The Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-20, Page 9•
Wail Paper
is sejling Mil a Way that
sat iefies tea our assortenent is
superiOr one an4 that °ter vnilles
are as good, or better, than you
are usually Offered; It is easy to
match, easy to hang, it is easy
to buy, Sure, it costs you some-
thing but the money spent is 0011
to your Credit when the paper is
on the wall. We are daily pleas-,
invothrs,- May we please you?
6ften, the Oheapesi; Always theRest,
The IV
Agents Parker's :Dye Worts.
Mr. A. S. Ohrystal of Goderich waa
town on Monday.
Mr, James Stevene of the Beate line was
in gingen on Saturday.
Mr. Will Powell of Brantford was
home.for a, few days this week.
Miss Edith Turner of Goderich is the
guest of Mitre Floretta Stevenson
this week.
Dr. Ball, was in Mitchell cm Monday in
consultation with. Dr. Shillingwoeth
of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. McGarve, returned front
Scotland where they spent the win-
ter on Monday.
Mrs. A. R. Manning returned blonder
trom Exeter where she had been
*ending a few days.
Mr. Williaw Coruyn of Wingham last
week was the guest of Mrs. Gamier
and other friends,
Mrs. W. Pester and family will leave
in a couple of weeks for Montreal
Where, they expect to remain all
Mr. Frank Upsilon left yesterday for
'13rancion with a carload of settlers'
effects. He has many friends here
4tnd every one will wish him success
in 'tilling the prairie.
Mr. Smith Kilty is able to take abort
walks in the garden and on the side-
walks this vveek and will be able to'
get dovvri to work in the course of a
few days. Everyone will rejoice at
Smith's recovery.
Mr. John Kelly of the township of
Morris was visiting in town on Sunday.
;Veracious dame rumor says these
p . • • visits will culminate in an interesting
air Gal. event which will call for the sanction
of the church, Say early in June.
Mr. James .Altkgn• returns from Bee -
ton this week to make preparations
" for the removal of his family to that
town. . The Misses Aitken will be
much missed in town,especially in 0.
E. circles where Miss•Bertha was or -
New A dvertisements,
Money Sayers forIVIon,-Hodgens Bros.. • • •
House Cleaning, -Sydney Jackson (5.)
Private Sale -W. J. Flenty„ ... ..... • • • • • (5,)
Eggs for Sale.S. Lawrence • (5.)
Barley for salel-J. , • •(5.)
Wall Paper -W. Cooper 8c Co 4
Wall Paper. -W. D. Fair & Co
At the Top. -Jackson Bros
House to Rent -Arthur Cook
' (84
( .
Diroct from the Maker-Hodgene Bros.. • .(8.)
Paper Free. -W, Cooper & klo
Stern Thought. -0. Cooper & Co (I.)
House for Seple-W. G. Doherty 0 )
. About o
1.?DetyJactx3.....-1C1.3E30 W
Miss Ida Miller is spending *a fewdays
in Bayileld. •
Mrs. Lemble of Sarnia is visiting
frielids in town.
Mr. Dane Sperling of Seaforth wa in;
town on Suhday. .
Mrs Captain Rance pf Blyth is visiting.
Toronto friends this week. •
• Miss Knott of Tuckersmith is the
guest of Mrs. Newton Crieh.
Miss Logan has gone on a Visit to her
SiStgrr, Mrs.. °laces of London. •
Miss MillieMcLeafi of Hensell was the
guest of Miss Ross on Tuesday.
C. A. and H. F. Andrews attended the•
Brucefleld Spring Shove -yesterday. .
Mr. Earl Crich ef-Seaforth has taken
a position in Mr. Rebe'rton's 'barber
shop.' r • .
Mr. Eider of liensall. Frost; & Wood
agent called upon :Mr. A. 4. Shrenk
• on Monday. •
Mr. Will Stobie of Fleaforth is learning
tbe bakeing business With.Mr lames
McOlacherty. •
Rev. Mr. and Mrs: Hamilton of Lon-
desboro were guests ,of friends an
town on Tuesday.
