HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-27, Page 84 ti, . .......t......440.0.4. and the queen ordered the arrest a A. KING ON NDUOATION, - MADE NO DIFFErtralcs, WADE ADVICE- . IT'S A •• ttut prineesa at mute, and detained her ........ . Het drantatleally-I *aril tell you. Her Father -If YOU, are already. en.- • in hez• bedreteD fer foU.rteen dela, I . Newiy Discovered stool Iittereethia Leiter now.nitieh I love you i gaged and Matters have been settled • nety add that by this time Princess* between Yoe, what do yott want te gee Imet about A About the House* Marie ie fully ettredi and is doubtlee* of1Predriricor the at'iiat, abe-011, can't yoU I Well, X gUelle . __ now mourning the Urea ot Grandma Profeesor Beyeehlay. a Berlin, bee It'a _Pat so "In On a1rea47 CS - .411400•4144194110.** ww LettiSe, who was, atter all, a eplendid . Just brouglit to light a remarimbly a ' gg SOME GOOD 11,,ucs14$. teacher. , iutpreating "letter by Prederick the OaU"s Brein Oraelet,-Beil some freshBOUSEBOX,D BINTS. Great, 021 the eubjeet of education. The A PL'ExiBr. `iiiiiiz, .m.....1.00 r' yellow flowers rerawci 4 moon ot : letter Of the famoue kbag la addressed Graolousness in bueinees puts Mone/ valves' braina until done. When cold . ohop. them fine adding pepper, sae, • - • to Ministervon Zedlitz and it containe In ail man's W'ket.' a anguagee. anis manner to some Men theY immedm T a %tends; when I ehow Et gra°, alalashine., -Yellow and white luncheons :shine and suet blotter, together with. a the nionarch'e views DO logio, rhetoric+ • few Mae/AVM:en% Make Paz 'elnelet of arle° ver'Y fos.hiellehIe, Daffodils, jou- and the emote t 1 preparations, end eerve hot. .., are appropriate, for table dectere,tion, "'Logic." writes the Ring, "must be IntelY want t0 ben.V°W II . , „ these fresh eggs, stirring in the itheve qiiile, telips and flowering ourrants atanitee thoroughly °Yenta the echoole . French Poaohed Bggs.--PrePars six Butteraupa and eowsilps make an. Artie.. of, the small towns, for only in this ;94',,,11,),' 7f,M,,Picirftevffgrikttrilitetbrir narb's.el' nix Fr...own parreakea ...already stated , may be eixtbroidered with yellow flow_ way can tile, ohildren of the riaieg re,,94.11:11,2°L7eNINtegaretta'srittlot soft poached eggEt, end wrap them In tie Ornamentation. The, center pieces . wtth_,,Itureele et tt,e8h mushrooms, tql. seWhite °bine with gold bandsmay generation learn how to conduot ea. rAtir,srl4risttaipt411190,10%;541; a* . their businees and private effaire w - ith MI 43 . 11 13 a to great advantage at a golden good sense and prudence. 140gie shoold Breadthere arliaglaise and fry. Serve luncheon, Salads,' oonfeetions, cakes. . on bread, crusts and garnish them in WM, glaoecl fruiti and beverages (1611 SUBURBAN 11,Bir.BLS. be studied by persons of all ranks, the naiddhi with Madeira emote, with rea:dilY be made to repeat the color. truffles rognons and erete de eoga, VIo. ingenious housewife oan. arrange since there is no one who will not find yols4rict lasyerullY dull and lonesome out her menu sO• as to snclu.de eggs, ear - Serve cold. it useful. In the case of ohildren it Dull 'i leo; soinelaody getit stuck in Doe° nut Pudding.70ne wataleteoa- , cakes, oranges, Iream°0hnewould be advisable to change the the mud near our house every night. rots, mayonnaise, preserved ' nut, six eggs, six apPle,s, grated rind of l'uncul jellY, bananas And cheese, : i present method of instruction and to ' one eni, et sugar. Beat the eggs to- ,_ , a mu% . n regard to PhilosoPhY, nlY anon erFoserm WlettiletiPassitil!' V. mPilirhaakresioliauxehil?yt