HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-13, Page 81 ME MANTON NEWS -RECORD, APRIL 18, 1899 Somebody has said that MWD. Fair waa kGodericle on good adveitising is Monday. Mies Florence Whitely Of Londeshoro Miss:Maggie McCloskey wee visiting V wee visiting in town laet week, friends here the Pest week- --Mies Porter's 11111' NIIM!!!! TV!!! 11!!!!!!! MIMI? .11?Ilftff lifillItt ritml Mrs. Beckwith of Witigham wae visit- Cress and Mr. Will Elliott were ting ' A J cksOn..Br-os,!. .DER:4uopqvxpiiytT.T4L,STORE, CLINTON judicious boasting. ing old friends in town laet week. relatives in Egmouciville last week,— tW,- . Miss Evelyn Smith of Bayfteld was the Mi. Thos. Wats has sold about thirty 'Pe" . guest of Miss Gueele Tayler over Sun, twee of hie bush on the 4th eoncession %Reel IMv boesting ft little over the dee= . ton 1101siber 44 femme around here, i . Miss Bawl Murdock of Heniall wits the Prices ranging aboilt aifid 40 aci te— dew:wallies 'effect precleeee by artist guest of Mrs. J.11 Heaver and, Mrs, 'The inatly friends of Mr. P. W. Currie = , 00143 013 tile ;town Bath Stage with a Morrill' this week. ' will be pleased to /tette that he is itn. ,, _ se Ittr, john Jardine of FaegoeleTorth Das proving. ---Mr. Geo, Weston and Mr. BeloOthiri freen one Wan Meogloge, A 4 • kota, is visiting at his eister s, Mrs. ea& Elliott are making maple syrup WAS a 04111111(.1t wbieh came easily with, Arthur TwItchell st in Mr, S. McDougall bush. --Mee Mr. t le anis a4 y QC 110W all wee scare Mies Beetle Brown an Miss Kate . • . • Inspector Ed, Flotaly WAR in the Wade preached in Itethanr on Sued McLeod of Bayfield spent a few days at •• • Miss May Bell has retu value as ye know we are able to reed from Lon, Mr. Tees, neteiete lase week.--Mss--Msscan supple. There are not many deal,. desboro where she had been spend. Nellie McDougall Is visiting relmeives I ao - en- Itt_ ers who can ielace at your command Hal Ing herr E"ter. holidays. here. --Mr. Peter McDougall h • M. George booth, at present an em. 1 gaged Mr, Walter McLennan for the aesortinent in color, design and voyee of the o. f., will leave on i coming harvest,__emise Kee tee: a y 04...40frike11116,1100111wilielipe44010,111101100.1~1101114:11-12frlikr4elielbelholike 4141..4114, veeetreeteeteeese eeseseevereeetesteei,..41.,,,,,......iivor 4 Ia11ed I• the,0,000., good sample of what our astiorttment ing for an illicit ettil. ueeday rieet for Deuphus, Men, worth of tiplereeviele was eisiting wee. r„ do, Miss =ye Actions, who has been the ber uncle's, Mr. It 10. Potteretast week. Bring us your Wall Paper wants no guest of Miss Bell for the past week, --Mr. lames Sterling is still having matter how important or unimportent returt to Ilndesbero yesterday. pleasant times and pletteantsmiles.-- Iand you will find our prices as reason', and t nell and Cleric Lane visited the orchards now. ount omen lore Mater, Torrence, r. °lenient Newton is betsye•pruning se - able as our assortment is cotepleteclilapuse of Refuge otticia,lly last Fri, . • . We have essuredle met the public Mies Gussie Taylor ,reteeertecl to Oc4e- Giderick T911,3100, . fancy accutettely and pleasingly this 1 arTilti(IT ilalectlyatt°Pittlrege hicr•gteciP4 • ---- the circular Mr. P. W. Currie wee stricken lay ill, ••• year with our, Well l'apere, It town, ness on Sunday evening and ren.ined who had been thie guest in a semeunconselotie condition for Tee Moist 006macillor Johnson fora fortnight, several hales. Two doctors *ere cal- wee Mics J hnson, cost you nothing to see them OW hut i little to own tbein. ' •returned to her home in 'Streettiville led in so serious was the ease, Mel • on Tuesday. Currie bad been waiting for a fort - Often ehe Cheapest, Always thellest. eer.