HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-06, Page 8ne d • • • MNT,S , elal cultures. With pasteurised NolaTs oF THE we/a) Dun but fiene; No, 1 Nedthlern, 61416-9e. TOR CIINTON ?MONO flown. pills POR• e-reata. the mile terming (maitre* were Whiter Wbeat-Dull; pekes held ebove Ask your doctor how wieRgeono Priming Roue Albeett Are prerred from isTa4 THE FARMER ' reurex rteeiltveetlialainghwtelYrebottbitaidniedl$tinflgimY pewee or Gnu/mm.7411e cheese 40 tarough billed; No. I white, le store, mitten' vim"; No. 2 red offered 70c, epublisaed every Tnnao.“ moron many preparations of cod - minima CORN. tares gave **stellate if anething slight* Toreuto, April 1, \Vilest Tho NO. 4 yeliele, 1-20; No. 2 eertt, Oile; He .• will answer. 441-1011- • • • 4Co1.1.383.,t4coario.,, 0Coxiotb. 4111114,111491 -ADYNdnuaNO Wee, < _ILYA 6Mo, 8Mo, e_Inoa 12 101 ottri 473 60 Columnal Oa 12 00 7 00 2` (14 Voneiun 14 00 a to 600 1 00 -Pe 1 ion teem '0 to rei per cent extra. irer'se°"'eleeleeeet 00 4 40 2 v0 1 26 /kir transient adeertieemente 10 cepte 1434' tiao tor- the first losertionea canto Per line , Seca eabeequent ineertion- eonparela meastire grofessiollal CardS, ' lot exceeding one inch, p.m per I111 Uifl. Advertisetnente without spec - ii direetione wilt be, publidese till fertite and oberged foe accordingly. Transient notice --"Lust," "Veiled*" "For Sale," ete..-eg) cents for first in' ii°1110n0 2ft cente for each !subsequent iesertion. TUE NEWS -RECORD will be emit ; to any address, free of postage, for ,111'" Par Year, Parade In • advance-, 50 may be 'charged if not so veld. etee-aalle date t whi every- subseription• • Is d ° Pal Is "denoted by the number on the addreas label,' No paper diseontin- ued until all arrears are pala, excePt W. ,T, MP1'ClIELL, • Editor and Proprietor, et the option of the ptoprietor, tures in* 4 laxatives and while entle are reliable and efficient. They Reuse the Liver Cure Sick -ea ac e, - iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everyWhere, 25C. per. hox. rnarninuIcinoonaCogimildloliass. s John Emmerton TRE wumic BARBER, Smith's block, opposite Post Office , ALSO • Agett for Standard ille.Insurance oe or ana a, Montreal. Insurance in force, 4118,000,000 , investe e t,Lu Canada Amoco Establist ect•020 The 414 reliable and fe.vorite CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. FORD & MURPTir." • • * utmasteurized °recoil ripened [imitate- • 790 asked. Corn--Strengt No. 2•yel • * 1 1 liver 01 there are, 111 the Leading UM. eously, while rion ace* terming cut- low, 40e; No. agellew 391-4 to 391.2e; 1n the cultivation .of the Indian tY n fie Or 0 t ese o a am Y ePo stroag, market in chimige to -day epee- o, cor . o taut. Thee are 0111 either un- the results were less marked. A bome- west, for reilmiand6wItite"AeneZttitledaludde 1;T:;11xcli!liiec;•;!°*eitl• Itilf47,13v*thiffia:giii,111; which is the hest. He will known or overleOked by many far_ , made starter, however, carefully Pre- for goose. Exportere are tent out oi -DIAL 4 reply, "Scott's Emulsion."' inarn. At Orb crop ebotild get a good PU lee allitood, Iiiciinot bleitter, resuicitandthatu° the market, freights being the mind- at fele. Flour Dull ; enchiinged. . cern crop a fete points are Wiper. ed eream, as paiglit have beenexpected, ere aeited r14° OntnicY• ntdde 37 lle" °S1**4)141/'; N°' 2 wItIts' 31a' dreds of them." Ask him anonno rIpening. With unpasteuriz- ed holders to tork re • staet. The land should be fully man, fbe more etlielleive commercial eel. uzed near the surface, or the corn three ancl this was true' both wieb *Wald be planted in a geed bed Rio 6., ' Paste lir tz ea, and vvith raw cream. No 7 dietinetly benefieial -remits were, oh. Par ed by the ploughing under of sod or clever. , . • served from pasteurizing, although the grassy , If the land be foul with weeds oie lied to test this eolnt. . a IllrfacC captivation ite exPerlMents weft not epecially plitai: es two intervals of 0* ten days oath, • early in the. Isillihg, Will give the weeds a chalice to start, when they IS NV lee a PractioaleVefee of the Near . Slat wenOtnOrK0I, NO, . will be deetroyed by the tillage preparatory to the planting of the The utilieation of the enclineus enrn. The labettraeoteeteepikti the