HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-27, Page 1!MOO A YEAR IN ApvAi49E, . VOL. XXI Clinton Well, nrebahly youitant blame it. Per. ape it has been a good, faithful servant. been lining for .five or six years, and you never ave it a, thought as to having It. cleaned or oiled t or perhaps you have,hadit.ropaired and. It has stopped on account of bad oil, or a pour worlonan. However, no :natter what the . cause may he, bring it, to u. and have it thor, °uglily cleaned and repaired, We guarantee „ you entire satisfaction or we refund you your money. CALL ICH • and le• tlIS know If you have one that re- quires repairs, We will call for It to -you when we aro satisfied that °it111 lp first.clas.. :running order. We are leaderei in our line. awrimusivr IN AZ,ZeTIIISOS—XIBUTRAZ XX 2TOV9I2't7. g'OLINTON HURON COUNTY ONT., rl'HIJItSbAY, APRIL 27, i899., Celebrate ..Her Majesty's .Airthday Right Royally. it,aaoe,a,ao ozozotpac,04, IwAys pidI1io begr eit Jeweler and Expert Watch • Repairer. ' Roat'SX,- GVARA. ING :Lust now is StiteingeverY woman in the tate, . The stern realities of life are not nearly to bard to .1battle with if yoo only know how to. meet thein. You will fiod, that you can do your house- eleanieg with a great .deal more,ease • and pleasure if you'use a bar of ' .. • to3OPNR'S 6.0)Ap, and a little.. Pita ' Waauhfued POirdore goilisantad Clogteig; •PI3.ron. C . For washing your blankets, flannels, etc., use WOOL SCA P, the only soap • . warranted to wash •Woolen goods with- out shrinking.. Have you tried our - 8 BARS OF SOAP OR .26e. Buy a good BroOm. It will Make yogr old carpet look like rtew. ... • UP-T04:0ATE CASH 01100ER.Y. Wall Parser t Grosszy ,:.) .o The:season of the year is now at 8 di hand when you will begin to e tbiak of housecleaning, and the 0 subject of house-cleaning always 2 ) brings up this/ question : ilaw .N , 1 men), rooms shall we have paper- cn ed . this spring and how much . t) money can we sparefor the tench- s3 'needed improvement? Speaking .‘. of Wall Paper, we wish to :lay x tha,t-we have the finest and most' extensive line of Wall Paper ever .0: shown in Huroh county. : This 0 stock was selected with special 'II eare, , and no matter how many 1.4 xoonts you desire to paper orlay (6) Much money you have .to spend 9 we have something thatwill in- 0 tereSt yon. Thestyles are the latest add • thequality thebest t.'.,'; . we have ever been able to, offer... 5 Prices range from the cheapestse to the Most expensive. Wii want 0 you to pall and. examine: our () stock and learn .prices befeee $ making your purchases. '' •We eo 'Nita to impress uPori your Mind 0. so thoroughly, by quality and iR nrice, that it will be Impossible (IP for you to think of Wall Paper Without thinkingof US.. 1 ' • s RE1113111 3 e., Our offer explained in last Es ci week's paper: To the person es coming the farthest distance c, a during the week for a bill of f Wall Paper or Window Shades, rdi. We give enough paper Mc) for ,n 1=1 your parlor, or any other. room, 6 Eb free of charge, • . 'All Paper Trimmed Cash Tiaid for Butter and 'Eggs and uried Apples. Phone 23. 9 -Beeksellers, Stationers and ( pancy Goods Dealers, Clinton. ceoc(ovoaaaeweiletkpeoaecio THE TWO A.J'S.•• e •To see the latest in Hats inspect A. J._ Mori igh's stock'. ' Don't bay till you. do -so. An inspection will convince you not onlY that he has what you want but that his prices •suit •the tirnes and the good qUality of the goods he sells. Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, et., are also. supe- • rior goods ktt 'taking prices. - 9 91 CLINTON. •• — • business has chiefly been Ordered Clothing with the exception of Ready - Made Pants, Overalls and Ready -Made Overshirts. We ha ve often been asked for a cheap suit and in order -to accent- Inodate our customers had to put in a-. few lines of Ready-Mades. We not purpose making any More profit on these than will pay the freight, as it is a sideline out of the ordinary • run of our trade. -- The fitst prite is $6 for a Man's Suit, generally solcrat $7, • The second price is $5.54. oThis suit would be cheap enough at $7,50. The thlid price $7. This suit is made out of all wool Halifax Tweed and