HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-27, Page 6STTPPLEMNT
Olinton Ont., Thursday, April 2t7th 1899.
e.:,Fred "Seigner %mee_ recently sold his
r w blacksmith business to Mr. Wismer of
Brussels, has g,ne to Alberta.— Vred
MoCloy has accepted a position in a
store at, Listowel.—Will McNevin, of
Exeter spent Sunday in this village—
The• Commercial hotel is und,•rgoing
some extensive repairs.—Seyeral of our
horsemen a:•3 fitting their horses for
the races at Exeter un 24th May.—Our
boys are rgan:zinga baseba:l team.
What Wonld They Ifo':
Did it ever occur to the casual reader
that if the same conditions existed under
a Conservative Administration that
prevail to -day under Gritrule, bow
strangely different would be the attitude
of the men who have for )ears claimed
a monopoly of all the virtues for the
Liberalism they represent?
If the Cons:rvatives had spent during,
the past year $38,832,:25 in ordinary
government expenditure—which is the
sun, the Liberals managed to squander
—what would Sir Richard Cartwright
have said ? Would he have denounced
the 'unprecedentd extravagance, or
smilingly approved of the two million
dollar inoreaie since 1896 f
If the Conservatives had increased
the. national d,-bt from 1258.497,432 in
1896 to $263,956,398 in 1898, es the
Lib.lrals succeeded in doing, what would
Mr. Fielding have claimed ?
If the Yukon scandals had occurred
under a Conservative Government., in -
while the Liberals were in power
rs would Mr. Clifford
defend the culprits?
had been hum -
by Sir Charles
Sir Wilfred
Fisher have
nd present-
ctacle as he
inet Minister
00 let of r:„ekless
\Ir. Tarte has —would
resonant voice have
from harsh criticisms
and f'hoquettes and
ats and Laiigeliers had
hers of Parli-iment when
Government berths, in -
upholders of the Liberal
uld Mt. Mulock have
n t doing now?
t tariff had been framed
servatives instead of
ould Sir Wilfred's Cob-
nted more prominent-
ernment had diily-
oposed Atlantic . ser-
eno one has—what
ne of poor Mr. Dobell ?
ervatives had proposed to
Senate—how many approv-
ns would have been psllssed
rdys, the Murrays and the
'ants were given without public
and mining rights without cano-
n ro political favorites by the Con-
n by the : iberele—
McMillans, the
eutenants have
speechless as
Ministers halo
in 'provincial
, and used the
departments as he
awiok—would there
our from the Liberals
royal they now give 7—
•Wingham. Presentation to llenry'Mooney or'.
• liilorris.
What might have caused a serious ac
t:dent occurred at Chapman's glove
factory. Some repairs had been made
to the engine by a man from Galt and
whether all had .not been sufficiently
When it was learned that Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mooney of Morris intended
going to Manitoba, with a _probability
of making that their future home, their
secured or not we cannot say, but the, friends in that- township decided that
engine nearly shot out of the building. they could not let them•go without
One of the pulleys flew to pieces, going some tangible expression of their good
through the floor alcove and then out .will and collectively wishing them ewe -
through the window. Une shaft wcs(less in their 'new horse in the distant
badly bent and another broken in two west. Mr. Mooney had .given 33 years
pieces, one of the pieces falling on a of faithful service to the township, elev=
machine and breaking it. en years as collector, then ten years as
Mr. and Mrs. Rodents of town have councillor, ten as reeve and two years
celebrated the thtrtieth anniversary of as county councillor under the new act.
their wedding day. A number of their For the last two years of this service he
friends joined with them in celeb sting had represented the district whioh
the happy event. Thirty years have comprised Brussels and (Grey as ,well as
not passed without bringing with then Morris and his friends in Brussels asked
varied experiences of life. to' be allowed to join in . the parting
Only a week ago Mrs. Campbell of testimonial The address and presents:
Whitechurch 'was laid in the silent tion were decided on as the most suite
grave. On Wednesday of this week, ble form:of remembrance and •the town
her bereaved husband followed her to hall,Brassels,the most convenient place.
his last resting place. His funeral Accordingly Mr. and Mrs. Mooney, were
took place on Friday. r The bereaved invited tor Friday evening and on
friends have the sympathy of the com- their arrival pound the hall filled to • re -
triunity in their double bereavement. ceive then=Y'•.trhort musical program
Mr. Campbell's age was seventy-five. bad been prepared and with a number
This weekMrs.S.•Graoey received the of short addresses the evening was
pleasantly spent. After an instru'taent-
al selection by Miss. ,Sample and
El. L. Jackson and .a sohg'"Canada" by
Nellie Irwin, Mr: and Mrs. Mooney were
presented with an aadress, a •coat- for
the former and a gold 'Watch and chain
for Mrs. Mooney. On the inner case
was neatly engraved "To Mrs.H. Moon-
ey, from:Bruseels friends.." DTr.•.Moon-
ey in a short speech thanked the donors
for their remembranoe'of Mrc. Mooney:
`end. himself. •Both from the people of,
Brussels and 'Morris he ,had received
many kindnesses and he was not leav-
ing the province because he did not
-like it. „He, was pleased that he was
going a [way with .the goodwill of the
people.. One thing: that had struck
him on his•vieit to the North' West last
summer.was the loyalty of the people
something to give employment to wages there. to their province. Everyone
earners is badly needed. ,said it• was 'the' beet country in the
James Davis has finally decided on World and that he was livingin, the best
giving up his shoe shop in town, finding 'part of it. Mrs..G. Thompson and. D.
