stand 'Uncle James, Egad e young lady who
in the celestial' streets. .You would was spending a few days in the cone.
be amid the great throng that for ever try, is that chicken by the gate a
worship and aro for ever happy. If Brahmin? ' •
this day some sudden disease should No, replied Uncle James, Ws a Leg-
giest* upon you, it would not frighten horn.
you. If you knew you were going you Why, of course, to be surel said the
could give a calm farewell to your young ,lady. H'ose stupid of mel I oan
beautiful home on earth, and knew see the horns on his ankles.
that you are going right into the Mai-
turiese can hardly .fail to placethe
emphasis (as thedisciples must have
placed it) on -"I." Not the Church, nor
creed, nor faith, nor prayer te the ideal
eine; Jesus is. ,And so our earliest de-
duction from this parable is that
spiritual life comes from Union with
Christ, and in • no .other way. MY
Father is the husbandman,. Caring
for Chritit and his followers.
2 Every bramble in me that beareth
not fruit he taketh away. John the
Baptist had Used • almost the same
figtire Whin he said that the ax was
lad to the root of the fruitless tree,
Whieh was about to be hewn down and
oast into the fire. Every .branola that
beareth fruit, he pargeth it, nruneth
it,‘that it may bring forth inore fruit.
The divine Husbandman is working for
fruit, and we join in leis endeavor. The
Pains and limitations of life are his
pruning and husbandry; 'Which some-
times bring painful experiences, but af-
terward work out for us the fruit of
righteousness. "When we are judg-
ed," says Paul, "we are chosen of the
Lord that we should not be condemn-
ed with the world." What are the
"fruits" that we should bear?, They
intends in the first place, long-suffer-
ing, gentleness, goodness, feint, meek-
ness temperance , They include in the
second place, all good deeds done to
others for Christ's sake. Peter gives
us, quite 'apart freest any figure ,of the
vine, the great recipe for fruit -bear -
Ing: If faith, virtue, knowledge,: tem-
perance; patience, godliness, brother-
ly kindne.ss, and charity abound in us,
weshall neither be barren nor i
fruitful n the knowledge of our Lord'
.Tesus Christ.
Now ye are clean through the
word. "Chriet loved the Church, and
gave himself for it that he might sane-
tify and cleanse it with the washing
of water by the word.", _This "word"
is a collective -phrasefor the entire
;iota:ley of Jesus Christ; his life, 'teach-
ings, death, and resurrection, all of
which, taken together, are "the spring
and source, and not only the instru-
ment, of the 'Christian's purity." See
verse '7. .
4. Abide in me, and I in you. Our
two cardinal duties are to keep our-
selves in Christ and Christ in us. The
holy relationship may be illus-
trated. by the love of two hu-
man beings, each of Which in truth
dveelLe en the other's heart. But the
fellowship must be permanent; to adopt
Lyte'e phrase, "it 'must be an abiding,
not a sojourning." "Wee are made
partakers of Christ, if we hold our con-
fidence steadfast unto the end.". -"He
that endureth to the end shalt be sav-
ed." As the branch cannot bear fruit
of lista, except it abide in the vine;
no more oan yo, except ye abide in me.
Cut off a twig from a vine, and 11
dies; eepatate a Christian from Christ,
and his spiritual life Ocattes. "And tie,"
says Dr • Drummond, "the problem of
the Christian life is simplified to this,
to abide in Christ, to be in positien."
And he illustrates this by allusion to
the sailor who simply harnesses his
vessel -to the wind, puts his wheel and
rudder in position, takes advantage of
energies already there, and lets the
vessel go by the faro° of the wind, So
we have eiftly to put ourselves in
connection with Christ. For
prayer and faith in their last analysis,
are attitude, The soul is like tt cup.
tem% it blessinge, are .constantly pour.
ed Turn it upside down, and nothing
is received; turn it straight up, and it
is filled to overflow,
5. r em the vino, ye are the branch.
es. We go baek in our thought to verse
I, of which verses 2, 8, and 4 are a
particularization, tie that 0.b1deth 111
panionship of those who have already' ,
and fixedness of purpose,* such care-
ful, Unrelaxed vigilance, stieh paled
temptation, he has only to show this
ring of Christ's adoption, and ail the A
Weelee work is done, end to-motrow is
undo.'" It is a pleasant thought.
armed cohorts of heaven wiil 00010 to Therts IS refreshment and, reconstruer
Still further: when Christ takes a ttbn in the VerY Idea' °' how pleasant
tirtie comes, cinch desperate, tinheeitat- .
it will be if, when we get through the TIME 110 MOVED.
ing energy ha homicidal animals exhib- wt.( into his love He pelts ution it a day of life and we go and it. down • • 0
Maud—lietween tis,* dear, I think the
Count's compliments rather crude. He
told me the sight of my beautiful face
actually made hie mouth water.