energy of the Min is a Problem that Ibleel.dveerlyeaumudculilegssters 0.bbir;mor wee bas vexed scientists in all ages, The treatment in the spring. mete a first , Preserveel ;account of ettch at texupts Is the story et Archimedes de- . A vaelety of corn should be mime. stroying a fleet by means of ithrroXe. ' ed which will prelim at the glazing' It is kg:WWII that in the time of the pelted of frost in the autumn. before the meal Onisades the Saracens used solar beat stage of growth /I. ellould be . Planted in rows of:. in distilling some of their prettifies 11. - bills not less than three 'feet apart. quorit for medical and coernetic use. In If in rows, it should be planted so . these 'distillations they made use of polished • concave steel mirreirs.' that paL difficultr. adatutobee strong, Ni.. lei , pt •- eat - oaef „,„ 1 bard, North Rae, was held at 84 1-2c No. 1 white, cash, 74.3 -Ie; No, 2 red, nen see that this me , to-dea, g.i,t„ at e5 1-20. No. t cash, 75 1-ael May, 757-8o; Ade, 733-4u. e„, „ ximar: bistosgeatsceea.rc;:he wheat, 11 it is re- Milwaukee, APril 1. -what - No. 1, one you.00vram. it contains Doxto4 in net grading, well, No. 1 hied 772t. 71.13y14tN0;01,01., 204.1No.eriutluirr4,_71Nt(oo. .the 'purest cutwiver 00, free Flour -Firm. Exporters quOte 03 •2, 47e; sample: 46 1-9 to 47c. odor • and for atraight roller, in barrels, middle eeMiAri.eVell.4,3i matitri4i 141114; ifritt)•111e; u.2Polueasant also get the count eel' at 03.10 to 00,15. • freights; tead ear tote for loeal ac- July, 74 1.80; on track. No. bard,72 se 11) mieesors toil': V. Langford.) _ MOLSON'S BANK- - 11 tering bought above bueinewi, we • - ,veted br t a paluemest u3,55, winlicitt)r)ir tenth principle. and our sto re with the best manta • tee lowest Paying prime thin that stalks will- not be dos- were made at Damascus, Millfeed-Continuee scarce, Ton 'tote 5-8de No, 1 Northern, 71 4-84; No. 2 pophosphites and glycerine. at 014, and shorts at 016; ton lois at mats, f3•65 to 03,75; second patents, All three are 13lendecl into outside mills, ore quoted at l'14 W1115 03.45 to $3,55; first clears. Olat39 to 02.70. Oatmeae-Steady. Car lots of rolled ' Duluth, April 1. -Wheat -No, lhard of bran at the lare quoted Northern, 70 1-8e, Fleur •-• First pat - for bran, and at 016. to 417 for shorts. Bran-r11nehanged. . 011e grand healing and noiir. oats, in bags, on track here, are quot- melt, '74 leflea March, 72.1e8c ; MeY 74 ithing remedy. ed at, 53,60 per bbi; arta in tiles, at 03:11, 7./1118,075i N1-080. 12 NNoor.thlerNno,r6t7h76.18•no: 03,70. weet., etre quoted at 136(3 )i•d; arid east 7,511-1.14cid:Mceioev,07r5se3-edt..p.Rryime-eNocus. 211,,Paord: 67c is bid. • .. Oats -Steady to 'firm. Car tots. Of 05.25 asked; flew,. cash, March, and against plague, famine and extreme awthi3toe, jp.2eor.th end v,vest, 29 1e2e, and: east APIA 13.50, 304. snit IP.04, all amulets. • Peae-Steady. Car lots, north and Toledo L,_i.,-Wheat---No (lash, =017 & BoWNE, chemists, Termite.' poverty. An inclement season the failure of a staple crop or the outbreak leye-Searce. ,r• Report prices are still ter prices, Holders asked 56e to -dee - - low, but, some local demand muses bet- . TILE WEARY Walt of pestilence reduces India to the ' ---- • . public works have to be undertaken on tans of the labile i*t k ** . verge a misery, and relief Neu and for we lots outside. ' • trim tissclIshounn rennet Buckwhe4.-Scarce and. higher. Cai meso,s mimes, al grge scale In order o keep swarming er than three to • li yes of population alive, CAPITAL. - - $2,0eo.000 the oot in eac f Villette, an optician of Lyons, in 1662 lots outsiee, 55e. asked ttnt ' • •• • Corn -F in t tit the Ihe best exanatle. 'or what Me. Rude The entpire is- a glorious heritage. • ' Ford ds Murphy'. aee. Md. irmer, la he 1 11 The burden of the 'white man" la • TROW IL row-, le in Ewa from four to ete made a concave mitror, with a toms • rise in wheat. Canadian yellow Chat- Yard Kipling descrtbes .ae "the white ' GEO. III 9 stalas per hill. If tbe seed be the me of half a dollar, that was /la ham is quoted an 35e bid and 37e mak- mares burden IS the British Empire. times staggered under it 'I ,, • • • • heavy. Is tt; a wonder that lie souse - sound and of a• high pereeetage of Powerful that green we P ace • ed. American, No. 3 yeller., track, S r ()bait G en cemputes.t a vi 01)I) FIGURES. 