Mr. James McGill went to Gorrie on
Tuesday tayrittend the funeral of his
long-time friend, the late Jarnes Per-
h. •
Mr. A.. O. Pattison ticketed this Week
AV. H. Farquhar to Grand Forks,
North Dakota,and &West to Milton,
same state. • :
bliss McMurray was a guest at the
wedding of Miss. Bell of Winghain
who became Mrs. Richard Vaestone
on Tuesday. •
Miss Blanche McKeown, who is con-
ducting_a millinery store in Auburn,
and Miss Leeson of that place, spent
Sunday in town. • •
Mr. Fred. Feller left yesterday for
London where he has accepted a
situation with the Bennett •mann-
facturing company....
Mrs. A. B. Manning willrepresent the
W. F. M. S. of Wil1is4hurch at the
convention to be held in Woesistock„
May 2nd, 3rd and 4th. .
Mr. William Nivens, wbo learned how
to make the staff of life at MeCla-
cherty's, went to Toronto on Tues-
day to follow the tihtde there.
Mrs-. John Spooner returned last week
froni Winnipeg, Man.; and has been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. B.
Rumba% WS week she is visiting
her brother in Goderich.
Mr. Harry Oantelon of Mt. Forest
sPent a couple of days in town this
week. His manyold friends were
pleased to meet him once more and
to haye the opportunity of wishing
him continued prosperity. '
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Oroll have returned
from Galt where they spent several
weeks with their daughter. On their
way home they were the guests of
another daughter at Tavistock, Mee.
J. W. Green, Mr, Croll is now
rea.dy.for the season's operations.
Mr. E. Batty of Gore Bay, Manitoulin
Isle,. visited Elruherst Farm Tues-
day in search of thorobred short-
horns. He could not have gone to a
baler place as Squire Biggins is not-
ed far and wide as a breeder of stock
which commands a high price.
Would-be purchasers from the state
of Iowa called upon him last week.
Mr. Frank Hovey of Trinity college,
Toronto, spent his holidays under
the parental roof. He left on Mon-
day afternoon to resume his studies
in Toronto, On, Sunday last he read
the lessons in St. Paul's for Me.
Parke And everyone WAS delighted
with his sincere, reverent and intelli-
gent rendering of theSeriptures; May
suecess attend NM in the vocation
in life to which' he feels that he has
been called.
Mayor Thotnpeon of Gederith was in
the Hub on Tuesday'and spent part
of the forenoon here while waiting
for the northbound L H. & D. train.
He was on his way to Gorrie to at-
tend the funeral of Mr, James Per-
kins, Who Caine to an untimely end
on Friday night last, being drowned
while helpingsave property. Mayor
Thonipson has the„ Interests ot the,
circular town Very touch at heart
and considers the present about the
most critical time in its hittory. If
it cen get a good routed som from the
Government for deepening the har. purchased the property and Amid of
bor, jn addition to Dan MeGlillend- Mr. ix Campbell, and is now In full In
dy'a breakwater, then its pros- possession and in proper shape to do all th
peaty aesured. Aecordia to manner of work conneeted with the in
W!anist Davis arid A. Baler of Blyth were
in town on Monday. The former is
a'tonsorial artist, an expert wielder
of the shears and razor. and is 'so
. taken with Clinton that be was
quite willing to go halves in the bar-
ber shop Mr. Roberton lately bought
from Mr. flax,by.
Goderleh Township.
Thos. Cook and Harry 'Millet; have
mutually 'agreed to undo the bargain
made a few weeks since for the pur-
chase of the former's thirty -acre lot.
Mr. Robert ' Thpmpson of the 1.60
went 'up to Gorrie on Saturday in con-
sequence of the lamented death of his
cousin, Mr. Janies Perkins. The de-
ceased was known to man* in this
township and here, as at home, was
held in the very highest respect. Mr.
Perkins was drowned on . Friday but
the body was not found until 'Sunday
over a mile below Where he fell into
the water: .
Mr. John. McCartney was in his ac-
customed place in church at.Holmes-
ville on Sunday for the first time in
about a inonth„.oVving to illness. •
. Miss Edith Tebbutt of Innerki0 spent
a few days under the parental roof
this week.—Messrs. Ernest Call and
J. Wood of London ars visiting friends
in the neighborhoocl.r. R. Keys
and. Miss A. Keys. of Varna visited
W. Stanley on Sunday. --We are
very sorry to hear Ace% Gee. Tebbutt
lost a valuable horse last week,—
Wood bees are the order Of the day.