a lemon, the, Suice de one orange and A tea eddy rat cut glass with. a screw 1166 text books that are. not quite so lo cop of solid eilver, upon Whiuli a mono- d d I , . other until light, and gradually addr"rt--- Is am tx.to it, i. opinion la that uncisr no circumstances wrimmcoo - lmED i,N, the Other iredients. Stir until r in4y be engeved if desie4; ' tharaugwymixengd and bake in a =oder_ r?0311t; ornamental addition to tne 51 should it be taught by OlergYnten, but oer o cloak tee, tray. . • solely by laymen,, It 'menu; to. me as lecTlesporliToara take, any -int•er.438t in ate oven. for bbout half an 1111111r, ve oold. • , • ' A particularly handsome . present .gru.ous Q ve r es; she always g s them into dice of uniforrn elie, party'. It was a great white .oelhiloicl i military .men the art of War, Teaehere returns and - get /rile /Wine. Ill good Stewed Pote.toeer-aleel potatoes, out *as reeently_admired at a christening • ! philosophy inocai t ha ele gimen' teach, ICoe down town as to laaVe lawyers teach with me election nights -to heat the their time.- . . and plat Alien% on the range in, (14d , Oesket tied with white satin ribbons. . ef phial:430y •ahtraid in,51ruot , . the known systems, and • ' ""7"--. chister of artificial lilies. In the ma- should above all refrain front forma- ' ' water. ' They nntst boil uhtil tendet. Through the lova were thrust a pupils in all Then di potatees dou,),•• , wit In off the water, cover the with het Intik, and. stew. in a tier for 10 minutes. Thicken e..tertep:nninis of butter roll- .„..,4„.flour, and season. vrith Salt, pepper a-ml,a..Jittle chopped parsley. • , Fruit Cake. -Flour; sugar and but- . ter, one pound each; 10 eggs,. one pound. The Budding ll'itutneler-4 would like to know from you whether 'it'a atht� able to Marry her. Cave You Catarrh igiten • get eatarrbozene. -whieh neither a wash, snuff nor eintmeut, but etiorotte gas, which "TS carried by air directly -to the diseased parts. It peneteates wherever air can go, and never fails to cure. Have -you slight ,eymptcsas of yoneumption? Then try Catarrhozone. Outfit, 41.00, a.mplo bottle and inhaler, 10 cents, For eale by all druggists Manufaetured by. N, 0. Poison 84 Co., Megaton, Out, Send. 10 cents for sample, CHIEV HARDSBIF. Old Gentleman to conviet-,What is the moat objectionable feature you find .10 prison life, Mr dear friend? •Conviet-Wisitora, La T080E11111 100 mirdalucat eKkAR. , FACIORN,Montreal JTIST LIKE A MAN': GwilliaMs--Mrs. Dingo always strikes me as being suck a masouline woman, Mrs. Gwilliams-She is,. She can't stand the least bit of pain without making a, big fuss over it. 'IOW's This ? , 0 ouRs A OOLD Oelt DAY e Brom° luinitte Tobias all Draw. bet were some odd laces, a couple of toting any new systems of their °Wu. .4- • Agents tesi act Urtleleon ti2ornar, ti • t d TI KER for quality eaternber the n Lead packages. CEYLON TEA, "../. I -HAVE YOU S SUBSCRIBED -1' FOR 25, 30, 40, Sqlk 000. issued Quarterly, up po year. and Number now in promo. Seint in your subscriptions at once for the year tSon and receive Noss It and 2. No. i contains 30 calered plates, giving the exact solsadep and reproducing the stitches •le thatmany studies. Send asc^to CORTICELLI SILK CO /or Richelieu - . John ,114 • . . dar,N. 13, --When replyiog to this Arm* specialty ,mention thil!, paper, give the . =Me of paper and where you satt w • solid Sneer spoons, a Pearl, and eilver "Young people must also learn Latin We Offei 7656 NUndrd, 'Dialers ReWard foi 9 94 reg9.1.1 W� a . , the mom If t Nile to cure. 25o. Mit, &Ms