HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-04, Page 1g 4.) VIOTOlt/A. BLOCK CLINTON. CLINTON $1,00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXI INDEPRis71).07r IN 444L TRINOS-:-NIBUTRAZ Th$0211-11NO. W. J. MITCHELL. /Editor avid Prop. CLINTON) HURON couNTAT ONT. THURSDAY:, MAY 4, 1.899. WHOLE NO, 1,064 •When Clinton Undertakes A Demonstration It Is A Grand Success. Book for Clinton May 24. 1 Tour 'Clock St repyed Wel probably you can't blame it, Per - it has b en 4 good .feithful servant, tIOQIII fivo or six years, and you never ought aa to having it cleaned or or perbaps you have had it repaired and - latopped on accountt of bad oil, or Alvin. workman. However.. no matterwhat tho. cause may be, bring it to us and have it thor- oughly cleaned and repaired:- We guarantee ' you entire satisfaction or we refund you year money. CALL' 1EN . and lotus know if you have -one that re, 2 quires repairs. We will call for it to you when ' we are satisfied that it is in first-clasr running' order. I) c • ' We pre leaders in our line. e4e. lAttie Netlike for Clinton, . Maid Have Been Fatal. Rot 000,111, Kiley. eGy4e49eseeeeeeeee iwA s Ate bes Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer. - ItIKE —J'Ei_u OF— HOUSE-. 014 LEUNG just now is staring every vvomap in the face. The stern realities of life are not neariy so hard to battle with if you only know how to meet them: You. will will find that you can de. year "Muse- . cleaning with a great deal more ease and pleasure if you use a bar of COUIP R'S SOAP • and a little gond iii Wasthirmig PowaliaT 36 5ollosted1 Crolt4ei3 Pima 1Yar eller washing your blankets, flannels, etc. usp WOOL Sae P, the only soap warranted to Nash woolen goods with- out shrinking.. Have you tried our 8 BARS OF SOAP FOR 25c.' Buy a good Broom. It will make your te: , . old carpet look like new. UP-TO-DATE OASH GROCRRY: OGLE COOPER & CO., Clioton Oesh paid for Butter and Eggs and uried Apples. Phone 23. o HAT "e1:11 8 11 Payer Gossip The season of the year is now at hand when you will begin to think of house-cleaning, and the subject of lanuse-clerining 'always. brings up this question : How many rooms shall we have paper- (5 'ed this spring and how much es money can wespare for the much- e; „ needed improver/rent? Speaking ?, of Wall Paper, we wish to say that we have the finest and most extensive line of Wall Paper ever shown in Huron county. This ,stock was selected with special care, and no matter how many rooms you desire to :paper or how much rnoney you have to spend we 'Ave something that will in- terest you. The styles are the' latest and the. quality -the best we have ever been able to offer:. Prices range from the cheapest to the rnost expensive. We want you to call end exatnine our stock and learn prices before mekingyour purchases. We eniptto impress upon your mind so thoeoughly,"hy, quality 'and pride, that it will he impossible for yob to think of Wall Paper without thinking of es. RENE r XR Our offer explained in last week's ' paper e To the person doming the farthest distance 0 during the week for a bill of ‘t Wall Paper or WindoW'Shades, We give enough' paper (15c) for ' your parlor, or any other room, free Of charge, - All Paper Trimmed Free. • 4 p It 0 4 9 " . re Booksellers, Stationers and S /'ancy Goods Dealers, Clinton. (.1 eieee•meeoeee099e4eoe,e3A THE TWO, AaT'S. To see the latest in Hats inspect A. J.- Morrish's stock. Don't buy till you • do so An inspection will convince you not only that he has what you want but that his prices 'suit the times and the good quality of the goods he sells. His Ties, Cbllars, Cuffs Shirts, etc., are also snipe... rior goods at taking prices. &AI 41) RJR/ cr MIL 41 ornroig. • • e [eel Oue business has chiefly been Ordered Clothing with the exception of Ready-. Made Pants, Overalls and Ready -Made Overshirts. We have often been asked for a cheap suit and in order to accom- modate our customers bad to pat in a few lines of Ready-Mades. We do not purpose making any more profit on these than will pay the freight, as it is It sideline out of the ordinary run of our trade. • . The first price is $5 for a Man's Suit, generally sold at $7. The second price is $5.50. This suit would he cheap enough at $7.50. The third price $7, This suit is made out of all wool Halifax Tweed and will give $10 worth of wear. The fourth andlast price in the Ready- Mades is $8 and it is really a nice 811% neatly cut and well made, gooct trim- mings and got up 14 the best, style. Some houses would eharge you :$12 for it. ' . • The Ordered Clothing season is 111 full swing. All the Tweeds are in and we have the best line we have ever had, 3. SallaTralr CLINTON. VIE BM CI r. Onto Oh, do I hear some one say, I don't think I shall go near you, I 'don't want fits. Oh, yes you do. You like your Coat and your Pants to fit and you like a nice easy fitting ;4101 Larne, Son a Mr. Robert Welsh, was Me- W: 0. Searle called in on Mon-. a very siek boy for several days but, is day to show us an article in 60 good 4 now about ailrightagain.---MeHenry Grit sheet as the Woodstock Sentinel- • Plarnsteel bought a, three-year-old. colt Review dealing With a $20,000 greet from Mr. E. Butt of the Base line re- which the Government has Made for fine driver,Mr $ Beattie Searle is a hardshe .': , . lost • llLiberal-hardshell. cently 'Which givel prrimise of Tieing a building a postoffice in that town. Mr very f . 017e of his best horses on Monday: The in the sense that tie never voted Con - animal was driven to Seaforth on Sat- servetivp and not likely ever will -but urday and is :supposed to have 'gone he believes very strongly that Clinton, too fast, hence its trouble and death. . especially in view crf its being the Hub' "—Mr. • A. McLeod, liverYinan of of the countyshould have a new post- LticknoW, bought a horse •in 'London office,. If If Woodstock is to get $20,000, on Friday and While driving it home it Cliuton at a Inalerate estimate should took sick on the read, Mr. McLeod be given at least $5,000. He does not stopped at the. Retteriberi House and think it lusty fair or equit&ble that Called in a vet; who soon -doctored it money should he spent like. water in Goderich on pestoffice---and• harbor while this important centregets noth- ing whatever: By and by he Will corne around to the_opinion that _the M. , P. who cannot get anything for his own town Ought to be turned down. up so that Mr, McLeod was able to take it home on Monday, ----Fire broke eat•in a detached buildifig of the On- ward Bicycle Company on Thuredity last which. called for tlfe services of the brigade. • Thefire engine though Was not brought into: play, thepower at Fair's mill giving 101 the pressure necessary.. The ream in which the fire originated was used for burnishing and It•Vael While Mr. Brown was thus employed that it broke: out. The loss will he about seeenty-five dollars: —Miss Scanlin, whose sister died the week before last, is now herselfvery ill.—Thursday last was One of the windiest days of the season. The dust hie* about in cloade and the watering Cart, not having started • upon its rerinds, Chief Wneetley and Engineer Miller got CIA the fire brigadehoseend thoroughly [aid the . dusb on lbeet sti,eet. Their work was appreeiated by, the business quarter —Mr, Doherty hits sent his string' of pacers to Lendon to be gotten ready for the season and later they will be sent demi to Quebec:. We understand there is a probability of Mr. Doherty dieposingef the let, including Guideless Tommy.-- Plubasteel & Gibbings are going exten- sively into stock raising on their, two hundred-acrefarm on the London road They.raise Shorthorns and Grades and in porkers prefer the Yorkshire 'They have at present one -hundred hogs -- The May 251h committee are actively itt work- making ready for the coming demonstratIon.—The Hensel" School Board hiss pixrchased a ,i3ritish and Canadian flag which Will he hoisted on ,Empire. day. --Mr: T. Quigley has -Mae raki, • o u s h oe shop in Seafo rth.-- Friday will be Arbor H. Davis, son of Editor Davis of the Mit - clod Advocate, has, in ;company with G. W. Dawson of the Stratford Herald purchased the OwenSound Sun, pub- lished semi-weekly.-- Several had gnarter-dollar pieces haVe been . in ,.eire, culatien in tovvn this. week.—The Mission Band in Connection With the Raptist thuech will haa its first public meeting this evening ab eight o'clock. The prograna will be musical, 'literary and Welt worth .hearing. Silver col- lech.,r at the door.