HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-13, Page 1414, $ Lop A YEAR IN ADVANCE, VOL. XXI— CLINTON, HURON COUNTY ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1899, The llajority of the Offices of the 33rd Battalion Are in Favor of Cliuton as the Most Central and Fitting Site for the Huron' Armoury. Are the NI P's huprossing this Fact Upon the Government, Strongly I • • LIN TON • INDEPENDONT /4V AL( THINGS-NOMA(' IN NOTHING. W. J. MITCHELL, laditer.111144 WHOLE NO. 1,061 Mar Glicelts. • Just received from the factery, now* is your chanceto get one, And •Ili geod one at that, for theyare No* Ifitsrraucao • • The best in the market; One is all . you will require and you will find a it invaluable in, your home. You •ko will'aixeep 111 ore contented when you c have m e, and it Will call you as early as ou like. It wakes the 6 hired -man, the servant -girl, the stay -out -late young man, and all t'.1 the other.,sleepy rnortals. It wakes a ' all but the dea , rid THE COST LS co ONLY $1.25 so yo cannot afford e are leaders to be without one. HI Our line... ' —J Jeweler and Expert Watc Repairer. ' siT\ C11.3 A LESIVIEN (211,404117 6. PRIG •are workingfor us. For •-the next ten days wewill offer . a line ofQuart Jugs at 15 cents' that are well worth 25.cents. • . .• We bought a large quantity .of , them at a pi;ice that enables us. t9 skit f.tar 15 cents the bestJug that has, ever been 'offered for that money; they .can be seen in our north.:.window. - Have you tried. our Happy 'Home Soap, if not get a quar- ter't' worththe neirt time. You are out of .soap .and try :it. Just think 8 Scent bars ,for 24.6enp. ur..To-bATE ()ASH GROCERY. OGLE: COOP. ER. .CO. 'Clinton 1. , . • Cash paid for Butter and. Eggs and vi ied APples, Phone 23.* €it,E4,E4••;449,4,€1•4 0.-ONWQ. 0,10O,C5% : /061 • C1C7:71-Nr,•;.7341-71; ,••„1:11. IA • •"'", \' \ ,..,4 , :AD .t, e !pea o ..,, ii: , . A JONA!. or ir.; - 4. -FASHION. 7.44)- CULTUREAND riNr ART& * - If.. PUBLISHED* 411ti% "BUTTERICK PIAXISVC Ca. „Siling.d41 Op, LONDON ANQ .1%1114106VIA NEW YORK. ''' liti,• 1 I • J J. t This 4 the largest,. most 'repro- sentative and thoroughly up-to- clate °fall the Wornen's 1VIega- zines published. 8 11 y IT•anzaber Zolet Era c/ • S A Matauatifill - Number - • 0 The colore prates of Fashions ( and Millinery •ecentlyintroduced are of immense• Value to all in- • terested fashio able and cor- teat dress.. • are seldat : • 6c,!1qc, 150,..20c and • ( according as the styles range' from utter simplicity tb exti eme elaborateness. They are absol- utely enable and have an expel- c •lence of detail that has never been approached. The prices are now from 25 to 40 per. cent. .cheapet than forrner1y. 0• Sold 111.0114.ton by et • 'THE. TWQ HAT — • To see the latest in Hats • inspect A. •J. M.orrish's stock, Don't buy till you a. so. An inspection wil convince you not only that • he has what you want but that his prices snit the times and the good quality • of the goods .he sells. His Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, etc., are 086 eilpe- rior goods at taking prices. ktia CLINTON.' M kal e, Booksellers, Stationers and Fancy Goods Dealers. l'aesee'r0e. 996%9.. '91(166309 irt,1 Oue business has chiefly been Ordered Clothing with the exception of Ready - Made Pants, Overalls and Ready -Made Overshirts. We have often been asked for a cheap suit and in order to accom- modate our customers had to put in a few lines of Ready-Mades. We do not purpose making any more profit on these than will pay the freight, as it is a sideline out of the ordinary run of Cur trade. The first price is $5 for it Alan's Suit, generally sold at $7. . The second price is $5 50. This suit would be cheap enoughat117,50. The third price $7. This snit is made out of all wool Halifax Tweed and will give $10 worth of wear. • The fbintli andlaet price in the Read y- Mades is $8 and it is really a nice snit, neatly cut and well made, good trim-. pings kod got up in the beat Style; •Some houses would charge you $12 -for it. The