will give $10 worth of wear. ' The fourthandlitst pricein the Ready - Males is $8 and it is really a nice snit, neatly cut and well made, good trim- mings and got up. in the best, style. Some houses would charge you $12 for it. The Ordered °Wiling season is in full swing. All theTweeds are in and we . have the best Tine we have ever had. L. 2-Erollow I Nei '1 Our Cust men Fits Oh, do I hear some Otle say, I don't think I shall go near you, -41on't want fits, Oh, yes you do. YoiClike your Coat and your Pants to fit and you like a nice easy fitting Spring Overcoat. Your Hat won't L look well if it don't .fit. That is the kind of fits we give our customers and guarantee good fits or no Attie and you can then give us the othei kind of fits. Give us a trial tc fit you out in a nice . Spring Suit. You will be more than pleased for we make a specialty of giving better values and better fits than any house in town. We are practical tailors and can fit A giant or a dwarf and best of all Our prices will lit your pocket book. In the ready made department we have 8U1T8 FROM $8,50 TO $12.00 • the latest styles and patterns, eiVe 118 A Gag and We Will Save Yom Money, S VICTORIA BLOM CLINTON. oth;r1tiRUJ,PODNIlitiErt' ANT, idATTER. steblithe4 W. 4.0 MI1'0E1E144 Editor and Prop WHOLE N6.1,063 "Clinton Can Do It." • WW Lite Acetylene. Miss Catharine Sc•aulindied on Thurs. day last, .aged :fifty-five' years. The deceased ,met with.an cidea lost winter from whiCh she never ftilly • covered ancl Which Was the cause et* _her death, The funeral took itlace on • Saturday Co the Roman batholinceine- teryin.. frollett, after serfialff-St, 'Joseph's eherch,—Are you a Nowa- 1-14melF. subseriber ? -7-- The Public Works 'et:imitate° of the town council has had A force of Men at -.York putting the streets la as good cauclitien as the season will permit. •The committee is, an active. 94e.-,jolin Wannarnaker used eightburidreclahcl forty columns �f advertising during the month of "Merck in the dallies of Philadelphia ... - A meeting of the Transfer committee of the General bonferenee of the Me-, thodiet chuech:.was held in Termite on Thursday last. General Superinten. dent Carman p -resided and . Rev. Wal- ter Rigsby of Blyth acted as secretary.' The following transfers were made to the London Conference, together with .the date on Which they take effect Rev. Hebert ,Phillins, feign Hamilton. 'Coliference,'Xity' 81; Rev. W. Gr. flow-. eon, from Toronto Conferenee, May3l Rev. Theophflus:tall, from Hamilton Conference, forthwith,-.-Aple • King bantelon is stimeWhatof it poultry fan.: Cier with a partiality for Black Minor-. casi. Indeed,. he cbuws to have intro-. ducecl the breed: ititn this district or 'inwn itt ell.events. He bite a number of fine birds and has been 'Sending set - tinge of, eggs. to outside pointe, last 'Week to ScathOro.--Mason ald's.purchaees Of•herses'la,st *eek in :clUded'a span from Janes Berry, Tec- . kerstnith, which weighed 8200 poonds ; a pair front litineg Cochrane, Stanley, and a mare froin John Fowler of 1111l. lett.-Dr.Biactiall now drives a hand - seine four-year old sorrel. gelding: • It is a fine, clean-lirfibed animal fran Syd- ney stock and on the dam's side Clear Grit. It can show it geed bust •of Speed And will take:Ltd* figure to. imy .--Ceuncillor Johnson is now fitting Op. his handseeep and .eneedy 1110,Ve for. the . summer's cainpaigu;r--7-.Miss Mc 'Hardy presided at -the •organ,ior .the Ontario street Chitral last Sunday 'evenieg, the organist, Miss Gibitings, •beingindisposed.- •Miss. .McHardy'e skill is well. known and the large .con- gregation enjoyed the treat • provided. for thein: ---From present indications •bleyelingtviir be: -more- -popirlar-7-thatr ever this season. -7 --The W. rale Oe had their store lighted with acetylene • for • the first • tune, on Saturday night. The light •. teal brilliant, was favorably conimen67 ed upon by ,citizend and satisfied the Conitiany. The machine is of twenty - light capacity and was made here by the. patentee, Mr. E. • Ashley. --•.--The Clinton S. O. E's will have a church parade on May 28th and the Lendes7 bort} lodge the Sunday previous.