Edith-athe idea 1 I'm sure your face
doesn't look quite that much like e
lemon I
and' coneititent pretense, and, When the wis • remitt6. • •
it, are iMpoesible without a very' irre- naarriage ring. New that is not a
gular development. whim of mine "And I will betroth in out bed of dust, we ean realize: WhY, ae you can this the wort -
thee unto Me for ever I Vie, bee "Well, now the work Is all. done, and rocan1 linked the man wig> waft looking
No one ean deny that if tide creature
Is eat at all its greatness *bows It. treth thee unto Ile in righteottettees, tsnuirtgyr.new Is Sunday—an everlasting over the house of the man who was
trying to sell it.
111,lta erime. Tiaesehave caused it ma hi judgment, end in loving -kind-
• Did say court -room Mere force
'to be worshipped in the east, where ne88, and in naereies,,, Hosea lg. At "O. when thou city of toy God, of habit. , t have tiertri unmarried
Men venerate nothing but merelletes, the wedding altar' the bridegroom pule
irrosponsibie force, and where an ex -
Shalt fthy courts wend,
'descrileed fully acoottnts for tito form- may COMS IIPOtt the household, and the And Sabbaths have no end." THE TACTtAIL SUOPICZNPgIt.
Whitton of thoett clnalitiel; end trate anitrythintigupert the •hand of the bride, gip.
love and faithfulnees. Trouble Where e U.
Ongreria ons ne'or break up 6
° idel...4....)
:el +-....,...... . There are people in the house to -day ShoOknePots-Come ber,no Mao i Filen
ula, "My loM the elephant." carpets may g*, the plotn.res may go,
MS 'PASSION. may go; the lett thing that goee is if you are Christians, I bid you be of Ctietomer—MY dote I hope not,
tb,e piano may go, everything else who ere very near the eternal world. Waimea, that, Your.dog, sir r
uts, prosy...Reading is quite a oao, that Marriage ring, for it is eonsider- gond eheisr. Bear with you Mir 6011.. Wouldn't be followed around by stioh
Ilion with my husband. ed. Satire& In the bridal betty it is grattilationa to the bright city. Aged 0. cur as that,
Mtg. Dreseer—So it le with mine., it Shopkeeper—Get out, you brute! Do
ithdrawn from the hand and kept tu , zed, vb.() will soon be gone, take with
a casket, and sometimes the box la you our love for our kindred in the Yau kno'W. I hate doge t
*hen he rads otty milliner's billet I
We have been talkieg with several
women of our akuaintance, and have
gleaned considerable valuable info -
ation as to what peculiar virtues and
grime a wan should possess in order
to be entitled to the apPellatlon of "a
good husband."
• One lady, who le now having expert..
once with her tourth husband, assures
tie that above all things the good hus-
band iihould be careful not to make
unnecesaary work for his wire. HO t•
should hang up his coats and hats, •e:
and keep his bureau drawers closed,
and put his cuffs and. collars where he
can find them without calling hie' wife
up from the pastry table, or the wash.,
tub, to assist him in the march.
Now, with all due respect to this I
experienced lady's opinion, we know, I
and all the rest Of the feminine world if
know', that the lman does not exiat
who can shut a bureau drawer, It I
lent in him. In the words of the once
popular but now obsolete sang, '''He
isn't built that way." •
He will null out six drawers • III
quest of the clean stockings that lie
right on the top of the ferst on
opens, and be will leave th
open, and stumble over t
pursues his wild and friiitless tie
and wonders why the dickents folks ,
can't keep bureau drawers in. out oe I
the way, where. they belong.. . •
Did you ever know the average man
to hang up his hat in his own house?
Of diurse not, he generally puts • it
'down •somewhere nso's to • be. handy
when he wants it." And it is so ex-
tremely handy that he overlooks it,
and everyleody who is called to join 41 -
the search overlooks It; and the bur- •
:atm of the bla.me talk; 1iS,10fig-suf-
fering Idife ;`• and he tells .her, in no
chocolate caramel tone of voice, that
"he does wish. she wouldn't be ever-
lastingly carrying his hat,off, so that. .
. .
