HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-23, Page 14t
No. 23.
Cure for Weak Lungs
"I have used your Psychfne for about
six months, and have found it au ex•
celleat remedy for pueumoafa and weak
lungs." Ronald Johnson, Farewell,
Out., April 16, 1907,
"Paychine is one of the beet medi•
three on the market, and for elf throat
and lung troubles ie unexcelled." -A
word from a man who has tested it.
Pueumoala, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds
and alt throat, lung and stomach
troubles yield to Peyehlne, At all drug-
gists, 60e. and $1.00, or Dr. T. A.
Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
••••••••• ••••••••••♦ •••••
• Winter Term in all departments of •
• the Centre! Busine,s College, To. •
• rents, Were splendid damns fur w
,pending a few month, pleasantly
• and profitably. Twenty-five teach• Z
• are, Catalogue tree, Write for It. •
• W. H. Shaw, Principe! ; E. 11, •
e• Slaw, Secretary, Yonge & Gerrard j
Streets, Toronto. jjj
Auctioneer tor Huron Co.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
et Tug STANnertn olflce, Blyth.
Out of Soap !
Well, we're not. We have just
.received a new supply of the
anent and daintiest Soaps
over offered for sale anywhere.
They are pure Soaps and will
give perfect sattafactlon to
everyone who uses them.
Fancy names bring fancy
prices for Soaps an well ae for
other things. We sell these
Soaps without fanny names,
rut think enough of them to
Out our name behind them,
We stemm toe their quality.
Three branohc :-
Crushed Lililes
Sweet Clover
Carnation Petals
26 (lento, quarter of a dollar or two
Yorker', eat ry away a begot either brand,
Mr. Andrews, of Stratford, was a
guest of friends over Sunday.
Edwin Adams, of Elmira, New
York, is home for a visit,
Robert Young's house had; a nar-
row escape from fire this "week,
through the chimney catching tire.
It was noticed only in time to sage
the house.
Mr, and Mrs. Green, our tailor and
tailorese, are kept yery busy at
J. Hazlewood purchased a fine
horse from Wm. Brigham this week.
Mrs. David Floods, of Blyth, is the
guest of her parents here title week.
Miss Rose Coventry, of Wingham,
is visiting her cousin, Miss A, Dell at
The Plymouth Brethren are hold -
Mg meetings in the council hall
every night this week,
The hotel here was purchased last
week from Mr. Bruce by ten of our
temperance men, for 'a small figure.
East Wawanoah Council!.
The first meeting of Council for
1908 was held on Jan. 13th, the
members thereof being - Wm. J.
Parks, Reeve, and Messrs. Jas. Com-
ing, John Gillespie, Peter W. Scott
and Samuel Burchill, Counelllors,
who were all present. Having each
severally subscribed to the declar-
ation of qualification and of office,
the Reeve in the chair, the minutes
of Dec. 16th, 1907, were read and
Gillespie -Burchill - that Alex.
Porterfield be reappointed Clerk itt
a salary of $I10 -curried.
Scott -Gillespie -that Finlay An-
derson be reappointed Treasurer
at a salary of 8100, this amount to
include postage and making out fin-
ancial statement -carried.
Jas. W. Bone and Jas. McCallum,
jr., were appointed Auditors of town-
ship accounts for 1907 ; salary, 88
The appointment of' an Assessor
left oyer till next meeting of Coun-
Board of Health for 1908 -The
Reeve and Clerk, and Jas. McGee
reelected for 3 years ; Thus. Straug-
tnur and Jas. McCallum, sr,, for 2
years and 1 year respectively ; Dr.
Hamilton, Belgrave, M. H. 0.
Corn. from Wm, Lane, Co, Clerk,
showing list of bridges not now
maintained by the county. Also an-
nual communication from J. Russ
Robertson soliciting a further done -
Suits -to -Order
Now is the chance of your lifetime to get
a cheap Suit of Clothes. As we have a few
Winter Tweeds left we are going to clear
them out regardless of cost. We will make
you a suit to your measure for $10 and $12,
well made and well trimmed.
