HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-27, Page 4News4kord ttitl*stuot, APIPTAMTxt. 1 - .41f 11.00$2100 2118 f irootTORE. VP to elate the joirit high•eototoission bas tost oamstaa $32,660, ineludlog $808 levet-dint:et 60 Quebec and $qos fora' , Wine ehreadeat Weellitigton, while $702 expended, in A eteateerjaunt on the St, Leveeencee lgte Joen Chaeltem, M. ✓ elies drawn $1700tor trevellingtexpene .es &tie maintenance. The gentlemen W ho reptesented Caneda certainly lived weU•atid if there was ahYthing to show 'feee4he $8e,660 it wined be paid 'with eale0hhettee grace, This country would ' At the least have been just so much bete ••ter eff had theCapadiee high jointers remained at beanie. Taal' OliANGD THEIR TU.W.V.. • Liberal organs which took advan- tage of Sir eeibber0 Tupper's cell to his home in Victoria, le• Ceafter his mem- going (Jamey laden on her leaving our ar. • Y ight. They have worked 'hare da n' Yukon scetudals. to charge hitt: with hbeie . , es, and long under Manager Voorhees of cowardice, make no Mention ot the ab-. .We learn that Oswald Coley, Bil, , fair will be is great enecess. Remembee New York,idwe feel . certain the ref- . seine. of Mr. Siften, Minister of the, In- - has purchased the beautiful lakesi 4 .te,io, from the House during the de. home of the late soseph welmease me 'Thursday and Friday nights •and the • ., THE: CLINTON NEWS.RE'CORD. S. FROM AL:4, ov4R. .HuRoN. 14707114 ouie ow"' cmorFeetePanioNNTS IV 0 ow mry:axoNANGors, Poderlek Godorielt. ._ Goderleh Ur. Willie Marlton orient a few elliya The BothnOtee for —theYeaP1189949°° • Master . lefst GM Miondity f?r Owen Soend. where C_pnimens on elontley night. Among euie oe 0 om ekneltew Reecher, youngest :al fafte el'i; pry) ?ttOk. esdiettt 1:1ffleill? ii, in town at his hoine by the lake and ' were • brought down to ttie be. launched t4vSe items iti. the extendeare on Public .pv0E:Aged lifint4 bielele. slititleewl It the recep. ttie wouldrraictiee 4 little before echool Captain elurrayadcintosh this season struction °tithe fiee'iikwilZr. tect): $20a000 ot (Imaging Gode. tended inherel faithrelly, and tlionAle captain ad. Oompaigne will flail with rich• ar r n 413 500 line, an in turning in Of circlet he on the "Majestic" which new lies at, Some of ourbeople, including the Salt- heePened to run into the horse bat Buffalo. We'll have No's 1 and on ford citizens, are Olemerlog for steps Mrs John Young of Colborne was driv. the -Majestic now. down the bank leading to the bridge. ing and, 10though the boy's iather was Ne" was received 10•0 week neteWu Welewe often walked down tbe hill to watching hito, he cannot tell how the merchant, Buffalo, He leaves two Saltford and often witthed some good accident occurred. Soule think he of thedeath of the late Michael NellanY. citizeraand leveret neture would, meke Malt beee steeee 'Weal such rotes eon:: and two datigliters, lie married a few" natural steps by cutting them in against tile horse ei knee, that soine Miss Crogan, an accomplished young the clay et distances where etes weerd. artery was Woken. He died early in 1447 Buffahe a few. Yea"' aft" he havta Om foundation foe the foot Jo theafternoon. Medical aid was of no resigned his position as first Express awk‘vatdraces. hut weoderi eters are avail. He made no sign of suffering.. agent for the Buffalo, Brantford' and ,e0etly an hard to raount. I they tatting all the doctor preecilbee. It is Lake "lave"' Be R. gie Present G. T. R. must have steps, let the township of melancholy thab such 4 faithful, eaten. klie wife them. ' or Seltford itself, pay for tive Yoang scholar and must° pima shoilld be sutipped off at the early age His eldest daughter married Governet cereeene, Sheehan of New York etate. died some years ago, . of fourteen years. A ferr yenning° his Mrs Ireclelannus' soiree and Lhe Mar. We sew eight teems of baled hay and lakeward on Tues- i b ' a , • beother Mee his, death On the school ..ne of straw ne au s big minstrels were having - a reheacsel "Lthe °peat house on Mon. day,18th inst. The St, Andrew will be arable tipeacia in the Commons on the Marine,- bands • '• , ate. :Mr. Sifton made a six- our Carey will now dispose of his prett; •residence on Cambridge street which "Belleview," the einietry seat of our retired merchana John Hillier, woeld have been destroyed -by fire one day. recently but for the presence of mind and energy of MSS Emily Hillier, who was -home .alone. The oder of some, thingburning and the smoke•that filled thcroone in which she was; and on go- ing into a new attic room she found that a spink earlier in the day nonst have lodged in the new roof. So she found a ladder end took an axe with her and tuadeetn opening, then fihding no ens could liear her cries for help she cauried water aild threw it into the aperture, thus saying Belleviewen Sc, much for forethought and energy. h and few deys „afterwards was at his post -thmigh it he attions "ofhimself and .his Metals thea were nrideiteire. • . WRArIRRI0.11:44RD ' THRRAMITED TO DO While in Oppesitien Sir Richard Cartwright was emphatic in condemn - 'lug the National Policy which, . in his .