— 'The pulpit of Itatteribury streetchurch was occupied by Rev. 3. Greene of Holmesville last Sunday inorning.and -in the evening by Rev. Mr, -Arm, strong. •Mr. Greerie's work at Holmes - villa was taken by Mr, Meyers -- Rev. AiStewart col:ideated seryiee at • the House of Refuge on Sunday. • Sev- eral lnembers of his thoir accompanied him and their sweet rendering ef bps!, pel hymns delighted theik hearers. -- Mr. A. T.. Cooper is having a ready sale of wheele. Atiotig those who purchased from him during the past week are •Hovey, R. Worthing- ton and E. IVIogrill.—The Onward bi- cycle Company is busy. It builds wheels to order, and has, had 'all the work it could handle to date: The On- ward bike is said to give eXcellent sat- isfaction.—Copies of the Portage is Prairie News have reached this office. The News is a well -arranged and new- • sy sheet of. which Mr. Sohn Corny°, formerly of the Wingham Advance, is editor and publisher. John's confrer. es in Huron wish him suetese in the pretty town of P. la 0. J. Wallis is moving into the residence on Huron street lately oceupieri by Mr. IL 0. liarlett----An Assembly will be held in the town ballot' ThuradaPeven. • big It will be the last of the season and a numbee a guests have been invited from outside towns --..The Clinton Canadian Order of Foresters will at , - tend divine service in the Ontario street Methodid ehurth on Sunday evening, May. 14th.---4'he regular monthly niating of the W. 8', M. S. of Willie ehurch was held last Thureday evening-. The missionati topie wet taken by Mrs. Mr. ;Oho Bangor; gave an acety- lene gas generator a trial ibis resi. denee on Tuesday night and was so , well pleased with it that he has order- ed a fortylight machine front Mr...Ash- • ley, the manufacturer, It will at °nee be placed in position. Mr. Jacob Miller will, we believe, do the pipidg• . Will Divide the Congregation. • The congregatien which worships in the Catholic churai itt Irislitown is it large one, nunabering about three-hun- dred' and sixty families, It is noW pro- posed to divide it and build chorch at Dublin where about onehundred and sixty families will attend divine service. Diiblin and Iriehtown are 014y IL short distance apart. • Little 1.04111. Shipments by the G. T. R. thiirweek inclu hule organs by W. Doherty & Co, and flour by J. &X, - Afr.-S. Beattie iepreprifing his running colt for the Exeter races on May .24th, 1 while he brother in Wieghain hay; ing Topsy B. pia .in condition. If the Oolt is as fast as Topsy has been, Sam• ought to win Vvith her. ---Rev, Mark Rtimball preached in Willis,church litat Sunday evening. has occupied the Brueefleld Presbyterian pulpit a convict' of times lately and thet charge being vacant has led Some to 'suppose that.a call may be extended to Beattie and James McCool were negoti! sting for the purchase of the .former's .lieery bosinese. The deal -was about. • consuininated when a hitch Arose ; and it is now off, , Mr. Beattie intended to have gone to Southern Manitoba forth- witb —Dr p. ff. -Ross was highly streceSsfel in his..final examination at the Ontario Dental College, beading a. class of ninety. Last. year's, classnuin- tiered serotY-seven but he led it also, while in his -first examination be Was fourth. • 'This IS a Very •cred- itable record, one that Dr. Ross ought to he proud of. He "has purchased the practic& of Dr. Twiddle. of Seaforth and takes possession May lst..--.--Members of the W. T, V.' are circulating p'etibioes to he presented to to the Ontario Legislature asking that thebrillot be given to women on equal terms with mr en. Eveybody or near- ly so is signing. The day. must soon pate when the fair sex will be . able to exercise a; still more powerful infiuence upon the ballot boxes. --At Monday night'srmeeting-Oftha-ChiliniftWEridia-. yor ef Willis church Miss Bertha Aitken was presented with a handsome Bible and Preshy teriariBook of Praise. The C. D's and others will miss Miss Aitken. -- Miss Couch, sang very effeetively the solos in the quartette "If I were ft yoke," in Onta,ah street clonal last Sunday evening. --Mrs. Andrews gaVe a paper an "Charity" and Miss t Brickenden one on"Working forChris in humble spheres Of life," in Ontario street church League on Monday even- ing. Both papers were full of wise counsel -and encouragement to young Christians, --Clinton Lodge Nc. .83 LO.O.F. will hold an 4,11 Home in their lodge room next Teesday. evening.