HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-20, Page 7. _
..I1'r. 014o. •
Oneeneiterie Remit
IOoluMa .... . ... eta ee Ise 00
Column........ i500 20 00
Colionn•••...1,. 20 00 12 00
1001.unin.. .. . .. .
lb 00 li 00 .
Inch. 600 35U
Arlitneitiii ..170;initni troM 20 to 60 p
For transient. ettvertiseme
Per line for tile first insert
Per" link each euhsequent
. - .. iteUlatrell measure. Profe-ssi
mot exceeding one incih,
annexe. Advertisereents wit
: tfte direetiona will be Int
) fOrbld and charged for ai
i Transient notices-Lo.st,"
"Tor Sale," etc. -.-50 cent: f
sertitht, 24 ;septa for each
' rtmertuna.
TUE zigvv•s-Rgooun wit
-to any address, free of P01
f11.011 per year, payable in.
• CA may be obarged. if
Vile date brit -blob every
la veld is denoted by the
this address , label.. No papa
1 /and until all arrears are
; fet the option of the proprie
I 14, • W.. J. MITCHEL
11 1 'i 1 ' Editor and
upubuo,klevery TIWASIIA
•NzWadtitoete) Printirie Helm'
r •
••• ••••
by Act of Path
R4024 . • •
tr.' • •
• Read Ofilee, - 11°N
• way. littOLSON; 31AC1BERSO
. ir.wourfniswar grnowt.s.s, o
- • Not.esdiebounted, Colleetione
Issued, Sterling • ..and..America
lahight and sold. Interest allow°
•4. .• 1 ioette. •
Iiitet-WFailowed on sums of
• t
' Now, advanced to farmer, o
rote' with one or more endoraers,
lane required sw swami:T.
. 0. BREWER. Mating
0..• D. McTAG
. A General Banking Business
Notes Discounted. Drafts
Interest Allowed on Depo
CLINTON - • .: .,•• - -
' .T.AL•Cf0332 100.41k.lirri .
„ .
Fire. Accident and Life no
ransacted. Represents several
°inmates and any information
gent for the Confederation Life
(Tirane° gladly given, Qotuir
o. Blowy to Loan *anemone&
. .
Office --Palace block, opposit
• ,
Conveyancer.; .ConunisSioner .
• eL.0%. I
Fire insurance. - Re
: Money to Lende
Dr. W. Gunn,
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Et
Offiee---Ontario Street, Clinton)),
calls at front door of residence o
• ' r.• Dr. Wm. Graha
w (Successor to Turnbtj
. Licentiate eftheltoyal College
, ;atm, London, Eng.
Office and Residence, Perrin'
ately occupied by Dr. Turnbull.
• ' •
'Dr. Shaw,
• O'Biew--Ontarlottree!topposit
thumb's 'formerly occupsed by 1)
ton. .
• Office and Residence next to
•Bank, Rattenbury street, Clinton'
-Dr. BRUM,
Surgeon Dona
OFFICE -Over Thyloi's • Sh
Clinton, Ont. Stmciarattentien
%ration of natural teeth.
MR. -Will visit Blyth every Mo
• • Bayfield every Thursday afternoo
- the summer.
Office adjoining- •Poster'elibcito
, Office Hours, ,g t
At 'Zurich the second Thursday
•, . Blackall & Ball,
Veterinary Surgeons, Governmen
inary Inspectors.
Office -..Isaac Street,clintoin Re
Albert Street,
Scott & Melrenzi
Clinton Office --Elliott Y3lock, Isi
Beyfleict Office -Open every Tb
-46.1a ostreet, first door
Post °Woe. Money to I
Osizete Scott, Mo
• E. 06.00.11Otti
Solkitor; !...Y Nettie
bidifineeOver.Davie titiog Store. .
1110ney to
• •O. .Teitiviton,
oar Solicitor, Ceioimissionee,
Orrtor-41eri. Batellten and Ste, An
Petri:tier, Solicitor, Notary Penh
beertca t
Clinton, April 20tb.,1899,
istsekilow, Perhaps They're NeryouS.
