HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-16, Page 8.15Ao1:'MORr-•-THE BLYT11 STANDARD—JANUARY 16, tgo°.
The Creat Retiring Sale
... Still Continues
Don't forget this Great Retiring Sale is still going on, and will continue until every dol-
lar's worth in the store finds a new owner. While it lasts you can't buy anything here you
won't save money on, There are Dry Goods in plenty you want right now while we have
winte. You can save beyond question if you buy them here.
You will be wanting laces and embroideries, cottons, lawns, sunnier underwear and
hosiery in two or three months at the most, You will have to buy them then beyond doubt.
Yoti,can save 20 to 35 per -cent on every dollar's worth you buy here and now, Isn't that a
saving worth while. Don't put off. Anticipate your wants. "1'he minute the sale is over
the chance is gone for none can sell at these prices all the time.
Here are some good things for this week. Some big, some little, all money savers,
Tape 2 bunches for 5c
liundrede of bunches of White Cotton Tape, all
widths, the same as wo have been selling right along at
5c, for retiring sale now 2 handiest for 50
Pearl Buttons 7c
Extra line Pearl Buttons, 2 to 4 holes, assorted sizes,
regular 12$ and 1Sc, special for retiring stile per dcz7c
Handkerchiefs 4 for 25c
Men's Turkey Red Handkerchiefs, large size, toed
quality, regular 10c, for retiring sale special 4 for ,..,25c
Ion Initial Handkerchiefs 25c
Ladies' and Childron's Initial Handkerchiefs, made
from good quality muslin, hemstitched edges, regular 10c,
special for retiring sale 5c
5c Pins 2 papers for 5c
2Q0 papers good quality Pins, 865 in each paper, as-
sorted sizes, oxu'a quality for retiring sale, 2 papers,. .50
Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs
2 for 25C
Gentlemen's very fine quality Linen Cambric Hand-
kerchiefs, fine round even thread. We havesold them at
25o right along. Clearing the last for retiring axle at
2 for Ole
35c Hose 25c
.hist about 1). pain of these stockings lett. Good
quality cashmere, ribbed, double knee, standard Ile
quality, for retiring sale special per pair.. ,. •...,.. •, •2le
i yt
Cashmere Hose 19C
Probably 50 pair of this line left, Nice Quality
Ladies' Castnmer° Hose, soft finish, an extra good line et
25c, for retiring sale special 19c
Dress Shields 9c
Good Quality Stockiwotter Dros3 Shields, size 2 or 8,
12t and 15c are the prises we sold them for, retiring sale
per pair no
Great Saving
on Fur Coats
We have probably 12 or 15 Ladies' F'ur Jackets
and Fur•iined Coats. They are all up•to•dato sty.
lish garments, mode from Al quality fur, the kind
you have always been used to buying here ; we
wculd like to get them turned 1030 money right
away and are will to take net cost or even a little
less for tory of them in order to do it. It' you have
any notion at all of fur coat buying we will give yon
n bargain, here are three samples to show you
what wo are willing to do.