--Thoe. Mason a on a tame of the night on his little daughter, who had • northern part of the county this been very sick and the worry end. loss •-- • ei • The 11.. D. Fair Ca week in search of horses for the Old °treat, brought about his own trouble, E Country market, . --Mre. Henry Beacom of Baytield line , Mr. B. P. Sibley will return to New has for some time been under the cloc- s"-* 'York about the first of May to en- tor's cafe. At present•she is. improv - gage in the music business with bis' ing though verr slowly. We hope to, Ames Parker's .Die Works. son, yr.. Jas. §thley, „ •• elise Lizzie Jardine, who has beenthe • CLINTON, New .A dvertisements. Wall Paper -W. Cooper Co • 4 The /slew and the Old:-Modgens Bros 5 Pure Binder Twine -Harland Bios •5 Music Rouse -C. Moore , • .. , „ . 5 Somebody- Has Said -W, Fair Co , ... 8 Boys' School 'Clathinte-Saeksop BM, • • • • • • 8 The Soolall Event, -13. *Idean 8 Apprentice Wanted -Sohn Tedford 8 Alarm Clooks-P. B. .Crews... ... - ... . 1 Tne Delineator. Cooper 4-echr • Fat Cattle -C. Wilson • Good Goods are Good va1ue-RodgensBros....8 About 00 WARE IVEY ARE • • -People 1. AND WHAT 0 • THEY ARE DOING • ' LW3E3000EX.X14#.30000 'We littow guese of her sister, Mrs. A.rthue Twitchell, started, Tuesday for her • home ill Fargo, North Dakcita. Mr. r'rank Upshall is preparing to leave for Manitoba where be purpos- es becoming a tiller of the soil aed • • make a twine for himself and family. •Mr. Geerge M. Kilty or Huron Col. • lege, London, was called to Clinton last week by the illnessof his brother. He returned to the city again on Sat- urday. Mr. W.. McNaughton and his nephew, Mader Harold Johnson of _Chatham spent the Easter holidays at darlsonee. of Mrs. McNaughton on Townsend street. • • Mrs. Thos. Farquhar of Hill's Green has been waiting on her brother, Mr. • Smith Kitty; who was quite ill for a, fevr days, but- is now . recovering nicely, ' Mr. 3: C. Miller went across to Deer- field yesterday to begin the yen°. stating of the River Hotel Genial "Johnny" „Miller is now in charge of the Olaf elation. • Rev. IL E. Brayaccompanied Rev. E. MSS Gill has returned from Stratford. B. Smith on Sunday last; aseisting Miss Taylor returned front Blyth on. hint he the services and administer - Saturday. - •:• ing the Role Communion at each of Mrs. Chambers was Visiting in Herisall his appointments. • on Tuesday. - Misses • Lola and 6,igitie Miller ',spent Mt. Fred, Beatty of Seaferth was in the Saturday in London,. having gone Huh on Monday., ' • . : •clown to meet Mrs: .and Mrs: Mr. Ernest Holmes ' of Exeter : spent, : eteL.ean who were returoing feona Sunday in town. . visit to Windsor friends. : lir. George left on Saturday .A.rnong those from Clinton elm at, last for Winnipeg. • -• . tended an Assembly in Seaford( Fee Mrs. Culbert Egnaondville is the day night last were :--Misses Couch, guest of Miss Stinson. • : • Bell, McMurray, end Meths and Mr. Howard Grant left On -Tuesday Messrs. -Se -Jackson and H. Lewis, • moreingfoe Winnipeg.. Mr. Theis. : Liter, eepreseeting the , Mr. Samuel Cook left last weekto.joirt .0leeelaud:Bicycte 'Conapane, was la -Neer% Cook in Flint, Mich. • -• -town yeeterdayeued had. 0, tine exile, Mies Nettie Cowan: WaS,. the guest of .