A pioneer former tof Kinlose pelted at •
It is related of a nervous clergyman heantilill It k d`
formed the editor that 27 years a• go he that one Saad" l'e anaaanaad Iran' th°
• reading deok: "Here beginueth-l.ho Bee^
did net aetr grain till the 6th of•May
•aud 2$ year. ago it Wae the 8th of the•ond dhapter of the Dune of Bobteron-
seine month before the seed wes eon.. °eV: and When endeavoring to correct
his mistake gasped out: "I mean the
fined to its eerthly bed end thet he never
Boot of Dukerononty." The germs of
had h tt th•
h 'IV
hear *mere complaining -of th late- in the air, for his third attempt was;
member that though the seeding was And then he gave up in despair.
mispronutunetien were evidently lurking
° nem of this spring, but they must re- h B k ea;
in Many owlet! finished by this time
laet year, there was no grovvth of any It may be the fear of just each Ota of
account till about the middle of Moly. nervousness overtaking them at critical.
--Mr. Geo. McIver of Huron and moments that prevents some of those
Miss Gotten of this villa e were united finely -organized personages of nervous
in marriage by the.ltev,- •A. McKay on temperaraent who grace the Government
we4"8,41,7 ofternoon end. tee eappyibaolt benches at Ottawa from sp.eaking.
young couple tett on the hateriet two Once upon a time, and not so leng ago
train for London and other (ogee in tee •either, tbey were very loquaoioua. • In
• Wait... --on • Saturday as Mr, Joh," Ileation and out. of season they were ever .
Reid Of the boundary wet and his two ready to indulge in all sorts of language
• danghters were driving to Lucknow the ln denunciation of their political Opp*.
• horse ran away when coming down the nento. heeaurrent expenditure wae a
bill near ,Pereiziount and threw,tee oe. favorite subject for condeinnation. 'Ihe
cupants of the rig out, but fortunately National Policy evoked the angriest dia-
tueneette 'Wednesdev sit
Polers. '11115Beware'11115 Coin.• ertiRSE SONGS,
Fall Ww
heat ortkItet•to... 07 to 08
Goose Wheat 03 to 03
Barley ..... 0 38 to.0 40
Oats, •0 27 to 0 28
0 60 to 0,63
Rye 0 1)(1 to 0 35
Potatoes,per bush, new,, 0 50 to 0 54
•Butter loose in basket0 D. to 012'
Butter In tub.• 0 13 to 0 13
Eggs per doz 0 09 to C 10
Hey •. 5 50 to 600
Live Hogg,• .4 00 to 4 10
Pork per owt
Dried Apples per lb .. 0
Ducks per lb. . 0
Turkeys per lb •. 0
•Geese per• 0
Chickens per pair • 0
..•• 0
• '"^"*"7"...,• ,
• none of them were injur•ed. rhe horse tribes Th Gayer ment method w re • e •
The Attorney-Generel'a Department
has been Wormed of countertefting op-
erating in the dietricts of IVyanclotte
and Ecorse, in the County of ::T.saex.
The counterfeiting is of fifty•cent pieces.
The counterfeiting is exeellen tly done,
the milling on the edges being perfect,
an le co or is good. Tho piece is
part silver and is a bit heavier' than the
-genuine coin.
• The Pereberen
Normal; Ill., April 14.- Ellis. Dillon
• died here *at evening after a long ill.
00 to 6 00' nese He was famous throughout the
05 toQ 05 ° 'United States and (*nada as the ,ear -
(mita 006 liest and probably the most extensive
•importer ef and dealer in N.ormen 7• to 0 08 • P.m:heron horses. For thitty years he
03°5 ttoo 00 0406 fwittre innthe Union, •
exhibitor at nearly every State
16 to 0 16 • •
90 to 2 lit
•got clear of the rig when the accident 'fulminated against•unsparingly.• What-
•00eurred and ran, nearly to thisilla e•
vever the' Government, then controlled
before -it eras -captured. --Our respect-- y t e onoervatives, was wrong • .
eel Poatmaater andpioneer merchant, Every appointtnent •was job; in every
Mr. Macolin Gaambell, celebrated -his. measure was eonbealed a steal; the whole
eightieth birthday last week on the 411 policy was one of ruinous extravagance
Inst. and his mony, friends throughout and wasteful spending, and caused tears
the country will be pletteed to learn his of agony to mingle with the bitterness
health' is etill as good as usual and with of their vituperatien. ' •
him many returns of the cbsy,---Xr. Toothy.' the noisy declaimere against
l'eter Gerrie an old resident of • the extrav.agance, againstprntection against
fl tovenship of Aslifield has passed almay Scandals against cleats are as silent as
• • aged 77 years and 6 months. --.40, the. deaftanti dumb alphabet.