` estinaation, Was ruining the be:entry. ' The sfollowing is an extract from 4 Globe repeat of one of, his speeches :— "Our -policy. fromfirst to last,' he said, "has been to destroy the villaindus protective syetem which' has been e grinding out the vi tees of the people of this coutary." I do not mere'''. he em- phasized; !cin what partienlar ,way etieneeptile is destroyed. I do not care whether it is cut off by the head or tail, or in the middle!, Sir Richard and his friends have new been , in power for nearly two years; but the N, P. still exists and they tillillaKetriesleaVerbechnie,its fast friepds-. Certainly they are- making no effort to , cut it oft by the head, tail, or inthe, middle.-- • , -4( ,• .7if ORB IRAN ONE •EtOn. Sydney Visttele Ministet Ag- iealeure in the Laurier Cabinet, is a e• tleman" ftertger iuid professional or years be advooa. ollibitorylaiv and U h nothing less; orals. ' were in he .ie a Mem- oh does uet onenotwita. the Premier, on•hiit hobb mg elsewe um—and, c through Ranserd:that bp quite ...satisfied with cott Acl In Tethering of .base a contemporary g who sat in the,gallery n9 andhened Fishee's. Jaurier remarked :—syd- s ccitne down from erehi- Seett Act, 1 wonder how before he Can 'take 0.,. he Fishers, MacclonaldS • levee quite a, tithe v .on this gee's- tv, R. • r The Arnericensepaid. $20.000,000 for the Plailippines,but the goods would not be deliveied end to subdue the islands will cost a very niuch larger Sum than ncle Um had any idea, Of when he oisted Old glory nd embarked upon licy of ex san se, The, Filipinos ell -armed, and n ." their side y Subdued of s roust n pee. a Vt great' ...sidewalk free. • has large-grOunds. . Mr, -Jack Williams left for Peter- borough on Setierdite to visit his par- ents preparatory to finish, his Course as druggist at Pontiac, Michigan. Gode- richebos loses tine of her champions of -summer and winter sports: The Messrs, .Rumeall of London are associated in the KensingtOu furniture factory here and thew book-keeper, Mr. Shannon of London is connected with the firm rby marriage. ' ' For St. George's day the S. 0, E. found it very.dieficult to obtain -roses to decorate their lapels in boner of thew . patron saint. We did think our enter- prising floritts would have had an ample supply from Dunlop's conserva- tory, Toronto; for he seems to -have acres • ,ef roses. It would have been quite a pleasure to tbe S, 0. B. to have worn the emblem to church On Sunday last. .. "God Save the Queen"- by the choir of St. George's church opened the tier - vices on Sunday evening last, and very apPropriate, too, for the. ruler of any. nation needs the proteptiem of the Al- mighty. The service vvas special, as Well as choral, .in honor of England's'. patrol) saint.. The anthem ,e4A•evake: .0,Wake, put on WY strength; 0 Zion,". taken from: Isaiah524, Was:beautifully' rendeeed by,the choir. The: sermon was worthy 11*etateetnie and ..soldier as well as adivine....We tenet it rriee be..giVen. as a., ledare at some fitititre time. ;In the eteenestnese of the Rev.• Mark Turnbull and "the-- eonimand Of language we thought of Gladstone. He. said war was,a; horrible thing, as many Of his congregation know, and if it ,were not conducted in accordance to God's .holy laws it was in vain. said libotyand liberalisin did net meanfreedom to do jest what we like, it meant that justice would be ,meted out to all, otherwise freedom meant anaraty. The text was taken from 4th chapter Deuteronomy 6th verse. Be- fore the eeemoii the choir sang hymn 356 "Sing we the ,song of those .who etemtl around ,the eternal throne." Aft- * the sertnon'hymnSa4. was selected; "For all_the Mints who rivin their la-, etfeerito thee by faith-heforethe mei& Confeseed." The hetet).* s sung by the choir alone,. together 'in ome verses, and in others the Male .an e - male singers singing the verses alte /lately andthen sowing together again. It had quite:). pretty effect. The organ offertory solo was beautifully executed by Professor Cuff. . We learn thee the. present Manage. tnent of the Kensington furniture fac- tory want tbe town of Goderich to loan them $10,000. If its %whit PaTing, in- stitution they can • borrow the money from some one elee. Goderich is net so enrapturei with factory visions it was sonie years ago. Anything that deer) noE give good ketuene at the end of a few yenta is worthless:. T'r. and Dere. leen Steelton • and Hagersville, returned on Monday to " his home. Mr. Stria, ton looked very well indeed, after his long absence from the G. T. R. station, Goderich. He says Hagarstilte etation is a busy place. We will be glad where May comes sO that the bicycle eiders will have to leave the Sidewalk topedestriane: We have no fault to the bicycle, nor to its rider, but when one of them delibera- tely.runs into a person ..as orie young, girl did on Kingston street sidewalkon Saturday and for apology said she could not help it as the person the lady was talking to attracted her. We think,ie is about time either tee rider's . &pees is tested or else they leave the. nt6 e money. ore than/ tbe Ives, There will be r Thiele Samuel in arid ,• slaughtering a want self -go vein toent. , • Rotten To The. Core. . . • ington, April 22.