—Holy Commun- ion ill be administered in the Bap- tist church next Sunda's, evening -- Mr. Arthur 'Centel= has refited his re- sidence on Mary street, until last week occupied by Mr.Will.Harland, to M.P. B.Clrews, ri.nd the one next to the Catho- lic church to Mr. William McKeown. --e• -ear:Thos. Greeds has moyed to Mr. F. Cook's in Hellett.—The Seaforth by- laws, granting $47,000 to three indus- tries, carried on Tuesdav.--Mr. Har- vey Davis sold one Of his livery horses to a Seaforth man and delivered it,on Tuesday. --Mr. S. H. Smith shipped three carloads of butchers' cattle to Toronto yesterday.. --As the time for the manual drill approaches interest le hattit-ion matters increases. Ira NO. 4 Coin pany there are a few vacatieies for men of good physique. Captain Combe and Lieutenant Bruce will lab- or towards making No. 4 the crack Company of the 83rd.—Mra, 0. S. Doan, who Was dangerously ill for sov- eraidais,ienow considerablzhnproved On Sunday . the prayers of the 'congregation of St Paul's were offered on her behalf. ---- Mr. Bert Potts has been upon the sick list this week. Cause, rheumaticen. It is seldom that Bert Is absent from his post. -e --The demand for meclitteics and laborers is greater than the supply —It is proposed that it feature of the May 24th celebiatien be a drill contest in which the cadets of the Ooderich and Clinton Collegiates will partici- pate and further that`the Government white silk and chiffon ; Miss M. Mc.. be asked for the lout' of a few ten Naughtmly white -with oVerdress of ars Fits Spring Overcoat.'Your Hat won't look well if it don't fit. That is the kind of fits we give our customers and guarantee good fits or no sale and you eau then give um the other kind of fits. Give us a trial te fit you out in a nice Spring Suit. You wilt be more than pleased for we make a, tipeeialtyof giving better values and better fits than any house in town. We ure praetical tailors and ean fit a giant or a dwarf and best of all our prices vill` fit your- poeket book, In the .ready made department we have 81/1T8 FROM $8.50 TO $12.00 the latest, styles and patterns. • Give. lie A Vail and We Will Save Money, 9 al PtirtNIStin/t. AND liana, w A. pr SO She Put the Baby To Bed. . Rather a funny incident happened in the home of one of, Our prom- inent citizens and 'a 'resident "of Rattenbury street One afternoon last week.. His good wife was in the midst of the burly -burly Of .hoose cleaning and her assistant mn taking cloWn the old.' family clock unknown to herself detached the •peridultun weight. The • absence of the weiglit was not noticed and the olock tick-tooked merrily • &long and in three henrs..gained an ;hoer and forty minutes At six"ceolook as they supposed,Mrers.So and Se willenswer for the purpose of narration ,-had the evening meal prepared, but -the proriiinerit'citizen came not. By and by baby Was put to bed without' papa'e good night kiss ,and at twenty minutes Co eight he returned only to be met with :,-"Were you keeping out of the way for fear there might be a carpet to beat?" . "Why, it is not quite six o'clock yet," he replied, considerab- ly surprised., "Look at the clock. It is just seven forty," said his better lielf, but ai she spoke the town bell began ri nging out the Welcciine hour of six. The clock was examined arid the mystery explained, hut theincideet wag too good in keep and the citizen, he is fond of a joke, has been telling it at his wife's expense.. 1 The XXVCiub Hon. A most enjoyable dance was given in the town hall Thursday evening of last 'week When the members of the Olin- . ton sexy Club entertained their friends . of this and seine ef the surrounding tons. Although the evening was Warm the heat was net particularly noticeable as the rooms were not over- crowded while a water -ice buffet Wee provided for thedelectation of the thir Ly and was an important factor in keep- ing things ceol, A light supper was sere ved ab 10 o'clock after which dancing was resumed and it was net until quite a late hour that the closing notes of the last waltz constrained. the young people to turn their reluctant thoughts to home and slumber. The guests were r•-• Aeaforth :-Misses