-- A large photograph of ' the C. p. High Court, taken at the recentittting in Brantford, is being framed by 3.W. Chidley of Broadfoot & Box. It is an excellent picture of a good-looking, irt- telligent and representative gathering. The features of Court Clin ton's delegate, Mr, II. Fisher, look out frotn the Pic- ture elearcand distinckas also do those of Mr. W. Stanley who represented the Holdiesyille brethren.—Mr, Rattenburyk "breaking in" A four- year old pater he recently bought from, 1.1r. Ferran. Ib is well-bred:,• being, sired by Sydney and on the dam's side Is by Texite Jaek. Mt. RattehburY has bwried many it good horse in his day, butsays this is the best -gaited of them all rantsangglikythisktvind On ft, good piece of road.--Cantelon Bros. made their fleet shipment of this season's butter yesterday.. The adeatint was 800 pottnds and its destination eastern markets.---Macphereon & Hovey shinned an erigine to Eastern Ontario on Monday, Vulg. shipping is considered.to mean a good season for the firm, Mr. Geo. Ilinehley. the tra yeller, returned Friday from an extol. ded trip an reports orders brisk and a better than usual class orcustorners.- -Somebodystole Mr. james Bagieson's pug pup on Tuesday night. It was the gift of a friend, much prized by James and he would like to have it back.—. -The services of the Watering cart are again in demand but it Will hardly make its appearance untitafter Monday night's meeting of the council. hear that Mr. J. O. Elliat lute rented hi; corner store, lately oecupied by Gilroy & Wiseman, to a retrofit firm With whieh a member of a Olinton fatuity is eonnected. They do not take 00AtieStlien until near midsurnmer. Mr, hilliotVe second etore is Ole as good as rented to a eouple of go.e.head bushiest* • inen.--!-Mr. Will Harland, moves neat week into the residence on Mill greet lately ample& by Mr. James Aitken. •.-The 'More of the Collegiate heti- tute are red and blue and over thirty ; the bopoport them In hats bought • from Mr. A. 3, Morrish. , (Rev.) Stewart and the devotional top. le by Mise 5. Lindsay.—Rev, Ole- 1 mentie sertnon next Sunday' evening Will be especially for young people. "Comparre Will be his text. --Rev's Parke and Smith exchanged pulpits' • lust Sttaday,—Mr, D. S. ClufreWhite • Leghorne n big eggs. Ite brought i. a specimen on Monday which ineasur- • ed in.—Mrs. Sohnstorie Zoe. • lob, who WAS a guest at the Waverrey House for some daye,hae re- turned home very much pleased and • eattsfied with. the Improvement of her child upon whieh the medical nien op. erated toot week.--Subecrthe for Thu MINTON Naws.nacorte, Will Beira a Switch,• • . Grand Trunk Engineer J. Baker is in townthis week surveyingthe switch to thno. f. 'which will be built shortly, • There has been some trouble abeet seetiring it point of land at the inter - Section of the two streets opposite the elevator. but, .,:we understand, the matter has been amicably arranged, The switch ;4111 be a great; convenience the factorY and will enable W. D. 4 to Will Out thefamous Doherty • organ to still better advantage. ' . The Foresters, Band. OlintOn 0. O. Court has as good.es, decided to organize brass • hand. " A conatnittee consisting of W. Jones, T. • Wheatley, B. 3. Gibbings and H. B. Chant has been conferring with Mem- • bers of the former Citizens' band and will report to. the Court to -night in favor of taking oVer the old instru- ments and buying sufficient new ones to equip'a band of eighteen or twenty ineinbers,wko. will all be 0. O. Ps of course, A competent leader will be secured. The band will be financed. by the Court. , The Veteranit Passing Away. It was expected that the infidels _for the Huron Veterans of '66 Would • he ready for presentation on MAY 24th, but after all there has been a red -tape de. delay and there is now considera.bIe un Certainty as to.when they Will be forth- coming. ' The authoritiee will bar, to 'navy up or there will be ne Huron Veterans to be decoritted. We are: in. formed that not less that] five of them ' havejoined their fathers since las • fall and have passed to that country from whence none ratan' and Whir module, red tape and undue delay are un no n, Will Light tho Beacon. Mr. W..3, Bleuty, who has been: a. -member of FI NEW-REh011n staff. for about a year, has bought the Sonthampton Beacon and takes pos- session next, week. Mr. Fleuty has been in &newspaper office almost since 'his toddling days, and his father before him. He is genial, eourteens and &Aging and. has the best wishes. of • 'Tfrn NEWS-REcon.n. The people of Southathpton, there are about. 