„ 'bit of wheels and testing apparatus :Clinton friends last week. - on exhiention,a. Coopetee bookstore. Miss Annie Young . of Seaforth • was The numerous friends of Mr. John ' visiting in town last week. . . Wiseman will • he pleased to teeth Miss Cassie Johnston of Varna was that hie has secured a responsible pos. vieiting in town last week. . item in the ' dress ,departmeirt �f • Miss Marie Kidd of Seaferth is the Oreag's eleeartimental store in Winni- guesb of Mrs. Lackle_genedy. peg. • : ' Squire Campbell :and W. J. Dempsey Muses Dohetty Johnson returned: of Blyth were in the Hub on Same Mondity to the Normal Collegeell.am- dee. ; ilton, Mist; Lena Doherty to the teen- . •• Mr. Duncan of Toroato was- the guest servatox y • of Music, Toronto, Tied of his sister, 100 Catupbell,„ over Miss Lacy Beerier to a Ladies' Oa% • Sundae, ;- : • .lege, Toronto. '• ' Miss Agnew of 13,agraye wits the guest :Miss Flossie. King, • left Monday, fee of her brother; De, Agnew, ' Over., Dashwood ,to take charge of her • Sundev, . , , . • school; Miss Grace Sheppard 'for St. Mess Jolins ,ofTorontio is the guest of • Johns, and 'Miss Maude Witte° for her cousin. Mtse O'Neil of the Peelle e near Walton: ' The lase two are seeeeestaf. :•• , . • teachers, too. ' Judge Doyle Presided ever; the session • Mr. F. R. Hodgens' bookings to West - of the Divieion ()Duet held in °Hattie . ern points this week include :-How- on SweekleY. •: • ard„Grant to Winnipeg, Man:, Chao. Mrs. 1. W: Hitwicshaw. and daegleter McHardy to Nelsen, B. Miss Jar of Exeter Were guests of Mrs. S. A. • dine to Forgo, Norib ,Dakota and leooveielestsweek. ' • - Miss13. Scott•to Boston, Masse - Mr. "Suittry": Yoang of the Seaforth " Mr. David, Cantelon returned from: Sun staff was a, guest at Me Duncan Toronto: bn: Saturdity, having finally McCuaigei teat week. •• repacked and reshipped his -stock of Mr. RobertTaylor left for Oartviright, apples from " cold storage.' • Whete Mae., this week end was : ticketed :spine detaile are .arranged he will - ..through by A. 0. Pratison. likely enter into porker purchasing Misses Winnie O'Neil and Aletha Fore ' • egenn • ter have returned from spending the Mr. W. Shane, formerly of Blyth aid Easter vatation in Brucefield. and well-known to many in °Racine • Mr. S. EL Gidley of Blyth veas in Olin- IN is a nephew of 1, and. J. Rattea- ton Tuesday alternoon and retriained bury, has been dangerously ill for for the concert in theievening. many weeks at his home in Winne Dretted Mrs. Thompson take 011 }loose peg.. At last accounts .he was im- this week on Rattenbury street est, proving. • at the former residence of Dr. Dews. Mr. Sohn ijahkirk of Clinton spent ley. , I Etteter at his home here. Miss Medley - Miss Marital Wilson returned to her ' Clinton was the loot of friends home in -London Saturday after hay. here. Master Charlie Twitchell of ing spent a few days with the Missee Clinton visited with Blyth Maeda for Everett, ' • - • • . Easter. Miss Kelly of Clinton spent " Mr. W. E. Rand, who attended ethe • .„ Good .Priday with her teother, Mrs, meeting of the Ontario Educational Retied Itelly.-Blyth Standard. • Association held in Toronto last Barristers Proudfoot and Campion, :week, was chosen one of the council- Police Magistrate Seeger and Ottp. lore of the mathematical section.. teen Babb of Goderich were in the 'The following were among those from IItib on Saturday having business at Seaforth who attended the Fadette the Division Court. Among the concert on Tuesday evening :-Misses eases was one of Ulthh vs. Seager, Broadfoot, Ohne, Able, Weir and the sequel to e board bill suit won by SOo113 and Messrs. W, E. Best end et, the Captain against a former lodger H. Broadfoot, alscej. Clark. who is now a resident a Clinton. Miss Bertha Scott left on Tuesday for Miss 3een Jones, who has been visit - Boston" Mass., where she has acceps ing her eousin, Miss Nellie Steles; re - ted a satiation in the McLean hospis turned