HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-27, Page 10Our
Wall Paper
Is selling in Hach a Way
, satisfies us our •assortment is a
superior one and that our values,
are as good, or better," than you
APRIL 27,, 1899
aellsseilliell. ... .. .. . silleerelilieleaellelseiteeseilleserillellieleliellikilletrill
,.. Mar.ay.W...Zeteltoon wee in Loudon yester- • • Strtnielt.......TOwelaitiP• • . swirl!? ¶t!??ittritr• wtifInt? wittr itiltni? Ittit!r! Iffirlif wirfflp Tiro? .rtrm iffttflff riff
•' Mr. back Kennedy was in Bayfield On Mr: John Stewart, one of our n)ost . E .
'14r. John Branford was. In Montreal , in Stanley for very many yeareand lute •
• ' tut week. • . ' a family whiph le a eredtt to bite and to • a. ...eks. on Bros. sfJa-eksori Bros:
1-4:14.3r.,.. Ferran left on, Monday for •• very ill for time .titne but we hope to
• highly respected pioneers, haft been • ,
. Ottawa. • • soon haw of his. recovery, He has lived
Mr. W, Mitchell of Exeter was in the the municipality. The flame of Stew..
+ Rub on Tuesday. ' art down here is sync:option with in-
M- Mrs, (DiTtirahem isepending a week tegrity and straightforwardness.
with Brussels friends, ' D. Frank Scott, who has been prac-
Dr. Blackall was in MitOell on Friday tieing at Caumbellford,is home for a '-
on peofessional business. short visit prior to leaving for Europe
Mr. John Helm of Wingham has in order to farther Prosecute his stud.-
. taken a situation in the 0. f. les, Dr.Scott is a distinguished gredu
Mrs. Mien has returned from visiting itte of Trinity Medical School and the =
relatives in Detroit and Berlin. tuedalletin hie year.
)jr. Oonedon of Streetsville has taken
are, usually offered, •It is easy (a
matcheasy to hang, it is easy
to.buy., Sure, it cost'syou some-
thing but the Money 'spent is still
to. your credit when the paper
on ihe wall, We are daily 'pleas.
Otnere. May we "'please you
Often the Cheap*, 41.1voyat1elleet.
••4 irk
lair, Co,
, .
:41gsnett Rarkerie D#6 TPorks.
:.New A dVertisements,
ivrassey9Tarris Blorole,-Geb: Levis (e)
VavenderO1erters.-11. B. Cointo ' (4.
saving MOney.--Embrens
114:0•,s Sehom Bhoes„--Sacirseri flros (8.)
Smear gale. -3. Battenthey '
Wan Paper Goselp.-W. Cooper se Co Oa
Your cherk etepped..-P.B, Crewe • (1.)
'Saddle for Halo -At This Oinee.„.. . . . •• .
Notice to Advertisers.
Advertisements tar pages 4 and 5
Most be in this office on Saturday to
ensure insertion the following week
and for pages i and 8 not later than 43
o'clock Monday evening. Advertisers
will kindly bearothis in mind.
lAbotit •
ce--"tee— People.
• •
Mr. :Perrin was in (31-oderiCh on Tues..
Mr.,11ell cif Seri -0014 was in townover
Sunday. • .
Mr. G.-0. Petty Of Hensel' Was in the
Hub on Tuesday.
Miss Robb of Detroit is the guest of
Miss Mabel Kerr: •
Mr. George Steep spent Sunday with
relatives in Godericli.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ceding visited their
son in Bayfield last Sunday. •
Messrs. S. Beattie and G. Roberton
were in Wingham on Sunday.
Mtirray and A. Taylor were
in Seaferth on Monday.
Wiggins and W. Ilyslep of
.Were in town Sunday.
Stoddart of Chicago is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Goodwin.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers of , Crediton is the
guest of her brother, Mr. 3.. W. Hill.
Miss Maggie -Beattie Of Brussels is the
guest ofixer Meter, Miss A. Beattie.