. • • • -
BIS rhationi Never Anew Whether to Lough\
"HoW do you do itf" asked the exam -
Ming magistrate,- cuelousle.. as he wes
questioning a prisoner Who had been
brought to him, says the London Tele-
graph. The man, delighted at having
a /mob opportunity to display hus
skill, treated the official to a little
lecture by. way Of preface, and then,
suiting the action to the word, climb
ed up7 the wells of the chamber , in
whieth they had been'seated together
alone, junaped down from the highest
points which he eeuid reach, bounded
over cheers and. 'tables, and was en-
gaged in turning a niagnifieent som-
ersault • When • the municipal • guards
stationed in the passage outside 'dart-
ed into, the rescue,' u-nder the•impres-
sion, .derived from • the noise and con-
fusion, that the worthy judge den-
struotion was being Murdered •out-
right. • The police had had their. work
out Out for them in the capture of this
queer inclivieual, who, not satisfied
with earnings in the triple role tif
a oloWn, a "Hercule," •and a professor
of gyninastees —• tte he styled. himself
proudly — had utilized his athletic
prowess in a iseeies ' extraordinary
burglaries; over' which his unlucky
victims had not•exactly known wheth-
er to laugh of to cry; so comical,Was
the manner* in which they were per-
Thus, on one occasion a respectable
citizen and his wife, Well endowed
with this word's goods, were aroused'
from their slumbere in . the mean
beers of the morning to behold a sha-
dowy phantom stealing softly about
• nobody oan find it. when it is vvanted
Why cannot she let it stay where he •
put it 1" • . • '
• And. when she ,meekly reminds him
that he reft it last night on the sofa.
In the front parlor, on which Marie
me and In him, the same bringeth
•• . • .. '
their morn. The ghost, however, sud-
denly recalled its substantial- reality
by seizing the lady's jewelry, which
was lyieg about, as well as some of her
husband's banknotes, which were also
in convenient proximity to the trin-
kets, and'When a move was made in its
direction the window was•dpened, and
out it jumped, sustaining no hurt tte
it alighted on the pavement. On an-
other occasion a 13alcony had. been
sealed with like felonous purpose.
Sometimes this odd burglar descend-
ed from a root ox- a chimney on to his bon.
prey. Sometimes, again, he called,Agood husband Must be like Cae-
street lamps into requisition, and urea wife—above suspicion—in almost
swung himself into open windows with . 1
of the capture no less than 'fifteen everything; and if he happens to out- el
policemen had been posted round the - live his wife, all the people round
th.iir assistants. On the eventful day
house 'which he had. entered unbidi., ab°11L will sing his praises, and all the
(seeded .in search of him, Finding that widows and bachelor girls in town will
he was about to be caught on the see. MOST EXCLUSIVE
to•eonnoie him. .
den while some of their comrades pre-
tend story from/ the ground, the man sinST EXCLUSIVE CLUB IN WORLD. •
Angelina is in the habit of sitting ,
the dark, "spooning" with her gonna „
man. he scowls at her, and remark&
that he hung his hat up on„the•hat-e......
tree last night, as always does .-943,
certainly, of coierse; " • .
To be' a giod husband, a man must
eat and not complain. Well, growling •
over the food is a trial to the woman
who does the cooking. The woman,
who, hot and perspiring, has toiled all
the forenoon in a torrid kitchen, to:
roast and broil :and bake things Mr
her husband's dinner, and who has
seen her apple dumplings fall as flat .
a round of .hardtack,and who has
been cabled from her chocolate frost-
ing to entertain e begging mission-^ •
ary solicitor, • with her hair in papers,
and the 'dreadful consciousness that
that • begging visitor was looking at
the Braude° of grease on her wrapper*
all the time she was whining about '
the dreadful need of schoolhouse on
the "Lac!rone Islands—that woman is
hardly'. in a state to receive placidly
tbe anathemas her husband hurls At
the biscuits, ' and she will be Vittle
short of an angel if site keeps her tem-
per when he says that -the gingerbread •
looks like the sole of a defunct rubber
shoe No, she isn't.
A good husband- must be willing to •
take his share of the tramping at
night across the bridal bedroom with
the heir of the family, screaming with.
the colic, in his 81MS. Why it is that
babies always hove the colic • in the
night is a question. 'He must be thor- •
ougbly acquainted•withethe nature of
paregoric and syrup of squills.
The good husband.must be willing
for his wife. to "have things like other
folks." Everybody _Wants things like
other. folks, you know. He must not
futile when his wife wants a new bon- ,
net ,like Mrs, Smith's, and he dust
not allude to the folly of women when
she dechires that she really hasn't a
dress fit to wear. If Mrs. Tones across
the way has a new parlor set, his wife
must have ruffled curtains Mr her
tilting room, eo that Mrs. Tones can
see them every time ehe looks out of her window, and have the fact brought
home. to her that she is not the only •
woman. in the neighborhood who can .
have new things.