Powell,Case, Rob- erts, Alien, Soole, Weir, Ilewkshaw. Messrs; Case, Daly, Broadfoot, G„Beat- tie, V. Beattie, Macdonald, Ransfotd, , Young, Henderson. Bert, Chaff. ttityfield :-Mr. Jowett. Witthifin 1 -Messrs. Side and Moe ton. , • Clinton t -e- Misses Mcllardy, Bell Doyle, McNaughtort, Kelly, Stout, Robb, Irwin, Ewers', Monteith, Taylor, Couch, Howson, McMurray, McKay, O'Neil, Cooper, and Mesdames Mae -g- ent, Itansfoid, Jackson, Hovey, Mc- Kay, Robinson, Mcpherson,Wiseman, Archibald, Kennedy. Messrs. Lewis, Forrester, Hewitt, S. Jackson, Leckie, Cantelon, Miller, M. Martggart,Rand, Middleton, 13rydone, Leslie, Bowers, IL McPherson, Smith, tittle, Kerr, Turnbuill Hovey, J. Raniford, Wor- thington, Doupe, Motrish, \ D. L. Mc- Pherson, W. Sacksca4 G. D. Mame - gait, Kennedy. A. few of the more noticeable dresses were :---Miss Soole, pea green silk and lace; MissMeMurray, black drepon And red roses;MissMcKay,white and yellow costume With handsome pearl girdhfl Miss Couch, black silk and crimson roses; Miss MeHardy, Nile green silk with peal trimmings ;Miss Powell, dove gray silk and bice; Mise 13e11, : • George Nimens, son of . Mr, George Ilimens. of town, had a very narrow escape on Friday last, He wee- em- ployed with . Mr. William Riley, -the framer, and it was: while engaged in enlarging the barn of Mr. Jas. Man- ning of Hullett that the accident took place, They were taking;cloWe sorne .of the timbers when the piwline plate fell and struck Mr. Niniens nrein the 'side of the head,. cutting the ear, in- juillig the left eye, bruising the face and wounding the head. The violence of the blow was such as to' renderhim encoeacioue for tionie time and :he is yet insufficiently recovered to be brought borne. The doctors exPect to have • him' about again shortly, if no new syroptoiniedeVelcip. Wale Locals. , There will be 11,--Silbewiteilt of: the Lord's Supper in St. Paul's on Sunday after morning .service. ---Bev. Free - Mantle Webb V Calgary; will be inSt. Paul's church on next Sunday pr:m: t�. speak of the need of the church in the diocese of :Calgary. and 'Saskatchewan,: 5.8. in connection with St. Paul?s will be held at 0.45 a. m, during the summer months: Bible class in the chuech at the same hour --:--;ow- ing to the impossibility' of ReV. E. Shaitti returning: to London on . Men - day in time fpr ordination, there was no service in his perish on Sianday.— Mr. John Powell has jollied Mi T Mackenzie's staff. -.---Mr.. ,A.. King is haying his sleep" brightened. by a skil- fel 'peel: painter: • e - The Topic Was .,,COmnany."'' '"Oompany"•evas the Subject of Rev. B. Clement's, . serMen •pi eached to a large congregation in Ontario street Methodist chirech last Sunday evening. .from the text, Prov,13-20,'"He that walketh with wise Men shall be Wise; • but a:companion:of fools shall be .des- troyed." The following is a brief out- line Of the discourse :-Man formed for society, society necessary to the de- velopment of best manhood, influen- tial in the fOrreatien amoral character because of the initiative instinet and sympathetie .nature possessed by man, Company thus a formative element, in characterbuilding,importabee'V shen" ing evirand'choosinggoodcompanions, the danger of tho ranch cortipany,'the necessity of retirement for reading, meditation, eta; • The -above points, by apt and poieted illustrations andscrip- tural.quotations, were clearly Present. - ed to the minds of those who were pounders to fire the royal salute. If the proposition materializes, Captain Combe will drill the Clinton students. —Mr.3' Ti thluanterton 1lndshi 1418i* nees so increased that he has added an- other chair; tit rather he has sent, off one of his old ones and bonglit two fine upholstered chairs of the most modern make. t. T, has now IV well- equipped three -chair shop.--gearter. ly service will be held in the Ontario street chureh next Sunday. Sohn Johnston, Itatteribury street, is preparing for a granolithic Walk to he laid by 5 5. Cooper.