Number r
8 Ladies' Fur -lined Coats, good quality black shell
with fur collars and reveeo, regular 852, for retiring
sale 830 50
Number 2
Just one Ladies' Bleck Fur•lincd Coat, a llama et
that has style to it and will be both comfortable end A
good wearer, regular 887, for retiring stile. .,„$20,SQ
Number 3
This is the best Fnr•lined Coat the Lave, a really
beautiful garment made from extra quality broadcloth,
very choice lining and collar. It was $85, now for re
tiring sale .......... .... ..........................100
Ladies' 25c Linen Handkerchiefs
2 for 25c
Ladies' extra fine quality Pure Linen Hendkelchiefs
one of our best lines, We hare a few ton ninny of I hem,
They have always sold at 25e a pinna, Commencing Sat-
urday for retiring side, special 2 fur 25e
A "Quarter off” the Whitewear
We have a very good assortment of Ladies' White Underwear, Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns and Skirts
They have all been put out on a table at the back of the store and Nhiie retiring sale lasts you can have on
of thein at a straight quarter off regular prices, You will he buying these goods from somebody before long
and yon will pay full price for them If you don't buy here and now,
Pillow Cases 17c
120 Pillow, Cases made from very good quality Eng -
Halt pillow cotton, hemstitched ends, 40, 92, 44 and 40
inch, regular 25e, for retiring sale special each 17c
Mantle Buttons 2c
Bantle Buttons at 2c. Dozens end dozens of differ-
ent kinds. .A clean up of 11 rhe Button stock, Choice
of them all commencing Saturday at 2c
48 inch Lawn 12yc
Extra fine quality India Lawn, 48 inches wide,
(Take a note of the width), round oven thread, speeiel
for retiring sada per yard . 1'2 e
1210 and r5c English Cotton at roc
Very fine English Cotton. full bleached, soft cambric
finish, round oven thread. jr.s' the thing for fine sewing,
special for retiring sale per yard.....................lOc
25c and 300 Embroidery 15C
2)0 yards of fine Embroideries, assorted widths and
qualities, regular 20c, 25c and 80c, clearing out for retir
ing sale at per yard 15c
Laces 2 yards for 5c
Hundreds of yards Cotton Torclnon Laces and Inset.
tions, various widths antYtjualities, clearing for retiring
sale at 2 yards for t. ,:.. 5c
Fancy Braids 5c
Hundreds of yards of them, Fancy Dress Trim-
ming Braids of all kinds. We want to make x clean
sweep of the stuck so have gathered these all together
and put on the bargain table Saturday at your choice
per yard 50
Great big bargains in Coats. Not so many of them now and everyone an undoubted
bargain. We simply must and will sell them inside of the next week or two. Not even half
price will we ask for them to do it, so you can see just what kind of bargain is awaiting you.
15.00 and 17 50 Mantles for 7.25 4,15 for Mantles that sold at 9.0o and 10,00
The last that are left of our best selling lines, Rome Ladies' Mantles that sold at 88.15, $0 and 810, not
blanks, some Colors, allnaw thio season, regular 415 and they go Saturday at your choice 84,15
$17,50, ottt tlbO3' go Saturday at your choice... $7.25
s' Half Price 12 0o and 13.5o Mantles for 5.25
i;to new 'this season, good stylish gar- All stylish up -lo -date garments, made for thissee-
e i made, faultless in fit, do matt, r what the son's trade, regular prices %vera $12, 813 and 818.50, black
former price was, just hid( of:that is what we ask now, or tweeds, out they go Saturday at your choico,...$5.25
Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $10 or ov
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Drunure, says:
"I took 4 or 5 bottler of Pyyehtao,
and a cough I had continually fag, nine
months disappeared. It is the beet
remedy for chronic coughs that I ever
Thousands of living witnesses pro-
nounce Psyching the greatest medicine
la the world. It is not a patent medi•
cine, but a proscription of a great phy
Malan. Put it to the teat in arty
ease of throat, )0o4 or stomach trouble
or any run down or weak condttioe. At
all druggists, 50e anti 41.00, or Dr, T.
A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
OHOROH 9401'100,
'rho Pastor of'St. Andrew's will
conclude hie series of sermons on
Daniel on Sunday evening,
* a *
The annual meeting of St, An-
drew's church will be held on Mon-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, The
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be observed on Sabbath, Feb. 2nd,
0 ,F
All arrangements are complete for
Auburn Presbyterian Anniversary
nn Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,
It le probable that Blyth will be well
represented, especially on Monday
evening. ;
* a *
Owing to Mies Ella Anderson,
organist of St. Andrew's church, be-
ing absent from her duties, on ac-
count of rheulnatiem in one of her
hands, Miss Amy Elder is officiating
at the church services.
You May
Need It
Ask your doctor about the
wisdom of your keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house,
ready for colds, coughs, croup,
brauchitis. 1f he says it's all
right, then get a bottle of it
at once. Why not show a
little foresight In such matters?
Early treatment, early cure.