1600 of them. will flnd him trustwerthyancl well deserving of . their patronage. He onderetands the work the greund Up and is quite at herne at either stick- ing type or driving the quill. • He'lladd 'additiona_ ht to the Beago_u, or are much naistaken. Success to him. 'reneiglate Notes. • Mr. Houston, Principal of the Colle- giate, was in the Queen City thelatter ,part of last week.—The park is the scene of enthusiastic football practice every' eiening after four. o'clock. The date for the first match of the Hough • Clip series has not yet been .arranged. Negotiations were opened on Satarday last for a game to be played here against a picked tam from Detroit, which is to make a tone up this way. As there ate seyorai on the team be- longing to our awn county this, With the other matches which have been arranged, ought tolorm a series which should stir op the ohttime enthusiasm among the citizens, -;---A tennis club among the young ladies of the colle- giate has, we understand', been sug- gested, and quite rightly ton—After the winter months of gymnasium drill* the military drill on the grounda has been reeommented. A corps has been formed among the male students of the Goderich. Collegiate which, under the direction of the Board, is being equipped. with uniforms, guns, etc. Could not a similar system be estab- Halted here? Will Celebrate May 4th. A meeting vvas held in the council chamber on Tuesday night to decide whether or not May 24th should be celebrated. Mayor Shaw occupied the chair and Capt. Meraggart, treasurer of past tele bration committees, read,th e report whieh showed it balance to the good of $222. 'The feeling of the meet- ing Was unanimously in favor of pro- perly Observing Her Majesty's birth, day, and in order to make arrange - menta and carry therki out, a striking committee was appointed which seleet. ed the followine- committees, the first named in ea& heing chairman :- • Chairman, MayorShaw ; Secretary,‘ j. P. Doherty; Treasurer, Captain bombe; Printing -A.. Porter, W. Fair, 3. B. Hoover r • Decoration -W. D. Dalt, W. Dowers, 0. Cooper, A. 1, Grigg. S. jackson. A. I. Morrish, 3, S. Miller, A. T. " Cooper, Wm. Sports -S. W. Treleaven, W. P. Spald- ing. X. McL. rale, Al. Miller, Prod, Jackson, P. W. Eirock, Captain Me - Taggart, Dr. Blacken; Musie-Captain Combe, IC &rimer, ton, Dr. Bruce, George Hoare, Thos.. jeckeon, 3r.; Dvening Datertainment-E. M. Mc- Lean, D. J. Gibbitige, O. Cooper, Or. Agnew, W. Boss, G. Hoare ; Deceptlon-W. Jackson. Staneford, X). A. Vorresteril G. D. Maenad, W. D. Band, A. Taylor ; Oativaseing-Sarnes Ford, Sot. Wheat- ley, A. 3. Morrish, stanoi Iaoksoa. r , Senior Lacrosse Club, Attend The Cannell. • The senior lacrosststs at a • Well at. The town council at next Monday tended meeting held the other night night's meeting will decide, quite like- re,organized, The Club has plenty of ly, upon the purchase of a stone crusher, material to make hp a Winning team. The.citigens generally seem favorable,: Next Monday will- be first practice though doubtless there are Opponents night and it is requested that there be .to the .ptojeet attitinvolves a considev7... a good turn -out of players, at 7 o'clockable expenditure of money —The , The officers now are :-.Citaairit A. J. Board of Health is sending out circu- Morrish ; secretary.treasurer- Wlars calling attention to the by-laws. . • Crooks cemmittee A.. Miller B ,Potts N " . • . of n Applicant. .T. Kennedy, together with the captain and sec.