HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-13, Page 5APRIL 13, 1899. iireeelmooseesoopeveimoon IN .1074V". • Ifipriug • • • ' I ilkiedleinelit : . I, . • 0. • 6 • : COMPOUNI) EXTRACT t, :11. OF Sa.liSAPARILLA.75cts. i • • • ti; COIVIPOUND EXTRAC;r : ,. 6 . ., • : OF SARSAPARILLA: : • . 0 • • 6 WITH IODIDES $1. : • . • _ . • • • : These goods are all right. : i We know them to be ali I: : right.. If you think you uecd : '''• • • ' : one of thein we will be ,pleae : • e• ed to tell you all abeut tiler»; . : • • • ' 6 • • v -A, 1•-• AI, , : We Imre lots of them, al— : • : most any' 011e you will be° : -I liable to oak for. If you : : want one that will give : : satisfactory results ask us for : • / • • • .ovr. ,, : . : RDRI3AL SPRING- • a° - . , . , • • BITTERS 50 ante, : 0 THE CLINTON N EWS-RgOOkr,. AsbfleldCeder's*. #Great Haste is )(rot • Mr. Bowel 12th conebas commenced Mies May fill ghter Of Mie opCati 137 ...dam .Wisernari dtwaYs Goo--d to make shipgles.--The Wet week john Shopla,ncl, contractor wits united E • PM __ ., . . . ' .1:ilitlff=—T-PgrAtig.:::11;11:::1.: -11taiTt':VV:„Ie7,1:11;?11: g! 'Tir:e w.ea, . :wan-, '..p-e-4te--: int. :s. i'. to-: 4.;44 • if The ................, .,:,„,......, .,,,,„,„,„,..., commencing to arrive. The frog or loony was performed in the Meinerial chestra is quiet r. ----The sidelinee church at 9,80 o'clock by the Rector, to pull Mem through, 4nd are have been hardly rifted. during the last Rev, Canon Rieheeeseue gee le Wee storm and eare almost impasseble.-- witnessed byte, large. company of the Often. disappointecl. Do not Do you want a Piano Organ, or any y' Ile are sorry to learn that Mr. Thes, rung couple s relatives and friende, ' dill llv n kind of musical goods?' It so, call aneenelve is eeriously sick. We hope tc he bride Was sown ted by her sister. I- a matters of. see us :We can impply you with the her of his speedy recovery. Miss Ethel Simi/Windt and the grown th:, With it you can -- Stock finest inetrumente at the right price, woe Assisted by leir. James %Woe. accom ash. mfr Let me quote you privet; on what ynt; °01rig.tinWiitut- P; lai3eleedutabeweerinsirintirtchtt Olet it 1;W are #a‘cnoesg. With. THE NEW AND THE OLD may want. , Port Albert. the PartY entered the ahem " aud Kee the live kid e b 1 d TWO SECOND..HAND oc) ea y by t e use of•Roodis Oar. they will spend a short honeymoon lie. PIANOS TO RENT 3; A. Hawkins reached home on Tueseay last from the lumber woods. --Isaac and Miss Fannie Hawkins epent Sunday in Goderich,-- George elewkins had a weed bee on Friday, —Considerate° moving hae been go- orr in. this neighbor hood this past week. --The C, 0, F. supper and dance was quite a snecesS.--The veetrY meeting was held on Tuesdey week lest, Thos, Dougherty end J. tiavvkins were elected wardens again tence Grey toed on Dougherty sidemen for this year. Mrs. Ralph.. left 011 the Grand. Trunk d lth h Y °five s an `morning express for New York, where IIJsaparilla, the faultless blood purifier, ceeniti.evetia,.e_leLgotzt11311reie•evsildetisioce,41,it)irilVoN.- trIreati•etrenrwtilFie . Om' loaders are the Bellelieinternan We may add AS the Free Riess did not Hoodta pins and ha a ohort time Wall tre for the noted Doherty. Organ, the and .Morris Pewee. Disertbuting cen- cured." Waraere Beam; Brantford, Ont. tell us that the gifts to he Fr.