Ordered Clothing season is in full swing. All the Tweeds are in and we have the best line We have ever had. • L. E • MINTON. co-*, : Our Oust "NA °way Tit e,,vs Fits Oh, do IL hear some one say, ,T don't think 1 shall go near you, I don't want Alta. Oh, yes you do. You like your Coat and your Pil,nts to fit and you like a nice easy fitting Spring Overcoat, Your flat won't 1, look well if it don't fit. That is the kind of fits we give our customers and. guarantee ,good fits or no. sale and you OM then, give us the °thee kind of fits. Give us a trial 'tic fit you out in a nice Spring Snit, You will be more than pleased for we make a specialty of giving better values and better fita than any house in: town, We are praetical tailors and can fit a giant or a dwarf and best of all our prices will lit your poket book. In the ready made departme e have 8uirs FROM $8,60 TO $12.00 tho latest styles and patterns Give USA Call and We Will Save You Money, SO CLOTHIER, ll'IMNISMER AND HATTER. . Little Locale, 6 Duringlthe Month Of March the G. T. . . agent at Myth gold 171 tickets foi. Clinton and 00 for Wingham.--,!- Harland Bros. sold185 stoves tis sea- son whidh is now Omit passed, 88 being flew ones. The Radiant Home was the best seller with the HappY Thought a good second. •Several of their sales were for points in Iffanitoba.----;-Turt O NEwsZtEconp's • subscription list is climbing Oe. stairs, two steps at a time. To keep pace with the demand upon our advertising space another enlargement will really.have to be. Made, For the success with which The Peoples' Paper is,ineeting the credit is largely due *to. its able and energetic staff. Of correspon- dents) chief among' them being our representative at Goderich.—The Rouse of Refuge counneittee of the county council inet on Friday last and awarded. tlietontract to Harland Bros, • of putting* ventilators into the men's sittingroorn•and smoking room, • The cost of the repairs will he abort forty loflars,while fertile meeting: of theeoril- mittee.the coonti will have to pay an iidditonel thirty dellars.--Service was held in St. Joseph's church on Sunday and Monday. -- .-A verbatim report of the serimondeliveredby Rev. Mr, Mill - yard in Windsor on a .reeent Sunday eVening was tinhlished in the Record of that town which faverahly detriment - ed. igen) Davia of Dayis & Rovviand enter,fitined his old friend, 'Mr. D. B. Kennedy', to a tive-o'clock at .1iie place of brisniesi. on Saturday last It la needless to Say to tildes . who: k ow these gentlemen that .014' bad ane •'oyable time over "the cup Which - Cheers," The Occasion • Was worthy of ' one • f "Si'S" • beat The Oatifel we are preparing for an Atilome OM the 27thinst.. to. cele- brate -the' spiffy iary of the foendal, tion Of the tirdei cricketers will meet ' in .rhe ,,council cham- ber this • evening . to. • 'organize for the season. " The youthful crieket. ere are also making ready for warm Weather bypassing arotincl sabscrip• tion flits. • If eitchlist represents a sep- arate Club the town ccititaipe' riot less' than a scot*. of .thein at the height of, the season, -Mr. J. Itattenbery sold* a half-dozen of his Audalusian fowito Mi. John Howson Who included. .them in MS Oilotit.iiit to tile North-W.est.---: J. & N. 111c1.4 Fair coinpleted. the ship - Men t of 2400 sacks �f flbur t� Liverpool,: yesterday.—Several who heard the., prograzn. of seered musk given by the -Ontario 'street choir recently re-:. quested it re:petition, but, instead ,of complying thechoi•jII. at an early -date give an entirelY new program, The Members of the A. F. & A M• Lodge, who on Wednesday last visited. St. Mary', haying fime to kill in Stria,. ford, while waiting railway connec- aon, called at the city. fire hall and were given a test of the efficiency of the fire 'fighters, The A. F & A. M'a Were rnoch pleased with what the saw.