home on Wednesday °eaten. tal. e Miss- Scott is an experienced Mrs- Reece of.Olinton Peewit Monday nurse. She eradtetted in the Rhode ' fltero°11° in t"139 the geeeb cif 'her ...... see .......... Islandeleopettal end subsequently sister, ( Bolden. te R. took a eoursilintbeste-veleeneseitee,_ Itansford,the genial and whole -flouted New York, and also Sloates meter- -ledgeteiteepeeenethe,Dorainesm Bank, nity. rietticated for. a few days iritillfftterr Mr. C4 Ideneedy left this week for recentJy. -ItevsMr.Stewart of Clinton Nelsen, 0, He bee been 'vending ;reached two able sermona in the the winter with his parents and lefb behold hina it host of friends, especial- ly among the fair sex, Mr. Moller- ' dy is sure to rnake his meek in the Workless he is a young roan of high integrity and true moral worth. He has mining interests in the Kootenay country. Mrs- Adam elentelon, who returned from Assinabois, December 1807 with a bedlv sprained ankhe Whieh necessitated the use of crutches for several months, has so far recovered the use of the 'WIN; thet he left, this week to retuen to the' West, If his ankle permite he will take up con- tracting again' at 'eaten Head,which in his, opinion is one of-the--Mmit promising towns in the Territories. its progress has been hampered by a couple of mairirtioth farms not far dietant but AS they are ISOW being out up and sold the future of the town is uttered. Mr. Canteioti OWEnif k.section some miles: north of Indian Head -upon which is situated a post. office and store around which It is expected a village may grow up. The place Is at present tented, Mr. (Jantelon believes thatwhile farming It profitable upon the Prairie*, yet 11 gOod mecherec, one handy with the troWel and hemmer, can make it bet- ter thing still, mi.; Vantrion wee eeittanted as far ties Toronto hy daughter, r00 y, for genes Orilla Mr, elon came over the U. P. It ns th.keted hy the see ,,e mother who will he the nest of bar resbyterian chureh on Sunday. Rev. Mr, and leIrteeParke and Miss Shirley were guests at the Rectory on Good Priday.-Seaforth, Sun. • Auburn, Mr, Williatn Fiuker is not ter Well 88 his many friends would.like to hear be- ing again under the Dr's Line Wilson had a taffy...off one day in the bush, which was unexpected, --- Our milliuery opening was last Same day, but owing to the had .roatle the crowd was not as large AS usual, but „everything °WAS beautiful, We wish -hersuccess.--Mr. John Nicholson is going around all smiles those days he - ? dank) • he 18 th0. daddy of it boune, frig boy. -.--Syrup inaking • is the • A Very pleasant event took tilitee at . order -of the Sohn tho residence of Mr. ;Nines Turner of Sturdy left lest Monday for the Pere lines Stanley township, on • Pail' Sound Uletriet to visit his on, , Wednesdarevening whets hie, datigh, William. We wish Mr. Sturdy a, sato ter Susan was united hi marriage to - journey.. --Miss, Ella tt084,- dilater of Mr, Sohn MeNetigitton, one of Tucker- . 'Dr, ROI% left this week for Carberry, smith's well.to.do yeomen, The nuptial ' Manitoba, to visit friends and to see knob was well and securely tied by 1tey. A 0l the rountry.--Miss Sarah E. Pinker S. Acheson of Hippen In the presence -are of of Clinton is visiting under the Parent. Ot MIRO number of friends of bride al roof at preeentreernitIng her health, and groom, Afteeeontetetuletioneend ---Mr, Samuel Caldwell took the good wishes, warm and sincere, the Your 'Trade Solioitea . Meetly for the Christian Endeavor joyous company sat down to the tutor ,“Presbyterianisin frelatid. its . readiness, The bride, who is one, of strng 'eharaeteristies d in* Stanley's fairest daughters, one ottbe 0 ivthsui IsiMr,:mettlest irls in the municipality, was _ on't Think 'that there is 4 efitailishment outside a few lead- ing places in the eity that can shevir you the variety of goods, the quality el stook, and the low prices gist we do. 