'REST 'I . $1,560,000 Head Oillee. AORTHg411... • • ,• WM. MOLSON. MACPH al3SON; President. AkW01..E101d.C:TAN '1 ROal.AS, Gen. Manager . o'leedieeetinted.. Collections rdade,:lfratta Issued. Sterling arid American Exchange letight and sold. Interest allowed on Deposite ' SAVINGS BANK. ,Intereet allowed on sums of 41 and up. Money' adiraneed farmers'on their own , •noteewithlone or More endoreers. -No most- -- gap required as seemity. - • f" • • 0i BREWER, Manager.'Clinton. . , .• • • • • I. • G. D. MeTAGGART, liorseilicer and Oeneral Blacksmith r ree , or , In on. . JOBBING A SPECIALTY. d Woodwork ironed and first-olass material' and work guaranteed: Farm Implements and machineareibunt and repaired. • TO THE FARMERS! . • Study your own interest and go where you Call get RELIABLE HARNESS I mauufacture none bui the best of stock. Beware of shops that sell cheap, es they have got to live. (1411 and get prices Orders by snail promptly isttendeot ta ' od 1 d a To-• i • iff h with d a f o it ould be iestently roato 43e and mixed at 42a. E pt and the Sudan added ae dolma- • , gy • 3', ut eavvelve ppun s nitede' and h coppe,r 0.I.Olh would be DRESeED HOGS AND ra01743IONti. •denotes of England;` dint erapire now seed- Iier acre is enough. 1 • • It is * usually a good plan. to -drilled through iee• lees than heti ), • Deliveries of dreseed liege keep eteade Includes thirteen millions a •square' 1 Warms , and the market fairly act vc, pro - miles and a population of feur n red about four inches a when the plants are The first, succe f 'lett m t ' visions 'the 'market is about steady. Deemed hogs, car lots, are quoted, on and twenty millicois, or about one - d the •ground is at all crusted, as' after.; doubtless 'Iamb' •bef the.• Baron of delivedand 042to .. for round. numbers, es e a coo one white man eules bove ground. •• harrow the corn •erop with light Minute. . ar y ene a b fiei if tng by the heat of the SUS'S rays was track, at around e5.15, mixed weights, "fourth of the earths -.nhalcitants. • In That is partici 1 1 $5 2$ f •select Vater laced Northern ---------sOn the street fermiers a ram Rut the ground should be dry Tchirnhausen in 16'1 p seve‘n men of inferior or liubjeet races, n an ea en not was brought almost. , • b , Mixect lots. - loath, sold at around $5.25,10 $5.111 fee 'the burden of exexcising dominion enough to be in good working tilth be- i rth t fore the harrowing is dOne. 'The caltf-• •i st I b .1 b 4. . ways shallow. The roots of the corm et:instructed by means of. Mirrors. Tae ed shoulders, 6 L, long clear bacon, . don is trementlOus. '..late BrItish arnaY cultivation cuts theee eta great, injury_ e sir eahn Hersoliel and Ruffen made 7c; and' back' 7 7 04 -th t',,,, 91-9 to navy has to be provided for imperial Tile beat stage at which to cut saals In:c/gress in exPermente 0 ' lec; ntstlitlin• 10 t° 10 •1-2c; liglIt* and° the labor of supervising a vast nsi age, Is when e • 1 I b f • • . 4e* roll •a- • n ant e to a oi y a evade he had: Quotations are as ftillows :-Dry seat- over one-fourthof the Wored's popula-• t or, s ould be frequently end. al. 1••2•* this way. car lots, 6•3-4e; ton lots and case lots, . . _ plane grow out sideways; where the Berm cooked eggs in • . constantly overworked; a costly to the crop is done, f this 10 * a easing, the corn for e '1 th kind end Monchot, following in tbeir 1-2e breakfast bacon, system of admmistration is harassing kernels in the •ears are of full siee, footsteps, has obtained mioet satisface Picnic hams, 7 1-2 to 7 l - 4c, a and wearisome, Matthew Arnold por- • 10 1-2 to 110; , • • • • Thal is usuelly the stage when the d e t 1-4c, Alt meats defuotr •tsinif Titan holding up a woeld. * ' e ore they begfie-tbe harden.' teaery refults• itteoss treyed England aright as the Weary e H d m. t be a practical e off. gr'e4 one which tvith some improvemepts, Lard -Tierces, 6 3-4e; tubs, 76; pal s lias a brilliant, polished eurface glit- It will probably startle goodatiany persons to find, on the authority of a: wellknown statistician, tbat could the infants of a year be ranged in a line, la cradles, the cradles would extend around