• •Jetelth isloCoY has " lett for. (Mahon The cost of Government. is greater
• where he has secured a position as file than haa ever been, and not one worcl of
- • uher in the Doherty organ factory.-- condemnation escapes the lips of these
Angus McDougal' of Weak WawonoSh, erstwhile apoetles of economy Pro
. having leased his farm for a term of tection is still largely in evidence, and
years; has, with his family, removed a the valiant ',Free Trader are duinb•strick-
. 'bort distance north ot Luolittow. • en. The roll of placemen is being large-
We keep airkinde of Seed Grain 111
stock and inake a poifit of buying
onlythe best. . •
When . you •woont• Flour give ns a.
• call We buy froni ouetho beet
• . . •• •. ••
. •
Our Groceries are fi esh and our
• stork well assorted. • We sell 2011is
• Of Sug,ar. fee 81, Currants rit.8ceets
per lb.. Raisins it the satue priee,
and Cither.frizits• peoportionntely. •
• . lyaugmented from the Liberal ranks, and • • ' • •
1 Wins,1111,111.
, The town . council pacified motion
for the pluming of a 'by-litve at its next
meeting; Which will'close certain plume
of business at 7 o'clock • every evening,
exeept Saturdays and evenings proceed -
bag o ' aye. , e p ages affected y
• the by-law will be general etores, flour
' and feed, clothiers, hardware, tinware,
• harness shops, jewellers and bookstores
and the principal grocers belie agreed
• to dose their plaaes efnueloest at the,
, hour. indicated by the
• Witighatn Driving , Park Association •
have decided to •open a stake race
for stallions standingloe service in Un-
tario this year on payment of $15 and
open to foe* of. 1900 on that- -payment Of
a small entry fee, to which the •Associa- •
tion add IMO. The stakes will open to
, not a matteriog of disapproval is heardr .TINC_,zik."Nif
• • •
• •
• •
• •
trottere and pacers, the former to .re-
ceive 60 per cent. and the latter 40 per
cent. ofthe main stake,with a consota-
. tion to each. class for non -winners in the
mein take. ---On Wednesday, Harry
son of Freeman Ow was badly bitten,
by a dog. Two dogs were fighting. when
Harry, undertook to separate them.
Just then a third cur appeared on the
scene and [Savagely bit Harry, inflicting
a severe. wound on eine leg.—T. B.
McAndrew, has eugageci for - twelve
months 'with the organization depatt-
meot of the Chosen Friends as Organi.
zee He has not been in the best of
health for some tinie and the change of
occupation Duty be beneficiaL—Last
SaturdayM and M Xd f
Lotter Wingham received the sad news
cif the death of their daughter, Mrs.
Ramsay of Toronto. She had not boon-in-good-healtlefor someAimebut noth-
• -
- We thank our euston1ers
for. their i)atPonage in tile
paste and bem to call their
attention to. our removal
from Combo's block to the
• former stand of Allen &
Wilson. -
Wre heIvo hope to see them all
and Tee cuttomers too. We
• keep pi stock Groceries •of all
kindei Flour, Seed Grain, etc
• A poet in the reeteprime
And blithe and dewy morn of time,
When song wee natural ar,treath.
Three songs sent -forth i•••• Isla with death,
And one he made to plea*• the crowd.
It pleased them, 4ind hiu praise was loud;
11 pleated them greatly for a day, •
.And then its musio died awSY
And one he made to please the few.
ved a century or two;
Twas sung within the halls of kings. .
• Then vanished with fcrgotten things.
And one lie made to please himself,
Without a thought of fame or pelf, .
But split it forth with doubt and. fears, .
• And it outlastedall the year.
No other song has vital breath
Through endless time to light with death
Than that the singer sings apart
• To please his aolitary heart.
-New York San,• .
