HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-13, Page 6ilIoACK. CAKE..
Materials, 2 teal:lips brewn sugar, 2
tablespoolte, dark naelasees, 6 egg,
Whites and yolks beaten aeparaely, 2..
tettaups Sweet snilk, 1, grated nutmeg,
tablespoen ground cinnaMon, I tee-
-*poen each of ground.oloYee and ale
• lePitie, 2 lbs.' eaOli ot rashes and our -
*ants, 1-2 lb. eltren, 1 teasPoen aotlao• 2
teaaReclia clean -tartar, a 1-2 teacups
• hymned rIou Stein'the raisins, rub
Clean in a soft' towel, then seed and.
chop. Rub the currants, not very
many at a. time, in a wire sieve, then
wind), oet .and drain in a •eoland,er sev-
era tin:teal 'OW perfectly dry, rub
\a Soft 01041 to remove remaining
stems. Mix the raisins and currants
With a little Inowned flour, • Slice the •
eitron ,in Metal, thin Pecos, that the
cake may net break apart when cut,
The hetasewleee who always) ulle.
eweet milk and baking Powder in art.
ticies where Ouch ingredients or their
4031400s ate called tor little 011eSia
the superior results Which may be ob-
tained trean. the usa of sour milk or
buttermilk of &We, SOB an authority
in the Women': game Vionapanien.
Buttermilk is pr fe able a the year
round. Biscuits, griddle cakes, waf-
fles, 'cora breads, muffins, gems, gine
them breads,
'ten,der, 41104'are all of
0 and pro-
bablycookies, more wholesome if they are
Made of buttermilk and wide. A gen-
eral rule is one level teaspoonful of
Soda to one piatt of buttermilk or
freahly poured milk. The soda must be
first Pulverized by rubbing with'
knife on the table Or bread board, then
added to the flour, to be sifted with
it. It is even well to sift the flour,
gotta and emit together two or three
times to insure an even blending. In
a vers short time one learns to gauge
the soda exaetly to the • aoidity of the
milk to be used,
'The float ahead he shallow in the tin The nisei of Pais are different from
In which it 4) browned, the mil brisk, the regee of this eouptry, for they live
and stirring oft repeated.. When cold ent in the °eldest weather, and do not
sift with it .the wide. ando cream tar- seem to know what tt is to get nipped
'tar Out the butter into small bits by frosts. '
and beat
ms, to a &ream withand the sugar,
The fitst thing that strikes a person
add stemolasses milk, and .
on going,to Paris, is. the number of
beaten yolks of the eggs. Sttr in, half
t 9.41,01treamiajaalf ...the beaten whites, flower women who stand upOn. the
then the flour remaining, and the street corners and in front of , the
whites, and lastly , the fruit. Beat au
,ops begging. you always to buy '„fi
You thoroughly. This may seem a
tedious process, but the cake is expen- flower. of. them, They ,carry their
sive and should be carefully * made. wares in big straw baskets,
which are
• Bakeitheee houre. Line the tin or strapped upon their ' 'Racks like •Indian
-Pau With at least two thicknesses of
well -greased paper. Frui-apooses. Not content with this
t cage is a.pt V
to scorch around the edges "before it I heavy load, the Parisian flower woman
is done, if the pan has no stem. A I carries another basket of flowers tqe.
small 'bottle in the center heavily I en her arm, and in her hands there is
weighted with shot too keep it in place I the ever-present posy, begging tater
pleases me hotter "than a pan with ' wid•
stem: Bake slowly, with steady, even 1 The Parisian flower woman sells out
' heat, low at first until the (sake is well 1 ntany timetea:day, bat this fact by no
risen, then increase to bake and means throws her out of businese. She
brown. I. should. I have, said cover, gees around the corner to where • some
when put in the oven, with a es,p of friendfy member Of her family awaits
keavy•hrown paper, shaped with pply.
laits her and comes hack with a fresh sup -
nd'pis to fit. .
. • •., _ _ . Peeple• who raise flowers in Paris for
Sale in the streets do not cultivate the
',WHAT CAN I DO NOW, 1VIAMIA. V' hoe -Weise flowers. They grow hardy
This is the question which every violets, the kind that peep out of the
mother of little children; Will near to_ enovir•myerreoh,ssuch, as come in the
and they raise great
day and every daybig cabwese. until the grass -
„cottage garden in crisp. June.w Flo a a
grows groan agein. No men,
. woman can learn to stand a great deal.;f
or child, who is good for anything, en- cold, like people, a.nd those who grow
Eveli them or • the streets weuld do well
• joys being out of employment. to take lesson f the Parisian florists,
these short winter days will seem long Who knowthe ()flick of making their Private baihrooineadjoina 93e bed,
tte Attie children who have ncithing to- Wares hardy enougla for cold days. room, and the first thing ' the -Presi-
dent does In the moraing is to take a
Peep lille ne taille
The lioneekeeping eide of the White
KOIllie the OffiCial IMMO Of the Preale
• dent of the Inked States lea sealed
book, not Only to the people at large,
the hundreds who daily visit the Presi-
dent upon MiliSions affecting both na-
• tione and individuate, but even to the
guests at the resplendent State dip -
neva which are the chief favorite of the
eeeial season at thei capita, says a
Waslatigton letter. ,Conetantty besieg-
ed by an army of officials higb( and
low, and others who) want to he, the
marble halls of the executive maneion
atill form the horae of Mr, and Mrs.