Mr. Guy Russell Of the o. f. has gone
Lo Detroit where he has secured a
situation. .
Miss Edith Teener returned td Gode-
rich Monday ,after Tpergling 0,. week
• visitingem town. •
• Misses Annie, Ida and Lee Kerr of
Wiligham were guests of Clinton
frieedeion Sunday.
Mrs. John Black and Miss Black of
• Ashfield were guests of Mrs. D. Cook,
on Thursday last.
.Mise S. E. McIntyre was called sudden-
ly out of tbsinon‘Saturday owing to
her brother Herbeet's illness in Stan -
Me. John Enainerton, Sr., went up to
(finder -kb on Thursday last to remain
for a•few weeks.He is one of. the
veterans of'00...,
Miss McMurray .of Chilton sang a solo
in excellent style, says the Winghain
.Advance in its write-up of the Nan-
• stone.Bell wedding. •
• Mr. T. 0. Dbheety, late of Clinton, is
• employed as head agent in the
men timidness of Co. Commissioner,
• arMainnere-Durhara Chronicle.
r. Chatieg.Kuehner, representing the
• -ltnechtel faffirdiercroornany of Han.
one of the Most complete con -
aims. in the Dominion, was in the
Bub on Thursday last.
Rev, E. B. Smith is in Llind'On this
week writing on his final examina-
tion for Priest's orders. He will be
home for his worknext Sunday, but
returns to London Monday for or-
dination. •
•Mt:Stirs. W. And. Ss...Stewart and
- Miss Stewart ' of Mitchell were
guests at Mr. James McCoors
yesterday. They came up to attend
• the ft:mere:I of the late Mrs. Margar-
et Brownlee.
Me: J. A. Corbet Was the guest of Rev.
E. B. Smith this week and at, Trin-
ity Rectory in Bayfield. ' He is a na-
tive of Stephen township, but has
realtried in the West for many years.
Of late beams been engaged in the
newspaperbusiness with his brother
lif Minot, -Western Dakota, and re-
turns there again shortly.
Principal -Houston of the Collegiate
was in Hamilton on Friday attend.
ing a Meeting of the Board of Exami.
ners of the Scheol of Pedagogy• .
Bach examider prenatal.'a set of
• paper e wbich the united Board pro-
nounces noon before they are abut
to the printer. Principal Houston's
, rob eet is Modern Languages.
Mr. Henry Cole reeeived Word the lat-
ter part of last week froin Hunter,
1•Torth Dakota, which conveyed to
him the glad new that his wife, who
• has been tieing with her son there, is
now on the fair t, way torecovery
from the attack of paralysis she some
time ago eustained. She it now able
to move about and has again* the
PoWer of speech of which she was
for a time clePrived. Mr. Cele thinks
seriously of going out to Hunter, for
a tirne atleatit,
Me. 'Will> Holloway WWI euccessfal in
puma* his second year exatnitiation
„ nt.the Dental College, Toronto, and
' has gone to Ilerriston to practise
with an L. D. S. for the summer
,hboethe. Mr. Erne Holmes hoe post-
ed his final exam and is looking
about for a good pleat in which to
to* Out his Shingle and it is report.
that he trnty come to Clinton, 'The
o tirs, of Dentistry .1101V liere erten)
rt, of the tommunity in their line Our hone dealers ,are finite ;tatty° at
Want." I under t Wea ' RSOnitti are bright and newsy, ' I gritel4ptitItgl, tkpittly at TIRO Orrical.
to capable attendm • to the
P1:.P. ).sili.ori eVirietPoYfil t180.2n°011. Otyth.
iSs Co: Ooderich, was in the Hub ort •
Saturday. Al Rev, W. Rigsby exchanged pulpits
Mrs. Powell of Blytla NM a guest at with Rev. Mr. 411.axworthy of Teeswert-
the Rectory from Saturday until er on eitinday.