= were auperlativel tweet end rich Regina, manyesome of Which for he sake ef 8orofula-"I was troubledwith scrofula Our own nolo of Dulcimers and Auto - attention •peel our townsman elett will' and impure biood. A out on my harps, Sheet Music, Mouth Organs and t From Ma I eel) k t a atge o ot ns iu s. ver tOr the Mc eary Lendon Orin, recanimende4 and after I had aken three BLINDS ne n16 te it ancoue would nct heal. Hood's Sorsa arluit was handsome cut glass fruit dish and two bottles I was well" - DANIEL Rom:MONA% Treattley Street, Toronto, Ont, decantet's of cut glees. Mrs. Drake of LESS•" • Pianos tuned musically end scientifi- cally correct, action regulated, •new Windsor, mother of Manager Drake of: Vanconver and Dr. Drake of Efindon strings kept in stock and put on. (In? structlons taken front leetling tuners in Termite.) 4.• new price, one that is in every instenee a lower. than the Wiseman has been put on the goods that make up. this great stock,,,,,etud it will be to your ad- vantage to see these new prices before you. buy Di y Goeirse'Clothing Or. Cornets,. eesi e eo „. p i get You'Il e tr 11(t't'tdkit trY Ira% to figure up Ztee *aviiirg Plrecel it1.17 Piergi? Is Prnutiliroymatilg; cents oil a pair of lioseetip to One, two' or three dollars on a Dress Or Stilt of Clothes ..This week we tell mostly of things for the home, or Carpets, Curtains' and Window Shades,. and there's sieving eneereli on all of these. to make it pay • you well to buy tit this store. 1 •varietyf he •i t• ue Pietures greet variety for sale. I am.not selling . my- fruit farm, but, baying labor and capital to run it, ten- der Providential blessitig I hope to supply- Strawberries, Honey, Cherries, 'Pe d 1 tt abend Ince STORE OPPOSITE POST4FFICE made in Vancotever and London.. She • Colborne. Sugar -Making is stertgd ttround here, but it is not Avery good sap run as the weather ha e been so cold. --A pleae- ant event took place at the residence of Me. Wm, Mays, •Nile, on March '20th, when his second oldest daughter Elsie was united in marriage to Mr. John „Treble, eldest son of Mr. Wm, Treble of the Division line. Miss 'Ada May. the bride's sister, acted AS bridesmitid; • while Charles Treble, brother of the green), acted as groomsman, Rev. J. M. Wilson 'of. Beni:caller circuit, teed the knot. quite a number wee° 'pres- ent and the bride ;received many band - some presents. We wish the youpg couple a happy and prosperous We are sorry to say that .Miss Rachel Militate is home again on the sick list. We hope to soon see herarelind again, —A young lady from the Nile takee a rip to Ilolniesville occasionally. --Mrs, John Kerr, Goderi towpship, has been at the Nile the past week taking caw of her deughtereneaw, Vibe is laid rip • with inflammation. -- Mise Minnie Currie of Nilehas been visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Teo. Feagee, the pest week', a -beautiful silver nut basket; Shaw . ,; • 0 , - ' VVoqds of London, a hendsolite sit, _ver- , epergne stiver stand with mirroe ; Mc- - !• Cleary, manufacturer; cure liver Mir unpiptirl I . . with gold. The bricteetegifts were -per. • a Limoges -1 Hood's Pills china . tea set and Colonel' Tracy, of. • eatv "there, a to take. mite Hee Vancouver, 2 silver coffee spoons lined Sold by Watts & ,cio Druggists - ..1 . • fectly elegant, and coolly. Mrs. Ralph felt very grateful for all the honor paid her pen by the- many friends he •hite • Will be open afternoons. SYDNETJACKSON• HOARE- -•• 4,• Graduate Druggist. : le Successor to Allen & Wilson Phone 2. ••. . . otsi• s0000stoisogiossoisootiisossoetso • xeter Flour Crown Baker AT NO EXTRA PRICE: We invite your inspection of our stock of Groceries, etc. being convinced that a pureha.'se will follow. In -addition to Groceries of all kinds we will carrya sup- ply of 'Exeter