HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-13, Page 4V,it CLINTON NEWS.liEaORD. NEW$yR.O1StALL. OVER iCOUNTY.. rnono OtJR OWN QOPPREESPONMENTO A1VP cowry ixoNAtveors', HOVEL CORRIDOR BuoRs. Qotleeith. The notes Which Mr, Robert Holmes - is sending from Ottawa appear to eon- sist largely of ttetel corridor o'runtors."„ at least he 80 designates them and It is not for tie to say. hint nay, be glib end knowing way la winch he speaks of the Russell rotunda, is beginning to alarm his friends here, soroe of whom really fear he is being drawn into the "swift set" at Ottawa. We sin- cerely hppe that such may not be the cese, but that he may help bnild history instead. By the Ivey Clinton contactors - are patiently wait - i for an opportunity to tend- er. upon the new postoffice which was as good. as proniiseds during the cam- ng - -The Choir of Victoria street church vill give delightful entertainment rtV4cerice:&ieegveeciin 41setrytie);%f TfialrsYs Annie E. pottier, humorous and dra- matic reader of Toronto, at Whom •we have teed twiny aeticleg in praise of her talent and several of ept. 1°941 vete cellists. and musicians. Admission, 10 cents, We congratulate 111r, Albert Robert- itt, obtaining his cbp- fgerlittErn"tpteltal Sutgery. We wish hire soccese in his new field, Mr. and Mrs. Megaw, 'Wellington street, have returned from a vent to their daughter, Mrs. Archibald, Sea- to attract the electric -railway from forth. Mr. elegaw previous to his Hamilton when his aluminum haven - visit had been confined to 'the house ze has worked such wonders so far. with a very severe attack of la grippe "It isa beautiful place," said Mre, and we feel pleased to see that the Dave 134, Britannia Rottcl, who with veteran teacher has quite recovered Mr. Bell and all their family including from it and enjoyed his visit to Sea- Mr, and Mrs. James Postlewhatte, drover down to St. Joseph on pester Sunday where they were invited to ttst,Mrs. Colin Campbell, spent Easter- spend that day at the home of Mr. James McMath,'"Whb is the son-in-la,w of Mr. Dave Bell and`who has resided at St. Joseph for some months. The beverity ot• the vvinter has. not seemed to interfere with the plans of the founder of St, Joseph on -Lake Huron. The alutninem yield naust be no myth, The Kingston city merchants are ahead in the coupon line. With the purchase of each customer they give a coupon.which stands for the percent- age allowed on each purchase. Thee the customer has a coupon book and saves up the coupons and gets the worth of them in geode any time. One smart little city girl wrote, a friend here asking for coupons to be saved for her new coupon book, but alas our town has not that style of coupon yet. We are awaiting- the rattan of R. S. Chilton AtneeicareConsid and family, from their whiter sojournat Washing- ton D. C. . The house looks so cheerless this spring weather with shutters closed, • • • Miss Florence Williams of the 0111- lia High School •staff and her brother Lindsay, student at the Collegiate Institute here, spent their Easter vaca- tion •at, Toronto with their brothere' Grahame Williams, droggiet of that GOderielle. Miss Minnie Hillier has reterried frotn spending her Easter vacation with friends at Toronto. Mies Othetpaigne is visiting at Elora where she is the guest of her aunt,Mrs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Tem Swede spent Good Friday at Clinton, the guests of relit - titers there. Mr. ,Aciarn Cantelon of Clinton was the guest, on Friday and Saturday last, of his uncle, Squire Cantelon. Conthie City or St. josepki is going aherisi with new vigor this season. Twenty-five houses are to be elected. Surely Monsieur C'ontine will he able forth. Our indefatigable end talented ate 447 THEIR OLD GAME. • . • . The two best abused men in Canada to day Aire the Tupper% Sir Charles' and Sir Hibbert, and the reasonisetot • far to seek, They are able, aggressive and eloquent men, in the habit of giv- ing mare ° than they get in