A W. eu►u.a nae rerrWs
N. haslet 40.1"4hers Ram we W41ea,
Ws' ueea tau M
awet ewe
Many a boy is called dull and stupid,
when the whole trouble Is due is a taty
liver. We firmly believe your own doc-
tor will tell you that an occasional dose
of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a greet
deal of good. They keep the liver active.
—•+Y 4. by t50.0. ALM 00„ Lawes, IIaaa.—
Enter Any Time
Onr management trains more
Bookkoepere, Stenographers and
Telograph rs than nny other in
Weeterp °uterlo, No extra °barge
for two eoureee.
Most eminently qualldnd instrue•
tore, Graduates' assisted to good
positions. Other colleges engage
our graduates se teachers.
Individual lnstruotioo.
Marl Courses In Matriculation,
Civil Service, Penmanship, Short.
band, Bookkeeping, etc.
Send a postal for Information
about Canada's Greeteet Chain of
High-grade Business Colleges.
A. Q. Bibner, M. A., Ph, D,
Vice Principal.
Geo. Spotton, Prlt.clpal.
in Hardware, Tin-
ware, Stoves and
Double Barrel Gun $10, now 85.99. Green Bone Cutter $121
now 80 ,40.
Spraymotor Pump $15.50, now $9.99. Jewel Cast Range $�{, now 887.79.
Jewel Oak Heater 812.60, pow 69,00, New Century \Vashe•$7,5O, now $5.89,
Folmar Wqu
asher 87.50, now 85.49. Oil Cloth Serell 41.25, now 75e.
Cold Blast Lantern 75c, now'10u. llod,v Bell $2,2W naw 41.49,
Large Teem Bells 10e. Crosscut 1 '' 5i loot, guaranteed,
Good Chopping Axa , w r,9c• 84.5 0, Obw 89. 00,
Plow900Pnooints 15c to 25c as long.yy they last.
As our stock is limited come early and have your choice.
Four Horse Head For Sale.
SUBSCRIPTION price to all United
States subscribers is $1,50 a year
payable strictly in advance.
tlliott Business College
Toronto, Ont.
and prepare for nret•otass business posh
'Ione saieh as are op.n to our andante,
llundreds of our students are going into
good positions every Jeer, Let ue train
you for one. we will do it right, Wtn•
ter term opens Jan. 6th. Write for oats.
loam and see wherein we excel ordinary
Madness colleges.
Location of College --
Corner Youge and Alexander Streets.
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
February 7th, 1908
March 6th, - 1908
April 3rd, - 1908
All the leading horse and cattle buyers
are specially Invited to attend. Let
everybody come. Welcome to all.
A. W. $LOAN, President.
WM, JACKSON, Vice President,
J. LESLIE KERB, Secretary.
DEAD the oda. in THE, STANDARD
Ewan & Co.
for an up•to'date cutter. Special prices
for two weeks on cutters. All hand -
Matto end any color of paint, Filth()
Box and Portland Cutters and ell trim-
luluKs to lift oat.
Must Be Sold
to make roost for 150 buggies which
Ewan it Co. ere making for 1908,
Don't miss this bargain at
Ewan & Co's.
Brussels Up•to-date Carriage
Ail riga are guaranteed to be the best
of materiel and workmanship and
never hove been beat et any exhibit,
The big Furniture Dealers of Clinton offer special reductions to the people of Blyth and vicinity, Your expenses paid both
ways and the goods delivered to your door without extra charge as we I ave our Own rips for the purpose. We guarantee you
a staving of 20 per sent, which means 9120 on the $100 purobaee,
Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90.
Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to $40.00.
We have theboet ec elpment it western Ontario, the best rubber hearse outside of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a
saving of "'420 on the outfit. Our 'phew) number Is 28. Night or day any call will receive Immediate attention.
We handle the heat. General repreeentetives for the Gourley, Winter & Leeming. Your credit fs good, any terms you want.
Be sure and hunt us up when you want anything in our line. We will make it pay l ou.
The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. - 'Phone 28