—The officers of the S. A. local Corps -say :-7"There will be a wonder- ful • timein the barracks to -night at • the children's public entertainment There will he bar, bell • and motion drills, together with bekutifid, songs, solos: etc. Don't miss the treat. • mission only 10 cents."Dr. Agnew has let .t•he contract of buildinghie new residence on Joseph street to Mr,' Thomas,Mackenzie, while to Harland Bros, has been awarded the contract for pluunbingand putting in the beating apparatus. When completed this will be one of the beet residences in „Can- fiill attendance of those in- terested in the organization of abase-.. ball club *ill be held at the Commer- cial Hotel on Friday eVening. There ienburniance of Material in town orit good ball team,—Mr • J..Holloway has invested in a collie, a• handsome animal with the fine pointed that fam- ous breed. • He -gave in part pay; his greyhound Which gave the new 'owner the slip and came homefrom Seaforth the other night. The distance is about nine miles, hutA, J. says thatfrom the information he can gain the hound came up in fifteen imirintes,--Miss jernirria Holmes will start a private school on the, first Monday. ip May Id a' large airy room in the house eceupied at present by Dr. Wilkie next door to Tedford's black- smith shop on Rattenbnry street, As Miss Holmes is an experlended teacher, and employs modern Methode of itn parting instruetiOn, ' she will doubt- lersit meet with Stiecess.--Mr. Santee - Scott gave tt short address on "Peesby. terinoism in Ireland" at the 0. E. meet- ing at Willis church Monday evening. The meeting was Ied by Miss Taylor. --Mr. W. Doherty has rented, the Gilroy residence& and moved in last Horace Foster deliver. arm address in the Hattenbury street Epworth League bit Monday evening. --The town hall stage has been great- ly improved by Mr. 3'eseph Copp who Is an artist with the brush. --The cur - 'era will dine at the Clarendon next Monday evening, The pewters and. medal Won in competition will be pre- • 4.0 eented during the toast liet,--Mr. I, VICTORIA BLOOK nattelthttry botight rt•few,horees lately cuNTON,,, for ate Menitobe. *wird. A Well.Darned {location. The Board of Managers of Willi church have granted their pastor, Rev Alex, 8,tewart, a three -months! •vaca, thin, begioning the first of June. The reverend gentleman has dot been en joying the best of health of late, and not havitig had a Vacation for about three IA Ball Throuah s Mr. John. Clarridge of the organ The C P. R. 'Will • faetory staff met with an unusual and - painful accident on Saturday last, He had undertisken to clean a revolver for - a friend. It was loaded, which he knew, but wouldn't discharge in -the usual way, and while Working with it it suddenly went of and the ball pass- ed clean through the paina of one of his hands,, The Dauntless Lacrosse Club. • • The levers of lacrosse met at the Rattenbury House on Monday night and Organized for the season with the following staff of officera:L-President, Captain McTaggart; vice, W. G. Doh-• erty ; secretary -treasurer, P W.Brock; O committee; Bert Potts, .A... , Morrish and A. Miller. • Another meeting will be held next Monday nightat the Com- mercial The devotees of the game ex- pect to be able to get toga ther a win? ping team this season. 0 0• What About the Stone Crusher ? O The proposed actionof the town council in regard to, the purchase Of a stone crusher is being considerably dis- cussed pro and cpnby the • citizens, with the Pros very much in the major ity.- The opposition contend; that purchase cannot binnacle this year in- asinuch.aathere is no appropriation; to which the councillors reply that by, IOPPing off three -hundred dollars of this year's:expenditure On•salaria account, and economising in other directions as. ' well, there will remain a sufficient sum in thetreasury to buy n crusher :with - Mit over drawing Blz Tom' Sold. . Until Monday Messrs. J.- •& N. 