—Alex. M. n of this town, has receieed a Jet - ram 11. E. tyres, who is with a erboro party in the Ytikoe. Mr. tea has a poor opinion of the Gov. meet officials in the district for e says they are rotten to the core, hough the condition of things bas :um slightly improved sine the ar- iff qo roisSioner Ogilvie. The a pees; states, would 1y:see Isi if he aver returned to deoof edetter , at One—dine til Ontario Liberal taurich Liberal at 1101,111)- ' theneed in • this ariitotia v ry 11 People are begirming to take a great- evinterest in good poultry than here- tofore. Many have seht to the cities for eggs, and we doubt not that Gotta. rich May lead with something extra at the next poultry show. • Do not forget- Saliows invitation to bring on the babies to have their plea tos taken ftee, . and is premium of the best six phgeos on let May. ..• Mr. Sallows little daughter is able to go out for a promenade after her re - rent lengthened illness. She is a bright, intelligent little girl and we were glad to meet her out the oeher day, Rev. .Theper "Wilson of Goderich is the guest of. Me. and Mrs. H C. Brit- tain this week.—Strathroy Age, 20th April. Thelog-horn blew nearly all Satur- day, and although the Sue's too were hot early in tbe afternoon the cold that pervaded, was intense. e The St. Andrew 'left the dock early Sunday a. to. and went light tri Cleve- land, possibly for coal, She will return and then on 10th May pursue her way • tolePorb Arthur, distributing a good deal Of het. cargo at. points- on .the way. hey Will have 50 loads of baled bay taring thie port.e--The Petrel had its . men sernhbing decks on Friday last. 'Captain Dunn has stood the severe winter well and is apparently waiting with impatience to bear down on the. Atneriean fishernien. We were, ot course, highly honorgd by having the Petrel wintering here, but we really Ink it would be wise for it to Winter little nearer the scene of action, be. Oallrie all the fish may be caught before the Petrel Oen possibly hove in sight. Someone said "the lee is nut of sight," and really there was ea mural of rb so long we thcarghb all winter It was trot "one of Bight," It seemed AS if we were walking along an English toast when we heard the tee discuseed oil ter:chink the harbor park. "The lee Is a tidy bit out,." one Mall said, Who with his eons. pailtOtil Were eittiug on One of the park benehee, - There will be ith uttel4re", and sale of Work held in St. Geo ge a school. room on the evening of may 4th under bearers were Masers. Dunlop, D, tbe auspices of tbe Women's and - MacKay, H. W. P. SteLeati,* Auxiliaries. Thera Will be songs and - Reuben SailOWS and W. A. Rhyme, instrumental matte and refreshments, 'Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Admission only 10 mac All are or. Zanies Wilton who is in feeble health. dially Welled to epend apleatant 011011, I The. funeral took plau on Thursday nig, bulb to fdaitiand cemetery. Mrs. te ads as Waage mended 1 who fling 611 Ing oes rk It seems the GOvetninent promises that the .breakevater will be completed in September '99. We truly think. they mean September 1000 for therearnote stick nor a atone down .there vet. ' We are sorry Aube called upon to annotmce that Mrs. elecestep Ems beat suffering the past two weeks from a case Of blood, poisoning, "Having one morning gone to tee barn to get soma hay for some purpose and getting a bite of thistieein her finver which she drew out wide thought no mote of but went on with -her paneling. Finehy at about 6 p.* in. She feta' much pain in her hand; and a Young frieod corning told her • thee it was a case of blOod, poieoning ' from the 'well paper: Her Wind and arm svere bathed with wa•rai water, Mrs. 