'Placing our business on a cash basis gives us a chance to quote lower prices than any house doing a credit business. We are finding the cash trade a great suecess, and the day ik not very far' dietant when the 'great majority of all Iniyeri.k will do ,their buying in this way. ' They are beginning .to realize that a saving of - 10 to 15 per cent. means quite an amount In• a year's tithe, and shrewd buyers cannot afford to take credit soon hear 'of her cottiplete recovery!, Leee --Mies Mamie Cleft spent Easter cr, -holidays at "Paradise Villa," the theme zee of her grand -parents. ----Mr, G. W. lee Hammen has . returned to reseine his duties in S. S. No. 10, after spending his Easter holidays in Kiticardine.---- ee.,_- Miss Lizzie" Middleton, who spent her tee Baster bolidays at her house, Oth con- cession, -- has also returned to resume her duties.— Miss May Blair -of Pine River, Huron township, has begun her ..... duties as teaeher of S. S. No a 9th 2r -- concession. We all join in wishing Se -- Miss Blair success heeler new spheekot Zee- employment.—What proved to be a ele-e -veryeexpensisteetughtes, entertainment happened on Taesclae bight; April 4th, to a number of Stanley people,or, to be more particular, a few Of theVar na boys. On account pf the darkness of the night; the inaccurady 'of " the driv-: ees,and the ups and of the'roed:, a capsize re one of the galleys hetreeen Varna and the Baytield river was the result. We 'do not know where :the boys landed, but the horse: had a light- er lead to draw the remainder of the way home. The ghosts meet have et - tended Wein on their way home front . the empty house.—Mr. Gabei el, E I I tote safie daeghter,. Miss Susie Elliot& of / Beyfield line, pied it short visit to : Gielertchlast week. : • - Mr, John . McDougall moved . his faritily to Seeforth 'Wedtiesday lase. Mr. McDougall has retired from farm- ing and hes gone to Seaforth to reside. Frank Taylor a Ki peen has ren- ted the ferm of Mr. W. Gibbitigs and is busy moving this weeks—Miss Mary Rcibertsou Brunets spent her Rester: botidays at her home here.—Mr. T. H. Brownlee of Kippen: spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. H. Little; this week,—Miss Maggie McDougall, who has been 'visiting friends in Osh- awa, retuenecl home on Monday last.- -The Missionary collectors were do- ing their work in the : neighborhood last week.—Mr. Doreauce and her daughter of • Seaforth were guests of Mrs. T. McMichael tut week. --Mr. Everat Irwin has engaged with. Abe John Jamieson for thesunitner months and commenced work on Monday.— 'Several farmers in this eleiniti say they were plotighing last year on the 10th of March. Jodging frier° present appearances if they start to plow by the 10th of April this year they will do well.—Mrs Henry Cooper has a. ewe which gave birth to fotir Iambs, three of. whieh are living and doing well.— Mr. Gordee McDowell, who has been spending the -winter in S,ault Ste. Marie, .returned honle last week.—Mr. Sams McDowell had it very successful wood bee Friday afternoon last when a until - leer of hie friends and neighbors turued out and succeeded in 'cutting eboue 80 cords of wood for him.—Mr. Q. Coo - Per is spending a week at his home here.—Mrs. Mateeen of Miehgan. Who has been spending a few weeks at her father's, Mr. T. Livingston, has return- ed -home this week.