'MpL.' Fair ,owned the largest horse in Huron eounty and likely in the Whole country It was it six?year•old gelding, *called Big Tom, *hi& as a four year old measured 17 hands, 8 inches with- out shoes, but he has Since etretched up. to 18 hands, 1 inches and ireigliVi30.., pounds. Mason and Vodden bought' him for the British market where he will he sent- shortly to astonish the natives. Big Torn was used for draying and %Harry Glazier, his driver, never succeeded in getting on a suffi- ciently heavy load to hold him. years has well-earned the rest which the 13oar4, of • Managers now insist he must take. During. • Mr. .Stew - O art's absence the pastoral work wilLbe in charge of Mr. E. A. Wicher, who recently graduated from Knox college -with high honors and is well spoken of by those who are in a position to know. . • O The Pedettes Are Good Entertainers. 0 •• The audience which crowded the town hall Tuesda'y night thorotighly .enjoyed the entertainment given by the Fadettes and should they return to Clinton 0 on some 0 future, occasion Will be equally Cordially greeted. The Fadettes number twenty two; including the conductor, Mrs, Caroline Niahols, are all women, and each.is an artist on .the instrument upon which she plays. An addition to the regular progra.rn WhiCh was very Much appreciated was the recitations of•Lina, the ten -year-old daughter of Carl W.• Hartman of- the Star Ooorse Bureau. This pretty child ie - cited with a grace, clearness of ,enunci- attar) and synionthY with her etIP; jects that delighted the audience. The Apple KIngFavos the Mans . APpin Kink bnnVIOn'ints' noW About wound up • operations* for the season and Will shortly be throwing his inter- git,s into *anetherlin'a of business until the fruit:harvest once More Comes !uound In. talking, 'over the situa don with Tan , NEWS REponb • the other day expressedthe opin- ion -and who • should knew bettei- thet of the latewinter yarieties the Man n"waS the best Of them all. lest -bred hetter and .hrought the highest price in the .English Market, the chief of :tests. The Baldwiri,'Ben Davi,'Uaia- da Red, • Plioenix„iina 'Rossetts . were' alt good . sellers in Liverpool. .The NorthernSpy, Which:. is the most. ex- tensivelY grown in •Huron,. has no en- perioriiiit is too thin Skinned to stand acedss-Oceair transportation, thOUghit reaches. the North-West in splendid 'condition. The Cranberry Pippin, the Apple wog saye.liii a good Seller but is •more of the::fall • variety: 0 In -Prince giliVard county,. where the Soil has it finiestone bottom, the Pippin thrives; .exceedingly well kind is it good looker.: 14 cloth not; however, do So well in Huron, owing ;nest likely to -the diff- erence in soil and hotted', and is liable t� 'Spot. ile speaks from elrperienee, 'as setne.ttiit • years ago. he brought in - grafts freinTrince Edward which.haVe not.proved asuccess. • Little Loral's, Anton the shipments from Olin ton station 'this past week were :-2 cars of • cattle to Toronto by S. H. Smith, 8 cars of organe to Eng- land .by W. Dohettrikpq.., 2 cars grain for export by. D.. A. ' Forrester and 2 by Holmes & Duncan Mcguaig has been upon the Sick list for the past week, buttwas ahle to get down town on Tuesday, . Mrs. Mc. Qualg has also been in poor health for Some days.—W. T. R. Fowler V. S. has decided to:locate in Clinton and has hung out his Shingle at. •Dr. Wor- thington's oldstand on Huron street. Lena MeQuaig was assisting in Hodgens Bros. secondo store last week.--Whee you have an item of interest, let THE Nwiii--Rigoonto know about it.--7,--The Oddfellovis will attbnd divine service in the Baptist church on Sunday, 22rdflour mill has been running eighteen hours pei. day for some time. --Charley Sing, the celestial, goes to Myth one of these days to start a laundry and yvhen he gets it into running order will send pp -his brother, Sing Sing.—At the meeting of Ontario Street League Mon- day evening the topic "Holy Gar - menti" was taken by Miss Turnbull, who gave it very interesting talk on the subject. The President read a letter from Rev. W. J. Stone, miesinn- ary on Vancouver Island. •whri• said great success was attending their. lab- ors among the Indians of that place, which he partly attributed to the inter- est taken in them by the Goderich Me- thodist District which stipports Mr. Stone.