'Eleckstep advised to take her bed and an X. D. called in who had to ad MI eistee oplates,lieretiffering • be coining; so intense. Poultices weee kept, on all night and next dey mid later err applicetion of honey and. flour.. Only for the.advent of the thoughtful young :lady, who now should graduate tie a nut -se, the case might:have proved fate' to Mrs. lIticketep,. They are about to rentove to the house, corner of West and Waterloo streets used for some years as a laundry by 31r.'Hugh Ross. We Opine the (and 'well not say girls) of ..to -day if they ever read 22nd• Chapter of Deuteronomy 6th Verse have forgotten the • peecept Itealfees them; "If e, bird's neat chance to be before thee, in the way, in any tree, or on the ground. whether they Fe ereung ones or eggs and the dam sitting upon the young or upon the eggs. thou stunt not take the dam wiehstiae young: 7th versetBut thou shalt in any wipe let the daui go and "take the young to thee, abet, may be well With thee and that thh mayat prolong thy deers. On Tnesday, 18th ,inst., at an early 'hour, amuel Cox, one •of our 'most estanab citizens, died of .heart fail- ure whic was truly a shock to hie many frie s and acquaintances as Well as to the owe circle. The attack made itself len n to the old gentle- man about nin months ago, but he had enjoyed sne good health lately laanr.diywas in such g d spirits. Partioil- st wee of his life, even reeling t 'Clinton to visit • friends the day previous to los decease. It WAS certainly a sudden call, but he was prepared for it for the M. D. told him after his 'first attack teat hie life hung upon a thread. Mr. Samuel Cox canre•to Hutori with his father's fami- ly from County Tyrone,„ Ireland, in 1.827 and settled near Porter's Rill. In 18 he married Catharine McLean, staler of Robert McLean and their union was blessed with t'welve child- ien, 4) sons and 3 daughters, who all grew up to mates and woman's estate. One son, the oldest, Samuel James, died eh the prime of his young 'man- hood, at the. age of 27 years. The others are • all well and profitably en- gaged in business in different parts of the IL S :—Edward .T., a flourishingaermer near Rapid City, South Dakota; ' M., a merchant, and Burke in VVimbleton, North Dakota; Wilson and Norris in Milton, North Dakota: George and Albert in Minneapolis and Amos in Chicago. The daughters are: —Mrs, T. W. Welsh, Valley City, North.Dakota ; Mrs. W. P. Westeby; Ayr, and Miss Cox at home. The floe. al tributes were exceedingly lovely being tee offerings of friends from Chi- cago, Tilsonbarg, Blyth and a good timber were obtained from the Con. servatives here. Mr. and' Mrs. Cox being open heartea and religious peo- ple they had hosts of wellevisherst mg the ten years of their residence here, After :retiring from farm life. Rev—Teepee Wilson officiated at house and gettve. The pen bearers were the five sons and son-in-law of deceased, Messrs, Cot, William M., Wilson, George, Albert, and Amos, • and Mr. W. Westobe, The funeral took place on Saturday p. rn. to Maltlane cemetery. Ths cortege was exceeding- ly ;Ong. • The funeral of the late Catharine Meltitchie, wife of Mr. Jamee Watson, Montreal street, took place on Thurs- day, of last Week. WS. Watson's death was due to an affeetion of the heart, which had beegme chronic and al- though the best Ynedical-skill was call- ed in and every care given bete she posed away on Tuesday a. m. She was an invalid for more than two years although she often rallied. The late Mrs. Watson was a strict Presby. talon, it kind- mother and genial neighbor. The floral tributes were many. Rev. James Anderson offielat• ed at house and grave. Her sons,John druggise, Buffalo, Charles, who gradu. feted With high, honors bevies; been honored with three gold medals at his litet•examinatiott and. who obtained a good position in New York dispen- sary, Ueorge and BrUCO at home. son Mi-. Sohn Stratton of Bag. areville Station and Mr. Meltitehie, her brother, were mourners. Her daugh. I ter, Mrs. Stratton, earne to he with her eiders, Misfit* Kate, senior teacher at St. A.ncirew's ward sehool. Maude and Tont in their trying hour. The pall pleygrountl, his plityinat es and himself being engaged in the summer. sport known, as 'Crack the Whip" ween Tommie Stokes fell and was so stunned' that he dice, „ • 4 • AVVONNWWW/Vvit - COUNTY. Goderleb. PRIL 27, 1899 . IL,II I lo.........4r.+11.11411.1.11111111111,", The: ,„ Wisentait Sfock- I I I SAVINO inert= fantasy" whichshowed her elocution. It's. a clear Mee Of money saving .on Dry Goods, Cloth,. ary training to be simnel ;tea hereelf to ing,C .t' 'ns t • b ti I f the W• • 111 al. 01 . alp( h 1.1.5 lent ie a 14 G e be Adaptea to the eloctstihnery , elion Mobel McKenzie played the vio- HUM SID*• It 16 not an ordinary bankrupt, stock or tt lot Of lin obligitos in, the lece, repreeentin • f% ends of old goods we are el1uig, but. a stook of dean honest Dry Goods, bought .at a filure. that allows us to sell at prices that are.lower than yon eau bny for elsewhere. • The'stock 'is of and well assorted, and whateiter your Dry Goods 'wants may be you'll savernoney if you come herd. Peopleare doing it very day.. Why notyou the music of the tat e hero's tirred hie violin into such lovely, weird amine, Miss Mcieenzie is ;deo to be congratulated on her advance- ment under the tutelage cif Mies Lowe Acherion, Miss Godwiu was encored, hut did riot respond. N. 11, Meleonald then kindly goys: "Ecco lionni" a fine soulful solo with great pathos and- was , again honored vvith an encore