in every store. fan. tory and boos& Exclusive territory. • St ni strotanyl rattle and a dozen pair of silk soolcs. thorogghly but r b t k any case of Catarrh t at ean•not be cured ani eters tog:4% This gift was the laving th he 55 ° 5 en Haire Ontaisai Cure. ^ snity. Ohioast.1, gal Montreal where, Ate Sr y scro p lda mimic* TAB Avoitian Dr. Arnett, Berlin who will oomines you hemp sure yogi ' • oug of • to use the easiest and best Methed of , Rheumatism _Core moored in 2t hours, • a maiden 'aunt, who had Chosen from instruction Even if they beeome We the under.igned, have knoWn .1' • •vvere you 001004000RetliannaliisNgekgigg '29 el OUR STUDENTS have recently taloa peg her treetntres -certain ileiriooras to de- merchante or expend their energy in ---1 for the last !.5 year:1/4 and believe Captain, . • 0 • ever ltmerded by a pirate? situations, audit= positions remain =MIA light the young raether. anY othe;•• direction to whiela their gleirditenalYtt=r;seigrentiestabrrgg ttargttilesa; 0 For c:)1d, sores and fever blisters, tets•yi,..-••Venius may incite them, they will find' *ruminate° by them fir , Int a day for bedroom on the fourth • ap ant Storms -Yes he charged me ONE NIGHT druggis forit,Prleelge Corn Cure. Ask yOur an ointment made as follows: Camphor Latin very usefnl, and a time Is eu're wzsr&Tlettait, whole:sage Druggists Totedo.O. • • WALnklie, LUCIAN Sc MARVIN, irVholesaio flour. ' citron, blur pounds: Spanish currants, five grain's; .powdere(l arrowroot, hall tO eome when they w41. be able to turn Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, t ta he I tk t EVERIV1•54/,01101KNOWS THE V 1..v bF 7Th -"N yINDIANW111414N.5134111) dram' subuttrate of bismuth, half -their , knowledge of it to . advaa age. . Kens a rr t,re l'sli o:d erlin dn.:UT:A.' t's`tk°r: three pounds of seeded raisins, two nut- ' STRATFORD, ONT. We Mitch real Inuitsioss--n9 WI. dram;. ointment of rose Water, hale The Works o.f ,the elassioal authors leg ciirCeclY 1,Perk iile laces or tne ityatein. prieeTho. per bottie. told ration or nonsense. In fair competition our graduates mega, two teasPoetiful: ground-oinna- ounce, by all Druggists. Testimonials free. are nearly always chosen. Business men appreoisteour . APply whenever necessary to Inuit all be translated "into German, . mon, one teaspoonful . ground acmes, the lips; ; so that young people my obtain an Sail's gamily Pills are the best. - work. Beet Oommerolal Sahool in fjentala. saw now. three quarters of a eup -of molaeses, •----- edeouate idea a their-contentre. other- . ,.,..- . Circulars free, one half cup brandy or wine, sugar . ` .. • WH'ITE APRONS, . • wise they. will learn, the word.s well. A ,COHREOTION' '' , WHEN- HE HAD TO. ' dead, e 1 ' Well, • wears white aprons, make them as 'It is also adviSable that the school • • • - .welli pid he butte anything? . , . HEALTH RESTORED 7,1141.11.1141: . she 'della her skirt% with a, narrow, teeehers throughout the .•eountry-shall Us""'Net-ble-oot slifferio% Num, 'Yes. ;It broke his heart to d it' but ' f . 2 '' most disordered storesoh, %slags. Moen, Liver, Mood. pointed or rOunded ' yoke, '-ao that the teach religion and morals to young I'd be-hic-perffekli happy if I--hme- . he left everything • platter,. Ridings, nrata an4 Breath' by • , fullness comes well below the waist people. indeed they must thoroughly 14. I could only afford tO keep this way,. • '' . . w P c 96s ispHospHATEpowpai • bu.ter beaten tegethex; eggs Leper- • but they will -remain ignorant of the wh A$ A PARTURIENT MEDICINE. sv. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. even now` Yon are suffering from So old Tabsley 'is h The stout woman, should, if slie' author's real meaning,• TIM MOST NUTRITIOUS. ate, add all together; fruit last; bake two and a half hours in a moderately. hot oven. To Cook Calves' Feet.-lioil eight calves' feet untik tender; remove, line. white mprons for slender WOMen instruct them in these things untd ^ tue bones; put thou into a pan• tor are also Inore. becoming if the fullness they have raised them • to such NOTICE,--st. caul", Xawdon• end M """ • half a pint a the rich etock'in which Bil0piied 01 (SO per hundred. Li:Inchon Leprohon, Carbolic Dielnimotantn. imape, cunt. 'Toed is rejected, saves 60 times its cost in m Ain& ,they were boiled; add two large spOrill: fi•om four to six narrowaows of shir- der. Of conrSe, there will oontinne o, • 109 Natei Danis St., maltreat _ Tooth Powders, eta., Save been •• •fuls of butter; rub the yolks of three ' ring pnAtvm.—comFonT*G. Du Barry's Revalenta Arabloa Food, • • • • whichapaies anjOhildren ant tdriti Rears saw • Tragedian -3 alines- full history of ths lessened bY shirring it doWn with think of stealing or committing mur- 'nese mailed on seee/IA of 50. Agent* and goads other treatments. It disesta w e othss Bookstores about. tho. Waist, especially In front, is a standard that they will /to ,longer murder and trial of Vordella Plass, and Sans. P Maw • CALVE . RT S 000A naafi ir Infants wham llmentss'nd qv. vs/ awarded 100 medals and diplomas tor gape:Aar 50 Years' • iziliblclutrz-vometl. mixed add .to * the calves' feet and CANNIBALISM, . -----------------cand HawksleY--Here's a pretty girl eloped 6uP Mt, 3E1 31E3 ! cp.„:reblit,, En..14......,,gepottney, arrhesk 'fore serving dash a gill of good -sherry /1°W If I* 1' roetteed bY r1/11. W1118111 4" ties to become thieves." Blunt -11'm 1 I suPpose at- the last MANCHESTER. . . ENGLAND 7 hd didn't pull the tooth! i - .• . Pearl l-landle KNIFE for /Ann, W:. Paso In Forks. 14 Rue da nastigitOo. acd trinto`The ,terrapiis. , 4 , Fowl. Pven these hrief extrecte from his Minute , C ..'IPa lora and Dram, • be thefts, since human nature .is_weak hard boiled eggs with a small tea- - • especially exCellence Their regular use prevent tuft Li - in this direction. and this ia sow Tin Woictina.. spoonfni of musto,rd, and a very little = true of 'persons who' are' placed in • cayenne and salt to taste; when • -011,EARFAST-SUPPEIt. ouediseasomi. Ask our dottier to obtain a i D uBarry •81. 0 VY e- give ihis fine 4 -Blade Nom ittnieney, 'Orpeptsio , judiaettionhClormtlord,sithhotesCronehrms,InlO- y, Lista nudist on --------------------ii .'.stook; let ii'ininer 10 'Minutes; just be- - • ' who thus have exceptionl opporuni- with a dentist , y. C. CALVERT & 00.2 • • • • letter show that Frederiek the Great OTTING SCHOOL- . 1 all Grooms, °herniate, and. Stores everywhere, in id makers send tor oot- selling6 Ladies'Gold a armesan Meese antl Eggs. --re- Caonibalisin is a vice that' has per-- Iv . . . . eat oirriage tree. , atm Pare SOIne 0i0ft ppacbed eggs, mix eome . melded almost every grade of life the and statesbnin, but wee also. a nod Pharaoh lOo. 22 Paine, oiOranby, 'sue." • 080°. * D. S 11001. ., on sal. ----- -- Manta aotar,er. • .'141. M tr as not only a distinguished vvarrior- (1 MOSTAR= • Shirt Waist Et E.A T Ys, 51110 1100 Ss. Wade ' 1 d this 1 is - • 11 • a BIO p Free Ilia Am. PINS at, to cents each. cream'sauce with a little *bit(roplier. *ot.tctSinee itrs creation 'It Is re- student of' huraatt nature. The letter .. , .rh n rat sail and grated Parmesan