--Mr. J. Sheppard of Nile was a cal-
ler at W. Stanley's on Wednesday.
F. C. Elford is moving Mr.
•Will Elford's house up near the village
and -will occupy it. --On Sunday even--
iiig BEM. Mark Rumball of Morden;
Manitoba, preached an excellent ser-
mon. The house was crowded and
everybody was delighted with his dis-
course. ' •
What We Hear. -Frogs and other
birds,--SUch expreseiens as :"110w,
Whoa, How, "Git over Pete ybu ole
hegger " while the bus blacken their
respective acres.—People barking
with the last relics of the grip. --Talk
of a railway. --That Mr. II. Watkin
has betaken hitUself to Clinton for a
short -sojourn -wed busineseinterests;
--That Jas. Johnsthn has hired With
Robb, Draper for the slimmer months.
___That H. Wallace arrived safely in
the woolly West. where we trust his
labors will meet well -merited success.
41re. Jas. Watkin is we ate pleased
learn, recovering rapidly:
Mr. Naftel,• a. rising and forcible
speaker, • occupied the pulpit of St.
Peter's acceptably on Sabbath last.
The closing meeting for this term of
the Summerhill Literary and Debat-
ing club was held on Friday. eiening,
Operations will be resumed in the fell.
Miss Bingham led the Endeavor
meeting of the 12th inst.
One of our:promising and respected
young men in the person of Me. Fos-
ter Wright has decided that, mate was
not mearit to live alone and selected
for a life partner Miss Roberfon of
Walkerburn. We join the many in
Wishing the young couple life's choic,
est blessings and prosperity during it
happy union.
So as to prevent confusion our
teacher desires that junior pupils
starting for the summer will start on
May 1St AS it is thought the weather
will be all rigbellter that rued constant
attendance possible, while more satis-
factory results are obtained tvhen all
Varna. •
Church re -opening. -The members
of the Methodist rehurch are having a
grated re -opening on next Sabbath,
April 23rd. The church has been com-
pletely renovated from ceiling to floor
and nove presents a grand edifice for
publie-worship.-Rev, Mr.Kerr of Hen, -
sell will deliver the opening address in
the morning service, to commence at
10.80. Ile is expected also to occupy
the pulpit, in the evening, service .to
commence at 0.80.--Mre. W. Cook
has been waiting on her mother, who
is lying sick in Seaforth. She return-
ed 'home Sunday. --Mr. • James Arne -
strong has prone to visit Mr. and Mrs.
McOool at Drombo, who have recently
Started a general store there. --Miss
Ida Elliott, who has been in London
for sometime, has come home to spend
a few holidays among friends and re-
lations ----Mr. W. Ward hassecured
position in taleari* and left on Tuesday
to undertake his reeponsible
Mr..1. T. Cairns has scoured a fine dri-
ver from Mr. McOlinchey at it reeson.
able Delgatty of Blake
delivered an excellent address in the
Temperanee hall tO &crowded audience
lastSabbath.--Mr. James McKie has
The dam at Carr Bros. grist mill was
carried away by the flood On Saturday
evening. This will be it serious lose to
A pretty wedding took place at one
o'clock on Tuesday when Richard Van -
stone, barrister, was united in marriage
to Nellie. second daughter of Mr.Thos.
Bell, the well-known furniture maim-
facturer. There was it large number
of guests and the presents were both
numeral -1$ and costly. The happy con-
p1e are highly respected and popular
their future happi-
nessand nest wishes for
are extended. They will take op
house berg.
Mrs. John Gannett is visiting her Ms.
ter in Oastorvilla
Miss Ball of Brussels is visiting
friends in town.
Rev. W. J. West spent a few disys in
London last week.
Messrs. Ed, Bailey and W, H. Stew-
art intend going to Manitoba, on Tues-
Part of the millzciarn • was sweptaway
with the flood last week. .
Messrs. 0, Brinker and W, puff have
purchased new wheels,
Ma, Albert Craig has lured for the
summer with Mr. Rattan near Tames,.
town, •
•The eheese factory is being made
ready to commence the season's work.