nod re- I sponcled with another sacred solo. Then Miss Twee .13i -own accompaided by. Professoe Slitipson, sang ir.Iitie voice •"Becitese I awe you clear" and showed with her sweet rendition of tbe eeiection she chose, that hervoice being sweet•toned possesses volume As well and is of good compass and as the rev. chairman remarked after the en- tertainmeat was , ended, that Miss l3rown sang for theca itt the cost of moth personal suffering, having a sore throat, Mr. Ames F. Thompson or Knox church choir, its well as Meseta. Belcher and ft:thieve sang very well the fine sacred solo ."The „ of Righteousness," , Mr, McDonald sang "The Ship On Fire," another fine sett song which was applareled and the soloist responded with one' of his rect. teetotal. - Professor Simpson was in flee playing mood and his instrument- al solo was lovely; showieg his fine. musical tasteend attainment, lie of course wen loud applause to which be responded with another artistic selec- tion. Mr. McDonald thuri elosea: the evening's enjoyable conceit with the fine baritone song "Alone in the'Des- ert" which biter gained him a fine ere logien) from Mr. S.' P. -Flails. Mr. Godwin thanked the speakers inclod- log Miss Brown (noted before) for their kindness in assisting • repel the pleasure it afforded hirn to hear them and a mead of preise was also measur- ed nut to London's baritone. London is to be congratulated on nuinbering him itroong her vocalists. The mayor, the welters. of the Signal and Star, McD. Allan and some of the 'aldermen left on Monday p. ro. for Ot- tawa. The newly elected councillor. Captain Holmes, Is very ranch against so much money being spent on.deputa- tions to.Ottitsvit. The editor of the Signal.inust have changed his mind for some time ago he said the men who went to Ottawa might better, have Sent their' photos. James Yates of the bookstore, west tide square has been appointed fishery overseer. , The funeral of Andrew Stokes toek. place on Monday at 20 p. in, Rev. "Jasper Wilson officiating at house tied grave: The floral tributes were . beata tifel for this yet early season and Pelt*. eeed the casket. Bis own . class in the ()entree Remo!, 4t1a senior foien, :sent o' pretty , basket .of whitecarnations, white geraniums, sWeet alyssiuin, hya- cinths and esparagus fern, tbe handle being deftly entwined with the pretty Lreiling.snoilax' Which - "also decorated the basket. A few feathery sprigs of asparagus fern were also hidden 'neath the flowers and stood • tin gracernily. •Eleautiful cross comPoied of calla lilies, white geraniums,white cetnationiehya- chit:ha sweet alyseautn, And' the aspar- agus fern the gift of his Suraley School class qn *1'th:street Methodist church, and 11 lovely shower briquet of. large white roses. tied With long loops of white love eibbon, the, thoughtfultri- bute of his Sunday School teacher: Alies tee...Strait, Me. Galt „P. M. sent a lovely boquet of large 'cella lillea,bya-. cinthe; careatione, beautiful .sprays of pale ,begonla blossoms', rearguerittese geianiume and. street alysemtn,. white flowers) Mut tied in • 'centre With white Satin ribbon. Handsome he - Goleta were alsO sent , •fiy little friends. Miss Adele 11. etobineore Masou Mtiiiis Swanson; Bert Hide aucl seiVer. la others, seine boquets looking ...lovely. formed ‘: of daffodilsend candy 'tuft.. The pall -hearers were his .schoolmates, Everett .Fagan, Harvey Giyen, Mon- tagne Colborne, .Charles Smith, Wil - linin 1toI)jnson, Wilburn 'Geese and An- gus Matheson. Theprincipal of the :Central "SchoeleSele gave the whole school a holiday and at the appointed 'hoar all gathered at the home Cie their late claeittnitte, peineti- pal Hall with heed bared led' the eland - ren on the green outside the hose in t he beautiful 'hymn "Lea us gather at the ewer," 'atter which the schoolboys inerehed in fonree Quite a large mini-' ber of carriages. ,And • people on foot pitied 'the procession., to Maitland cernetety. The tineirnere wereelmose all front a distar.ee, Mr. James Stokes of StrathrOyeeldeet eretheeof deceesed Mr. Thomas Stokes of Grey,' eeoeher"of Mr. Jacob Stokes, accompanied by hie son.: The relatives from McKillop were Mr. and leers. Thomas Henderson. Messrs. Henry and:James Henderson, Ivisoti • Harry Henderson and - Miss Shannon. Me, Fred.. Smith Of. Bay" City, . Mr. lualeNrs. Sandford Stokes and their "sou,./dr. Fred Stokes of town ,and eite Nott. Mrs Jacob Stekee. and .his brothers One of.vetioni, Mr. Charlie Stokes of Chicago, who could not ciente are all oohs of the late Dr: Stokes inwell and favorably keinen to Many of °Ur citizens,havinglived years ip our midst. One steerage • thing connected with little Andrew IS: thatyears ago, his father Mr. -Jacob ...Stokes took out an insurance policy . which after the lapse of yeetes is returned to tee perami ensured' with "compotincle interest. £91 that very littely, Mr. Stokes drew .nat I* policy prenntim whicbtuisount ed.to .the !liege sum Of $2,800: ' Being • aavis. ea to insure 'hie little son's lifeae did SO and received a paid up for sip°pie).