discussions, and -quite stble to hcild their own in any emergency, eo that. the Tieberals beth fear and- hate them, and would dtive them out of politics, if at, all possible. They have gene too far, however, in their 'campaign of slander which is winning. supperternfor , the Grand Old Man and Sir-Efibbert. ' HOW TO DEAL W17'li 7'ROUBLIPSOPIE QUESTIONS. ' I When a public question becomes troublesome to the -.members of the Government at Ottawa they forthwith set up the plea that it aught to he con. sidered -apart from polities. • . One honorable 'gentleman says the Manitoba School Questien should not be a political -one. • • Another claims that the trade policy . should no longer he a bene of conten- tion between the twp parties • , But to cap alt the talking member Of the Cabinet contepds that the Yukon administration should not be the sub- ject of party critieistia thoe!ouse'...°!... Comnions, • What next? , Ir.i.04.4,.•`• • Of' I ANOTFIER ITOMISE UN4rElaILLED. • . When in Opposition the Liberals railed at the syStem Of Superannua- tion. They !old times. without num- ber that it was fraud; a scandal, a waste gensblic money and all that sort of thing.. They would abolish it root and branch if they intrusted with authority so to doe They have now had about threes . years to pet their premises hito practise, hilt have as Yet -failerthitheefeefOinni.r. In the break - g of pledges they; are becoming quite As noted as their peodigality in making thein Prior to Jame 1$86. In the last year of Conservative rule thirty-six persons wife • Superannuated at a cost of$21,000, but:the Liberals in their first . year of pewee supetannuated I.37, the largest nurnbee in the country's his- tory, at a cost of Ot„239.: THE E.XODUS COES ON. The exodus to the -United States still' goes on as usual though the Liberals claimed that it was due to Conserva- tive misrule ,jtnd would- cease when once they held flie destinies of the country in their hands, Speaking of the influx of Canadians, 'a Bangor, Maine, paper said s the ether . day "This is is 41ae season for the annual mi- gration of Canadians to the 'United States and 'dozens of them pass through Bangor on every train from the East; within the laet few days the second-class rase/el-has been exceeding- gly heavy, but; on Tuesday' all' recorde were broken, 120 tnen,' women -and children., rota all parts of the • Lower Pr. I. -ewes, arrived here in two eels. Their ley was short on account • cif thelatenebe tho tvitin and they were in Henget :ally for the. brief time • oveilpted in et, wee the., tSrs frotn I OW I -re • Dagen:ye. Wm - Dobbin of Mount Forest, stop- ped here over Sunday *Meng friends. —David Seat spent Easter .with friends in Haltort county,---Jamee Bette had the misfertune to have part of his lef- hand Amputated in a cutting box on Saturcley last. He is getting eselongerts Well as can e expected.— Dan1.Geddes invited a few of his,friends In On Tuesday evening last week and a • very pleasant time was Spent in dan- cing. The dresstriakers did likewise on Thursday evening And held a very se- lect assembly. --110. Mr. West of ' Bluevale occupied the pulpit of KnoX chile& last Sabbath, --"The 'Wed- ding" in the Foresters' hall last Friday evening was well attended. The ama- teur troupe from Bluevale Which ten- dered it are of no mean order. Pro- ceeds were about $30.—Mee, F. An- derson ' of Wavvemosh Visited her daughter, Mrs. A. Brooks. on Friday , ; last, korerit IIOne arm.. Quite a, number of people in this neighborhood are burly making mettle syrup. Seine of these Who tapped four vleeke age/ Will surely hot Midst Much. --Miss fleece', Carter. Who hex., been attending the Settforth Collegiate In- stitute, is now home vielting friends. —Mr, Isaac Moore has bought Mr. Thos, tiruee'S farm adjoining his own. Norman Carter and his two 'sisters of Alma called on friends here last week, Mr,. .1111(1 Mrs. H. tittle visited friends here last week.