it impossible to attend to the shop and Ewan gave 'a selection on the piano and.
his farm as well. violin, J,. McKenzie_egng a cpmio song,
Petitions are being circulated in favor Rev. S. -J. Aplin sang ,ITheMaple Leat"
of building granotithic walks on main the audience joining. in the chorus -and
street. It. is the intention if the pet,- Alin Sample and H. L : Jackson gave,
another piano and violin selection:
Short addresses were given ' by A. Hys-
lop,M. P.P., T. Farrow, ex-M.P.,W. [i:
1 err and Jae, Irwin and the National
Anthem closedthe formal proceedings.
Mr. and Mrs. .M&.oney left on Tuesday
for the North West,
sad news of the death of her father,Mr.
J. Buie of Blyth at the age of 82. Mr.
Buie was one of Blyth's most respected
The K. 0. T. M. are still booming their'
order. Organizer. 'Townsend spent last
week here leaving on Tuesday for Tot-
tenham. As a result of his visit here
eight new members were added.
H. Chittiok, a blacksmith from Essex
county, has rented John Wynn's black-
smith shop, recently vacated by J. H.
Wismer. •
The Atwood flax mill has been rented
to W. F. Forrest for $250 for one year.
It is a pity that something of that kind
could not be done with the mill here as
Do you:.want a Piano, Organ, or any
kind of musical goods? If so, call and -
see us We can supply you with the
finest instruments at the right price.
Zet nie.quote you prices on what you
may want..
Our leaders 'are the Bell, Heintz t> an
and Morris Mmes. Distributing cen-
tre for the noted Doherty Organ, the
-superlatively .sweet and rich Regina, •
our own make of Dulcirners and Auto
harps, Sheet Music, Mouth Organs and
a large variety of: other instruments.
Pictures in.great variety for sale.,
Pianos tuned musically and scientifi
• cally correct, action regulated, , new
. strings kept in stock and put on. . (In-
structions, taken front leading. tuners
iri Toronto.) •
.tions are properly signed to build them
'on both sides of the street' from the
bridge to the top of the hill. So far the
petitions are getting the requisite num-
ber of signatures and it is likely we will
see the walks commenced as soon as the
weather will permit
Not since the big sumtner flood of
August, 18143, 1 as the water been as
high in the My itland as it was this year
and tfie great quantities of ice, logs,
Black Knot in f►caforth.
Owing to the increase of black knot
wood and other material 'coming down among the plumand cherry trees of
did more damage here than even the
higher water sixteen years ago.
Judgment Against the Deputy. •
The action of' Bast v. Summerfeldt is
a case arising out of the last Estee, York
election in which a Markham, township
farmer got judgment for a penalty of
$400, with. costs, against a deputy re-
turning officer who had refused him a
new ballot paper in place of one be had
apoaed by marking it for the wrong
candidate. Mr Hastings having prov-
ed by- the judge's decision he was in the
right, but having no desire to make
money out of the defendant, who is a
neighbor of'his, waived the penalty and
accepted payment of all costs ' and ek-
penses in full settlement.
Seafotth the council has seen tit to try.
and exterminate it. Mr. William Copp
Irate been appointed _inspector, whose
duty it will' be to enforce the lave and.
see that all—black ktioti is cut out and
burned. - rt fn 'e tpected that everyone
wilt at once destroy all knot found upon
their trees, thereby giving the iuspec-•
ter no occasion to resort to the law.
Also Children's Clothing.
I sun. not selling my fruit fnrm,_hut
having labor and capital to run it, un
der Providential blessing I hope t9
supply Strawberries, Honey, Cherries
Pears and Plums in :great abundance
to the public, •
Will be open afternoons.
• - Clinton.
Through tickets issued to all points in
Baggd'ge checked through. For all
information in reference to travil con-
sult the above.
Colonist Excursion
Canadian Northwest
Will leave TORONTO via NORTH BAY at
3.15p. m. and 9 p, m. each TUESDAY during
April (If sufficient business offers).
with ordinary baggage will bo attached to
train leaving TORONTO at 3.15 p. in. and will
run throngh to Winnipeg.
travelling on the same train as theirlive stock
will be attached to train leaving TORONTO
at 9 p m. and will run through to Winnipeg.
BERTHS WILL DDE FREE in these "ears, and
can bo secured by passengers on .application
to Grand Trunk Agents.
• TIckets. rates and all information from
Your Patronage Solicited. Agents of Grand Trunk Railway System
M. C. Dickson. D. P.•A.. Toronto
MRS. T.MoILVEEN . A. O. Pattison, G.T.R. Agent, Clinton.
Corner Albert and Whitehead Streets. F. R. Hodgens, G.T.Tickot Agt., Clingy ton,