- icy, hendina the iriesurance:•oani*IfY, $500, which by poor little Andrew's death the complenyieill have to hand oyer thesiono. • On Friday evening' et Victoria street church quito a large and appreciative ' audience were delighted with the first , class program provided for them be the choir and their esteemell organist, Miss Stokes. • Rev. Mr. Godwinpre- faced the en terteiq in en t by leading the large audience in singing together the beantifel hymn,'"All Dail 'the Power of Jaen Name" ate" which- Rev. Mr. Aoderson made it p.irityer, beginning with the beautiful Inspiration "Thou art 0 Lord Worthy to he crowned", etc. We may as well mention here.in order not to mystifyour readers that the Rev. Mr. Godwin, the most capable -of 'chairmen, explained. •te those 11990111 - bled that Miss AusebrOok, whose name headed the program, was unavoidably absent, having been called out of town by the serious illness 02 11 friend in some distant city. and that the elodu- tionist, Miss Annie Snyder, was .eery_ ti,t 'Toronto and reading the telegrani Which advisea him of Miss Seydetes ill - nese. The NUN gentleman then ex. pi:tined that, not wishing to disappoint unnecessarily the choir and the audi- ence he sent -a message to N. R. Mc- Donald. one of London's talented solo- ists and elocutionists combined, refer- ring his gelection to the 'tribute paid Mr. McDonald by • the Rev, Joseph Edge: "He is full of tesointes" And well chosen Wait the Rev. Joseph's: •renearit, Mr. McDonald is full of resources from grave to wiz full of pathos and 'power- ful in tragedy. His voice is a flew here tone, rich, in high notes and deep in bass. In tragedy in it public hell be could, produce muds emOtiObitl feeling. as his recitation "The Life • Boat" testifted, elle style in selecting sacred solos is the Most approVed being por. tione of scripture "For not ye 0 Is- rael" which our singers do not; attempt very often. Prof.Simpson accompanied him trt each seleetron. Mr. W. Stoddart headed the program for The evening with it line rendering of that loyal, navelsongso gracious to Her Maps - Y the eltieen, "The Soldiers of the Queen" trod we only wished ' we enuld have seen him' in &troop ship sieging that Sang', how the jolly tees would have mole the ehorue ring. Me. Stod. dart's enunciation is very distinct. Master Orville Godwin played with the hand of a• master for a youthful stir - dent such as he, it beautiful lnstruau'n- tal solo (piano). N. R. McDonald made his how, and not his last One although his fintb, to a Goderich audience in the beautiful: tittered solo "Peer net ye 0 Israel?' which elided great applause and another fine meted -solo was given. Our vocal friend, Mr. T. Beieher, tang in a ood deep baritone "Asleep in the Deep' which was well adapted Tor his Voice 'and very well rendered'. Mrs. • Logan accompanied both soloists. Mies Millie Godwin, the talented youtsg daughter a Rev, Mr. Godwin, chose a :Lovely eelection, "The violin Home Furnishings • Whether it's Carpets, Curtains or WindOir Shales, you'll be money ahead supplying your ueesds here. Values like these. prove it_ ; . Heavtl,fnion ceipet,reversible,goodTwo ply, all wool, var4 Ole Carpet eolorti and .... . X-40 old prices were 75o ard 80o ; new •Veca wide upicri Carpet, freely„.' • Price"' '''' ' • ** woven,a eerpeteteet will weer wellWite in the etore were lirayy weigets. Allehe best wool Caepets' that were . .60c leohnesvil1e. •. Miss IficOrae of Clinton spent. Sun- day with Miss E. Holdswortli: Miss Leach. returned home aftee spending it short time in Goderich. • Mrs. Riceat, Sr., and Mrs. A. Elena t of, Tockersmith spent Saturday with the fort:neva daughter, Mrs. Stanley. t Mr. Halliday of Wingbaro called on his brother-in-law," Mr. 11. Elford, one day lest week, , Mr, sy, E. Andrews returned to his brothers in Fullerton on Tuesday. The E. Lemeeting on Monday even- ing WAS A literary meeting. . The subject, was "Canada, Peet, Present and Future" by Beatrice Greene, H. R. Forrestere Bettie Stanley, The singing consisted of National ''songe by Messrs. P. Gravel); 11, R. Forrester, Graven and, W. Pickard. On Sunday morning Ret'. Greene occupied the 1tattenbury street pulpit while Mr. Myers of Clinton gave e very niee discourse. Mr. Jos. Holdsworth laae returned hones after a,n absence of te number of months. •' • Varna. Mr. T. Wiley is on his rounds again for Mr. J. T. Cairns. Mrs. T. Wiley, who has been very sick, is sloney. recovering. , Mr. J. Harnwell Raid it flying yisit to his uncle in Goderich last Saturday. Mr. Jas. Armstrong has just gob in a 101.0 supply of staves for the purpose of making butter tubs. By appearances Varna Will have a large export trade in the san3e. Mr.S. A. Moffatt has presented his son Lloyd with it handsome