cheese and, markable' what 'extent it is Simply send your address prae. a so phows-an for is reason ",-AlwrisTio FR/DE. . . u t- t h b d t especta interes ing--tha e a a . • and we will forward wicks if desired, some OhoPPed chives. Four , ticed among fish, *animals and in- heart the real welfare of his piople. .3ittin2y-Won't your Mother be mad Mimi Thses arraair 611/ICYLE per posI-6paid, When sold, send half the sauce into a -shirred egg dish sects,• tc;•say ,nothing about 'savage and • that even on such a subjeet :as w n she, &Mg 120W you tore your sygoi•• s..s or ' _Bre the o cents ,aticl we will send • over the top • some ‚grated - It is a common onstom of the Cuban.' to -expr s. tfi • •• have lots of .fun huntin' up• cloth to . Zsuiln01;011'silitoonar "udeargin Address, • ' an cheese and, a few drops of seerPion•affialaring.to.devour the moth- - es ern' • ' and lay the eggs in it Cover the eggs and civilised races., ' ' • DOUBLIC TUBE, knife, with all charges paid , e remateder of the sauce and school . education he had pronounced °thee? • . views of his own, and was not el Tommy -I guess not so very. )11011 . Com Novelty.Co.,Toronto. Ont. butter. Place the ,dish in the er. • This occurs shortly; after the birth lightly hrownedand sendtn of the hreed. TheYoung cling to the BitItilY MENTIONED: mother until they.have killed her. ., . , .. ' --' --7.• , • The " grenipus," , the rare, ,,,blirek • The price of medicine -in •Frossia is EN AND KOTHEIL. Florida Scorpion, AevourS.any'ether of regulated by the state, •anew "Priee' id of the late Queen Louise its six!eies It.. flOn2;66 acress... . ., list being pliblished. every year that next to Queen Via.. AragAil:.ihe spider tribe hardly' one . There are millions of the inhabit:- ' • of alli • women in En....rn• e„ax.,.eauile 111' rt thousand eaClipeS: the into ants of the Philippine' Isdands who . . • q of. the 'continent. "She is the , Bismarck of ,Europer, exolairer; .,PleMarck himself once,' in admire-, n'tor her diplomacy and political eSight. Her. ' daughters • became" uadess ot Wales,. Umprees of Russia d Thichesn:Of Cumberland, One of _sons is the; Xing of , Greece; in- , er; the crown Prince, married _the Aftt the end is alwaya. the same. ' One Ater of the rich Carl XV., Xing .`“•4 a- ' 7 ; - • ' Widen, and the' third( is the Ina, DR'-SUDKED CORPSE • • • - Of, the Prhicees eif Orleans, • the ' is alt tlx4t; i5 leitr and the female'. goes hter of, the 'Duke a, Chartres. °n as quietly alone as if such a.domes- i• ut intol the: hands of tic tragedy had. never taken Place.' ts-roanY wires, whereby she ' In the higher orders of creation can - 'Ouch. with Itturacti-Erigiand ' albal•ii•al; i° 4.- • vice ' °Trunita enough. nee. . • . , . tug Obrietian being • too easy.... the qUeen rtookt upon herself ask' of educating and discipling ,butchered and euten, by their un.na- children, She was both • their ttiral Mother. Sueh 'horrible per - other and *their queen, She taught formances are far nave . common n• daughtenabonsekeeping diesethe,k- among domesticated animate thEin wild a ing and the art of Spending money. :Puss- • ' '• 6 'sena were trained to. keep an tte,_ i • EVery schoolboy- knows how neees- t• 'every penny :they spent out 1 813'rSr eekly allowance, to drees should. never he allowed access to the it is that the 'old buck rabbit to be courteous to infer- young -Isles during their first few ter, a Danish baron, . thus 1 weeks of life, 'while even the. doe must .4neen,e. _kenib. disolp,1 be carefully Shut up in a dark, quiet sound, well -formed roots of great weight; Price by mail (post-paid) per lb., 2204, . i huteh, .or she, too; willl develop canni- mlea,IIfic *world :at large.. . .i• 1, • 1 t• • t . • .