—Mrs. Johns is. at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. RobereLosson and weave sorry to report Of Mrs. Losson's babe being so very ill. -s-Quite-a number of the Alma people attended the wood bee and also the dance in the evening of Mr; McDoWell's. —Mrs. Twitter has been home spend. ing a few days with her parents, Mt. and Mrs. Sohn McKnight. ---Miss Ilen, erlertion, of Seaforth was the guest of Miss McDernaid last week.---e-Mrs. Taylor of Kippeo, who was spending e few days with her daughter, returned home on Monday.—Mr, C. Cooper re- turned to Forest Home on Monday • after a , week's vacaeion at his home here.—Mr.' Dougall McDougall has engaged with Mr. R. Gibbings for the summer nionthe.—Miss Johns of Tire.kerstuith is spenditig a• few days with her slater Mrs. R. Lawson .— Severaleif the farmers ere busy mak- ing syrup bat they think the season will be short.—Miss Maggie Mender - son, W110 hes been in Seaforth for the • last three montbs retailed hotne on Saturday last.—Mr. John Hawthorne met wifh a painted accident on Monday last. He and his :taboo, Were tutting wood in the bush when the aee Whieh his father was using suddenly glanced, eltetkinghter teethe -411n- anti,...101' eta' a deep and painful wound, seveinieitlYee cords. Medical aid waa once: sum- moned and the wound dreseed which required several stiteheet in the cords and also in the flesh. It will likely be a, long time before he will have,the right use of his artn agalt1.—The sub, jectfer the League meeting on Wednes- day evening le, "Things the Bible tells us not to do," taken by Mrs. Rolland.- -Oa Wednesday tiVening, April 10th, WM be out Literary eventng when Me. A. T. Ooopee of Clinton will be preset and deliver an address and Mies M. 'Washingten, also of Clinton, Ohl tette pare in the programme. A. good time Is expected. A cordial invitation is extended to all. . - ' at Dattle OP" ee t difference in prices . IVIen's Tweed. Suits, $5 00 cash,pricer $7 00 credit prie M S *ts 00 ` Men's Tweed Snits, 9 00 " -00 . .44 Men's Tweed Suits, 10 00 " 00 " • • Men's Tweed Pants, cash prie $1 00, 'credit price $1 25. Men's Tweed Pants, 1 , 1 50 Men's Tweed Pants;' " 1 '50, • " 2 00 Mert's Tweed ,Pants, ' 2 00, " . Do This,cut gives you iny shape and style. I am sold at, $2 a pair and X ain qaid to be the best wearing Shoe -on the market People who have tried,me tell:this,Istory'and "-gs 1 know it. is true. • tiaORSON BROS. are the only people selling, Inc in this town. I am miide from •the best Milwaukee 011 Grain. and al whyarentain soft.' X wate-fproof and entirety- seanilegs. My Vottorns are . of the very' best quality of' solid sole!,leather. You Will find no paperi no shoddy and no .filling .in znyZeomposi-- tion. It is SVOT th your:while to coale and "se -me. I --••waai • ftIll moving fast every day.' . .321 426,116,11o."2>•10/46,.0).,01k.,0.016. 0000 0.900 0.0000 00 .04.104.0•00 00 0 0.0 090 _ I Turn Up. • ),? • II • our Toes ; I . Look at th.em; Sir. Note each lacany, c,) corny deforraity. Ill-fitting stems did it. • =X e • . • "-of • • • =ad .•• , • . • • I'utting your feet into boots• that fitted , • Our:.StOek. 411 • J our eye only. .'U IV, how dace yew eye like the look of your toes? . • . - 6 -0 • 1W }1SLATEI $3.00' SHOE =.1 W111Ch 18 made to fit,feet. It, cost $5,000 •It'Ad ' • • • •: • to produce the first perfect pair, but you • • • ,1111110. t • • 0 ' 'can. have the five thousandth. pan' now • for $3:00. Made of best imported calfekin in Tan or Black, with'. • the fatuous( Goodyear Welt. Six shapes; till:sizes; any- width. • reeee, 1--- oys Sehoo Clo hing , . • 411111..- • • • „• . . • tr.