McKinley. And the few, principally
relatives of the gamily, who are admit-
ted within the blame, circle know that
it is a" home in reality.
With a hostof servants at her com-
mand, the mistress of the White House
• exercises a general supervision oveia
the housekeeping affairs, and, through-
out 'the regal apartments there are
l'bright teethes which show the hand
of a mistress, Housekeeping, after all,
forms a highly important part in the
world's affairs, and. houtiekeephig at
the executive manaion ie neceasarily
=vied on upon a most elaborate cale.
The Chief personate connected with
the domestic side of the Presideatial
• residence is the steward. The present
steward iis William T: Sinclair, e color-
ed man and the first of hie race to
' bold the office.. Next to him comes
• housekeeper, Marie Barbery, a rather
pretty yeang New Yorker. These two
are practically respetsible for eyeiee:
Ithing. . • •
g: ha, Presidi3"iit's home life is a model,
witn regularity, simplieity and. WA'
• fort' is its main features. Ile ts al-
ways up by 8.89 ha the morning! and
• Mrs. hicEinley 'Seldom- aleePs titter than
9 o'clock. Their bedromi is the same
I one used by Mr. Cleveland and alewife.
lake all the living 'rooms hi the White
House, if is on the eiecond tioor,and looks
• out on the tear • grounds. 0. The beds
used by the • President and his ' wife
" stand side by side. , They are mediqm
aized comfortable tookipg white de -
totalled 'beds with sheete of 'Mrs linen
and covers of plain, white Marseilles. •
do. Who,can blame them if they get •
into.miechieff.. • tepid bath. At 8.45 o'clock every morn-
•ing laniily prayers are said oy '' the
A pair of round -pointed scissors and, . 'EXPENSIVE PROCESS.
.0.1nintire of picture papees Willaanmee . President in a driming toom acroas the
e ,or ours a • a me. ence- r from room, rea
1; efh1 shasS. . • fast is served ilia the . private. dining
besurta :they will make a muss; but it
Bent .043, although still far less room on the first floor it a o'clock..
' will be clean dirii and can he °gained
to one corner of the robin.. th. use . than unbent, daily grawa• .rIni ediately after • breakfast the
P s ent from
work.. His bnsiest
popularity,' A decitde ago it was al- h
Giye the little ones a neat box for
-11-1 eta& - 1 h ' Ire -Ex
pert Labor. and linittut cd__Ont anain-e • k '
tt Orridn t had 13
ours are 10 o'clock ni the Morn-
• their picEttres and. require them tette* Incst unknown fer.ailYtbing 1314 bag until 1 O'clock in. the: afternoon..
, but requently tee Pr sident d ee n
le in frent of the smallest confeetiOnee's. sit dow-to.1ietab12When
paste and atm each child with a tooth- Alth9Ugh Corresponding edbniand' has his business 18, urgent Mr°.r
ative purposes. ' NOve.:it caa ,ne seen
At another -time . give there a eilof
Lunefheon le alwaya ready ,by 1. o'cloelt,
' op the scraPii when they are throiigh.
piek and let there paste their best pie-.
• 159 per bent of unhent, No:reAtt•erwhat ognefl igarat,illy lunches- alone or 'with somYe
trtier. This is espeCially so
lessened tbe ;tribe, it still costs ationt
tures in pasteboard or into scrap -books
'made of cemanon. 'manila• wrapping the demand a.........-ayeebier4 lira% it ban, net meentEing days
or tuhaellgaties;:sC:vil
. paper, the, leaves stitched together en -42Ye'r
1. for as little as tuabent, for take liancheon with the President and
!discuss whatever maybe pressing in.
`the sewing machine; ,..; the process re,quirei liar mote eXpert
vi • •
:" Every Well .Man- ROZVIPES,4
• tele.
!lath His 111 Day.. .. ••
pp . Met Keep* Teem Freon
tagenioun inventien luta been
doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomaCh. are normal,
but the doctor cannot analyse
the blood upon which these
organs depend
lietaVe Sarsaparilla purlilee, vitalizes
And enriches the blood.. It cures you
when a bit off" or when seriously
afflicted. if tievet4isepPeint.9.
DY5Pormln-44 My busband had dysperet
als and tioact's teirsaparilla cured Wm.
Our little boy was nervous and the baby
bad ulcerous sores. It cured both." Mats.
Emu Bess, Portage,
Indigestion..." I could not eat for Koine
mouths on account of distress and indigos.
teen, Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me so that
lean eat and sleep well? Mus. 0. A. fauna,
Taylor and Walnut Sta., Wilmington, Del.,
.Mude to overcomethe distressing 44-
'04000 and frequently ruinous 07
• omits of Water pipets bursting in the
freesing, that is espeCially valuable
where the pipes are eo placed that the
Ordinary protectien frote.'frost will not
Rood% Pills cure liver ills; the nondrritating end
only pathartio to take with flood% Sarsaparilla
. . .