Wednesday. The Presbyterian church will give
Mr, and Mrs. John MeGarva. ire visit, an entertainment in the Industry hall
ing their diteghter, Mrs, (Rev,) Deihl on Wednesday, May 3rd, Mr. MeDou- rier,
in Ansa Craig. aid and Mr, Carpenter•of Loridon will
Bev. J. F. Parke spent a few days entertain -the audience.
last week at the home of his parents Rev. 0. L. Mills exchanged pulpits
• near Bayfield. •with Rev. Mr. A.rnastrong of Dungen-
Miss Annie Beattie and Miss Nettie non on Sunday. -
Beacom visited friends in Seaforth Mr. George McCully spent Sunday
one day last week. • at his home in Kinburn.
Rev. F. G. Roy of London • son-in-law Mr. Tohn Summers, who ties been
of the late Mrs, Brownlee, attended working in Wlarton for the winter,
the funeral yesterday. • retureeci home on Toesday last.
Mr. W. Jackson, (J. P. R. ticket agent, Mr, John McGuire of Clinton was in
ticketed, Captam Bradish to AlInne- town on Sunday. .
ciosa, Man., this week, . • mr. Dave Chamberlain of Wingbam
Msr. j. W. Chidley has been spending spent -Sunday Maus home here.
thepast week with her sister, Mrs. It is our (lad duty •this week to
.Tob. Clark of Toronto. chronicle the death of Another of our
Miss Florabliller and her brother ROL) townsmen in the.person- of John Bela,
of Surnmerbill were the guests of who departed this life Wednesday
Mrs. R. Glazier on ,Stinday• night. He had beano sufferer with vireo -
Mr,. and Mrs. Schell and little son of matisin for the'last few years, but his
: Woodstock ere guests of the fortner's death was unlooked for. He was bur -
sister. Mrs. (Rev.) Millyard. _• ied in the Uniou ceinetery on Satan, -
bliss Emnia,Dotin of „Detroit was tele- day.
graphed for on •Tuesday owing to Miss Tena Morgan, Wire has ' been
the severe illness of her Mother. . *bitting' _ 131enheim for the,. last
Mr. and -Mrs. -.George Sweets returned month, returxred heme on Tuesday-
. -from Cleveland lad week wheie they bree , • • • • •
had been spending the winter months • • miss Mabel McBrien, who has been
with their daughter. . • • ;visiting the Misses. Moore, returned to
MVS. Leather and two children return- her home in Ripley on Monday. .
ed to: their hone in-,. Toledo, Ohio, Miss Eva Bell, who has been very
last Week:after spending a couple of siiik for tfie pastfew months, is we are
weeks with friends in town, • • glad to say, Improving •nicely, and we
:10. D. A. Cantelon of Hensel' was hope to see her around again before
harm on Tuesday. D. A. is pushing tong,
the produce this Season and is get- • . Mr. H. Ballard, insurance agent, was
ting goodly share of the trade. in town' on Monday.. • • •
Mr. mid Mrs. Thos. Beacom of Clinton Mr. W,.J.§Mooney • of Toronto,
and Mrs. Robert Miller of Summer, trict Deputy of this •Masonic District,
hill. attendecethe funeral of theilate visited. the lodge here:. on Tuesday
Me`. Adams in Seaforth on Tuesday. • night. "1-16 was acComplinied up from
Ref. E.,0. Jennings of Hanover has :the Hub by Worshipful Master' .John -
been appointed to the pariah of Bay' . scn of Clinton Lodge, his Seiner War -
field. Mr. Jelining took the services den, two Past Masters and three4 otb-
•. on Sunday last tied Was meet§ appre ere: The workosj the third degree was
Mated. • • " ' • exemplified by Worshipful Master Dr.
31rs. (Roe) no,. of Hamilton and Mr. , Carder. • This was the first visit of .the
' James Brownlee - Of Elora arrived T present District Deputy"... to Blyth
.home Tuesday owing to the death Ledge and prefit and pleasure result -
of their mother, . 'Mrs. 'Margaret 'ed therefrom.