-treas. The published list of West Huron . . applicants for tavern licenses contain- . Mr. Fitssituons Retires„ ed the name of E. Symonds of Saltfortl, „ft. R, Fitesiinons has retired from but he writes THE NEWS-RIZCORD to the butcheringbusiness in which he diatirietly and emphatically deny that has been engaged almost continuously he made each application. He desires "in. Clinton for the past twenty.eignE to say that he knew nothing whatever years. Having been in Manitoba for Fl! about it and wishes his statement tit time many thought his giving op here be giyert as notch prominence as pos- theamthis reinoyal there, but suclt is 1 sible. not the case, at least nob this summer. Instead be has. gene' into. the stock trade and iri company with Mr. George, Ilndie makes a shipthent of porkers to Torontetb-clay: What Mr, Fitzsimons .deesn't know about &fat animal is not worth knowing.- Mr. Harry Fitzsimons will turn his hand to another line for :the time being. An Night Telephone Service. In a few days the Bell Telephone Oompariy wili begin an all nthti ser vmein Clinton and at no extra cost to . the subscribers:: This Will be. Much ap- prediated by the patrons,. one or Whhin hatt, Fel:lurked Dell people •are treating ns white," Another operator will he added to the Central staff and -whoever it may be if is. prompt and courteous as Miss Biggart, who no..V re- sponds to "Hello." there willbe reason or further satisfaction The number of subecribere his •increased to eighty, the latest additions te 'the. list being : -Mrs. M. McTaggart, b. -Wallis, T. Jackson, Sr, (2,) R -Holme, R Coats, Di Thompson, J. Miitiaria, S. S., Pa0. per and W. Wheatley (heuse). , This makes Clinton about the bet telephone Uwe of its population in the district. • The OddIellows Attend Chuch.. The members of Clinton Lodge L 0. 0. F. attended divine service in e body Sunday a. rh. last To the number of flfty-five they assembled at their lodge room and front thence marched to the Baptist church where they • listened -to an earnest and eloquent address by trey. T. J. Murduck.. The reverend entleinan-clwelt at some -length- upon the duty which man owes to his socie- ty, to his churcb, to his neighbor and to: his God. Being an Oddfellow him- self, -Mr. Murduck was the better able to speak of the benefits -of membership in the Society of Friendship, Love and Truth'which laSt year in Ontario alone expended anaverage of $230 a day in relievibg the wants of „needy bre- thren or their families, On the re- turn to the lodge room a resolution of thanks was voted Rev. Mr. Maduck, his choir and the officials of the -church. . • t. $svongefulisiaal Tarte. If Het, Mr. Fairlie, formerly of St: Paul's church, Olinion, said Saturday's Mail and Empire, had not refused Mr. Israel Tarte the privilege of bringing liquor into the Indian Industrial school over which he presides, that Church of England elergyman would tiot haye been dismissed from his position. Tarte's newspaper agencies axe etrivi g to convey the' impression that Re Mr. Fairlie was not suited for th school and that' he was dismissed for that reason. Pa, unhappily for this contention, the Indian report for this year, cited by the Brantford Courier, shows that it is untrue. The inspect - tie reports to Mr. Siftori that Mr. ride! lie was an extellent principal. Ile wad strict in the observance of the rules, hut kind to the students, who, tinder his tuition, were beecnning first- class citizens. It le it dangerous thing to cross the path of Mr. Tarte. . Death ofilirs. Brownlee.' Mre.•Margarist Brownlee died at° her residenee on Victoria street st an ear- ly hour Monday morning. She had been itt poor health for over a year and though much worse for the past six weeks the &Toni did not ex. pect a. fatal termination. The 'coca - plaint from which she suffered Was of it painful nature, but she bore it With Christian resignation and forti- tilde. The deceased was the relict' of 3itmes Brownlee. who departed .thie life twelve years ago. They lived, • An Operation. • Mr. James Macdougall of near Kip - lien met with an accident over a year • ago which resulted, in an injury which grew. gradually worse and necessitated ' an Operation that was performed last week by. Lk, Gunn, assisted by Drs.. Graham and Shaw. Air, Macnongall is . stopping at Airs. Malteefer's in town and will not be able to return