'utile accommodation's. tfe has accept-
ed .themajnataaa *r• and Mrs. Cleve -
Government trovides a stable building
with about a dozen stalls and a -car-
riage room, It also hires a stable boss
and one • helper. •Mr. McKinley pro-
vides his own footman and coaOhman
and additional helpers. The present
coaclanaan is . a young, smooth -faced
negro, quitea• fast but, a' very good
driver. The McKinley livery is mode
eat.. It consists of black silk hats, long,
• light, tan coats, which! are silver -but-
toned down to black boots. The car-
riages, three in number, are hatidsoMe,
but not ultra swell.. The harness is
;silver mounted to a degree 'of good
taste and ,..the horses, six in number,
; are fairly well bred. The main pair
comes from West Virginia, a heavy
pair from Pennsylvania and a third
pair is made up of a Kentuckviiaddle
horse and a horse presented to Mr.
McKinley by Mr. Fleischmann of Cin-
cinnati. 0 The President has been in
his stable but once, the first cloy of his
administration, and he does not seem
%to take much interest inhis horses.
. • :
land left them. •„
The steward is /responsible for • the
stables and horses,. but he does not
personally stmerhatend them. The
Clear and..:Convineing. that Dodd's.:
' • Kidney.Plls Cure' Diabetes. .
• • ,. " . • . .
ng neer James Grelenni's Vase Was Pro.
• noistriperl Incurable ibra touting- llitn
• trail Physlelan-yet gamma -
.•Pills Clurbil
•3.1ontreal, P. 4., .A.pril 3. -Thick and
-fast Come the most convincing proofs
, of the reallyanervelous curesuf Kidney
Diseases, in this eity, by Dodds Kidney:
Pals. Not a day poses on which we
• cannot read reports of-seyeral cures -at
• honaip, right here in Montreal,. at our
own doors. • .
I the f f
• Cut bright -colored paper atti; stripe labor, involves much' 'waste of material', afiDauil:14
- the week .dinner is served
y •
half an Well andatiose, '-Tor six it:wheel and Mites more time. The fabey blown promptly at 7 &Clock in the evening,
/oettp,„,a, Tee,- ,thicsnds of a strip to -
glees ornaments, used in chance and on Sundays an hour earlier. After
• ge her, forming 4 ring. Link another i eat • , e a .,_, , dinner the President gees to his work -
strip through the ring, and so con-; '''""'• e‘ eu'34P Plagee " elnueenle" tenni and dicates correspondence. Mid -
thole until you' have a ehain. Child- !cost less than ordinary window glass. 'night is his regular hour for 'retiring,.
• ten less than three years ,old pin' Claws mai be hent at 1,800 degreesr but during. the war it WUS often long
make' these chains. Different colors ! This requires. a kiln, and, as he ka,..th after daylight before he sought rest.
may be used, but. the colors should be 1 ,_ . - i In the language of the Washington
systematically and • harmoniously ar- i pyrometer Market dealers, Mr.' and - Mrs.
could stand, eitele heat, re -
ranged. The strips of paper may also quires expert, experienced labor, to McKinley' are "good livers but not
be used to make eters,. geometrical j judge from the color of the flame, the high livers," . There are many private
figures, etc. • I density of the vapor, .ete., when the families who . spend more moneY.
,A,. box of batons( will °furnish! oc- moment for extraction shall have ar- on their tablets, but few who live bet-
cupation for the little once. They; rived. There , are now -hundreds ' of ter. The daily expense of • the Presi-
will enjoy soiling and stringing them. glass benders„ who think no more ot dent's private table does not average
If there are any old garments about daily Entitling this seemingly inaoluble One 625- This is, ot course, exclusive
the house that, are past use let •the problem th th ecial' state dinners but it *n. i d '
n ace o this vast mass of•proo ,
we must believe what such an enorna-
one number of our fellow -citizens Write
on the subject, viz.: That there is no
other medicine known to science, that
. ean at all equal pocidis Kidney Pills,
as.a mire for ltidney Diseases of all
types. , t
_ Mani hundreds of Montreal people
hat% been cured of Diabetes by
Dodd'a Kidney Pals; but there are in
the city, still, 'hundreds -of other suf-
ferers who de not koow that by using
this fairoms remedy;they, can be cured,
positively cured, for' all tithe • and at
altatist no expense.
That such is the. case let the ex-
perience of Engineer James Graham, of
No. 50 Victoria _Square, prove, •
Mr.. Graham had Diabetres for six
years One of the most eminent of,
Montrears phySielans examined him,•
and informed him that his case Was
beyond. ali aid-eincu able.
children -cut the buttons off and; tiltie• That truly marvelous accOmplishrnent 'the entertainmeat of over IK10 guests a dent. But one day he read of a won- tig',111V,i'41::„r."1,1,14tVarsvax.ciri
rerve. •
- •
Tho • canoe of iron Pipes burating is
the expansion of the frozen. water. To
overcome this. an Inner bibs) of lead
is inserted, and this tubing is Ailed,
partly with le composition Of rubber or
ether elastics eubstance.