Flom., extra good, but at no extee 'price. TRY OUR 15 CENT TEA J.W. Com be'sBlock, Clint on • atrd gra 33 eat. I have for sale • choice Seed oats which were tried last sea- son by fat mers in this -district - with splendid results. A Hul- let purchaser of 1..,'ach bushel reaped FORTY-TWO bushels and a Goderich township far,: mer sowed 30 bushel . and they had 1260 bushels. • . • These Oats 'will riot gust Or Smut nor freeze in the spring. The straw' is strong and is al • most as nutritious as hay. . , Will have Beardless Seed Barley. Sample can be seen here, which threshed 35 buSlit- els per acre. A stockof Plant Food., Sheep Tick, Hen Tonic, etc,, always on hand. ro II INT CAW Opporite the market., Clinton: D cult To qee ("' _e• ..4.4"44%.".. • ". " se.2 .41 . •“' e*". Or.44; •. ,.":11,9 • 4.1 ••"7. ttr 1. We Lead f.olloio, OUR TART -SHELLS , ARE DAINTY One Size, One Price, ' One Quality:, TnE BEAT' 10e PER. DOZEN If you suffer (rem indigestiontry our CRACKED1WHEAT BREAD. If you Want eernetbing nice and triety CURRANT BREAD If you emu want a 'geed, sieeet, satisfying loaf try our ••• •• .110ME'4ADE BREAD A 2 -Ib. Letaf for 5c. ALL OUR •CAKES ARE Al in quantity, quality and price. 18/(BY Next, doorIo Olerendon. Good stable tmeent: " • DIPS... Cooper's, 75c Little's Non -Poisonous, 750. Persiatic Animal Dip, 7bc Hess' Instant Louse Killer, 35c Persiatic Poultry Powder, 25a • persiatic Hen House Spray, 25e Pure Insect Powder, per lb, 50e .Those eyes of yours are probably overtaxed, ape' if you have not found it out yet, yon will soon do so, Prepare: for - the future by taking care' of the present. •Defective vision is eadly cured, unless of long- standing. Our large fltOek o ' lenses and frames, combined with our knowledgeof how to fib them propeRy,insures you se. permanent benefit and not merely temporary relief. - Charges moderate. A,d,GR100 Jeweler and Optician. 1/411!"4 A•iW` 131104110ttinee „lete tioot iteeneffi • -SORT and recibranlielided by aTI druggists in Meade. Only reie able Mediehle diSOOVered, Bet 2aeage /*wetted 10 oure 11 • onne o Seittin We kheset effee Mule or smiesil, Mental Voile Neaten:ft net of To- brteete Opiturt or Atinitilatitd. Mailed 011 reOliip2 • of prieeeoeepeoltege six, PS, One tiagigstogi Ske tefii 00.1.0,•,-ilaiiplete fret to ear adortole, WA, Wood Coietesiy,WindaorOflt. sta in Olieteri by eydriee ettokeoe. Detiteleff COMM'S HORSE RID COTTLE SPICE 1.0c lb, or 8 lbs for 250 We will guarantee this Spice is equal to any Condition Powder sold at 25c a Ib. and superior to any Cattle Spice or mixtuee at present on the market. Tee. it. Weare supplying the large cattle men in this section. H. B. COMBE Chemist and Druggist. FRESH MEATS - Having _purchased tho butchering bad+ noes of Ford 8c Merphy.I hope by close attention to business, satisfactory prices, • and good, stoek Merit a continuance of the oustOmof the patrons of the.fIrm and Secure new cuStemers 108 well. GIVE US A CALL OHAS. WILSON: " # Special Notice. AS Mir business is neve conducted on a cash basis, our goods Will be sold at tne lowest cash prices. We quote as samples 1- • Toilet 80t64.L.,.... $5 soj wore $7 00 Toilet Sets 60, were 5 50 Dinnob SetaSets :tt°500: ;Orr: 52 ro HZGE:ESTPRI01118 PAID PoR GOOD IIOTTEIl AND EGGS! G. 3' STEWART. adokfg COttOtt Boot COMPOtila Is eneoesettully aged monthly by over 10,0001A es. Safe,e , _your drtiggist1oreek Ceiles PO Coot finlittalitieell =Putt 1111111,110411114 boy. tic 11,10 degrees stronger, ss per box. ex tor I, mailed it1 ti100102 Of Pride and to 11.0/4o$ stamps, The CookNontiliMir win. serf oat wrioN,Ittid 2 Abid and rdOOMMOV. MI by 211 responsible Druggists In Goulds, . 