-- is being -appreciated more and more- every sea son. 1.)0eisi t not seem reasonable that 'bele% manufac- ▪ turers save You: the raiddleinan's"..profit, Our- • _Boys Knee Pants are made. from Bola all -wool Cloths, • lined throughout .and strongly made. - Prices 506,: 60c • • and 75c according to size. Our Boys' Scbaol Coats are t-- made from • the smile material, lined throngliont and ,•Nozo_al1Prip Itampoi- on No of buy Pair, : • . . . . Itmoomoosioloomposmoosisimewritese00004114moirmiewomme: =2; , • 1.-4411 „iievv4....u.'1..,41,..,,u,..wAu..,4hAefr.,q).,irb,,qwqh„ • 'Boys' "Standard!' _School .SIsto-o-S acknowledged to be eheleeit Sisb,4 on the market.' ,Vriceir $1, 72 amadreae: our own. orderiand got up to rive.greet saw. finished• in first-class style, •.• 'You Can. buy ,Coat and -.. 5125Sel: 'ej.° eie e elf h Pants together, or you can buy theinsingly, • The prices. • • strong.and steel ret stip a litIP'elyilis°tysle.sc- tw:arliantgesqustlidsiteess'oir gee wearing goods are none toe good. Cense and test; these statements. • -se • ' Shoe are not, eceutelecl or the money. Boys will be boys and the best , • • of Coats are 81.50 and $1.15, aceording to size. •• • weelleetetweeseeeeeeeleeli;eeeeeteeeteeeteeeeeseeseeetteeeeeeettewleseseeekseeetteeeeeeeeeeeeaemeeasIteeee-reeeteessee•etee• - Jackson Bros The 1111r-. 09 e ale rs - 4U 444W &Al whichsbe id held by a wide circle of relatives andetequaintances. The, hap- ,py couple "have ' taken up. their resi. dence on the groom's farm in nicker- - smith to which the best wishes for their )'it re nd h I so vvill follow them. , . prosperityUa APP ne • :ibd-Gbd ood evsmo.A.:44..v.ivita,AANa - • ' When gathering together our stbck for this spring we spared APprentice•Wanted, • neither time nor trouble to get the best to be had in the market. Good strong boy wanted. to learn the black smithing. Apply to _• JOIN TEDFORp. t1lntonApi:1111th. • • • , Pr, 'W. Thompson • PHYSICIAN .A.ND SURGEON. • R2410ellebt4gt T6.11111gItt to 1.46'8°11'8 Bind• " • The Social Event of the Se • ason Asa result every department in our big ,store is ready for spring business with the best stook it has ever shown. : We have Aevery confidence in the goods we are selling.; We know the values are right, dollar for dollar we are ready to match them againstrany you will get anywhere. We know the qualities are right, they are the same sterling, good, reliable qualities that have given this store its enviable reputation for selling only dependable merchandise. VICTORIA OPERA ROUSE. zfri-,4,- COOERICH FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL PORTE% Je, "WITITB1411P-AVEiT • - C• ozeretene, carreing all their own scener,y and . electrical effete's. The mese magnificent production of (loathe's FashiOnable The Choicest ress. Stuffs -; • No department is more up - The finest collection of high-class' stylish to date than. the Millinery:* Dress Goods in both black aud colors and the we arc, leaders for fashionable • . best v lues we 'have ever had in this depart- ment are bn our cowl thie' spring. A special feature of the stock is the range ofeost ne lengths, no two alike in all the Shades and niaterialsthattare'favorites with fashionable dressers this season. These,. with a completo assortment of low tind medium pried stuffs make up a dress goods stock equalled in immortal drarna "Faust" that has ever toured Amerida, evrenty-tive exiele the east. Seatr eon be seaured,hy writing or telegraphing to George Porter, Bookseller. • Adrnisidon, 50e, 75e and MM. RY V1DUeN, Manager, Gaclekell, .404110th, ii•A'n • . . . l*Iillinery and the hats we show • are tbe latest creations of the millinerry art. From the low. • est to the highest price there's a style about our trimmed hats - that stamps them as absolutely - correct, few stores. • • • Panty FrennteDrereeeteetiss-42-nte ------ Fine, bright finisb, all.wonl, theta . .wiclee dark and light shades.". 