—Miss Jennie McKay, who has been in Mc. Killen for some time, has returned hornet Again...es-Mr. Thomas Forsyth( balled on friends here,—,Mre. A. Sproat has had * alight strOke of par. all,sis in her faeo, but We hope nothing ifeelettit Will testi% 4.1 tide at -Toronto, 'Another of our Goderich young lade ies has gone to join the ranks of_ train- ed nurses. Miss Clara Bissett, daegh- ter of Mr. Geo. Bissett of the post. office department, lett during the Eas- ter holidays to attend the (purses at the Montreal General Hesintal. Mr. Bissett accompanied, his daughter as Inc as Toronto and returned last week to his duties at the post office, . The fteends of Mr. Crockett, artist, will be glad to learn that he has quite recovered from a very serious illness at his home in Hamilton. He resides with his sister at their oldehorne. • Look after Sillcrws' babies under eighteen Months who that artist de- lights to greet every 1st of May. The idea is quite laudatory and we hope the, mammas who read Troe News- Recionn's Goderich notes will have their • babies dressed like the flowers of May. lefr.'Sallows deserves credit for paying: the mothers'of Huron so great a com- pliment. The pictures -of. course are a gift. • One George Coi•rnack, employed as a fiehermati heressoree years ago who introduCed teenperande societies. into Australia and who left Goderich. for the Pacific coast, might possibly he the same man at the George Cormack who discovered .Bonanza Creek. The Messrs. Clarke were vvell acquainted with the George Cormack who left Goderich. Eortunes are -booming iound Gode- rich. First we learn that Mrs: Walt- er% mother • of. T. Walters, cornet player Matiee band,has been bequeath- ed by her brother, lately deceased, quite elatte'e km of money. Mrs. Wel- tergestiresther was a military handmits- .terel renew limey, and her father.Ser- eaut-Major Iliney of the 63rd. Mrs. alters wait born on M. Troop- ship "Queen of the East" and being the only child .born upon that trip from 'India, to Europe they rail- ed her ' Queenie. Mrs. Walters 1 has • not' herself, heard feorii England any. news of the decease of her brother, but, the story has been .related her.. by others. s Mrs T. Walters bids fair to rival his uncle for •we Jamie heard -him practice "Long,. Long Ago" with varlet. tions in perfect etyleeni his coro et. Mr. W. Swante Of Robinson's Mer- cantile establishinent spent the Easter holidays at London with his 'brother who holds position in that city: - • e Miss Mande Hale sperit Eastertide at Dungannon, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. As B. Davidson. Miss May Hale is .visiting at Varna, the 'street of Mrs Deihl. 4 • Mrs. Orabb n,nii Mrs. Harrison re- turned -on Tuesday evening, 4th inst., from a pleasaptsEeeter Yisit with. rela- tives and friends in Stratford. There Was good. sleighing; .in the country about Stratford. Mrs. H. Spence, Victoria etreetespent Thursday last visiting triendls in Clin- The. family of R. Roberts of the G. T. R. staff, Stratford, ate the heirs to a large estate in Scotland. Mrs. • Rob- erts has not forgotten her . Goderlch friends. and wishes to be remembered to them all. Het, youngest boy Hiram is new a clerk in a Stretford store. When Mr. Roberts was . removed to Stratford, not vety many years ago, Hiram was in 'knickerbocker% Our town in summer is our pride and the pride of thnstranger, but last week -the,niusl .was so deep and some Streets:deemed to have rivulets on eith- er side of them that losing one's rubber in the mud was the penalty for cross- ing them. It seemed an endless repe- tition of "one more river to cross." Stothers has his carriage and wagon shop completed. We trust he may prosper here as ho has spent quite a portion of his wealth in town. His residence is a hendsome large brick building on Anglesea Street,' while his establishment is upon Victoria street. Mrs. (Rev.) Mark Turnbull spent last week at London where she went to attend the Women's AuxiliarY in that city connected with the Episcopal chuech. She returned