'dela in Clinton by eedney jaokson, Druggist, DAYS OF DESPAIR The Tormetititig '2'erttires ef ..tVene,psia raid • • ,Indigestion Are ,Dfesipateci Like .71liats ilefere the Ittsing Suit. 1VIthDr., Yon Waists Ireapple l'abtete, • . . The first tablet'encouiages you tociat what you like. A single tablet relieves the most acute distress, and there are sixty tabletsin a box - vest -pocket size -sold at all druggists;for .35 • • 0HARTee fee 1.., The daya. Of theTlYsi;ptie'' are serrowftil, .Selah. , 2. . In the' rosy flush of eafly•Anorn, when all Creation is stirred with the thrill of refreshwied 3, The dyspeptic 'awalceth, sad-ayed„ and dulled -with the dread of inipoinling distress. • .. 4.- He kneweth that the hot grip of dyspepsia Is waiting to strangle the 'keen. relish of his famishedbody for strengthening food. 5.. He turns:from the delights of the table as the/wicked turn from the. joy et the pure' in .lidart. He 'yearns for the things of which he -cannot partake. ------------------- - ' 6. The juices.of s uithsuf- Ealing. as a drought dries the sap in a stalk of • gran. • • • • . 7. Bu. like rich demi to parched verdure; so . Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets will restore the dyspeptic to a ?oyous condition cif gciod -health, • . • • • 8: The first tablet corrects and cures are often effected with .but a. single_ box -only 35 cents at all druggists -Sold by Watts& Co. .• . •• • ...FARM Lot -SO,. Con. 1, township of Tuckersmith, H. 11, S. the property ,of the late Willialm Whitely is offered for sale. On the farm, is • erected a 2 story stone house, . barn and ehedii. There le also a good bearing orchard and the farm is well watered with a living spring and a Well. Apply on the premiseito MISS E. WHITELY or W. S. LAWENCE, Clinton, Clinton, MiR rch'21.5t, 1899. • HOUSE FOR SALE. Ori • Victoria street. Neer Organ Fectory, 11300. will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good lot -the property at present occupied by Frank•Upiihall Vacant Lot oe Maple street also ter sale at v. very low price. Apply at erica to. W. BRYDONE, March 7th, Barrister STORE TO RENT* • 'The undersigned offers for rental the store it present occupied by IL C. Barlett, furniture dealer. This is one of the best sten& in Clio- tbn. Possession can be given at once. Also that largo room over J Wisonian's dry goods store. There is a good entrance. Apply to J. O. ELLIOTT, er • JAS. SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton P. 0. ClintOri, Feb. tith. 1899. • 2 3 ROAR FOR SERVICE. • ' A thorobred Berkshire Boar on Lot 31, Con. 7, Hallett. Tornio 60 cents. etwabio at time of service. • "• DURHAM 13ULL FOR SERVICE. 'Penns 01,50 to Inger°. 41.00 for service. • r ALBERT M. WALLACE. 80 Sumnierhill P. O. _ • Mr. Justiee cx-riastrriltiv Of the - 'United SIVAS Supreme Court, is dead. The Duke ahd Duehess York aro Ohout tO. Visit Ireland, VE YOU TRI,ED KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR? This is a. new brand never before offer- ed to the people of Clinton or surround- ing 'country. One of our customers who has used it said IT IS AWAY OUT OF SIGHT. It makes LIGHT WORKI LIGHT HEARTS To be had only feom 0. OLSONt CLINTON WE SAY SO IT IS SO. returned lest weekand we truly wise Me. she ay.live to enjoy the prosperity of spendiWin; Knox mng the Easter holidays with bis her SOH, Willieni Relph, Vancotiver. mother and other relatives in Picker - In Re tee Smith ea Co's window on' Inge --•Mr. Rebt. McDole, who has