Also the balance of our Ready-to-wear
Suits at cost.
?3L i''T
tion from the township in aid of the
Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto,
Resolved that as usual $5 be given
for the purpose,
Curring -Scott - That the Col-
lector be allowed till Feb. 1st next
to return his roll for the balance of
taxes for 1907, remainiug its yet un.
paid -carried,
The Dominion Bank, Wingham,
reported that the bainnee at the
credit of the Treasurer's account on
Dec. 31st last amounted to 81740.22.
The Clerk was I9stt'ueted to again
order 7 copies of the Municipal
World for 1908, for the use of the
Council, Clerk and Treasurer.
The annual certificate from the
Registrnr•Genoral, Toronto, received
certifying that the Clerk in 1907 had
duly registered 38 births, 7 mar-
riages and 17 deaths, and ordering
that he be paid for same (92 entries),
By-law No, 1, 1908, ratifying the
appointment of Clerk, 'l'reesurer,I
Auditors and Board of Health for thei
current year, and By-law No. 2,
1908, appointing the Council road
commissioners for 1908, both duly
tread and passed.
Debentures were passed for pay-
ment of the following amounts :-
The Municipal Wcrld, St. Thomas,
election supplies, 82.56, also 7 sub -
scripting to paper, $5.75 ; J. Ross
Robertson, grant to Sick Children's
Hospital, Toronto, 85 ; Alex, Porter.
field, expenses of nomination and
Tp, election. 844, services as Div.
Registrar, 1907, 812.40, eervices us
Clerk, also postage, stationery, etc.,
1907, 890 ; Finlay Anderson, pre-
paring financial statement and extra
work on railway debentures, 88,
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Feb. 3rd next, at
10 o'clock a. m.
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk,
Special Offer
We have made arrangements with
The Weekly Mail and Empire, of To-
ronto, one of the leading and most
influential papers of Canada, by
which we can offer THE STANDARD
and tato Weekly Mail and Empire
until January let, 1909, for the ex-
traordinary nomial sum of $1.35e.
Both publications, each taken separ-
ately for the period mentioned, would
cost nearly double. By accepting
this offer subscribers got the two
papers for a price very little in ad.
vance of the regular price of one,
The Weekly Mail and Etnpire is
unquestionably the greatest weekly
published to the Dominion, and pos-
sesses the broadest outlook on Can-
adian national life. It Is eseentlally
a paper for the home, and is valued
alike in town and country, Its news
service embraces every recognized
source or Itd'orniation ; its special
correspondents aro in all important
centres, and over its specially leased
wires it receives the happenings of
the whole world, and publishes them
simultaneously to the papers in all
other places,
The Agricultural Section is an ac-
cepted standard authority on all mat.
tors relating to the soil and its pos-
sibilities. Contributors to this section
are men eminent in the world of
agricultural science.
The Magazine Section is a mine of
information on all subjects pertain•
ing to science, literature, tate Atte
arts, society and tate home, many of
the articles of which are embellished
with bright and instructive illustra-
The Weekly Mail and Empire has
no equal as an expositor of House of
Commons and Provincial Legislature
happenings. Altogether the 24
pages which comprise The Weekly
Mail and Empire constitute a cont•
plete library, the regular price for
which is One Dollar a year,
Send order to the office of THE
SOlscRIPTIoN price to ,all United
States subscribers is $1.50 a year
payable strictly in advance.
MARKET REPORT. -Wheat 92-92 ;
Barley 58-58 ; Oats 42-42 ; Peas
80-80 ; Bran 2211-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ;
Butter 2.2-23 ; Eggs 22-23 ; Flour
Having moved our stock into the store lately vacat-
ed by J. S. Golden, we have decided to put on the
second annual stocktaking sale. Commences Jan.
22nd, for 10 days only.