William Beffron of Teeswater wa
in town nn Thursday. -
Moron Bros. held their spring d
livery of machinery here on Wedne
day last when the made' a spiendi
show. They, forme a procession at the
station and marched. to the square
where a picture was taken of them by
Miss Sutherland. Noxon Bros. should
be proud of Mr. Charles Hamilton,
'their agent here.
Tile planing mill comthenced eperta
times OD Monday.
Another of flullett's old residents
passed to the Great Beyond on Satur-
day morning last in the person of Mrs.
James Barr. She had always made
her home at Mr. John Barr's, Hullett,
since her' husband died bet was at the,
at the time of her death visiting at her
daughter's. Mrs. John Denhohn. She
had been in her usual good health all
winter beyond' a slight cold. She got
up as usual on Saturday niorning arid
while on her way to t•he ,breakfast
table she expired. She was a lady who
the respect; of everybody and her
family have the Sympathy of the coin-
Milnity. She WAS buried on Tuesday
in the 13Vion graveyard.
Walter Cowan, son Of David Coivan
of town, has been very sick the is
week but we are pleased to say he is re-
APRIL 20, 1899
VIM!!! WM!? TIMM TM? WWII? IMII! MIMI! inttt? lifitM PIM? lttlffitt Mtn
DepartmeRtal. Blom GUNTON 3
It's Easy ,To Be At The Top
to be Satisfied'
▪ when yon come to us to boy. Dur enormous stock affords
an excellent assortnient to choose from, and the quality of
our goods is such, that you bave confidence in them. You
don't always feel as if something -Ca -going to happen or
sr_ go wrong with them, and...Quit low cash prices is a great
▪ consideration, The successfapeople of the present time
are people wbo pay cash. tihrewd bu)ers Cannot afffird
▪ to take credit and pay long prices. The adoption of a.
.cath business is a great success with us.
1110.'• For instance take our wonderful
4 •
E $5 Twee(' Suit for filen. .ang Bous
d oft- •
It woidd .bd *tremendous bargain at $7 and there are lots
• Stanley.rfowlishiP•
.The fall wbeat looks good this spring
and to all appearance it bids fair fpr
a good crop. --Mr. Geo. Bates has a
pitir of prolific etied, each of them giv-
ing birth to three lanibs.„ One of. the
mothers is only one year old 'herself.
Geo, would like to know who can befit
this.---:-Sorrir to hear .of Mr. Peter
.Campbell bei ng up with rheuma-
tics. We hope to sbon see him able to
be around again., ---Mr, John L,'Parke
bas returned.' borne from •Wittford
where he was assfsting Mr. Roht. Mc-.
IlVeen in getting• -settled in his new
hoine.--Mr. George Sanderson has
engaged with Mr. A. Galbraith for the
summer,—The long looked for spring
-has arrived and the farmers in this vi-
cinity are beginning to turn .the sod.
--Mr., Robert Richardson and daugh-
ter. of the 10th con. of Goderich town -
Ship spent Sunday with his brother, •
Mr. Joseph Richardson. ---Mr. A.
Foster is busily employed wielding
the pruning knife in the orchards of
this vicinity. ---Our Bayfleld road, as
usual the best the County, is now in
an excellent condition. The dust is
flying and bicylists are already enjoy-
ing themselves on their wheels.
Drysdale, .
Mr. Wm. Higgins drove through
town- last Sunday and his -horse got
angry which caused him to think a few
times before he would pass Mr. Jef-
fery's, but Billy and lady applied the
pursuader and he took a sudden start
which gave the occupants it severe
shaking up. -
Wheeling is the order of the day •
Mr; A. North purchased a wheel from
Mr. Harry Mayne last, week.
Mr. H. Johnston visited Florida last
Mr. W. Turner WAS the guest of Mr:
Cleave last Siinday,
Funeral of the Late Jas. Perkins.