the globe. The same writer loolis at the matter 'in ti, mac pictures- que light. He iniagines the babies being tarried past. a given point in their 'mothers- arms; one by une, and the protiession being kept up night and day until the last hour in the 12 neonthe bad passed by. A sufficiently liberal rate is allowed, but even intim, •going, past at tee eate oe -20 a minute cultivation cute these t injur e m a s. • .1 There are tetra sides to the-shrehl. One .Ba Ice •its ev ee, see s • • .OLINTOIsi Joilh. Bell,- - Marmon /emporium. Blyth. Out to the crop is done. • the corn crop for ensilage, is whe- ' ten il of cOra- 7 1-4c ; minipcnmd,- 5 1-2 to 5 3-413. . tering like gold. England has been The lIcKillop Mutual fire size, but before they begin te hard- ceiokingn twItmadh the su . He took a and dealers ere are The Englishman . . lifitcagsome profited in mane ways from the estlan- increased, and the governing race has Notes Discoanted. en. That is uspaily the ste,ge when glass eylinder, the glass about the yesterday's top I Igure, 13e, siOn of the empire. A '1Gteperat "Banking Businese Trarisaeted. t Drafts Issued. • , the* lower leaves of the corn titalk thickness of an 'ordinary- widow nem, instauees were demanding 13. 1/20.. Re- ' ••• 'Insuranc ei ompau _ - - y d.:1, yellow and withered. At •in which be set a copper or wrought- tail buyers are bowleg off in anticieae complains of the white man's burden, , that. time tbe • plants veal contain iren cYlinder, with the rini resting on lion of a drop. ---' • but he also takes pride in being e Interest Allowed on Deetisits. • become The best sttieree at whtch .to out. may yet txune PRODUcE• enric.hed by her vast posseesions. Her e • dillent soup by .Eggs-Liglit deliveries again to -day, trade 'with them has been enormously • • . • . • • 1,100 an hour during the entire year, the reviewer at his pest would only have seen the sixth part of the Jaen-. tile host. In other weeds, the - babe that had to be carried when the tramp began waged be able to walk when but a mere ftautiont of its com- rades had reached the reyiewer's post, and when the yea's supply• of babies .was drawing to a close, there Would be a rear' (guard, nOte'of Infants. but of • • - roMping six-year-old boys and girls.- -tie erne s in -the ears are of fullone o e ex , • - h • • ' ' h Id f a r Potatoes-Pricee wellmaintained. Car zen of -the greateet empire ev.er known ver over ieeteake,waseerzoceit • ..;_••••.• • • • the 'erg* emantity of digestible the glass,. and with a. glass co , „ 111. ' ONT matter'', and . edit be. in tbear' best, it.,„.erins' solar, pot gave very good re-. lets, on,track, are quoted at. about 79 en Mete is also the dulleand sombre side 0 In' for serially cameo; farMers Fire.-Atieldent Red Life Ineurautie ' raalll mid Jeolated Town Prope.rty condition for preriervatibn., The. sults..On•eetteng it, in the focus of a t° 72° • but not •ripe.•-i3rof. J. .W. Robeet- Hmade in this seller pot • , • , • • t silver plated reflec or it Veiled 0.61i loads. Ontario 'stock, sell at around of tee seielek The :subject races are ,eeTiereactoe Repreacins several' of ehu best • • niy cured • •.• • eeding value per --------------------------- le &mates t t'ContelteleS and 'an/ information relating ••, • • •e ...ten. '7 . inallons ef,evetetein an hour and a half, 75 to 90e; out. of store ticale.rx sell at 80 everywhere inereasing under Britieh rule and they liave to .be protected • , :tent Mr', the ,onfederatien Life Insurmee . oFFIemytet • • . a did to 013. furance gladly given. cieneral Distrie •Vo.' Moue to o Y ean -easonable Oa*. • „y, R. McLean Presid nt, ittpren • P. 0.? .'01ficee-Palace. block, opposite Market • Thomas Frazer.vtee.presideiteHrueetield W. J. Shennon, Pecy•Treae.. Sosforth P. 0, ThomatrE. Heys, In -vector of Lessee, Eleaforth• P. 0. • • CONVEYANCING. DIttEeTORe: • ev. lireadiociceeafortli'i John O. Grieve. % - • Winthrop: George Bale Peaforth: ThoinactE. • .... • . , Rays Sento) h; James Evane. Beechwood; ei XisiCLOWD. . John' Watt: Ifarlock. Thomas Frazer, Bruce- ( field; John B.' McLean. Eippen;• James Conveyancer, Conionissioner, •' Fire Insurance. - Real • •-Mone y t Lend._ 115ifice-failRON STREET, CL •,• ' • Con 011 Clinton . Etc. Al Y'• . . • • .. • ' ' A.GENTS: '• • * • .. . ... . .Rote. Smith, Barlock. i. Robert McMillen. Sea - Estate. forth%fatiaes Cutmnings, Egmondeille. 