been suffering from la grippe is recov: harlot*. The Wiseman stock of Blinds must all. be cleared out at this store. • To do this we have cut prices below the regular whole! WHOLESALE sale price, They are all good .cloths, . I. PRICES mounted on strong.apring rollers. mut Regular 50c Window Shades, • complete for *AO "*.0010., 80° • ;pa, Regular 75e Window Shades, complete *** A01, Olt 500 Regular $1 Window Shades, complete . , . . . • ... has • eeturried .aftee Monday was a cocoa nut in its husk and it 'Milted eruly: beaetiful; The huelt ering.e.--Me. John Sheyard of Nile wee spliteenct one half it nestled so brown atlit happy. It ceme :through iment.a, couple of days last week at Mr. from the Ve est Indies. -David Beacones.—Miss Maggie and 11faster Willie „Beattie spent Easter Mr. and Mrs'. Arthur Straiten have- . removed to New Westminster. whic th friends hi Wiothrop —Messt's. is beteg rebuilt after the great, fire of er an T Os. Knox eturned last '98. . , • . week front their visit to Listowel. Mre Donald McLennat of . Owen They report a pleesant tieeeeeee•A great Sound is the geest of his. daughter, number of people here are preparing Mrs. T. Tilt of the British Exchange for the maple syrup harvest. • Mrs. Ceptain Tretheway, . returned on Tuesday evening front it pleasant visit among old friends and• ' Blake, relatives hi Galt and vicinity. . Mr. John Kernighan has purchased . What We say. -Mr. John' Esler and the residence on Victoria street .north, ' Mise' Rosetta °elating are --spending lately owned by Mr. -James Yates and, their vacation itt their homes. -Mee occupied by Mr, Hayden. . Fred McTaggart was in ehe, neighbor - Rev's Jasper Wilson and Cousins of hood lest week visiting friende---e- Manchester excliiteged pulpits On Sun- MissAgnes Douglas, one of our most day last. Ree. Mr. Cousins preached amiable ledies and 'famed dressmaker, very ea Hying' sermons at both serviCes. has left our midst -for Louden where The tuneral of Ritzel Ida, the lovely ebe has received a position. --All our little and youngest daughter of E. N. • dresl,makers are busily employed try; Lewis, .barrister, took place from his ing to. put a pretty charming -and meg- residence, foot of Elgin street, on San. netie touch mi the ladies of the neigh - day at 5 ' 17. . ,The floral tributes horhood.—Mr. Ross Johnston deeply' completely hid the little white casket regrets having ion his nian•lervantIMr; from *sight. Lovely floral tram( eS • A. Mason, but feels comforted *since . Were sent from Buffalo by Mr. Alfred -there Me many more among the mer Shaw and Mrs. J•erome -Lewis of that chents of Blake and Zurich' who. are city brought lovely flowers -with her. also at a loss.We are sorry to learn Feiencle in-', town: also sent beautiful of illness of Miss Janie gsier;'nut tribetes.. Rev. Mark Turnbull officiate wish her wspeedyrecovery,-Mr.Ieb0 ed at house -and grave. The pall bear- • Bannerman, reeve of Drysdale North, em Were Mestere Aimee Messer)). Er •.: •at present spending his holiditys • est Jordan, Paul Turnbull, Waltei• Mc- with Mn.John Thompeon. ' - Donald, Harry Cuff and Harold Tay.. . ler • The funeral • cortege was large . ' • e and proceeded to, Maitland cemetery. - end Miss 'Kate Sheppar . of ' Clinton Even IT we desired to mis. lead, it would not be good policy; after forty years we must not jeopardise our replt. talon for giving the consumer full value for his money; stlil wesay MYRTLE NAVY IS THE BEST. THE NEVIS -RECORD GIVES /RE NEWS. • 4,4444(4.444 ' • Mr. and Mrs. E, N.' Lewis have -the • .