•Rev. S. 1.4 iSnaith, late rector of Trinity , . .
• 'church, 13aylleictriertnoviegthie week
to Forest where the fatally will make , •
.their home in the future. Mr. The•annual meeting. of the Powling.
will be. superannuated June. •association was held on Tuesday even -
Mr. S. C. Miller wasin Hensall ,on ing 'when the officers were elected. Me,
day to supplement ata mesting of . Rinds.Wai electid.president anti .6. A.
the Coinnessioners application Hodge secretary -treasurer of -the eltih-.
foe a, liceese:for the River Hotel:BaY- After themeeting. the ' annual dinner
field. The •Board -didn't may him nay. was held at the Hicks Where it lot of
Mrs : A. Manning Rad Mrs. Walter good stuff was consumed enlyris bowl
•4 Maiming attended the funeral of the :ers kpow how to -eat. Afteethe eating
• late Mrs. (Dr.) Arnes .2f Exeter which was oyer sPeeelies were; in order, the
took place on Monday. • The. deceas- president performing._ the duties' of
ed was asister of Mr. Walter -chairman. . • • . •
Ping. . • . There is eo•trilk of any lacrosse or
baseball club in Mitchell this year so
The following Members • of Clinton
• . Masoilic 1,,idge attended a meeting • fax so that our citizens will have to go
of the Myth Lodge on Tuesday ()fen. to Stratford, Seafbeth or ..Motherwell
ing :-0, Johnson, N. McL. Fair, Dr. to see i:game this sunniier.
The farmers hi this set:thin do not
Blacken, J. •B.• Hoover. W. D.
'Fair, Dr. Bruce, Jacob' Taylor and complain About their fall wheat, Which
A. J. Holloway,. " . . is h good Sign that it is all right. They '
• • ; have coMmenced spring seeding.. Al-: •
Mr, and Mrs, Hon:lee Cooper' and child
of eleria,•Montane, arrived Tues- tchrgpug. h.. it . rate: it may he the! best
•• day and will be. the • •guests of friends
The., "ringipg 'on SUnday
here for a fortnight or, so. It is
morning brought out alarge crowd Of
. about nine years Some they left. Mr. people on the run. After it :few min -
Cooper is engaged in the grocery ntes the church bell rang' but the folks
teride in Montana's capital and has a _
high opinion of the capabilities and very fast. • • -1- 1.•
prospects of that youthful state.
Ref. Mr. Millyerd has for the 'past
week been. in attendance • on his
father, who bas been ill at his home
at Thornhill. From a letter received
" from him on Tuesday it was learned
' that his aged parent ia hr. so precar-
ions a state that his life is despaired
of.. Mr. afillyard maynot he 'We, to
• %return fof `some time.' His mirk next
: Sunday te,m, he taken by Rev..
B. Clement.. • • • •
Mr. j. Ades Fowler, architect, Gode-
rich wasintown on 'Tuesday on busi-
ness in connection with the residen-
ces which Dr. Agnew and NI!. W. Do-
herty are building, for both Of Which
Mr. 'Fowler drew the plans. In the
afternoon he went down to Seafortha
having also prepared the plans for a
presbytery which Rey, Father Mc-
Cabe of that town is having befit.
11 will be be a Substantial building of
• red, pressed brick. . • •
Mr. T. S. • Acheson, son of S.
Acheson of Kipperi arid a gradnate
of Clinton Collegiate Institute, is
now head relieving agent of the O. P.
, R. in Maniteba, and the -third highest
in point of salary of the Company's
agents in the province, He is now
stationed at Winkler in the Menno.
pits district. , Mr. Acheson is nnly
twenty-two Years of age. When he
W115 3rounger they intended down at
the Manse to prepare him for medi-
cine Or law, but he preferred rail -
wading aird. is making a success of it,
Church, -St. Peter's pulpit was occu-
pied by Rev, Mr. Parke of Clineon, an
instructive discourse being delivered.