2, W. • , . ' Yee:Bolmesville P 0 • Jelin Goveeloek end' • ion C, Morcicon; auditors. - -, 1,NrIPN Parties desirmiS to effect insurance or tran• sem , . , , soup after Our hours' insulation, al- Poultry -The market •is dull, Quota- ' .• ' " •-,...._ , ' ,though the sun was at times Obscurea lions ate;--Chieliens, per. pair, 50 to ' ' . PERMANENT MEADOWS. aND by clouds; ' • 650;eltuskseetee to $1; geese; per lb., 7.to les next atteanpt was baking bread, Re; turkeys, pea lb., 9 to 12c, e , • ' PASTURES. and, by putting a wrought -iron eover ..' Bean.s-Choiee bend -picked beans. eel!, .Orchard grass, . red *top, Kentucke Under the 'glass,' he made an oven in at $140 'to *1.15, and contemn :et 6010 blueegrage, ...itallaemetuloW eat graft's, Iwnligiesph Mheetrinkgedmaiirleafthlubraeapod tiwnedii3hin; :7112 rimierdi?usallPple;--LTrichaingese. Dealer's English rye. grass, . meadow fescue, less -than three hours, • and it was ita ISLY -1 1-2 to 51, for dried steels, de iver sheeP.fescuee axe none ee them super- good lie anY fazes abaker's even. • et} here, and 811601 Jots resell at 5 1-2 .. ter to tiniethy on good land but some, . . - ' of them •pessess advanta With his reflector he wad able ' to to ace evatiorated, 9 to 10c. in small lots. othi in particular roast meat; in the open air; by placieg oneye•Round lots of choice; dela,- et a feeeni it wit with a pieta ot meat; ered. heft, will bring about 51-2 to 04 gas over tim- .. from tlakzet " localities. The hay it was well eooked in three hones. To dealers quote from 6 to 7„,e per Pi., for . fgrriemmetsimeoTiters»utf a: orchard ', -l'i .7 thetdisagreeable taste given by 10 to 110-.1b.,, tins; and in comb , at h ehe 'cal roe he set a yellow glass around ' $1.2.5. to, .- 01.401 aner, .4.9aen e grass and tail oat grass should be cut le °re with e Meat. ' . , seetions. • This list item* of the, yellow glass Baled hay -Quiet and uncbanged.. ' at ktheita • geoanp,mmieiutiaeleinityeat of bloom to is an important One, following the. line Strictly choice, car lots, is: quieted at chard giasa endures sh d better,.' fgaeses . e•re. earlier than hay, at:yd btthe Of recent development in -the, stely,,ef :150 to $7.50. ri, 'ion; and ,No. • 2 at a e. and the composituen of light. - It was necessary to counteract and ' Straw-reaturelesse•-* Car tote are , overceme the chemical action, of one quoted at .$4to $4.59aon betel'. • eall oat grass will when efitohilheril MI.-, fain ivarta.of the sun before any -greet Hope-Mtereneept light. Dealers . dere droutb better than timothy. For advance could be made; and when this )ere go)) at 1810 20e; and are pitying • • wet. land --1--------------------. iadone by the analysis which were holders, mitside, about Vice . aed; was • sect other business will be promptly attonied • to on application to any of the above conkers IVIEDICAL • • , addressed to their respective post &Beet. • . • • , , Grand Trunk Railway:. Dr. -W. Gunn • • a, C. P. and' L. R. GS,, .Eelinbergii. follows: .1 ,- Ontaiio Street; Clinton. Night Buffajo and Goderich Distect • Office- - calls at front door Of residence on Ratten- Going West, Mixed ro. is a.m. bury Street, °pie Presbyterian church., fs fe Express; 12.55 pan. ' IT Mixed 7.95 p.m. • Dr. Wni Graham Express ....10.27 pan. Going East, Express .... . . 1.40 a.ni - (Successor to M.:Turnbull.) ..*1 • a.55 Licentiate of the Royal College of physic- • If . ... 4.es pale lane London, Eng.. , London, Huron and Reece , • • Office aftd ll'esidence, Perrin's Blocky c 1 ere aide? occupied by Dr, Turnbull, • , aenrigeouta, ...press ... ... . 7.41 a: it . " " " 140..2255 aPInni).. • . • 17,1r- Shaw, • G°!ng°r'h, I .1 ......... 