Gordo, Out., April 18. -The funeral
of Mr. James Perkins, who was drown-
ed in Maitland River Thursday
13th inst., took place to -day. and was
the largest ever seen in this district.,
there being about 1500 people
present. The funeral was under
the auspices of the Orange Asso-
ciation and the members of this
society turned out about 800 follow-
ers), 'to do honor to their deceased
brother, . • •
Deceased was a kind and loving
father and esteemed citizen, and by ins
death it vacancy has been made that
will be hard to fiil. He had been it
resident of floral° for 40 years,' during
which time he held the. following im-
portant positions :Fifteen yearn Reeve
of the townshipi, eight years County
Master of the Orange Association, five
years Presidentof the Conservative As-
sociation. and. Treasurer of the town-
ship for the past 12 years, The cleceas-
ed leave.* it widow and four of afamily.
Of these W. I. lives in Chicago, Joseph
S. in Grand Rapids, Mich., R. J. M. in
Toronto, who has just ,coriepleted his
course at Wycliffe College; and Miss
Annie who resides at horne with her
1116'impartiai Investigation; ,
Ottawa, April 18. -(Special.)- At
10 26 to -night the longest debate vvhich
has ever taken place in the Canadian
House of Omnivores on an address in
reply to the speech from the Throne
reached its end, and the welcome
words Veil in meinbere," Were uttered
bp the Deputy -Speaker, who Was in the
chair. The gallaries, which have been'
imusually well patronized through-
out the whole twenty days, of the
long debate, and were filled during
the evenhy, at once received
a large addition of ladies in full
dress, who had been spending theeven.
ing with the Speakers of the Commons
and Senate, The Howie had been hav.,
g quite a let of fun with itself durhig
e speech of 001. Domaine. and W AS
eteellent humor, 80 Wait thorough.
enjoyed !the tangs "Brigadier" and
Ihmet" by Ethler. At 10,46 the
Vision was taken on Mr. Bertram's
the Mayor'e calculations, $76, is hueinese In first-class style. Ile etill ly
Peeded to pat Goderich in the poet, continues to take in wood -work at be.
Um of being Obi to bid suecees. fore he moved. It is litraege that with a
c, A, big ronimittee Went to eolith shof that, he cannot accoratno-
upon the Master
out obetruct tilthe public se
fulicy for the WeStern grain an acre of ground, a barn and black. ani
endrrient to Mr. Clarke's emend-
ereb to the motion made by Mr. Bell
of the ,A.dinlieletra- ,Ride wit g e
ttawayesterdaytopressiteclemands date peoin keepiti/ the horses in. on
tient who eertainly gave the eitizene highway with them. --The Epwcirth th
during the reeent ,eampaign every. Leare VivtiSkeld at Mr. John WanIete
March 20, that an addrees pre-.
feted to Hit Excellency. in reply to
e Spew% from the Throne, The
yerninent voted down Mr, (llarke'13
'reason to expect the int generous, as t church was still undergoing re.
endment an independent hi.
veotheatkin of the Token scandals,
▪ of people to-day'paying $10 for goods no better. Theii
take our Boys' School Clothin... '1When we say that no
house in Canada can equal us on: this line .of goods we
. . . •
mean every Word ofit. .
E Our Men's -Tweed Pants at ,$1 are sold everywhere
for $1.25. Our $1.0 Pants are sold usually foi $2, and so
on through the entire list. You can save from 10 to 20
per Cent. on your Clothing if you inrchase here.
costs an effort. Every good thing costs an effbrt and
reading our "ads" is the price you pay for the purchasing
advantage you possess over your neighbor who classes a 1.
advertir•ements on the same line. We spend money in
advertising because it pays ,to let peopth know all about
Our meth9ds of doing business Imo the kind of goods we
Bufing and selling for cash
gives us a great advantage. no-
ing business. under the 'depart.
mental system,. with no . expense,
enables us to self tbe cheapest"
Boots and Shoes in this section,
,and the Wonderful growth. in this =-1
department is Splendid evidence 742
that the buying public are quick
to grasp the new way. of doing •
Just now we are having a
Lig trade in our great "Creole" Shoe, price $2, without
doubt the greatest hoe on the market for the money:
Made Without seams. Solid sole leather 'bottoms. ' Made
to .wear and wear' well..
Our Boys' "Standard" School Shoes, price $1, $1.25
' and $1.50, according to size are the gaeatest.selling lines
ever placed. before the pill:Ale, . .11.1ey are being eagerly
- picked up and we know that no other . dealer can show -... •
you a line to equal.them..