Student duties are occupying the -rt.
tendon of our pastor at present.
Sunday school reorganization meet- ' At a (special convocation of Queen's
ing was held on Monday everiing,when University Tuesday the Sir John Mac -
the following officers were elected donald chair of politics and economic
Superintendent, J. II. Lowery ; assts.. sciente.was formally founded, and Sir
tants, Mrs; Bingham. W. Lowery; Charles Tupper VMS admitted to the
librarianA_Miss Lowery; assistant lib- degree Of L. L. D. Sir Charles male
mean, Wm. Miller; secretary.treasur. the speech of the day,
er, A. E.• licitheral ; organist, Mhos E. .Telegrams announcing the death of
Lowery; assiaant organist, Miss' Tamers Robb, former proprietor of the
Bernie Wallace. Sabbath school re- Stratford Herald, have been sent to
opens next Sabbath, April 80th, A full .Stratford from two points,Varmer,Ky.,
attendance of pupils and feathers is re- and Wheeling, West Virginia. Nu -
quested. There are a number of stray metros curious ctreunastances connect -
hooka that might also acceptably find ed lead the relatives to doubt the truth
their way to the desk on that day. of the statement.
Rev. Dr, Fraser of Knox chnrch,
Hamilton, has been appointed Mod-
erator of the Presbyterian Synod of
Pais and London. Rev. Dr. Itadblitfe
of St. Catharines was elected Clerk in
succession to the tate Rev. Dr. °nob-
Ste, H. D. Lumsden, consulting en-
gineer of Montreal, is in Winnipeg for
the purpose of making au estimate of
the cost of double-trackingthe 0.P. R.
between Winnipeg and orb William.
Millar. . By nil ext,losion of benzine in Fleet's
Out Wants A 'Registry Office.
The Seirforth Expositor has .received
. .
no coal mines ; yet it can be as monde-
eious as the Globe. It represents the
late Ministers as ordering a wrelith
for the funeral of Sir Saha Thompson,'
and refusing to pay for it 'until sued.
Nothing of the kind occurred. A , floe-
ist wanted 10 charge these gentlemen
$2;000 -for a wreath, or about $1,400 too
much. They refused to submit to ex-
tortion, and they were right. When a
proper bill was put in the account was
settled. -Mail and Empire. ,
Goderich and Guelph linite.
. A despatch from Ottawa says
Goclerich and Guelph united to -day in
representations to Mr. Tarte to secure
a large grant for the purpose of im-
proving . Goderich harbor. Guelph
holds that if Goderich is made a first--
class port the 0. P. R. may be induced
to extend its line to Lake Huron,
hence the presence of Col. Macdonald
and his Royal 'city associates. Mr.
Tarte gave the deputation an encour-
aging answer. Members of the depu-
tation Were Mayer Thompson, Coun•
' efilors Mnrtin, Knox,. Humber • and'
Carleton, and Messed. McGilli•
cuddy, n, Heaton, A. McD. Allan,•
j. H. 'Colborne, H. Moore, George
Acheson and George Thoinson of Gocre-
rich. and Mtiyor Nelson, Christian
Kloepfer, M. P., J. lessee MeIntosh,
Col. McDonald,, and S. Bollard, Prete'.
dent of the Board of Trade Of Guelph.
The -speakers were MOSlire. A110,11, Hea-
ton, McDenald and Bollard.
News of.the 'Day;
0. E. ,meeting. of last week Wail a
good One, S. Kyle Of Kinburn taking
the topic and delivering. an earnest an
• helpful explanation eflt.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brownlee were
called away owing to the death ot Mrs.
Brownlee, the forineesrenotheriin Olin.
ton on Monday last,
Me. Henry Kerr and family of Wing -
hall) 118 (1,100 Mies Beacom of 'Clinton
Sundayed at theresidence of Mr.itohert
I ,MiSs Mancha Moilesen is rusticating Chemical orke, Philedetphla, tWO
in the vicinity, men were killed, two others are un.