Lucius Lobdell bad married. one of
the sWeetest girls in the world, but he
le:am.ed to looe sight of that fait is socin
tole found himself bound to her for
A good' many things were neoesiiary
two years after their marriage to keep
Mr. ob e from ndh3g life burden-
some. Among these were four olubs,
several the horses, which. he handled
himself at tliu"gentleinen'o matinees,"•
and the privilegt: of going and•ooming
when he pleased. '
11 Beatrice Lobdell grieved because
of his neglect, she did ao in the strictest •
memo, and succeeded in retaining bar
beauty though it all. °
It was whispered, however, that she
didn't care, but there is a great deal of
whispering in soMety that. -hi unwar-
ranted. °Mainly Mrs. Lobdell znight
have had admirers if she had watited-
them. Indeed she 014 have theizi, but
they had to adiaire from a die:anus un,
The national debt is incteasing, and not , . . ........_
til George Whitford arrived upon the
onset these wordy warrjors expostulat-
ed. Deals are oonsufritnatsfd by their
iiettaedlirs, sand their: silence * eroquenc43
IS it the fear of netvous prostration -
the danger of unintentionally denounc-
ingh • f • instead
ponerits-the poesibility of. the confusion
of their novel position leading to 'awk-
ward con tre tem p.s --that i el poses silence
where righteous indignation once found
vent, that, denian:as stillness and quiet
where .once . tenting :and roaring ()Quid
only dojustice to the occasion, that res
quires :soft whisperings 'Where puce
bitter invective only' • would•answet ?
The example of the; unfortunate elergy•-•
man nes evidently not been lost on
these mighty' talkers, and they disereet-
ly reMainquieseent while the very tbings
hey (ornaerly condenined are perpetu-
ated in an aggravated forme And this
lathe new Liberalisna.-Montreal Star.
• ,
. wheat It is made by the 'most ion-
PrOved process and the quality
NIAltBIAGES. beats the price, $1.90 per cwt.
Oppoeite, the Market; Clinton .
. • •
1311A110.8...:OF . FLOUR...
. Thiele on elate" high grade of (lour,.
tnede from all Manitoba wheat; it
.. -makes. More bread- per cwt, than
• any Other flour and won't run or
'crack.- This • is a firet.class • fleet:
• Oats: We -.can • with• Confidence' re-••
• .
. edam:end. ••. • •• • • •
As a family fleet the Ki tcheregneen
•ensurpoiseed,- ' It rises well and
• the bread htiids• nioiStOre well.
• . •
Those who have inatle one porehn's8
• of the: Kitchen: Gbieen 'have. come.
• ' • back for more.: : .. • ,
• • . . •. • . •
aaILrIIrr £'%a,
• : ••
. D ou It To- S e6 sPe4t. LA: 0.8,, 1;114 jellied. ' a fashions.-
.. •ble farnily club, not that Mr. Lobdell:
. • • •• . - eared for it, but he wanted his Wife to
. : v r . . _...,.:. •••• ...7;..._,... . tome oicins place where atte•couldenjoy
• .,•• •• herself while he was not with her.
. ....... . „.., ,.• _...„... . .. You see, he was a ,kiocl hearted; hhival-
- .',.'" . ....,, ..,.-..e.te • t roue foliose in spite of the fact that it
" ,,.. •---- • •••• *"•
herhim tn be union in the presence
.. __._:... -.,::.... ,; y _ , .--:- 1 of the. beautiful Young woman he had
.,:.„:::: y t....,-* - e '
•--7,.1-7 ;:
,-%,-„z , onoeM
,loVed in adly. • . . ..
, . . . ._-- . . -. . -.,•- F-•'-o.,-4-72e--; F. •. The whale trouble if Yeti must know. . . - -,„ . . . . .-...-.: _w •• °. _-. .
.i.,„...-- , ;t•Jeite. . it, •wairthat they were unsuited to each
'other. -Mrs. Lobdejl had a Mete for tbe
,• •This is a cheaper brand, a coinbiniio
tion •f 0 ti d M it I
• These brands can only be had from us. Take
BitoADHAGAN'--Ti0nNTON4-A the Rec-
• tory, Seafortb, Tuesday, Aprij )1 th,
• by B.V. Rural Dean Hodgint, Her-
mon Broadhagan, of Hullett, to
Mise Mary Thornton) Of MoKillop.
• Moone--Hurreelt-In Brusselse•
On Wed-
neaday, April 5th, by Rv. S., J..
Allan, Eli Moore, of Trowbridge to
Alms Floranae • I dim hter of' A,
•EDWARDA--li Ram -At the parsonage, Elim.
. .., g .
Hunter, of Brussels.
. -
ville, on Wednesday April 5.A.Iso
th, Dart. CiiiIcire. rt'sClothing
. •
,us Edwards, of the, townehip of Mc- • '
, • i ivray, 0 ism Elien Jemima .• a . Your Patronage Solicited.