• ereeledate. syriepaehy ef Out'*Citizens inthis their. ' • ' e• --"" • hopsybereaveinc,rit. ' • ' The . recent thaws have reined- Our On Sunday p. m. best at St. George'sroads, but oot Me badly fora number the choir under the supervieien of of our Ciiiini people to attend the par- Organist anthem "Awake lip ..rny Glery, •j which proved to be a getind success for • tY ae Mr. Madge's on: Friday. evening. . Orgenist COT sank itgain the beautie Awake .. Psaltery and Harp..": The Which Mr. and Mrs. hedge received hymn "Jesus Lives" was sweetly ren- many thanks, after -the -young Teeple , dered the congregation joining as had tripped tbe ligt fantastic till ear. usual. 'Rev. Mark TUrninill Preached lyenorn.-e-Mise Annie Campbell visit - an elequent sermon fem.!)the tet : ed frietels in Hayfield last weeke---,A. "Noe0 in the •plece wherei *He ' eves.: detective visited our town last Week. ceueified there wake garderiandin.the. --It was told be: art elderly gentleman garden e neve sepulchre 'wherein was one who lived • in the neirorhood 'Lace .Ctirtain. Bargiti.tis A chalky to buy Lace Curtains, Cretonnes ati;1 Art 'MI'S, link; at the prices we are clearing them out at comes but seldom.. Mille they last you can buy theni for 4.00d deal less, than -you have been usee140 paying. A few price hints :. ' Heavyeblienille Curtains, dark col- -Wide double -fold Art Muslin, old . 10c • new $2 90 Lace Curtains, 2;- yds long..32c and 63c One pair only extra gem -1.0110n ille Extra fine lines at. ,75e,-$1 and $1 25 Curtains, fringe and dado.top and Special lot of very fine goods, good huttome old price was et3, the patterme vds long; taped edges fringe IS slightly damaged and old prices „were $3.25 and $3.50,, they are marked; $2 50 the new ........ , $2 25 Double -fold reversible Cretonnes.. 20c:C Cheap:Carpets ors, one pair only, old pi•ice $4.50, price 15e, new. . Three lines of yard -wide Carpet at moneY-saving prices :— Union Carpet, good weight and I Extra, heavy Union Carpet, good colors , 22c I colors and pattern •42ci •Heavy ale*ooliCarpet, not a thread of cotton in it ... . - 60c • Short Ends .. Remnantb of Tapestry Carpets suitable for small rooms wine -sold at &price for the end: 10e yds goodTepestry ,Carpee, wee 0 yds Tapestry Carpet, was Olicf per 75e per yard, end .. „,. , ......$5 40e7yard, end. • • .$3 99 . 101 yds Tapestry Carpet, was '75c 8 yds Tapestry Carpet, -was 65c per per yard, end $5 40 yard, ene,. .. . ... . ..... 43.60 a yatd, end,......,...,$8 20 pee yard, end. ..... ....... ; .....$5 90 10 yds Tapestry Carpet, regitr '75c ' 15 yds Tapesiry Carpet, was 50c_ SHIRTS AT 78c . • ' TABLE LINEN AT 25e. nceollel:ovensfpactwi:yisoOnaottrill.b,prirelteS, if.:21s5t . 06 inch half -bleached Table Linen, 78c 8-Yallib"tE1111"G4T0c111$11FalAitCYTORY C.OTT025; . : • . •AT 50c,Extra quality Factory ITATS AT $148 Cotton; round even theead, free •Meres fine' fur -felt Fedora flats in liven blackspots, regular ec qual- black or brown, all geed shapes,• urS•yd enes - . 7 were $2 to $2.50, clearing at.... $1 - 50e THE END; Oerefel-buyers ere' saving money here (leery they. . You can the-sithie. • neeer men yet laid. There laid. they ; about forty years age when r. Mous- e -0,13%e. so had the trouble with the bear!, that • Mr. Alexi-Matt •Meeheeen of Weed. ispring did not -open until June and he • ,. . stock end his wife have removed to 'prophesies the same for this year. -- Kansas. Mr; Matheson is a brother of Mr Arthur Sreeremeotin etpert dan- Mr. J. Stereert, Elgin street; and Mee, clog mestere has returned frotn e Visit J. -Porter -ninon road. Hees going on I. te