—The official board of the Itatgribury street„ chorch met last night to consicter-the question of it call. It is understood that Hee: Mr. Howson of Mertford is the favorite.—The choir of St, Paul's were entertained at the rectory on last Wednesday evening: They all report a -pleasant tttne.The pastor will preach at, both services in Ratienbury street Methodist church viva Sunday. In the 11 it. tn. hie eubjectwill be "The better country" and in the evening "4. Serrpon for the Hour" ---Mr. 4.. T, O Cooper the °Chet day sold to Rev. Mr. Herr a Herteall three &ablest bikes O of tbe Hartford make. Two of the wheels Were or friends of the divine.- -Ara you it NnWs-RnConn subscriber, • The Star Course a Success. The Star Course, which ended with Tuesday bight'a entertaininent, was a success from Start* to finish and the committee of Manageinent have every reason tube: satisfied, . The progranie were of a high order and the attendance large, The.committee' have also ob- tainea 'valuable experienee which will .enable them to cater still better to the. wantsof the citizens next season: Prob- ably. the tnest indefatigable member of the:committe was Mr. .Lack Kenne- dy; though all render'ed' every assist- anee throughout the series .and are en-. titled to the thanks. of the citizens, Death eit Mrs. Allen. O On Tuesday, March 28th; the cruel hand of death was felt in the recently furnished home of Mr. A. R. Allan at Innisfail in Alberta. Last summer Mr. Allan, ivho' carried on business in Goderich for some time, Moved his effects to the far west and settled On a ranth. Thither his father and mother Went from Clinton after their son John' severed his connection with the drug business here in Jime last Mrs. Allaui while just on the early side of old.rige, found her health*declining and died on above date et thdage of 88 years. Her inany friends in Clinton and vicinity' will regret to hear the sad news. Four Boni anti the husband survive to mourn their loss, ••• Loiidesboro, O James Manning, who had tired of O this life's journey and whose mind had become so warped by trouble of one kind or another that he feared nothing worse after death, died on Thorsday O morning last, For the relatives of the unfortunate man the sympathy of the whole eorntrinnity goes out He lived in this village or vicinity for ever thirty- yearer was known by everybody hereabouts and was well thought of by all. „ The village was visited by Constable Gundry of Goderich on Friday when he arrested a citizen, it married man With a. wife and three children, on A• very seams ..charge which in- volves the good Mune of two house- hOlds. He was taken to the coun- ty town, but released on bail. , The case is a spicy one, rather too mach so for it verbose account in the whirring of it family newspaper. There are other unwholesome yarns afloat, but, then gossips will gossip you O know and build a, oriel story mit of porely guess evidence, regardless of the Injury it may do to the parties whose names may be bandied about. Yesterdny afternoon litt!.. 3. W. Hill rented the store formerly •acupied by Allan & WileOn and last night began to move. The new promisee will Kilt Mr. mit as they are commodious end centrally lettated. Varna, ••••••••.•••••• . • We understand that. Mr.' W.. Cook •Tali. the Ap.plu Belt is intending to . leave our burg, and , move to Egmondville as be has rented' • his hotel to Mr. Murray of Blalco who AC. P. R. Official Says When an Exten- O sion of their Line is -Made it Will Start from Teeswater and Run South by Way ortlintori, ZUrich and Strathroy to • Tap their Main O 00 Line at Long- • wood. • Transpcirbation. c;ompariles always prefer. long-haul freight to local traffic for the very good reason that there is More money in it. The Canadian Pa- cific Railway is no exeeption to the rifle and has as go,od as decided to tap the Apple belt of Western Ontario, now largely tributary t6 the Grand trunk, which has Made a good thing out of the long haul of apples'. to the sea:hoard or theWest. As outlined by an