' When a 'Sbirt fitsit wears bet- .. . , • . .-
ter than When iVdOesn't. Besides . --. They qre shapely in. appearance and are got up for --.
you get a. wonderful lot of comfort,1! solid Wear.' . .
sottioteiorfina tgholosdpafirtttiontgt:hSehicicituo'rOyiiir8
'Our line of `-‘1.1d1" Shoes for ladies' wear . are being'. -a
„ .
the largest. , Our selection is the thcironghly appreelated. by people who . knew fine goods,. r -r...
\''' newest and our cash' prices are They are up-to-.Jate . in every way and are, selling very" . •
....- •freely. " . •,' , • '. : ''': ' - ' • '-'1"
lowest. For .600 you. i7et Berne
. wOnderful Shirts.. We 'lhave ex- 111v,"ftelli."%,4446,4116,40v-Iiii,lavAilvAlliwilwqb'll.:4 Wevqb.' LIT.
elusive patterns and -designs. .
Our BoYe selection . 'is also Our POPtor in the Repair ..Departinent is always on
. ,
complete; We still have the great-. hand and you canhave your' repairs pronipily_•attended to =
.-r-- est ;Unlaundered 50c..Shirts in the county„ .. ' ' .if you bring thein here
•. ... -
0 . 4
tow-, 4'
. . . • mr/IM
al▪ .. •
• -
4A4L 444L 44IU 41444i. 444. &Ail& 4114111441L
trect from the Maker'
More every season wthmdleman
e are passing e idand going
Two SuceeSsfiti Fariners.
'roma special edition of the Melita
(Man.) Enterprise we take the follow
ing references to two forn3er resident
of this county. Mr. Modeland is a son
of Mrs. Richard Bingham of Clinton
while Mr. Sterling_ was at one time a
resident of Hullett township:
Mr. J; W. Moireland of Elva deserves
well of Manitoba, for the striking ex-
ample that he has established 'by his
own success of the possibilities of this
fertile 'proyince and ...eaP_Mially tbis
ofthe province.
Any new comer who wants to see
What can be done in Manitoba by per-
severance and intelligence should pay
a visit to the splendid farm of this gem:
thiman, 0, 4, 27. Mr. .Modeland came
to this Province from (Minton, Ont., in
1881 and settled in the east half of 0, 4,
direct to the maker to buy. We get greater variety, are able to
Show you exclusive patterns and give better .all-reTlind values, for
buying direct we save -the wholesaler's bur'
---our,goods the -IOW& Twe—can' and do sell them, and you will See the
benefits of direct importing in the prices we are quoting' on a big
lot of Lace :Curtains that have come to us direct from the maker in -
27. He }Ind rupital: t� the amount of
$500.00 and commenced farming opera-
tions \ on a small scale. By persever,-
mice and bard work his capital soon
increased and likewise his farming op-
erations. He now owns 800 acres of I RECT
land and bus grown as Much as 10,000
bushels of wheat in one year. He now
has under cultivation over 500 acres of
land. About a year ago he built a
grain•elevator in Elva and is now turn-
ing a portion of his time to the wheat
trade. Mr. Mcdeland is worth, at a
very.conservative estimate, $20,000.00
and he. Illty8 himself it has all been
made on the fartn. His success doesnot
exhibit itself in line rainient and os-
tentation, but takes the substantial
form of a good balance in the bank.
Thus it, will be seen that in seventeen
short years on the farm in Manitoba
this gentleman hare rolled up a fortune
which will keep him comfortable for
the rest of his days. He is, however,
it young man yet with a small faintly
and purposes carrying on farming op,
orations for sonic) time yet. Personal
examples like this speak volumes for
the country. -
Mr. Ed. Sterling, of 1. 4, 28, a large
farmer near Elva, came from Iluron
county, Ont., in 1881. Be homestead-
ed the Ni of 86, 3, 28, and worked it in
it small way. He came to the country
with practically no capital, having less
than one yeatioa supply. He worked
his homestead, putting his earnings
each year into the farm, his operations
rapidly increased. Repurchased land
teem the 0. P. R. and now owns Met-
res, cultivating between 7(X) and 800
acres. He has grown the enormous
amount of 10.000 bushels of wheat in
one year. During the past year Mr
-Sterling has erected some very fine
buildings on his farm and tt *visit to
this place will convince aeyone of the
great possibilities of this country. kir.