MISS A,11111e Tyner has returned after accounted for, and one woman was
piemant sojourn at Leadbury. • fatally (Wined.
The fout,year.old son of Wm. Rood.
Ciiso. 11111 leaves for Wilton ihis late Of St. oatharines was 4rowna in
corning week. It appears cheese fit the Welland Canal
looney this year though the patrons of
our factory Seen( (010413 to the fact.
third wont& hardly be tilling 1 presen thou h. Josh, nil. slightly The eetTeelogilaen
'4).epattiOrental. Store
. 'Departmental Store,
110/1110,1bplbet11.41beWilielliellibellfrlb WOfribAliP1/436~4e;',40eqb."Ver4t*416,436/411b.AlkWibelb, '916e1110,4116Alr'lliellfr
The 'QL,Oole."
Cl.othing Department 4
, ...
. 7..
PRICE $2.00 Men's Tweed Pants, cash price 75c, credit price $1.00
" " $4 $1.00, • •`‘. 1.25
..$ : 41 . . 41 1.24, , I 4. • Leo a
"Where is that shoe you , These are the cheapest lines of goods ever
are .. blowing about so ofgred in. Clinton and live are having It great
Much," "l.et us have a . Sale of them. 'Buyera. are surprised...at thg prices L-.1.•
look at the boot you.call but doing business for cash on a small margin. r......2'
A tells the tale. Then again look at our wonder.
Jul $5 Suit—a Suit that is wonderfully cheap "la"
at $7, cut, made ' and trimmed in a manner
equal to $12 goods. Wo have sold a great
Many cheap suits in Our time, but. this one clis-
much notice and no slioe'is oWered at the price that will coati+ s thetn all, It is not equalled bY any house in the
the "Creole," "Where is
this"stioe that wears for ever," "Just called in to see if
• you mean all you say about this shoe," These are the re.
rf marks we hear everly day in reference.to this famous shoe.
at: No line of goods ever offere,1 in this sption is causing so
• ••
give half the wear. These are statements worth investi- .trado, •
1.+:4. gating, by icon cash buyers, _
titg 411.:41114111belbrilloilWINS,10.4,116.10":1fr4116,11frillyalb.... ,
Our Great Cap
Boys' 'Standard' School Shoes
• for boys' and inen's wear go out, hy
• ' • PRICE, $11 .$1.25141•60
GOO (.1 S which wehave advertised well and goadS which we exceptional value. • made in' new
▪ are selling so freely that a second 'lot has been orderec • _ shapes and colors, and they are just a little better than
• Boys will be boys arid the best shoe made is none too good. you will find' elsevvhere for this mone•y. Welave also a
• for the average_youngster, but this season we .think the - great range of new suitable for girls' wear and the
"Standard" is just a ,little better line than iS-shown by styles and shapeatiro. just a Tittle•clifferent from what. you
the dozen every week, -'I'hey are
• most people. .
.•:.Line No. 98
Is known as a Ladies' Box ,Calf Oxford, worth, ,in the regu-'
lar way $1.40, but we have contracted for a quantity of
them and we are going to make a noise about thern. Our
Pride will be $1, and we are safe in saying that no shoe
r...-: house in -this Section can equal them. The goods are solid,
no paper soles,shapely.3n style anti up:to-date in every way
If you want repairs done
brmg'them here. The
wIll see m.ost stores. •
Christy's. -•
Celebrated U 4- ci
English .1.1.at)o
We hi* sole agents for this.
great line of 'goods,. and our 7-1
spying stock is; complete.