teOutheenoton. ,We belieee ,Arthur a reneh out there. Mrs. J, Porter intends making thathis home in the visited hine at Woodstock after ewe. near ftiteee,--Mr.: Ed. Talbot wets ing her -Parents, Ale. And Mrs..Mathe- the guest of Mie A. Westlake last Fri - see ee Atwood. , , . . day PlaY'' - evening —Mr. R. A.itcheson has The Fadette Ladies' orchestra again opened school .nf ter the. Hester ed in Vittorio. opera house on Monday I 'holida,ysee•-•Mr. and Mrs. Elgie And night to a .large andeappreotative teeth_ fare:lily left on 4tla inst. for Michigan mice; And well pleased were they, 'ell . - *here they intend makieg their future .- thrciugh the entertaintnent inusiettle, home. ---k Mr. Win. Turner but misfortuneto breahis buggY had the Friday when the violin artiste solohit, Mise Cheedler for ail encore played "The evening' - . Laet.Itose of Summer" then ',vasthe an- • • plause from each heart givendrily a . ty little blossom. of hurnitnity, recited Nies, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has beim in perfeet style and delighted the midi- used by millions of mothers for their children ence. Of the leader we must truly say while teething. If disturbed at night and as well as an artiste of rare inusieal tar. brokeni:,0ee itoile y4miltli rpeastn by t tirri g!iill' ielt ha usffe%rdhlgt she is a lovely, majestic type of a woman and get a bottle of "Mrs. winslow's srootii- ent.,' The music of the harp was in per- ing semi" for Children Teethiug. It will re - feet harmony with all the instrumentie neve the poor little sufferer immediately: • De. and the flute was delightful in the ex- For ergeistalrhirsit theeroutigsnagragtoota . treme. The ladies vaned the Mem. of and bowels, oures°3*iriuf Colic, softens tho. their costumes choosing pink, blue and Gums, redu WA Inflammation, ap,d gMriVestone and white and the leader- in myrtle, green energy to the whole system. ii. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for ohildren teethieg le plea - satin. All hdnor to the Heston culture ant to the taste and is the prescription of one all honor to her musical talent and to of the oldest and best female.physiclans an her comely, clever young ladies. Your nurses hi the United Statee. Price Weil ty-ft correspondent had the honor of being asked to remain a moment that Mr. George IL Britt ineept obtain an intro- duction. Mr. Britt is the nranagee of the, Feciette Ladies' orchestra,. add was so delighted with the apPreclative audience that he intenes to return again. - ' till helot ean give it. Littlefenit, love- For Oyer Fifty Years 1 ' Obititary. The late James Jardine, who died so suddenly at his home neer Point Clark. on March 29th, had' been it tesident of the township for about flay years. He was born in Durrifries,Scotlanden 1837, and came Out here wibh his parente, who settled he Wilmot, VVaterloo coun- ty. They afterwards moved to Huron township. Deceased Was a straightfor- ward, honorable man, whose Weed was as good as a bond, and he enjoyed the respect of a large circle of friends, Ile was a steunch and true Liberal in pole' tics and a member of the Presbyterian thumb, He leaves a wife, three sone and two &tighter% to° motien his loss. Interment was made in the Pine River cemetere on Saturday. A large num- ber: in the district attended toshow their respect for the memory Of deceas- ed. A brother, Sohn Jardine. a pros- perous contrrietor of Fargo. Dakota, ac- companted by his Meter, Miss Lizzie Jardine, also his, aister, Mrs. A. Twitch- ell of Clinton reached here in time for the funeral. -Kincardine