on Tuesday. • Much sympathy to expeessed for Mr. and We, Fred Priclhant for the anxiety mused them by he present weak state in which their eldest son is who has lieen a constant invalid from his first year notwithstanding all medical skill and -ears. Lately the muscles Of one limit. contracted so greatly that the hone broke, one of the strangest ineis dents on record a houe to break with- out the least cause otheeetha,n contrite tion of the muscles. Nurse .Thorburri. Is in cost:tilt attendance. J. P. Brown, agent Massey -Harris, was in Clinten on Thuirsday last. A. chiteney on fire the Blake block gave everyone quite an exciting lime on Wednesday evening last. The idiom rung out abont 0.15 p. me but fortunately no chunage was done. Soot had gathered in sufficient gitantity to make a blaze which rose high and looked as if le needed watching for a. little while. On Thursday last your correspondent met tWo little boys on Cambria Road who were like the writer h,rying to find a safe spot on which to put one's foot, so much mud abounding. 'retie correspondent said, "We had better send you boys to the council next time so that We would stand chance of getting eldest/elks." One of them an- swered "Call a meeting," That young lad may be mayor some day. A :petition signed by seventy millers of Western Ontario has been forward- ed to the Ottawa Government praying that the harbor of Godeeith be deepen. eti as speedily as possible to admit the largest grain vessels now trading in the upper lakes. -London Advertiser. We do not know whether ornitholo- gy is taught generally in OM* Collegiate Institutes and Public Schools but we •Gaderleb. All the • wheels opened on Monday a. oa, with the full etatif of teacher% . • after enjoying their Easter vacation at bome and elsewhere. • The members or the Goderieh base- ball club and friends of the game met in thelubilee club rooms on Tuesday evening lest. • Nr. S. A. Voorhees, the well-known professor of minstrelsy of New York. • le preparing our music -loving young friends to astonish our citizens with their proficiency under his tuition. in a well developed original minaret show, with mistimes and scenery neverett. tempted before. We have not yet heard;whether the date of the entertain- ments -hes been deceied upon, but save upyour silver and give the Marine ° I band a Jubilee this year of '90, Clinical and Seitforth should get up an (recursion to visit the Opera House bars. Elliott of the Bank of Montreal .accompanied Mrs.. Turnbull; wife of the Rector of St. George's church, to tend the Women's Auxiliary at Lon- don whieb was held last week. . Mrs. LisTouzel writes very cheerfully from St. Getn.ge'S, Bermuda, her Old home. She took , passage frotn•Neve York by the steatite', Trinidad and -reached Hamilton, Bermuda, in two. „days:. Thirty-one years ago when the late Lieut. R. Skinungs .went to Ber- melee for his health he left New York • in the 'Fah Kee whfah took four dais to mike its Pessage to Hamiltoe, 'Ber-' Young Hilton of Detroit, 4 consin of Manager Video of the Victoria Opera House, is one of. the Paget "Stars" that Will electrify us Thursday night at the Opera House. Mr. 'Rotten Reid has a furniture. store in Brantford. Robert, is theield-" est so of Mr. Dave Reid, Elkin •street. Mrs. Jaime Porter was delighted to find her parents, Ige. and Mrs. Mathe- son, so well at then, Atwoodhome after this long severe winter. They lived a6 "elelleview" ter near it many years egci. The ice in Kingston harbor last week was as hard as in our ovvn harbor. 