No h(tter 11.at is Made, no goods ie better wear Ask 4.
for this particular make'.when next. you ' need a new Hat
Some of Or Special ,leaders ire baying a bfg.sale just idow.
doctor is always on hand 5thOeo is an example.. •
quality fol.' itihenatavgea4n fellwr
.and they Will.: be attend- .
dora Hat is •
00 to .with promptner,s '.$1 Fe a
afl(l. de•spateh, vel.y people can show. Our: 25c Sailors will callSe
.th.oderafe ohaigee. . -considerable attention When shown; They.are Wenders for . •
. . . the money.. •.; • ' .
1114"ilbellb,46, 446-111,
. • .
707.4114.40:444014:,:.:40440 '4401. :44410
• Must ray yor.i Newspaper. •11
At the•last'Division Collet at Glext2 •
pany y. -Edwards was tried.. It was
an action on fitment to recov4 three. AL:ITY .FI T •
coe the case of the FiTe Press Com- •
Years' subscription to the Daily Free • _ .
• • •
Press. Plaintiff proved that defend -
eat had .taken the paper regularly
from the post office wird istarl therefore
entitled to pay for • it. Defendant al-
leged that he !levee subscribed for the
paper ; and • one 'Cariscm Adair, who
lived in the premises now occupied by
‘defendant, and in wilder; iname it had
been sent, had ordered the paper ; that
when • he went away . he had made a
E11.1.?dittit7aref 111:dPatg:I: to to
lirer it 10 cicfondant, who had inhitgin.
ed that Adair had paid frir il. other -
have taken 11. Thc
and should ave stopped it if he d
Judge huid 1(1115 taken the pater,.got the 'benefit ofdTt
not *ant it. Judgment for the plain
Plriftigirff!OMLOt fee7re.f01113Cillielit.bdrn f°
St, George Not A Frenchman. „
By an order from Ottawa issued
many years ago, the flag is hoisted . •
over thaPost Office and Custom House
• on eyery national celebration day. At
the Parliament Building, however, on
the 23rd, no flag floated from the flag-
staff in honor of St. George. The Eng- Lace -
lish residents of Ottawa felt very _ sore
nt the omission, and the Public Works
Department had once more, as on two
recent yearl occasions, to be remind,-
•. When buying, our first great consideration is quality. Low-
ness of price is no Inducement for us to buy if the quality is
not right, If we know it inferior qualities of any kind are not
allowed to enter our store, for with our standing offer of your
mone&' back if not satisfied, _w6tto9,*_ affed to handle low-
grade goods of arty kind. This selling of only dependable mer-
chandise has been one great factor in making this business
what it is and here you can be sure of getting reliable goods at
prices that quality for quality are as low as you'll get anywhere.
ed that the rd of April was the patron
saint's day of Old England. • A• prom-
inent young French Canadian mailer
asked it leading citizen why the liege
were flying from the City lead-
ing hotels, etc., and was answered,
"Beetiuse this is St, George's Day."
".And. why are the flags mit flying
from the Parliament buildings ?" ask-
ed the member. "Because§ St. George
was not it Frenchman," was the signei
of the Commons during the mere ng
ThoNitwe-ftEconn giyee the newe
of Baron County'.
GATLItia, -In BaWle171. on 'April 121h.
the wife of Mr. Crating, of a
MIDIMATOM-in Godertch township,
on the 25th inst., the Wife of Mr.
Bny Early while the choice is'good
'Von .won't com,plain of lack of variety in
' our curtain.stock. It's by long odds.
the best we've ever been :able to show ycht
and that's saying that it is the best ever
• shown in town; There's alniost any price
you want to pay between,
CUrtainS price the hest curtain Value BOUGHT
25e and $5, and. at each OUitS ARE
find Jud(re the -DIRECT •
. you .
• -whole stock by • these VR011
• values.. • TIIE MAKER
1 This oar groat leader in LACO
Curtains- extra aim, 60 1ncho4 •
Wide, si yards long, taped edges,
good patterne, worth $2,special •OV
Good otroutiefaiee Curtains, one edge 25c
taped, per pair
Lace Curtains, 2i yards long, (16 in0,...uAe
wide, taped edges
Laoe Curtains, new petterns, strong „
and durable, 3 yar do long, 46 in.