This is unaffected, by ordinary pres-
sure, but should extreme boat cense
the water to freezethis insertion re-
ceives the pressure instead of the outer
iron piping, and it is compressed by Be
much as the volume of water is inereas-
ed by freezing. In thawing the tube
expands again to its original size.
Experiments that have, been made
show that pipes with this insertion have
Withstood the most severe tests, while
pipes that Were not provided with It
buret every time. ..
Silicon is generally spoken of as the
ele,nlent of sand, and little thought of
its value in grain. growing (totem into
our usual calculatious, yet in conjune-;
tion with the potash the \ acid of
silica or MUM° awl, forms an import-
ant part of the grain, and through
it we getthe hardening. When We
consider that the .amount of ailicia re-
quired to harden grain and give straw
atanima is nearly equal. to -the total
aggregation of nitrogen, phosphoric
acid. and potasheover 90 per cent. and
actually 47 1-2 per cent. of the total
mineral matter of the crop, it assumes
speed importance --in the light a our
softening grains and seeter strew.
The fact that there is lots of Itin
the soil, does not meet the ease, as like
the other °meant] inorganic elements
it is, usually limited up so hard that
'our • plants cannot assimilate it; con-
sequently the .valuable Thomas -Phos-
phate Powder with its available silica.
Cornea to our aid, and along with it
phosphate of Finn. phoephate of mag-
nesia and phosphite of iron, This, and
. the fact that gre.ine, Particularly
wheat, take their phosphates largely
as phosphate of magnesia, Partly ac-
counts for the hardness and quality
as well as the great yields of wheat,
77 bushels, per are, Obtained from the
USe of Thomas -Phosphate, as well as
the stiff strawof the crops,
• .
A Sersey City man boasts that he
has the addresses of 20,000 red-haired
• For Over Fifty Veers •
used try mothers for their ebil ren teething. It soothes
the chPel, softetts,tite erints, idioms all pain. 'ores wind
colic, and the beg remedy for diarrhosa 2tIe. bot-
tler 13 Id h3r all dm gists throughout the world. no
blue and Itek for " wingover Soothing Sirup:: • ,
The highest price ever paid for • a
racehorse was 8150,000 for the famous
'retie .Laxative 13rbato quinine Tuhtete.
gusto refund tile tummy if it Nilo ti) 050.
Neve. -York ba.nks pay out! in interest
and dividends every quarter not taa
from 5180,000,030.
• .
Iowa. Parma for pale, 22 per acre bash, Bal.
norm Crop until paid. J. Mulhall, Slot= Olty, la
'age -fifth of the People ofIndiaee60,-
00007-are insufficiently fed, Olen- in
ordinary 'years of prosperity.- .
How's This V •
We offer One Hundred paean Reward foi
any case of Catarrh that Call not be mired by
Hall's Oatarrh Cure.
uittNEY 8c0()., Props., Toledo, 0.
We the undursigned, have known F. 3.
Olen. y for the last, Li year 4, and believe him
p idea ly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to -carry ou4 any obliga-
tions made oy the.r firm.
WrsT&Tia.TAx, aa °reliefs ts.Toledo,O.
WALT/IN°, iiltINAB 60 MARVIN, Wholes.itio
. No wonder the auf4rer grew despoil- Hail Catarrh Como IR taken InternallY;" ea.
uge oh. O. 110. . •
add to the store. • I -baking bread.. 'the great molds for Year. Invariably' there are One or mere
o e a . . y g • lw,t v &Ws
bending larger
are nice flir children to play,. with. Faeces are run into. the guests to luncheon and dinner. . DoddaiKidney 'Palls. ate at once bought Haire romilly.Pille aro tho mist.. ,,,, ,.
I kiln .orf oars; smaller lilecas are 'thrust ; 'The satire 'part *of the domestic duties a- box and began to use them. They
g, , p n us eeper. er ealt caused marked improvement, a,nd he About 10,009,000' feet of birch wood
geometrical figures, or to build image ; proper quelity of glass being, in the wiil no, pertait Mts. McKinley to as- used two lxixes more. , New he is as i wilt be sent this year from Maine to
inary yards and pastures to confine , sheet form laid upon the top of thts sume the active maeagement of such a healthy MS he ever was, rolnist and En.gland and Scotland for spools.