31rs. Dave Reid hears re.gularlv. from her see who never suffered any lateen- • venienee last winter from Kiondyke cold. -The etre:nes part is, that"she re- ceives his letters, but, .only one letter fi orn berate has •ever reached him. • The electric mile that ornaments the Hotel Bedford yard iseents to be un- usually contrary. • It, is like. A mast,' there isetlivave some ooe At the top of it and on Friday two men were • busy fixing it. Perhaps the coming af Faust caused the extra attention. • F. 11. Torrington, Musical Director Toronto College of Music, organist and director 'of Metropolitan Methodist,. church, conductor Toronto festival chorus, sentyour- correspondent a complimentary card mentioning that .31.1f at any point there are a Sufficient number. of puiels desiring examination special arrangements, may be made with the College whereby an examiner may be sent, provided notice is given in January and May each year." . The first examination at the ColleW in Tor- onto took place in Februarylast, the • seeped will take place in June, F. IL Torrington's addtess is 12 arid 14 Pem- broke street, Toronto. Positions found for capable students. ' McColl of Sault Ste. Marie, after Visiting his family and friends at Listo- wel and Winghana, returned with Miss Tina McColl and the younger children on Friday a. tn. Mrs. lteeColl and Beatrice will return later. ' The sheets improved rapidly after a little attention had been paid to the water courses, being opened during the lee ter part of kite week. 1Vliss Mabel Tom has quite recovered from her recent serious illness and is about as usual, One evening recently Miss Liz- zie Spender invited her Sunday school class of nine boys to spend a pleasant evening at, her home, Victoria street. A happy thooghe struck Miss Spence, who was onlybelie upon gtVing her class a most enjoyable evening, so nine little, girls belonging to other classes in Sunday schools were also. invited, Progressive crokinole was the amuse- ment chosen, Ten games were played And two prime awarded to the fortu- nate girl and boy, .Miss Hattie Solis was the winner of &handsome calendar and Master Donald MeNiven won the boys' prize, a'pretty cut -glass inkstand. After the games were finished music, song end recitations followed. Master Harry McCreath was called to the chair, Misses Ettn and Irene Soles sang nicely together the pretty Polo by Maris, composer of "After the Ball," etc., "Break the News to Mother," their sistet, Miss Hattie Sault% ancom. panying them at the piano, MISS Gladys Pratt rendered exceedingly well a couple of recitations, also Misses Irene and Etta Saults, whose abilities are well known in tht•art of elocution. Misses Ethel Platt and Hattie Souks rendered the company som0. pretty instrumentals. The boys were Masters Harry McCreath (chairmen), Donald 1VIcNiven, • Leo DePeudry, Laurier Dyke Maleolin and Norman MeDen aid. The other three boys could not attend. The young ladies were Misses . Ileittie, /retie and rag &tufts, Ethel and Gladys Platt and Daisy Roberts, the other three girls not being able to attend, the evening being so stormy. After the pleasing entertainteene WAS over all were enterteined with a, re- cherehe luncheon, sealed at little heves the pleasure of knowing two tablee, the last couple having the ern. teachers that make Ib a special etudy. kintde board to thenUelves. After Wetherell, peenelpee of the swam. luncheon WAS served out, amateur Pho- roy Collegiate Institute. and MIAS Kate tographert Mr. Pasemore, took a very Watson of St. Andrew's ward sebooli fine photo by flashlight. Some of the town, Mr. Wetherell has the list of • ewes ars finished, and they are really birds printed in sheet form every seat good, and in the photo IS ineluded the on, that is of the birds that migrate to Portratb of OW late sergeant Spence, Strathroy. The first naked there 1 whielt adorns the wall or the drawing thlitteaentl was a purple Martin, , rem. on Friday leth April tei see the great; and only living representative of the immortal "Faust", Seats secured at Portet's book store. . ifhe first ... whistle, from r the whaf which told of the good ti es to cote° was heard from some of the• tugs ort Saturday last: Geo.11aley, grocer, assigned last Week to his crechtots. We' are very sorry that he could not flourish in our town as he was e very exemplary cleric in El - Hetes store.before going ipto business for himself. He is At present in