25e (Rothe, make very .stylish ces, Our well.know.n ime of .ti ,t runes ent p , 52 fo. binee and ell eeeing • nide; bilracikystves, scsi 25 si 50 A11-evoce dovert Cloths 88 to 40 42 inch Serge, extra value, 2oc = ware will not turn wen... ,.. 25e most stylish and cheapest Sailors it ought the Business et:30emess in biack and the I 250 e I es.. New Sailors . . • incheit wide a good lirni cloth; Plain and ' holey brocede Black : Customers telt us that -we have the that will tnlike stylish and ser, Bade. leusti,es il) Peen and neat • town. We know that web ave a stock -"`""":- -- - -------- • viceable eostumes, in the fesb ee rem & Murphy / kei-ii in, ....v.ifiralioi,inios.4stra.goiLvaine . 50e .11„,?f} jait.0.1, patterns,extra specie' vela 50e that wotild be bard to beat stock Fresh Meats of all kind, Alt wool Granite (Meth, a veil ,„ bloc:tee alewool French • Hams Rolls, sausage, teieghat dressy metered, 88. inches Wide, Faii»irty'ss*CTIriAtis7%..;;Pitptottgr re'a°4-1411111,11ellIlitiC4,1t1501;"8Iitilli.ctit°'illnaeewice. -8"1111234$64.:. in shades of blue, grey and green dee skirts. a.- Th. 85(.., we, si 00 i egii ai e me, Otest, 0 00• Extra fiturand wide Covert, Cloths Very One French (Wynne iti ekite Very fine etettere with the edge, in • ee 50 black only. • • 0- V ---- '0' ..... 0 0- 0 '0 0 . I in fawns and greys" .....75c and 85e , lengths at,.... '•• I'etney rustic stem. Meek and White ake up'a dresklininge end finding% we have larSLeee , rt, linings in ad the bright titmice' so much essealperadeceloierf4eeveasveept illlainntceeser,ecninsi Any i'armer. • • having anything in the line Of A Stanley Wading, Hogs. Veai or Lamb which be wishes to sell will find it worth Ins while to call on me. teat Artith eveninth g, the topie heinft nous wedding supper •which Waft' uente." t was well diecassed Otticlwell es he could spetik from teem, hamlet( left- Ireleed *WM 8, r 7 .,( ,, '•, , t - tily attired. The pretreat( Were rettnettens, entitle turd Meted end are so int lemon lei be des htede •in Steed next IlocleenteDry Goode P4141144 . • t LININGS% -..*0016.06. itt everything that goes to in the best stock in this section. Ski used thiti season, e ' trecturte satin ba,nd, lined, rep - Men's Furnishings Our Men's Furnishing Departthent is a. coin. • N - *to. storis'in Som .0 very nobby things in men's goods have just come to hand, Nobby }fats• , ;bet ri, mention of oar Nitta good line that Is right for , style and eennorlie beaten for Value r- . ri Menet Stitt elate, newest, Ottawa, SMUTS• : /etches' Umbirellas, Lowman° top. fine fur fele, fight weiglit, in blaek ••• ' 'Will not split or turn green, 25 and fashionable shades of known,' Colored tetinbrie Sleet% rollers inch rib,stool . d net el w od to , tut .c rt, hat worth IP, special' $2 50 etteelied, neet pate:erne . tio 0 handles.. .........--,..... i,....$1' Alfons, • Shower r.5 empluesize the nee e of Umbrellas an Vitale Clortke. Tvirt j',„ lines of Ladies' Um ee tootles thaet are spe cid value The tie etre shapes lit tinert Cot. Extra quality English Cambric Ladies' Parasol. Merle silk tot NEW COrES win net Mt or turn trn. - left In t 24, 24 limbos, all sizes, ShIste. OloPed 1)0,1101 0/ colored inch hollow rib, steel rre. , 14 to 11, best quality, Itki or 3 for the bosoms in white bodies.. : ... ..$1 00 ed wood and horn. handles $1 • Watch for our display rit Embroideries, Laces and White Wear next Week, 04,s, Direct L ImportersINTON • •