' borsesaand cattle* made of peanitts, 1 innids, two or three Ileum it' the 'kiln laborions household. Yet she is not hearty •
They caw nee them • to form letters at, Umolds fastened the
ith f 1
Isn't this ptoof enough that Doda's linen Poul+ty Grit is Hr. beat (Poster in ete market
g melts them aufficiently•to allow them idle a moment during the day. The
'More satisfactory fences can be made to run. Thirtyssix hours are reviled quantity of 'mail she receAves &lore
with cane or corn-stalksstand on the table without eupport. The. The soft pith for cooltpg. -Yet, despite every. pre- mous, and she openand p,ersobally ma-
le easily cut up into posts that will caution,- great percent, is broken ewers eiie early all of it.• •
• '"th '
g. y app s cpme, o, er om
o.....•••••• 1
Kidney Pills wilt cure Liabotes wantearreter BAND k GRAVEL 00, Montt eat
tough outer covering of the stalks can' The demand for bent glass. hail not all pants Of the country, Women beg I JUST IN TIME. a are retired army officers, three wh.ci
11 ought to be, aurely,
L Berlin, boasts of seven coachmen who
be cut into boarde, whieh can. he stuck yet arrived at that point Where a for hgr infltienCe and. mediation in be- • are expastors, and eixteen who ere no -
P caching stories" naturally predom-
Into the posts. The stalks, supplenient,. strike could vitally affect the common- half of their condemeed sons or hue- r bles •
ed with pasteboard; can be utied to cone
• struct all sorts (gram! buildings, and
even fprniture. Let the children M1-,
ed. Smooth, even stalks about the size
of your finger, and, ca them into
three-inch lengths. One hundred of
these will. be worth' as natich as any
ina e in e Rev. r. eirenian Hall's
wealth. It. is e now used mostly in bends. These pathetits appeals for par -
recently published Antoblograehy, but
rounded eornere of buildings, in coach dons are very trying upon her, because
fronts' in counters 113 tig i t d et i here is one of swatter cut wlech is L
• .
• Wisdom buyin
cOnsists n buying the best
Lead packages.,
CEYLON TEA, 55, Pt 40, SO it6""
$541 0 mem fe emery to reship in Canada,
talIgNit:ienr&sint; a"" 64115'4 44%-tr. MO8
.itey of Toronto,
Agents Best co, ling a rticle on the aer Wanted
kqt. Bella in every gore, fac.
tory, and house. Exclusive territorr:
ROWELL& BURY •• Chicago Und Montreal
to be mired nee.
where, write to
Dr. Arnett, Berne' who will *env ince Yoe he oun cure you
Iv lee h., V.13 n y APPLE% BUTTER, goes or POULTee
"' to ship, Able them to
The Da.Wooll: Commission Co., Limited,
Young Men! There is no better t aide or prefe.-
sten than Outdo; Gentleineo's
Garments, LEARNT° OCT. Send for circular.
Toronto Cutting School, 113 Tonga Bt.. Toronto.
The " Balmoral " Free Bus
9 31.304 insi
,.ta • ‘, BEAVER BRAND" iamedntose
I never hardenetritiguaranteect Wtb_tet,
tiValtriVOIrOgitgetro!. bil,i4nrirenZa- •
INTER li 1!11A.- IAII IC YN H:ErliAe el led)741. 13Pul IirR T:OrecEapir nirat leffarOlnyEde:CI:112e0at ald': leuw,kreed:
'88 Front St. E., Toronto.
Stammerers '
. they will corne and
try. I have spent 40 years' study on this diatreasing habit.
Oorne and. satisfy ysopulesitglt 3Nnooroletkie. gWes.tX., Taro. BATritt„.
• Mins, miffs & Halos"'
to Wesley Ridge., Rion -
mend St, ylr.,,Toronto.
CUTTING SCHOOL.-?, aid ' Dress.
Magna. C. .Sc D. sc,D001., Vevilltirt.*
CI. 31 m se;e;;.,,,:tri:ITIIAup,00.11.:01:7 stitSonEt '4.0e: MAPLE
'0111'144 281'4 e..." al SY it UP. 0 ,talegue free.
Skin Diteases Dr-Ittunumfa Aar
Amlio 14dra,,cfnarlodr. •
tiseptic Pomade, qt1.00 fry ;nail. Write loot. 'Amours,
Pharmacist, 370 Craig Bt.; meatiest
VISE HANDS-- Good wages,vsteady
emproyinent. Brantford'is pleas.
antly located, living cheap.
Limited, Brantford.
WIS .P1.0'111 ER KIST°144
I THE VA.,:.1./E: OF
v i,4r; v
FREE Rgaleell
reerlajoistruluniget, damindryvitcetismor.f
fume, No bran or sawdust. Sall
at iee. each. Iteturn us WO and
' zeortve ring WitEE by return
Libtord.1 commission, if pm
Sexed. .thdradgoudsratuneide.
DeDto %.* Topcoats. Ont.
Red or Gras a SLATE. BLACK BOARDS We supply
R o Of I tit and Sheet Metal Works
ROOL/LNO iii.ATE in Mark.
Luigi° ana fic.ioule,Turomot Bowing Fell, Pitch,
00a1 Tar, eta itooeiso Tits oat N11W Gity Build-
ing* Toronto, done by our Aran. Motel (Jottings, Our.
aloe*. eta Estimatee formatted f,u work domplato or tor
142.411014911111 100 pari iiitt4rrtglenrt;170.1,11:414360
29 OfitOul.7101nSoTaUnDEOtrid . have ;eCently.tsicen good
au di posittons remain unfilled.