Lon. don. Mrs, Mac -Vicar. wife of the editor of the Sarnia Canadian, is visiting at the residenee of het, son, Elgin ,street, Her little grandchild, Carrie accompanies her. . Mr. and Mrs. Tom , 'Gledhill of Ben - miller have •come to reside East street. Mrs. W. D-Shamion of the Park House spent the Easter holidaysat Woodstock, the guest et hell friend, ?Mrs. J. Bailey of that city, Dr. Thompson of London spent Good Friday at the curling rink with his Hensel' friends,. • Captain Murray MeGregoe of the Gervernment survey boat had an at- tack of 14 grippe, • Mrs. J. Ades Fowler returned last week from her Easter visit 41 Listowel and Brussels. ` • lasMtawneaegek.r Sonders was in Toronto M. Robert Clarke,. East street, has gone to California to try his fortune.. Mr. Fiank 'Henderson, after spending a month' with his mother here, Mrs. James Strougb, East street,has gone to reside at Carmen, Manitoba. He had spent The winter at Ailsa Craig with his becither, Mr, Ed. Henderson, who. had opened Out a bakety there. ' • M. '"Gerarge Henderson's attack Of illness is pronounced tyPliold fever, His mother, Mrs. Streugh, hai only recovered herseit from a serious illness, We hope hereon's attack will be slight. We regret very much that Mr. A. M. Todd has had So many ber.e avements of late. Oil Saturday assn. he received a telegtam advising hint of the death of his sister, Mrs. Reeve of 'Woodstock. city - Bicycles all in a row are filling many of our business centres thie month so that when May comes all our botanists. Can hie them to the woods to search for May flowers. The dear little cro- cuses and snoWdrops are outs for some time in the gardens. - I. 4. Breckshowed in tke Whig Melee to:day a Masonic apron over 130 years of age and .atn.itys in the posses- sion of the .family. It was worn by his great great.grantifather in a Boston Lodge in 1770. The Amon descended from father to sorest H. Breck sr., not being a mason, the apron was loaned ti) J. Collapier. Shelburne Vermont, and worn bylim until L Harry Breck be. came a naember otSt, John's lodge, no 3 G. 4. o. On April' 2nd, BOO, Mr, Breck was given the familyheirloom. It ism sheepskin with Masonic emblems and trimmed in blue,' Kingston thus leads in aid Masonic aprons. -Kingston British 'Whig. . Thestfuneral took place on Easter Monelliy, 3rd Apeil, of the late Fannie A. Robertson, beloved wife of Mr. W. R. Robertson and sister ofthe late R. B. Smith, from the family residence, corner .Elgin and Stanley streets. Mrs. Robertson had sinfereel for years from a bronchial affection, and last summer her family, thinking a trip to Mus- koka wont( be beneficial, she thought, that the sedieal staff of that institu- in she would.' i sin at the sanitarium at Gravenhi with the confident hope 'Mon mightunderstand her ease, ancl. well they did,,for they knew their skill might' prolong het days for only a short time, Which really was the case. She WAS accompanied by one of her daughters, who really felt that her mother was improving rapidly, and her ' hope, was that she might brave. this -.Season And go to the sanitarium again. Mrs. Robertson was a firm Christian and to her credit her family have grown up studious and were all pro- foundly attached to their mother. When she lay in her casket,. with the lilies of the valley strewn around her .and itn Easter lily on her breasts she looked p'eaceful and life -like that wore than one remarked that no trace of her long illness could be noted in in her face. She was thankful that she we's spared to see her family grow up to man's and wornan's estate. Her sons are John, lecturer in Classics. at, Victoria College, Toronto; Robert, barrister. of the -firm of Idington & Roherteon, Stratford; Morton, teacher at Willitunsleirgh Collegiate Institute; Will on the reportorial staff of the Sig. tutl, and Frank,Who we regret to say is suffering front some pul-monary af- fectiors, law student • with GarroW & Prondfont, 1 -ler daughters are Marys teachers Public