—Orie of our lo- cal eportsmen,taking time by the fore- lock, caughe three dozen trout on Mon - ,day. Tuesday, May 2nd, was the first clay for flehing the speckled beauties. Are you &Saws -twain) subseriber. royal blue muslin. On the stage, which Was prettily dee- orated, were seated the eiatronesses Wh• ivident I y enjoyed thcm evening in listen. ing to the Innate and watching. the danhers. Mrs. Rumford wore a beau- titui black mut gold silk gown, entrain, , 1Virs. Hovey, a stylish combination of golden brown and cream, while Mrs. McTaggart looked particularly vvelI in crimson, Mrs'. Robinson In black eilk With jet ornaments, and Mrs.,Merher. son, Mrsjackdon and Mrs. Ken- nedy in pretty silks of different colors were also much admire ed. A word of praise should be given Messrs. towio, wrionose.Sothoonaiiii Ciaptain M. MoTaggarb to whose ef- ' forte the suceess of the evening *es In a peat inewitiro duo. Oddlellows At Henze. , The methhers of Clinton Lodge LO. O.F. a go* days -ago issued to their friends a neat invitation card announc- ing an At Home to be held in their hall en Tuesday evening, A. large number accepted and the capacity of their very pretty lodge room wastaxed to accom- modate the audience that assembled. Mr. Fred. Jackson, by merit as well as by virtue of his office in the lodge rail= ed to that eminence, occupied the chair and in opening made a rleasing and instructive ad:lees:let:Ion Secret Bode - ties in general. and the .1; 0.0. F. in particular, reviewing his subject from all points of view, historical, philosoph- ical and moral, and brightening his re- marks with references to the humorous phases of Secret: Societies. A \veey enjoyable program was then presented, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings Miss Couch and Messes..Harland and Rose sang a spirie ted quartette very creditably; Next Mr..McLeod of Seaforth was introduced and sang a comic song so acceptably that he had to respond to an encore. Mr. W. Humphreys sang " The Storm Fiend" very well, indeed, He possesses Well•trainecl baritone vole° of good register andin this selection, Which is re difficult one, Ms enunciation Was dis- • The numerous , warm friends of Geroge M., Kilty throughout "-this .eountywiII be fnuch pleased to hear that he was successful/at his recruit ex- arnieation and that he has been ordain- ed and appointed to the Delhi parish. We believe he enters upon the work forthwith. His friends will ,follow his career with interest and that he will prove, it success in his chosen calling . they do not for a moment doubt, • Big Bia, Buyers. The egg season 18 in full swing again .and Cantelon Bros. -aro busy buying end shipping. The take in on an aver- age 1000 doeen each -day, on. Tuesday it ran pp to 1200 dozen That same day they sent off a consignment of 4,500 dozen. Thetrital of their purchases for the season mount high. The firm has a well established reputation for doing business on the square so experience no difficulty in securing & :good share of:, the trade. DCath. of hlr. Crews. • • On Friday last Mr. P. B. Crews re- . calved the very sad news thet-his fath- er was dangerously 111He left at once for Forest and Only reached home a fevv hours before his: patent's. decease. The funeral took piece on Sunday, Mr. Crews Was only in his flfty-first year and his son had no previous intimation that he was ill, much less in a critical state Before Settling in Forest deceased had Jived in •Petrolia and Port Bruton.. This was death's fourth visit to the Crews fami- ly; the remaining members are e -P„ B. in. Clinton; John of Windsorairid James in Toledo, Pirst-Cials Honors. • .• ' On Monday last Rev. E. B. Smith • rector of Middleton's Parish, waS_orr. &tinsel to the order•of Priesthood, the" ceremony heir* perferined in Londoq •by Rev. Dr, Baldwin, Bishopof Hur- on. : Me. Smith's examination poncha- ded on Saturday and to hiS own sur- prise he headed the list, He took first- class honors in all Subjects except one And in that, second-class. In one sub- ject he obtained the exeeptionally high percentage of 98. As for' Some time past Mr. Smith • hat practically had two parishes to look after, his father's aud hisown, his high standhig is 'very gratifying. Last year he won the geld medal of the value of...twenty-five .dol - lath for elocution, which was this,.....yeler suppleinented by the Scene honor, Mat- thew Wilson- Q:(i.