STRATFORD, oNT. WO teach rail bitainese-no imi.
fatten or nonsense. In fair competition our graduates
aro nearly always oboson. Business men appreciate our
work, Bost Commercial School in Canada Enter now,
Circulars free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
, c nit 0 ose s s compelledman o nterf ere a Toseana,.10o. LTANCE OIGA Et
cabinas, etee and - some minor arti- in such matters.
cles. Experiment has not yet decided' The Preeiderit very decidedly prefers
IOne day during- Mr. Hall's) pastorate '
well worth quistation. eacTOIVieltiontreai
. a a, church in Yorkshire, he wa.s chat- The presideht of France receives a
as to the relative wearing ability of colored help. Hie steward, cook, coach- .
vie a farmer about the best salary of 5125,000. Additional allovv- -
numeral frame to teach. children bent and unbent glass. It is probate min, footman and waiters are all ting
that each.h." ' . method • of sea -defence when attacked
numbers. We should always try to has special merits.. colored. William T.. Sinclair, the pre savage dog. awes make his annual income equiva-
combine instruction with amusement. li3 IS cosent steivard, e0I11013 from New York.' by lent 'to 5250,000.
-i--* nSidered a most careful buyer: Take off your hat and hold it in
1 nt of advised the farmer. The
, •Children should, not be confined to lie served ex -President Cleveland eight
, the house. Whenever the weather TIM HIGHEST WINDMI,L. years; and Mr. Cleveland recommended
Will ttermit, bundle them up and give
, 'ei m" 'Zhest 'windmill in England is him to Mr. MstChiley, MS oaldrY, iix-
them a run out Of, doors. They can , a''' a ...a • ed bylaw, and paid by the Govern- .1
gathee material for indoor *Irk. ,the "High Mill" . at Great x armouth'. ment, is $1,800 a year. He is respon-
Teach them to adtice the mammon it is believed also to be the highest ;sible for all the property of the United
things around them; the peculiarities in the. world. Built in 1812 at .a total States within the White Howie' and is
and habits of winter birds and
anaemia as they may chance to see. 1 °es a ' ' - of this -property, front an historical
each - t ..,f po 000 its heio'llt. in brick is bonded for 820 °CO.), The yalue, Of some.
Let them out a few twigs from fruit' 100 feet, and the wooden cage oil t he standpoint, is inestimable. Sinclair
trees and find out what they did last , sununit further increases this another has an office in the basement of the •
Bummer and what they proniise titt do ' 10 feet. .%ti a high wind the mill White House, but lives with his Mulls
iiext season. Let them fill a tin can ! works at 80 horse power, and is ottPabIe on Sixte.enth street, a few blocks dis-
• with moist earth and plant a few or grhicling nine comb of wheat an 'tent.
grains of corn and alue.sh seed and hour or crushing 10 comb of oats an The steward Is furbished with a
find out hoW they begin to grow. • hour. Its owner has spoken °Camelot- ,Dayton wagon and driver and general-
haling the mill on aecount of the ly drives to market about 8 o'clock in
.iority ef steam power tor Milling pur- likes morning. At the end of each
•imonth the dealers from whom he buys
Plated silvar orange blips are among,
send in their bills and he earertilly
the new devices which °moo lovere • look; them over. The ones he approv-
will appeetiate. The cup holds a half ONE MOAB VieFOrtTUNATE. to go to Mx. W. /1. Crook, who pi a
orange, With tbel broirA face upward, Mr. Blinsteaxi-Ber lny, part, r earn , bonded paymaster arida sorb of 116Rond
tidille the f mit is firmly °Unwed ea„. understand why you permit Ih%t usistant secretary to .the Preeldent.
•young Temp ey to pay sue mar e
aide. of the monthly expenditures for the
attention fo you, Why, that fellow i etc., to the President. The latter
1110TOT Over night in,any bedroom, I Miss Wellweed-Indeetil 'receive( thing in checks, dreving them up as
h kd Crook submits an itenlized account
illowees should never remain in a r at•rite a gramitiatica sentence never pays omen for anything which
niek roma for any length of tune, and brt says his . I goes oto his table. Be pays for every -
filet letter from Jain). yesterday th
A portable fumigating AR I .
--V-es aet and it contained! a proposition which 6 9 are Presented.
purifying small rooms lute an pit stove had a tendeney to Make me forget )(Ire. Benjamin, atypical 'SOutt Caro-,
line tiegeesii,_iii the regular White
Mt in the bottOm of a casing, with the ttnk grammatleal blunders there may
Ilquid tar fumigating contained in a I have been in it. Oh, must you be gat se cook.1,d6116 c°321e8 drrn
ins/ Well, give my loVe toyotir, Easter, Tillman's o home all . a a M le tt
receptacle at the top, With pipee over won't you a Mitilite on fried °Melon hot brea and
the flame to VAPoriee the nellid.
• 'pima The President Hies her eMieep.