Extra good Lace Ourtaing, a goad
aseortment o new patterns, taped
edges, 3i yards long, be inches ifiA
A. very new design, fancy border,
plain contra with spot, It very ftw
handsome curtain ,....
• •
Time • healthy, they make, en mom floor coverieg •
Charlea, Midellefolif a daufhter. ' you are goi• ng; to. buy for dimmer, and many people rre using. •
Very fine quality, now designs 'you
• will not mo olsombese, the new ,
corded edge, GO in:hes wide. 8iri en
yards long ... .......... .10v
Extra dem quality, dainty, delicate
,pattorbs ou yery fine lace tiet,single w 00
or denote hordors, $460 and 0.
i.Mattings from Japan
Every yeer these floor coverit.ge are he
doming mere politer*. Bright. olemely, I
The Rush.
For Millinery
• We've teen having a decid-
edly interesting trade in, Mil-
linery. The success of other
seasons has been discounted,
business has been better than
ever before. •With our bright
and roornY show room, where
there is every facility for
looking at Millinery in com-
fort and a stock.that for style
• and variety. is not equalled.
outskle of the cities, it is no
wonder that we are doing the
millinery fiusiness • we ave.
just opened, up
New Gauzes
New Ribbons
New Shapes
New Braids
• New Senors
and yon depend cn seeing what's 110tV
set in Millinery in oar showroom.
the wife of Mr. Th tr pthem on dining rooms alai bear§ onte4 for
MAcirrorette,-In Olin on Apri 24th,
a son ,:mackellogoi, . new carpet this .sprnif et. the .stittuuer raison. at. makes a tlemint
tor to plc it out ear •
it's b
the stocicki;at its best, •oriiitgBe„,i1,1,aft,invin,27,1? :711110.1,1(th.onev.
get it rnadt) and have it 41 :1
Tintowun.-In Clinton, on Atird 26th,
the wife of Mr. Louis Thrower of a -•
daughter, • •
-Eggs For, Stile.
thaw, Andalusian doe for Silk ferfl
were prim winners Atthe Huron PoultryBhow,
(+Coring from 91i to 01 points, Tho lindelusions
area hardy lirosd,lel big eggs and aro the most '
ratio 'agora. m the statistics at the Ontario
Wel arm prove. STA ortomtnty.
custom ADM Mho
Saddle For Sale.
• tme....4d.11e,tr4kin soli loephyg horn. •Flo
ready for you . whenever you •
want it.
'to buy now gives yeti a choice yen eau.
nOt get later.pre when. stook!' got broken.
When hating, it's worth while to
remember that "the knowing how" in tint- ,
tin mots often Neves terner three yards
- '-'4'1".;-:":).:•:,-„,,,,,,l,...11,4)' • m.s.. 1
in t o Wikil(0. We 1010(1, hOW 10 tint rierpete i •••.,•,,..„,„ 1
with the load potable waits, And make.1 A Perece who 1.1"" an" ita°V 6" arr*t 81"" I
land ley all b...•ngla berm , I httIer wants to ho withc,tts Du& Thoy SAVO ,
• 1 time labor and deo. Nke 40.1 tAvo etylem, hOtti i
' ,9314(sellA." Prteenxed by reeiree$2.-So ezeialie i met
of trzo. Nam+. 1 flierrve,T, t,
-17dias.‘4 I
la our Kid Glove stook this meow. Theree
no it Roortment, fa those parts.
All the delicate sharlinge in foamy gloves,
that help to give completeness to it spring
costume. The. famous 'eTrefoneso" French
Kid Gloves. the belk the world, at $1.00,
$1.25, gii.t;0 per pair.
Underwear for Spring
Wilt have some deddielly hifereseleg
Moiety and "Untlerstar 13 *vs te print
wed week.
Rs a
- New Dollar
NS• BROS 'red