21 lie. Redpath's Granulated Sager....,. ,81.00
7 bars Bee Hive$oap for .25
4 tins new sweet Riukled Peas for ,tai
8 tine new sweet Corn for .25
New'l'owatoes, per tin .10
n boxes of Matches, 1000 in box .25
4 dozen Clothes Pins for .05
10 lbs. Epsom Salts for .25
i0lbs. Cornmealfor.25
9lbs. Oatmeal for .28
Royal Yeast Cakes per package .01
Handy Amonia per pkg
6 tins Gillett's Lye for.50
liltius Shoe Polish for .23
Olpkgs, Corp or Laundry Starch .25
5 lbs, Washing Sods for.... .10
6 Ile, Pearl Rice for .25
6 lbs. Beautiful Tea, green or black 1.00
Bring in your grocery list aud,try a sample order.
8 papers good Pine .05
1 package Hair Pine for .01
1500 yards Torchon Laces and Insertion, reg
5c and 6c value, stock -taking price per yd. .08
Safety Pins per curd at .01
Children's beautiful Handkerchiefs, 8 for A5
Clark's Cotton Spools, per dozen .48
Children's Ringwood Gloves, per pair .13
Ladles' Ringwood Gloves, per pair .19
600 yards Wrapperettes, all colors, reg. 124c.08
10 pieces " 10c,00
Trunks, Suit Cases, Grips and Telescopes at
half the regular prices.
500 yards Towelling at 4jc, Oc and 8c, regular 10e,
Dress Goods
4 pieces Dress Melton, in black, blue, green
and grey, 44 inches wide, regular 25e,
Stocktaking sale price
6 pieces Fancy Wool Tweed and Lustre Dress
Goode in reds, blues, blacks, greens and
checks, regular 60c value, for ,g5
5 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, regular
35c and 40c velues, 'Stocktaking sale..:. .25
Ladies' Sateen Unllued Underskirts, regular
$1.00, for
Ladies' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular
$1.50, fur...,
Ladies' Sateen Wool -lined ilnderskirts, regu-
lar $1,50, for
Ladies' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular
$1.75, for
Ladles' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular
12.00, for
Please take a look at these Iludersklrts.
Hosiery Department
Ladies' furs Wool Hose, large sizes, regular
26c line. for .19
Children's Pure Wool Hose, small sizes, re -
alder 20o line, for .15
Ladies' Wool or Cashmere Hose, ribbed or
plain, heavy, largo sizes, regular 00c, for ,113
Misses' Wool or Cashmere Bose, ribbed or
plain, heavy, regular 40e, for .25
Children's Hose, in wool or cashmere, 16e, 121tc,
15e and 25c.
500 yards Flannelette, good heavy weight
and good width, at per yard . ,04
10 pieces good heavy .Flannelette, all good
patterns and fast colors, regular lOc, tor. ,08
Flannelette Blankets, 10.4, ell colors, regular
81,23, sale price ,08
15 Boy's Sults, nixed tweeds, ages 8 to 12
years, regular 83, for 2.00
10 Boys' Suits, assorted patterns, reg. $38.75
7 Youths' " $6.604..95
10 Hen's Suits, beautiful patterns, new geode,
rr gniar 85, for 8.35
i:0 ,lieu's Suits, beautiful patterns, sizes 86 to
41, regular $10 to $12, to clear et this
Stocktaking sale, for 6.90
51eu'a Odd Pants for working or dream, et the fol-
lowing; cute : Regular 74e Men's Overalls for
59c, regular $1.23 and 81.85 for 79e, regular
81.50 for 81 25, regular $2 for $1.73 with bib,
regular Ole for 75c. Regular $2.50 Pants for
82, regular 81 for 89c, regular $8 for $2.23.
50 Boys' New 0reecoats, assorted sizes and
patterns, ranging in price from $9,50 up
to 9:). Stocktaking price to clear the
whole, lot at 2,50
Beautiful Yarns, ell colors, regular OOcline.. .48
Men's Underwear at greatly
reduced prices.