Wm of pie crust better than the" fin- '
A drink Of Warni, sage tea. often eethe a restless child ' eat .Vreneh pastry. In fact, he would
1.0 a, • not give her tip for forty French cooks. "ea -
not teaspoon of little water' will Jive 'struck some erieeuragenient at On special oeelsionis, though the tote -
initially cure °olio and hiccough. last. ' Ward smuggles in a Frenchman from
• Delicate and nervous children will be What 1810 New York.
greatly benefited if before retiring This 'prominent Man OuSed to be a The domestic help furnlehed for the
they are gently bathed and rubbed farm band at .10amonth. White House by the Government is not
vfrith warm water in which has: been what Is encouraging about that half enough. Preaddent MoKinteyhires
diseolved a large spoon of bait. Other. I 'Wed to be a fent hand, at $10 g out of his awn pooket his housekeeper,
wkte aPealtitita a warm salt sponge month myaelt hudreem maide, rook, coachman, foet. '
ro you,
dog will at once bite the rim, Vein
kick violently under your hat, and the
dietance being.exaetly that of your leg
the toe of your boot will strike the
lower jaw of the dog, who will at once
go off in great pain,
,The very next day Mr. Hall was
Crossing a field when a fierce dog ran
at him. There was no refuge near. He
heal no stick, lie remembered his 'les-
son. Ian instant the dog rushed
howling round the field, and the greed
old dissenter, with a very slight wound
in his hat, went hie way. .
An Easter Creating. .
For those who have thought that
catarrh is inimitable and to whOrni
constant use of snuffs and ointment
wa$ almost unbearable, Catarrhozone
eopaes as a sure and delightful cure.
No need for fetid breath, broken voice,
and dropping in the thaoat. Send for
Catarrhozone and be convinced. Out.
fit, 51.00. Sample •hottle end inhaler,
lt,,1 cents.
& N. 0 POL,SON
44. Eingston, Ont.,
She -Will you, speak to papa?
Re--Iftive.r, unless .he speaks to me
first. It would be unjust to you
and to Me, my dear, for he dropped me
because X adored you. Any advance
toward a rearonoiliation met he made
by hum
man, ableuien, waiters , helpers
Oat/ling the eyee when tired, in wet,. 1,0010A1, coNoLtisiow. - - around the kitchen and the extraixelP
-it us hot as 011e CAD hear will give for speelal occasions. The linen, sliver.
groat relief. tont ralsunderatand Met geld 'Weary ware, glass and china is all furnished
A, gultror is often a onouree of greet WiIram. X ain't down on work. by the ,Govertnnent, Ahrollghl the Sup -
trouble f0.0; nervous intilid. Alwaye You don't'metti to have mueli attack trintendent of Public( Buildings and
keep al household troubles d mares thin fur it, replied Plodding Pete.. Granada, an army Offic}Iner, prompt*
fronf L eiek ronin, ead idwaya toe Ye a Tee, / haVe., Work is it geed thing. Iy honors all •reottialtlani. iqaadd :for al-
pleasan encouraging weed he* the if it wasal 'fur work, tow would all terations and additional but M. Afo-
Oak at "oli times, , i ammo poopio It Money to give nil ,lt Inlay has not aelted for any change
The Crystalralitce in London, where
the first world's convention of Chris-
tain Endeavor will be held in 1900, can
aceoniniodate 100 030 persona. Prepar-
&time are making for 25,00 delegate.l.
W P C 964;
Carbolic Dietofectonts, Soaps, Oint.
meat,. Tooth Powders, etc,. have beea
Awarded mu modals And diplomas for impeder
Otrelletniet Th.. Ir regular use prove It in fedi.
Otis diseases, Ask your doteer te obtain a
supply. Lints mailed free on application,
Rho uni ltnrt17gegty:a
Oto receipt of RotIrr,00et $15,otArei,
ONE NIGHT ckirn Otlre. Ask your
drug& torlePrkoboo
Garment Cutting Mrt3""mterm"°C
'","" "". • this welt mitt t.
For Gontionien 1ea,
L.,JONLS 1 N(1 (°
• 8 •10•ADitAllif..SaW 'TORONTO.
Send name and address and
wo will sin 1 2 doz. Pkg. ano-
cial Sceet Pea needei to 1011
at 10e. per package. Return.
118 the mon eg ansi we void
sena you toes girls' Stein.
wind Wider, guaranteed thnekeeper, with chain,
eniinion Line STEAMSHIPSi4
Eft aohn,S.R, and Halifax, to Liverpool, calling at
..!..ondonderrf. yr And fest twin sciew t.teartiniipl
`Lonna nett' ' ARCM/ VER. Soo leatabr:`
Superior aceontroodation or First Cahill, Soc.
end Cabin and Steerage passengers. .Rates of
-passage -Rest Ce.blii, $55.00; eoeond Cab( ,a
VS; Steerage $22 80 and upwards tun:lording to
abstainer and berth. For alinformation imply
to Local Agents, or DAVID TORRANCE & 004.
Heal Agentb, 17 51. Satrattleirk St,. Montreal.'
eltuidetty SLOP. Bostd and AreS Me.
Rimple4, Beard nod Ateh,
Binding eases, $lat to. iiosen complete.
. -
The MVOs speeiaity mfg. eel twee
122 n,5124 Ilay,SL, Toftwoo.
Vac.ory: Newmarket.,
MOILER MAKERS -Good wages,
steady employment. Brantford
is pleatantly located, living cheap.