• ing
--ZIREL. T. bleILVBEINT serious was feared, • • 11 icksv-daughter -df-Deniei -
Krlafrrotliii).iceOlotti:lilliridarlo'g'litit°01."..?•fT:;zgl:.' aro
o a erne owns
Sheitent-Lestin-At .the residence or -m ,„• „'
, the bride's mother, by the Rev. J. Albert and whitebead Streeto!..,
'• Brussels. •W. Magwood, on the 4th inet; Mr.
• . A pretty vredding was celebrated- at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Hunter on Wednesday evening last,
• when their daeghter,Mitte Florence Isa-
bel) was Married to Eli-Xoore, a pros.
•"permit young farmer of Elma township,
a brother of M. 112Attoore,V. S. of Brine
sets and James Moore, a former proprie-
tor of the Herald, The ceremony was
performed by Rev. S. J. Allin. • The
bride looked prettytti. dress of white
• organdie and carrying a handsome bo-
• quet of white roses end was given away
, by • her brother. Hilton,. he
• yoang couple will make their home on
tee 6th concession of Elam a few miles
from Atwood, where they begin life
Mathew W. Shitypin, oi Gortie;to
- Miss Mary C. -Leslie, of Egre wont
MeKee-Atinsitsotr-At •the residence
• of the bride's •father by A. B. Dob-
son, on Thursday, April 6th, Mr. W.
• S. McKee, to Miss Maggie Ander-
• son, youngest daughter of•Mr. John
• Anderson, 9th con. Howiek.
, .• MIMS. "
Guam -In Clinton, on April 16th, the
wife of Henry Glazier) of a son.
Cauontr-In Brussels, on April 911, the
, wife of D. A. (Auden, of a daughter.
Petitag--Iti Wingham. on Friday) March
71h, th. wife olE. P. Pauiin of ason. JACKSON
under very favorable oireumstanoes.---- Gita.nerna--In Wingliam, April 06, Mrs. Ws JA
The death occurred at Walton on ohm. Goteergeiof eon.,
have taken good situations and four
positions remain unfilled. ••
• •
• •
• -s. ''''.*" •
. • ..,.. " toe. artistio. Her husband was not inclined •
, -..--• :411 that way. He was one of the best lima-
' r • e°•-..., - tour drivers in town -no one knew the
• ....lb' .i.,,...
- fine points About a horse better than he
' _. --e-
- , Re beIongrrerzdzlitovItthi; athletic) club, bad
, been known to walk seven Miles through
'. :` ' . Those eyes oz yours are neeocrideZe tokezetvaefuoree
probablyovertaxedand if you medal on the'8elf MI6.
• ' • - 2 . Beatrice Lobdell'a -entlansitisra over
have not found it out yet,. you, rare old prints, Fitzgerajd'i rendering
will eoon ao .s.c.: . '1-repare for of the 'Rubyfat, and all that sort of
the future by taking care of the thing seemed silly -to him. •
eemBnateioel etvheilnin_g_vviten she had ac -
present. Defective . vision iS wimiliertopn:irtytoet tthhee
ea4i1y cured, unless of • lop" ThuPrsdayeeivuebn,ing coti On
Standing. . 'On". large stook of 4:)Plieus she • met George Whit-
, •foid. He danced with her and talked
lenses and frarn es, coin men about things in whioh she was interest -
"W i t h our knoWledge.of how to tdei:.:, nque.-.tzroitoinid. quota40tareo.f LFeihtzeiraeledZia
fit them properly, insures •you
. 'voina.3 ttbil'tiVefTebweiarOsi,14wyergelarcrdto togoa permanent benefit and not
merely t6nporai.y relief... '. Met hint.. • .
After that it beoame-ronstomary for
. •' Charges moderate. • Beatrice Lobdell to attend the Thurs.
day evening parties with tbe Wimber.
. A , (1 , li' 100 :-...-- , tOtted81111, 00.0:80prteuouTylutfpoorndlor)lt:
"No ot.ry that you have to tell me,"
be said, "could be wrong."
She looked at water eolor upon es
wall and asked;
"Have yoe ever eetioed how that
rtist failed in hilt foreshortening?"
"Rang tbat artist!" Whitford ex.
elaimecl. "You know you are net inter-
ested in his piottire, Say that you.vvill
tell me the story. Do it for ley sake.
With It know I could make the world.
lieten." . •
• She looked up at him, aud after they
had peed into each other's eyes for a
'• Intimetik sbe replied:
; "Well, some day perbapa."