Men's Pure Wool Shirts and Drawers, regu-
lar $1 line, to clear at„ .75
Wool Nap Shirts and Drawers, regular $t
lines, to clear at .75
Heavy Ribbed Pure Wool Shirts and Drew
era, regular 75c lines for, to
Pure Wool Fleece -lined Penman's make, re-
uler 75c lines, for .5.9
Men a Cotton Fleece lined Shirts and Draw-
ers, regular 50c lines, for ,89
Men's Union Shirrs end Drawers, reg. 60e,85
Boys' Fleece -lined Skirts and Drawers, regu-
lar 40c lines, to clear at.... , , .25
Ladies' Underwear in Vests and Drawers, all new
goods, Regular 25e lines for 19c. 50e lines
for 890, 75c lines for Me, 51 for 79e. $1.25
for 98c.
Children'eUnderwear at less than cost. Vests IOD,
14e, l9c end 25e. Regular t15c lines,
Men's Treaty Working Sht;es, reg. 51.50, for. 1,16
31.75, for. 1,25
" " 82:00, tor. 1.50
" " $2 ix), for1,99
Men'e Fine Shoes, regular 92 line for 1.29
82.50 line for..,2.00
Men's Patent Colt Shoe, best parent, regular
$5 line, Stocktul'iug sale price 8.50
Boys' Fine and Coarse Shoes at 70, 9$c, $1. and
$1.25. Space will not permit a full fist of prices,
Ladies' and Gents'
Felt Shoes and Slippers
Ladies' regular $1.50 linos Felt Shoes to clear 1,.19
Men's " 2,25 1.75
Iadtes' and Gents' Felt Slippers .85 and .48
Light weight for Ladies and Gents, losses
and Children.
Lading' regular 75e Rubbers to clear.. , ... , ,
Men's regular $1 Rubbers to clear
Men's regular 8,5c Rubbers to clear,,,
Mlseas'meek r'50c Rubbers to clear
Children's regular 40e Rubbers, all ekes at
Heavy Rubbers
Lumbermen's Rubbers, regular $1.90 line,.,, 1.19
These are low, buckled or laced, snag proof,
$2,00 line, for 1.49
Rubbers, high, buckled or laced, snag proof,
$2,50 tine, for 1,68
Alt new stock and must he cleared out at these
prices, We do not carry stock over from
000 season to another.
Boys' Heavy Rubbers, new stock, regular 81
line, for .19
Youth's Heavy Rubbers, new stock, regular
$1.25 line, for .98
Men's Overshoes, regular $1.75, for 1.49
Fur Coats
We have a few Ladles' and Mens Fur Coats
left which we will sell at loss than cost, also a few
very neat fluffs which would pay ,you well to take
a look at.
Ladies' Winter Coats
2 only Black Cheviot, t length, newest sty -
los, regular $6,50 for 6.00
4 only Black and White Mixed Tweed, very
pretty tout, regular $8.50, Sate price,,., 4,75
Regular 50c Corsets 85c, Regular 76e Corsets 55e.
$l " 790 " $1.25 " 98c,
Ale:,'s Pugin Lamb Caps, small or large
curl regular price $10, must be cleared,
Men's Caps, regulsr 95 line for
Men's Caps, regular 84 liue for
Men's Caps, regular 88.25 line far.... ,,., ....
Men's Fur -lined Peak Caps, regular 50e line.
Men's and Boys' Peak Caps, taro down, re-
gular 45c
Factory Cotton
1000 yards Factory Cotton, one yard nide;
good heavy weight, regular 7c, for
1000 yardeextra heavy FAetdhV Cottons
thread, even weave, regular 12ie f+fss
25c & 35c Table Linen 19c
2 pieces Table Linen, regular 23c and 35e,
good patterns and weight. Stocktaking
Orate price .19