Official who . hasdriven Over the groan d several ti 1130S, the line will begin at their present Teeiwater terminus, run West toLtick- now and thence sopth•by .way of Dun- gannon, Auburn, Clinton, .: Zurich, Crediton, Park. H111 and Strathrdy to Longwood on the. Main line. :Such a line would cross the ' best iteele dis- trict in ()uteri!) and as Well Serve it large Section at present .Withont rail- way cotilmunication. The idea the oinoi!a conveyed was 'that the deun4. pnny was .not at the present time anxious for a port on Lakekluron,bflt , O would send the traffic from this sec; tion Intended fdr the North-West .via Teeswater and Owen Sound. The con- struCtio,n of the road .he intithated Might be delayeda. year or- so; . hufhe' Was certain it would be an acComplish. .ed fact before ,half_atdeeade. . • • • If the official in question spo,ke au- ttpritively, and our informant is posi- tive Oirtnitt,ecore, the ad voCittes of the. iiitielph-GodeRei;or...tonsidn will have a hard- task, On • hand to • cm:Vince.- thq, Company to the eontrary. There • are.. now three •extension schemes discussed :-Glielph-Goderich, Drotnbe Goderich,. Teeswater - Lcing- wood. . • • Molinesville* . •Thp adjourned meeting of the 0ij5Sy �fSt. John's church was held on Tues. afternoon last. Although the.roads were bac:rand the weather inelement there was a large,attenclancc. 0 The fin- ancial report showed •thitt the -funds Were in a food condition, 0As the building fund showed a surplus 001 $45, a conunittee was formed to Make ar- rangements for improving the thureh fabric at once. The officers for the year are :-clergyman's warden, S. Sturdy ; people's warden, .7. Holmes.; lay delegate' to Synod, JtLS, Connolly ; sidesmen, Messrs. Joseph Colcloygh and Archibald ()citizens ; chur-ch im- provement committee, the incumbent, wardens and Messrs. Jas. Ribhardseri, J. Colclough and 6. Dr. T. G. Holmes of Detroit, spent last Tues- day with his mother, Mrs. liOlmes.--L•; Master Doti° Birks bf Stratford spent a few days with his grandfather, Mr. IL Elford. --School re -opened on Monday and•teachers andpupils return to their work. -Mr. and Mrs, A. El - coat of Tuckersmith, called. on their, sis- ter, Mrs. Stanley, on Tuesday. --Mrs. Leech is 'visiting her stter, Mrs. R. W. McKenzie,Goderich.--Miss Nettie Ramsay of boderich, was the guest of Miss Edith C. Barker of St, Catharines is visiting friends in t,his neighborhood. -i ---Mr. Jas.Snell and wife of Hullett spent Sun- day with Mr. Statiley.--Mrs. P. 3, tvans and children are the guests of Miss 11, Ford.—Mrs. E. Acheson 181 O laid up with an attack- of la geippe. --Misses B. Stanley and B. Greene are boarding at Mts. 8. Crich's O fot. this term; attending the Clin- ton Collegiate Imatitute.---Mr. W. Pickard was appointed eboir.master of the Methodist choir. ---Last Tuesday evening a nutiher joined" the 0.0. F. One young man has a scratched face, We Suppose this is the result of the goat not going stejtdily over the rocky road. Next tim be mote careful. takes possessionthelst of May, ---Mr. D.:41elsraughton started up steam in his old stand last Monday morning as • he intend§ •following his old trade. ... We Wish him good luck Lind prosperi- ' ity.—Messrs, Lloyd Bros. of Seitforth ' have 'secured the contract of papering . • the Methndist churult here .which .has been rather badly needed forsome time----TheO Epworth ' League was - held on Monday evening. On account of the church being in poor condition services will * in all • probability be,held in the toWn hall next. Sabbath if the church is Undergoing. this state of repairs, --:-Service in St, John's 1 church has been changed to the even- ' ing howl again --L,Mr T. Ke es is making ready O Improve his house- en the property purchased from the Miss- es Mitchell, whO are about to leave -Varna to keep house- for Mr. G, Mit- che11.777Mr. 3, T. ()aims has purchas- • ed a large supply of paint and there- fore is afore -0611 large contracts of the • O same. • Call and see. -Last week Was it special one for slaughtering the wood as Messrs Keyes, Reid and• Stephen- son had several Saivirers working on their prernises.