"Ohinere you are." exclaimed a man
• to whom Mro. Lobdell was engaged for
the next dance, "Come on; they've be-
•George Wbitford sat alone for awhile
and then went into the- ballroom •to find
. Afro. Wimberton wetting for him. He
•had forgotten that his name was upon
her oard for that number.•
• It *ma lofig week for Whitford, that
• next one, and there wile a ' huge ;Berm- ,
pointment for him at the end of it,• ,• .
• When Airs. Lobdell arrived at the
• Orphene club, her husband was with
her. • •• , •
But Luoins.-Lebdell was not •one of ••
. those selfish fellews• that keep their
. •
• pretty wives all to then)selves at danc. • •
. ing parties. He put his time upon the •
• cards it peyote] married ladiert as a raat. •••
ter of•Auty.and then tubed in among _
• the young folk, 'for he had 'a fondness
for girl espeoially as dancing portnem.
So it was not long before Whitford
• had an •opportunity to lend Beatrice
Lobdell into the refreshinent room and •
from there to a little nook dff one of the .
parlors. • •
• "I believe," he eaid,2'that there is
• pinch a thiug• as fate, and that I am one. •
Jot Its victims:"
. .”Yes,". she replied, "I know there ie
ouch a thing as fate,•and it has many
. victWimbs;did he come this e • Vening?
Whitford asked. after they had been el- •
'salt? looking et 'erten other for awhile. •
• "I don't' know," ehe' answered. "He • .
proposed 4- himself.
• • ••
"I Was afr,aid, he mid, that you
• had esked bin). tO come:"•• •
"No ; I never estehint ha go anywhere
NiltilDmo ;On buOw that I have been think-
into out a story during' the past few
clan" Whitford said, "which, I teney.
must. be Very.like the one you have '
promised in tell WO some time?" •
"'Have you?" obe . replied, looking
away, from him and toying with the
eord•attached to card.. • ,-,- •
Yes. Shan I 'give You the. outliAs
of it?" • --o-o••-•. • •
"Oh, let us wait until , sore° ether
time!" • ' ' •
'No, let me tell it now," he urged. •
•• She looked up at him 'in a pleading
wet' and said: . •• • •
"Please not•now. I must not hear it '
"Tut you will some time." .•
• "Perhaps." , .
'''''W0h13,enwPas rend: Wait- n long, l'ong.
UR.," ' • . -
"No, I shall net wait," be deolared.
• "It is the story of a man and a woraan,
ora man who wasalways orriving tob
• late, of a woman who was sweet and
good and beautiful. who"-• • •
• "No, nol" she: interrupted, Her
jeweler` and Optician,.......rfava a pity," be said to her one
•• evening when they were "sitting oat a
dance in the parlor, "that you were
. • homily Irecury."
Special Notice. ..WhY?" she asked.
As our business is now conducted on a cash
. basis, our goods will bo sold at the lowest cash
prime. 'we quote as samples :-
Toilet Sete at.... e5 60, we& et 00
, Toilet Sots at • 4 50, wait 6 50
• Dinner Sots at........ 10 00, were 12 60
• Dinier Sots at 60, woro 10 00;
. . ,
WM+ the "host" In thb bueineesorthort-
hand education. In fair competition our 'grad.
notes • are nearly always chosen while others
aro turned aside. Enter now. • Circulars free.
• - t , W. S ELLIOTT Principal?
.• . . •
' Thursday of Mrs.' Fred. -frhomson of tvlooeu-In Winghatn, April gth Xra.
Goderich. Deoeased was a daughter Of
•'Mrs, McKibben of Walton and was
taken ill about a month ago vvhile at
• Wiarton.—The youngest daughter of
Itev. D. k. X :Rae of Cratibrook died
.on • Sunday from • att attack of apinal
meningitis. , She was in her fifth year
and the parenta have -the sympathy of
• the entire conarounity in their bereave-
'Tax Etemptious.
• The law vehich up to a short time ago
enabled two-thirds of the members of
the Municipal Commit to grant tax ex
• p ee c ange tuna-
•. councils (gantlet tiOW grant such ex-
emption until two-thirds of the oleo:store
on tilt:trail' of a municipality have de-
olared faVor of it at it general muniee
•pal or opecial election.
Stanley ifreWlisItti Connell!.