•of Chathain with five dollars worth of booksas &further ac- knowledgment of proficiency- in that line ReY. Mr.. Snlith's successful ex- amination and orthnatioflwiflajordjua Many friends much -satisfaction. • Ato,Prosperous Sunday School. The Sunday School of the Ontario street church is prosperous, none more so in °Hilton. Fifty-four names were added to the membership. roll during the year, making a grand total of 422, withan average attendance of 234. -There are forty one teachers antl offi- cers, the average in attendance being thirty-one. During the year 7,401 ver- ses were recited and 'therein the girls fir excelled the boys,4,884 verses stand- ing to their creclitand to the boys 2,610. The receipts for the Year were$167.65and the expenditure$103,54, leaving the sub- star:Mal balance of $04,11in the treasury, This was thesubstance of the report, presented at the Annual meeting held on Thursday night last at which the following officers were elected for the current year ;--:=Superintendent, .1.Tay-. tor assietiint, D. Tiplerly ; secretary - treasurer, R. Tiplady ; assistants, B. X. Gibbings and G. W. Wray; librarian, Anies Casselsetssistants,Albert Downi and Miss 0 -Walker ; pianist and lead. er of singing,Maclame Wall ; leaders of orehestra, S. T. Emmerton and F. W. 'Watts. There is .mtich continuity in tinct and his interpretation good. Mr- this school; Mr. D. Tipiady was Sim - Brown, who is ale° new to, a Olinten erintendent foe a quarter of a ceutpri audience, rendered, •a variation of and still 'willingly places his eervicee at "Tramp I Tramp 1 Tramp 1" With rtruch ,its disposal. The present strength mid skill upon thetlationet and hi response - efficiendy of the school is in a large to an encore played two other selee- measure owing to his tacb and skill in titans which were well reeeived. tte management. Me. fl. Tiplarly has Madame :Wall aba Mr. Humphreys I been about fifteen years at his present sang a humorous duo which provoked posband rain or shine is always on much applause and Madame Wall sang hand at the roll call. Superintendent sine of her always acceptable solo! as Taylor was one of its scholars when the only she can. Miss Clement' played school. was first organized, away back a Selection unen the piano which was in the early history of Olinton;and has aPPreelated by theaudience and loutilIr alway retained his connection.. rot applauded. Theprogram closed with fifteen years he had eharge of the Honors PM* .4 Clinton Boy, Mr, Sheldon B. blement; son of Rev. B. Oleraent, student in the department of Applied Science in McGill Univerr sity, has again distinguished .himself by. taking the first piece in the second year's eetirse in 'Civil Engineering: Ho Pell Six Severe and peinfnl accidents scene-: times happen simply. That whieh 'bare to Mr, Wi1l1itn Gibbinga, of towq on Friday wag such an one, He was building it conk Stand when be slipped. end fell to the ground and although the distapcewas may' about shi feet tbe sudden contact With mother earth dislocated his thumb and Awoke three ribs. Ile had to be assisted home and still remains .M bed. At seventy years of age he will...feel the After • results More than he would:have a •few years Death of Mr. Millyard. ' -'On SuruiSTOS'earthlyjallgrimage ef Mr. james Millyercl of Thornhill, fathe- er of Rev. R. Millyard. of Rattenhury • street church, came to an end. He bad reacher' the ripe old age of seienty- nine and had been 111 for soine time In his lest tioers as he neared Death's cob' etrea,:n he wits comforted :by. the laving care of his sine The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. , is worthy of mentibp that the previous . visit, about a month'since, of Rev. Mr: Millyard to 'Thornhill ivas to attend the funeral of anuncle. They Jolly The Committee. The citizens of GOderich are 'more" , • than gently jollying the zcommittee whih journeyed to Ottawa to press upon the CtovernMent the •eisdoiri of , Making . a •substantial grant for the , dredging of theeharhor. The cornmit- tee reached the gapital en Tuesday it. re. whereas the: previous: afternoon the Estimates were sent to. the Com- mons • and included a 'grant of $20;000. • Such • precipitancy on . tbe part of. • the. Government is real- ly inexcusable. Hating. delayed , so long the Estimates might have been: • hoa back another day and thurie have - spared the feelings of the cotinnittee. They Mean Business, . The C. 0. F's