6.55 pale • Office --Ontario Streetaoppostte English M. C. Meese/4, . W. E. DAVIS, Climate, formerly occupied ay De. Apple- . Pasee Agent, G. P. •S:T A • -top. • • Toronto., • Montreal. •• A. 0. PATTISON) G.T.R. Agent at Clinton. ti possible when the spectrum was dile . covered, the sun's rays were at once , DAIRY PRO Hie graes requires moist, rich ' soil DU for good crops. On good grailand . obtained by mixing red top with tim- papplied practical. otthiceal, dursAgItofwatoos foods st oannetei Butter -Steady movement for .good larger. crops and better seed can ae. °thy. Rett top, rye grain; and blue •ihoice dairy, but there is too much inee teeter Stock • coming in. Ceearriary leeedbat's containing' ordiatd. grass IL interposition' of 'a red or yellew• getabies, and this can be done by en.owse-Deiry, tub, poor to needium, grass make better sod than timothy. holde titeady. The quotations are as shaeld be rolled every year, for • the ti, sugar and •valeable properties glass. This servee to prevent ferment- * i 10 toc 12c; choice, 14 -to 15e; large rolls, hetet of growing in tufts like timothy ation, and the fruit dries, retaining all 14 1-2 to 15e; small dairy, lb, prints, Fur a permanent meadow timothy wiliele would otherwise be lost. ., * 20 to 21e; Tbs., 21 to 22e. . '• • and meadow farms is very pronounced, • .....•_ ' ,. about 16e; creamery, tube and boxes, should not be sown alone. kor cattle Ceeese-Dealers here holding firm, on feeding, hay containing clover is bet- CATCHING IT. , all choke at trim 101-2 to 11 1-2e. ter. The sheep, fescue anti several varieties of the aroaller feseues do not Al"1110"."1", EIP"I'IVI" In ala F411111611 Buffalo, April L -Spring wheat - : though they are oe use on lawns and literal School. ' - - :. - •••• i grow tall enough for hey crops, al- .4,0* i pastures. ,Red top, Kentucky. blue-. ',Music as it is sometimes!. taught in grass. Canada bluegrass,verennial rye esementary schools in rural *England, grass, red fescue, creeping bent, ore . i t if we may judge by the following store chalet grass, tall oat grass, with alsike toped in an English thegazine, a. po and, white clovers are most desirable altogether caleulaiell to "mend the finagasture. The•proportionsfised will choir above." depend eomewhat on the character of i t . a edi A sebool impee cn. esce lig a . hill - the soil, side toward a village school on it gum- • • • . • To ere is hum' an, to.foegive divine -e but It's useless to mention it eo the police justice, • • 0 • DENTISTRY. . Dr, BRUCE,. , SurgeOn. Dentist. oFtice-Ovet• Taylor's' Shoe Store, Clinton Ont. Special attention to preser• wition ;feature; teeth. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday and • • Hayfield every Thiiesday afternoon during the summer. DR; AGNEW, DENTIST, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE • Office adjoining Postev's Photo Gallery- Offieg hetet, - q to.s. At Zurich the,sceond'Tlitirsday of each 111011,th. et? TiiADC PAARKS • neer day, was saluted by an outburst of • The ntimber 9„1 pigs kept by the &Isle which at first bore some resem- ' COPYRIGHTs Ste. • . meetly ascertain our Widen ree whether an lier and artisans of.the north of Eng-• blance to "Rale Britannia," but after- Anyene sending a attach atidtdeseriptIon ma) invention id probably nit eggle. communien, ward broke awey into the moat bewild- eons strietly cotindent ., *woken entente land, fluetuatee with the Priee 'of coal ering apdcial notice, without charge, 'lithe and yarn, says the lie made a mental note not to ask discord. • sent free. oleedt agency for securinteratents. , Patents taken thrtituth xtunn & Co. receive Leintort Spectator. scientific finierican In good. times every-ea-A*6 keeps a the children to sing "Rule Eritentlia," A handsomely Illustrat'ed weekbr. Lamest d gh; ito cage birds and ham_ the door by a farmer -manager grin - live animal of some sort, and, though end Went on his way. lie vvas met'ett • culatien of iny inurnal. Ternu1.113 a ogs. •ne P year: four months, e1. So d byall nensdealets. .6 it ft , f ning ft•out ear to dlr. • , rig pigeons re a •r c iye ancy "1 reckozi, sir, we ve aummat to please . L I abinial is ustei y A p g. e admires you this time,. was his opening remark. • I VETERINARY • Mao ,8a Veterinary Surgeons, Oovernment Veter ;nary Inspectors. Office -Isaac etreet,Clintoneeteeidersee, AlaereStreet. • ." ' ' • • • . LEGAL. Scott 486, Meltenzie, BARRISTleitS, $01.1CITORS; -ETC. ("LINTON AND IIAV.1,1ELD. Clinton Office -Elliott Mock, Nose ot, Bayfield Office -Open every Tentreday ; , • door west o Post Office. Money to loan. Jamie: Scott.. E. 