urato-clate bicycle and the latter can make good speed even now. • Mr. Jennings delivered an able ad-, dress in St. John's church last Sunday evening. The Christian Endetleor postponed their meeting last Sunday evening. • Theinasons have begun their work at the parsonage and. will soon have the wall of the cellar completed. Mt. D. Campbell took a drive back north last week and thinks there is a fine emotion of country up there. Mr. T. Johns, while weighing Mr. Johnston's team on the Stlales, receiv- ed it severe blow on his foot. While one of the horses became frightened by one of the planks upending and struck Tom with its front feet, bruis- ing his heel rather badly. • Mr. Edward Woolen took Goshen appointnient hist Sunday while Rev. Mr. B*tori took Rev.etir. Kerr's ser- vices. Mr. Wilson Cook, who has rented his hotel, inter* selling off his stock and much of his household effects next Thursday, April 27th, as he is going to Egmondville. Mr. Jahn Sparrow sold his driver to Mr. James Campbell end purchased enother a little speedier than his for- mer. John believes in lowing soinee thing swift when he needs it, Mr. Charles Reid, who exports a great deal of stock from this part, made a large shipment last week. Obiteary.—We are sorry to hey° to record the death of Mrs. Jedsie Rob- ertson of this piece. She had been a se- vere sufferer for several years but more especially of late. Reviewer on last Thursday night that monster death realized as victim and she passed quiet. ly away about 10 o'clock. The framed service Was contlueted by the Bev. Mt. IrIeDonald and the corpsevas taken to the antion Brucefleld thenee to its last resting place in the Wingham cemetery. • The re.opening of the Methodist church lett Sabbath was a grand and complete success. The ehurch haVing undergone a complete renovation look. edits versebest and to aid its looksma- terially the ladies of the League beau. Welly decorated the pulpit and win. dews with the ehoicee t plant* they could get. The Rev, Mr. Kerr of Hen.. sail delivered eloquent, practical and instructive addreSeve. elipeelaily to the young people, morning. and evening to riliwded congregation. The collec- tions and donations Wed upon the plate amounted to .45 which will clear all expentee_AM tilay• littler In the treutiry. Thie Je the la mit amount beer given in enfieetions tat Ole church Was WO, and it k well for the e. ' the h �f God atm etelte • ft iavy Unite: 0a,rpet, reversible pat; ' t .cad price St'lenees • • ; • • • • • • • - • • 75e ee• ewe eee oe new price „ . olyisovvreioreesd,wliegrti: 6isonodadniidtk600:1.ori.r.g.t.i 1.3tkern only,beat quality taloa Extra, fine quality .Tapestry Carpets, 42c thttper, geod colors and pattern, some of the best qualities in'. the heavy weighOld nue' was 7er; stook, Old prices were 75b and 86e; hA par erw•price... , 0744.3 nee?, price., • '' . . • tIVe . .110S CASES. you'll save- enough on the price of a Carpet It) buy new Curtains or Blinds for your room. „ Blinds ,Lace Curtains--- • trns, good eelers, old pricee ,.were Fine (1"11+11tY aileotrY Oarpet, Close- • Every blind in eloPlt mnet .13e eold When buying lace curtains it will pay the Wiseman store, aihrbis is a line we do nob handthats wyou to see this stook before yon buy, Our le; 'hy we have oat- pities prices are iciwer than tbe Wisemanprioed, .almostin two: ' Stroeg anddurable Wi rarest Shades • and the difference is Worth your saving. b . . mounted on strong ro'. rri,,:. the,i,--„r, -Good,. strong laical Our:eine, taped Wee man price 50o; our pi iiiiI. „.. OM; edges, si. yards long .• B•.ttor quality of ()loth, with fancy Fine Lace Curtaine;triped cdges,good trimm,logs, with strong NJ ing patterns, 00 in, wide, Be yards, ea • roller, the Wiseman price 75c; dor .,. leng, olrl vrice1//.90, new price Ian price; , : . - 00e * ‘ e• ** • i • • Some of the beat curtains in the The beet blinde in the 'eh 4, ext.: a stook, very fl§tielace, good patterns, , qualitY,Of cloth, lace atbottom,tho „,,... : taped edges, Wiseman g . . .,,..p.r.i.oe.s..e.3..6.0.,8iehap price our ptce our price,.X,s .lef'i k I g1 • Teese hliede at these prices are' cheap. Fine.quality art muslin, yard wide, ' There't.only a limited quantity and those it good range of petlerns,Wieercian who -buy early will got beet choice.. ptico 15o, our ptice 11n.1 . If you have% moat nett only repines one pair you can get 'a pair from among 1$ loe pf edd ohes at e, bargehis • . * - .. • , • flat 'Bargains . .. . h" 'Rain Proof, Coats those we are selling at this sale. • Good thowers? We are Selling them, the kind . . The cheapeit Felt Hats in Clihton• are What about a rain coat foe spring epee at and below halfprice. 1 • that.keep the water out, at a ; fraction.or • . .Men'sfur felt Fedora Hats, good . • : ,. t4e. original praise. shapes, blacks and browns, lined' , fflen's tweed double texture water and unlined," Wiseman pnces $2 _. proof coats,sewn settnis,cletaohable re gra, and $2,50, our price..'