--Misi Hale of Gode- - , .ricb is visiting at Mreil. McOlyniont's. ---.-Mrs. R. Haxby is still Visiting at her inother's,;IVIrs. J. Wanless, Sr.-- Mrs. John WanlesS, who was visiting her daughter,. Mrie.Thrnbull; has ar- " rived lenne.-4Vord has come from O Mr. W. Foote who left for the Klon- ; dike; The letter was • written ' from kagway and he was enjoying tills trie:Splendidly and had good health. He still had a rnOitth's journey Att. the time,of WrithigH-Mrs. W.Purdyi Whin 'received:Ahe sad news that her brother in Michigan was at the point of death*, left:Monday on the atternopn train. • He was one of Varna's old citi- zens and hlacksmithed for some Urn ;enr7,t4le15.1„.cN.augliton stand. • Stumm . A few clays of good sap.inn make. the boilers of the delicious smile with plea- sure at the prospect,: They ti311 •riS the . Snow is going. Well; it is none to soon . • for the bitsy tarmee Will have to get a ffi double shueOn now to overtake time and undertake the earth's surface.-- Mrs. and 1!..fiseEtta31013rie,n are guests of Exeter friencis.----Mrs. john John- • 001 is at Stipletonattending her son Charles who met With such a serious ' misfortune Of late. •..He is improving, Mr. G. M. Kilty paid ourburg a flying • visitfor a few days last week,. Ills many friends of this Cool triunity feel a deep interest in his success in iiis .chb- sen calling. --Mrs. Noble Lovett had a remarkably successful, quilting bee last week,3h of winter's necessaries be- ing stitched into shape. --Mrs. Wood- yard returned to her honie in Stanley on Friday after spending Easter • Vaca. „tion ,pleasantlyhere. ' • • Y • • • . • . • , • Middleton's Corners. • The annual vestry meeting incon- nection with • St, 0 James cinitch waa-i held ,in the S. S. roma on 'Monday evening :hist, The 'attendance was good and a great 'deal of important* business was transacted, The financial report showed that about $125 have been expended on cliurch. improve- ments during the past year. Itwas.de- cidecl to take immediate stein towards improving the apppearance .of the out- side of the Ulurch and it committee • was appointed for 'carrying out the , same. A fence and new steps will be . built as soon as the weather will per- ' init. The officers for the incoining year are :--clergytuan's warden, John Beacon'; people's warden, Edward Wise; lay delegate to synod, John Middleton; sidesmen„ Alessi's; Geo,Bur- nett, Albert Townsend and John Cluit subscription pornizittee,Messrs.Cbarles Middleton and Robert clam red you had better Mr. Ilarris, Wife and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.., if. Plummer. --Miss Eva Gracey Wingliarri is Visiting friends' In. town, —Miss Hardy of EiXeter, music teach- er, gave a, party tb her pupils on MOn- day night at the residence of Mr. 8.11. lildward Moser left on Wednesday for Manitoba.,--Watsen & Ernigh ;Allotted fivit carload of cattle on Monday for the Oid Oountry mar- ket,--Itr. Hart Moore purchased a, fine new wheel in Wingharn on Mon. day. ----On Monday last W. 1 Davis eold his barber shop to Mr. AIttpshaw Of rattan, Mr. Iltipshaw %tied and mold, back, Mayfield. Mr, A. bIcGeoO purchased a fine horse from Mr. David Leitch on Friday last. —Mr, J. Nicholson and Mr. Oharles Parker were over to Clinton on Wed- nesday of thitweelr.,=-41r. Thoatirn- Bide, who has been engaged with Mr.__ D. 11. McNaughton for past year:bra: removed back to his residence in this village,—Mr, Thos. Sanderson, Jr,, is engaged with 111r. D. MeNaughton this year.—Mr. 3as Manton was the guest of Mr. David Leitch on Stinday.--Me. Ed, Iteid returned home from London last week where he has been ;Wending the Military School.—Mr, Fred Hak- er is busily engaged enlarging his house, It Iooke like ,bietiness, tored.--p Mies Annie Campbell of Dryedele le the guest of Mrs, F. A. East% On Sunday, April 2nd, Mr. ,IGIhn ntt departed this life. ThS eau death wait paralysis, • TrreNnws-lincontsgiviis the newt,