&tinier council Wet on MondaY A ill
10th, with all the members 'Present. The
appointment Of pathrnasters, potind-
keelpera and fenceviewers was (warm-
ed by by-law. The clerk was instruct-
ed to write for prices on gravel screens,
11 being thought advisable to screen oo
gravel taken from some of the pits. The
Telegraph company tire to be notified to
remove any poles which are in the
ditch on the Bayfield Road and other
parties havtng rendes seeon read allow-
atiOe are to have them removed, 0011n.
oil meets as a 00arb of revision on the
*amassment roll at lo ohileole On Monday
Mey 2011i and tor general business in the
oltornoon.-.1. ZOAratto, Cleat.
Ebner Moore, of a datignter.
Ilowaue-In Exeter, April 5th, the wife
of Edward Howard, of a daughter,
GAISDR-In Crediton, on the 71,h inst.
the wife of Wm. B. Geiser, of a on.
Ramor--South Boundary, Stephen, on
the 7th inst., the wife of Wm G.
Reilly, of a daughter. -
HurrAnte-At Centralia, on the 81h irist,,
the wife of Win. Rh:Wade, of A
Bert.ene-In Winthrop, on Tuesday,
April Ilth, the wife of John Bullard,
blacksmith, of a amt.
Basnwar-On April 41b at Mount View,
204 Catharine street south, Remit-
• toto to Mrs and Mr, Frank W. Brad-
' Win, a daughter. '
MeIettes-InGielY, on Sunday, April Oth,
Mrs. Janet McInnes, aged 83 years.
Tuottsofir-In Walton, on • Thursday,
April 6th, Afro, Fred Thomson, Aged
' 34 years and 9 Torahs.
Monson tr In Morris, on Monday, . A *1
10th, Aaron McFadden, aged .41
yearce 10 months and 27 ilaye. •
MoRts-In Cranbrook, on Sunday April
• lith, Xituriel Doneldt, youngest
' daughtettof Rev. D. B. Moltae, aged
4 years, 8 months and 6 dap!,
Tsart.ott-rn Rullet, on Thursday, April
I3111, Mrs. Robert Taylor, aged 83
years and 9 months. .
Ittnity-In Toronto, on April Rh, Mary
Atte, wife of Herbert Ramsay, daugh-
ter of Peter Murdoch, Lower Wing -
ham, egad 20 years,5 months.
CAMPIDILL-Iti Whiteohurch, April Ilth,
Slizebeth, wife of Thos. Oampbell,
mod 16 years.
at, 'Eutaw or one miaisi
• otaisteatua.
• ACENT 0. P. R. •
Through tickets issued to all polkas in •••
Baggage cheoked through. For all
information in reference to travil con-
sult the above
Colonist Excursion
Canadian Northwest
Will leave TORONTO via NORTH riet± at
3.15 p. m. and 9 p.m. each TUESDAY during
April suillciont business 'oilers).
COLONIST SI21.11EPING OARS`for Passengers
0 21:7:iilLyntNoltil;8071101,21,73iptit.4. f ).1 nrt t't ailtegraothdt:Witori
With ordinary. ba
u 05
mums urn...L. nro Pugh; in • these ears, and
eah be clammed by peasengare on application
to Grand Trunk Agents.
Tioketa,, rates and all information from
Agents of Grand Trunk Itailwey System
M. 0. Dieltamt. D. T. A... Toronto
• A. 0. Pattison, G.T.It. Agent, olinton.
P. It. Redone, G.T.Tiokat Agt., Clinton.
Do you want a Piano, Organ, or any
kind of musical goods? 11 80, call and
see us; We can supply you with the
fittest instrifinents at the right price.
Let tue'quote you prices on whet you
may want.
Our leaders are the •Belt; Httintzman
and Morris Pianos. Distributin cen
superlatively sweet and riCh Itej;intt,
our own make of Dulcimers ;Lod Auto-
harps, Sheet Music, Mouth Organs end
htege variety of other instruments.
Pictures'in great variety for sale.
P• os tuned musically mid seientifl-
tre for the 'noted Doherty Organ .the
y corrode, action regulated, new
Ingo kept in stock and put on. (In-,
actions taken free' leading. tuners
I at!) not spiting' my fruit term, but,
having labor and capitol to run it, un-
der Providential blessing I hope to
supply Strewherries, Roney, Cherries,
Peotitaird Plume in peat abundance
to the public,
Will be open afternoons.