'IL eh:Kenzie. A St,. Washington, D. thoi on Sunday afternoons and groups "I'm glad to hear it; and what may I IRON CIUMNEYS. of friends go round to smoke their It be," 'on Card iron thimileets are now being .140 z93d c°1Illutre Plgs and bet employed in some large buildings. They theie' ultimate weight. They have neatuhtes, yoationgisttewrtrleettsronignogodrofu9nrds the r ., are composed of six -feet lengtbs of. private pig shows, with subscription. discipline I" piping jointed together, and are built priaes. Each anbnel is judged in Ito "Oh, yes. 1 remember. . Have they n theibrick-work. It is contendowe sty, owsty, and it iseintereeting to know got one up?' - Ilia) they are cheaper to emistruet and that the evelueion of an almost Parfeet "That thee' bave, sir. You never YOUIP ringer on VOW MSC You feel the blood rushing along. But what kind of bloOtIF That is the cpiestion. Is It pure blood or impure blood? ' if the blood is impure then you are Week and languid; your appetite is poor and your "Don't you mind what you said digestion is weak. YOU can- not sleep -well and the Merit- ing finds you, unprepared for the *work .of the day.- Your cheeks are pale and your com- plexion Is Sallow. You are troubled With pimples, boil% or some eruption of the skin. Why not purify your blood? • .. • ot are More econenticat- The iron takes Pig was due to the innate sagacity of heard anything to come hp tO 11. the heat more quickly than brick and the Yotitshire pit hand. ,, The inspector, glad in this way to Wattle it better ; hence lese warmth The sties in WW1 these aided* live •escape "Rttle Britannia," at once call - is retpdred to be drawn up the shaft are very rough affairs, often' made of ed for the catch. The sehoolirastress, in meter to ;awe the ternpera taro to a few boarda nailed over railway sleep, eape Lb an , •i i that with tee first strain of "Rule liritan- a eoint Out!, will permit the fire to ers, bat t s nterest ng o earn at throw it beat into the room. Whet; i he author was eetilig as it peri- Ilia." As they began the next strain -.0.- patetie judge at the collier:a show he the second class repeated the first r TUNNEL ILLUMINATING, • feline young pigs as blooming arid with startling effete:, and linully the ,. heelthy es possible, and that, small, last section broke in with it when the : i 0 in I A neve. waY fa •.•eunitalt•ng u run- t hong)' the eollieret back vard is he first end second divisions were shout - way tunnel has been devised in Pari. always, eentreree that his pig -sty shall lug the tilled and second tfrom strains ile:lector:I throw the light many eleetrie lamps Ili feet above the 'Inc be theroughly ventilated and look, to- against etieli tither. evards t heouthArechitectes (if cost-- -When it WAS a 11 over the ra"nagvr railstothe 81(109Ofibetunnel0whoe ly homerms often hnesth turned 10 155 inspeeter with Well eun- • it is again refeted byburniehed tn a ! idid you ever hear anything eonie E. Canipions O. golcitor, Nota *DERICHT. 1inppe pgs undrzuthtvall tnd1sr , , GO J • soft nna ngreetible light. 01 he trains donut them to rheumatism, (*old and up to it I" automatizally turn. the carrot on gutlessness. Yorkshite producee not "No never did," gasped the pare - the best iitirk, bat 'fittialone been ler efiffleial, "and 1, don't think,' ever &c. -444 oft y me enteri ft and leaving te•......e mil 411100- ' • famous for the best cered hietne tbe eetentlit-e0vee battle' Deuce Store. evtaids Heart Relief Curet world. :61°°°Y L°Itilt Heart Disease Add Weak Circislation • - ey peculiar lialueiice on the lame, arteri a lirTTER CULTURES It is an interesting thing to know • , BLOOM ANI) 011011. ••••••-•..° . ue raid nerve*. The discove<ry,of the import ant part that 4,209 (merles?' of plant 0; tire go M- inato the Cute pormanent •played by various bacteria in interne- . ered and wad for eleninert•ati purpose,. it 10110 titekes good hailthy bleodeso as to eee 'Mae peewee mien it in daily use bi the gre,,t ing the flavor and aroma Of butter has °I. Illt"" 42° h3v4 a Perlin" th31 ::' eee I eaglet's of Angle' dr America gild Oetellei • plensing and enter la rgely 'into 113" ? heetteateleettseeclellseteseY k lies ne, egatild lexl to the introduction of tvbat ere roneofee etre of ,.,oeirti A ;Ind hflapA, There dr neon otratigenient of Mile,* Caelidahoo. ' 1 diredoiliteraistioieo eightytere