- After the strike of laWYers in SPain '" , - . .$111,, lots or over, roc, lb., or 40. per lb. leas if purchaser pays carriago. itteesiVrari• eaughi".x,teeing4' eneci heve been known to kill and we have now, a strike of jurrymen in iep (BRIGGS* 0 Ian t, Ifellotir Oir a 1 - s b a p e d ere bey her 'tlidest son, • ba 'sue tendon° es, Cats when fright . . (TEELE, . tar Of bne of the sea.. ''ell,'t tiny kittens, and at least one case . he Royal. Guard, of whom the ; is on. record of a tigress, rilarreed',hra .. . . , . . q Auatria. The citizens of Prague whnb NI & ng 1 A . . 0 gtand variety for shallow soils , grows large, hand - 'a 'd and d th t h Id i terrier doing. the same thing. Price by mail ipost- are °mum npon to act as Jurymen nave lie *cone, clean, sound, heavy roots. metch an puttin in a patch, so people a: r WM. . --------------OIITA14;RONTOONT. • • can •hardIY „notice it. • . . OR UALU--Orie.Simp on OrY Pre's(OriCk • •[lachine, with screen, elevators, and a estrengeet,..inflorstich in the of being eaten by its mate. The fe. never knew the denainion-of Spain ana . male Spider is always banal the *ger n.aTv/70.81:gesat8Ptaenleisacrod-pe exiatenee who spirts the big foOd net,, and, can_ doee not make the plenet Mars aP- pear any bigger than the moon .doesi attuots a neatly lined nest- beside it, through an opera glass. . • . There Ater nude goes t� findher, and, There are about eighty distinct tribes tearing a hale in the side of the nest, among the natives of the Philippiiieg. enters.: SOmetlines she allowa to The Moros are the moat bloodthiraty savages known. live•unntolested for weeks or months; • A New York lavvyer, charged a coun- sel fee of P250 and a bondematt fee of po to .defend at boy, who was held for the larceny of ninety cents' worth of groceries. '• • • • , . Every inliabitard of the AuStrian •of Storbeck is a che.si player. The children are 'timed to play them just as they are taught to read and write. • The Sianteee have so strong a, suPer- stition against .even numbers that they will have none of them. The nuraber of the rooms in a house, of windowe or doors in a room, even of rungs on a lad- der, meet etways be odd. The Royal Academy, of Science, of Ato.sterdam, hos 'p.aid a deltoids com- pliment to thc English-speaking world by Ordering that its transaetione Phan fl future, be printed, in English, sfead ef the native Butch, eider. tha.t they may be more available to the of the two, and it. is she, as a rule, ‘,Vhat farmer% heart has •not at one time or another been grieved by the saddest disappearance of part or all of a promising litter of piglings, Johnsen dry pan; •.also 2 Cornell Hand Presses; all in good order and. very little used. Apply to Bricks. Itoom 516, Board ut Trade. Montreal:, Cirtholic Books, Roseries. 1 ..., . . Crucifixes, Prayer, 8 oe.P.Itiers, Religious Piotures; Statuary and . °mince okeetigwrs, Enumitional Works. • Mali orders receive prompt attritiou. D. J. SADIIER & CO MONTREAL, sy QUE. . . , *stints for Canada: The T..Eistonoo., ted, tomato • 11ARTFO RD . - TIRES CAli4Otat 1,'EAD quv Titt.;-OP,UNIO-7101314• T Inner "Maltese Criss Tube& .000da's Gretitest Seed woe nrivalled One of the most valuable products of the farm is a„ fine -crop of Mengel& To growths heaviest 'crops, the very finest selections of seed must be sown. STEELE BRIGGS' Prize Mammoth orGiant Long Red MANGEL lathe greatest weight-roducer known. Requires deep, enrichd soil, and