. : ........: • . • , . capes; old prioe es, eur .new ,price thellgl 1 18. Teen's and Boys' hard and soft Felt Leaies' Waterproof Ciroulars, •'it few Hats, good qualities, juke the thinq • • odd lines to be cleared out, guar- • fox' rough wear,I.Wiseman price len,. anteed waterproof, just the thing ap, . $1.50, $1.75, our prioe... ova" •for driving aild rough wear ....... 'XOC Boys' . . Special.in Linens .... • f .258 • , l3oys' soft felt Hats, in blacks,frawns; 70 ineh half .bleaoherl table damask, blueswere 50o,.oholoe: 5C old price 850 our new price We pries no floticious bargains that are on paper Only, but tell of genuine" price rednotions tbargive you an•iden, of what's to be saved buying here. . ODGENS -BROS.,. • DIRECT IMPORTERS .Selling the Wiseman stock th at the Wisean Stare, (1h:dm , 'CLINTON tN. weal election 02 its officers. takes. place on Wednesday, April 26thAll 11.0, 1c4 are invited to attehd. • • • 1)i-yeti:11e. • Mesere. AaSereenan. and R. el Tal -1 beet intend going West shortly.. 'Mr; IL' Talbert did a succeeshil work feir Mr. Snowden withels engine in theevood yard. • s • : • Me. Ed. Talbeeteetends.rentiog n. Westleke's lake forth; lately . been, pied 1).V Q.Sereeban.. • • Mr. Dewar is .iruilding, a new founde- tion toldee h;$ house aud also repairing the frame work,, Tbat's right Deve. . Misses R. Westlake' and J Seeenen For'Perfurniog.WardrObes, Line visited Maple Grove one day last week, • Ed, TelbertAnd E. Screenan drove to Closet)), and:preventing iYLotn Gedefich lee& la wee ' • s •• . b avander lowers • Sir Richard's Little List. - Sir Charles Tupper never appointed rine relatives to the public service but 'Sir Richer(' Cartwright used to charge 1.4.1 s ith uePotisin becauseeis son had criaried a constituency and entered the .0ebinet, whtfea son-in-law had been appointed, on the reoonimendation a the Imperial Government, to the man- agement of the .Eingston Military Col - loge. • Mr. tiavin, in his recent speech, gave Sir Richard's own wooed. as a nepotist, thus: Ilis brotner, chaPlaili to the Xing - Ston penitentiary.„ • His son, Robert, assistant Aclititant- General, His son, Frank, Inspector Mounteds Police. Via son, }Tarry, Ontario Civil Ser- vice. • itis cousin, Jetties, petition iti Os - epode hall, • • Hip cousin, Sohn, Deputy; Attorney. General, Toronto. Second cousin, M. O'Hara, Dominion Civil Sereice, and secretary to Sir Richard. Second cousin, Streubenzie Cart- wright, Military school. It is it pity She Richard raised the tier:raise-1 question and ,tried to a,feht the stigma of selfishness to Sir Charles. Sir Charles Tupper is anything but selfish. Ep,on 'The Supplement. A Supplement accompanies ibis -issue OR Native Herb Teat .25o. a Package Thiss is the great Spring Bitters. We are sole agents in Clinton for The Penny Post Cigar the best 5o cigar in Canada. Buy it. H B. COMBE Chemist,and Druggist. 1?hysicians' Supplies. 3 BRANDS OF FLOUR. LION BRAND • This is an extra high grade of flour, tnade from all Manitoba Wheat. It • makes more bread per ci b. than any other flour and won't run or crack. • This, is a first-class none • that we1 can with confidence re. commend, KITOHEN QUEEN Asafamily flour the Kitchen Queen , is nesurpassed It risevsell and ,• the breed. holds Moieture Welh —Those who have made one purchase • of the Ititeheo Queen have come back for more. of Tire Nievessitteottn and vvill 110-1— fouhd to contain a number of in teeeete ' • ' mg fullers. Thern. fa correspondence • • , " feenti Zurich, Wing -barn,. Briissele Sea- WI-IrrE SWAN forth, Locknovir nod .ArtoxtiLer. Irbere This to a cheaper, braadra combiati, 1.8 rtIS° " Ace°"" clt ICt°11r 'ErYlOfre' 1-)6Y ' don of Ontario and Mainetobit should be „obsetweel, report of Itullett . wheat, It is made by the twat im. Potted of Health meeting, it liet of the proved process and the quality prize winners at the Betteeflehl Spring 4, beats tho price; $1,00 per or,b, , meow,' a report of mese/it:aeon to viler° hrialas tali mitv bow front us, Tao Renee Monte' end wife -4 yoarchoicesta tore beg, Our Groceries. ere title entitled What Would Tliey Do. judgment egalest a Deputy' Old on , fresh. • eau paid for Butter and Eggs. , 06 OLSON*. It IS readable Simplettient. s — Notice to Advertisers* — Advertisements for pages 4 and 6. must he in teje office on elatureley to . ___Lteesee Cook's Cotton loot Cour 10,0001.adtee. lksfe,szeetnal, ea igile is lituiceasfully used tiotitbpitsm over _your druggist toefeete Wt.* ad. wake no (mar as au Jailttuls, pill/ and (mimeo insertioti the following week teeelretereereeeemee rotoreepeatteia, eteeteboote The °oak OM bow ea* and for pegeti 1 end $ not litter than 6 .:!. 60: se:Ittstin by.,44111,:a67 o'clock Monday evening, Adverttlerif toolvtioxsoe, Dragekui Clinlon will kindly hear this in mind. mutations tve dee ns. Prise to. 1, $ljsar 1