see ' awl dairymen have boon yell 10 hope, ered than of any Miter eolor-I lee in the sentries! lefty we kriOrt lit such an , of t he proceee of pee, ell e ilea t be i. ntl .e"trat'll ""in Y 1 1 " .1;1",. noted Air. port on, •. eV in tee er tone'. yi., oN, 61 -WI* *1th dtrecti" "lation thromei terially improved. Beeelll tti.ibi neetil iiirfutn el. lied Iran rri•: ee 'afar' POI, the %rata -Wes nervons aud inteneetit ate Johnston, a' altar' , Solicitor, Conitraseloher, • GODERI011e - ONT. OetftelteeCor. Hamilton and St, Andrew's Steeets. trycloneo 14 1. teen !womb raffle *kg to4.,,tof,••„ knowe comtnetelal -butter ou tures. are /note epeeies o w (It fowei:. t. ' ry Of. hid ad, nt. cured Of i 1101414 has of sepetlie Ind weakness. le ihat by the Use of suelecultures Med all. O. t yew have an 'mien t li '1 1 • 'Ate lAer ute's 0111111, tr yearn quality of their butter might be in 4. VIVA'411 4, 43 951, 77 rif them beim,' Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, tre, OPPIqg OHAVElt BLOCK, /CLINTON len. Ras beeli made briebtottlike daft 'I 0 intheate that. eleittilitle44, I he eAte- I') white' 81 ere eeented, 'elle It'.1:e children. ''‘ fel' selection of Milk, and elose toten- fhiwere nre fif lilt vatimies lit of V.10.111 MAY be had ti drug tIol'es or bY Mei! et see 'Lion to details promese to effect more are perfumedand t13.. violet bimp, per t• 5 r . . in ImProvieff the never uf baiter i buil 11111111)er 838., 13 a III.,1, ,‘I'f' teerisantly $. W. HOWARD. tt Yipisril ILI Yorolo.. pasteurising and the Usis of complete oderiferotim. 1 , • • .• 4 • •.; di 4,61) will do it, Take It St few days and then put your finger on your pulse again. You can feel the difference. It it stronger and your tfirettlation better. Send for our book. on Ittpure I310od. If you arc bilious,. talc Ayeris ?ills. They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla, They cure conotipation, also. Wells /a oast boofeeita Vas te teem free all the weeders in emir ewe Tolt vnit mars PreraPttAtiat, retazi, I, SA. . • , • , • .tr • :„ • o SOUTH ANIERIDAN NERVINE RESTORES MUT AND HEALTH. • If the digestive organs refuse to do their work, Indigestion and dyspepsia follow like lightning's nash-tIm nerves sue shattered andthen insomnia runs riot, and the Patient is on this reed tothe mad.houseer insane asylum. A well •knoe it Tdronto 'newspaper man was a victim of nerviitis •preetrdtion and htt. sompie through oeerwork--retiring at night waS more of a dread than a web' ,come to rest -prejudiced against medicines and remedies, he 'spurned the thought of resorting to what he called nostrums -he became almost incapac,. tated for work -he was recommended to -try South American Nervine, procured a bottle and when half of it bed been taken, he found himself improving - sleep was induced, the nerves grewguieter, the appetite returned -he continued • to take the remedy until he had used six bottles, and at the end of that time the twenty pounds he had lost in worry and for want of rest was put on sigain-,-, to -day he says, " I feel strong enough to do two days' work in one." Sotah American Nervine is without a peer in the cure of nervousness, indIgsstion and insomnia. A few doses will convince the most sceptical. It give s immediate relief and effects acute in every case. Strong as this statement nifi7 seem it is absolutely true es Beath American Rbetunatic (lure is never bafiled-relieves in six boars ad'd cures after years ot agony have been suffered. South American Kidney Ours cures Bright's disease, diabetes and blad- der troubles, It few doses will -convince. 11 • go. For sale byWatts & Co Clinton , ONE GIVES RELIEF'. Don't Spend a Dollar Medicine until you have:tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartoris Ten Taimies for Five Cents. 'Wittiest le 51I1 s **WY t4 grail& O. terrorist 'waded dowaad tor. )010.110114 if you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's 04.40.4••••••••., timer Send FiVe Cents to Tim ItitAtie Ceeetteet, C01041414 No, Ike Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you by midi; or , is carton* will he nettled for 4$ cents. The choices are ten Et inte that Welke ant the Irery medicine you need. /144 • o • ••••• 1 4 4 i 4 .4 I 4 1 • . .4 • 1 • ' • to 4 , 0 • s