Sterling is worth today $14.000 and
since his arrival in the country,
seventeen years. ago, with eac.
Meetly meth ug, be has accumulated
this wealth and has wanted for noth-
ing. This geetleinan has nude all his
money growing wheat and raising
Appreittke Waitted.
Good streng hey wanted te learn die black
Smalling. Apply to
Clinton, April nth.
House to Rent. •
TAM frame house on Omer Of Albert and
owe detthee 1%.* street coutsining eight
mini and ali convenience/I.
and gimlet) anti all vVIAVOII „Airgrabot.,
Min street, cereal:q-eine TMILO*Or dip Iwo
ome. Vireo horn
Right -from the maker in Nettin2:ham has come the finest
lot of Lace Curtains we have ever had in our store. There's
no such coileetion'been shown liere before, and whether you
want to pay twenty-five cents or five dollars a pair you'll get
PO better values anywhere than are to be had here.
Good strong Lace Curtains, one This is our great leader in Lace
edge -taped, per pair 25c Ourtains-extrit size, 60 inches
taco Curtains, 24 yards long, 86 wide, 3,1; yards long, taped edges,
inches wide, taped edges., 50c good patterns* worth $2, special
Lace Curtains new patterns. ‘3trong '
and durable, 3 yards long, 40 inch-
es wide 90c Very line quality, new designs you
Extra good Lace Curtains, a good will not see elsewhere; the new .
assortment of new patterns,taped corded edge, GO inches 'wide, 34
edges, 84 yards long, 50 inches yards long , . .. 50
wide...... ..... .,..... .. , .. ..$1 00
A very new .......
.. fancy border, ' Extra fine qual:ty dainty, delicate
plain centre with spot, a, very. patterns on very fine lace het,
handsome curtain........$1 25 single or double borders, $4.50 & $5 00
YOU% miss seeing the best 14 of Lace Curtains that have ever
been in Clinton if you do notsee what we're shewing this spring,
JuSt a few price
hints to remindyeu
how much cheaper
it is to buy •Under
weir from. our
White Wear department than
to make it yourself,
Extra good quality whiteCotton
Skirts, very full, 3 tOvVs tucks,
. deep embroidery trimming 08c
Very fine Cambric Skirts, deep frill.
trimmed with embroidery, a very
handsome garment • $2 00.
Fine Cotton Skirt trimmed with
tucks and deep frill of enebroid-
tery - • • if .$1i0
Fine Cotton town, trimmed with
fine tucking, insertion and em-
Very handsome Gown, trimmed
with real torchon lace and inser-
tion, or with line embroidery and
insertion ..$1 8.
Cateiric and 1Vluslin Embroid.
A Carpet stock that easily ais.
eries and insertions, hundreds
counts any former sno.wing is here
of patterns to select from,prices
for carpet buyer to seleet from'
froth 20 to 50c per yard.
From the cheapest Hemp to the
fine Arninsteis and Brussels we
have a variety you will find it'
-hard to equal. We know bow to
Tivo Specials 'ft
cut; make, and lay carpets with the least. possible walte, and u
make anlay them'free of charge.
From far-off Japan has come /1 big shipment efithese pop-
ular summer floor. coverings. They'll bear comparison with
any you'll get anywhere. All are one yard wide, trait four
price biota
Nen, patterns and cobra,natural Extra good quality and 110W de -
ground with colored etripe .„,,.12.hc signs, red, green, fawn mixtures. 23e
Omen and fawn, blue eta fawn
rawri ground with colored ship, mixed waives, totton warp, line
• cotton warp .... . 014V. OWV*11,10 15e. ...... 300
Two extra,good lines in fitle
Dress Goods that are wot th the
• attention ot Dress buyers :--
6even only dress lengths no two
alike, very stylish goodil, reamed
.56 00
42 -inch all.wool plain Omits .Goode,
•mixed 'colors, will Make a yery
stylish and durable tostume, re.
aimed 80e