will yield enormous crops of c eau, paid) per lb., 220.; s -lb. lots or over, rec. lb,. or 40. per lb. ess 50 nt arms to him, • Aeoording to ' The worst eanelhos ameng purely unamnneasly refused to attend for that etiquette, a royal child, in entit- 1 savage animals are undoubtedly Purpose unless a new hall is built to o a "shoulder arma" salute until [wolves. When pressed bY famine theyaccommodate them, the old. one being, • firmation, when "present arms., invariably fall utton and devour any unhealthy and too small. • t ealute weak member of, their pack, and or- I. The boY• prince demanded the latter es Y Russian wolf hunter knows that I3ISMARCK'S BOOMERANG. if purchaser pays carriage. STEELE . BRIGGS' Giant Yellow LOBE ANGEL On heavy clay, golfs it is 111 perfection ; grows above salute. hut the eeutry atueir to hie when chased acrosa the stepPee bY a ground, with a small tat root; bulbs large, fine to go down and ask the soldier's peen Of the waste he wilil be granted are- prtstrto. Results, • - V don "for unbefitting attitude and 1 spite for each. otie he shoots while the - ' ' .per ib., ovifepercitaser: pays carriage. 01 40. t Tilers can be na doubt that the war rudeness." and having chnie this pro- others tear the fallen otte to pieces , lb1 per . en, • 1 poly, he was locked into his room for leaving • • Indemnity paid by Pranee to Germany • oders The queen oblrged the prince., Yelling horde of these sheitgY demons 1,,neennty. or nee nix weeks, war sun " gobt shape, sound end eavY, Print) bY mail ost aid) r lb care ; 5-11). lots or over,Agc. two daya, NOT A BONE 13EHIND. after t e Six Weeks' War, was a boom- I- .. their tenth " yeat, they I You Wisft a .... At the royei -. to which her I The same holda good ' of the HaVage - erang • to score up against Bismarck: 1 children were not tidwittfed hefare I odhales" of India„. the wild. dogs which ' The good it did to France is inestim., tiro i hirnitsseolt dreed even 'to the lordly tiger ^ , U1 k d - Good Crop, li,se ot. (mewed to ask flu lryi.3. t hunt the jungles in pa.clts and are ob. able Prior to the war there was an 'rig, hitt had to wait uotil • toward.. ' I its cousin the heavy -jawed hyena ttre p I ' t enormous amottnt o money loc up St* re sereed, according to age, by the , The despised and hated jackal; and in the form a mnalt savings. The 'alit . eele, Br ggs thing tvaierreiWr....tbwh;12"---7-4 both to some extent cannibalq, and not eal o the Government to he peo- .SEEDS itot ike"Chejr littOrg,10 ert to little at It far "PallIeneima 4u1k°0.1 I, one of their °Wu tipeeitsa. Rate, too, all world. France paid off her oreditor ana out of regatd" for Send your imam for tsbis sl4stists,- over the world, turn eannibale ivhen less thaat halt the stipulated time, has.. ple set the sum into profitable mo- • o,bov enatehing up and Making• ill • t eir mouths about it, and had to , ty mouthfuls of some wretched young tion, and, to the amazement of the Fish are "the very worst cannibalS . enterprise of all kinds, and since then confaitu'usefut CATALOGUE It ,"Those who are to rule in the world must firet triad rule themselves, and ' prowled by , hunger. ' This gave a vast impulse 'to business _ • find out what It means' to obey with- ,of all. Dig tigb oat little fifth, all. the France hassteadily la,:emnia More Weal- • , , "out Murmur," said the queen. world -or, rat her all the eeaa and riv- thy, rn Germany thp effects, were lase EIM11 vat. When bot youngest eon; Frinect Wal- ere.....eiker. salmon are the moo cruet - beneficial. The /urge •infinx of gold atilt