'PWATEnO1HI POURS *nuts Co.,
• tinged, Brantford,
eel, Institution le Oisevals for Via turOno
• et etb,_1001. OM% MirsiteaL
iniVidiagt of Entrieb defeet. SidebliOnd
• poissrooso of., rotate, *amok
IClielelcrialing Edeitlr
01 008 1leilLintAelli1114‘0tvorot144aatttelut2
5 dos, Doylies la_leteee.fin
prettied rialigii. nay rail INI
lbolligshititaTittiontisthedija rosentudeatheiniz. 4
anal" Vel eTf a 2,'?.
• . r ; wto,
ronboy's Improved
barriage. Tops --
otomvo. TN, HiowurrAwAn
Af WORMS PAM 11103.
Otalboy's Patent Roller Tope hays met with
Ott b universal -laver that other unsuutacturd
era are now making Inferior imitations and
selling thereon the reputation tlie Oonber
Tops have made.' Do not bo boodvilnked
laYkePteorahlenjuw8htclasrgeromd,Blind° an
int Irekit
The Conboy Roller: Topo are IPA near per
feet as sk.islett workmen oan make them.
WiU5o you order youi Baggy. stipulate
with your oarrlage builder that 11 1. to have
genuine Ooliboy Roller Toe, as imitations
are never as good..
Stammerers -
My school In Tonna
to will be 'closed dur
ing my trip west, MP
book will soon be isomplete, it will give you lull Moque.
Sons. Pries will MM. W.E.Bate,392Collegast..Toronte
New Tires 8114G8E
r •
unto.o, to any address
Will mail 'Cotton Pottorobni.
31Et. 3a El I
We give this fine 4 -Blade
Pearl Handle KNIFE for .
selling . ot our Bright+
Light Chemical LAMP
WICKS at 5. cents each.
a Simply send your address. .
and we will forward wick
post-paid. When sold, sen
the 6o cents and we will eon
knife, tin all charges paid.
• Address, •
Cern Novelty CoToronto, Oat
'On Trial
on Tzur
4146ERSON. .
• en these terms. No sticker, ns
• racking. yr 'mast • e -
For Illustrated Oataiogaes, es •
dress '
'''. J. W. ANDERSON; '
Aylmer,. Ont.
--L-- q SCRAP,. - BRASS
'wholesale only WIllitim $t., Toronto
.. Long Dtt;tataie Telelillelle 1722.
Millir •1 ITele '
maclime.. . . - Neoisioot
llyilmo : COSIOT •
Cermania Oil CO., 134 Bair St., Toronto. -
Loan and Savings Company.
Paid-up Capital 112.6coirocio
Reserve rend, ' • 8,150,000
' Heed Office -Toronto RS.. 'Toronto.
Branch Moss Winnlpog, Man., .Vanoourer,
SrE1'041'S are received at interest, paid or ' eons,
. pounded half yearly
glEn EN 111JR123 issued in Currency or Sterling with
interest coppone ettsched, ' Payable in Canada or
- le England. Executors and Trust es ars authort
feed by Jaw to invest id the Debenturee bf thic
, 0 unruly.
OET ADVANCD Eon Real Estate eactrity
current rates and on favorable conditiong as to ea
payment. . • •
Mortgagee and Municipal Debentures eurehased.
Managing Directors
ir v
MI. a
.AL1 L
661 jui 2, 116 s hiT0.1 NvyoneWput
summER_. S.
CAtiFORNIAN.ittsy 8, rime 10,`Jinlio 13.
CASTILIAN -(nel may 20, Juno 24.
BAVARIAN -mew .100.100 Tons, Twin Boris, Jail
20, and w ekry therea ter.
Cabin Panetta -$35.00 and upwards.
eeeaut Cabin -$36.00, Ileum* CB 50.
Steerage -Liverpool, Loudon, tillage'', r. miondsrry,
or Queenstown, $23 50..
Por further InformatIon apply to
11. BOURLIER, 77 Yong° St., Toronto,
Or H. 41le A. ALLAN, Montreal.
• ' Rtnr •••
''rttlitWo.Aq sr,mri Ql!vr 111.5
ioNONIt MLA t 1t?
r NON; 0
Cron "
most disordered Stomach, Lungs, Renee, Lher, Blood,
Madder, Kidneys, Brain and Breath by
Du Barry's AIrtitillgtaingOds
which Bated Invalids and Children, and aim Dears suer
eseefinly infants ribose Ali ments mai Debility have rip
ma, a all etee tireattnente. It digests *hen al other
:5r0.40.yrojeitetili, Aroses 7 tteystoiltsgtoostalintorms.illeiniaomon
. Annual Coes of Oetistipa.
Sett ristehmoy, Dyspepsia
indigestion, tionsuroptlei_t Diaboteh Bronchitis, Ind*.
kwA, Maths AstIttenl, catarrh, Phlegm, Diarrhosa,
sellout Debility, Sleeplessness, Despondency,
Dullarry St' Co., iretti5
Ionolon, slip ln 1'arle.14 Atte do Oastiglion, anal
I*IsedEtit" 6:1651#1‘gilitirrill tterde_316. eat? :4'1a (iittal" Dli
all Ornate, Mending, aid More* everynhere, in fiat,
te for (Ueda i T. *ten Co, Linitted, Tomtit°.
leseleitea...............a..,,eatelita, iteMstetetiellt