Reporter, • .0xo nan IS • People like to talk about attiactlye things in advertising. In a company recently the proverb above quoted, and which appeared at the head re one of a well constructed series of advertise: merits of flood's Sarsapatilla, was tO .i4nuch discussed that we doubt if ativ -brie there will ever forget, tbe sottece whence it canoe. lviesors.,good & 0o. ; .,are Using theae proverb arivertisemen Oil a very broad, scab', _ and they are -at- tracting discussion and favorable ennI- mnent y' . cents a bottle. Sold by all drugg fats throu out the world." Be sure oAid ask for "X' WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, — Lieknow. Lest Saturday morning at 4 o'clock the large Caledonian Hell was totally destroyed by flee. Theadjoining build- ing, used for an apple evaporator, wits also burned. The hall was insured for $500. Cease ()Vire 'Unknown. 7 • GOOD BLOOD, AND SOUND ' '• MUSCLES. • Seed's 'Emulsion is a blood -waking ande strength -producing food. It re-' moves that feeling of utter helpless. liege which takes possession of one when suffering from general debility, Queen Victoria's new steam yacht will cosb $5.000,000, apd will be launch- ed May 8. -POMO; ON l'Irg PAC. -Can bo °urea in 3 dayeby the use 'of Dr. Agnew's Ointment. However impossible this may seem, a few ap- nlioatiens will terivince Many are cured who have booe4istIguroe for years. Try it to -day, • -Sofa by eases Co. .4 Rev. Father Champagne, parish priest of Gatineau Point, opposite Ri- deau Ilan, is dead, aged 52 years._ Aprit Showers Washewtty the filth. and Weste that have accumulated during ',fitter. In like manner Hood's Sarsaparilla, expels from the blootl, impurities that, have been deposited during the season when thereinto been but little pers ation and perhitp constaiit conllne merit in impure and vitiated ah.. It is it boon to tired mothers, housa.k epers, teachers and others who spen their time"indoors. It gives the hlood,richness an Atm. ar, fitting it to nourish and strengthen the *merest muitcleit and all tha great, organs of the hod cure*mina s all sng • humors and banis es that tired feeling, Mr. Prancle Marlon CrawfordIs saki to inoe commenced to write the bin* graphy ot Pope Len. XIII. ^44,444_ It is the best medicine money CA11 buy for all diseases caused by' impure htipoverished blood, You should hegin taking to,day, IMPORTERS. • • :Selling the Wiseman Stock -at islze Wiseman Store, Clinton. JR .HIE.HPF.p3ING . The best of all American brands; Made Of the finest quality PURE MANILA. FIBRE, guaranteed to run .650 feet to the .- pound and exceeds any other Twine in Tensile strength. The Best Yet Onee you buy it you will use no other as -it will save you money. , Only it hniited quantity, • Order, early before prices advance. 'ItYc'fiTY HARLAND .BROS. STOVES AND TINWARE. IRON ANDHARDWARE. 9 roadfoot Box 4; Co. "Manlidacturerig and Xs ttalers In ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. For the Spring tracje we are Peering the largest and most own- plete stook of High. Medium. and Low Priced Furniture in the County. We have some great values to offer in , PARLOR SUITS, COUCHES, AND LOUNGES/'.., Do not bay until you have paid a visit to our Witreroolus. Itorse.o;iri,amilal•mtairl•WIA1*.1.1. UNDERTAKING this line we carry a complete stock. Our Hearses and out. fit are tip to,date and our charges reasonable. BROADFOOT, 'BOX 84 00 Trurniture »eaters and 'Undertaker*, • "W" ChAditey.,, Manager Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our Funeral Director, J‘W, Chldley, Xing St., opposite rounder,