in. dotter, Married the Fttnoess of Or. offenders. The great big fish snap up tient up pride,s, with a rush. A mania [eerie, this young lady( at once moved the email ones in dozens and hundreds. eer apeeniatine sA, in, fons,wed by the formation kkOut in the castle as though she 'did Rn does the trout and all the-1'541mo', inevitable eyisis. Most sertoua of ail, aot know that there was a queen family. The perolt is much given ,to . however, was tile unexpected discov- !thews her. During a hunt the prin. 60eRfe zoom *fen, arra 4gohering her Infanticide, While the Inked Voraeitr ery of 1Prance's strength.. Bismarck in- ntirts "rather high," the intrepid girl ig ge113r equaled by his 0125 and caPac'' tended to cripple her forever, but he ity for stowing away eod. The great; only revealed her immense power, and =pea the ditch herielf and took One armor -plated garfish of tropical wa. this, of course, necessitated the,gigan. titer horse. on tad it out. The follow- tars, which is the original ancestor of tin military ,burdens Whieh year by our pike, may he watc'h'ed in the clear year Weigh more heavily upon Ger- princeta woke to find lit her snen bed. waters of hia native lake gobbling' up many, , little gars all day long. • froma tli"ttee6 "" voldi -- rn many putts of the world snakes ,Axici-vitiv§ OF FRAN•cp.., sialatil• Int°riutilit hal* are supposed to devour their Yonfig: '''' the ditch in tomb- nut this la a fallaty. it le, ell the Irranot has a new campaign ery, It eani pilty of breach A„,.. SAMe, a fact tifat both the adder, the is "Remember ltashoda," and if 'Prance , it,Ilt,„°11",,, tA.tnai`w* rattlesnake and other serpents give ' doesn't look out it will have it chance - 44,-; -.,,-,.:7,.(-"..f.,7„,,,,,„,, 'their young shelter ill their Mouths to.-Minnespolitt TrIlmine. • "`'`' ''''''''''' v''''''"' when any sudden danger threatens. Perhaps somebody Ilse whispered in royal children, and ar and footman at Pra11004 ear that 3"ohn•Ibill doesn't do 01rEttAW1140 Vtill LA/TY. his fighting according to the rules and. - de the city. Some. rejulations governing Frotelf tit:leis.- dt frightened, over- Say, you wilt Deveri make a I ving age Midi "spilled", the out of the faith cure business if you Ch 13111"41°rald. It ortht to be pretty firmly exert 'children on rhehigh. insist on charging wore than the corn- fr , WM1 4.5/6t4rigr In the retell mind by this time that •••••••••••••••• E to 111 iitt1/401 up by a ponsnak That infitst the wey. 1k'1 milk* a as a matter of feet the Phatraths held tl 1,1* eity, . The livingeople . PwilI tWeit infest be * itren elle* good thing; .. all that region, merely in trust for the h thet, ilirltish Goreratuento.Chiettgo Iteitord• hed, tha hil. 41 1 4 0 The Best Seeds Are Cheapest to buy The Safest to plata. STEELE, BREWS' ...Famous Garden, Flower and Field Root Seeds are,sold by leading ..... merchants everywhere Should yotr-be -timbre to obtain them from your merchant, , send your order 'direct to "HEAD-* ist QUARTERS" -and secure A thorough gemination test is rattle with sft Godes; Amer and meld itootgoad, botor6049:: they Ed: dent 004 and a risld Trial le made upon our own grounds each season ttf prOVO their quality. Tho utmost ooze it givin in the Interest of buyer* and phultura. sir sir W W 00* W The increased product with Good Seeds monytimen exceeds TH EY PAY E3EST . the difference la Cost faun using inferior. lowlsited Seeds. OUR NAME 18 OUR TRADE MARK* See that it is upon all labets and packages when buying your supplies. All inquiiies promptly answered. B1070.- .S4) •# At TORONTO, ri ,J,ingeu ont.