The good husband must not stay out
nights. It breaks a woman all up,
and ruins het nerves, to have a man
prowling into the house after twelve
o'clock, upsetting things, and coming
to bed with cold feet, and she is liable
to have a headache all the next day in
consequence.' But, somehow, she does
not seem to think much about next
day's prospective headache when she tit
Dut at a whist party or a club recep-
tfeated hi; pursuers to a zneoking It ht Caned the Dieniond and It Exists to
laugh, and, jumping out of one of thin
hie hosts,' and. ete alig.hted. In the InIdat nwSt exolOver richest '
The Dieniond club of London la the
Louden Toms. ,
Windows, 'Would haste esceped but for I
the fact that he had reckoned without
°hiada tgor°11Pittibdfouttffge arintSd vbfintlidehir iowrthh! erate8Pni"ethni)bethr: and in some
with. as he would inevitably have Slip,
ped from their grasp.' • diamond dealers of London as ban
aolrdeeseteechlubetin the
ee world.
Such la the strange. individual In (11111117.ty. Each candidate for adialleskel
whose mode of operation the examine is examined by a Committee, which in"
ing mam
magistrate exhibited tio much 111- quires minutely into his east,
tenet, Spcial . measures have to be ,
Mc club is primarily an eating place
taken for retaining him in custody. •„ , , 1. ... .
Careful watch and Ward are kept 003 41)14°3 `" "u"11--•
The members
round his tell, in the passages, and in daily at lunolwon hour in the
the street, as there is no saying what dingy dingy little cafe in Hatton Garda, oce
odd form his rensarkable activity may oupying a erhate iecm. Although
Ant ASSU100, and now that they lhave hold him fast-- the d
vsealers ua diamonds do not care
caught hitn the °Molds fully intend for dress, they do oaro a great deal
S BARGAIN. ' said to be the fittest in the world.
for good dinners. Their 1 eteelook re-
past is famous for its excellence It is
The doors of the clubhouse are open -
In MS ;aim laeob Astor bought two ed at it) a.m, and the place is doer
pieces of fatni land on the Ode at New befOre I Pane about the tImo.
th Weet End clubmen are begin
Por Becauee, Without Me. Apart forth Much fruit. " Pruitfulnerist In the York City
life develops oonsoiousnees of thrist'it
indwelling, and CsUlaciottottese Of
Chrietis indwelling In the soul (level-
torPctin, fry,littlet.fu yineee:nindothneotIhifien,g"--. ::ib,onttti; in tin‘" 95 164" E"ims 6114")
"pro's .01 if Glanb°d twehdisehYewt ansGtintintg thW ,Vir. mtveriage didn't ow:eke roam and handlak-bY ee nutnY men as
r 1, An Mtpanelon tterite The plan
catirai /Loa intent! .t.tboltditenonho!
Englieh' of it it diet when n Chris-
tlom Inte the fire, and they aro burn- getelliS WO
U( and men gather them, and beet Ills tailordwdiangsa..tionoiltdmraivda: ainn
In me, ho lsaff*luit was the mattert
They are novr worth anoint $,000,110o,
and Is with
whi the Astor fandlY hae eelleeted dthiaismeounrdis°ubsy citienbnismhtebiel.(1180111tatIettinhgaigl
rents from them,
4114 f".., them 020°6' their day. One of the features of
d didn't In any man wirAse character. Is good
• membero. nassr7N0 LINn.
Of full of rare gems of exceeding size and
luster are emptied onto the dining,.
bora ot theca are passed around the
room tables for inepeetion, and num-
wish to look them over. The owner
enough' to alio* him to beeome
has no fear, for he confides implicitly
tian lives for earthly aed not heaven- 1(2, 21-, want to say that Magielan
ly ender lie haft already 116V6V64 WON simply wonderful. 1,kincy pulling Young tat -JDo you think it
ruffle, It hes been "Meer tushforth—Once got a snake, eigh. nIcyclist.--01.14 the riding is all right
Matkod that vine brattchee art' gObn, toen feet long, with a lighted gas 'Jet enough, hitt—er--4 don't 4,1aink they
for nothing bttt to boar grapes; aftu his MOUtil, kUlt of a quart bottle, ought to take headers.,
from Chriet, and his spirituality le in a rabbit out of thimble, will yolif rakissi. for itt les )0 ride 11:Vies.? .