Innate for several days Improvements. Harland Was. intend pulling down , their present coal shed at the G. T. Rf. Station krid erecting A greater one 14 . order to .he able to keep on hand a .suffleient supply for a much increased demand. Tindoubtedly many will use coal next season who have heranfore, 'burned Wood; , The firm is also puttiog ..an addition to its up town store house and has bad the froht windows. of its . bikatore protected from the Sun's rays in the p. new. awning's. These . all indicate a growing business•,' • Nothing For Clinton. " ' The GOvernment bittight down itis Estimates on Monday night but it fur - rashes no. grain of comfortfer 'Clinton,. for while Goderioli is given ii,"-granc17:-_,. total of $80500, for dreeging $20.000... • and for breakwater ,extension 5.16500, the Hub is given nothing. whatsoever. Apparently wertz.e to get neither post- ' office or armoury about both of which we heard so Much when the present member was appealing for support duringtt the late caipaign. -• It is really too bad that the. intereetts of Clinton are ignoiredlifthis way Goshen Lodge Buys A Banner; Goshen_ L. 0, of Stanley, ince of the most prosperous lodges in that township, has decided to 'buy a ban per. At first they thought of sending . to the Old- Sod for one, leafibaily made up their mindethat home mann- faeture furnish one equally as good and consider:1.413r cheaper so lasb. week' it eommittee consisting :of t' W. McClinchy and Pollock came. to Clinton to eee about the purchase. • The banner will be decorated by. IS clever local artist and will be ready in ample time for the 12th. Olga? Ostiter qt Old.• '..The proposal to stage the cantata Qheerr Esther has collapsed, not a. • sufficient' 'number turning out ,*.foiN -N.-- " - practice. • The season net too favorable. Womankind. in • general are just nciw more concerned about house-cleaning than cantatas and, tnoreover, after a long dreary winter indoor rehearsals have no at- traction. Queen Esther ig tolerably familiar tomany Clintonians. It was first presented. here twenty-three years ago. Among those taking part and still residents of the Hub are :-Mr. R. IrWin, Mrs. It. IrWin, Mr, W.;OPess and. Mr. T. Cottle. r, Bight Inscriptions. Mrs, E. Terrier has placed an order with Seale & Hoover for a handsome Swede monument to be erected in Turner's cemetery, Tuckersmith. tToon the stone there are eight inserip, dons, representing as many metnbers of Mrs. Turner's family who have gone to the better land. The firm Will also ereot in Triehtowft cemetery a red. Swede to perylettiafe the memory of It the parents of Mt. S. tcCuaig and in the Daylield cemetery a similar stone to the memory of John D. Eagleson, while Mr. Sohn Layton has ordered an Bsperanza to be placed over the grave of his wife in Turner's. tennis Club Organized; At a meeting held in the courtell for about thirty years, • on thn -elinuaber OU Monday night for the Elate line, Hallett. Of the large purpose of organizing it lawn tennis family horn to this union three are club, the following Were elected <US - deed, those remaining being t --Mrs. cora of the club for the season :-Preon. W. 3. Paisley, Mrs. 11. Hilt, Mrs. dent, Captain MeTaggart ; 11. junor and Mille Mary Brownlee of dent, Mies M. McMurray ; secretary - Clinton, Mrs. (Rev.). Boy, Hamilton, treasurer, Mies M. C. Irwin; aselstant • Stones in Blom, Latta itt Surnmerbill secretary, A. Miller. Any persons and W, W. IL in Tette& MM. Brownlee strolls of booming metribere will kind' was held in high respect and inucheynily notify the esteretary. There will his pathy le felt for the family, especially - another meeting of the dab next Mon. Miss Brownlee the only one no* ,,at day evening s.t 8 o'clock in the council home. The funeral took place yester- - chamber. A full, attendance request.. .day afternoon to Clinton temetery, ed. If the tennis club does not pros. the services at house and graveside, beper under the niantleernerit of President ing eonducted by Roy. 1. F. Parke of 1VIeTaggart, Supported by two of elite. fit. Paul's church of which deceased • ton's most popular young ladles, then. was a •ronsietenb meipber for many ' there is something Wrong with the game.