ineanhueinees with re- . gard to the organization Of a brass band and, at last •Thursday night's meeting the arrangements: were left in • the hands of the follOWing Aptive com- mittee' :-W: Jones, Ve". Harlehd, L. • • Kennedy. and IL Holden. Several members, of the old Citizens' band will - *jcin.iii and do their hest to help the scheme along. A leerier... is being ad- vertised for and it .is hoped .and peeted that by the 2411Z the • Foresters' , band will be a credit to rt. ()beton and the Huh ibself enl is •pleelis, of good material irleai ble and,' we have no doubt but tha the citizens- will also • render material assistance. a "The Sellers norntilPs '• by junior Bible class which bad 41643- bership of upwards of fifty, M'r, Tay- lor can say -few teachers can Tay claim to greater punctuaIity-that during all those years he never missed. being at his post, except on a few occasions whieh necessitated his absence frorn town. An attractive feature of this school faits orchestra which has at- tained a high degree of efficiency and gives additional strength and beauty to old and lieW Gospel songs. The or- thestra Is composed of :-.141es. Watts, Miro Mabel Shannon, Miss L. Olson, Thos. Walker and Parry Plumeteel, violinists; J. T. Kinerton, clarionet ; 0.3, Gibbings, slide trombone; Jae. MeCette, clarlonet ; Downs, bass horn ; 10, W. Watts and W.Shannon, flutes Madam Wall, Pianist. streets, together witlfiith-erjobe, Mr. .1)/Ictie0tl and it tbalect reading, "The Lancashire Bell -Man'', by Mr. Humphrys, both of which Were well executed, Miss A. Gibbings is entitled to much commendation for the manner in Whieb she 'played the accompani- meets and deserves the praise of those whose who took principal parts in the program WI well as of the audience.. The tatering cn this occasion, under the supervision of Mr W. O'Neil, Was admirably prepared and served. Al- together the function Was a tnosb Suceessful. ,one and the Oddfellows deserve the full ;need atomise for the entertainment which VMS preeented. We are ante their friends would be glad to see these Abn010,40$ made an annual went, ° The Benefits of Life Insurance. . -. Instances of the benefits of life insur- ance are of frequent occurrence. 1 On Monday Mr. Thorhae'Cottle received a checque from the Oonfederetion Life . for $1,152hel rig the anaount of a twep y- theeelear, endowment policy. Pay - 'nett was made the clay it was due through Mr. Imola Taylor the dis- trict agent. On Vondey Mr. Taylor . handed oyer to Mr, Jacob Stokes of Goderich $1,000 the insurance upon the. life of his son who was killed hi a bicy- cle accident a few days' ago. The policy on the deceased lad was issued only eight days before his •death. It was what is called. it One Pay twenty . year endownient. Mr. Stokes paid the Compeny $550. Collegiate Notes. ••.. The football team goes to .Kippen to play the Shainrocks of that, place en • Thursday night. This is the first rn etch of the season,and also of the series. No doubt the boys will acquit themselves all right and return in triumph. The game with Varsity.", which wits deckled . on at the organization, will be played hero on May 241h, A Military corps is ' being forined at the elollegiate to.com- pete with that of Goderich itt the celee bration here. Captain Conthe, we un- derstand, wilt take, theconunand in drill, and there is 'no reason why it • should not prove a deeided success. Mention was made in the lans of lase week of the "sporty" hats, combining the school colors of red and blue, worn by the boys, but "the fad" hate% reach' ed the limit yet. . The Oldest Bel igen - \ kr. Henry Stevens is the oldesb builder in town having been engaged in the business for forty-five years and many of the hest carpenters in the dis- trict have at one time or other been in his employ. Mr. Stevens built& num - bey of the beet residences hi bovvii, in. eluding W. Jackson's, - Hovey'e, D. Cantelon'e, tho Rattenbury -street par. isone" and P. Canteron's. He ;deo built and operated ths. limb planing mill in Clinton and his present factory is his third. It was eroded for a wool.. Ten mill and subsequently need as a tannery, ile has it how season ahead, One of his contraets being for a briek dwelling for Mr. Thos. rear eti Huron f •