• "if it had been otherwise you Would
have added something to the world's
_ literature that would hate° lived. The
b - y • un or unit e in
yo'rlirDcoaseo.n"reall th• k h "
"I atu Mire Of it,"
• Whitford WWI beginning to be khown
in the world of lettere as a novelist and
rove-eve...He was young, handsome and
,LIOG WIWI] of a, favoritewith men. But
most Woulen regoirded him as interest-
Mrs. Lobdell looked at him earnestly
"Terilaptil would have been happier,
too," she said, "if / had been compelled
to do sometbing more than sit around
and feel that Ow life was going to
78'134.hy not do it anyway?" be asked
after awhile, "Suppose we collaborate
cin"aIiitt°hrillt"• ," line answered, "that
• Could give you the outline of a otory
that would Interest the world.'
There was something in her tone -it .
tinge of wistful eadness-that brought
the colon to his cheeks. He bent for-
ward eagerly to make it reply, but she
hurriedly rote, oaying: • • •
• "0 , • e e e any
lcuillgeerio'lilowed her book to the ballroom,
and when they parted that eveniOg he
ptessed bet heed Von'y gently, while his
heart went at a violent pitoh,
She aeoicled hit look ancl eaid"Good-
by" instead of "Good night." .
George Whitford waited fer their
next meeting with boyish impatience,
and When the evening arrived it gad-
denly matured to hint that elle might
not come. In that Ortte he didn't know
what he would do. But when the Wire-
liertons put In an appearanoe Vise
with theme -and he tieW that her oheeks
reddened when he vent forward to
greet her.
• Ito Managed before long to lend her
away from the oroWd. Then he asked:
"When ere yea ping to give ma that -
atorttyou spoke of?"
She looked at him as if Wm were
frightened and answered almost in n
V111414:3Yriftil 4
b4:14,44tio Xt would bo wrong.'
cheeks were ablaze, nor voice was loW
and tremulous, and she looked eagerly
for a chance to get peat hina.
• "No, no; you Must not ten me any
More!, I" •
"13eatrice," said ber husband behind .
her,A • n ag for
She took 1110 arta and went. '•
"What on earth were you talking .••
about tothat fool?" he asked as they
•walked away.
She looked up atnira. There was an
angry frown upon his face, anoh a look
as ahe had not seen there since she bad
• /Ierhbeat joyously. Stie felt as
if she were being carried along by him.
She knew thatite time jealone •
As• for George' Whitford -oh, well,
he woe only a man anyway 1-4plevaland
Leader, •
Old Dundee. •'
• Where docks now line the ViVek front
and merchantmen .float shaggy ;lathes
• paddled their little croft and fished.
They were hardy and adventurous, and,
content neither with gathering shellfish
oti the shore nor with hooking the •
salmon and sperling; they attacked and
captured the larger visitorelto the firth,
notably the porpoise. They hunted, too,
and, with Newton from the forests and
beymid the law and Min from the river,
no doubt fared atimptuously every day.
• These hunters and fishermen Heed on
Tayside at a period so remote that the
most eautiouti gums concerning it taked
on it shade of reokleerinese Leas then 20
years ago they Were found to have left
a record of themselves in it :rubbish
heap known in scientific) noineuolature
asa "kitchen Midden.” Raking through
the debris of the life primeval dieoloied.
says Afr.,Lainb, "shallot of edible mol-
lusks mixed with a quantity Of burned
wood. pieces of bone artificially aplit
porpoiee bones, deers' horns and stens
implements. No doubt Was thois left
of the occupation and mode of life of
the mittens.
Now OonleS the renlarkable Part of -
the story. The "midden" Wile covered
with earth 12 feet deep "either deteitus
or the result •of a landelip," and eight !,1
feet above it the exotivatoro found 12
atone ooffine of the Romen ere. "Ages
must have eloped," sari the antiquary,
"between the dine 'when the Stanner- .
gate witelnhabited by these eerly &her.'
men and the gene period, when the in-'• •1
termenta took place." -Good Words. ,
Good nell,1114144 For yt
, 1
. I
"wily do you ooualderbfni ant* a 10-•
markt* trout?"
"Oh, be..onee wrote an anonymoutf,
interview MI a Utieetiois before thepeople
without asoribibg it to 'a prominent'
Oen who obJeits to the use of his Wan.:
for Obvious reasons. ".',-401ticage Post,