School. Windsor ; See.' site taking the Normal Comae, at Ham- ilton, and Maggie at home. Lovely floral iri butes wet eon shroud and casket the casket, the most notable being a handsome wreath presented by Maple Leaf Lodge A. O. TY, W. The Pall -bearers were her four eldest eons. Ite•v. jasper Wilson, her Constant spiritual attendant, officiated at hone* and grave. The funeral cortege slow- ly wended ts Way up Elgin -greet, thence to Maitland cemetery. IL H. Hodgson of Brampton, AV. II. and Mrs. Whitehead of Toronto and Mrs. 3, O. Stevenson of Clinton attended the funeral. • . West Hallett. • ProinntiOnS.--The following pupils Were firOMOted in S. S. No. 5 at the re - dent pronmtion eXaminations, Sr 2nd to Jr. 3rd--15lay Cousins, JffIv jecksort, Bettie Hoggart, 'Willard Lee. ard. to Sr, fird-ItebbieVodden, _Lily Snell, Jas. 14fe0ool, John Vodden Viva Moir. Sr. 3rd to, Jr. 4th -Albert Vod- den, Samuel Lee. -3, II. Lowery, totteb. er.—Miss Annie Tynet Is visiting relatives in Leadbury.—Mr. John Nett, hat been engaged with Mr, 8.151c - Cool for the season.--Mr4. S. McOool lost a valuable horse hist week teem indigestion. --Mrs. j. II. Lowery spent bleb week 'felting her parents at Holiriesville. al000 1.11 1111 J it APRIL 13, 1S99 1111411.• • Book .Store. C11004.._ WALL NUOGHTS tems of ter aper sit Ai) ut ur flaIi epart ent. 0 f 0400.1h-ecee'lesiieeey'e,-Itee-ese-Wtee-• •0••••••0••:iiiespoose3ie08.0060060 . There Are Two Figures •to consider in purchasing Paper -the • • 2 figure in the *pee and the figure you waut ;I' to pay. We can suit your ideas io regard. • • to both. In ,our papers there are all the new te. • • est and haralsothest figures in our prices the : figures are all small. be glad to have €e)) • • you look, at these figures. .• • ,••••,•••••••••••••••tiocieteeocreeeeeetesee • ••••••••••••••••••••••••000•00•••••• • a -Let'Us Shoiir Yon • • -•: A' paper •fop year- front hell if you are not e • satisfied With what' you har now J LilSean ' • • decorations- twee consttntJy clmmmgmngAn pat:. terns and. our stookis eteictly up-to-date. • • • 'Softer tints are the thing now., • We, can 0 • please you if you will give us A drainer• . • ft • • ••• , - 0 41.40••••640440spoesopeiviescompowje, A I ••••••0•Peeelfreo00.00•••••ieetiole•••••• . • ; • . • • "They Look Different 1; * , • , 0' on the isthe retnArk. the ordinary' 2- Avip •Paper „man. , aineaser Makes •When he 6 triesto palm off a Indeque pattern on a custce• a uk•kr. • You can tell jest whitt out, papers Will • lookbke. They Speak for theinselve% They I ° willsatisfy yon fiom the start. • • sposrootacii#0.0asakpetili• impiernsosasestiso 0000000600e. •••••••••••••••••••••••• - • • • • : • Our Stock. of .Wall Papers. r • .61 gpei. ea efast theee is ecarcely time- given • • -0 to c,:i:st a full sletdow." Just • at this 'season of: e the year the wall paperbusiness hi getting • o nrore active. The .newest patternsare more • • * beantiful thanever and pewee n,relowerthan • 0, ever. . O000looaos000000mmag0000db0000iooseemo Lost ift Wonder are all of the housekeepers who hare seen Onr new patterns in 'Walt papers And have heard • the prices we &Pe mAklug on them. The heed times are past, but tee houeht when tentmfacs hirers were compelled to sell to the trade at, hard time prices, We Axe assety behiod the times in ihe prices we are aeking, but the papers we are showing to blind reds of admir- ing custotnere etre of the latest design. wwoowwweowN*wwwww•s Cha.rnting Otn, lovely and cosy Canadian homes display the good taste of their ownere at many points and chartningvistas bent witness to the fact of mt i.ettaiseanci e n home making. The wall paper,. we say, "means everythhig," This is not quite true, perhape, but it does mean very much, and with this end in view we are showing it beautiful I hie of pa pers. comprisingall k noten tintesuitable fo edrew ing roo Ins, p at loi's, bo udeire,lieing ro ens e All Paper Trimmed Free. 11:11111111•01101.100 1111 1 1 1111-11 I-11,1 - OLINTO4